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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> okay, jesse, you go first. all right. tonight on jesse watters, primetime. we have gary sinise on the d-day anniversary and michael richards, we know him as kramer from seinfeld. johnny was at the trial today. dan in wilmington, delaware. >> here's a little peek. hunter laid on a gun for him. if you lied on a gun for him, what would happen to you? they won't tell me that you under the jail. on top of the jail. around the jail. >> i'm going to jail. there you go. okay, check out this scary moment, folks, when a giraffe on a wild, live tour plucks a toddler right out of her mother's hands. thankfully, the giraffe quickly dropped the toddler when he was startled by the father's yellow. turns out the incident was an accident. so the giraffe said, and the giraffe was allegedly trying to grab a bag of food for them from the toddler but missed. but that's it for us.nd for we'll seeve you at the beach. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. p
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>> he wants to put them all inut jail. he wantsl in to put them before firing squad. he'll be focusing on political rhetoric, retribution of hiss enemies. i'm concerned for myself. i'm concerned for my family. the reveng >>familye tour, a hoax or not, number one, they're wrong . >> it has to stop. i'm cosmo jerry. i'm cosmo kramer. w on and that's who i'm going to be. from now on, i'm cosmo meeting the man behind kramer. metime >> michael richards joins primetime. it's a festivus miracle on beaches called utah and omaha and florida. >> and gold and juno. they come ashore 80 years since d-day. gary sinise is here. luke and gary, what are you doing here? >> plus, where's hunter? he's a bad boy.
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you hold to. would you hold for me? >> hopeful. ladies and gentlemen, we have another hoaladiesemenx hote the press from the biden campaign. quote, donalmpaignd trump confit plans to jail opponents. biden's now accusing donald donl trump of doing exactly what he diof doid. mpaign >> naturally, the campaign coordinated the hoax with the media. e hoaxe we woke up this morningnes li to headlines like these. the new york timeske trump vows to prosecute rivals put rule t of law on the ballot. trump vows legal revenge against enemie legals. ump wa >> trump wants retribution. that's dangerous, unlawfulntibuh and un-american. the guy who got a thrill up his leg is now getting a chill. >> donald trump, who wants to put them before firing squads. basically, he wants to put them all in jail. basically.o puhe's unbelievabley he talks about his opponents. i'm telling you, trump couldm tn end up rolling the score. i've got the congress. i've sco got the supreme court. i own it all . i am a dictato, r. >> firing squads. when did trump say firing
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squads? >> he didn't. this is what sparked their hoax. >> watch. s on those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to gos. after your political. >> number one, they're wrong. it has to stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country. look, when g to h this election, is over, based on what they've, done, i would have everyry right to go after them. we can't have this stuff go on. because you know what? when biden goes out, everyone says bye bye and then he gets indicted. d th htwo days later and they go after him. the country doesn't want and you know what? they didn't want it with hillary clinton either. after we won t didn' againstk hillary people. except, you know what i say, lock her up likeher up a. and i said, wouldn't it loc be terrible ifked i locked up the wife of the president of the unitedpresiden states, forme
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and locked up the formerr secretary of state? >> it's a terrible thing to not locking up the guy that locked you up as retribution. >>watc what if that's retributi? i want a refund. >> trump didn't say he would lock his opponents up. he said he could sai becauseup a democrats opened up a pandora's box when they did it to him. could and would two different things. it's >> plus, trump says he wouldn't. it's bad for the country b the >> but if you get your news from the biden campaign, that's not what you froe bide heard bes they clipped his words like this. like thiit has to stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country. lookng, when this election is over, based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them, justor like dictator on day one. and the bloodbath, folks. this is just another desperate disinformationax, thissperat stm the failing biden campaign. and like every other hoax,
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the media's playing along. >> cnn's bookers immediately went. to work looking for anyone they can find on trump's neimaginary target list.. >> when he tells you that tells he's going to do something orhaf he says something to that effect, you should take that very seriously and look at my concernefe, thatd. m i'm concerned for myself. i'm concerned for my family. i'm concerned for manyco a of us who have spoken the truth about the danger that he is.itec >> and the architects of the russia hoax rush to thts e cameras t to say the fbi's scarehed. >> it's terrifying. it's frightening. i have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, wer people who are or were in thein intelligence and law enforcementell enft community ay have worked in the obama administration. other places the. and, you know, people are really trying to assess like what is life goingife to be li if donald trump wins a second term and on a very personal level, i mean, these are torturous discussions with theire family members the about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoidg n
