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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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sun that a person was getting, by the time they're 80 it would look like a wilted sunflower. they look good now but they won't look so good in about 55 decades. >> sarah: during a national championship, and as you got one, and i thought i would be the only one who doesn't get one. i'm okay with that now. >> john: it good for you. check this out, a cow in brazil, and covered she had her own bodyguard sold for $4 million at auction, the breakingmac banks of the most expensive cow in the world. twice the amount the weight of others her grade, for a special program to raise meteor cows. >> sarah: incredible! arike john cabot great to be with you, back tomorrow, set your dvr and never missed american reports. thank you for joining us, i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i drawn up robert's, with martha, she is in
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normandy, france tuesday good afternoon everybody in martha maccallum and missus 'the story' live from the american cemetery in normandy france where tomorrow we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of operation overlord, d-day, was in 150,000 allied forces landed on the beaches here to turn back the nazi hold on to europe. later this hour, another cure of world war ii. 96-year-old ronald roll do, i just 16 he found a way around the navies age requirement, bravely fighting and surviving injuries as a teenage boy. he says you comes to normandy because of the friends that he lost and also because of some of the nightmares he still has about his fallen hero buddies. >> people might think you're squarely when you talk about of the guys to back up from the grave but it's realistic to me
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and i'm just lucky. a lot of the guys were not as lucky as i was. and i appreciate every day of it and i honor all the guys in the pacific theatre, m. just honored my brothers over here. >> martha: it more of the interview later but for us is good to the breaking news right now. [ ♪♪ ] testimony is underway and hunter biden's gun trial, his ex-wife leading the courthouse a short time ago after she was on the stand, she testified she routinely searched his car for drugs. hunter is accused of illegally buying a gun while abusing drugs in 2018. president biden he will not comment specifically on the charges but he is praising hunter's "resilience in the face of adversity".
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first lady jill biden was back in the courtroom in the front row right behind hunter, judge jeanine pirro said the first lady is trying to "send a message to the jurors". she's standing by but first let's start with the latest, live out of the courthouse in wilmington, hello david. >> hello, the first lady still in the courthouse, she's been there all week, i sat 10 feet behind her, she is paying attention, she put her head down a few times comforting hunter biden's wife. right now on the stand within the last five minutes amanda named gordon cleveland, the local employee at the gun store that is sold hunter biden at that gun in question back in october of 2018. of course hunter on trial for allegedly lying on the federal form when he said no, he was not addicted to drugs at the time, the woman with the black hair in the illustration done by our artist, her name is that we, she's a former stripper that was
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in a relationship with hunter biden, she first met hunter in december 2017 when she gave him a private dance at a new york strip club. she said over the following months he continues to smoke crack roughly every 20 minutes at times. she told the jury demand from atlantic city, in the new york they stayed together their, then to los angeles taking a month-long residence at the high-end hotel château marmont. she is also says that hunter gave her a coded on her phone that was good for five minutes or she could withdraw large amounts of cash from an atm machine in his account. she said she did the same with the drug dealers twomak now kathryn buhl who was under his ex-wife who he shares children's with, she was on the stand earlier, she saw multiple crack pipes over the time, she says she had to leave the relationship. you mentioned the first lady jill biden on the front row paying close attention, i want to play a clip of hunter biden's
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audiobook played yesterday but still deals with the overall drug addiction. >> it crack takes into the darkest recesses of your soul. as well as the darkest corners of every community. >> prosecutors say this gun form is central to the case, firearm at form 4473, there is a no jack-in-the-box that is the part of the case, hunter's attorney says that is not clear if hunter even check that a box and there might be some chain of custody issues. >> martha: okay,, thank you very much. let's bring in judge jeanine pirro, cohost of the five, great to have you with us tonight. as david just told us, the man who sold him the gun is currently on the stand but we heard today from catherine beall, his former wife. let's pull up some things from what it she testified today, she said in 2015, 2019, which augustine boxes -- encompasses the spirit, she would search
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hunter's car for drugs when she would lend the car to her daughter's, she wanted to make sure they were not driving with the drugs. asking to confirm she was checking his car for drugs in 2018, she said yes. you're taken what we heard today? >> judge jeanine: i think what we're seeing here is a myriad of circumstantial evidence in addition to direct evidence from a defendant's own mouth in terms of what the journey -- jury is hearing from the audio version of this book. it simply cooperates each and every element of the indictment in this case. this is not a difficult case to prove, avenue identity, people in my office have done it. the question is whether or not, and this is what i think is so interesting, whether or not the presence of jill biden, even for the jury selection which is very unusual, family members usually come in for the trial. but here is jury selection angela biden is there every day and we just started she's
