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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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with candles as onlookers listen to a performance of amazing grace. ceremony featuring music from the pegasus memorial band and group of musicians from england. full coverage here on fox. we have a special delivery to tell you about as well. georgia lapointe meredith came into the world this afternoon just before 2:00 p.m. eastern time. daughter of mark meredith and wife lauren. their son tripp is promoted to big brother. everybody is doing great. congratulations. one viewer at a time. the demo is improving. there you go. tomorrow on "special report," fellow west point graduates congressman john james and pat ryan, talk about veterans issues and d-day the anniversary in our "common ground" segment. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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decline in biden's america. a pregnant woman brutally beaten by a mob. >> another lady came to me and dragged me through my hair. i start screaming. she starts pepper spraying me right in the face. >> laura: dumb criminals caught on camera. >> this is really, really dumb robbers right here. >> look holding the wall. >> it's mind boggling that just fire hydrant will be stolen. like out of all the things to steal. >> laura: plus, disney back with latest woke release. >> this is i would say arguably the gayest "star wars." [laughter] >> considerable margin. [laughter] >> are you excited about that? >> but. >> laura: but, first biden declines, america declines that's the focus of tonight's angle. joe biden is in france tonight for the 80th anniversary of d-day and whenever is he overseas, we, as americans, collectively admit it, hold our
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breath hoping that when he gives his speech on democracy, he doesn't embarrass by speaking like he does back home. >> fall, that fall he decided to -- look, i shouldn't get into this, probably. never forget america is the strongest when we lead not only by our example of our power but by the power of our example. you can clap for that. [applause] >> laura: but we can't want any of us, the visual of macron having to guide biden off the stage, which so many here have had to do. ♪ tear me apart ♪ and i don't care -- [god bless america] ♪
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>> laura: that tape on the ground like we had during covid. we were there five years ago for the 75th anniversary of the d-day landing. and i interviewed president trump after his whirlwind visit to london and before he would speak in normandy where his speech hit all the right notes. >> they battled not for control and domination, but for liberty, democracy and self-rule. they were sustained by the confidence that america can do anything because we are a noble nation with a virtuous people praying to a righteous god. >> laura: the man was then and is now a juggernaut. even if you don't agree with trump's policies, you cannot deny if you are honest, that even five years later, he has the energy of a man far younger. when president, trump regularly had meetings well into the night
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and on the weekends and in stark contrast to biden's schedule, of course, where he is well-known for calling it a day before midday. >> white house officials told us not to expect to see him the rest of the day. >> steve: the white house calling an early morning lid for the president. >> the white house has just called a lid, which means you will not see him later today. >> laura: yet, through it all, including a long media blackouts, the press remained in complicit silence, refusing to ask the obvious question: such as is joe biden really making important decisions? and, if he is not, who is? for a while now, polls have shown that americans are picking up on biden's mental and physical unraveling. in an online poll just today or yesterday by the national desk, that currently has over 15,000 votes shows that nearly 80% of americans say they're very concerned about biden's mental fitness. my goodness who are these 21% or. so they are either cognitively
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impaired themselves or dishonest leftist or do they simply not watch biden at all? >> the conduct of the resp response-in gaza -- in the gaza strip, has been, um, over the top. i think that -- as you know initially the president of mexico, cece is i sisi did not t to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the gate. >> laura: you routinely can't remember the names of our closest allies. slowly a few journalists felt compelled to do their jobs and press the issue. >> the president in public remarks mixed up the leaders of france, germany, and he referred to egypt as mexico. does the president have any memory problems? >> he does not.
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>> laura: and today the "wall street journal" finally published a piece we have all been waiting for, answering what's biden like behind closed doors? is he truly engaged in key decision making? and here's what they said. when president biden met with congressional leaders in the west wing in january to negotiate ukraine funding, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him. according to five people familiar with the meeting. he read from notes to make obvious points. he paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out. now, repeatedly biden seems to forget, also, his own administration's policies or, i don't know, maybe he never even knew them in the first place. in a february one-on-one chat in the oval office with house speaker mike johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study. well, it was a policy.
