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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  June 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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tuesday. tran whyizer shot hit the pause button. okay, greg, listen very closely. he was barely functioning after being tranquilized and it was pawsibbli the most imberassing thing to happen to him. >> greg: s that watt most embarrassing. >> greg: obviously this bear is celebrating pride month as well. >> judge jeanine: and i'm on "fox & friends" in the morning. >> harold: miles ruffle 15-year-old kid freshman in high school. play june 27th in detroit. i love when young kids do well. >> greg: i hate it. >> harold: congrats to him. hopefully he wins that term and goes on to have great career. >> greg: thank you, harold. >> bret: hey, greg, how do you think the percentage of bera run
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more thing is. >> greg: about a 12 to 1 ratio. i have done the math. [laughter] >> bret: all right have. a good night. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking we are covering three developing stories with major legal implications for former president donald trump and for the president's son hunter biden. house republicans have referred hunter and jim biden the president's brother to the justice department for lying to congress. in delaware, hunter biden's former wife details his rampant drug abuse and a major development in the legal issues tonight affecting former president trump a georgia appeals court has halted the election interference case against him. the matter is now on hold. while that court reviews a lower court judge's ruling allowing the wonderful fulton county district attorney to remain on the case. big development happening within the hour. correspondent steve harrigan has details live tonight from atlanta.
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good evening, steve. >> steve: good evening, bret. this is clearly a big win for former president trump and a big loss for the fulton county d.a. fani willis. the georgia state court of appeals has put a pause on the case. no more motions. no more testimony until they decide whether fani willis can continue in her role. keep in mind, this case has already been delayed for months. there was some testimony dramatic on national television when it was learned that the prosecutor and the d.a. were involved in a romantic relationship. the big question whether that relationship began before or after that chief prosecutor nathan wade has hired. a lawyer with little felony experience. handled traffic violations. the head of a chief racketeering case earning $600,000 a year. a couple of key questions, did that affair begin before wade was hired and did the two misuse government money? did they spend some of that $600,000 on themselves traveling
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to resorts in the u.s. and the caribbean? now, the judge said willis could keep her job if she fired wade. wade went. willis was criticized sharply by the judge. but she managed to hold on to her job. she also got backed recently by democratic voters in the primary here but now it's in jeopardy all over again. the georgia state court of appeals will decide whether or not she is able to stay on in her role. but they are not likely to start their work until october. so it's clear that this case will not be decided until well after the next presidential election. bret, back to you. >> bret: steve harrigan with the breaking news. steve, thank you. meantime, house republicans as we mentioned are looking for the doj to prosecute the president's son and his brother tonight. they are accusing hunter and james biden of making false statements to congress under oath. it's all a part of the effort in the year-long impeachment inquiry into president biden. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill with that breaking news tonight.
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good evening, chad. >> chad: bret, good evening. the trio of house committee chairs accuse james biden and hunter biden of lying to congressional investigators. both men sat for closed door depositions as part of the house's impeachment inquiry. >> when someone lies to congress, that is a crime that is a felony crime and people need to be held accountable, even if you are the president's son. >> republicans accuse hunter of not he telling the truth about his role at a biden family holding company. they say the firm received millions of dollars from foreigners who met with then vice president biden. the houses james biden claims claims he was not at a meeting with his brother but documents indicate otherwise. prosecution is now up to attorney general merrick garland. >> i trust he'll act on that with the same alack tri at this that he acted on all the trump people refer were referred.
