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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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afford. >> selectquote we shop, you save. >> pete hegseth, new book the army fought for has gone woke and it's time to fix that. exposing the problems in today's military, how they're putting soldiers and america at risk and what needs to change before it's too late. the war on warriors supporter at fox news books .com. all right. unfortunately, that's all the time w sean: ue this evening we will air more of my exclusive interview with forme or president donald trump tomorrow night. i'll ask him about his v.p. muortlist, the economy and so much more. anyway, please say your dvorr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. and i have greate . >> let not your hearts be trouble. why? greg gutfeld, he's standing by and he will put a smile on your face. anywayput thank you for being h us. have a great night. we'll see if part two of donald trump tomorrow night.
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all right. all right. >> somebody took a class and clapping. >> happy wednesday, everyone. president biden is in paris i to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-days to, rememr said biden. i remember that day well. thai saved 500 guys that day. co i don't want to say that joe was confused, but he kept bragging about how the allies defeated the klingonnfptggings. >> meanwhile, the wall street journal revealed that joe biden may be suffering cognitive. itive >> taldek about breaking news. nice work there,. "wall street journal". nicei wonder what stocks your financial section will be recommending. perhaper what stockss those litn startups like apple and microsoft. ple an
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according to this story, lawmakers from both parties agred e that behind closed door, biden is showing signs behin of slipping. well, duh. he's been slipping in fron door open doors, too.ha specifically the doors that lead to the white house, force one and the great outdoors. maybe they should get rid doors. even dems are worried about thee president's obvious decline, especially when he pauses pad closes eyes for several seconds. >> biden dismisses sucuses andhg he's just praying that it's only gas not warming up to the joke. wow. >> tough crowd. and in a show of bravado, biden told time reporters he could, quote, take in a and fight. true. thp. he could whi >> walter cronkite's in samep time interview, the president mixed up world leaders confusing the chinese
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president with vladimir putin and worse, he kept confusing randy weingarten with hulk hogan. >> wrong with you. they do look alike. i mean, at leasto lo from that m the neck down. >> finally, on a lighter note,ae a new study says 75% of americans are still searching for a trusted hairdresse% r or barber. not a problem, says one man. hi. so thanks to elon musk's star. satellite based internet, the remote amazoo thn maru bo te of brazil recently just gotin online. >> and the results were better, surprising as joy. they are finishing ha an entire carton of frozen sardines, accordinn of sarg an elder tribs woman. quote when the internet arrived ,everyone was happy. but now young people have every. laz
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they're learning the ways th people. me >> excuse me, chief. you're the one still chasing water bugs with a stick for lunch. nolunch not't us. i just hope they haven't adopted our horrible custoy havf of wearing pants. >> anyway, the curiosityring tud to concern as members of the tribe became addicted tors o . social media. turns out the universal language isn't music. it's saucy. stepdaughter xcom. they went from piranha fangs to dueling wangs from defending the village fromn rival foes to whacking off to from t pastoral two way pastoral oral. sorry granny. all i can say is welcome to ouri jungle and mirabeau. if you thought anacondas were a hazard, wait to seu e coming. actually, you won't see it coming because you'll be looking dow you wonn at phon. in fact, if you're watching now, maru boss. here'sin wa heads up. you don't want to end up like us. accordin like g to psychologist
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jonathan haidt, the effect of being online, the time has already severely damaged young mindonlines. re a recent interview in the new yorker, he says the negative effectsview of internet content, quote, rewired childhood and changedma human development on an almost unimaginable scale. >> and that the smartphone changed from being our servant to being master. m >> it seems kids don't want to think anymore and. if anything gets too challenging in life, they just turn to the addictive entertainment that's in their pockets or they end up following stupid fads or adopting attention seeking personas. >> they change for the worse. g they used to go outside chasing each other on bikes. now they stageach othy inside ay chase likes. >> remember, for one summer, sum kids were eating tidmee pods, swallowing a fatal pouch of detergent. i can only imagine what kindor of challenge there might be for the amazonian teens. >> azonian how many giant centipes you can stuff in a howler
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monkeys. n thebut turns out 84. >> we now have thousands of deaths caused by texting and driving and thousands more caused by texting and walkin causeg. e no there are no cars in the amazon, but what, ten feet? nett thery direction? and there's ten things that could kill you. now, insteadgsha, getting hit ba viper, they'll be bitten one by one. social media also draws her our kids into stupid conflicts. >>s political hysteria and identity cults. they can go from this to something like this. how might that affect teens in the amazon? you know, we thought this waes. >> but is this an improvement? so while all this kind of connectivity can aid progress, it also unitesally b people. and a really bad idea is a relentless facetad ideas of bras that can turn a kid's life upside down. one day they're just a kid playing tetherball. the next day they're on hormone blockers. doctor shopping in thailand.
