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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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and the peace of mind you deserve. >> sandra: fox news alert. breaking right now, 3 house news committee have synced criminal referrals to the justice department alleging president biden son hunter and his brother james both lied to congress when they sat for a closed-door interviews just months ago. that is where we are at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. welcome, everybody. i am sandra smith in new york. >> john: this is brand-new breaking news. i am john roberts in washington. this is "america reports." it was all a calculated effort to shield president biden from their impeachment inquiry. they are recommending the doj act on the criminal referrals
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and charge the 2 bidens. >> sandra: one day after the attorney general -- a 2-tiered justice system. >> the claims you have made today about fair and impartial pursuit of justice. they see that lady justice blindfold has slipped off. did you attempt to obstruct the criminal investigation into hunter biden's alleged crimes? >> absolutely not. it is false that i obstructed the investigation. >> sandra: moments on their breaking news. we will be speaking with jason smith about the breaking developments in the biden family investigations. >> john: chad pergram is live on capitol hill. what are they accused of lying about? >> good afternoon. hunter biden is accused of lying about his role at rosemont seneca. that is a bite and related business. he is also accused of telling
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falsehoods about communications with chinese business partners. republicans say jim biden failed to tell the truth. >> i think that jim biden like they provided false information to congress regarding some of that china deals. with hunter biden, i think it is the money laundering stuffed with the right around the corner, impeachment doesn't have to be the only tool in the toolkit. >> the criminal referral -- attending a meeting between hunter biden business partner tony. >> i think that justice department needs to look at that and act accordingly. when you lie to congress, that is a serious violation of the law. it is a felony. the president's son should not be treated any differently than any other american. >> kevin mccarthy green-lighted an impeachment inquiry last july. that investigation yielded some of this information.
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even if it never triggers impeachment of the president himself. democrats are dubious. >> where are we in the impeachment investigation is to mark >> is that still going on? >> that is the point. >> it is going so well. keep doing what you are doing. it's going great. >> it is unlikely that doj would prosecute these cases. that is precisely the point republicans want to make. the g.o.p. alleges there is different treatment for democrats. hunter biden in particular. >> john: we will see where this goes. thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in house ways and means committee. thank you so much and welcome. please do tell us the grounds for the criminal referrals for the bidens. >> sandra, just about 10 days
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ago, the house ways and means committee released evidence documentation that came from tht provided proof that in fact, hunter biden lied to congress on his february 28th depositions about his interactions with the chinese business associate, and also about his involvement at rosemont seneca ohio. it's quite crystal-clear that the irs whistleblower is provided to us. without a doubt lying to congress is a serious crime. it is impeding the investigation of the president of the united states. hopefully, the justice department will act accordingly and make sure that hunter biden is held at the same standard that any other american would be held to? >> sandra: how do you respond to democrats like we heard on capitol hill who say, are republicans still trying to do this?
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>> look at the documentation. the law is the law. just because you are a biden, you should not be treated evenly. you see what is happening to president trump in his court cases. it is clearly not to the same level of how the justice department is affecting the biden family. i would say they need to look at all the facts in both cases and act accordingly. speak to that point, ag garland was pressed on his impartiality. he was the exchange. >> president trump allegedly gets charged. but jack smith can mishandle documents, no problem. >> i will not be intimidated. the justice department will not be intimidated. >> it is that the third ranking official in your office leaves it to go to a local prosecutor's office to prosecute this case. >> the justice department had nothing to do with that person going. we will continue to do our jobs free from political influence.