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being unconstitutionally and illegally detainedtitution. >> crooked fbi officials are considering leaving the country if trump selecte: d let's get out the vote, people.e pthis guy tried to stage a cou, got fired for lying, and he wants to be a hero so badlya y he's pretending he's going to seek asylumhe somewhere overseas. >> he's not going anywhere. he'sthese are just trying to sce the public into thinking the fbi won't be able to protecte the re you really think a former ciame director like brennan is going to flee the country? maxine waters, no relation,ys says trump's planning a civil war and it's tim trumps plane tt investigators campaign. >>e mpaign i am going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the a justice system asking them, tell us what's goingsk on with the domestic terrorists. withus?y preparing a civil war against us? should we be concernede be about our safety our? w what is he doing with this
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divisive language? it is dangerouit divisives. e sure and we are going to have to make sure that we understand that we're not at risk with this man talking in the way that he's doing. or is this going to go t are there going to beo atta attacking? whom are they going to attack? what are we goinckg to do? t i've got to get on with trying w to get an investigatioitn going >> trump's not even in officeis yet, and they're trying to open up a preemptivn ance ande anti-r investigation for a threat they dreamt up. biden's locking up trump and he can't talk about it becausei he's gagged. where's the investigation into that? eric holdehewhere e investr shoh lack of self-awareness, worried about what a politicized politic justice department would look like and in doing so, betrayed the exact playbook the left uses against their enemies. >> watch this. if a the president told a compliant attorney general, i don't like what this congressman said about me or did about me open an investigatio dn on that person.l that attorney general could tell a compliant united states
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attorney to do just that and then to just look through that person's life and look for anything that you possibly can at and choose to say. what you find in any person's life that might run afoul of the law. t of anation investigation of a person who is a public figure can n ruining, can rwh be politically damaging. not even if you find anythinui, just the fact that the investigation itself exists. ast well, eric, it's almost like you've done this before. this country can smell injustice. they're using the entire system to keep the man down. >> some people can. relateople >> what do you think is the significance of african american men in this election? both of you. i see them identifying >> im identi. >> why do you say that? let's take out rico charges. >> in the three polls that have just come out post-verdict, trump's ahead in all of them. and breaking tonighte , new foxhave polls have trump leading t joe biden in three major
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battleground states nevada, arizona and florida.and he and he's tied with biden in blue state, virgini's ba. >> wow. democrats are just trying ckfirep the script because the trump verdict backfired. >> they're saying, oh, yeah, you're thed. are say one who was to lock up your political opponents, but they'retical open the bloodthirsty ones. >> listen, it'll be a couple of years until the door slams on trump. by that point, eithes slr he'll be president and trying to take a wrecking ball to the system coy he can, or he'll be atiple multiple defendant. i'm nodet sure if in a perfect world where where you were just perdeciding what's best for thr you know, the country, that you would do it this way. >> but he's got if he doesn't win an appreciable chancn appre of dying in prison. >> that was a former federal prosecutor telling al frankenwol he'd like to see trump die in prison again. not a crazo y homeless guy. f that's a former federaorl prosecutor sharing his prison fetish, rage gags, mug shots,
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leg shackles. the tactics used by the e i say, dartes, dictatorial. they've imprisoned a half din people from trump'sge circle just to get to him. bannon, navarro, manafort, cohen, papadopoulos, weisselberg they tried to put general flynn in prison, a hero. they wiretapped trump's campaign. who really is out for reveng e? we know trump may not want revenge, but there are plentyk e of republicans out there who think revenge woulvengd be righteous. >> you have to get in the game ,republicans. i want every secretary of state. are you purginnt every secreg yi rolls of non-citizens? right now is everyze? republican state ag opening investigations into voter fraued ? right now is every house committee controlled by republicans using itsit nee subpoena power in every way it needs to? right noo w is everyrepubl republican d.a. starting every investigation. they need to right now, eververw facet of republican party politics and powerer has to be
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used right now to go toe to toes with marxism and beat these communists. >> it's not just miller. highly esteemed legal scholarlye john yoostee, the one who authod the enhanced interrogation memo for the bush administratio n, says the only way we stop way the precedent of political prosecutions is if republicans give them a taste of their own medicine. irwn quote, only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutually assured destruction without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders the . l co democrats will continue to charge future to ce fututpresidents withount restraint. the threat of mutually assured destruction kept the u.s . and the soviet union from entering a hot war. hot y. d humanit >> so can it save washington? ni does an eye for an eye leave the whole world blind? >> former federa wholel prosecur brad tolman joins me now. brad, where do you stand o on the revenge factor?
