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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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the smithsonian. we're in the very beginningings of our relationship with one another. what i would tell people out there, go to the ambc website, look at our cemeteries, look at our monuments. when you find yourself in europe for the olympics this year, we have a beautiful cemetery there in paris. go see them. teach your children about them. remember those who gave us the freedom that we enjoy and quite frankly take for granted on most days. >> bill: i was telling dana about the american cemetery in luxembourg. it is a place of devine glory where patton is buried. there is a sense of peace that overcomes you and as i mentioned earlier, every one of those headstones has a story and you are the man who is responsible for making sure that that endures and thank you for sharing your stories with us
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today. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: a good buckeye, there, cleveland, ohio xavier university. >> that's right. thank you. >> dana: fox news alert and we have continuing coverage of today's ceremonies in normandy, france, as leaders and veterans of the western allied nations mark the 80th anniversary of d-days. the beginning of the ceremony getting underway, you see may kron and zelenskyy. >> bill: our coverage continues. an emphasis on this international ceremony about what is happening right now in europe and specifically the war with russia and ukraine. so as we get ready for that, we want to remind you that a small scale reenactment of the normandy invasion featuring period landing craft and a flyover by a squadron of planes are still flying as we see president zelenskyy right now in
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the camera. >> dana: fox team coverage. honored to have pete hegseth and author of the new book war on warriors and tim hole berg and joining us in normandy is martha maccallum and white house correspondent peter doocy. great to have you all there. peter doocy, are you able to join us now? there you are, i see you are up and at them. what do we expect in this next hour? what will we hear from president biden and anything about he and zelenskyy meeting today? >> we're not going to hear anything else from president biden here in normandy. he has gone to an international ceremony where we expect most of the narration of the events and of the guests to be in french so president biden is basically just there to show his support for the french partners and for the veterans that are here. there are a couple great items today about how the french were so happy and they still are for
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generations that the united states came in and liberated these towns on d-day 80 years ago but it was a painful time for a lot of these towns because people lost their homes, lost their sons and brothers and so president biden is here just to sit respectfully and listen to that. as for the zelenskyy piece, we know president biden will skip a peace summit in switzerland. they will get some alone time in france. president biden is not alluding to the fact things in europe right now are similar to what they were in the run-up to d-day in the 1940s. he is specifically calling out russia and the moves they're making on ukraine. and being here you can tell president biden is very moved by it even though not his first time. but to see all of the brothers,
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45 brothers buried here. 33 next to each other. a father and son buried here. 80 years ago is not that long ago with folks still cracking jokes with president biden. he wants this moment and the appearances with zelenskyy over the next 24 hours to show that a lot can change in 80 years but also a lot can remain the same. it is his opinion that what's happening right now in eastern europe could become something similar to what happened in western europe 80 years ago. >> dana: we see the ceremony continuing there. we appreciate it and continue on here with our coverage. >> from a peter to a pete. pete hegseth. author of a new book war on warriors. nice to have you here. you wore the uniform, you fought
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the war, you came home. >> and every time i look at a row of crosses like that i think of the men that didn't, no doubt. this morning they did the 21 gun salute with three guns and seven shots each and had me thinking as it does every time the one i remember is seven guns and three shots each in the gravel in a remote base in iraq remembering a brother we lost in battle. everything we have in this nation came with a price. we remember june 6th because of the massive price of that day. by any measure on the amount of casualties today we would measure the siege of normandy and omaha on d-day as a failure. we lost tens of thousands of americans. but it wasn't. it was worth it and it was worthy and they lived worthy of that and followed through and saved the world. so moments like this, yes, we need to remember but it's not about the past.
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what are we taking from the past and leveraging and forging for the future? >> dana: what did we learn about the leadership styles and decision making of like a general eisenhower who had the vision, plan and leadership to get all these men to be ready to go. what does it take when you think about it? >> unbelievable. we study the military planning and logistics that happened on the 6th. factor in the weather and you have a whole balloon army to deceive the germans. the generals of latter day were worthy of our reverence and why the generals today. the difference from then to today eisenhower wrote two letters before d-day. one if it succeeded and one if it failed. and if it failed, it was taking responsibility for that and accountability for the
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implications of that failure. where is that ethos? there are some. there are generals out there with it. not enough. especially in the shadow of afghanistan and other things we need that belief that i will stand behind my troops all the way until total victory but if not, i'm the one that's accountable for that. >> bill: prince william meeting with president macron of france. his father gave a speech in southeastern england near the embarkment point for d-day and dana and i were just talking during the commercial. an irish woman in charge of the weather forecast and her job to tell you whether or not is the sky clear and is it clear enough? she was the one who delayed it by a day. >> dana: she died this year. i read her obituary. she files her weather report like she always did. the phone starts ringing. are you sure? are you positive? sure it was foggy?