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>> sandra: when it comes to these provable false statements to congress on the part of hunter and james biden, but can you tell us about that? we can put some of what we have been provided up on the screen. hunter biden lies to congress released by the house ways and means committee. can you detail these for us? >> of the 2 examples that hunter biden lied in his deposition of february 28th, the first one, he was asked directly about his communication with a chinese business associate of his. he said that was the wrong one. we then got the information from the irs whistleblower is of 3 subsequent months of text messages before and after that proved that it is the same one. a week after those original text messages, hunter biden received $5 million. if he was taking the wrong person, i don't think he would've received a $5 million
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that he was demanding. he was asked the question point blank of whether he was the corporate secretary. this is the entity, the shell corporation that brought in money from burisma from ukraine. we have documentation in the irs whistleblower is provided were hunter biden himself signed official documents as the corporate secretary. on their face, shows that hunter biden created completed a crime of congress. >> sandra: can i ask you about james biden? reading through the letter with respect to james biden, he stated unequivocally during his transcribed interview that joe biden did not meet with mr. tony bobulinski. a business associate of james and hunter biden while pursuing a deal with the chinese entity trying energy.
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specifically you say in this letter that james biden stated that he did not attend a meeting with joe biden, hunter biden. this was not a meeting at the beverly hilton hotel. these statements were contradicted not only -- and also hunter biden. where do you plan to get with this? >> it is the same situation. we have asked for a criminal referral to the department of justice. we hope the department of justice will treat james biden hunter biden the same way they would treat any other american. when you lied to congress, that is a felony. we have had numerous individuals who have lied to congress where the justice department has held accountable. if you do not allow congressional investigations to stand where people have to tell the truth, it is the great out west. >> sandra: we appreciate you joining us. jason smith, we will see where this goes. we will be watching it. i appreciate your time today.
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that is our breaking news at the top of the hour as we continue to watch the courtroom where hunter biden is back inside. >> john: haley biden, they went on to date -- next on the stand. and, this is interesting, because hallie biden found the gun in the bag and said what the heck is this doing here and took it to a store and threw it in the dumpster behind the store from where it was retrieved. we will see what she has to say. nearly the prosecutors trying to establish a timeline that he was in possession of the way up in. >> sandra: he will continue to bring our viewers and our listeners any details from the courtroom. >> john: housing affordability emerging as the top issue for generation z. jackie deangelis coming up on that. >> sandra: presidents plan is
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drawing heat from both sides of the aisle. new york and democrat congressman pat ryan is up next on why he supports it. but is pushing congress to do more. >> there is no credit that goes to joe biden for this. only condemnation for his reckless open border policies when the policy went into effect last night, it was nothing stopping people from crossing the border illegally. ness...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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has been reporting on this from go through the governor of texas joined us most recently, top of the 1:00 hour. not only did he say this won't make things better, it will actually serve to make things worse. >> what is remarkable is our cvb contacts and shared on some data which essentially shows that since the fiscal year started back in october, they have released in this sector, san diego sector, 78% of the illegal immigrants they have apprehended. 8 out of out of every 10 people are getting released into the u.s. that is why so many people have been showing up. take a look last night as president biden's executive order was going into effect. this was a group of chinese and vietnamese that crossed over giving themselves up because they expect that they will be released into the united states. look at this video. earlier in the day, we had a bunch of guys from the
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middle east show up. they were looking for border patrol to turn themselves into. they were a special interest aliens coming from countries that the u.s. government has concerns over for a national security terrorism. he caught up with guys from jordan, from turkey, and from egypt. they told us they weren't even here for asylum. take a listen. >> jordan, jordan. why did you come to egypt? why did you come to america? >> for a job. >> do you know it is illegal to cross the border like this? >> yeah. >> you don't care? are you guys from? egypt? where are you from? turkey? alterity? where are you from? >> egypt. >> egypt.