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contempt of congress. >> democrats say the referrals are a fig leaf for a stalled impeachment inquiry. >> where are we in a the impeachment investigation? they started this 11 months ago. is that still going on? >> that's the point. >> going great for comer. everything i read it's going to well for him. keep -- james keep doing what you are doing james. going great. >> chad: now failing to prosecute aligns with the g.o.p. narrative that are two systems of justice. garland denied that yesterday bret? >> bret: chad, we often see different votes, both sides do it for show votes. however, today, the senate blocked a bill to guarantee a right to contraception? explain that to me. >> chad: that's right. the senate never got onto the bill. the vote was 51-39. only two republicans voted yes, lisa murkowski and susan collins. they needed 60 yeas to break a filibuster. democrats staged the vote to spark interest in the abortion
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issue ahead of the election. bret? >> bret: okay. we'll follow. this chad, thanks. jurors in the federal gun crimes trial of hunter biden today heard from a former wife and one-time girlfriend about the defendant's battles with drugs and alcohol. prosecutors are trying to prove biden lied on a federal gun form. the defense is suggesting biden didn't sign it. correspondent david spunt is in wilmington, delaware live tonight with the latest. good evening, david. >> bret, good evening to you. the personal and legal fol fallt of his public drug addiction came into a sharp and painful focus as his ex-wife and others took the stand. hunter biden left the courthouse today after watching detailed testimony from his ex-wife. kathleen buel told the jury the couple divorced after she found multiple crack pipes around hunter. she said she was worried, scared for him, and for their three children whom she sought to
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protect, quote: i would check the car to make sure they were not using the car with drugs in it, end quote. buel said she continually checked the car from 2015 to 2019 but admitted she didn't know the precise date she searched and she never actually saw hunter do drugs. also on the stand zoey committees ton a former stripper who spent weeks with hunter in various hotels across the country including l.a.'s. the same year he lied on federal gun form. committees ton is testifying under immunity saying from first meeting at new york gentleman's club hunter biden was a crack cocaine user. using roughly every 20 minutes at times. committees ton also says hunted gave her a texted code that was good for five minutes at a time so she could withdraw large sumsz of cash from an atm machine. she says he did the same with drug dealers. much. evidence gathered came from hunter's laptop and fbi agents said on the stand there is no evidence someone tampered with its contents.
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hunter biden has been candid about his drug use and portions of his audio memoir have been used against him in court. >> crack takes you into the darkest recesses of your soul as well as the darkest corners of every community. >> prosecutors showed the gun hunter owned in 2018 for 11 days. the store employee who sold him the colt handgun said hunter came into the store, looking for a gun. bret, this contradicts what hunter biden's attorney abbe lowell told jurors earlier this week when he said hunter was at a nearby cell phone store in wilmington and casually walked into a gun store and sort of led to the gun counter and maybe felt a little pressure to buy a gun. this employee gordon cleveland also testified that he personally saw hunter biden check no in that box that said he was not addicted to or using illegal drugs at the time, which is really the heart of this entire case, bret. >> bret: david, what is the prosecution saying about how long they think their case is going to take?
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>> reading the tea leaves this may end a little bit sooner than we originally thought. at the end of court today. tomorrow it depends on what the defense would do if they even put on case to let us know when this may end. we are still waiting for one big witness. hallie biden, beau biden, hunter biden's late brother's widow. she wases in a relationship with hunter and threw out that gun at the center of this entire case. we're waiting to see when she is going to take the stand, if she takes the stand, bret? >> bret: okay. david spunt in wilmington, delaware. david, thank you. there are renewed concerns tonight over president biden's mental fitness. the "wall street journal" published a story saying white house insiders believe his condition is deteriorating. critics call that article a republican hit job. the president is in france tonight for the d-day remembrance. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is live on the north lawn with our story. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. president biden is in france to commemorate the 80th s
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anniversary of d-day where he is set to give a big speech on democracy. he recently told "time" magazine that during these trips foreign leaders always press him to beat trump in the election, but that might be harder with parts of his base up in arms over his shift in border policy and this new report challenging his mental acuity. >> president biden spent all of today at his paris hotel. his team says conducting internal meetings. but after a "wall street journal" reported described the 81-year-old president as showing signs of slipping behind closed doors, there's extra pressure on his performance. >> not only will our allies see this and i'm sure many of them have seen it already, but our adversaries can sense it as well. they can see that he is unable to make decisions to work long hours. >> the report cites interviews with 45 people over months. the white house and some in the media rushing to discredit it. >> why didn't they just ask marjorie taylor greene. >> yeah. they could have. >> and lauren boebert. >> it's really shocking. especially when you see what kevin mccarthy has said