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for us, the is out of the bag.w but now that cat is loose loose in the amazon, over time, your sacred dancing becomes less like this and more like this. >> it's called tiktok, which is chinese for your stupid ] white person. >> fact is, we know this stuffno is bad for kids and right now we can't decid e a firstw to world country how to deal with it. so how do we expect to tryl to do the same? this is a perfect study to show you how this stuff is.pletel it completely undermines a society's ability to survive. you become a to the scroll instead of functioningonin cooperative citizen of your own of town.stro so did musk just destroy the mar-a-lago tribe the way we are currently destroying ourselves? maru bose, take my advice?
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forget the internet. trust me, you don't want to see where it all leads. stay where you are and who you are. you're better off with the crocodilese you' and poisonousee snakes. at least they don't brainwash your kids or trash your traditions. and you can always avoid a deadly tarantula. sos ar but good luck avoiding j.lo and ben on tonight's gas. ather' he's planning on spending father's day like he always does. dake he alwhy his kids don't loe him. actor, writer and comedian jamie lissauer. she gave the press more terrible than menswearwareo as host of outnumbered kaleyus mcinerney. any. she's like espresso. she's strong , bitter and fits in a tiny cup. "new york times" best selling author fox contributor kat timpp yomes bestanf and hise comes with a warranty.
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"new york times" best selling author, comedian and farmerformr and no. n h eight world champion tyreavya. >> jamie, this is actuallyc youa fairly serious topic. you have kids and no debt, noedo doubt. they're inundated on the interneinternt of posts and stories about your massive failings as a man and oriea fatt dos you worry about how that affects them? i told my kids i want to sit abt down and have a group text about it this weekend. >> you know, i'm a little bitith i'm a little bit skittish. you're talkingtalk about story.b i miss the days when we usedmake to be able to make fun of this tribe, and they wouldn'tis watcw the clips tomorrow that were going to get maie gol from the amazon. yeah. let me get this straight. are you tellin y tellig me thate tribes from the national geographic are now finished to us at first. >> it's come full circle.
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that is very funny i read in this article that the that the internet is 92% which totally surprised me i thought the whole thing was. >> and did you see b they're having trouble though because the kids are gettingec of course they are right. they say who wants to like be on looking at ? men who wants to like one of the chiefs said, like, these young men don't want to do that and then hunt, plant and fish. right. which i totally agree. when i'm done, i just wanty th to apologize. pay the lady and go to sleep. >> we learned so much about onmn this show and none of it's any good. caylee was was all that what youw anof i going to say?in >> yes. you, caylee. you do have children? young children. ye childs so, i mean, this is i, it's like for people without kids, likeough me, i take it it's like i don't think about it, but it's got to drive you crazy. >> oh, it's -- it's all consuming. first two cats point. yes. soose my points in my paper someone asked me recently, was it harder stand at the podiumtfl or join gutfeld on his show? and i said.