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>> it has been about 12 hours since president biden's executive ordeut back. so far, our border control contacts have told us it is business as usual. the illegal crossings have not stopped. it is moments before we came to you live, we are hearing from our context that a group crossed a few miles from where we are standing. we will pack up and head over that way and see what we've got going over there. >> sandra: you are seeing what is happening in the impact of this firsthand. thank you very much. >> john: our next guest says he supports biden's border plan but congress also needs to take action. with us now is new york democratic representative pat ryan. good to be with you. the president yesterday acknowledge the political peril of letting the border crisis go unchecked. here's what he said. >> president biden: goodwill and american people are wearing thin right now. doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. we must act consistent with both
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our law and values. >> a good view of american people is wearing thin. based on what we have seen, it wore thin a long time ago. why did he wait until now to do this? >> thanks for having me. i agree with you. this has been too long in the making. i have been pushing since literally day 1 in congress. regardless of party, we have to take action to secure the border and restore order at the border. this is an important step to do that. we have a lot more work to do as a congress to come together regardless of party and ultimately, i've got folks dying in my community in the hudson valley from fenton all. we have to keep dangerous criminals out. we've got to work together as americans. that's what i did 27 months of combat. >> john: we have people dying in your home state. police officers were shot in
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new york city. by an illegal immigrant suspected to be a member of the infamous venezuelan gang. here is what the mayor eric adams said about that. >> sitting there with a bullet through his leg of a person who illegally came into our country. we are paying his food, his housing. maybe part of a robbery. the post was right. we have to really think about what i have been. what is being created in this amazing city. >> john: it sounds like the mayor has had enough. >> back to your previous question. my constituents, 800,000 of them have had enough. i've been hearing from them. i was home and spent time with our sheriffs and police chiefs. we all agree, that time for politics is over. we need congress to be patriots and not politicians and actually get something done in addition
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to the executive order. we needed the executive order in a short term. if you are serious about solving the border and securing our border, congress is constitutionally the only group able to do that. we've got to get our act together. >> john: lets go into the numbers. the president's executive order caixin with a threshold of illegal immigrants crossing the border. 2500 per day. we've got it on the screen right now. statistics from 2023 and 2022. the average daily crossings over the course of a year, 6,782. that is nearly three times the president's threshold. here is about the former dhs secretary under president obama said about numbers back in 2019. >> my staff will tell you, if it was under 1,000 apprehensions the day before it was a relatively good number and above was a bad number and i was going to be in a bad mood the whole
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day. i cannot imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. we are truly in a crisis. >> john: let's break that down. he says a thousand overwhelms the system. the threshold is 2500. the threshold of 1,500, that is when the president starts allowing people to claim asylum again. his threshold to restart the program is 500 people above where secretary johnson said it becomes impossible to handle. the president shooting too high? a lot of people say they're right number for illegal immigrants is zero. what do you say? >> i agree with that. this is a starting point. to be clear, i called on the president over a year ago to declare a state of emergency at the border to really fully acknowledge the crisis. this doesn't do enough. i do think it is going to get to your point on the data triggered very quickly and probably stay in place.
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i think quite soon, we will see an effective shutdown of the border and securing of the border which is what the country needs right now. go ahead. >> john: and the texas governor greg abbott on a mile ago. i'm sure you don't agree with a lot of what he says but he thought this is going to attract more people to come because they will be racing to get across the border before the threshold is triggered. the fact that a lot of these people tell us, they are coming from places like pakistan and so many other places around the world. turkey. bill melugin talk to some folks from. they are not coming here to claim asylum. they are coming because they know they will get paroled into country and look for work. how does this executive order in any way change that? >> this order will effectively stop folks like that once the threshold is met. they can talk about the
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threshold. >> john: are you saying that people will stop getting paroled into the country wants the threshold is met? because bill melugin's report that 80% of people to come across the country for whatever reason are paroled into the country. >> that is exactly why we need this executive order. we need to do a whole lot more to fully secure the border and stop that from happening. that is what i have been working on. there is a small group of democrats, about 20 of us that are working in a bipartisan way to solve this problem and start fighting about it and fix the darn problem which is what my constituents want and what law enforcement leaders in my community that i'm talking to one. that's what we've got to do. i agree with you. >> john: it would be great if we could get back to the days where more members of congress across the aisle worked with each other as opposed to the zero-sum game that washington has become. i don't expect it will happen before next january. congressman pat ryan, good to have you on. thanks for sharing your time
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with us. we appreciate it. >> sandra: federal investigators are on the hunt for accused of riot dolla back bribing a jury with bags. wait until you hear how much money was involved. >> john: president biden once touted his foreign policy chops. will it out to be a weakness, election day? john thune joins us on that coming up next.
