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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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what would you say to them about fighting for freedom we. >> i would say and they should really appreciate freedom and they get that information i don't know, but study it and be serious with it. >> martha: so, he was a hero. he held off a german advance in france and took out 10 german soldiers in that effort. is a hero and a gentleman so it was an honor to see him again. that is the story of this 80th anniversary of d-day. remarkable day here at normandy this june 6th. the story goes on we will see you tomorrow. you're world starts right now. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> when the world needed heroes, you called the greatest generation to courage and their answer still echoes in the soul of the nation. [ ♪♪ ] >> everyone under the probability of dying was real but they did it anyway. they knew beyond any doubt there are things that are worth fighting and dying for. [ ♪♪ ] >> people will not be forgotten as long as we keep talking about them. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> the missing man formation flying over normandy brands at america and the world were members d-day and the invasion that went and started 80 years ago today. 156,000 allied troops storming the beaches of normandy pack more than 4000 would diet at day including 2500 americans. in the end, more than 73,000 allied forces would die the battle that would drag on for more than 70 days. today cackles freedom fighters and survivors of the war honored by president joe biden. the world is much different place today is antiquity what we learned them and still learn now. welcome everyone i'm neil
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cavuto. let's go to the white house was jack from our. and the significance of the bear jackie. >> neil, president biden recognized the americans who lay down their lives on d-day to stop the journey of ashes are moving across europe. he called on allied democracies to rise to that moment again but an modern-day dictator, russia president vladimir putin also threatening to march across europe. >> democracy is never guaranteed. every generation must preserve it. defended and fight for it. that's the test of the ages. in memory of those who thought here act died here act literally saved the world here act let us be worthy of their sacrifice. >> biden defended his recent decision to allow ukraine to strike targets inside russia with u.s. weapons, something russia president vladimir putin suggested amounts to direct participation in the war. before again making a build nuclear threat.
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>> for some reason tackle west believes russia is never going to resort to that. but we've got the nuclear doctrine and plays, have a look at it. what does it say? it says that someone else's actions threaten our sovereignty or territory integrity then we believe we have the right to use all the tools at our disposal. >> he reiterated it is limited in scope meant only to help ukraine defend the key city of kharkiv. >> authorized to be used in proximity to the border, not authorized strikes on moscow or the kremlin. >> he is facing pressure to go even further, the house intelligence committee mike turner wrote to the defence secretary today this is a positive step but not sufficient degree must build a strike back at all rush in strategic locations being used to strike
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ukraine territory. russia will inevitably disperse forces to other areas along the border. channeling what the president representative told us today the u.s. policy toward ukraine has evolved along with the war. the president seemed in his remarks to also be messaging to those who would rather see the u.s. will outsmart its support for ukraine, saying isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and is not the answer today we'll. >> thank you jackie very much. martha mccollum has been inerrant to witness history and talk to the people who made history it's been a remarkable. we'll talk to her and a second but i want to give you a chance to see some of the people with whom she is been chatting and younger generations saying it may be learned from the sacrifices 80 years ago. to glisten. >> got real close to a person that was dead they journeyed through this 1 guy was cut in half but i'm say to myself what the hell am i doing pretty get
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me through this. it's all history and i'm glad i'm here. i feel bad about not being with some of my buddies. >> just remarkable. martha you been remarkable. i was in very early this morning i usually dew to beat the traffic peer i was watching all morning and martha: in every notion anyone watched your coverage with a dry i.e. are not human them. it was stunning and powerful these because testament to history. it's just remarkable, the 80 what they've been through. acting as he said and what a many incredible adds here some of them only began talking about this recently, sometimes maybe a decade or so ago. some before that. but why now? >> yes, i need you have your own family hero history with world
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war ii meal so you know what these individuals are like. honestly my job is vary easy here because when you let these men speak and you let them tell their stories and he learned from them and you open up to the history that is all around you doing this kind of work it is a self. i'm honored to be here. there from fighting in world war ii and as i said most of them to talk about it they just like a push those experiences down he talks about his ptsd very openly now perfect on with life and as i said earlier they were doing solely videos talking about what heroes they were. they wanted to downplay it and exult the people they lost over here. that's what they are all about come back. to a person, they will tell you they come back to honor the people they lost her.