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repeatedly publicly and behind the scenes about biden on those same days when they were negotiating. >> reporters had more to add. >> so we heard from administration officials that mccarthy did say that the president was sharp in meetings. our reporting also suggested that mccarthy was doing that toiblegly because he had to get along with president biden. >> biden is also on the outs with a swath of his base after unilaterally restricting access to the u.s.' asylum system with the border overrun. >> i'm disappointed that the president has, you know, sort of gone into the same frame as donald trump at a very time when we need to make a distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> the white house says the differences are stark and will hold up in court. >> there are still lawful pathways to make asylum claims in this country in an orderly and humane way. it is night and day the difference between the policies of this administration and the last one. >> the white house is framing biden's border policy change as something the president thinks
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is necessary to restore order at the border. but, also something that is the republicans' fault for blocking bipartisan legislation that would have addressed broader immigration policy, bret. >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn, jacqui. thanks. stocks were up today on optimism over a possible federal reserve interest rate cut. the dow gaining 96. the s&p 500 finished up 63 to a new record close. another record close. and the nasdaq surged 331. also closing at a record high. up next, an attack near a u.s. embassy one middle eastern nation and israel fight with hezbollah. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as governor kathy hochul indefinitely delays implementation of a plan to charge motorists big tolls to enter the core of manhattan. that move marks a stunning reversal for public transit advocates who had champ i don't understand the tolls as a way of raising millions of dollars for
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new york's beleaguered subway and commuter rail system while reducing traffic in the city streets. wdrb in louisville as the national weather system confirms seven tornadoes touched down in southern kentucky last week causing damage more than 255 miles in a 58 county area. that's a record for the state. five people were killed in the memorial day weekend storms and thousands were left without power. and this is a live look at chicago from our affiliate, fox 32. one of the big stories there tonight, illinois lottery officials say a mega millions ticket worth an estimated $560 million was sold in the state. one ticket. no details have been released on who bought that ticket or at which store. at least not yet. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." congratulations. we'll be right back. ♪ if i had a million dollars ♪ if i had a million dollars ♪ if i had a million dollars
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>> bret: there are new warnings tonight about alleged chinese attempts to recruited top western military officials. u.s. director of national intelligence along with australia, canada, great britain and new zealand, the five i's
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says china is increasingly aggressive in its efforts of potential recruits would be used to train china's military: a western official tells the associated press ukraine has used u.s. weapons to strike inside russia in recent days. the weapons were used under recently approved guidance from president biden allowing american arms to be used to strike inside russia for the limited purpose of defense of kharkiv. ukraine's second largest city. it does not change u.s. policy that directs ukraine not to use american provided weapons to strike offensively inside russia. speak of russia, russian president vladimir putin says nothing will change u.s. russian regardless who wins the u.s. election. reporters former president trump's felony conviction last week was the result of, quote: the use of the court system as part of the internal political struggle in the u.s.
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putin says he will work with any president the american people elect >> bret: today, lebanese personnel foiled an attempted attack near the u.s. embassy near beirut. this happened as israel's prime minister toured the country's northern border with lebanon and said his country is prepared for strong action in the region against hezbollah. correspondent trey yingst reports tonight from tel aviv. >> trey: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu flies in a helicopter to israel's northern border. his meeting with turks on the front lines as his country prepares for a broader war. >> whoever thinks that they can harm us and we will sit idly buy isbyis making a big mistake. we will restore security to the north. >> netanyahu's words echoed his chief of staff this week who
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said israel is getting close to a decision to launch a widespread campaign against hezbollah. such an action target iran backed group bigger and better armed than hamas draw extensive rocket fire deep into israel far greater than what was unfolded the past eight months along the northern front. on israel's southern front intensive military operations continue in gaza. other diplomatic efforts reach a cease-fire agreement hamas. the biden administration remains hopeful such a deal could happen in the coming days or weeks and is calling for the world to put new pressure on hamas to accept the terms. >> i'm not going to to negotiate with hamas in public. a proposal transmitted to hamas we will await hamas' response through official channels. >> the administration also indicated that the national security council was in touch today with the u.s. embassy in beirut after a shooting incident took place toward the compound this morning. reports indicate a lone gunman exchanged fire with lebanese
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security forces before he was wounded and taken into custody. one embassy security guard was injured in the attack. >> trey: gunman's motive remains unclear. investigating if he had ties to the islamic state as the u.s. state department says he appeared to be wearing a shirt with isis insignificant any i can't. bret? >> bret: trey yingst live in tel aviv. trey, thank you. up next, we will talk with south carolina republican senator tim scott about a host of issues, including his prospects to possibly be former president trump's running mate. later, historic spaceflight launches from florida. ♪ i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight.