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>> sandra: federal investigators are searching for a suspect who tried to bribe a minneapolis juror with bags of cash. senior correspondent mike tobin is live. how much money was involved h here? >> you are talking about $250 million potentially. this is all about pandemic fr fraud. made all the more dramatic of what appears to be a very blatant attempt to bribe a jury. as this case moves to a jury deliberations, 2 jurors have
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been dismissed from the case. the story is a mysterious woman dressed in black showed up to a juror's house and left $120,000 with a message that more money will be coming if that juror voted to acquit. that juror reportedly went right to police. a second juror was released after tampering from a family member. that case is a massive fraud case alleging 70 people took $250 million of aid money meant to feed poor kids during the pandemic. seven defendants on trial or the first of that bunch to face the judge. they have all been taken into custody while the stories whirls around. their alleged portion of the fraud is $40 million. prosecutors say the money flow through feeding our future and partners in nutrition. taxpayer money was siphoned out of the program used on luxury and jewelry. a fraction of the money actually went to feed kids. attorneys for six of the defendants argue that the government never approved its
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case. he offered no defense. one defendant took the stand and said he prepped meals and didn't know anything about the book caving. the jury is sequestered. there is no information that other jurors were contacted. >> sandra: thank you. john. >> john: that is crazy. president biden traveling to france to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day as he stares down 2 brutal wars that have placed him on politically shaky ground. the latest example, a split members of his own party of israel and hamas. john thune is the senate minority weapon joins us now. on the president's trip to france, here is what politico observed. "as biden begins a month of high-stakes international stakes meeting, 2 bloody wars in ukraine and gaza have complicated the president's job and told show contributed to the shakiness of his political standing at home. former defense secretary robert gates wrote in his 2014 memoir
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when he said, "i think he, biden, has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades." how much of a liability is all this going to be for biden in november? >> it started with the debacle that was the botched withdrawal from afghanistan. it has continued into unfreezing cash to get to the iranians at the very time iranians were planning their attacks through hamas on israel. what is happening ukraine, many people would say that the president was slow on the uptake. they were requesting munitions and weaponry and that sort of thing what we are getting it to them. the list just gets longer and longer of this administration's failures on foreign policy. it's not going to be an issue that will serve the president well that the american people. as has been pointed out in the past on all these major foreign policy decisions, the president has historically been wrong.
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>> i'm not sure how much confidence president biden instills in world leaders. according to president biden, it is trump that they fear. "there's not a major international meeting i attend that before it is over -- i have attended many, more than most presidents have been 3.5 years that a world leader doesn't pull me aside as i'm leaving and say, he can't win. you can't let him win. speaking about trump." trump was tough with world leaders. he held nato to account. our world leaders to concerned? >> i think world leaders want biden, because they know they can maneuver, manipulate, and control biden. president trump was someone who is feared on the world stage. whether it is the indo-pacific or the middle east, ukraine, our southern border. there are lots of national security threats out there.
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i think most foreign leaders like to have biden in office because they can maneuver around him. trump was tough. he created ambiguity with some of the leaders around the world which i think served our national interest very, very well. i think that is what is at stake in the election when it comes to national security. >> john: over foreign policy. that is a reference to a bill that republicans brought in the house to sanction the international criminal court for saying that it wants to bring charges against benjamin netanyahu. the white house said don't vote for that. 42 democrats did. >> the only charges the international criminal court ought to be braiding as against the leaders of hamas. this is an internationally speaking joke what they are talking about doing. i think house republicans obviously with some democrats made a strong statement. i hope that the senate,
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leadership where it will take that legislation up and give us a chance to vote on it. the clear message needs to be sent to people across the world both adversaries and allies that we stand with freedom and democracy. we stand with israel and against hamas and israel's attempts to eliminate the terrorist threat that represents on their border every single day and destabilize the middle east on a daily ba basis. that is what the international criminal court ought to be focused on. not on israel. >> john: the president's executive order on immigration was partly done under section 212f of the immigration and nationality act, which is ironic. that is the same subsection that president trump used to enact is immigration ban. biden has treated the same ground that he has. he says he needs to do it now because the goodwill of american people is wearing thin. that raises the question. we just talked to congressman pat ryan about that.