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johnson worried that the president's memory had slipped about the details of his own policy. and in the just released "time" interview, the president completely volume liberationed up some things. they did a rare fast check after the interview including biden's claim that he set up the quad himself or it's the quad lateral security dialogue but it was actually gun back in 2004 at the end of the bush administration my the japanese prime minister the white house kept close tabs it turns out on some of the "wall street journal's" interviews with democratic lawmakers. after the offices of several democrats shared with white house either recording of an interview or details about what was asked, some of those
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lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time and someone's again emphasized biden's strengths. they just, you know, said that i should give you a call back said gregory meek, new york democrat, referring to the white house. i bet. and, of course, right on cue, the democracy defenders over at mess nbc they moved in today to try to discredit a piece where 45 republicans and democrats were interviewed and the white house was given ample opportunity to respond. >> this does have the feeling of trump acolytes laundering their attacks through a represented tickle prestigious news organization the "wall street journal." >> spent time with biden and trump privately. if you want to -- talking about international affairs. if you want to talk about how to get bipartisan legislation joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> he literally goes around the globe in the situation room and points out the weaknesses and
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the strengths of the united states relationships with each and every country that he is talking about with no notes, with no notes. >> laura: wait, wait? he said biden with no notes? okay. my name is joe biden. now, if you call yourself a political analyst and are still blocking and tackling for biden, you should either join his campaign staff, make it official or step down. now, it's true that biden's obviously markedly worse though than he was back in 2020. >> this is part of a mandate given to us from the american people. they want us to cooperate in their interest -- i'm moving past republican obstruction and using executive authorities available to me as president to do what i can on my own. all men and women are created equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among them, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. >> all men and women are created
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equal, endowed by certain inalienable rights, et cetera. >> laura: but, to be perfectly candid here he wasn't in any great shape back in 2020 either as the angle chronicled at the time. >> it's unclear whether biden knew where he actually was. and these performances of biden, they don't exactly give voters confidence that he is ready to lead or can lead any longer. >> laura: but, to use biden's favorite crutch word, look, we don't have to prove that he is in severe cognitive decline. there's no question about that. it's beyond dispute. the burden is on them to show us this biden is actually capable of handling himself oin a wide ranging on camera serious interview shown live without edit. the most serious issue here is that it is obvious that key decisions regarding our nation's present and our future are being made by unelected officials. probably a combination of tony blinken, national security adviser jake sullivan, and chief
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of staff jeff sints, perhaps in coordination with schumer and hakeem jeffries. but none of these people are president, but they might as well be. the white house may be fooling some voters and have some press people snook erred here, but we know that he is not fooling president xi of china or putin of russia or any world leader for that matter. as we see from the journal piece top congressional leaders do, too. think of it this way. would any fortune 500 board of directors go to their shareholders and be able to credibly argue that joe biden right now is capable of being their ceo? of course not. but we're supposed to believe that joe biden is capable of leading the country or should be leading the country? now, if by some horrible turn he actually gets reelected, here here's my prediction, we are going to gradually see less and less of joe biden in public
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until he fades away completely. but, unfortunately for the rest of us, america would fade away at the same time. and that's the angle. joining me now is ari fleischer, former white house press secretary and fox news contributor, and ned ryun, founder and ceo of american majority. ari, now, obviously, all the time you spent in the white house, and all the pressures in the white house, morning, noon and night, your sense, given this journal piece and everything else we have seen in recent months, of joe biden's capabilities to handle this job? >> there should be no surprises or pushback against this "wall street journal" story. it's the obvious. all you need to do, laura, is play the tapes of joe biden when he was barack obama's vice president and compare them today it's unquestionable before our very eyes that the man is faltering, the man every time he speaks now. even when he is on teleprompter he chews his words.
