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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 6, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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>> laura: decline in biden's america. a pregnant woman brutally beaten by a mob. >> another woman came to me, dragged me by my hair. i started screaming, she pepper sprayed me in the face. >> laura: dumb criminals caught on camera. >> dumb robbers right here. >> putting holes in the wall. >> mind-boggling, a fire hydrant would be stole, of all things to steal. >> laura: and disney is back with latest release. >> this is gayest "star wars." are you excited about that? >> laura: biden declines, america declines, the focus of tonight's angle. joe biden is in france for 80th anniversary of d-day.
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when he's overseas, we as americans collectively hold our breath, hoping when he gives his speech on democracy, he does not embarrass us by speaking like he does back home. >> fall, that fall, he decided to -- look, i shouldn't get into this, probably. america is strongest when we lead by example of power and by the power of our example. you can clap for that. >> laura: we can't want, any of us, visual of macron having to guide biden off the stage, which so many here have had to do. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: that tap >> laura: that tape on the ground like we had during covid. we were there for the 75th anniversary of the d-day landing and i interviewed president trump after whirlwind visit to london. before he would speech in normandy, he hit the right notes. they battled, not for control and domination, for democracy and self-rule, they were sustained by confidence america can do anything because we are a noble nation with a virtuous people praying to a righteous god. >> laura: the man was then and is now, a juggernaut. even if you don't agree with trump's policies, you cannot deny, even five years later, he has the energy of a man far
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younger. when president trump regularly had meetings into the night and on weekends, in stark contrast to biden's schedule. he is well known for calling it a day before midday. >> peter: white house told us not to expect to see him. >> calling an early lid. >> the white house called a lid, you will not see him until later today. >> laura: the press remained in complicit silence, refusing to ask questions, such as, is joe biden really making important decisions? if he's not, who is? for a while now, polls have shown americans are picking up on biden's mental and physical unravelling. in an online poll yesterday by national desk that has over 15,000 votes, shows 80% of americans say they are very concerned about biden's mental f
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fitness. my goodness, who are the 21%? cogni cognitively impaired themselves or do they not watch biden at all. >> the conduct of the response in gaza -- in the gaza strip has been over the top. i think that as you know, init initially pressure of mexico, sisi, did not want to open the gate to allow material to get in. i talked to him and convinced him to open the gate. >> laura: he can't remember names of our closest allies. journalists pressed the issue. >> the president in public marks mixed up leaders of france and
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germany and referred to france as mexico, does he have memory problems? >> he does not. >> laura: and answering what is biden like behind closed doors? is he engaged in key decision-making. here is what he said. when president biden met with leaders to negotiate ukraine funding, he spoke so softly, some struggled to hear him. according to five familiar with the meeting, he read from notes to make obvious points, he paused for extended periods and closed his eyes for so long people in the room wondered if he had timed out. maybe he never knew policy in the first place. in a february chat in oval office with house speaker mike johnson, the president said a recent policy change that
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jeopardizeings big energy projects was just a study. it was a policy. johnson worried the president's memory had slipped about details of his own policy. just released time interview, he botched so many things they did a rare fact check after the interview, including biden's claim he set up it is quad himself, quad lateral security dialogue. it was gun in 2004, end of bush administration and formalized in 2007 by the japanese prime min minister. the white house is scrambling to do damage control. the white house kept close tabs on some of the "wall street journal" interviews with democratic lawmakers. after office of several democrats shared recording of the interview or details about
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what was asked, some lawmakers spoke to the journal a second time and emphasized biden's strengths. they just said that i should give you a call back said gregory meeks, new york democrat referring to the white house. i'll bet. right on cue, democracy defenders at msnbc tried to discredit where democrats were interviewed and white house given ample opportunity to respond. >> this has feeling of reputable prestigious news organization in "wall street journal." >> spent time with biden and trump. talk about international affairs and how to get bipartisan legislation, joe biden is light years ahead of all of them. >> he literally goes around the
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globe in the situation room and points out weaknesses and strengths with each and every country with no notes, with no notes. he said biden with no notes? okay. no notes. my name is joe biden. if you call yourself a political analyst and are blocking and tackling for biden, join his campaign staff or step down. it is true biden is markedly worse than in 2020. >> this is part of the mandate given to us from the american people. they want us to cooperate in their interest. i'm moving past republican -- to do what i can on my own. all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights,