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why didn't he do this 3 years ago? >> that were thinned with the american public on this issue. and everybody talks about the border crisis that is happened on biden's watch. he orchestrated it. he reversed some 90s trump executive orders dealing with the border and has basically just started to weigh people into the country. this is an example now of him trying in a political season realizing how underwater they are with this issue with the american people to try and get right. nobody is confused by it. it's too much, too little, too late. honestly, all the executive orders right now that he puts in place don't matter, because nobody believes they will be followed up on. that is the problem this president has pretty has a credibility issue on his southern border. 362 people on the terrorist watch list. and just the last year, 80 times the number of chinese nationals they came in the year before.
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places around the world. all of whom are suspect and questionable. they have figured out that there was a portal in our southern border. that is a huge national security threat. the presidents finally responding to it only because he's under political pressure to do so. >> john: still nearly 2 million people do come into the country illegally every year. way above. >> this is not an improvement. as i think governor abbott pointed out today, this incentivized people to come in bigger numbers because they want to beat the deadline. you are still talking about huge numbers, historic numbers. this is not progress in the overall fight to keep it operational control of border or to keep americans safe. >> john: senator john thune of the great state of south dakota. thank you. >> sandra: housing horrors hitting generation z. how the cost of driving home
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>> john: house hunting is stressing out young americans. it looks like home portability may be a decisive factor in what happens this november. our big money so panel will break it down in moments. first, fox business, how many gen z voters say that housing is a top issue? >> a lot. more than nine in 10 gen zers say housing affordability will influence who they will vote for in america. it outweighs abortion rights and student debt in terms of importance. for younger voters, the
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skyrocketing cost of housing is putting the american dream further out of reach for the cost of a new home has spiked more than 30% since the start of the pandemic. higher interest rates make mortgages more expensive. 8:30-year mortgages above 7% when he was under 3.5% just for ten years ago. i talked with one 29-year-old woman. she said she moved home for ten years ago to live with her family. she has not been able to move out. watch. >> it has been pretty difficult, understanding the way in which my generation is really pushing towards being forced renters. since homeownership is becoming very unrealistic. it is quite sad. >> renting is more expensive, too appear the typical overall rent is $2,000 per month. that is also an increase of more than 31% since the pandemic. because of demand. whether buying or renting or
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living at home, it seems like all young people are touched by this issue. most of them say they will vote on it. back to you. >> john: we will see how that plays out. >> sandra: let's bring in jackie d'angelo's and taylor riggins, cohost on "the big money show." >> i will ask if you agree with this idea. larry kudlow talks about the affordability crisis out there. that applies to all the things we buy on the grocery store and all those kind of things. is this a real thing? is it unaffordable now to own a home? >> i think it is because prices have stayed hybrid of the mortgage rate is high. if you look at people who got in with a 2.53% rate, it will look at the same property and says that price hasn't come down. i couldn't afford to be in this home. at these levels. what is interesting to me is that i think a lot of gen zers
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voted for president biden thinking they wanted some sort of change but not understanding the basket of goods they were being sold. now they are living it for 3.5 years. inflation, housing, all these economic issues in finding, i can't launch out of my parents house. this is part of the american dream. i'm supposed to be able to go to school and start alive and save it down payment and buy a home. >> let me be a bit of a devil's advocate. they used to be probably our parents generation the idea of i'm going to cut coupons. i'm going to pinch every penny so i can get that down payment so i can buy at home. there's a little bit of change in the psychology of, well, i need that. vacation or, are people willing to sacrifice to build that nest egg. >> i understand what you are saying. with this younger generation, they have a harder time changing their habits. they want to have it all. they went all the fun stuff, the
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starbucks, the nights out, the drinks, the dinner, and also be able to afford a home. that is just not possible. you have to save and cutback in order to be able to afford that down payment. i will say to their credit, i think that down payment with the price not coming down and interest rates not coming down, it is harder to be able to do that, especially when rent is so much now that sometimes after rent, there isn't room to save. then you can get that down payment. then you are not launching out of your parents home. that is the spiral that i understand. >> sandra: move in with the parents to save them money, but that cash is burning a hole. >> vacations and starbucks. >> he is a private equity fund managers saying this is the worst time in his lifetime for someone to buy a home. >> the worst time in my lifetime