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jesse, thanks for having me. look, donald trump was veryhe pa clear what he planned on doing. i think he plannednning. on movn ahead and putting it behind him. do i thinkd there will be investigations? do i think that hillary clinton got a passdo i thinkto when jim said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this? >> absolutel saiy. i but the reality is, if donald trump wins, he has the ability to put in an attorney general that's going to exercise a lot better discretion, is going to reign in the weaponization, stop targeting one side of thenp political aislonizate and resto. some confidence in this country. if that happenif that happens, y be able to avoid that nuclear button on each side. if it doesn't, then i would noti be surprised with d.a.'s and ags saying i've had enoughhn and teeingou up every and every single political potential target they could and go after them. >> and will that end it? i'm no that t i'm not 100% sure.
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>> no one wants trumped up charges. no one wants innocentt pe people being investigated. that's notople what we're saying. for instance, the 51 intelte officials who wrote that letter. should there be an investigation on that? should there be an investigation into anthony fauci? >> i mean, should there be an investigation intoe an bragg's coordination with the justice department through matthewthpart colangelo? all of these things, if there is, you know, evidence of malfeasance, should thoseas things be investigated not as revenge, but just as accountabilitrevenge ccountal >> absolutely they should. and that's not going after your political opponent that might run against you in 2028. that's going against individualoing agas that we kno, manipulated, you know, committed crimes in order to stop donald trump from winning in 2016 and in 2020,ated all of those can be investigated, focusing
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on the facts, staying true to the facts. it's biden,s like hunter right? for the longest time, they got a pass that huntera biden got a pass with all the criminal activity documented on that laptop. ocumente now they've come back with a a you know, a weak charges and a they are able to make the argumente that, see, we'ren we're going after one of our own. >> well, the realitythe realityy have ignored, you know, countless investigative cases that should have been opened. they've ignored conspiracies. they've ignored the biden, you know, larger crime family syndicate. they've ignored so many thingsfs that once the new a.g. comes in, they they have absolute justification to take a look at it. and it won't be political. it will be lookingjustific at wt we've already uncovered through house oversight investigations and other investigations. irs whistleblowers are saying, hey, will you please look at this and this administration won't. so everything that they do,n
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they can do on on, you know, on a higher ground. teou and do it with righteous becaeation because they hav to justification with the facts and the law as opposed to what thiswi administration has done.t >> i think a lot of people believe that that the trump justice department would be justified in following the facts. thwherever they lead intor that that laptop, whether that's fair violations, whether's it g leads to the big guy, and thatuy wouldn't be revenge. that would just be followingdn'e the facts. >> brad tolman, thanks as always for your analysiasr y >> thank you, jesse john, he goes to hunter biden's gun trial. what is the biden name means pa in this part of town? it used to stand for somethingr, but the last year or so, notr ly really. >> we are people living with a-fib and over 400,000worry of us have left blood thinners of us have left blood thinners behind for lif we've cut our stroke risk
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joe biden said he will not pardon hunter no matter what happens t pard. pt >> will you accept the jury's outcome? their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. biden might have to commute t the sentence after what happened today. haley biden took the stand ute th. a she's beau's widow who hunter had an affair with and got her hooked on crack. tness key witness in the cshe's the one who tossede's th hunter's revolver in the trash can. tossedjoe biden paid a visit bee she testified. did he get what he wanted? >> dave spunt has the inside story. dave? well, hey, jesse. hallie biden was for several hours today. she was off the stand by the afternoon and tomorrow. the the prosecution only has two more witnesses before the defensprosecut me takes ovev case. so it's possible we could have a verdict by early next week because the defense will put on some case. we just don't know what yen some t. that's hallie biden walking confidently out of the courthouse thi.hes afternoon,de.