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♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals ♪ >> bret: retired navy seal jim sheehy won the republican nomination. backing of former president trump and g.o.p. leaders. he will challenge jon tester in
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what is expected to be one of the most competitive races that could decide control of the chamber. ♪ >> i'm moving past republican obstruction and using executive authorities available to me as president to do what i can on my own to address the border. >> bipartisan senate legislation that would have fundamentally fixed our asylum system twice congress failed to pass that legislation. >> the republicans in congress got a call from donald trump don't do the deal and, again, i think this points to a significant contrast for the people in november. >> bret: well, that is the democrats' take on immigration now that president biden has launched this executive order about asylum rules and talking about immigration. that's how they will frame it. south carolina senator tim scott, is he here. is he considered one of the people on former president trump's list of possible running mates. he joins us tonight.
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senator, thanks for the time. >> good to be with you, bret. thanks so much. >> bret: you know, you listen to the president, the vice president, the secretary of homeland security how they are framing this. the executive order this week and also the past bipartisan negotiation on the border bill how do you respond to that. >> frankly bret, it's a political stunt in an election year. here's what we know without question. in the first 100 days of biden administration he had 90 executive orders that led to our border being insecure, unsafe. wide open. it's not about the 70,000 americans who have lost their lives to fentanyl that brought this to the case. it's not about the fact that we have seen more than 100,000 chinese nationals cross our southern border. it's about a political year stunt. it's not about the safety of the american people it's not about the fact that we probably have sleeper cells in our country. joe biden is lying about our border because the american people rate it as the number one
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issue facing our country today and instead of leading, joe biden wants to have a political year stunt. he doesn't want to close our border. he is not trying to pass law he is leaving our border wide open. this executive order would allow for millions of people to continue to cross our border illegally in the next 12 months. it's ridiculous. >> bret: you know, senator, and i hear that and i hear the pushback from you and other republicans, specifically on the data. but they are now framing this that there was a bipartisan deal. border patrol council represents 80,000 agents. not only move forward but you all turned your back on that. so, understanding where we are into framing an issue, how do you fight that? >> the american people have seen for the last three and a half years the largest invasion
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across our southern border led by joe biden's weakness on our southern border what we know without any question the american people rate this as their top issue because they have watched the invasion happen. they have watched schools close down so they could house illegal immigrants in those schools. they have watched crime go up. the new level of crime in our country has not been this high in my lifetime. they have watched neighborhoods disseminated because of illegal immigration and they, frankly, watched budgets go down while illegal immigration goes up at the expense of the american people. >> the issue sells itself. they don't need to do that. four more years of donald trump by firing joe biden. >> bret: i hear you. i'm not going to belabor. this but, on their pitch, it's the bipartisan deal that they said would have made it better.