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it's increasingly hard to understand what he is saying because he speaks with the addiction of an 80-year-old. it's so plain to see. is he has lost much of his game and sharpness. let me explain one other thing, lauren, this will take a second. when the white house staff hides him from going up the stairs to air force one because they are so worried about him spling o. falling, they have him go down the lower stairs on the lower level. here's what then happens. there is no elevator inside air force one. and your viewers should know. this instead what they make him do to avoid the camera, is they make him walk all the way to the tail end of a 747 where there is an inside set of stairs. then he climbs the exact same number of set stairs he would have if he had climbed outside and walks from the back of the plane to the front of the plane. so so to hide him they make an 81-year-old to walk the length of a 747 twice just so they can put him going up the stairs with nobody seeing him. of course this white house is hiding him. >> laura: attributer on msnbc
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says they should just unleash him. watch. >> this campaign has tried very much to kind of corral joe biden and keep him out of the public eye, not give him much interaction with journalists, maybe that's something that needs to change. when he is out performing and talking about policy and doing the kinds of policies and implementing them, actually, that seems to his benefit. more joe biden not less. maybe a strategy that helps him. >> laura: ned, more joe biden, they won't release the audio of that special prosecutor robert hur. >> right. >> laura: deal. they won't release that they won't release the full transcript or they had to finally "time" magazine but no audio of that either. >> no. i have to say really quick on this "wall street journal" behind closed doors biden shows signs of slipping. he shows it every day in public. i was looking for a why line from captain obvious. water is wet, sky is blue and biden is senile. biggest question in this laura is why now?
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why is the "wall street journal" actually writing this article, stating the obvious and feels like biden is trying to push biden off stage right. we need to figure out to switch and somebody new. i think it's too late. boxed themselves in the corner. part of it has been the obama-biden clinton, couldn't figure out who should we place him. now they have got situation where they have extremely weak president going into this fall election. i want to make this point. even if they were to replace biden, it's -- is he a terrible messenger. it's the policies would stay the same. you might change the messenger but the message remains. that messenger whoever it might be might be able to put together coherent sentences, democrats are committed to this dangerous and detrimental systematically destructive policies. >> laura: go to ari here that is a salient point. we have been chronically biden's decline since april of 2020 on the angle. before anyone was like -- like there is something going on here. something not right.
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you could see it happening. and it was pretty obvious. the press decided not to cover it or cover for him. but they are now suddenly the drum beat is beginning and to what end? if he doesn't perform extraordinarily well or well in this debate, what next? >> i have been saying for a long time that there is a slim chance i would give 25 to 33% that the super delegates rise up before the democratic convention and say we don't wants joe biden if they are convinced he is going to lead the party downs tubes and trump will win. there will be an uprising. they will want to replace him. biden is stubborn and say he is the only one beat trump i have done it before i will do it again. they may be stuck with him. but i don't rule out that there is going to be mounted effort by democrats particularly laura if in the one extemporaneous circumstance we all get to watch as citizens that first debate if biden flops. we will have to wait and see how he does. that will be all the marbles.