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the sister in law of hunter biden. but as you mentioned, also the ex of hunter biden. she was married to hunter's brother, the late beau biden died in 2015. she and beau have two children. after he died. sh e and hunter were in ap romantic relationship in the middle of his drug addiction tht and addiction that eventually became her addiction, she says. she testifie d that sometimes hun she met with hunter while he met with drug dealers. she told jurorte s in 2018 she visited hunter at a hotel in los angeles and. she began using crack herself. hallie called this time in her em i terrible. she said she was embarrassed and ashamed. in late octobebar 2018. and this is the month whenhe the alleged crime happened. jesse, she says that she sawhunr hunter. she went to clean out his car to see,ou if there were anycohor remnants of alcohol or drugs and she found a gun. this is surveillance and videoht of her allegedly throwing out that gungu in a trash can nearl a local grocery store here in wilmington, delaware. a man later found it. he was lookingre.r foun for cans to recycle in the trash can
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and he kept it in a sock until i he turned it over to police. hunter allegedly liet ovd on a n form on october 12, 2018. days later, a flurry of textf tt messages between hunter and hallie. halliesages hunter. nter police coming to talk to me now . i'll take full blame. i don't want to live like thisnl anymore. this is too much for me to handle, hunter repliedar the expletive fbi. hallie, it's hard to believe anyone. us is that stupid? that was just one of several text messagee of ss betwees beto in october 2018, and that's the month when thi that'st jame alleged crime happened. also to note that james biden, the president's s brother, also known as jim biden, hunter's uncle, who did some businessimsh with hunter, he is expected at some point to be called asctd a defens ae witness, maybe evend as soon as tomorrow. we just don't have the lison haw from the defense quite yet. >> they will announce tomorrow that jesse. dave. , thanks a lot. >> so what are the peoplere the of wilmington think about the
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hunter biden gun trial? johnny was there yesterday ther where is hunter? i don't know where hunter is. >> i don't know. he's drinking. he's over by the beer down the street in court. if you were on the hunter biden jury, woul>> thed you find him innocent or guilty? guilty. guilty for lying >> g. i don't like nobody a lot. i don't think it's a big deal. really? did he kill anyone? >> no. he's innocent. guilty. but i guess if they pay me enough, he's innocent. >> pay them more. hunter's in cour>> huntet for l on a gun form. if you lied on a gun for him, what would happen to you? i would be in jail. i'm going to jail. in jail? locked u p. >> i would go to jail. i don't know. i've never lied on a gun oi'ver you'd be in jail. >> but hunter said he didn't want the gun when he went into the stor we, the salesman forced him to buy it. do you believe that? could you imagine me sayin dg that i got a gun consensually ce that wouldns. nd >> when you catch me with my head in the cookie jar. i've got to telle you somethinw
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they try to get their money. when was the last time someone forced you to buy somethinhe tig earlier? >> with my spring roll job in nevada. i since i had my laptop with me, i might as well take it to see if it has any repairsr that needs to be done. epairst needyou know, i've heare when i go to the mat shop. >> probably the best place i've ever been in my life. what have you heard about the? laptop from? >> i probably might have just put it down to qualify >> nothi for nothing. the laptop was hunter's. they found him laptop s, t nake smoking crack. >> hunter. >> oh, my god. he's a bad boy. ? inter thaty. neit's all over the internet. they. you take me and you right nowe talkind yotalking and put us in the bedroom. >> you'd like that? what did you know? hey, hunter says finding crack is his superpower. >> what's your superpower? my. my superpowers is beingn save a father. >> hunter biden. your daddy can't sav youe you. >> son of a . sed
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>> joe biden used to lifeguardri right over thereght . >> this is where he fought with corn pop. pop was a badass >> cor dude. >> joe biden says his son hunter is the smartest man he knows. >> joe bs his suis hunter a sma? >> not. have you lied about a gun? we all want say, say our family members, how we feel. because they do better. good. do you have a son? i have daughters. r this >> is your daughter the smartest girl you know? no. you're talking to me w? >>. what are you, robert de niro? yes, i am talking to you. what is the biden name mean in wilmington? >> nothing. bnothing.>> u it used to stand for something, bu year or so. not really. is joe biden making wilmingtonot proud? >> wilmington fell off the radar for him not doinmingtg that for us. >> we still a lot of people like me are still struggling o. >> everything's just high and we're going for it. he's a nice guy. >> ce is soaring. no, it is not. inflation is soaring. no, it is no inft. >> the
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>> and the borders open. b the borders clos the bore in sh. >> are you voting for joe biden? no, i'm not. and you ain't black enough and you ain't black. no, and you ain't black.t... >> and not this time. and you ain't black. i'm not going these year foringp nobody and you ain't black. >> of course, if something happen s to joe biden, kamalan, harris will be the president of these united states. >> and she's doing great. am i going to say that?say th can i geatt a witness? >> what do you want to tellsse a jesse watters on fox news? >> joe biden. ttews?oe bidenjesse, he needs te come to wilmington. you'll learn for yourselarf about biden. >> welcome to wilmington, delaware, the best city in the o wilmine besty. >> gary sinise and michael richards are here. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the bike riders.