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for someone to buy a home. down here in florida, it cost 400 grand where the average home. it will cost $51,000 with insurance, interest, taxes, property taxes, maintenance. that is without a down payment. in new york or california, you guys are double that. you are talking about gen z in new york paying $100,000. how does the math work? >> sandra: now i'm listening through the taxes in the fees associated with buying a home. it has gotten crazy. >> insurance costs as well. if you are buying that fixer-upper. it is going to be harder to do that. ultimately, the point is the right one. the conditions generally are just harder for people. it's not really about what can i cut and what can i do to save? even if i do that, i'm not can it be able to afford the home. these are conditions in this housing market in this economy that we have never quite seen before. it is the perfect storm for
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people to get fired up about it. you hear that survey that this is bigger for gen z than abortion. that says a lot to me. there political and dynamic in that way. >> having this debate of how is this the worst housing market since 2007 and 2008? when you take into account those other costs, that is when it feels worse now to buy relative to '07. >> i hear the government talked about getting people into homes with no down payment, my mind goes back to, hold on. we have seen that movie before. we know how that ended. >> great to see you mouth. >> history made today with the much-anticipated rocket launch. live from the kennedy space center where it all happened. jonathan. >> after months of delay, boeing star lander spacecraft finally
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got off the ground. i will have details from florida's kennedy space center. y failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) t—mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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>> and lift off of star liner. carrying 2 american heroes.
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>> john: that just never gets old. history a decade in the making. the boeing star lander taking flight on its first manned mission as it heads toward the international space station. jonathan live at the kennedy space center. that was picture-perfect. >> it was amazing to watch, john. up close, you not only see it, but you feel it. the sound of the rockets is so low, you can feel it vibrating in your chest. after months of delays a and 2 previous scrubber launches, star liner finally lifted up this morning and the launch was as flawless as they come. the united launch alliance carried the boeing star lander spacecraft skyward with astronauts butch wilmore and sonny williams on board. >> now, butch and sonny do what they do best. they are test pilots.
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they are going to test this thing. >> if the week long flight test is successful, nasa will be closer to having a second commercial option for shuttling astronauts to and from the space station. as reliable as hallie crew dragons have been, nasa likes to have multiple options know that if they were to be a safety issue that temporarily grounded one type of rocket or spacecraft, they could have another. after today's launch, hallie hallie ceo congratulations. scheduled to dock with the international space station just afternoon tomorrow. back to you. >> i wanted to be there. i was there once when the space shuttle came on. as it went past me. very anticlimactic. thank you. i appreciate it.
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>> much more dramatic going out. you're welcome. >> sandra: there are some tattoos that might be going out of style but not for the reason you might think. my younger americans are out on ink. that is next.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sarah: jan z saying yes to paying bills and say no to tattoos, with a downturn again clients. the main reason, younger and megan sank the cost of getting think is no longer affordable. generation z and millennial's tend to be the most tattered bark that also the groups facing the most debt as cost-of-living climbs. one thing i promised my parents i would never get a tattoo and a never have. >> john: any know so many people think it looks good right
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now but he saw the tattoo of the sun that a person was getting, by the time they're 80 it would look like a wilted sunflower. they look good now but they won't look so good in about 55 decades. >> sarah: during a national championship, and as you got one, and i thought i would be the only one who doesn't get one. i'm okay with that now. >> john: it good for you. check this out, a cow in brazil, and covered she had her own bodyguard sold for $4 million at auction, the breakingmac banks of the most expensive cow in the world. twice the amount the weight of others her grade, for a special program to raise meteor cows. >> sarah: incredible! arike john cabot great to be with you, back tomorrow, set your dvr and never missed american reports. thank you for joining us, i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i drawn up robert's, with martha, she i


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