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life, liberty and pursuit of ha happiness. certain inalienable rights, etcetera. >> laura: he wasn't great in 2020, either, the angle chronicled at the time. >> it is unclear if biden knew where he was and performances of biden don't give biden confidence that he can lead any longer. >> laura: to use biden's favorite crutch word, look, we don't have to prove he's in severe cognitive decline, it is know beyond dispute. the burden is on them to show us that biden is capable of handling himself in wide ranging, on-camera, serious interview shown live without edits. the most serious issue here, it is obvious key decisions are being made by unelected
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officials, probably combination of blinken, sullivan and chief of staff jeff with chuck schumer and hakeem jeffreys. some press people may be snookered here, we know he is not fooling president xi of china or putin. think of it this way. would any fortune 500 board of directors go to their shareholders and credibly argue that joe biden right now is capable of being their ceo? of course not. we're supposed to believe that joe biden is capable of leading the country or should be leading the country? if by some horrible turn, he actually gets re-elected, here is my prediction. we're going to gradually see
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less and less of joe biden in public until he fades ashes way completely. unfortunately for the rest of us, america would fade away at the same time. that's the angle. joining me isary a ari fleische and ned ryun. all the time you spent in the white house and all the pressures in the white house, morning, noon and night, your sense given this journal piece and everything we've seen in recent months of joe biden's capabilities to handle this job? ari >> there should be no pushback for this "wall street journal" story. it is obvious. play tapes of joe biden when he was vice president and compare them today. it is unquestionable that the man is faltering, the man every time he speaks and when he's on
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teleprompter, he chooses wordings, it is hard to understand, he speaks with the diction of an 80-year-old. he's lost so much of his game and sharpness. let me explain and this will take a second. when white house staff hide him going up the stairs, they are worried about him slipping and falling, he goes down the lower level. there is no elevator inside air force one, viewers should know this, to avoid the cameras they make him walk to the tail end of the 747 and climbs same number of stairs if he climbed outside and walks from back of the plane to the front of the plane. to hide him, he walks the length of a 747 twice, so they can put him going upstairs with nobody
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seeing him. of course white house is hiding him. >> laura: a contributor on msnbc says to unleash him. >> this campaign has tried to coral joe biden and keep him out of the public eye and not give him interaction with journalists, maybe that need to change. when he's doing policies and implementing them, that seems to benefit joe biden more not less, maybe a strategy that helps him. >> laura: more joe biden? they won't release audio of the robert hur deal or the full transcript -- they had to, but no audio of that, either. >> i have to say really quick on "wall street journal," behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. he shows it everyday in public. i was liking for a line from captain obvious, water is wet, sky is blue and biden is senile.
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biggest question in this, why now? why is "wall street journal" writing this article, stating the obvious? somebody tries to push biden off stage right. switch and come up with somebody new. i think it is too late. they boxed themselves in the corner, biden, obama and clinton triumph verant, now they have a weak president going into the fall election. make this point, if they were to replace biden, he's a terrible messenger, the policies would stay the same. change the messenger, the policies remain the same. put together sentences, this is destructive policies. >> laura: ari, that is salient point. we've been chronicle ing biden' decline since 2020.
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there is something going on here, you could see it upon haing. the press decided not to cover it or cover for him. now the drum beat is beginning and to what end? if he does not perform extraordinary well or well in this debate, what next? >> i've been saying, there is a slim chance, 25 to 33% super delegates rise up before democratic convention and say we don't want joe biden fchl they are convinced that donovan schultz will win, there will be an uprising. biden is stubborn and says i'm only one who beat trump, i've done it before and i will do it again. they may be stuck with him. i don't rule out there is mounted effort by democrats, if one circumstance we get to watch as citizens that first debate if
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biden flops. wait and see how he does. that will be all the marbles. >> laura: this is why all trump needs to do is say why did you abandon the cities, why did you do this to america? biden will try to get under his skin, trump is like, there you go again, go to the shuffle board court. let's talk about kamala harris. ned, they have a real problem. they can't hop scotch over kamala, i don't think she wants to be on the supreme court, push sonia sotomayor out. everyone has a theory kamala harris wants to go on the supreme court. she has no interest in being supreme court. she will be beyond ticked off if she gets looked over for this. >> god forbid joe biden were to win reelection and we hope and pray that does not happen, he is not going another four years,
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you will have a president kamala harris because joe biden won't make it. he needs to make the argument, it is not just about joe biden, who is his successor? that would be even worse for the country than joe biden. >> laura: like wizard of oz, worse than the other one. another explosive day at hunter biden's trial, may be the least of his problems, a big development and we're on it next.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill.