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gutfeld more sho because i'm not funny. so thank you for having me. oh, it's good to be heret some. but, yes, i think about this all the time. look, my husbandik to me thisise weekend, i wish social media would self-destruct. a would i was told by another mm that kids as young as first grade are talking about socialds . my daughter. tick, tick, tick. first grades in a few years. ththe facebook, facebook and instagram buried data per "wall street journal" of young women who are getting eating disorders who are on the verge of suicide, all because consocial media. so it's something i think about constantly. and i love that you call a study because you know what study shows you that control for things. control for this, control for that. this is the perfect study. yeah, he tried that. had no access. and one father said, i'm concerned that my son is looking at first person school shooter, video games. >> i in a span of no time. look at what this did. this is the perfect controlled that gutfeld found. >> yes. well, thank you. i don't i can't really take credit this, but i will. you're welcome, kelly i try
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to do my best. >> it's insane because there's like and they also have no immune for this sort of thing. >> so they're. reminds me of when the british gave those blanketsnated contaminated with smallpox to the indians. >> it's like they had no immune systemwismallpoxo the in had. u >> so boom, cat, we alwayst abou freak out about new technology. but this isn't. this is no longer new technology. we're watching it. we've been watching this for 15, 20 years. esd we were just kind of like watching it affect kids, especially after the lockdow loo i feel like it's only affecting kids. yeah. do you see anyon e on, like, handling it well now? yeah. yeah. anyone? i reallyow. i don't know anybody. like, i'm addicted to my phone. i think we're all addicted o my to our phones. >> i think it's actually crazy to think about how, like, i'm like, i'll about staring att and i'll be like, what am i even looking at? i mean, looking at it. i'm likeking aonsomeon, i'm on m instagram page who i went to like my college roommates, likeate' brothers. sligo's i'm like, oh, wait, his sisteris is pregnant. like, why amter i look at this.l >> my whole life is passing mege grannd i'm, you know, not
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a kid, you know, but also with everybody. grandparents. ts just grant the people's grandparents are just the meanest people in the world. on n the m. >> yeah, i will say that, you know, it's true. nobody's handling it well. it's ibody'st it's -- it's a pue drug addiction. if you are at home and you're looking forward like you're looking forward to watching a movie and evend os while you're watching the movie. >> so proud of myself. yeah. i'm like, i'm justf i' watchingn not looking at my phone at all. i'm totally focused on this other screen. i like found myself being proud of myself last night forll 7 watching dateline for a full log 7 minutes, not looking at my at md kids movies just so phone i can look at my phone and i find mysel ff looking at garbage and i realize this is it's permanently wiring our brain all right. upside tires. it's this like just a step in our evolution. and like, we're just going through the growing phases and we're evolving into a half human half sidebar cyborg freaks
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before i get to that. >> yeah. are there any leads on who k your kids look like? were there's so few people in alaska. i knowsople in what it's their hair doesn't beat up when the water hits the tree like that. >> they're not drawn to like me and all my genes.n alas okay, cool. just me. i've got to be careful. i spent a winter in alaskaka. mm.esti we're good. i love you, man. all right. what was your questionons , gre? >> i didn't have one. yeah, i.wa this is justtchi young a. watching you and cat go back and forth about how good trolling you are and with d your phones. have kids. yeah, it's ns o. yeah, the internet that's looking on your phone quietly unless you're locked in the bathroom. danny happening? yeah. soom you got to take care of yor little ones all the time. so i don't see what the big thin ig is because i was always either broke and working jobs. >> this is what happens whenwhad you have four kids by four different women. so, yeah, you have to work1 a lot. you don't have a lot of time
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on the internet. plus you don't look want to look at the internet becauste . the chances are there might be a story about you and you're for children. so storyyour chi have to stay of the internet quite a lot. but again, this proves big point. and just think about this. they're not sitting alone in the woods. a little phone. ne itit's one screen on the tabe and the whole tribe is justs watching as a group. oh, gross. we think about it. i meannk about, but we all gros. i guarantee you, if there was one phone with a screen on it, it might just start out with one person here playing with it. but pretty soon everybody would come pretteryone c down to see n all end up sitting in front of the thing, watching . >> that's how powerful this stuff. yeah, it's amazing. it prays upoa powerfuln evolutia needs. >> so we'rise supposede upon o g we have enough of something bee, e it's usually scarc whether it's food or. but now it's no longer scarce and we don't kno nw how to stop it. >> so it's just like glam, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah why . >> that's why they call metist the scientist aptly named thank
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you. >> so i don't know. eep... i hope nobody would challenge me on that. sorry. sorry. up next, camilla crack he t there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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you can people are too good. com ally harris shows her face on the show in last place she brings us are video with the day joining jimmy kimmel live weighing in on the trump verdict roll the tape. >> they made their decision and the reality is cheaters don't like to getting caught and being
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held accountable. the reality is fast-forward to november i think the american people want to know there is a president who believes they are accountable to the people. >> and to actually is allowed to travel overseas. >> of people -- president the people can count on. >> a president people can count on the croak in the next 6 months at least trump was fit to stand trial biden is in fit to stand. they also asked her the hard-hitting questions. >> are you aware strain of cannabis named after you did you know that. >> seriously they didn't even send you any they've ever been bitten by the president's dog