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some of these veterans have chosen to have their ashes buried in france because they want to be rejoined with the brothers that they lost along the way, neil. >> neil: yes so many of them have the survivor's guilt and all that. you brought up remarkable views they have on what this could be their final chance to get back there. ronald reagan's famous remarks or years ago when he came to normandy that was around the time this generation would've started retirements and getting on with life, make may be traveling back to these places it was an interesting moment in time wasn't it? >> i thank the reagan like a hawk speech was 1 of the most midden speeches i've ever heard. there is a great book about it. you know, it was the buck end, they were turning 60, old enough maybe had a little money to
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travel as you say and they came here and many of them have been coming back ever sense. but for many of them this will be the final journey. they are between 97 and 105. some of them might be her 5 years from now from what i saw on this trip neil but for many of them, they won't be. just to see the adulation and everyone wants their picture taken with them. they are bringing their children with them because they see what bud just showed us they are not teaching us in schools so as a parent i think you have to take the responsibility to open them up to these stories and make sure you're kids learn about this history because this is the bar. that's the greatest generation may be some of us can help to emulate some of what they stand for and get our generation to try to meet them at least at some level. >> neil: amazing. i hope you get home safe martha. boy he moved a nation just talking to these guys and listening to them. incredible stories. thank you more about very much.
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>> and kunio bay to be with you. >> neil: the same haircare in the meantime, you know, my next guest wanted to travel to normandy to get a better understanding of what these heroes went through on that day june 61944. it didn't and that data dragged donna while. the documentary on fox nation is called lessons from the normandy surf take a look. >> examples matter and we don't have a lot of examples of courage and bravery and selflessness like normandy. >> will go over into europe and destroy all the obstacles there so we need to have a special unit that can do that. that's where they came here and get ready. >> in and out of this and in and out of the water. took the demolitions potentials above obstacles. >> an inherent responsibility to make sure that our community it will special warfare we understand what those naval combat demolition units did that day.
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>> neil: just fascinated peer-reviewed brown u.s. navy seals senior chief traveled to normandy for fox nation you've got to watch it it's stunning. agents some about. what did you learn ricky equally >> first i'll thank you for having us now and helping us and everybody to get the story out there. >> neil: no thank you. >> to start from the beginning, you know, i didn't really know what to expect. i never been to normandy prior to our trip some of the documentary. obviously i knew pretty much everyone else sees in movies and stuff but longer and learning about i own forefathers in the naval combat demolition unit, that story really isn't told enough even in our own community. so it was really for the proper of us out there, it was a learning adventure to deep dive our own history and see the importance of the mission those
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guys had. which on the back and looking back opens the door for the entire light invasion. they spent the entire day in nichols on a vehicle. >> it was fascinating. >> what's amazing was the early wave of soldiers new and based going into this. taking up the germans. ships and firings offshore in. they were bait and they new that the odds of making at their and surviving this are low yet they all did it to them and they all did it. >> yet and that's the unbelievable remarkable aspect of this entire adventure for us was not only seeing the
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obstacles these guys had to face and overcome just to complete the mission they were assigned back but also we were each assigned 1 guide to research on our own and we told a little story of what we learned about the individual that day my guy was shot through the leg almost immediately bearing her first set of obstacles. he made it through parent over a quarter of a mile long beach low tide just said and the entire rest of the beach before fatally wounded. he completed his mission. so the thanks we've doctor and our careers and stuff which are hard for some to believe, when i look at this it's absolutely remarkable these guys were able to stay that fast and complete the job. >> neil: you're in a uniquely yourself ricky you're just like that generation. thank you for sharing and look forward to seeing you again. it will move you and stop you
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>> neil: for poles remained in this race but republicans aren't talking on the possibility democratic resume does those
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constituencies or abandoned the president animate their best to try to when the moon solves especially when it comes to the latest $14 million effort to boost black voter support for donald trump. the south carolina senators on the short post of vp possible. it to see congressman how are you. thank you for having you. 's filament may ask you about what tim scott is doing. they think they have an opportunity to make big gains with the african-american vote. this part of that effort what do you think we. >> while tenant is an optimist. it's good to thank that weigh but, you know, i'm a little bit insulted that someone would do that and quantify the average material.
