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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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♪ america, my home. ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> laura: i'm going to cry. >> so beautiful. it was so beautiful seeing all of the people come out form of these villages that were liberated 80 years ago to think the 82nd airborne and the last remaining vets, the -- the estimated there's about 200 of them who can make it to this year's celebration. for all likelihood will be the last commemoration of this kind of for these veterans. god bless them all. >> laura: the answer to the call and some of them did not have to be called, they just went and they knew they would not come home and they went anyway and there was no debate about whether america was where the saving and here was worth saving. thank you for that, thank you for making me on this crown camera. that's it for tonight!
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>> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight... >> i would vote for a head in a blue liquid over donald trump tomic it's a moot point. he will [ bleep ] when cedar joe biden fighting father time. >> is a laptop yours? >> i don't know. i truly do not know the answers to the hunters ex-wife takes the stand. >> our goal is to drive people who seek and need humanitarian relief in to the lawful, safe and orderly pathways. >> jesse: the white house change cheat for illegals? plus... >> get off my plane. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news alert, breaking the details on donald trump's search for up vice
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president. reporters out tonight, that say the trump campaign has begun the process of formally requesting information from a small group of potential running mates. the vetting, the potential candidates are, north dakota governor doug brigham, florida senator marco rubio, in ohio senator jd vance. other people are still likely being considered, about this initial outreach suggests these men on the top of donald trump's list? other potential running amazing tim scott have been vetted but not to the level of a doug brigham, marco rubio and jd vance. trump is going to make his announcement close to the republican national convention in july. geopolitical anger and editor of the special report about bear joins me now. brett, this movement israel, apparently the trump people were really impressed by how he went
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to the courthouse to defended the president, what are you hearing? >> a yes just a good evening, the brigham movement israel, paperwork is being sent. your right to point to this top three, it's definitely under consideration for vice president. but sources are telling us that list is a little longer than that, we are in a different phase now, the serious vetting but it also includes arkansas senator tom cotton, include south carolina senator tim scott, near congresswoman, and florida congresswoman brian donaldson and former presidential candidate and former secretary doctor ben carson. so the list is a bit longer than just the three, but they are narrowing it down. to your point i don't think this will finish up until right before even at the convention according to sources we talked to. >> jesse: always drama when we come to these things. rubio brett, i mean i thought he
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was a resident of florida? is not a constitutional issue? >> it is, you don't want to lose florida and technically you would -- one of them would have to move out. >> jesse: i don't think it's trump. [ laughter ] >> i don't think so. seed have to change that, it would be something that they would agree to but clearly to get on that ticket, not only rubio but a barn donald have to do that as well. >> jesse: what a see the advantages i looked orderly for each of these top three candidates? >> let's say you are looking at brigham, a businessman, very successful, a governor, he is well-versed in energy issues and the presidents has a lot of fondness for him. rubio is a lot of international experience, he is hispanic, he has run for president and vance
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has a particular relationship with the president. regionally he does not need vans in ohio, pretty solid red state but it does fit his loyalty and is somebody he could see working with. there is others on that list and i would just be careful to limited to those three because as we have seen with the former president, that is a lot of intrigue and possibilities that pop up. >> jesse: and it's also personal chemistry, we know how much personal chemistry means to the president. what about robert a sandys, that name is not on there. when johnny goes out and injurious people at people still his name. is that out, is that a crazy option? >> i think it is on the list that i've talked to several people as of tonight, the list i just gave you including the three you started with is where their headspace is. as far as turning over paper.
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i know governor desantis is working hard to fund raise for the former president and they have mended ways and the pri primary. >> jesse: a lot of mending needing to be down but it's been a good road apparently. how important is this pick? this is a four your deal. there is no more trump after four years. whoever he is choosing gives him a huge on-ramp to run for president, after that that person could start running for president of trump is reelected and after the inauguration start getting feelers out. what is not going to look like? >> i argue this is a very important to pick. at most times it's not, i think this time it's sending at signal of stability to republican voters, you want to be able to say, we as a ticket are going to run and then the future of the republic and parties likely this person that you choose be -- because as you note to, that be the way forward. but it is donald trump that is running this whole thing and he
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doesn't i think, he's talked about it is openly, does not think the vp choices that big. i would get's a bit bigger this time in the circumstance especially considering what we just saw in manhattan. >> jesse: no woman there. that could change. >> stefano. >> judge jeanine: on the top tear with i could change thank you for joining 'jesse watters primetime'. >> you bet. >> jesse: when your president, ages just a number. every morning at five, john quincy adams for an hours dominate get and the potomac. teddy roosevelt boxed with staffers, one right hook from the military aid left him partially blind. ronald reagan it rode a horse back at the ranch, clear brush with the chainsaw. clinton and bush jogged around town in short shorts. when joe biden ran for president, he said he had a never stop running. >> some people are always in a hurry... they run when they can walk?