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and she says -- gets with her brother, let's double and triple check. yes, that was one. maureen sweeney, may she rest in peace had a pivotal role there, too. >> bill: you talked about the numbers. take this in for a second. in one day 150,000 allied troops, 2500 americans lost their lives during the invasion. there were 9400 americans buried in the graves of cemeteries in northwestern france. that just blows me away. you think about the sacrifice in iraq. think about the sacrifice in afghanistan. afghanistan went on for 20 years. this is one day, this is one moment, and they made a decision, man, it is now or it is never, pete. >> that is afghanistan in one day. not precisely in the numbers but afghanistan was give or take around that level. in total when you talk about
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that cemetery that's in iraq and afghanistan in a day, which gives you a scope of the reverence of this moment and i hope, you know, i know we play sound in a moment what joe biden said about russia and everything. we can play that. >> dana: do that and also want to get to this other point that congressman mike waltz said of the gratitude of the french and how they are the ones doing a lot of the reenactments we're watching. president biden spoke earlier. >> president biden: we will not walk away. [applause] because if we do, ukraine will be subjugated and it will not end there. ukraine's neighbors will be threatened. all of europe will be threatened. and make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in ukraine. to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. we cannot let that happen.
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to surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is unthinkable. were we to do that we would forget what happened here on these hallowed beaches. make more mistake we will not bow down. we will not forget. >> dana: there you have president biden earlier today. pete, if you could hold on for a moment martha maccallum is joining us from normandy who is there for the ceremonies and the speeches and how about the president of the united states today in this moment, martha? >> well, i think it was a speech obviously that got a good response in the audience. he spoke about making the world free from tyranny. we will not back down. we will always support the cause of democracy. there is a lot of questions around that in terms of what the
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commitment is around ukraine. how does the president really approach the question of aggression from russia? does he think that we're in a 1938, 1939 scenario where the aggression in china and russia is something that will be continuous and that we need to address on a scale of what we stand for and who we are? you know, i'm not sure that he was definitive in terms of a call to duty that is clear especially when you look at how the ukraine aid has been very measured, they ask for something, we say no, give it to them down the road and we have this situation where we have allowed them to use weapons that range into russia around the kharkiv area. what happens if in the zelenskyy meeting i need it in three other places as well? so i think there is a lot of questions about the rhetoric versus the reality. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: one other thing.
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the irony of the comments today is -- goes with what putin said yesterday. once a year around this time he goes to st. petersburg and takes questions for sometimes hours at a time and yesterday he was talking about german weapons being used against russians in russian territory and he had some ominous warnings, too, a lot of his answers where it could possibly go. we'll get into that momentarily as well. in the meantime, it is day four in hunter biden's gun trial that's underway. the dealer who sold hunter the gun in question retaking the stand. also hallie biden is expected to testify today. that trial will continue. we'll keep an eye on it. >> dana: ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of d-day underway in france. coverage continues live at omaha beach. >> as long as people remember the vets are still around the guys feel good about it. some of the memories are good, some are bad, some are happy,
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>> bill: 17 past the hour. happening now in a courtroom in wilmington, delaware hunter biden's trial is underway. the defense cross examining the store employee who sold hunter the gun in october of 2018. his sister-in-law, hallie biden likely to take the stand later today when she testifies tossing the gun in a trash can. we're getting up to date on where we are at the moment with rich edson. >> good morning. major update right now. gun store clerk is gone and hallie biden has just taken the stand. major witness for the
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prosecution. she discovered that gun from hunter biden, drove it away, threw it in a trash can. the entire reason led to the events we're here today. the relationship between the two of them extremely complicated. hallie biden is married -- the widow of beau biden. that is hunter biden's brother. after beau biden died, hallie biden and hunter biden began a relationship. so the prosecution here is going to have her testify on a number of different fronts. they are trying to prove that hunter biden was a drug user at the time he purchased and possessed this gun for 11 days. they will ask hallie biden about hunter biden's drug use during that period. text messages between them where he says he will meet a drug dealer. they will probe that and a number of things in the laptop as well. major witness just took the stand. keep you updated as the day goes on. >> bill: rich edson, wilmington, delaware. >> dana: that's not the only hot wants hunter biden finds himself in.