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>> this is why all trump needs to do is say why did you abandon the city? this is what i did. this is what you have created. why did you do this to america? not be baited by biden. biden is going to try to get under his skin and trump is like there you go again go to the shuffle board court. let's talk about kamala harris. ned, they have a real problem. they can't hopscotch over kamala i don't think she wants to be on the supreme court. burn sotomayor out. everyone has a theory that kamala harris wants to go on the supreme court. have they seem dlars she has no interest in being on the supreme court. she will be beyond ticked off if she gets jumped over for this. >> i think this is something that donald trump needs to really start making the argument for that god forbid somehow joe biden were to win re-election and we hope and pray that doesn't happen, is he not going another four years. you will have a president kamala harris because joe biden won't
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make it. he needs to start making that argument that it's not just about joe biden. it's about who might be his successor which would be even worse for the country if you could imagine that, laura would be even worse for the country like joe biden. >> laura: like wizard of oz, she is worse than the other one. ari and ned, great to see you both. another explosive day at hunter biden's trial that may be the least of his problems. a big development and we're on it, next. ♪
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>> laura: a biden, a stripper and couple crack pipes. day three of hunter biden's gun charges things have gotten sleazier the testimony of an fbi agent confirmed that the laptop from hell was not tampered with, thank you very much. so it wasn't disinformation as some on the left had claimed. then, hunter's ex-wife and later his stripper ex-girlfriend took the stand shedding light on the first son's drug use. kathleen buhle was married to hunter for 20 years and she says that she became suspicious when he was kicked out of the navy for testing positive for cocaine. okay. well, she first found a crack pipe at their home back in 2015. and for four years after that, she would search their cars often for drugs, finding white powder and white crystals.
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hunter's ex-girlfriend zoey committees ton testified that during a trip in 2018 he was smoking crack hunter's drug add. we all knew about that. the biggest bombshell came from the store employee believed to have sold him the gun that year. he testified that he personally saw hunter answer no to the question on the form about whether he was a drug user this form will be central to proving the prosecution's case. you know things aren't going well for hunter when cnn isn't even buying the defense's line. >> as a practitioner in federal and state court on the defense side and we look there. are you an unlawful user or addicted to marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug or any other controlled substance it does not reference the specific day at issue. and i think that's what prosecutors will do. they will take the broader view with respect to his addiction, which is what they are laying out. >> laura: why hunter didn't
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settle or try to salvage a plea keel in this case remains an open and very curious question hunter may be getting slapped with more charges and bringing his uncle along for the ride. house republicans are now sending criminal referrals to the doj for hunter and joe's bro james biden. they're accuses the duo of making false statements to congress that implicate joe biden's knowledge and role in his family's influence peddling schemes. and appear to be caulked as an effort to shield joe biden from a congressional impeachment inquiry. joining us now is house oversight committee chair james comer. congressman, what are you exactly for the viewers, accusing hunter and james biden of lying about? hunter biden committed perjury he lied. in referrals we backed them up with 60 pages of hard evidence. if you look at the statements from hunter biden's lawyer and
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democrats in congress. no one is disputing that they lied. so lying to congress is very serious. what hunter biden lied about, number one, he lied that he had any association with one of his llcs called rosemont seneca bohai. this is the company most of ukrainian money flowed through and kazakhstan money flowed through he got the brand new porch all while joe biden was president. whatsapp message he got from zowl. he said it was know zowl. there was evidence that we submitted that that showed this text message went on for a long period of time and the next day he quote $100,000 wire and a few days later. message my father is sitting beside me when he was extorting the money from the chinese national. why would hunter biden lie about that, laura? because he was protecting joe biden. joe biden was the central figure in the family's influence peddling ring. we got jim biden for lying about his meeting with tony
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bobulinski. he said under oath he never met with bobulinski. well, bobulinski said under oath that they did meet and he provided text messages to prove they met and then hunter biden testified under oath met with joe biden. so we have got jim biden and hunter biden for lying in both instances they lied to protect joe biden the big guy. lawyer on cnn they gave a little disclaimer when talking about the criminal referral, watch. this it's important to point out that the republicans have yet to prove that joe biden acted corruptly or did any sort of quid pro quo with his son involving business dealings or personally enriched himself in any way. republicans have been trying to make that case for months. really since the beginning of this congress and in the fall when they formally launched this impeachment inquiry. this has not yet moved ahead. >> laura: congressman, again, there is not a check in the hands of joe biden himself that
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indicates he got money from these chinese deals. that's apparently their argument. >> that's not true. he got money, he got $40,000 from jim biden that was directly traced to the china influence peddling scheme which was 10% ironically of what the fees were. >> laura: for the big guy. >> right for the big guy. $200,000 directly linked from an influence peddling scheme with americorps health which was a scam led by jim biden. we found a quarter of a million dollars that joe biden got from the family influence peddling scheme. he also, joe biden, lied to the american people when he said he never met with any of his people. we have proven that he met with just about every single one of them. >> laura: the four seasons meeting. it's just embarrassing. congressman, thank you for joining us tonight. all right. are biden's foreign policy blunders about to get america into world war iii? disturbing new information, next.