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race up steps when editors take it slow. when joe biden's president, in america is just going to have to keep up. >> jesse: but biden is the one having trouble keeping up and behind the scenes, it's even worse than it looks. you bombshell will street journal reported, 45 sources, republican and democrats, all people spending hours and hours inside behind closed doors with the president say he is not the same person. 's memory is slipping. he mumbles so much that people sitting right next to him have trouble hearing him. he relies on his note cards to make obvious points. pauses for extended periods. and sometimes closes his eyes for so long that people in the room wonder whether he had tuned out. you could not be there and not feel uncomfortable is that what insider told the journal. the president moved so slowly around his cabinet room, that
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sometimes it would take ten minutes just for a meeting to start. and when a data, biden would not even know when he was negotiating the. former speaker kevin mccarthy told the journal, he kept going to back to, and would be shocked when he would be told to know mr. president, we talked about that meetings ago. we're done with that. this report knocking off socks is morning. that see how biden's favorite show is taking it. >> ever spent time with every house speaker over the past 30 years and joe biden, whom i just -- it's just not close. if you're talking but international affairs, if you wanted to go to bipartisan legislation, joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> jesse: it's not just the journal, time magazine interview joe biden and stepfather time has caught up to him. >> president biden brushing off any concerns about his age, did
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he seem to you? >> i mean he appears very much as he appears on tv, he is older than when you started in office, side-by-side on the tape. >> jesse: time magazine spent half an hour with the president, they say his stiff gate, muffled voice and syntax started the context with the intense figure that served as senator and vice president. when time magazine asks him whether he could so do the job biden challenge the reported to a fight. saying i can do it better than anybody you know. you are looking at me, i can take you to. biden flu to france this morning for the d-day anniversary, called the lid before he got off the flame different plane. if you're undecided, this ways on you, watch what happens when mpr sat down with swing voters. >> let's start with president biden. first word or phrase it comes to mind when you hear president
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biden? gentlemen what's yours? >> struggling. >> a set? >> concerned. >> rob? >> senile. >> patriotic soon i'll say senile to. >> old. >> jesse: hosted of the adjectives of the campaign, loses in a landside. democrat is to whisper about biden now they're dropping f. bombs. >> i cannot say enough, i would've voted for his head in a jar of blue liquid over donald trump but that does not mean that i'm not -- first of all, i think it's a moot point at this point. is going to win this? student biden? >> yes! >> jesse: after the conviction biden went down to auto points in the polls, the vertigo fired at the campaign hasn't had a single ad calling to trump a convicted felon.
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the running to this sorry out and started, watch soon it does not make for good headlines, there's no scandal, no conflict say probably haven't heard about it the biden administration's work to lower costs, if you don't know about it, join the club. it's all with the nooses covering these days to treat won't want. if that doesn't work, it's back to the original plan b. sources tell dana perino after the wall street journal reported, there's rumblings of replacing joe biden on the top of the ticket. with commonly here is. democrats are telling themselves that kamala is her secret weapon this election -- let's see how mammala is doing. >> are you aware that as strain of cannabis called after you, kamala kush? >> souci? i did not know that. >> they did not ascend you any? have you ever been bitten by the
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president's dog? [ laughter ] who curses more, you or joe biden? [ laughter ] >> that's one of the national secrets suited democrats are back to square one exactly where they were a year ago, biden's old, so it's time for mammala. maybe joe should so make it in the potomac like adams. fox news contributor and former presidential cabinet member joins me now. so everybody says biden behind the scenes when he's not being produced is even worse than what we see on camera. >> jesse, you know i think that is always a concern about what people are saying but i think there is a disconnect as that act that you are running clearly shows there is a reality that lives within and those who talk about politics as though it is a game, are you on this team or that team, what are those who are showing concern are people who actually live in the real world. people who are understanding the
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consequences of joe biden's policies, the real world is a -- world they live in where they have to worry about whether or not to their paycheck will go as far as it used to, can they afford rent? and therefore their mortgage? groceries are costing more and more money, maybe there k. got sick and they don't know how they will afford that hospital bill. we look at foreign policy under the biden administration, they see how president biden is literally playing chicken with nuclear war with russia, wedding is closer to the prospect of direct conflict with both russia and china, families and families wondering, hey, are my brothers and sisters in a uniform going to be the next part of that high body count that will certainly come as a result? this reality that people are you seeing that has come as a consequence of president biden and his administration's policies negatively harder to ignore as they approach the decision at the ballot box. >> jesse: you heard that appears swing stated voters, it
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wasn't just one, it was begot two senile and when you say senile it takes an an upper-level entity connected to the policy. somebody can be old to they can keep policy. if you are senile, you cannot execute a policy and that speaks to the danger of the biden foreign policy, it speaks to the danger of his border policy, the danger of his fiscal policy, inflation is nuts. and if voters can connect these senility to the crazy policies, that is just deadly for a presidential campaign. >> it is because as a biden administration again showed in that odd, they think they have a messaging a problem, that somehow their beautiful stories not being told by they are actually lying to the american people about their story, they reality that we are living in this country is what we know to be true regardless of whatever lies they may be pushing to their friends in the propaganda
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media and that reality is very serious one that has to do with our economy, or well-being, our livelihood and most importantly our ability to live in peace and on how the prospect of war destroying us as a country or nuclear armageddon which is where biden has put as as a country, closer to that potential and possibility. >> jesse: the audit was crazy, he has democrats arresting donald trump and he's complaining about him not getting enough news coverage for bidenomics? that is -- it makes no sense. >> exactly, it's completely out of touch with reality. they think you bring up how biden has weapon as the department of justice and undermining the rule of law, tuna taken his plug opponent but we also seen the noon news this week because they are also targeting the peaceful pro-life protesters, literally locking of a grandmother who is in her upper seventies for years in
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jail. for being a peaceful pro-life protesters at an abortion clinic. there's a lot of americans being targeted by this administration granada seeing their names and their stories in the news but this is the new norm that we can expect andrey a biden harris administration or even if they take biden out and put in hear is guy we will see the destruction of our democracy and an escalation portion is closer and closer towards those truly banana republic they are creating for us. >> jesse: at harris administration, on riemann if i can say that on television. [ laughter ] i might have to leave it. thank you so much. >> thank you jesse. [ ♪♪ ] speedy fox news alert kind of the case against trump in georgia has been suspended indefinitely. the georgia court of appeals is pumping the brakes on trump selection interference case until they figure out if andy willis affair with loverboy is disqualifying. this decision of -- guarantees
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that the case want to be heard until after the election, that is not the only case on life support, afforded documents case probably being put on ice, later this month, judge eileen canada, will hear arguments about whether jack smith's appointment is even legal. the supreme court will also likely delay the january 6th case, the only toward richard crouse going forward before the election? hunter biden's. [ ♪♪ ] the illegal alien cheat sheet, hunter biden and [ bleep ] for 20 and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant,
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[ ♪♪ ] speedy fox news alert, will hunter biden's gun case continues to play or to the first families legal troubles are just beginning to.