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house republicans are sending criminal referrals to the justice department alleging that he and the president's brother, james biden, lied to congress. aishah hosni reporting live on capitol hill. the prosecution in the case we were just talking about -- the defense said they'll call james biden as one of the witnesses. aishah hosni, catch us up on the hill action. >> good morning to you. this is kind of a wait and see game now really up to attorney general merrick garland to decide what he will do with this referral. republicans are putting the pressure on him saying look, hunter biden violated the law here and should not be treated any differently than anyone else. >> the ball is now in the court of the attorney general. he testified here this week that he doesn't want to show that there is a two-tier system of justice. he has an opportunity now to prove it to the american people and see what step he takes. >> hunter's attorney said this is nothing more than republicans trying to distract from their failed impeachment inquerry into
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hunter biden's father. democrats are mocking the g.o.p. for continuing the impeachment investigation. >> is that still going on? great for comer. everything i read it is going so well for him keep james, keep doing what you are doing. going great. >> things have come to a head. marjorie taylor greene is threatening to use a privilege motion to force a vote on an impeachment of president biden but again, doubtful that they have the votes in the house. democrats have said they would put a stop to that. >> dana: aishah, never a dull moment on capitol hill. we wish they had more dull moments but they don't. thank you so much. fox news contributor paul mauro and thinking about -- it is a tawdry situation and prosecutors are like okay, here comes the sister-in-law who is the -- she was dating hunter biden after beau biden died.
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she gets addicted to drugs and gets clean and throws the gun in the trash can and like the whole world is watching this. >> if this case is going to have any surprises, it hasn't to this point, it will come today and happen now. you know what? let's try to advance the story a little bit and look away from the cocaine but look at the gun. why did he need a gun? that may be the answer we get out of hallie. if he wasn't addicted and clean and sober and on the straight and narrow, why is he so desperate the get the gun and why do you have to take it away from him? she is likely to give us the best window what was going on with him at the time. if we get a surprise it will be today. >> bill: she is a critical witness and prosecution laid it out for us. we're watching the supreme court. there hasn't been what we consider a significant ruling handed down today so it's not going to come this week on immunity, maybe next thursday.
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that being said, the florida case has been delayed, the d.c. case is waiting on the supreme court, which hasn't happened yet, and this georgia case was delayed yesterday afternoon. you were talking before the break about how you think this might be the most significant of all regarding fani willis. how come? >> this is the case that is the most basically flawed and is collapsing under its own weight. it is one of those things where prosecutors in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. there has become more scrutiny over to the prosecution side of things we're starting to see that house of cards fall apart. the idea that the georgia court of appeals accepted this case argues that they were likely going to go the route they did. once that happened many of us observing this said to ourselves this case is likely done because they took it after, remember, the judge threw nathan wade off but left her on.
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but very, very barely and said essentially i will get rid of him and keep her but others should be looking at her. boom, it goes to the appeals court. put those two together. here is the thing. a couple of things could happen. they could throw the thing out or keep the indictment and throw her off. if they throw her off it takes her whole office pretty much with it. now you have an indictment and have to start over. that thing is in real flux. it will never happen before the election. almost a mute point. remember something, she -- i don't know will stand up to a lot of scrutiny here. she talked right under oath on the stand she has campaign cash in her closet. talked about the fact that essentially i didn't do any of these things. the relationship didn't happen in the timeline you are saying and yet the timeline of the relationship was enough for the judge to get rid of wade. the scrutiny clearly is going to start to reveal maybe she has some vulnerabilities and i think she has plenty to worry about
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maybe more than president trump does in georgia. >> dana: doing math on the supreme court. they have to make a decision on this presidential immunity case soon, right? they didn't do it today. they do them on thursdays. they have the 13th. that's a possibility. 20th, but the 27th is the presidential debate. so it has to come sooner than later. maybe they aren't finished yet or i don't want to do it on d-day. i have to do it before the presidential debate because they have to get it done. >> bill: it could and in recent years they dribbled it into the month of july, the first couple of days. if you look at the calendar july 1st on a monday, two and three and we blast to the fourth of july weekend so it will be one of those days. >> we'll have these kinds of analyses all the way until the election if you think about it. hunter's tax trial is going to be right up against the
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election. you will have steve bannon's trial in new york and daniel penny's trial in new york. a whole series of trials that are likely to come in the fall to have major national implications. this kind of conversation we'll have a lot where we say wow, the outcome of this could be the october surprise. there will be nothing surprising about october because it will be -- >> dana: paul. thank you so much. appreciate you. >> bill: back to normandy we go to talk about sacrifice and service and a lot of it. carrying across the generations today as we reflect on a group of former u.s. navy seals are paying homage to those who wore the uniform before them. the heroes of d-day. >> you wouldn't believe what i've seen. >> you still remember it? >> sure, you better believe it. like it happened yesterday. the world has changed. clearly, it's not the eighties in the nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses.