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putting her arm around about shoulder of hunter biden's wife, we have a solid front in delaware in this courtroom and they are singling that the biden family which is a very powerful family that everybody has apparently heard about and know somebody who knows, is one and that is very on top of this and is not going to forget what is going on. while they are trying to do here martha, is there trying to overlook the fact there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt no matter what i below tries to say. but they are trying to go to the jury to maybe nullify the verdict which it simply means jury may believe the case has been proven to their satisfaction, to everybody beyond a reasonable doubt but they will cut him loose for any reason. it could be maybe they think he has paid enough. but the prosecution because of the consequence of this ridiculous deal that they tried to pass in front of a federal judge, the same judge they are
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trying to this case in front of, it was so bizarre and so beyond the pale, they not have to prove every element of the case and they are doing that. >> martha: one of the areas they can find to open the aperture a reasonable doubt is if this person on the stand right now, who had filled out of the gun form and sold him the gun, of this person says, while, sometimes i fill out parts of it, maybe i filled it out, e. with that's why i below has up their sleeves. they want to go through with this trial. they are not trying to plead guilty which some people thought they should just do. >> judge jeanine: at that they should play guilty as all. abbey is trying to pull a rabbit out of the house by saying the guy from the gun store apparently after-the-fact filled in some number, in no foot was a license number or what it was, not essential to the issue before the jury which is whether or not hunter biden lied when he
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said he was not a user of unlawful drugs and not addicted. >> martha: we will see. you never know with juries. nobody knows that a better than you, good to see it, thank you very much. great to have you with us. >> judge jeanine: bye-bye. >> martha: and honor. always good to see. for the first time here in fox news, former attorney general bill barr will join us to react to the fallen presidents trumps conviction in a case that he has called an abomination. we will see what you says. is a quick. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are today.
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>> martha: as president biden prepares to speak at the 80th anniversary of the allied d-day landings and nobody,'s political allies at home have spend the day defending him from a pretty rough report of that came out today in the wall street journal. interviews with more than 45 lawmakers who say the 81 yield president is showing "signs of decline hind closed doors". >> this is a political attack coming in a political season. >> my response to the peas, donald trump. >> to this is basically house republicans walking at joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> presidents using nodes and meetings that's not unusual. >> and this was a classic hit piece. >> martha: let's bring in a democrat senator, of delaware, also serves as cochair of
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presidents biden's campaign, at the happy with us. thank you very much for being here today. >> great to be on with you again. >> martha: i am imagining you probably agree with the voices you heard at the end of the introduction then there, but i would like to put up a pole, a recent poll, fox news power rankings polls that came out, in terms of voters saying who is more mentally and physically fit to serve, on those measures up on the screen, the former president trump is post- 21 in this polling and it goes down the list of mentally sound and sharp, physically healthy and not too old. politically looking at the election in an objective way, how much of a negative is all over this for the person you clearly support? >> while the story you are talking about on the wall street
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journal was written by reporters i know and respect and publishing a paper that are read in respect. even the most talented among us occasionally swing and strike out. bryce harper even strikes out now and again and i think they got this wrong because the data did not use quotes from those of us who served with president biden who know him, who have had the opportunity up close and personal in it meetings in the white house or advance publicly or privately, to give affirmation that he is sharp, he is engaged and he is commanding in the poll you just showed reflects the fact that there has been a lot of coverage of minor slips, of small ways in which president biden reflects the fact that all of us have demanding lives in public service sometimes misspeak. i struck a little coverage there is of the yawning gap between president biden and former president trump who also has frequent missteps when he missed
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it and advise who he is talking to her what he's talking about it, but says things that are fundamentally untrue. the bigger gap is in their character to make, in their values of, in one of these say about american veterans, about the choices they lay out over how they would govern if elected, and how they have demonstrated respect for the rule of law and understanding of the importance of the democracy that the veterans and d-day fought for. >> martha: right. i do want to get to that with you quickly. i would say this, these polls are time and time again showing the same thing, is that people have concerns. >> other shown to thing martha -- >> martha: you know, i have to give people credit, for saying what they say when they look at a tv screen, when they listen to an interview. we will see what the voters think in five months. for these things do keep coming up and if you think the pieces unfair and he which they wish --