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has committees referring to hunter and james bond into the department of justice for lying to congress under oath. the referrals as hunter light about joe's involvement into the biden's family schemes among other things and james biden lied about joe not needing a number of hunters associates. speaker meg johnston is going on with the attorney general to a act. >> these are clear violations of federal law and it's an opportunity for merrick garland, the attorney general to prove if you want to demonstrate to this knotted two tiered system of justice, they have to use the mechanisms, the appropriate steps the department of justice should take and cases like this. >> jesse: hunter biden's worst nightmare came true today. his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend and gun dealer, all testified under oath. while his wife and stepmom watched. david was in the courtroom today, what happened? >> jesse, busy day in the
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courtroom. prosecutors shockingly at the end of the days of that tomorrow they might actually wrap up the case but sadly have six witnesses left so it is not clear how they will fit six witnesses in. as you mentioned there were five for witnesses, twahtwah of them hunter biden's exes, ex-wife kathleen buhle and his ex-girlfriend, also took the stand. this was a busy day, kathleen buhle side of the couple divorced after she found multiple crack pipes around hunter and found them in a car as she owned. she said she was worried and scared for him and for their three children whom she sought to protect its. jurors were animated and played close attention when she spoke, she said she continually checked his cars from 2015 -20 19 but not know the precise day street search and never saw him do drugs in prison. she did not know much about his business when asked, at the same business congress has been investigating. also zoe, of former strippers
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that spend weeks and hunt -- with hunter in various hotels including la high-end château marmont in 2018, same year he allegedly lied on a federal gun form saying he was on a user or addicted to illegal drugs. she testified under immunity saying from their first meeting at the strip glow he was a crack cocaine user using roughly every 20 minutes at times, she said he did want to get clean though he did not under her watch when she was hanging out with him. she said hunter gave her a coated context of her code that was good for five minutes at a time at atms so she could withdraw large sums of cash. she said she did the same with the drug dealers and recall the time 100 said he could be sober but he will always be an addict. now the story employee that sold hunter the handgun in 2018 here in wilmington, delaware, so that hunter came witch of the store looking for a gun, contradicting what hunters attorneys at earlier this week claiming he was at nearby cell phone store and casually walked into the gun store and felt some pressure to
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buy the gun? gordon mcclelland, also testified, he's a hunter biden check know on the box on the federal gone form which is really the center of this entire case. >> jesse: so you were in the courtroom, and hunter is in the same room has his wife, his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend and his mom and his sister. how awkward was that? >> yeah, it was definitely a unique situation, ashley wyden was not a very, at his sister but she has been there the past couple of days. notably the first lady has been there every single day, is at about 10 feet behind her on a diagonal second to the side of her face as she was watching and she seemed a sad and troubled, she was still what, she is watching her -- his current wife also did the same, not reacting, kind of being commuted as some of these images are being shown
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on the evidence chart. pages that hunter with his shirt off,, pipes, text messages, it was an awkward situation. we don't think the first lady will be there the rest of this week because she is due in france tomorrow to commemorate the anniversary of d-day with the president. >> jesse: did hunter good knowledge that self-described weed slut 420, drinking crack, drinking booze, was good? >> what time she did raise his hand and chanted and if i hunter biden and the prosecution said, are below tripped and is that we know the defendant is that the defense table and hunter just kind of went like this and raised his hand briefly and i was pretty much it. he looked of the first lady, smiled at her during the break,
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several times. >> jesse: intense room. and understatement. thank you so much. a former federal prosecutor, houses case shaping up? 's is going to be not guilty? >> no. look, the only way to go to be which is the defense strategies during -- which is equally unlawful and unethical defense to propose and also the judge will likely instruct the jury that nullification is an inappropriate way to arrive at their verdict -- >> jesse: what is that mean, tell the audience. >> assured, nullification is one of the jurors are convinced or beyond a reasonable doubt what it because they feel sorry for the defendant or they don't like the prosecution team that of the quit anyways. is no legal basis for the not guilty verdict, it's just the jury nullifies all of the
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evidence. it's completely inappropriate, unethical and unlawful. the evidence thus far has been absolutely overwhelming against -- i have never prosecuted a defendant where the actual book about a criminal behavior and it was a stroke of genius. this is all about exes and experts, of this so far. to not only provided the experts from a hundred biden's book or he is admitting to his addiction and his use of illegal narcotics but then to play his audiobook which is narrated by none other than hunter biden. 's they got to hear the admissions and hunter's voice back great stroke by the prosecution team. >> jesse: do you think hunter will take the standard? >> i can imagine he would've. so much impeachable evidence you would have to admit to. -- cans imagine. the laptop was always real, he always knew it, regardless of what he said. we all knew it didn't have the
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hallmarks of russian disinformation, this was hunters laptop all along and he had to admit to all of those things so zero chance he takes a stand. >> jesse: thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: we got our hands on the illegal annually and that she cheated, that is next. [ ♪♪ ] be minimiz ed or forgotten. (♪) when medicine gets better, all of us can get better.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: migrant crossings not slowing down and why were they? hunter biden -- underbite or an illegal immigrations has become a multibillion dollar industry and the cartels a caching and. national correspondent bill with more. >> jesse, the cartel and smugglers have been making billions of dollars throughout his border crazes and they don't care what happens to their clientele as long as i get paid. take a look at this video, troopers chasing a human smuggler in webb county, texas, as that smuggler is fleeing high speed pursuit some of the
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illegal immigrant started bailing out of the vehicle, some falling and hitting the road as he keeps going is -- eventually the smuggler bails out and goes running into a neighborhood area. everybody who bailed out including migrants ended up getting away after wanting through those neighborhoods, dealing with this daily. take a look at the second video, also pursuing another human smuggler this time and of the delrio sector, this time that smuggler drove through a gate at the air force base, going into that military base, national security concerns there. blasts through another fence and avails out of the vehicle. the smuggler ended up getting away while two others were apprehended by texas dps. here in san diego, at bunch of men from the middle east who crossed illegally told us they don't care what breaking the law. take a lesson. >> jordan? why did you come to -- egypt. g. come to america? >> for a job.