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>> bill: we're watching the events for the international ceremony. french president macron has greeted every world leader coming out of the vehicle and into the ceremony getting underway shortly. we believe president biden and first lady are still there by nearby at a cemetery spending time there as well. want to introduce you to two recently retired navy seals traveled to normandy for a new fox nation special. meet steve gonzo gonzalez. sure it has a story. also james with us as well. thank you. you went to normandy, what did you think? >> once in a lifetime experience the way we had the opportunity to do it as part of this documentary. the project came about through forest blue and we had this unique opportunity not to just go back. the only reason we chose to do this documentary the four of us it wasn't about us at all.
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the story was not about our careers or not about any of our time in service. the story was truly and opportunity to honor our forefathers, our brothers. i think that was a unique opportunity. the way the story is told. we get to use our operational time, we get to use the things that we can flashback and go on a journey with the viewers and actually share it and hopefully what that does reaches the younger generation of people. not just learn the history but appreciation. >> dana: that has been on my mind today how do we keep the reverence and honor going through the next generation. >> we hope this documentary does. it learned us to learn more about our history. there are no books, movies, tv shows the way it should be. a lot of us learned about the history of our forefathers and we hope this carries it forward to the future generations of americans that understand the
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sacrifices made to go. >> the audience is there for fox nation. give a clip here, number one called the frog fathers. watch. >> an inherent responsibility to make sure that our community, naval special, we understand what those naval combat dem -- >> world warships and force blue are sending four u.s. navy seal veterans on a pilgrimage back to normandy to follow in the forefathers footsteps and learn whatever lessons can still be drawn that that most deadly of days. >> bill: you said it great. frog fathers is the promo. >> pappy is the nickname. >> bill: the message you carry and what you just said is
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exactly right. you go there to honor the people who went before you. >> we had an interesting experience after we did the screening of it up here a couple of weeks ago. we went out afterwards with a number of folks helping out. a 21-year-old who sat with us and asked her what was your take from it. she was very honest and said i'm not a history buff. i don't know that much about world war ii and less about d-day. i didn't want it to end. i was learning so much historically but what it means to serve and i think the greatest thing she said was i want my friends to see it. >> dana: one of the things i read a lot of historical fiction. so much of it was written based in this period. that's another way for them to learn. was there anything the force fields that you took anything surprising or big they took away that you could share with us as before we watch the documentary? >> the most surprising thing is the actions on d-day itself. as we talked about earlier, when
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we assault a target we move through and extract. those guys went in before the landing and they stayed on the beach clearing the obstacles. they didn't leave. over 50% of them made the ultimate sacrifice. they were killed or wounded. that would be like losing 50 percent of the seal teams right now. it's amazing their actions and proud to honor them and work with the navy seal museum and a big sponsor and we are proud to bring that. it is easy to do. go to fox nation and watch it. if you are a veteran you get it for free the first year. >> bill: what's the story? i assume gonzo -- you must have done something crazy. >> i was stationed in italy. gonzo in italian is the goofy, funny, smooth guy. >> dana: smooth guy. i would have picked you out of a lineup. thank you so much.