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who curses more you are joe biden. >> that's a national secret. >> greg: her own line upon that's a good idea because the people loosened woke but will soon forget she was known for arresting people he smoked pot they will realize it backfires when they see the cost of the munchies. kaylee i didn't expect that applause but i will take it. the train to rebrand or no question does do any good every political kin a munication's wants their boss likable before you approach likability you need or spike -- respectability before even go about trying to be like she needs to earn back
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respect before she goes about trying to be like but they have are out here was interesting on the verdict by another choice lean into the verdict or stay at she went further than her boss talking about the cheater biden mostly said was at a fundraiser and days ago the first pole we have credible pole since the verdict was out trump is still winning georgia by 5 points and independence are more likely to vote for him rather than less some bad news for trump voters are saying we are leaning into trump not to you. >> america loves the outlaw that's why i hold onto my traps. >> i'm looking at you. >> your not supposed to hold onto them that pot stuff myspace you off actually for that not to come up at all it's a comedy supposed to be a fun vibe you
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could've done a little more about it it's pretty common knowledge she was tough on weed can't weed that's so funny should had something prepared for that i don't know. i think it's always kinda weird to see these kind interviews it's fine but if you're going to be find that you need her taking jokes. >> greg: rib her a little bit this is the funniest presidential parent history and he's acting like a second pair stylist the blessing it's a softball interview yes to jimmy kimmel live as estoppel entry it's nuts was to be tell me what happened but you can at least make some jokes at her expense just like he would do for any random actor or actress. >> greg: he should have brought up the trump lien from the man show not surprised tyrus asked if she was the secret weapon for 2024. >> it's not much of a secret
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though. they are playing the old democratic playbook the used to work back when bill clinton was running he had a mom where he played the saxophone and it was like that was his defining moment he was humanized people like bill clinton is school felt in the election first at the time that was number 1 yet to do the number 1 show which means you have to come here and you'd have to talk to this guy and i don't think those to be the questions and the thing is didn't have a moment to navigate line she didn't say anything clever it was all whatever having a weed and named after you all you forgot 7 okay the bottom line in the election
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comes down to simple thinking mentioned the court conviction all that backfires because it's very simple you can take everything out all the personalities rate comes down to 1 thing do you want a president who can stand trial or president unfit to stand trial that's the question that's what it comes down to. >> greg: perfectly put. that was fun minute left. >> greg: haven't talked to jamie and so jamie. >> i don't know if i should be more upset if that is a bit or not a bit. >> it's not a bit i was like did i forget somebody you know what. >> i couldn't tell. >> greg: what did you make of the interview as a whole or this
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1. >> the whole thing infuriated me for like so many softball questions i would rather just see them throw softballs at her. then maybe 1 hardball now and then like if i was an interview she is crazy things if that was an interview i would say oh she says you shouldn't go to jail if you smoke weed yet to go what the bleep leap are you talking about you can just move on wonderful and they play clips on your so i picture the people going we are tied in the ratings of gutfeld it's because they are playing us. >> i don't fault them for the biases i fault them for being stupid you know what i mean was this just a stupid interview could've been a little smarter tried a little harder you know
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but i felt like i was watching and hr employee interview a dea higher knowing that they are qualified but you have to be really nice about it is not her first interview meteorologist finding out she literally told us you can see the moon with other people's eyes saying everybody low school busses if you have are in your show and giving kimmel too much credit but i'm sure they had 1 or 2 questions that someone said just get through it right ask her favorite color whatever every interview for like she and so on the 1 phrase she says over and over this what's you get going in reality like how but you just talk abby just talk to me will assume it's all in reality without you having to clarify we
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>> is this evil. >> greg: tonight and is this evil this restaurant is in a half if you aren't old enough for this establishment in missouri they have them there it's called bliss making headlines for its strict minimum age policy after 7:00 pm women must be 30 and men must be 35 in order to enter i have those exact words on my lower back tattoo the caribbean restaurant management something for the older people to come to get a happy hour get extra food not have to about the young folks
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that bring some of that drama. tyrus. >> it comes down to simple and pure tipping. they are tired of these she past broke young people the so-called influencers doing them a huge favor by videotaping them ordering their food and then complaining because the waiter didn't say the right pronoun or something they are tired of young people in general because they don't tip they complain all the time or the dachshund i'm with crime up and all that stuff no young people are there most of them 30th 530 years old they don't come in with hoodies and do smash and grab their just like we want none of the done stuff to be honest there's 35 -year-olds who don't tips leap leave either they need to go