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competent effort to deliver affordable healthcare we ended effort to deliver affordable housing we we elected president who has a path he is laid out to the american people. lost on the former president ran he refused to do a platform. for political party not -- decides not to lay out a platform for the american people , everything is going on and the head of the principal that's the problem for me. so i would say to my friend jeff scott lay out your pot from the american at the african-american community know what you want to do about healthcare, not on getting rid of the affordable healthcare plan as you did the last time, as opposed to a president who has put 45 million
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additional people with health insurance in this country. >> neil: but effective what you're saying here, obviously you feel the sender and do a lot more to improve the condition for african-americans but uriah joe biden is the president. thanks have gotten a lot more expensive under him because he is leading in the country right now. so why are you paying this all on tim's got to do something we. >> are not penning anything on tim's got picked and said the platform and i'm saying tim scott -- >> neil: hussein the platform of the parties to make healthcare unaffordable plea the fact of the matter is everything has become less affordable under this demonstration. it seems like you are charged to say it is elmo trump and tim sartre and these others who are the problem not joe biden. the buck stops at the white house doesn't equate. >> come on anil not trying to obfuscate at all. i went over you exactly what's happening.
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what is happened in the last proper years back student debt for instance joe biden has limited just in public service student loan debt along, over $60 billion for people with student loan debt. >> neil: who is paying for that congressman great it's all well and good but whose paintwork we. >> with uniquely. >> neil: this plane for that really great who is doing it pretty. >> nobody's paper. it was payback long long time ago. you payback $200,000. >> neil: i also understand that. but ultimately it's piled onto our national debt which has ballooned under this president just as it did under the former
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president. but that's not solving the problem, taking money helping 1 group and then saddling everyone else with the bill. that can you brag about beckley. >> what are you talking about we anyone with student loan debt, it is because you know what happens. a lot of people went to prison. got rid of the whole finance group because of what they did to saddle students with debt. that is what was done and that's what -- remember. >> neil: congressman what's the real parent that followed a lot of debt you're right way too much debt the administration is forgiven. the fact of the matter is it's piled up under this ministration. debt has piled up under this ministration and prices are soaring under this administration. so i understand this and tatian
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to say other guys have no plan but you do so been there almost 4 years and this is what's brought. >> we now negotiate for medicare and you know how to pay 200,000 year if you're part of health insurance. >> neil: so why do you think voters are doing that tweets or african-americans in particular that the administration seems to a lost a good percentage of and has prompted this push to reach out to these rubes. bear disaffected stack they're angry and seemed to be listening to what republicans have to say. maybe it doesn't last but are you worried we. >> i just read this morning they've been using to spread lives about as it relates to
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gaza. i'm per 2 states illusion and have been for 1 reverent. for people to put out that the other stop. for some reason. that exists on lies if you feel so confident about your position widespread these lies about what jim -- >> neil: to be honest congressman i don't know about that i will look into that. all i know is you don't need thoughts or sinister plots to go to grocery store and prices are still high. inflation or at least expiration has come down a bit but that's what most americans feel. they don't need about to tell them character prices are double what they are. they don't need about to tell them almost everything they want to buy is a low-cost year push costlier than it was when joe biden took over. the back of the matter is there
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is no sinister intentions going on here. the president has a double overtime selling people the notion the economy is as great as he says it is. there are clear improvements here. this is still a strong economy. markets have affected that and some of these numbers have reported that. but it's not registering with the american people. so how do you explain that we. >> i explain it this way. eliminate the situate positive. it's the opposite would you guys you want to accentuate the negatives and not even mention the positives. >> neil: i just mentioned the positives to you. i just mention the things that are going right. is not connected to the american people is not a failure on the presence part to make a compelling case great or do you think americans are offended of all stripes and persuasions congressman when he tells them it is okay and thanks are well and they are saying known mr president all thanks are not for a while. >> all thanks are not well know
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question but there's much more going positive than negative. but if you want to accentuate the negative there's not much i can do about that. but that's what you posed on this network. it with negativity. >> neil: congressman how long have you nonaqueous. >> alongside. >> neil: let me ask you then do you thank the president has to take a full approach to this we to see this for what it is. because he does blame businesses trying to fix prices, shrink inflation at all this other stuff. never get into the source. you think it would help a lot lot to say we goofed early on and spent a lot early on. we could have avoided all of this. >> i listen this morning as we were tuned in to what was going on at normandy. i've been in most of the