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would have shown more of the or prospective. i just want to give you 30 seconds if i make, spent holding on d-day tomorrow. at the american cemetery? >> thank you martha kahnapace part of a bipartisan delegation that went to taiwan and singapore to ensure our partners and allies in the indo pacific, president biden has been a very strong leader and pulling together stronger and more capable partnerships with our allies. at that cemetery where 17,000 americans are buried was a sombra moment for me to reflect on all the sacrifices in the second world war. like us in our allies around the world. >> martha: these cemeteries are a permanent and everlasting monument to the sacrifices that heroes have made for as, and we cannot forget those sacrifices every single day of our lives thought that we will do here. thank you i get to see. see you soon. >> thank you martha student
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former attorney general william barr details what he thinks about a former president trumps conviction here in new york and what he expects is likely to come next
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>> martha: former president trump's lawyers today asking the judge in his in new york city trial to live the gaggle order now that trial is over, they say
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they never agreed, and "now that the trial is concluded, of the concerns articulated by the government and the court cannot justify continued restrictions on a first amendment rights of president trump. so the manhattan das office was finding "the court has an obligation to protect the integrity of these proceedings in the fair administration of justice at least through the sentencing hearing and the resolution of any post trial motions coming from the da office. without spring and former attorney general, william barr, great to have you with us. want to get your thought on that gag-order but first i would like to get your reaction, this case was built in a very flimsy indictment, read surprise when the 34 guilty verdicts came d down? >> i wasn't particularly surprised but aside from the very start of this was an
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abomination, and i was surprised they went ahead with the case. really there was nothing there, there was no crime? they couldn't articulated after after the defense rested its case. about the whole thing was a travesty, wasn't surprised by the verdict because the way the case was conducted, was never really any discipline on trying to make the prosecutor establish what the elements of the crime were, it was assumed from the beginning there was some kind of federal code -- federal election campaign violation which there was not. >> martha: you know, when i asked people reaction to this, it kind of goes all over the spectrum but what we're seeing in some of the polling as well and the jury, kamala harris out of the jury spoke the prosecution had an opportunity to lay out their case, how does that make you feel so who cares deeply about the justice system in this country?
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>> i think this is exhibit different exhibit no. 1 of the system of justice that is becoming more and more evident, answer want to point out that what this is due to our body of politics and due to a country? this case be overruled, there were just multiple errors and violations of constitutional rights, andy mccarthy and jonathan turley has definitely you discussed on your show. this will eventually be overruled after the election. what happens if that is a close election and joe biden squeaks through, and then in the cases overruled? have the country's going to this was a stolen election. and again, this is a grave injustice and deserves to the country. >> martha: speaking with a lot of veterans here,, sadly to a
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person they are how concerned they are about the system of justice in the united states, the leadership, is probably the most unsettling thing ever heard since i've been here, so much inspiration and most of it. let me ask you about a six my, is a town to live that gag-order because they really seem to like the gag-order and they have michael cohen mouthing off about it the children of the trump family, stormy daniels that she wants to make trump into punching the bag for woman victims. they are not silenced at all. >> that's right. and i think the president's lawyers are correct, the whole purpose of this gag-order was to protect the integrity of the process, to make sure that trial was not disrupted by what was said. at the is now over negative verdict has been delivered, now everybody out of there is talking about it including michael cohen and stormy daniels and the president like anybody
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else is the right to defend himself and as a rule of public opinion -- into the court of public opinion especially running for the presidency of the united states. you should be able to attack the charges, to assert the witnesses against him were not telling the truth and point out all the flaws in the case, and some of the rulings that were inexplicable. >> martha: given what you have seen quickly if you can, what he expected the sentencing? >> i hope he doesn't do what they usually do, with the left usually does which is go too f far. and either deny him his freedom or impose a severe gag-order on him. i think again it was sort of -- it would affect people's attitudes towards the fairness of the selection.