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>> job? you know is illegal to cross the border like this right? >> yeah. >> you okay? >> yes. >> where are you from. >> egypt soon türkiye. >> all türkiye? where are you from? >> egypt. >> egypt. >> and this is the first day that president biden's executive order has gone into effect here at the border, blocking asylum for illegal crossers. he can see behind me we have a mass illegal crossing, does not appear these migrants are too afraid of that new executive order. back to you. >> jesse: joe biden says his immigration executive order would crack down on illegals entering the country, what he lied. hours before -- after biden side of the order, leaked e-mails obtained by the new york post revealed a real plan, have ice asians coaching the migrants to
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squeeze in their assigned through biden's loopholes? biden is acting director is expanding to the agency's definition of the word fear. telling agents and pretty much anybody can be afraid and claim asylum. because of migrants say they are scared they can get through biden struck down border. you don't even have to say they are scared, they just have to look scared. the memo says fear may be manifested verbally, nonverbally or physically, hysteric egg trembling, unusual behavior, changes in tone of voice, incoherent speech patterns, panic attacks or unusual level of silence. are you scared josé? that's an unusual level of silence. you're scared, you are in. ice also plans to educate illegals how to game the system playing videos while migrants wait in line about how to finagle asylum claims, just at the airport.
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now supposed signs and over a dozen languages including chinese, and robbie, and an indigenous central american language that i just learned about. biden is turning ice into tsa agents, waving migrants that run through with barely a patdown. dhs secretary alejandra mayorkas is giving away the game, admitting the biden administration does not care about how many migrants break and as long as they form an orderly line. >> our goal is to drive the people who need humanitarian relief in to the lawful safe and orderly pathways that we have built. >> jesse: don't forget about opentable for illegals. >> people who have made appointments through the app will be able to seek asylum in the united states through our ports of entry.
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>> we will see, what you think of this biden shutdown order? >> describing all of the reasons that you will be in fear, longer moments of silence, changes in tone of voice, while our president certainly qualifies. pretty much every indicator on that list. it's think about it this way, this biden border orders has 2500 is acceptable, that during the obama to ministration, jaeger johnson said 1000 a day was actually a real problem, real crisis. now 2500, that is acceptable. the list of exceptions is close it -- longer than a cvs receipt as he went to the audience, the seven exceptions. if you look a blanket a new state, they think you are in fear and you qualify for asylum. to add to that of, biden's administration just excused and dismissed hundreds of thousands
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of asylum claims so really, this is not just catch and release, this is welcoming to people in, where it will be put this people, how will be educated them in schools, i am not sure. this relief using a season finale of america. >> jesse: what about if you are shivering? that is also signed a fear. silence as a sign of fear. say you're scared scared as a sign of fear. denying that you are scared is a sign your scared, tommy. >> a blinking is assigned a your scared, what this is as people who have no respect for the rule of law, they have no respect for our country and i don't necessarily expect them to what you would think that a president biden and the dhs secretary would want to secure the border. i don't know if they've ever been asked what a secure border does to home our country because it seems like they want to open it wider and wider every day and they sit there and have them talking and changing the language of things, to mayorkas
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yesterday called irregular migration. irregular migration is when burned stone fly south for the winter, now when people are innovating our country by the millions permit once again the definitions keep changing. >> jesse: they called them visitors, remember that? calling illegal aliens visitors? >> denver calls of newcomers. change the language! let's accommodate a newcomers to mark as, america season finale we are living it. >> jesse: thank you so much. election days five-month oyster primetime is keeping an eye on the battlegrounds, this week, and lection watchdog group public interest legal foundation, says it abound something fishy going on in nevada. they sent a letter to clark county's election officials claiming there is dozens of addresses on the state waters roles that are commercial buildings, where nobody lives. places like strip clubs, cas casinos, of fast food joints. wires and strip clubs on the voter rolls?
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nobody lives there. except hunter biden? we have not heard back. import of the watchdog claims is true, this is huge. nevada is a swig state and sends it male and ballots to every active registered voter. we don't want those windows strength clubs and casinos all over vegas, this country cannot avoid judgement cannot afford another sloppy election. breaking news about trumps mugshots, right back. [ ♪♪ ] raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan.
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he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i'm going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i'm able to on my children and my health.
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people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it's a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org.
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n ais. >> jesse: let's bring in fox and friends weekend host, what's up pete? jfk, athens, needed to change his insured because it was offensive. what so offensive about trumps mugshots? >> is that a political message? soon i guess it is. >> it really? >> a while will -- turn it
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inside out! >> for some people it is offensive guys. >> jesse: they respond to this and they said clothing displaying political messaging do not against our policy, and will move quickly to investigate the matter, member of our team learning more about this experience. what the heck? >> i'm glad that was her stands, good for them. i wasn't expecting that. imagine -- >> jesse: they would bump you up! >> i think everybody should go find their one-man gear and test our policy. next step family feud content student made things a little bit awkward -- maga. >> you know you should not let name somebody you have sexy dreams about? >> mine.
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>> said shouldn't -- his aunt! >> jesse: a love that show. that's an impossible question. you know you shouldn't, now name that. it's probably a rare answer. what would your answer be? >> it when i was a kid, maybe one of my aunts. [ laughter ] they got pretty hot! it's a natural thing when you're kid! >> jesse: now my anza going to message me who is it. don't say it! focus station exposed recent college grads as we suspected, they are not ready for the real world. >> i'm so confused by the story, i did not even know what to think of it. a new survey by online magazine intelligent reveals nearly 20 percent of agendas the applicant's father mom or dad with them to a job interview --
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gen z. >> is that he got this job, you bought your aunt and your mom? >> epperly they don't have knowledge about how to make icon target, and how to dress up early and ask for too much money. mom and dad will help with that. >> jesse: bring mom, bring dad you're not getting the job. pe got a new book, tell us about it, war on warriors? soon it's based on my experience would also talking to generations words of warriors about what happened to our pentagon. i sent up to fight extremists and then 20 years i was deemed won by my unit was called a white nationalist extremist and my orders were rover -- revoked? of that can happen to me, it can happen to anybody else. three doors, 12 years of my life to the military about the book is not just about me, it's the social justice, politically correct issues being pushed from obama and biden appointees that generals are allowed to comment
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allowed to happen from women in combat lowering standards, to di to trends in the military, i'm telling you the response of gone from this book is like nothing else. i've seen it all. >> jesse: the seals just celebrated pride month than they? >> that they were very proud of their new unit. >> jesse: [ laughter ] very effective fighting force. >> all a distraction jesse, when you're in the military, it's not black or white, is green and you bleed red and you're in the mission together. if i hear another general say our diversity is strength that will lose my money got to the diversity is not the strength, our strength is our unity and who we are and what we believe in and our brotherhood regardless of our background. the book is that right now, war on warriors, were on >> jesse: check it out on amazon, thank you so much pp. a major announcement, next. [ ♪♪ ] ater.
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>> jesse: happy birthday to justin the hairstylist around here look at that handsome mug. look at how handsome he is. a great guy she latitude flashy dresser. happy birthday my man. tomorrow on prime time gary will be celebrating the d-day anniversary the 80th very powerful and michael richards as well who played kramer on seinfeld don't miss that. we got texts. terry from nixon, texas is it me or does bret baier look like kirk -- clark declined with his glasses on. you should see his cape. christina from columbia south carolina doug burnham would be an excellent vp he's like trump and his policies and could carry the republicans after trump's term.
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real movement. john from orlando stop me if you heard this before a hooker in ex-wife and us stepmom walk into a courtroom. that made me feel a little sorry for hunter. and guy from colorado i smoked that cush overrated maybe that was the point. >> sean: need to try the mom version. dennis from reno nevada it's pronounced. >> of never seen a bite insurer ever in my entire life. heather from clarksville tennessee. can i be pete's on typically that's all for tonight, hannity has trump i am waters of this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean:


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