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like 65 you will get good tip they aren't staying late maybe 1 drink this is been the hypocrisy always talking about the primary age demographic the people who are really important in the world 18 knife and 35 now they don't have money does all that money is with the boomers that is more criticism than complement a lot of boomers in the crowd tonight a guess kat what you think? women or 30 men 35 what is your brain telling you your squishy brain telling you. >> have you ever met a man self explanatory they are never adults but at this place i think
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they did it for attention. >> greg: you thinks oakley. >> because we are giving them attention missouri how often do missouri restaurants get on here. no offense i love you missouri how often are we talking about missouri restaurants on national news we are right now at least good for you missouri i i like that the core like i don't like it. >> it's a weird the core i don't know what they're trying to do rustic but also flowers i don't fully understand you pathetic or is in great people like i've got a check on what's going out over there. >> greg: it's caribbean cuisine i love a little go. >> greg: i was offended when she said that but then i drank my orange soda makeup really she might have a point. >> greg: jamie is somebody who only eats by himself in a can
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out of the sink does this matter at all to you. >> and a lot of times not even my sink bowls the restaurant opening up in her like they're not worried about the people coming from people we won't even allow them in their even said if you're under 30 they go why don't you wait until you're 30 and then you could come and that's a long wait. people are like it's a big milestone like you drive in your 16 get a drink when you're 21 and when you are 30 you get to eat at this west african caribbean restaurant. i am performing the day they open i'm like a down the road from this place in st. louis they want to say at my shows i will allow women under 30 i haven't had even 1 yet but i think that would be cool enough
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they'd like it. >> greg: they pay for the tickets you know what i'm saying i accept when it my shows some people identify as to empty and that's okay you think about nightlife almost always catered to people under 30 someone in my early forties going into these places right going into these places i don't feel welcome right it's nice to have a place. is this age discrimination? >> you don't like a day over 20 gray. age discrimination but like is this a restaurant or a bar. >> greg: both. >> i thought it was to ban young kids like a 4 and 1-year-old but
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they would be barred anyway since their kids. >> greg: just like the story says. yes modem 36 am not aware there were restaurant slashed bars yet to be 21 or older i thought that was just bars you ban the kids and the families you ban the young people at that time you're 35 you probably are having kids who do have left 30 hyphen 35 maybe it's because i'm old now i don't know. >> you are old at 36 yet totally >> greg: you are the most shot out of a cannon 40-year-old i've ever seen greg
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99. thousands of choices always the best deal. >> the jewelry exchange, direct . we got another clear five you it's video of the day. hey hey. >> hi to thank you here's a hot mike that i know you'll like. republican senator joni ernst brings us our second vid of the day. she tore into biden's immigration executive blastinghg his handling of the border crisis. but it's what sher crisie said n her way out. >> roll it, dolores. 41. never trust a man whose uncle was out. in case you missed that, i knowa there are people at home going, what just happened? so let's hear it. one more tim 1 more. more thing. i trust a man whose uncle was. >> wow. joni, talk about victim blaminng
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. i'll have you know, my uncle was eaten by cannibals for canna the jokes on the cannibals. my uncle had aids aids. yeah. all right. they what? i don't know>> gre knos. move o. let's move on, shall we? and y you can get it from eating people. i don't knowout fo. >> it's just a joke. all right. >> kyra's eyes get weird when water hot around you. >> what could low in hot tubs>>a do? >> what did you make of that comment? i loved it. d yonot to make of words to live by. it's how i live by. i'm not trusting anybody who's. because just imagine if he used the family moniker wheif fn the cannibals surrounded him. put him in the pot. he looked at the chief and sai d don't. >> ha ha ha. >> that's my time. there you go.
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jamie, you've often said you wish your wife was eaten by cannibals. ex-wife. i'm sorry. i remember that. in cas wisheife e forensic files calls and asked me to be interviewed. when you're on the run. >> what do you make of thiswa story? this was amazing. y diyoi love a hot mike story. i remember. hot mic is what you used to call your old intern. yeah. and by the way, r.i.p. hot mic. >> g. it was an accident. had him in a hot tub. e bide isn't it where the biden sometimes lies about stuff that doesn't make him look for i good? >> yeah, you're right. i mean, like, say, for instancnb ,his uncle had been eaten by cannibals, even if it was true. maybur maybee keep to yourself. >> yeah, right. like, maybe. like, if you're going to lie and his uncle was a hero. sorry. right. and i was all i went through. there is some articlnd theree ts amazing. i'd like to send it to all of you. it's every mistake biden's mad o . like in the last ten years. it was so long and it was so lon entertaining. he got january 6. he had. he got the wrong date on it. once wrong. al >> yeah, it's called january 6. yes. wron
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it would be like getting the 4th of july wrong. namee of. in the namn the thing, he has so many mistakes he said about covid 19. t covid-d something like, oh, se you know, we've been dealing with this since 2017. he got2017 the he got the year wrong by two. and i was like, you know, you ever see those? i saw a watch at the airport and it had the time and the date and the thought year.that's >> and i used to think, who's that watch for. i did watch it for joe. onahhi. he needs a watch with a year on it. like you go up you go. hey, hey, we got the time. and they go, yeah, it's ten. lid you go, yeah, what yeaarr? [ 's 20, 24. you're like, holy. bli am so late, kaley. do you do, do you think she would that planned? >> no, i think senator just has jokes. yeah, he has jokes. yeah. i mean, look favorit, my favorite part of this story? what is it? is it papua new guinea? yes. had a hard time saying that. yeah. papua new guinea. papua new guinea. that'sg that's joe's uncle's. eaten by cannibals. right. it the prime ministest offher. it the academics.