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history, and the germans never saw it cominibg. europe was occupied. germany had fortified the coastlind.e from scandinavia to southwest france and admired the english channe andl. eisenhower at a mass troops in southern england. and there was really no way was to disguise that or what was coming. no wghg todeceived the germans into thinking that we were going to invade from the north. but on fro june 6th, 101st and 82nd airborne parachuted behind enemy lines. more in the south. leship next, battleships lit up german artillery, then ans aerial bombardment, after which rafts and tanks landed on five normandy beaches and met stiff german resistance. >> rommel, who was the german general responsible for the atlantic gener wall, was out of the theater and had to rush back for a counter offensivethe was fierce, but ultimately failed. the canadianfas, british and thr americans came together and established a toeholr d. two months and 200,000 casualties later, the alliesed
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pushed south and liberated paris. for hitler, it was the beginning of the end and the most consequential battle in the europeannd theateo changing the course of western civilization.'s a day to rememr their brilliance, bravery and sacrificheire. but for some politicians, it's just another day for cheap political stunts. hillary clinton said this t 80 years ago today, thousands of brave americans fought to protectodthousandcans democro on the shores of normandy. this november, all wf .e have to do is vote. >> dying for your country and voting for a politician. >> not really the same thing, unfortunately. is lost eachory generation. some americans think we're in the fascists now. - >> world war ii vets can't recognize the nation they fought to defend. the >> i feel like a foreigner in my own country. >>s and i don't like.s my h it makes my heart realea heavyul and. i just hope we pull outl ou of this. there's too much too much holly
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hollywood going on inwo washington all the time. the important subjects they don't cover sort of thing, as i hope. i hope that i hope all the guyst will rally up and will go back and straighten it all out. >> that's rondo sharp.>> he was 16 years old when he enlisted in the navy. >> thousands like him lied about their ages just to joid af the war. they stormed the beaches of normandy, running toward gunfire. limbed they climbed jagged cliffs. sites jumped out of planes. aggethey fought and died to preserve freedom around the world. >>m around the wor they were tht generation. >> attention must be paid. ple a >> youngnt people want to know. i need to know. everybody. i saw that i was glad to fight alongside them. they were willing to stand up and not all came back.m came bthey are not a hero. jus i just did my job.
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the real heroes are laying on a cemetery. e these heroes should never forget them. >> actor and founder of the gary sinise foundation, gary sinise joins us now. >> gary, of all the battles, i mean, we've had battlesve h in the revolutionary war, the civil war, world war one, vietnam. lutionars it about this battle and world war two that seemsto s to just stand above everything elsee ev? well, thanks for having me, jesse. consider consider this. that that invasion and it wass, 7000 ships. there were ove over 11,000 plan. 160,000 hit the beach that day. thousands were killed.00 ame weri lost 2500 americans. 4500 allied troops died on that beach that day. yet by midda
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y, they had taken the beach and taken the cliffs by nightfall. by160,000 troops were on that beach. consider this. if the had pushed that invasion back, had beat us back, if that atlantic wall had held and we had lost all those all those brave troops and we were pushed back,t what would the outcome have been of world war two? i think it's the most if not, it's certainly one of the most significant and important days m in the 20th century, no doubt. >> and i believe god intervened because some of the wind had blown the people that were coming in to omaha beachouth a little south. so they didn't meet the resistance and romme st mee. there. hedhad to come back and ha
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the panzer division really just carve up some canadiane. gone but if things had gone the other way, you're right, yotler would have dominateitled europe for we don't even know o how long. you do a lot of workf work, har, for the younger generations and try to explain to them whyti learning about the history of this war and all is so important. >> why is that so crucial no im well, i think, you know, wete often talk about the importance of supportinboutg our defendersg and supporting our troops. but oi don't think people realo understand unless you really know why it's importann'k peopts and i don't think that freedom was never more thinly on the lin thinle than in worldr two. one of the great things that we do with the gary sinise foundation great is one of our m programs is called soaring valor. i've had the great privilege to travel with hundred ps of world war two veterans down to the national world war two museum, and wewn pair them p with high school kids. so a high school student
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, 16-year-old, can travel with a 95-year-old world war ii veteran who fought in that war. go twhn that wo the national woe two museum, spend the entire day there learningume en living history from the people that served and sacrificed there. and there's no better way to educate them about the cost of freedom than that. and i got world war ii veteransi and my family. i've learned quite a bit from themi vete. e pass the lessons that we pass on today. and we're losing these living, living libraries. libyou know, at something like a thousand a week now, they're going to be goinak now.y ,very shortly. so whatever we can docao to preserve that historypreser and pass it on now, it's going to be good for our nation and good for the youngo esse people of this country. >> yeah, well, you're doing an amazing job with the gary sinise foundationdoin. ar and you heard that veterans say he sometimes doesn't recognize this countryn sa anymore. e al and i think if we all get together and get it together, we can chang t ite that, right? gary absolutely.