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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> laura: biden, stripper and couple of crack pipes. day three of hunter biden's trial on gun chargers, things have gotten sleezier. testimony of fbi agent claims laptop from hell was not disinformation as the left claimed. hunter's ex-wife and later his stripper ex-girlfriend took the stand shedding light on his drug use employs . his ex-wife said she was s suspicious when he was kicked out of the navy for doing cocaine. she would search their car for
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drugs, finding white powder and crystals. his ex-girlfriend testified he was smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. hunter's drug addiction is hardly news. the store employee believed to have sold him that gun the same year. he testified he personally saw hunter answer no to the question on the form about whether he was a drug user. this form will be central to proving the prosecution's case. cnn is not buying the defense's line. >> as a practitioner on the defense side, are you unlawful user or addicted to marijuana or any other controlled substance. i think that is what prosecutors will do, take broader view with respect to addiction.
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>> laura: why hunter did not settle remains an open and curious question. things have gone from bad to worse for biden family. hunter may be getting slapped with more charges and bringing his uncle along for the ride. house republicans are sending referral to the doj for hunter and james biden. they are accusing the duo of making false statements to congress that implicate joe biden's knowledge and role in his family's influence pedalling schemes and appear to be calculated to shield joe biden from a congressional impeachment inquiry. joining us is house oversight committee chair james comer. what are you accusing hunter and james biden of lying about? >> hunter biden committed perjury, he lied. in criminal referrals, we backed him up with 60 pages of hard
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evidence. look at statement from hunter's lawyer and democrats in congress, no one is disputing they lied. it is serious. what hunter biden lied about, he lied he had association with rosemont seneca, most his ukrainian money flowed through this company and kazakhstan money flowed through when he got the porsche. he lied about the what'sapp message he got from xou. this text message went on for a long period of time and next day he got $100,000 wire and a few days later a $5 million wire. he said my father is sitting beside me when extorting the money from the chinese national. why lie about that? he was protecting joe biden, the central figure in the influence
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pedalling ring. we got jim biden for lying about a meeting with bobulinski. he said he never met with bobulinski. bobulinskied they did meet and he provided text messages to prove they met and hunter biden testified under oath that tony bobulinski met with joe biden. we have jim biden and hunter biden for lying in both instances, they lied to protect joe biden, the big guy. >> laura: cnn gave a disclaimer when talking about the criminal referral. watch this. >> know ares have yet to prove that joe biden acted corruptly or did quid quo pro or personally enriched himself. republicans have been trying to make that case for months and in fall when they launched this impeachment inquiry. this has not yet moved ahead. >> laura: congressman, there is not a check in the hands of joe
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biden himself that indicates he got money from chinese deals. that is their argument. >> that is not true. he got money, $40,000 from jim biden directly traced to china influence pedalling scheme, which was 10% for the big guy and $200,000 directly linked from influence pedalling scheme with americorp health led by jim biden. we found a quarter million dollars that joe biden got from the family influence pedalling scheme. joe biden lied to the american people when he said he never met with these people. he met with just about every single one of them. >> laura: the four seasons meeting, congressman, thank you for joining us tonight. biden's foreign policy blunders about to get america into world
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>> laura: what is worse than a president who can't remember basic facts without a notecard? that same president leading us in wartime. it looks increasingly like same ink incompetence who couldn't evacuate troops in afghanistan want america at war with russia. nato is developing multiple land corridors to rush u.s. troops and armor in event of major european ground war with russia. american soldiers would land at one of five ports and confront a possible moscow attack. joining me now is daniel davis, host of daniel davis deep dive.