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>> martha: we will see, hopefully we will speak to you around that day which always everybody will be watching intently. former attorney general, always good to see,'s we think for coming on today. >> thank you. >> martha: president biden taking a swipe at a major u.s. ally as he prepares to commemorate d-day here and "to feed dictators he says" part of oval what he wants recognize here, when you comes to normandy. that will happen tomorrow mid day, early in the morning for you at home. (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here!
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are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] ♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. >> martha: president biden is here in france, currently in paris, he will come here to montemac 80 years sends a d-day and he will give twahtwah significant speeches here at the
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ceremony tomorrow and then on the following day. he does this as he deals with the current wars in ukraine and in gaza, general jack came in standing up by, and peter do she who joins us this evening. hello peter. >> good evening. president biden will be replacing this week trip to a switzerland peace summit for ukraine with something -- with the vlodymyr zelensky here in france. all the allies president biden will be with her also big backers of ukraine in the fight against russia. there is less support for israel's current effort against hamas in gaza and president biden is encapsulating that in his time magazine interview where you gets asked, somebody in israel's adjustor that benjamin netanyahu is prolonged in the war for his own pluto self-preservation do you believe that? the president first said i won't comment, and he said there's every reason for people to draw
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that conclusion. there is cleanup coming from the general advisor jake sullivan's. >> it will focus on the fundamental task at hand which is present in biden's effort to get the hostages home, make sure israel's safe and make sure the palestinian people have a decent future. >> it we also have some new insight as to what exactly president biden is doing all day in paris at his hotel away from most staffers and his hosts. >> and other president has some internal staff meetings on his schedule, shortly after we arrived, in advance of the time zone friends and half the days artie gone in paris. >> present but it has more events tomorrow and so does the first lady, she is apparently dropping in on court in delaware for now. >> martha: peter, speaking so
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much. that spring in a former retarded general, and the chairman over the institute for the study of war and fox news senior strategic -- analyst. good to see, thank you or being with as. one of the hot button issues is that white houses allowance now of these weapons being used in the area around kharkiv, so this is a change in policy, is it not? even to those of paul -- what house is making efforts to betray otherwise? >> it's really unfortunate, even g the long-range weapons into ukraine, they requested them last year and attack the europeans to push our hand, so to speak, and you finally did it. and then we imposed restrictions. and now we begin to remove some over the structures comment can imagine how frustrating this is for campaign leaders in the
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ukraine china deal with russia across the border, where they have mastered troops and is safeguarded from that sanctuary? but you can file -- fire a few miles into it this week and then a few weeks go by, you can fire a few miles more. what an absurd today this is. we have policymakers in the white house involved in the details of campaign planning in ukraine that also unfortunately in israel. i mean it is so frustrating for ukrainians, they won't come out and publicly criticized the president because that would bite the hand that speeding t them. >> martha: we know the president will meet vlodymyr zelensky tomorrow we understand and he will be here, one of the many leaders here to recognize the allied offensive here at normandy. by vladimir putin is speaking out as well and he was asked about of this, he told biden you want to stop the war in ukraine,
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then stop supplying weapons to ukraine. your thoughts on that? >> of course if we stop supplying weapons to ukraine the application is so do the europeans and bottom reboot and does what? ukraine does not surrender kegs they keep on fighting but i. putin will pummel their cities, destroy the city infrastructure, make it look like some of what already delayed germany did and world war ii in advance and take more territory and possibly even topple the regime. that is what wotton where putin is talking about, the war ends with a victory for him. >> martha: president biden is excited to talk in his speech about the importance of debating dictators, obviously that wasn't a huge part of the mission here, dating it reflects anything about the political environment at home and the election at hand? >> and think it does crystallize
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for the american people the threats we are facing cagle war in europe, war in the middle east, china threatening war into the indo pacific region, four nationstates, china, russia, iran, north korea working together in a way we have not seen marcescens world war ii. the possibility of a war with the united states involved more than one region at a time, in effect we have also not seen that since world war ii. war in europe and were in the pacific. yes this is a very dangerous time, the administration warned that will not talk about how serious these threats are, and the reason they don't want to talk about it is because the next question is, what will you do about it? and i will have to change all of their political and social objective. it is not get emphasized. >> martha: wanted to take these great pictures of you the 50th in a rees street, you were a part of this parade in
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recognition, spend a lot of time with the french people. your some great pictures of you general, if you can give us a quick comment on what all of that felt like for you back then. this is really a historic moment and another big one tomorrow. >> we parachuted in with hundreds of paratroopers from the 101st which i was privileged to command, every single day we paraded our troops in the town that we liberated, teemac was the biggest in the area. i was never more proud to be an american, american flags waving around, people applauding us and we focused on our world war ii veterans which i have scores of with, all over the place signing autographs. it was quite a ten-day experience but martha, i never understood it completely until i got to the american cemetery the u.s. standing in. 9388 americans.