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>> there is a fine line between goofy and smooth. >> gonzo and pappy. check it out on fox nation. >> dana: president biden's executive action on the border is in full swing. drug smuggling the picking up. it is all too little too late? we await president biden's arrival to mark the 80 anniversary of d-day. >> 19-year-old, which i was then, was extremely important. i wasn't afraid. i was bouyed up by the events happening. losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk.
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>> bill: there is a moment we've been eagerly waiting to see. that's the moment when the french president greets the american president. they got out of their limousine a moment ago and heading into the international ceremony which will be the apex of the ceremony today on june 6th there at omaha beach in france. >> dana: emotional and good weather day. michael waltz is there. he did a jumping out of an airplane. parachute thing. he said one of the things he noticed is during the reenactors the most surprising thing most were not american but french honoring the u.s. soldiers that
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fought for france's freedom. the gratitude is very heartwarming. beautiful day today. >> bill: great to here. stick on this picture for a moment and see how this goes here. we saw president zelenskyy a moment ago and we were given the message in a not so veiled way by the american president three hours ago about the threat today in eastern europe talking about putin. putin yesterday was talking about his relationship with germany and german weapons being used in russian territory and putin said there is a price paid for that. and made you really think 24 hours prior to the message that's delivered today. >> dana: the g7 meeting is coming up this month as well. president biden will be there. a lot of decisions to make. normandy invasion was called operation overlord. 80 years ago today. we have the ceremony here.
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tim holl berg is president of the american veterans center as we watch president biden shaking the hands of all the world leaders. macron, trudeau. >> bill: the seriousness of putin's commence. if you don't believe in coincidences this is what it is. and we could be entering a new era of that war and potentially new era of chaos on the continent of europe. we'll see how that develops. >> dana: we should also mention, of course, a fight for freedom and safety for the israelis right now after the terrorist attacks of october 7th. >> bill: tim is with us now, president of the american veterans center in washington, d.c. tim, thank you for your time and we may have to interrupt you pending events there as president biden gets situated. how do you feel today when you think about -- you started this program 21 years ago and 4 million of the 16 million world
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war ii veterans survived. today it's less than 100,000. >> absolutely. this is a generation that we've all looked up to for all of our lives. they have always been there for us. and you have seen nearly all of the generation go. aspirational history is what we call it. the people we've all looked to for so many decades. they are not gone. there are still some left. 100,000 plus left. still the precious moments to restore the legacy and pass it on. >> dana: history is the art of storytelling how we remember and learn. tell us about george. >> absolutely. george chap yeah landed on d-day. he should be there today. graves registration was his duty. caring for the bodies of the dead. from utah beach on d-day until the end of the war george and his unit handled 75,000 bodies
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with allied and germans. made it the mission the rest of his life to educate and remember the price and cost of freedom and really take that to heart. in his 80s he was creating documentaries of the war taking veterans back. one vet as of a year ago that shaped i knew would be there and speaking on this day it was george. sadly, he got sick last fall and passed away few months ago. so that price of freedom graves registration dealing with the fallen and caring for them reminds us for 75,000 people the cost of what it all meant. >> bill: tremendous and strong story. thanks for sharing that. it reminds you that every one of these men and women have a story, tim. every single one of them. and you have gotten to know them. >> absolutely. down the line we've known veterans from the real band of brothers to major league baseball players that fought in world war ii.
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yogi bera was a d-day veteran in the navy to all of these legends and so precious, those moments with them and how much they inspire all of us. you see how hungry people are for these great stories. you see the feeling today. you see just our youtube channel alone people watching these stories directly from these heroes. you just again brings us a feeling and moment that brings us all together still 80 years later. >> dana: if someone is watching today and have a loved one, grandfather or grandmother who was a participant in the war or served in the war and they wanted to be a part of what you are doing so they can make sure these stories are heard and told and preserved for history, how would they do that? >> visit american veterans we're really, as i say truly an obsession in capturing the last great stories from world war ii. we would love to hear from them. >> dana: tim, thank you so much. what an incredible work you do and how rewarding, too.