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all americans need to ask themselves this question. as we head into the election, are you willing to send your sons and daughters to fight on the frontlines against russia? that is what these people want. >> it does. it mystifies me why anyone would be thinking aboutic taking any action that would move us closer to that and you see it happening on almost a daily basis right now. just hours ago, vladamir putin came on and said you are using american weapons to funnel through ukraine to attack our soil, we'll do the same thing and use our weapons to your enemies to attack you on your soil or on your interest somewhere in the world. there is no reason to think he is bluffing on that and why would we want to find out? >> laura: we have video, i want to play this comment from bli blinken.
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he made this comment five days ago and trickled out in "new york times" about u.s. weapons being used to bomb inside russia. change in u.s. policy. >> over past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for authorization to use weapons we're providing to defend against aggression and russia forces on the russia side of the border and attacking into ukraine and that went right to the president and he's approved use of our weapons for that purpose. >> laura: first of all, did biden sign that with a purple cra crayon. how big is that for people watching tonight? >> i cannot tell you what a horrible idea this is. there is no upside and potentially huge downside for the united states. what has been happening there, ukraine side has been using
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their weapons to attack on the russian side for better part of two years, a long time, even deep into russia. russia is at war with ukraine, that is how war works. what is not the same, american weapons, especially enabled by american capability intelligence and personnel striking in russia. that is different. that is what the administration is now authorized and there is no upside to this. it won't change the war, it won't help ukraine wen. it could draw us into the war. it is insane. >> laura: we keep making china rich with massive trade deficit and china is the enabler of russia with all the money china is pouring into russia. then we're fighting russia after enabling china. whole thing makes no sense. entire circle is insane. it is only possibility of thermonuclear war, no big deal. thank you.
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>> laura: what will all the dogs do? even fire hydrants aren't safe in biden's america? >> it is mind-boggling, a fire
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hydrant would be stolen. they backed a truck into it, they could not lift it off. on the video they lifted it off. >> laura: fire hydrants sold for scrap, ice cream locked up, lego stores ransacked so thieves can make big money reselling the popular toy and then the violence. >> altercation started in the street and led to a male being stabbed in the chest. >> a 12-year-old was shot. >> a man murdered on this street, stabbed over and over again. >> laura: police are doing their best, but we live in a country where criminals are empowered. they are bold. young kids see that and they think it is okay, savagely beat a woman until she loses her
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unborn child. >> a lady came to me and dragged me with my hair on the ground. i start screaming. she pepper sprayed me in the face. >> pulled from her scalp and nina captured this image of hair in her hand. she found out she lost the baby she was carrying. >> we believe and -- >> laura: chicago police were able to catch two of them, a 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. charging them both with misdemeanor battery. joining me now is president of chicago fraternal order of police. the victims said they were not robbed, what is the point of the attacks? >> some of it is thrill. thanks for having me. it is ludicrous.
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they keep trying to pitch this city is safer. it does not feel safer to anybody. traditionally safe loecations ad neighborhoods, crime is happening at record rates. you can't get away from the number no matter how much they say numbers are down. >> laura: desensitizing of young people to violence and suffering across the board, almost like it is always payback to the victims, never met them before. that is a change in america. we have seen this over the last several years. really heightened after the floyd riots when those were tol tolerated. do you believe that is an inflection point, especially in young peep and he will what they saw tolerated. >> the young generation is so lost in their cell phone and not developing relationships as they grow up, whether as toddlers,
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teenagers or young adults, everything is like this fantasy world. there is no consequences, no real death. realities otherwise. >> laura: john, i've been urging the trump campaign to make a stop in chicago. i know you are not a political pundit. there need to be more voices, more messages of common sense, safety first. freedom paramount, but safety for individuals. i think republicans, people with common sense solutions, you don't have to live this way. if you keep voting for the same people, you are going to live this way. this will be your life and it won't be the life you hope for your kids. >> it is a big snow job. you talk about key voting for the same people. same people sell a bag of
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bologna, how they will create change, they get re-elected, four years later, they tell them how to create change for their neighborhood and nothing ever changes. thankfully in chicago, we will be rid of kim fox crime experience and have a new state attorney coming in november to start 2025 off on the right foot, a vast improvement in criminal accountability. >> laura: she was a absolute disaster. thank you so much. shoppers in tennessee. shoppers in tennessee had to take justice into their own hands. national correspondent kevin corke has details. kevin. >> this actually happened saturday afternoon when a group of four alleged burglars made their way inside of a perfumemania store.