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when you walk, those gravesites, it really washes over you what this human experience is really all about. >> martha: i could not agree more, watches cemetery quite a bit tonight, beautiful evening here, the names, the states from all across the country of these young men who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. general jacking, we thank you for your service, look at this amazing shot in normandy, general, thank you and we will be right back with more. [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them,
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>> martha: it wont introduce you to another world war ii veteran who joined us here in normandy today. on bc this is the 80th anniversary, and you lied about
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his age to join the military, 16 years old and you ended up fighting at that age. he's knack four months shy of 97, he says he knows how lucky he is to be here today. >> and when you are in this environment and er with so many other veterans does it take you back, how do you relate to each other? how does it feel to be with other people who understand your history? >> the only ones that it can understand, if you're a vet, of ptsd, i've had it all my life. it will never go away until you are gone. as long as the people remember the vets are still around guys feel good about it. some over the memories are guarded, somewhere happy, summerside. that is all part of life. >> martha: we have talked to
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you before, a lot of our viewers know your story but for those who don't, you signed up at 16, he broke the rules to get an early, why did you do that? >> enter not care much for high school, went down, try to get in, we got some lingo bleaching we tried to master there were birth certificates to make it older. then they said come back in a couple of years kid. my sister gets made, and i broke one of the certificates off the altar. >> martha: so the dismal certificate? >> it was like a birth certificate, you can make it any age you want it. and told them, i'm going overseas so i'm probably 18 or 19 or something. in three months i was gone. >> martha: at 16? >> at yes. >> martha: so at 16 you where on a boat that was going onto
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the beach to nes. yeah. >> martha: what happened there? >> 9:00 in the morning, was a bright, sunny day. had a full throttle with the engine and we hit something, in one over the top of the wheel, busted my nose, maxim teeth out and i couldn't breathe and i kept telling myself i'm 16, i cannot be having a heart attack. that's what i thought i was having, a heart attack. by the time of the guys -- band up on the tank below me they pulled me up on the beach and wait for the medics to come. some adrenaline. that pretty much took care of that. first i got really close to a person who is dead, he dragged
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me, this one guy was cut in half and i think i was talking to myself saying what the hell am i doing here? get me through this. it is all history. i'm glad i'm here, i feel bad about not having some of my buddies with me, one time i was at the cemetery and i was looking for a couple of my brothers that have lost and i looked on an icy neck and frank, couple of spaghetti vendors, italian guys, in a said you know guys, have had a chance to raise a family, enjoy life, why don't i go down there and you guys come up? just like i'm talking to you right now, i'm looking down on him and frank was kind of a heavyset guy i said, yeah,, you guys come up and enjoy little bit of life. algal back down there, don't take anything over 72 hours. gonna come back up.