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there is a political scientist in, papua new guinea. i just won't tell you what he said, implying your uncle jumps out of the plane sayinjumw . we think it's a good meal. is that acceptable? we went to see any white mansk that falls from the sky. >> so when the political scientist in papua new guinea weighs in. >> you know, you've your troublest inguinea. >> how soon cat before cannibalism becomes an excess a symbol and no, an acceptable identity like what we have town say. you know what to each his own or to eat his. >> i just came up with thatased to his own. >> that's really good. i'm pleased with myself. >> help me out, cat. no, sure. i'm always here to do that. i know. asisink it'll be something people want to keep a secret. >> yeah, you're into that. i think you know, this wasn't bad. >> i mean, i would trust less somebody who eats dongles . >> yeah, you know, but she would. i think she was actually workshopping the bit.
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i think shd workng the be was wg the bed. it was hot. it was a hot mic. she didn't know she she was waiting for to use it later. >> mhm. well that's an interesting theory one will be developing in a full hour special for were called hot mike to eat or not to eat. yes. yes. i'll be speaking about thi >> is comment for 6 hours. yes. it's an exact six part series. a lot guests. >> exactly. all right. that's a good idea forof the a special, though. just hot mix. all the things thing and youdurs have like the one from what robert durst. that was a good hot mcrib. >> oh,, yeah. i did it best to murder. anyway, i. >> why am i giving you my ideas on to them? how do you. up next, do chicks prefer dudes ,burly or girly? >> you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home? know? i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay. groceries are expensive. thought i was in trouble there
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and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you. >> call now and order ellipse a story. >> five words. >> feminine men make better mates in. jamie. a study in the archives of behavior foundchives oavior thae feminine. men tend to have better long term relationship prospect that with women because women see that as a quality that makes iye good. father. what does it say about you? wells th sayt yo, i.u i read this article. i immediately called joe mckee, gave him the good newsately ani did the same thing. >> yeaid theh. >> oh, yeah, it's. i'll tell you something, man. i am i do get accused of this a little bit that i have a
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little bit of a feminine littl. i think i cry easily and i do think it might be a good and i. and i. and i am. and i'm a hetero dude, but i do feel like that. that part of me, it makes me not a bad guy in a relationshimp like i have a weird thing where like, i like my y peni when i so other ones, i'm like, yeah, yeah. >> so you're only for you. exactly. ye s. yeah, i'm a i'm a staunch i homosexual. when i'm alone'm, i'm.e i can't keep can't keep my hands off me. keeps m a i'm a one man. >> thanks for coming clean. yeah, yeah. but this i was thinkinsog about this, you know. okay, so slightly feminine meant in a better long term. really relationship process. >> is this why so many women fall for a dudes in the closetn and they go, i didn't know. >> and everybodyfall for it's oe >> i think it's a great theory . i think it dependsy
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on the woman. i for one, none of my relationships worked out ed out t. i met a man on twitter who lived in new york city wearing camonliest and. he's the manliest man i've ever met. not a single drop of feminine in him. that'sp of sean gilman, my husbr so depends on the woman. but for me. no, no, no. feminine, no. person n you're the only person that ever met a spouse on twitter. ye met spouss, i'm. i'm just learning from what you just did there. i saw that that'id thereats a ts a great theory. >> oh, it's good. what say you, cat? your husband is very manly. >> he have any feminine traits? he has feelings. >> he >> which like what?hare t what are the what are the feminine traithe fs? >> does he make you a no? all right, that's all i got. oh, no. men don't. no, he's definitely. >>'s 2024. >> of course they do. okay, you guys make me sick. like i hope the way to go on pride month. can i just see some? i said that my husband had feelings and someone else was like, he's not to stone cold
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