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absolutely. we sent 68 world war i two veterans over to normandy as part of an american airlines gary sinise foundation trip. they're over there right now. i wish i could. i wish i could. i have gone with them. but it's very, very special for all of them. we're prou very speciad to be af >> well, we're proud to have you on, jesse watters, primetime. thank you so much. and if you want to support the gary foundation, foe foundation,ort you know what to do. thank you so much. and god bless everybodthsoanyern that has served in american armed forces a. thanks, jesse. >> the man behind kramer on seinfeld, michael richards,rr joins us nexdst. but ps >> this program is broughtor to you by bing's alex. i was born with a fire inside, but psoriasis doused my flame until i got clear.g suicid skin was from zealots. skin was from zealots. most people govior,
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just leave me alone. >> nobody loves seinfeld more than primetime. we've been playing clips fromim the show for as long as we've been on the air. e.en clipsour favorite characte, obviously kramer and cosmo. jerry. i'm cosmo kramer, and that's who i' kramem going to be. from now on, i'm cosmo. the bus is a control, so i grab
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him by the collar. i take him out of the seat. i get behindi the wheel. now i'm driving the bus. you're batman? yeah. yeah, i am batman. >> i just got ben affleck flashing over gas has taken it to the streets. >> kramer is one of the funniest characters in tv history. and even though seinfeld's been ofnniest characterf the air sine the show dominates in syndication. tinna meetbut the man who playe, michael richards, has been anything but front and center. he took himself out of the limelight 16 years ago. it's hard to walk away fromen yu show biz when you're one of the biggest stars on tv,e on but ths
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what richards did. yada, yada, yada. he's back with a new booktrance called entrances and exitss , w. and he joins me now. ever even, have you seen jesse watters primetime? no, just a little. i was catching up on you to get ready for this, but, you know, i've been moving and spinning and getting into this book bee. and by the way, i just saw s some of that footage. i really som can't top that. we expect you to. we don't expect you to. the book is incredible. and you talk about whenlo you're auditioning for the pilot, exploring and discovering who krameramer t actually was, they wanted you to maybe wear a ponytail at one point. >> how did you find kramernytai >> well, first of all, there was a suggestion that i weararrv a ponytail because larry david, who began to sketch the character throughr of h
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a neighbor of his, kenny kramer , and he had a ponytail.l veryarry was very clossoe to the look of kenny and asked me if i would wear a ponytail. t and i thought at first, that could be interesting. inrhaps it would off during a take. >> you know the man, kesslertake at the time who became kramer wears a hairpieche we. mak i was thinking of how to make that funny. but then i decidedn i deci to. i got enough to think >> jt more than a hairpiece, so i ditched it. >> so you nailed kramer earl: y and. your character was instantly loved by everybodybyrybody, andr to work with jerry seinfeld, who you were very close with. th youwhat was it like working k with jerry? it seems like so much fun. not like work at all. oh, it was work. a lot of work. we all worke.d very, very hard,l but we were all into making comedy, you know, getting into g
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the into the swing of comedy. d and both jerry and i are deeplyy committed to that. our friendship came out of well, he was a fan from the days i was doing fridays. he was all for me when i was auditioning for the part. he wanted me forrt. the part. >> oh, boy. thank you. and a, we have been neighbors ever since i was that you? >> okay. and you? or the physical comedyr the phy? no one could bend and contort their body like you.that how did you develop that? was that a lot of bruises and head bumps? i know i always wore padding. it wc very scientifi about that. really? truly. so i knew how to take fallsnt and banging the walls and things like that. you know, itd thin came quite natural. and of course, there were great affirmations when i saw the best at physical comedy, like keaton or chaplin or laurel and hardy doing
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the physical comedy. out th but it just came out of me, i think in making my friendsd laugh. i could ride my bike intoride m a bushsh and do it in such a wap that they would just crack up and we'd all be laughing together. >> so, you know, we're watching you right now in your calvin klein, briefs fall over a potted plant. overwas that one of your favori? moments? >> yeah, it was a surprise to everybody. they did not know. i didn't see that footage. is that where i'm leaning against the wall and i fall to the groun i'md? . >> yeah. yes. is that true? yes. you mean you've got me jesse onx news in my underwear? >> i sure do. you, you, you, you and your body. as you're laughing. >> oh, okay. i nobody knew i was going to do that bit on the wall. i saw it was round and i keptit it in mind and i was going t to save it for camera time. t foa lot of my physical comedy, i save it for camera time. i don't show anybodyime,.