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workers ran out of the store and managed to lock both the front and backdoors. >> these robbers are stuck inside the store, they are stuck. these are dumb, dumb robbers right here. they are putting holes in the wall. >> they are tearing this place up. >> metro nashville police arrived 30 minutes later. by time they got there, the suspects had broken through the backdoor and escaped the store. this is statement from nashville metro pd. they said, detectives continue to investigate saturday afternoon's attempted shoplifts at perfumemania. suspects were able to leave through the backdoor, but dropped the merchandise to exit empty-handed. another video, group of three people wearing same color
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hoodies caught on traffic camera. the group appears to run before getting in a car and driving off. this time they drove off and did so empty-handed. >> laura: people are fed up. kevin, wonderful to see you. thank you so much. kamala brings her comic style to late night and no one is you have laing. meanwhile, latest "star wars" series is flying colors. seen and unseen with raymond arroyo is next.
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(birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. it is time for a scene and on the scene where we expose a cultural stories of the day >> laura: it is time for seen and unseen. here is raymond arroyo. biden is having a hard time out there, his last formal event. >> president biden: she is going that way, i'm going this way.
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>> raymond: he always needs a traffic cop. they should have an usher at his side. one event, getting off a plane in france and they called a. d may be for dementia, not to worry, kamala harris is spreading joy and cheer on late night. she's a barrel of fun. >> i want to start with reproductive rights. >> yes, that is where people come in with your right to elect the people in united states congress who will fight and protect your freedom. >> trump has made it pretty plain he is going after his enemies should he be re-elected. >> all seriousness, you are right to bring this up. he's clear, he will weapon ize department of justice against political enemies. >> laura: i thought this was
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supposed to be entertaining. he is weaponizing. >> jimmy: weaponizing department of justice. >> laura: shoe on other foot. >> jimmy: he sends pro-life activists to jail for years for being oud a clinic. trump is being brought forward, they are not filing against president because he can't remember anything. when is abortion a funsy topic for late night? >> laura: all they got, ray. if every women can't get a late-term abortion, this is end of times. that and weed maybe. >> jimmy: if you did not enjoy the vp on kimmel, alec bald win and his family are targeting duck dynasty. >> experience ups and downs,
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bad, wild and crazy. home is the place we love to be most. [cheering] >> we're coming to tlc. >> raymond: can you imagine this, laura? they are releasing this thing after his trial for manslaughter. what is next? manson family fun? i don't know where you go from here. this is match-up of eight is enough meets gunsmoke. i don't think it will end well. >> laura: remember he has t tendency of losing his cool in public. if it gets interesting that way, maybe people will watch. i think it is an attempt to hu humanize alec after all these years. he's warm and fuzzy and has a beautiful family. look out kardashians. >> raymond: attempt to grab cash on the way to the jail house.
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90-day daddy. on disney plus, new "star wars" series and it appears to be from a galaxy far, far and gay. here is the lead and the creator discussing the show. >> this is i would say arguably the gayest "star wars" by a considerable margin. are you excited about that? this is a talking point. >> is it going to be a talking point? >> i think "star wars" is so gay already. >> okay. >> look how gay this is and send each other reference. >> are you telling me cp30 is straight? >> they're a couple. this is more outward. >> i think r2d2 is a lesbian. >> laura: very smart people, very intelligence. >> raymond: robots don't have
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sexual desires. george lucas was at con, and said "star wars" world was created for children. why lay over all these sexual agendas on essentially a space offer for kids. leave it alone, hans solo and chewy were not having an affair. leave it alone and let us have the sweet memories we had as children. >> laura: c3p0. what are we seeing here? what else? >> jimmy: too much. finally, i want to share something uplifting from normandy, we were there on the 75th anniversary, now is the 80th anniversary. this is world war ii vet don graves kicking off the celebration in france. >> god bless america, my home sweet home!
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[cheering] >> laura: i'm going to cry on that know wo. >> raymond: it was so beautiful, so beautiful seeing people come out from villages that were liberated to thank the 82nd airborne and last remaining vets, they estimate 200 of them can make it to this year's celebration. in all likelihood, this will be the last big commemoration for these did sheing-day vets. god bless them all. >> laura: they answered the call and many knew they would not come home and they went anyway. there was not a debate whether america and europe were worth saving. thank you for that. thank you for almost making me cry. >> carley: today marks the 80t


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