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>> laura: all right. what's worse than a president who can't remember basic facts without a note card? well, that same president leading us in war time. and it looks increasingly like the same incompetence who couldn't evacuate troops from afghanistan want america directly at war with russia. according to the telegraph, nato is developing multiple land corridors to rush u.s. troops and armor to -- in the event of a major european ground war with russia. american soldiers would land at one of the five ports and be channeled along preplanned logistical routes to confront a possible moscow attack. joining me now is retired u.s. army lt. colonel daniel davis host of daniel davis deep dive. colonel, i think all americans need to be asking themselves
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tonight this question: as we head into the election, are you willing to send your sons, and your daughters to fight on the front lines against russia? because that looks like this is what these people want. >> it does the it mystifies why anybody would be thinking about. taking any action in any way that would move us closer to that. yet, you see it happening on almost a daily basis right now. look, i don't know if you have been aware. just hours ago, vladimir putin came on and said, listen, you are using american weapons to funnel through ukraine to attack our soil. we will do the same thing. we will use our weapons to your enemies and they can attack you on your soil or on your interest somewhere in the world. no reason to think he is bluffing on that. why would we want to find out? >> laura: i think we have the video. i want to play this comment from antony blinken. now, he made this comment about five days ago. so and it began trickling out in the "new york times" about u.s.
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weapons being used to bomb inside russia. this is a change in u.s. policy. watch. >> over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us. and asked for the authorization to use weapons that we're providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president and as you have heard he has approved the use of our weapons for that purpose. >> laura: first of all, did biden sign that with a purple crayon? first of all, biden doesn't know what he is doing. second of all, how big of a uptick in u.s. response to russia is that for people watching tonight? >> laura, i cannot tell you what a horrible idea this is. there is no upside and there is potentially huge downside for the united states. but, let me tell you what has been happening there. ukraine side has been using their weapons to attack the russian side for the better part
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of two years. they have been doing this long time. even deep into rickenbacker. -- russia.that's how war works. what isn't the same if it's american weapons, especiallily enabled by american capability, intelligence, or even personnel in some much these sophisticated cases striking in russia that's different. that's what the administration now has authorized. there is no upside to this. it won't change the war it. won't help ukraine win. but it could, as you see, draw us into the war. it's insane. >> laura: meanwhile we keep making china rich with massive trade deficit and china is the enabler of russia with all the money that china is pouring into russia. so, and then we are fighting russia after enabling -- i mean, the whole thing makes no sense. the entire circle of this is totally insane. it's only the possibility of thermonuclear war no big deal. thank you. crime in america. i know we have talked about it before. but now shoppers are being
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forced to take matters into their own hands. yeah, that's next. ♪
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>> laura: will will all the dogs do? even fire hydrants aren't safe in biden's america. it's mind boggling that just a
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fire hydrant would be stolen. like all the things they steal they backed the truck into because they couldn't lift it off. this one on the video, they actually just lifted it off. >> laura: fire hydrants sold for scrap. ice cream locked up in cvs. lego stores ransacked. so thieves can make big money reselling the popular toy. and then the violence. >> altercation between two parties that started in the street led to a 16-year-old male being stabbed in the chest. >> a day after a 12-year-old girl was shot and two others injured, police remain on the scene. >> a man murdered on this street in tacoma, stabbed over and over again. >> laura: now, police will r. doing their best but we live in a country where the criminals are empowered, they are bold. young kids see that and makes them think it's okay. savagely beat a woman until she loses her unborn child. >> another lady came to me and
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dragged me through my hair with my hair on the ground. i start screaming. she started pepper spraying me right in the face. >> tina was pulled from her scalp. nina captured this photo of the hair in her land. she lost the baby she was carrying. >> we believe in faith and it wasn't meant to be. we don't know why this happened to us. >> laura: now, the gang fled, but chicago police were able to catch two of them. a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. charging them both with misdemeanor battery. joining me now is john cat zarha, presidential of the chicago order of police. the victims said they weren't robbed what's the point of these attacks. >> first it's thrill. it's ludicrous, they keep trying
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to pitch this city is safer. doesn't feel safer to anybody. neighborhoods within this city crime is happening at record rates. that's just a simple fact. and you can't get away from that number. no matter how much they say about murders being down. robberies. >> laura: seems to be a desensitizing of young people to violence to suffering across the board. almost like it's always payback to the victim, even the victims that they don't know, never met them before. and that's a change in america. i mean, we have seen this over the last, you know, several years, really heightened after the floyd riots when those were tolerated. do you agree that was a bit of an inflection point, especially for young people in what they saw tolerated? >> it was but i think the young generation is so lost in their cell phones and not developing relationships on a personal level as they grow up, whether it's as toddlers, teenagers or
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even young adults, that also leads to this whole thing, too. everything is almost like this fantasy world that there is no consequences, there is no real death. but, you know, reality says quite otherwise. >> laura: john, i have been urging the trump campaign to make a stop in chicago and i know you are not a political pundit. but, to me it seems like there just needs to be more voices, more messages of common sense, safety first, obviously freedom paramount but safety for individuals i think republicans people with common sense solutions. you don't have to live this way. but if you keep voting for the same people. you are going to live this way. this will be your life. and it won't be the life you hope for for your kids. >> and it's a big snow job. you know, you talk about keep voting for the same people. the same people every four years sell a bag of bologna to people telling them how they are going to create change.
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they get reelected, nothing changes. four years later they're coming and telling them yet again how they are going to create change for their neighborhoods. nothing ever changes. it just doesn't. thankfully, in chicago, we will be finally rid of the kim foxx crime experience and have a new states attorney coming n november to start 2025 off on the right foot which will be a vast improvement in criminal accountability. >> laura: she was an absolute disaster. john, thank you so much. now, shoppers in tennessee. >> welcome to biden's america. >> laura: shoppers in tennessee had to take justice into their own hands. fox news national correspondent kevin corke is here with all the details. kevin? >> good evening, laura. shoppers at nashville, tennessee outlet store actually tried to keep a group of alleged burglars locked inside of a store until police arrived. i said tried. this actually all happened saturday afternoon when a group of four alleged burglars made their way inside of a perfume mania store. now, workers luckily ran out of the store once they saw the
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crooks and then managed to lock both the front and back doors. >> these robbers are stuck inside the store. they are stuck. they are really dumb, dumb robbers right here. >> hole in the wall. >> >> oh, but metro nashville police arrived about 30 minutes later. unfortunately by the time they got there witnesses say the suspects had broken through the back door and escaped the store. now, this is a statement from the nashville metro ph.d. they said in part, quote: south precinct detectives are continuing to investigate saturday afternoon's attempted shoplifting at perfume mania. the tang gear outlets. they go on to say the suspects were able to leave through the back door, but: dropped all of the merchandise in order to exit empty-handed. hown that? now in another video a group of three people wearing the exact same colored hoodies caught on
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traffic camera appear to run before driving off. this time laura they drove off but they did so empty-handed. >> laura: kevin, people are just fed up. >> yeah, they are. >> laura: this is what we are expect is going to happen. kevin, wonderful to see you. thank you so much. >> you too. >> laura: kamala brings comic styling to late night and well no one is laughing. meanwhile the latest "star wars" is flying its colors. scene soon and unseen is raymond arroyo is next. ♪
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the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk.
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when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.
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it is time for a scene and on the scene where we expose a cultural stories of the day and return it to your fox news contributor. i had, this was his last formal event yesterday. [ applause ] >> she's going that way i'm going this way.
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>> he always needs a traffic cop. archer decided all times. and today he'll had one event, getting off the plane in france. he's there for a dd, the d. maybe for dementia. not to worry, vice president kamala harris is holding down the reelection campaign. she is spreading joy and cheer on late night. she is a barrel of fun. >> i want to start with a reproductive rights. >> that's where the people come in with your right to then elect the people in the united states congress who will fight to protect your freedoms. >> donald trump has made it a pretty plain he is planning to go after his enemies or whatever you want to call them, who -- should he be reelected? >> your right to bring this up,'s been very clear, he intends to weapon eyes the department of justice against his political enemies. >> laura: so funny, i thought
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that was supposed to be entertaining, weapon eyes sa saying... >> a weapon isaac the department of justice? -- weapon rising? he sends all of these pro-life activists in jail for years because he's outside of the clinic, trauma has been brought forward on these classified document charges are not filing against the president because he cannot remember head. who is weaponizing what? and since when is abortion a fund topic for late-night? >> laura: that's all they have. if every woman in mississippi cannot get a late term abortion they want to turn this into the end of times. that is all they have a. >> if he did not enjoy the vp on jimmy kimmel perhaps he would like at the latest offering on tlc, alec baldwin and his family are targeting the duck dynasty club it with a show shooting for a full release. >> we are inviting you into our home, the ups and downs, the
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good and the bad. home is a place we love to be most. >> tlc! >> can you imagine this laura? they are releasing this thing after his trial for mansl manslaughter. what's next, of the manson family fund? i don't know where you go from here. it's a matchup of -- needs gunsmoke. i don't think it will end well. >> laura: he does have the tendency of really losing his cool in public. a fake gets interesting that way may be out will watch it there is an attempt to humanize alec baldwin after these years, maybe he is warm and fuzzy and has to be a family and that's what he's trying. look at kardashians! >> i think it's an attempt to grab some cash on the way to the jail house, will be 90 day daddy
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because he'll be in the coin. and disney plus, the launching a new star wars series -- >> laura: of course they are. >> and appears to be a galaxy far, for anti-gay. here's the lead in the creator discussing the shows. >> i would say this is arguably the gayest star wars. [ laughter ] >> are you excited about that? >> it is a be a talking point. soon i think star wars is so gay already. [ laughter ] look how gay this is, then sent her to the reference photo. >> you can tell me with a straight face seep video is straight? this is more -- soon i think r2-d2 is a lesbian. >> laura: oh, my god... >> is so simple. robots don't have sexual organs or desires. they don't have sexuality. they are robots.
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george lucas was just a kaun and he said that the star wars, the entire world was created for children. why are we laying over all of these sexual agendas on a space opera for kids? leave it alone. on a solo and julie were not having a side affair and leave it all alone! and that is have this sweet memories we had as children. >> laura: cp three oh, what are we seeing here, seeing three -- [ laughter ] what else? >> finally i wanted to share something uplifting with our audience, something from normandy. we're there on the 75th anniversary, now is the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion. this is nine -- 99-year-old world war ii vets, don graves, kicking off the celebration in france. watch. [ singing ]
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♪ america, my home. ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> laura: i'm going to cry. >> so beautiful. it was so beautiful seeing all of the people come out form of these villages that were liberated 80 years ago to think the 82nd airborne and the last remaining vets, the -- the estimated there's about 200 of them who can make it to this year's celebration. for all likelihood will be the last commemoration of this kind of for these veterans. god bless them all. >> laura: the answer to the call and some of them did not have to be called, they just went and they knew they would not come home and they went anyway and there was no debate about whether america was where the saving and here was worth saving. thank you for that, thank you for making me on this crown camera. that's it for tonight! >> jesse: welcome to


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