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gemstones and my late lloyds armful was on the uss arizona on that fateful day december 7th 1941. so this is something i very those 2. 1 thing i respect so much about normandy is eisenhower. and makes me understand why my debt was such a fan of dwight eisenhower. he says whatever happens here i am to blame. that person i would. not a person said i've never made a mistake i have nothing to ask forgiveness for. never done that he achieved not to ask forgiveness. >> neil: act not heard joe biden say that. we spent much of the big and catch a stagnant and mystic. they were good at it. this guy not so much. >> maybe you aren't peer listen
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to this president. >> neil: sodalite every day it's my livelihood. >> firebird on more than 1 occasion. if you listen you would hear it to. the fact of the matter is joe biden's what i call a good man, not a perfect man. i haven't met 1 yet. only 1 professed to be incorrect and that's why hughes defeated and lost last election and we'll be defeated in the next room. >> alright. always a pleasure james to have you speak your mind and i respect that. south carolina democrat very key player in getting joe biden to the white house and hopes to play the same role right now as he hopes to get back in the white house. more after this
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inactive 4 of the hunter biden contralto alum. still haven't seen him leave the courthouse. very interesting witness today after this. rom miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today.
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e the hunter biden trial at the fourth stay here could be wrapping up soon. a lot of interesting developments today. will to the latest. or biden to a busy day today. pain hunter biden with watching as her sister --'s sister-in-law the widow of the late oh biden testified about their relationship and their addiction to crack together. she said hunter turn her onto crack cocaine in 2018. she had since been cleared and cleaned but she is the heart of this story a she walked constantly into court with her husband back she was married to a recently.
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oh biden died in 2015. they had taught what children together. after they died she was in a romantic -- from romantic relationship with hunter. 's addiction became hers and she said she found his crack at her home. she testified she sometimes met with hunter while she met with drug dealers and she said she visited him at a hotel and la in 2018 and began using cracker salt and she said she is embarrassed and efficient. listen to this this post to the heart of the alleged crime. in late october 2018 she said she saw hunter and want to clean out his car to see if there were remnants of all ball or drugs and she is a jew found remnants of crack cocaine, dirty clothes and a gun. we have surveillance video right there presented just in court this afternoon allegedly occurred stopping at a local grocery store in wilmington delaware and discarding that gun inside a trashcan. a day later a text message between hunter and allie --
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hadley says white what you answer my calls are you with some complete hunter replying yes. bernard who hangs at 711 and next are. i am behind the rock stating waiting for a dealer. despite a text saying he is meeting the dealer asking how you wondering if he met with the dealer and she would feel jealous. and he said yes very would prove that she would never see hunter dew drugs or art or at the time when he signed the form and allegedly ticked now in the box to say he was not a user of illegal drugs. it's very confusing. a lot of moving parts but he is charged with 3 different counts of lying on the federal gun form in 2018 as we depart. we are widow for the prosecution
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to wrapup, it could be at any moment or they could have brought in it we're waiting to get the note from court or tomorrow morning we will see what the defense has to do and who they put on the stand. we expect the presidents brother to be honest and as well neil. >> neil: got it thank you. meanwhile have ever noticed tit for tat micro student was weapon as a want to go after the other guy great will explore and slain after the diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at
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are you open eyes in the house the same way you say democrats will weapon as an the doj to go at they wanted? are you just doing it on a bigger platform the entire house of representatives. >> know there is a clear distinction between what we are doing and what they've done what financing the judicial system undermined at people's faith and institution in their system itself. but we are doing is the opposite
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neil. >> focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will only use a system of justice to go after your political enemies. >> so number 1 they are wrong and has to stop look when this election is over. based on what they've done i would have every right to go after them and it's easy because it's joe biden. >> neil: it seems tit for tat how far you'll do we want to go after the other side. it's sort of like a tennis only act bob what do you think we the speaker of the house saying its not richard bashan even though they want to clap down -- clamped down even though their unfair to president drumm. and of course you hear president trump himself saying there has been a lot of weaponization going on and the justice department. republicans believe that effects countered. where does this go?