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and the border patrol council and the agents said they would have taken that deal to try to at least incrementally get better border security. they are akin to taking a piece of what you want. you don't get everything you want. but you get it passed. for example, you had negotiations on police reform. >> i did. >> bret: in september of 2021. you had this statement saying after months of making progress, i'm deeply disappointed that democrats have once again squandered usual opportunity to implement meaningful reform. i offered to introduce a bill that included our areas of compromise. once again the left let their misguided idea of perfect let the idea of good impactful legislation. they would argue, senator, that that's the same thing happening with this bipartisan piece of legislation that was being negotiated on the border. >> bret, let me say in december when that issue was on the table. in the month of december we had 300,000 illegals immigrants cross our borders and the legislation that was being proposed would allow about 5,000
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per day half of a number is still about 1.6 million illegal immigrants crossing our border. that is not a solution. and, frankly, the number of exempted categories like unaccompanied minors being exempted, over 500,000 unaccompanied minors have made their way into our see, add back in the categories of illegal immigrants that are allowed to come in without any vetting that's why the number continues to grow even higher. what they are selling from the sticker so to speak is not exactly what's in the details. the details makes that number significantly joe biden come to auto microphone and to pretend to sell he knows it leaves it
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wide open you are saying bad bill and wasn't about donald trump calling and saying don't do it. we need the issue? >> we know one thing if border czar kamala harris says it's so. we know it's not. i didn't receive a phone call from anybody. i just used my common sense to realize the best thing to do is to close the southern border. what this administration has done, bret, is actually sell off the construction material to continue the wall. they are not concerned about closing the southern border. they are concerned about winning an election. that's wrong let me talk to you about another issue that democrats are clearly jumping on and trying to make it an issue for this election to come up and it happened today on a senate vote. >> today was not a show vote. this was a show you who you are vote. senate republicans showed the american people exactly who they are. >> there is no state in the union that is trying to ban
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contraception nor could they because constitutionally contraception is protected. >> bret: so, this vote, right to contraception act, failed in the senate today. had to get 60 to get past the procedural hurdle, 39 nays, you were one of the nays. >> yes. >> for folks -- why vote nay and explain how that is not a bad issue for republicans? >> yeah. this is just a shame that the democrats are willing to try to politicize whether or not women have access to contraception. bottom line they absolutely do that will continue. the question is why democrats continue to take the most extreme position on abortion in the country. all the senate democrats have voted not to talked about but vote. bird. the former virginia governor, democrat pediatrician has suggested even infanticide. i'm not making this up, bret.
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these are votes taken in our chamber. that tells me very clearly they are doing every single thing they can to hide from their own voting record this is an issue we should continue to push because this is an issue where the american people say, wait, abortion up until the day of birth? that's wrong. infanticide, allowing a child to be born and then letting it die? that's unamerican. and so. >> bret: chuck schumer thinks most democrats are in that space why does he do that on contraception. >> polls are clear they are losing this november election the day of reckoning november 5th of this year. they are doing anything they can to try to demonize the republicans as if we're going to do something as ridiculous as he suggests. he is just wrong. he knows it. the american people can see through it.
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and we'll continue to push the issues of the american people are focused on and give wide access to everything today is already available. >> bret: have you talked to the former president about a possible v.p. choice? >> the only thing i'm talking to the president trump about is how to make sure he gets four more years. so we have talked a lot about how we continue to reduce inflation so interest rates come down. we have talked a lot about making sure that the unemployment rates for asians and african-americans and hispanics and for women continue to reverberate as they did during his time in office. talking about the majority population having a 3.5% unemployment rate. we continue to talk about bringing more resources into the poorest communities through our joint work on opportunity zones. i talk a lot with president trump in this campaign but we keep the focus not on me, frankly not even on him, but on the american people where it
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belongs. >> bret: senator scott, we appreciate the time today. you're welcome back any time. >> thank you, bret. >> bret: up next, the successful launch for a new spaceship and, later, the panel on the hunter biden trial. new questions about his father's ability to fulfill his duties as president. ge days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at
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# lifted off florida space coast butch will more and sonny on board. >> now butch and sunny do what they do best. they're test pilots. and they are going to test this thing from izzarg to gizzard. nasa which depends on astronauts
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to shuttle to and from the international space station. keen on adding a second type of spacecraft that way if a safety concern grounds one fleet they can go to the other as the boeing star liner left earth, exceo elon musk posted on social media congratulations on a successful launch. >> we don't see it as a competition. we have got two providers going up to the international space station, and spacex is up there and we are up there now as well. >> before today, star liner faced many hurdles. engineers had to fix a weakness in the parachute system and remove a mile of insulation tape that posed a fire hazard. malfunctioning relief valve on the atlas rocket scrubbed the first attempt in may only to be followed by a second scrub on june 1st because of a faulty power unit on backup ground computer. just minutes before today's launch the astronauts praised the unity and purpose of everyone involved with the
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mission. >> each 6 you play. ing this nation's forefathers envisioned, a people committed to god, family, and country. people who use their gifts and talents for the common good. and are passionate and tough. >> star liner is scheduled to dock with the international space station just afternoon tomorrow. bret? >> bret: jonathan serrie at the kennedy space center, jonathan, thanks. up next, the panel on the hunter biden trial and new concerns over president biden's mental fitness. first, beyond our borders tonight. an italian court reconvicts amanda knox of slander. the verdict quashes her hope of removing a legal stain against her that has persisted after exoneration in the brutal 2007 murder of her british roommate while the two were exchange students in italy. it's the sixth time that an italian court ruled knox had wrongably blamed the killing on an innocent plan.