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>> bill: great hearing from you. thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: as we've been talking about it you see here world leaders are getting ready for the ceremony and there, d-day, the most epic battle in history and gave us the freedom we have today. we're watching the d-day ceremony in normandy and we'll be right back. >> i always considered myself one of the lucky ones that survived because so many of us didn't. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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this is a group of 200 that have just crossed here in california, part of the busy san diego sector. off in the december tans i'll have my photographer pan off and you have another 100 or so waiting to be taken into custody. india, nicaragua, africa, middle east. we came from another location with a bunch of guys from turkey and vietnam waiting. very busy in san diego sector this morning as again there is no fear of this new executive order which bans asylum for most illegal crossers with certain exceptions. we'll show you what we saw happening yesterday. take a look at this video. day one of biden's order another mass illegal crossing down by the border wall. these people primarily from columbia and venezuela. they, too, had no new fear of this executive order and believe they will be released into the united states and here in san diego sector more than 70% of them are released. i caught up with a handful of
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these guys. they aren't here to claim asylum. they are here to work or meet up with family. listen. >> san francisco. >> okay. [speaking spanish] >> back live you see the reality of what's happening on the ground in san diego sector. the biden administration was hoping that this executive order would curb and slow down some of these illegal crossings. that is not happening. we just got brand-new data showing there were 4,000 illegal crossings at the southern border yesterday. day number one of the executive order. on par, maybe a little higher than what it has been in prior weeks. so based off what we were seeing
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on the ground here and the data we get from across the southern border, guys, the executive border is having 0 impact whatsoever on the number of people showing up and crossing into the united states illegally. >> dana: interesting to see also what they are hearing and seeing on their phones. the cartels are communicating with them through whatsapp and tiktok and the rest. >> bill: everyone with a backpack and clean clothes cartels are helping in a big way. potential home buyers in crisis as mortgage rates and monthly payments spike across the country. lydia hu is on it again with housing hurdles for many americans. what did you find out and where are you? good morning. >> good morning, bill. we're in new jersey outside of new york city looking at this house. really cute starter home. when it hit the market it got a lot of attention. multiple bid situation. ultimately went under contract over asked press.
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not a lot of supply. potential sellers are sitting on a 3% interest rate for their mortgage and don't want to give it up. what's happening is driving the prices up for homes that are on the market . listen to this. >> right now you have five houses that are here, extremely low. we usually have about 40 in the market that we started nine years ago. the list price, what's the sale price going to be? things are going 30% over list price. >> now across the country supply is slowly improving. we're better than where we were a year ago. still below the pre-pandemic volume of homes. freddie mac says we're behind what we need. we need 1.5 million homes to bring us on balance to meet demand. that's a conservative estimate. other estimates out there that say the projection is closer to 2 1/2 million homes over the next couple of years.
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in the meantime those housing costs are climbing. the median monthly payment right now almost $2900. the realtors here hope the fed will cut interest rates to bring some type of relief. it's not clear that will happen. some experts say even if they did cut rates home prices may not fall because there is so much pent-up demand. it doesn't seem there is much relief in sight right now. >> bill: it will be a really interesting economic story for so many. thanks, lydia. >> dana: that's an issue and a question you would expect the presidents in the debate. we're marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. a special occasion. ronald reagan gave a beautiful speech that many remember written by peggy noonan. we have a little bit to play for you here. >> they climbed, shot back and healed their footing. soon one-by-one the rangers pulled themselves over the top and in seizing the firm land at
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the top of these cliffs they began to seize back the continent of europe. 225 came here. after two days of fighting, only 90 could still bear arms. these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent. these are the heroes who helped end a war. >> bill: if you've been to the beaches of normandy or if you haven't gone yet, just know when they came over the allied forces came on shore the germans were dug in that part of france and bel belgium. it was the top of a cliff there and they had to scale the cliff in order to get to the german garrisons to take them out one-by-one. not like you could go in there with bombers and knock them out. you had so many of your own men on the beach before you. of all the stuff i read this morning i want to share this
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before we get out of here. every servicemen -- never heard this before -- who went to normandy was handed a pocket guide to france and it read. we democracies aren't just doing favors in fighting for each other. we're in the same boat. take a look around you as you move into france and see what the nazis do to a democracy, end quote. >> dana: good reminder that people should be mindful of their language now and what they call each other in today's politics. we can have our differences but calling somebody a nazi is typically something that should be the worst of the worst. we have seen the best of the best today and you have so many of these veterans in their mid-90s who were there as young men and returned having a beautiful ceremony today. we'll continue to have full coverage throughout the day. >> bill: here is harris. >> harris: a very special moment is upon us. the international ceremony for


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