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it's realistic, i dream about it an lot that way. but your dreams are something, your eyes take a picture of the world, your mind kind of devours a and the rest of it, you are just lucky to be where you are at today. >> martha: god bless them. and you help other people remember their service, and know that is very important to you. you talk very openly about the struggles that he had with ptsd, when you came back from the war, that did not have a name. >> no, it was battle fatigue. combat fatigue. well i had a brother, we were really close, and they sent him it down to illinois, he said to randall i don't want to go down
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there, they put him in a straight jacket and shocked him, lasted 25 years that was the end of him. and that is something that does not go away. people might think you're but squarely when you talk about of the guys coming back up from the grave but it's realistic to me. and i am just lucky. a lot of the guys were not as lucky as i was. and i appreciate every day of it, i honor all of the guys, i'm just honoring my brothers. and hopefully it means something to them. >> martha: one last question, when you are here with all of these brothers and people who have experienced the war as you did and also the subsequent wars in korea and vietnam, what do you think about the state of our country today?
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how do you feel about of the country that he worked so hard to stay free, to keep free? >> is a real truth? i feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times and i don't like it, it makes my heart really heavy. i just hope when you pull out of this, too much hollywood in washington all of the time. so they think it is, i hope all of the guys rally up, go and straighten it all out. >> martha: do you think 16 -year-olds would fake their age as you did in order to go off and vied for the country today? >> no i don't think so. it was a different generation. age generation is a little bit different. and think all of the generations are great but i think some of the ones they got now are a little lazy and i think they need to show more pride in their country than they do.
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at a leg to see that, tray put the flag around on top of a jeep or something like that, you have to respect your flag. and i am just hoping i never ran into anybody trying to burn and flag because i would stop them. >> martha: i want to thank you for your service to this country, your bravery, encourage crackers period which is incredible and you inspire me every time we talk? i am just grateful to call you my friend. >> 's same here girl, you are the greatest on tv. >> martha: thank you. >> cuter than hell. >> martha: good to see him. earlier today back coming up, we really have an incredible story about a jewish american soldier whose remains were uncovered in a german soldier mass grave. just a short while ago.
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spee form lieutenant nathan of pittsburgh was 28 years old when he landed on utah beach on d-day, days later on a reconnaissance mission, he was ambushed, wounded and died, in a military hospital nearby. his family never located his remains until they were recently found in a german soldier's military mass grave here in normandy. the younger jewish american heroes body was thrown in with the unknown and german soldiers guided just a few miles from the
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american cemetery here in normandy. thanks to the work over the nonprofit organization operation benjamin which has been led by lieutenant nathan bosco will be buried in his rightful restingplace, here, alongside his fellow heroes the next month. >> 's body, at 28 years old, was dumped into a mass grave essentially with how many german soldiers? >> fifty-one, they were not separable so they were old jumbled together. >> at this man who gave his life in service of the united states, as they were fighting to the forces of nazi germany, where we know millions of jewish people were killed in concentration camps, this young american jewish lieutenant spent decades after the war mingled with the
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bones of german soldiers in those ground where we stand. >> eight decades. >> and you have made your mission with operation benjamin to bring him home. >> yes. >> neil: to the normandy american say money but he will be buried with the other american heroes. >> we will be joined by 70 members of people coming from the united states and his family, and we will barry him out of the normandy american cemetery 80 years to the date of his death and his journey has been so long and so hard, he will rejoice that day. >> neil: one of the incredible stories that we are hearing here in normandy. we will be back tomorrow as the world and some of the veterans who were there, about 100 of them are here in normandy will mark 80 years since d-day which was obviously an extraordinary, and norma's operation that landed on the shores under the direction of dwight eisenhower and you prepared the troops
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along the front across the water across the english channel and told them what was at stake and how important is their role was in it and that many of them would not make it home. some of them lie behind me in this cemetery over the american cemetery in normandy or -- normandy which is extremely solemn and important plays of american history here in france. bethink for joining us here today and we look forward to being with you all day tomorrow as we have coverage, president biden will be here tomorrow, emmanuel macron, prince william, all of the forces that came together to roll back the nazi occupation of france and the rest of europe will be joined here tomorrow along with some of the veterans who fought here and always see the restingplace of so many who died. thank you for joining us, hope you will join us for our all-day coverage tomorrow on june 6th as we commemorate 80 years since d-day. 'your world' starts now. [ ♪♪ ]


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