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the congolese owner of the bar where she worked part time. and this is a live look at seoul, south korea. courtesy of earth cam. one of the big stories there tonight. the u.s. flies a long range b 1 b bomber over the korean peninsula. part of the first precision guided bombing drill with south korea in seven years. the exercise comes as tensions are rising over the north's recent launches of rubbish carrying balloons towards south korea and other provocations. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here!
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pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. ♪ >> crack takes you into the darkest recesses of your soul, as well as the darkest corners of every community. >> this case is going to come down to is how do you analogize drug addiction which we don't have a long history in the united states of regulating. >> americans are many sympathetic to the bidens struggle with addiction. they don't think this will be much of a political issue for the campaign. they are worried about the human toll on this president going forward. >> bret: the hunter biden trial underway in delaware today. hunter biden's ex-wife testify she's learned of drug use after finding a crack pipe on the porch. hunter biden's ex-wife kathleen buel said during wednesday's testimony she discovered hunter
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biden was using drugs when they were married. buel said she found a broken pipe, white powder and white crystals in his car. she said from 2015 lend cars to daughters wanted to make sure they weren't driving with the drugs. what about this trial? bring in our panel fox news chief political analyst brit hume. morgan ortagus host of the morgan ataking gus show. and axios political reporter stef kight. what about that soundbite, brit, about the political implications of this trial as we look at it now? sound like the defense had a bad day today. if there may be a conviction as well there may be, i don't think it politically is going to be that serious of problem for this reason. countless american families have had wayward kids and you know the story of joe biden and his family. when he was in the senate, he used to take the train home from washington to delaware virtually
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every night to be with those boys when they were growing up. and so i think people will look upon this with some sympathy. now, obviously, it's embarrassing and painful for young hunter biden and for his family. but politically, i don't think it's -- i don't think it's a big -- it's going to be damaging to president trump -- i mean president trump if it hurts him at all. >> bret: stef, you agree? obviously the president has come out and been very empathetic to his son, talking about his love for his son. and there are a lot of people, including trey gowdy who say that the tax case is much stronger than this one. >> yeah. i mean, look, this is going to be a messy trial. and we know that president biden cares a lot about his family. he cares a lot about hunter and is he very emotionally invested in this trial and others. and so one of the questions here is how much of a distraction this becomes to the president. we know that we're going to ultimately see this being, you
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know, biden family talking both for the defense and for the prosecution. reported there in the courtroom for all of this. and this is, you know, this is still going to be a very emotional trial. very trying for the family. very trying for biden as he is trying to put up a solid few months of campaigning, as he is trying to go after former president trump and as he continues to struggle in the polls. so, whether or not this particular case will impact biden directly politically is still a question. it may not have much effect, but it is certainly going to have a toll on biden and his family emotionally. >> bret: yeah, morgan, there are elements of this though that have definitely played into politics in the past and could in the future. the infamous laptop was shown to the jury yesterday. anthey confirmed, the fbi agent confirmed that was, in fact, the laptop -- hunter biden's laptop. of course we remember that infamous exchange in a debate. take a listen. >> there are 50 former national
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intelligence folks who said that what this -- he is accusing me of a russian plant. they have said that this is -- has all the -- four-five former heads of the cia both parties, say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. nobody believes it except his and his good friend rudy giuliani. you. >> you mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia hoax? you got to be kidding. is this where you are going? this is where he is going. >> bret: think about that in context now and you look back to the "new york times" cover. this is in march of 2022, spies who lie. that listed all of the folks who signed that letter and now the prosecution, the u.s. government is saying this was not only legitimate, but it wasn't tampered with. >> yeah, every single person, every single national security official and former cia directors, et cetera, who signed that letter, they owe an apology