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i like it to be natural out of the moment. so that was a surprise and itprs worked and everybody was quite happ y after that. >> take the merv griffin episode personally was one of my favorite all time seinfeld. y fawhat was the inspiration bed that? >> well, you know, i'm verym inspired when i'm into kramer, and kramer is playing a character. you know, that's that's that'srg the lovely part of that character. playing the character. another character. >> now he's a talk show host. so that's inspiring to meo me because i know we're going to have a lot of fun and the man is going to take me through it. it's just a matter going of holu on and let's get it out. >> you know, the cavemen , we heard jerry a couple of weeks ago say that i guessectness political correctness is killing comedy. >> is itilling c ? >> oh, i don't know.
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people are just being more sensitive about what we're sayingt what about each other, h i think is a good thing. and comedy is coming out a of it in a sense, isn't it? it sure is. the way that comic>> it s now bn to play with political correctneshas. >> the haha is archetypal. it's everywhere. it's still it'il going to be win and it's it's alive. >> it's alive. you served in the military today is the 80th anniversary of d-day. how did that of mold you intonal who you are professionally? >> well, i was brought upt without a father, so when i went into the service, i was in the united states s wen armys trwas given tremendous responsibilities when i waems te 20 years old, and that helped me grow up. so whee gr n i came out of the army, thenrolled in the california
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of the art that was paid for by the military being honorably discharged. and so what i gained from it were steps toward being a man. it was just necessary for me. i didn't avoid the vietnam war. i got ready for it, went intowet the army, and that's that. i of needed that sort of discipline. >> yeah. and you watch, seinfeld, with your son, right? for the first time? yeah. i what was that, dad? i never watched the shows see because i could always see how they could be better. and i had to mov the e fast eachd maki week in making each episode. ngpisodeand so it wasn't until y in the preparation of this books and getting tuned in to , the seasons, of it nine years of it, i watched every single episode in order of them being made as they were aired each week. and i had greater objectivityd and i rememberedgr so much and c
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just sat back and just laughedwi with mthy son at this amazing show that so many people came together and made it. the chemistry and the the outcome was just sensational. >> it was sensational. don't watch myself either. afterwards. i'm too critical. i'm too of a craftsman.tsman. maybe one day when my career is over, i'll watch ever -yll single watters primetime episode with my son and just be inspire eved by the brillianr like you were. yeahed bth. and the life and then all the hard work. yeah. jesse, you will be. >> i'm sure you will be. it is a lot of hard work. than>> it isk you much. michael richards. entrances and exits. book. k an >> good luck and great to see you. thanks, jesse. thank you so seeou much. >> thank you. more prime time next. i went to experience i mean, i trust. and on my phone, they show me
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new jersey. we're going to be at martell's. tikin po bar doing the show at : at 5:00. come see00 us.t's do >> now let's do some tax. tom from florida. m we don't want revenge.t fa we want fair justice, especially on those who abusedir thei our justice system. let the chips fall where they may. wellr stemt th, mark from duxbu, massachusetts. if trump wanted revenge, he would take his entire term to accomplish. s why he's going to be dictator for life. got a lot of revenge to do . >> eddie from erie, pennsylvania. cosmo kramer and lieutenant dang in the same show. >> i'm not worthy. i'm not worthy. don't forget about johnny. to re patrick from iowa. in honor of kramerady., i might need some more waters because these pretzels are making me m thirsty. >> that's all for us tonight. dvr the show . i'll see you at point pleasant beach tomorrow. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is my


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