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>> neil i think we are headed for the nastiest election of a 2016 and 2020 were pleasant but i think it's partially because of of the never-ending campaign. then you mix and the legal aspects of it whether it is hunter biden or former president trump, and then you have a -- attacks on the justice system. and let's face it the justice department on a number cases the past several years have made some mistakes. so i do think we are and new era of nastiness and it's not going to stop just because the election is over. >> neil: in my case too early to tell what the real impact of these guilty verdicts on state will have on donald trump. it appears minimal thus far. post only in some of the battleground states it could be making more competitive what i've seen thus far nothing really changes. what are you learning? e i haven't seen any clear evidence that this has
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significantly helped the president who is behind in this race as you know neil. and listen, every time we've talked to many years about trump being counted out or this is the end of donald trump and it's not the end of donald trump. it's interesting, this time like a 2016 he was behind in the polls and pulled off a shocker. in 2020 was behind but made it closer down the stretch. the polls were more trump friendly and those taught or presidential election years. that is a problem for the current president act that he is losing and may be trump will get a bump from his bp pick and actually a lot of people will vote for trump that aren't telling pollsters they will. >> it's adding pressure on the debate and i'm wondering what do you make, does it so happened? i was out my doubts. but what do you think we. >> i think it happens just because there is a motivation. trump wants it and he said anytime anyplace. then had to give a little bit on the negotiations going on outside the commission.
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biden has to do it because he is losing. 's got a shakeup this race. and is nastiness between the 2 parties obviously they don't know where to go some of them are looking at rfk junior and other third party had because they don't like these 2 choices. >> neil: fike ai had robert at canby junior with me yesterday at 1 of the thanks he brought up as he is like more than either of those guys. it doesn't mean that you have the voters support there sometimes they think it's a waste of time, only 7 state ballots out his name. he is confident he will be on all 50 belts by the time the election, lately. >> it is getting late and again neil. he was waiting and didn't get the libertarian nod because that would have given him a massive bond access but he didn't get it. i keep hearing that he is confident he will get on all them. he has a lot of money especially because his bp is donating a lot of money, but 7 states is not 50, it's a long way away.
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>> neil: what about money raised we not of this is hurting donald trump as we know he will have a couple big fundraisers the next couple days. more people are going to him it's a lot of cash he could spend. how do you think he's been sickly. >> he needs the cash and is raking it in. in that weigh it is a positive but i also think cash is not as important as it used to be peer hillary clinton spent a lot more money then trump attorney 16 and obviously lost. but trump i think has to go after biden's record and make it a referendum on the current president not really a choice. >> martha: >> neil: got it. always a pleasure bob peck iq. >> iq. >> were talking about campaigns reason many more taller trip is up to leave the latest on that part of the story. >> hi neil it's been about 2 years since former president trump has visited the state of arizona. that church fits -- wants his
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act donald trump is in phoenix arizona. a lot of implications in arizona course not only to raise money
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but you know how close it is to the border. alicia is there. >> reporter: hello neil we have received an advance copy of the prepared remarks by former president donald trump that he will make inside the building behind me. in the remarks he says should he win on the first day, he will resend president biden's executive order to curb the number of migrants seeking asylum here in the u.s. trump calling it pro- trafficking and pro- invasion. this is going to be a town hall style event. the former president is expected to take questions from the audience and topics including the economy and definitely the border. as is with most trump events, supporters lined up before the sun came out. but today the national weather service issued an excessive heat warning that supporters i talk with this morning said it came prepared for. is it worth it being out in the heat for this?
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>> absolutely. >> reporter: is it worth it to be out here? >> 100% i wouldn't miss this. my third rally so. >> we're walking back with open arms we are glad he is here. >> reporter: in his interview with sean hannity mouse night said this about biden's executive action on the border. >> neonate thinking conquers all the has to shut the border, you say shut the border sight in order and the portable closed i did it, we have the best border of the border in history. >> reporter: both trump and biden are going to need independent voters here in arizona. they make up about 1 third of the electorate. this week trump and national republican committee lodge what they are calling the swamp the boat usa initiative." voter turnout push that promotes absentee and ale and an in person early voting. from here he goes to san francisco for fundraiser and than to nevada which is where we are going with and also excessive heat warning the case you're wondering.
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>> neil: man-to-man your break. no rest for the wary back thank you alicia. and harry a great deal about the greatest generation. i don't like to insert myself mystery so if you don't mind in this next segment would you mind my dad? after this unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details, inspired by you. this is the all-electric rz. this is lexus, electrified. (♪) when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge.
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the same #1 selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge.
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1:55 pm
you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] ♪ ♪
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>> neil: finally, on this very special day, i want you to look at the faces of these men who were part of it, part of d-day itself there for the average age of those attending this normandy occasion, 100. that's right, the average age, 100. the story their weathered faces tells, many in wheelchairs, many in enormous pain, as the ravages of time take a toll on bodies that have grown frail, but memories that remain strong. think of what they went through. what their friends went through. what this country and democracy itself went through. tom brokaw called them the greatest generation. that was my dad's generation. and that is my dad. part of a generation defined by a world war and a great depression, but more defined by their collective sense of selflessness. i remember him telling me how he signed up to fight the very day after the japanese attack on pearl harbor, bright and early on the morning of december 8th, 1941, here was my dad, patrick
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pavuto, showing up in rochester, new york, to join the fight. he was little more than a teenager. he freely admitted he had no idea what he was getting into, only that he had to get into it. i was foolish enough to ask him as a kid whether he ever considered going to canada to escape. now he had an angry look on his face. then again, my dad often had an angry look on his face after i said a lot of dumb things but i will never forget how he explained why he did what he did. a man of few words, he simply said, neil, it was just something you did, so i did. and that was that. no debate, no turning back. like somebody in his generation, quietly responding to a deafening calling. no fanfare, no easy outs, no way, there was too much on the line so everyone simply got in line for the greater good to do some good. it just seems like such a different world. then you start thinking of the petty rivalries and fights, that dominate our modern world. a far cry from what these
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veterans endured 80 years ago, when they saved the world. i know, i'm not saying anything profound here. just gratitude here. a time for us to show respect and honor here. my dad is long gone. my mom, as well. i cannot fathom all of the hardship that they faced, only that they faced it. they all did. i'm sure not happily, but quietly, bravely, consistently. so if you are left of the greatest generation, but i like to think they remain in us, they are part of us. here's hoping we share something else, their calling to our better angels back then, so many of them with the angels right now, watching us, hoping for us, quietly pushing us and reminding us they are us. they are not only in our history books, my friends, they are in our very dna. let us never forget that, or them, ever. ♪ ♪
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>> in today's struggle, no free man, no free institution can be neutral. >> i thought. hit the beach at quarter after seven. the message was they are slaughtering us. and they were. i am a survivor of the battle of d-day. ♪ ♪ >> every person i was with is
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gone. i am the last man. >> they fight not for the conquest. they fight to end conquest. they fight to liberate. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine:


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