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to the american people. there is so much damage that has been done to the intelligence community by these former obama and biden appointees politicizing this case before an election. this is why people if you are the head of the cia and dni you probably shouldn't be commenting on the record and signing things about things that you don't have any active information on. not only was it wrong. listen, it was an untruth. maybe it was a lie. maybe the president didn't realize he was lying to the american people. but, ultimately. that is what happened in that debate. the president and every single person who signed that letter, not only owe an apology to the american people, but there needs to be a reckoning for what they have done to undermine the intelligence community, the fbi, the cia, to the american people. when you want to know why the american people don't have faith in institutions, it's because of leaders -- gutless leaders who get involved politically and do the things that they did.
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it's infuriating to me as somebody who spent almost 20 years in national security to see them do this. to see them undermine the profession. listen, i think when it goes to the bigger trial, you know at large. what i am more concerned about, and i think that this will bring the conversation into the general election as it should, we'll see what happens with this jury trial, bret. what i'm more concerned about is we still don't have a full accounting of the business dealings between hunter biden and china. members of the chinese communist party. ukraine, and if the president was involved at all. those are serious things that still need to be examined in my mind. >> bret: to that point, house republicans have criminal referrals now issued today against james, the president's brother and hunter biden about alleging false testimony. they want the doj to investigate that and move forward on that. brit, i want to turn to the reaction, to the "wall street journal" report that has kicked up all kinds of reaction on all
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the sides about the president's mental fitness. here's a couple of them. >> i want to congratulate the "wall street journal" for cracking the cold case that biden is old. i mean, breaking news. >> i am sort of actually embarrassed for the "wall street journal" with this piece. this piece is so tilted, so off the mark. is he 81 years old? yes. is he a bit slower in terms of his reactions to some things? probably. >> my response to the piece when i read it was now do donald trump. >> requirement not about age, it's about the capacity, the energy, the mental focus. >> the energy that is required to deliver. and our adversaries are sensing this as well. i think that's why you see vladimir putin testing us. you see hamas now continuing to hold on to hostages in the face of america trying to restrain israel.
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>> bret: brit, this was an article based on 45 people over several months interviews with them that essentially said the president is slipping. >> brit: yeah, bret, i think this age issue and the lack of mental sharpness that has become so evident to people is as close to insoluble political problem as i can think of. i mean, all this argument stemming from this article about whether is he sharp or not behind the scenes is -- comes down to whether you believe your eyes or your ears public. can you see it when he is public. it's pretty hard for people to believe in private he turns into superman. i just don't think that people will buy that he is too old and people know it. >> bret: we'll continue to follow. this panel, thank you as always. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute, commemorations for the 80th anniversary of d-day continue tuesday evening. powerful scene? normandy, tomb stones of more
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than 2100 personnel illuminated with candles as onlookers listen to a performance of amazing grace. ceremony featuring music from the pegasus memorial band and group of musicians from england. full coverage here on fox. we have a special delivery to tell you about as well. georgia lapointe meredith came into the world this afternoon just before 2:00 p.m. eastern time. daughter of mark meredith and wife lauren. their son tripp is promoted to big brother. everybody is doing great. congratulations. one viewer at a time. the demo is improving. there you go. tomorrow on "special report," fellow west point graduates congressman john james and pat ryan, talk about veterans issues and d-day the anniversary in our "common ground" segment. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight