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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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at 5:00. come see00 us.t's do >> now let's do some tax. tom from florida. m we don't want revenge.t fa we want fair justice, especially on those who abusedir thei our justice system. let the chips fall where they may. wellr stemt th, mark from duxbu, massachusetts. if trump wanted revenge, he would take his entire term to accomplish. s why he's going to be dictator for life. got a lot of revenge to do . >> eddie from erie, pennsylvania. cosmo kramer and lieutenant dang in the same show. >> i'm not worthy. i'm not worthy. don't forget about johnny. to re patrick from iowa. in honor of kramerady., i might need some more waters because these pretzels are making me m thirsty. >> that's all for us tonight. dvr the show . i'll see you at point pleasant beach tomorrow. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is my world.
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>> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, part two of my exclusive interview with former president trump. that's momentsf my exc. hea we're going to hear about an important update from president trump'update fs searco much more of that's straight ahead. but first, today marks the 80th anniversary of d-day. thenow, in the early morning ho of june six, 1944, whilee of the tide of normandy ran red with blood, thousands of brave younge ra men, american men, far away from home, storming the beaches in northern france amid a hail of gunfire. no cover whatsoever.gunf ir2501 americans lost their livs that day. but it was not in vain because this marked the beginning of the end for mar. nazi germany and adolf hitler. and less than a year later, the wad thr in europe was final over. today, president biden was in normandover. y to commemorate day the solemn day.
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it was important for the president to b, itortante t. but now, unfortunately, as per usual, it wasn'tbu up, joe.jectv he seemed totally, completely out of it. biden strugglee d with where to walk, where to sit, where to stand, even appeared to dozev off at times and looked generally uneasy during the entireenreofte trip. as reported, quote, peden'.s state of confusion on display in normandy amid rising cognitive questions, unquote. this comesg just two days after a bombshell report from the wall street journal titleden ,quote, behind closed doors, biden shows signs of slipping. oh, you just figure that out, not the wall street journal. oh, the people around him.ople according to interviews conducted with more than 45 people, the president is performing poorly behind closed doors. now, this despite outlandishrfog and, uncorroborated claims from the white house thatalways biden always the sharpest person in the room during meetings. and remember joe biden
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accomplishes more in an hour. the demo sort of you accomplish in a day. that's like up there with of o the biggest lies this white house has ever told. and while seeingnef th is believingving and aside from biden's weird jacked up performance at the frome of the union, it is extremely rare to see joe straying to coherent sentences together. that's why, according to a brand new pollcethat i, look atf a whopping 70% of voters support drug tests at theupcomi upcoming presidential debates. hey,ngial deba joe, if you got t to hide but a little bit of red bull. wellof red, then listen to the. american people. take the drug test ta. an and aside from a rare, overly energetic performance every other da ay seems to be a massie struggle for your president. noa massw he's full of whisperi. and, you know, here's the deal. here's the you know, so far duringth the trip to france, biden has already mixed up russia with ukraine. he also said he's knownr 40
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vladimir putin for 40 years. really, joe? extremel younlikely, unless biden knew the putin was a young kg wb. r an throughout his trip to france, biden has relied on his handlersut hisp and his wife toe him through literally every step. it's embarrassing, frankly, hard to watch. let's state the obvious. s, joe biden is just not capable js of serving as your president. t capablthe interview i did las, we have part two tonight with president trump is not an b interview he'd be capable capag. n a second term should be out of the question. but in lieu of the functioningef candidate, while the democratic party is relying on lawfar eaire and the weaponization of justice to smear donaldthey trump and take him down, yep, a they're weaponizing our our justice system for mere mer political gain. they're trying to jail joe biden's cheap political rival and now lacking any and all self-awareness, these same democrats, they are deeply concernedself-a what truh trump might do to the justicesym
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system during his second term in reality. well, donald d trump is fighting is not fighting for revenge. he's fighting to restore america's justice systemht and constitutionalin order. so no one has to fait face the political persecutionecutio that he's been facing simply because of their last namen en,p their party affiliation. as trump said on this program last nightd onm, warfare, it has to stop. it does. if we wantt ha stop. to remain a constitutional republic. >> take a look. people areemai claiming you wanp retribution. happle are claiminle areg you wt what has happened to you done to democrats? >> would you d don'to that ever? look, what's happened to me has never happened in this countryd. before. and it has to stop. because. wait a minute. ancause.i want to hear that aga. it has to stop. well, it does have to stop becau becaussee. >> we're not going to have a country. it does have to stop. >> se going to have a countrya left. now, compare that to biden's responsecountry . when asked about allegations of lawfare. >> take a look.
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>> mr. president, can you tell us, sir, donald trump refersself to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response a p to thas sir? a do you think that condition will have an impact on the campaignlln impa? e to we'd love to hear t your thoughts, sir. shouldhought he be on the ballor ? you don't find that creepy? >> s d. t desp but tonight, despite everything we have seen from biden anitythd other democrats, it is donald trump taking the high road. does anyone reallydemocr donal e biden when he said today that he wouldn't pardon hunter i ? >> take a look at your son. hunter is on trial. and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal f prosecution. but let me ask you, will youed u accept the jury's outcome,rdict their verdict, no matter what it is? >>r whats. >> h and have you ruled outa pa a pardon for your son? yerd s, for joe. >> politics, appearances, most, they seem to matter the most.
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remember the borders, secure the borders. closedre borcure i. g and by the way, he gets more done in an hour than you do in an entire day, you know. contrast that here with donald trump showing real empathy, sympathy for hunter biden's addiction by sharing his ownhunr heartfelt story about a family member with addiction. take a look. embedon't drink. >> no.>> never have. no. never had a drin nevrinkk. i had a brother who suffered tremendously from alcoholism and alcohol and was a terrible thing to watch. he was an incredible ter with te best personality. he was the best looking persone ng was you've ever seen. everything was perfect, but he had an addiction. and so butn and i understand ar because i you know, i was very close. e, was very close to my incredible guy. but he suffered a trauma. and i've had many friends, ends but my brother suffered tremendously from this addictiorothern. dictio so in spite of this phony characterization by the media mon.ean: ib and democrats, donad trump is not running to become
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some kind of third world dictator. he's not trying to rewrite the constitutiond di. he's pledging not to abuse power. this is simply a caricature i created by psychotic trump haterss on the hardt left and in the media mob. donald trump is no thet runningr revenge. he's not running out of spite. he's running to makenot your country a better place with a nonpartisan justice system. equal justice under the law, equal applicatiosan justn of ou. yeah. and that means if you're guilty, you're going to be held accountable yoult. ry a bureaucracy that is held accountable, a border that is secure oat'sr, a world that isse peaceful, which safety and prosperity, d th all.can can you say the same thing about biden and the radical democrats? they didn't even want them on the ballot in states, for crying out lou d. anyway, here with reaction, fox news contributors kellyanne conwayre witll, charlie hurt arh us. kellyanne, get your initial reaction not just to thosejust answers, but donald trump's interview last nighto th. and feel free to criticize a terrific interview. i'm so glas but
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d. and no, i would not do that. i'm glad you asked himnd a that question. i'm glad you asked him to repeat it, because this me theskedit becau new via the s in the mainstream media this week. trump wants revengene and vengeance. he's the one who's had that visited upon him. and if that ha you need any evi, look no further than how he just stood down in any kindd do of prosecution of hillary clintownn and retribution after he beat her fairly and squarelyd and racked up 304 electoral votes in 2016. many people said lock her up. i think now with biden, it's prop him up. ththat's the new three word chat we should have. but trump is one saying let's move forward that we need to undo the damage and of theu n biden legacy. and you know what, sean? i don't think that thihat?s is going to take hold except among the elites, the richnarrav people are trying to ruin this country by telling everybody what they should thinky is, how they should vote, what they should do. and the reason is, if you lookdw at the new fox news polling, it's our best evidence yet.
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fox news has donald trump clearing 50% in florida. in arizonas, in nevada. this is huge arizona and arizonona, 7% of those who say they're very motivated to vote favoy thatr trump by double digits. it shows joe biden in state after state has a gender gap problem with men. trump's beatinblemg joe biden b5 points among men. all we hear all day long is the women's vote. suburbanrban wom. fine. but there's a real gender gap an biden'sand it's gender gap with men in that arizona poll. that many people are sayings that trump is the best on the issues to handle the issues and bring them for that they care most about. and let me just say y very d-day something something very quickly about d-day. i was there five years ago with president and mrs. trump. he gavhe an incredible speech. people can pull it up. he spent his time meetinh.g thoa veterans. he spent his time meeting with world leaders. i was there. i wansn with ls in those meetings,joe joe biden showed up last night and they called the libidep and we don't know what he did.what h and so there's there'se
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some days like today, sean, i feel like maybe donald trump is better off actually ignoring joe bidetrump we give him too much, too much of our oxygen and energy becausf oue people know what th. see. and now they're listening to what trump has to sayand nol and he's the guy with the more affirmative, positive forwar g witd looking message fo america. that's the kinr d of person who wins 50% in nevada, a state that republicans have not won presidentially since 2004. that's huge.2004, thand there's six electoral vots were elusive to us these last two times. i thinusive tok got a good chanf of actually having biden pull out of nevadya the next couplesn of months and have to focus on this very white states. joe bides verye statn, wisconsio pennsylvania and michigan. wouldn't that be somethingbe ? charlie hurt? let's get your take on that. and, you know, i with a lot of what kellyanne had just said there. you know, it's funny wit f they they've tried everything against trump. but we have two new polls out today, post-conviction. guess who's leadinday,g donald g trump? it's not working.
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yeah. you get a real good idea. about why they want to put him in jail because they don't want to face him. and they certainly don'tt to fae to have an honest debate with him about issues becausan e the issues he's going to just absolutely destroy them. but i think it's really particularly amusing to listen to democrats's talk about howhoo donald trump is going to wages thisgo campaign of revenge o and vengeance. when you look aroundf g at everything that is happening to donald trump right now and it's all revenge donal and vengeance leveled by them, it's another example of where the democrat party is all about projection. whatever thee democr pary if yot to know what it is that they're in the middle of doing, just look at whais thaey'rt doig to their opponents. anthd you compare that marvelous interview last night with donald trump and you compare that to, as kellyannesand said said, you, joe biden gets to go to europe a and he has to call a lid. and i'm actually really glad that he dim hed every you know,
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every public performanceguy is by this guy is so painful. and he even as somebodful,y who, you know, i don't particularly like joe bidenli, it's -- it's as an american, it's painful to watch him get trotted out there. and you can't tell if he's evenr there. you're expecting him to fall downe, you'rto. it's -- it's it's embarrassing for the country anarrassind i js that members of his family famir hand instronge trying to look at what's best for an elderlyt who shouldt be enjoying retirement somewhere. he shouldn't be doing thisshe e last question. when donald trump about was y addiction, what was your reaction, kellyanne? because that was a big issue. you were. well, i worked on this. it was and it's a onelicy i big public policy issue that donald and melania trump workedss together.on and sean, with great results, we got the overdos.e downe deat in this country for the first time in 29 years. hs y toin three decades.
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and i think that's an achievement that president trump should trumpet an achi wht he's out out there, because talk about an indiscriminate epidemic. the drug crisis affects everyone. and, gentlemen crisi, 18 toin 45 year olds in this country right now, the numbeountryrk one killer is fentanyl. think about that for the moment. this is thisabt moment. affects everyone.or we call to the crisis next door. and by the way, he's hisy the brad jr died at the age of 42 of alcoholism. and for the presidene agt expreo that many times in the state dining room to other victims of drug crises. the drug crises he also would say this is not a moral i failing. it's a it's a diseast's noe. and we did so much that was accomplished. he accomplished. i know he's going to focus again. i hate to tell everybody, i hateverybodye hunter biden'ser father is never going to focus on the drug crisis seriouslya .s and speaking of hunter biden, let me just say this. we saw real evidence, heard in the courthouse in delaware this week as opposed to new yorke. conclusions in search of evidence. everywhere you look, there was evidence of evidence
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in his own voice, his in his own text, etc.. but ladies and gentlemen, expect the druetera.g crisis toe front and center for president trump again. yeah. and on his home turf, in a t i'iendly venueur in their state. i'd say the odds are highh that that he may not be convicted because of all those connection nots. and, you know, abbe lowell is a good attorney. two reasons. kellyanne, thank you. charlie hurd, thank you. now, by the way, we turnention our attention to delaware. day four of hunter biden's trial. he is accused of buying a gun whils oe addicted to drugs and then lying about his addiction on a gun. plicat today, we learned about hunter biden's relationshipio with 24aa year old stripper and his reliance on taking a hitstrippek cocaine at times every 20 minutes. we also learevery 20n hunter ind crack cocaine to his former girlfriendintraine, who was also previously married to his brother. apparently, she dumpedy marrie s gun in a trash can when his addiction seemed out of control. terro out of terror and fear ford fear
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his safety and her childrenn sae safety, of course, despite the evidence, we do want her toy get a fair. bel we dieo believe this case, frankly, based on the evidence i've see, basen is a slam dunk.. hunter is, though, on home turf in delaware. a it's not a hostile venue like it was for donald trump inue new york. regardless of the outcome, rega did confirmd everything. and something very importantcon, the mob, the media, democrats, big tech, many officials in your government are disgusting, repulsive liars . and despite all of their lying and history about russian descen t in the 2020 election, the biggest abusersion we of misinformation were actually inside our own countrrn . and in the weeks leading up to an election. what did we learn this week? elecaris hunter's laptop was very real. it was entered into evidence by the government and government prosecutors and. according to testimony from the fbi, the laptop
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is authentic. its contents are authentic. it was never tampered with. no foreign government tampered with. buno. but that didn't stop biden himself from lying directly notbiting. merica the american people. in the weeks leading up to thee 2020 election. and of course, it was censored by big2020on tech and the mediao as well. they echoed joe's lie. >> take a look for our 50 former national intelligence folks who shared that. what this he's accusing meho s of is a russian plan. they have said that this is ha.s all the for five former heads 5 of the cia, both parties say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. s sayingnobody believes it exce. his and his good friend rudy mea giuliani. la >> you mean the laptop is nowpt another russiaop, russia, russia hoax? >> that's exactly why. this way. exactly what is this? e >> where do you believe the recent leak of materia>>l allegedly from hunter's computer is part of a russian
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campaign? >> from what i've read and know, the intelligence communit y warned the president that giuliani was being fed disinformation fromans. the russians. and that putinn is is trying very hard to spread disinformation about joe biden.o and so when you putpu the combination of russia, julia, the president together, it's just what it is. it's a smear campaign building. >> stories from the fall about,n for example, we're writingau. >> yes, yes, yes, yes. god, man, you're a one person. >> can't tell you it wasn't just joe. here's the media mob that claimed to be journalists spreading that misinformationsir of a russian conspiracy theory. by the way, aftemassiar years os and conspiracy theories, why they did i c, t to help him win an election, and that might be called the election
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interference. >> take a look. tion intturprise you a all that this information rudy y? liani is peddling ver well, could be connectede to some sort of russian government disinfoconnecd to men campaign? >> well, we know that this whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. fo >> that's been clear for well over a year now. .s is just classic textbook soviet russian tradecraft at work. >> u.s. authorities are saying if those e-mails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort, it is so obviously a russian operation. punter biden, this lapto that intelligence officials have warned is likely russian disinformationence off. -mails for all we know, these emails are made up or maybe some areom real and others are fakes. >> we don't know.bu but we do know that this is classic example of the right-wing media machine. >> it's broadly knowexampln, wit known, peter, that there was a broad range of russian disinformation t a range back i.
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>> there was a time before this election you'd be banned from twitter, facebook, social media for even sharenned in the "new york post", correct? hunter biden laptop story in a private message. a all the wink and a nod from what the fbi that was meetinndgs in the weeks leading up to 2020 with big tech the leveo 20lnds. corruption here knows no bounds. an do it in 2020, guess what? do you doubt they'll do it over and over againdo i? and we here now with more is former florida attorney general bondi, fox news contributor miranda devine. she's been in the courtroom. ur so they introduced a very real laptop into vindication forne the new york post and for you and your bestselletr the laptop from. now, w le know that the 51 formr intel officials, we know they were organized. correct me if i'm wrong, wasn't it tony blinken that organized i't and that they didn't know a thing about that laptopt he and what they peddled to the american people? i think we can nowe american wis
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degree of accuracy, it was just made up so they could helpp elec elect joe biden. and then he got the help of bieg media and he got the help of big tech as well, and that it had alln impact brand on the 2020 election. >> absolutely did. and, you know, it's just uncanny to be in the delaware . urtroom today when judge mary ellen naka is chiding hunter biden's lawyer, abbe lowell, who gets paid $2,000 an hour because abbe lowell is speakingeaking about the laptop still, even though it's been shown a in its physical form in the in the courtroom and to an fbi agent who verified that it was hunter biden'who s, abbe lowell was stl this morning calling it the the you know, what the prosecution calls the laptop. and she finally sort of bearded him on this pretense. and she said look the hard drive and the and the laptop are thee same. the hard drive is just an image
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of the laptop. so let's just call it what it is. slash hard drive. yeah. let's get your tak e. nk pam bondi. what i think about this, it really angers meit becausey they knew nothing about the laptop. the former intel officials , ou the media knew nothing about it. the fbi is talking to big tech,h and saying, well, you mightsa in a victim of misinformatioe n in the days leading up to theg 2020 election. and it mayup t be hunter and ite be about joe biden. and then when they askbout we kf facebook and twitter did ask the fbr i is what you werein talking about, misinformation. they knew it was thimisinfs ande didn't tell them the truth. l that, pam?ou cal >> it's continued lies. d lies sean and miranda has done incredible reporting for s an long on this, and it for is vindication for her, as it should be. lie lie that this laptop was tha russian disinformation. lie.
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i'm not i'm not going to pardon hunter biden. that's a lie. erlie. my son's the smartest person i know. i t's hope that'rson is lie. lie. i knew nothing about hunter biden's business dealingknothin lie. you know, and, sean, thesee proc cases are prosecuted. and i'm tired of hearing people saying they're not. this case just has overwhelmingn evidence in it. and hunter biden is the posterce child for why these cases are prosecuted. a tally thesy said he was agita, he was high strung, but he wass . remember, this guy was in the fulitary reserves handling a gun until he tested positive. he was driving until kids aroun. he was driving harley's kids around. he was participate h in foreign business dealings, making tons of moneys an. and the fbi also, sean, remember, slow walked these cases were slow walk by the justice department, the irsd cases, the tax cases. and two irs agents testifiedir.a >> he should have been prosecuted for that, but they
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let the clock rueyn. all right. we only got about 30 seconds. miranda, you've been in the courtroon: we ha n inm. t this is home turf for hunter cop biden. abby is a goodies attorney. what do you foresee coming? they apparently will ruswhat yhe their case maybe as early as tomorroed tomorw. that's just the prosecution. and then abby law will get onk creating the sob storyg th about hunter biden and his drug addiction and his family tragedies. look, i think it could wordictik with the jury. they only need one to hang the jury. and abbe, they onl lowell has ty complicated theory that says that hunter biden, in his mind, did not regard himself as an addict in that moment, that he signed the gun for m, though there's no evidence that he did. drug s that day. so he was then an addict that day. that's a pretty tough argument. we'll sethat da tough e. it works out. all right. thank you both. when we come back, more of my interview with presiden.thane trump from mar-a-lago. i asked him, what is he looking for and who is hnt e looking at for a running mate and what
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he thinks about robert f kennedy jr. liberal positions next, the bike riders. i thought this guy that i'm not that you can't have those colors on in here you'd have to kill me to get this jacket off . oh, did it? i don't want any trouble here. the bike riders is electrifying entertainment, like goodfellas on harley-davidsons. it's his war. it's a mui see summer movie. he scared awayun the bike riders . we go to our only theaters june 21st. i look back with great satisfawho e been 32 year is in active duty. i understand the veteran mentalitthey'rir l ify. these are peoplee who have served. they've been in leadership positionfinancial helps. they'r >> they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary, and they come to us and theyfor 're look say, i neeg some financial help. at this point in time. at this point in time. they're not lookino do they're looking for a little hand up. my team at new day, usa
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beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance. >> com now part two of par my interview with former president donald trump at mar-a-lago. ential, >> i asked him about his vp's wa search. here's what het he said. said. >> let me ask you, where are you in the process of picking a vicske? cause >> you're getting close. well, yeah, but i think i'll announceyo who that person is going to be during the convention. i think that's pretty normal. g thonduring the convention, it wd be an interesting period of time. >> sea want to give me anyof t names? no, but. but look, you don't want to. we have a lot of love fort ne you to give us. we have a lot of good. you'll you'll be certainlyll maybe the first to know. weu know, in all fairness, like a we have some people that have done a fantastic joeoplb in communicating this to the
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ils and the assets and the advantages and the disadvantagen s, what we're doing whe as a country and where we are as a country. >> and whee n this is a very dangerous mission. this is a very dangerous time, america. we have a very corrupt syste inm of politics like we've never had before. and we have to strengthe n our elections and we have to strengthen our borderso and. ct we've got to do something with our country or we're not going to have a country left and hava coun, you know, we're talking about other countries and respect. they don't respectt our president right now. and unless our president is respecteddon't r , we are inr really grave danger. yeah, you there there is this issue of robert f kennedy jr and. i assume he's going to be on the ballot and i don't think a loassume the bt of conservatie conservatives have examined his record. i'll scroll it now so i don't t have to redraw. the nra's a terroriso read it, i keep hashtag keep it in the ground. in thet't w he doesn't want fracking. he doesn't want energy anyan
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energy independence at all. fr has gone with from everybody obama, every radical left winger. and somehow they say obamae that conservative. and on hink it really has to d with one issue, his opposition to the the shot or the colbert-1 shot or vaccination. >> by the way, i watched o the other night on a show and he said he had no oppositionshod to it all of a sudden. but look, i know him. wel l. he's radical, left. his family is very radical left and they hate him l for doing what? because he's lying. it's not like he grew up conservative. lyingit'she's very radical lef. he's hurt new england and he's he'shurt new york so badly becat what they've done on energy is disaster. their energy is through the roof because he doesn't eng, he doesn'tn want any fracking, he doesn't want anything. no coal. he iyfrackis a radical left guy. and because he came out at one strot strongly all vaccines. now, is he against a polioin vaccine because polio was destroying the country, it was destroying the world. let me aske it's you about
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the demographic shift that keeps showing up in poll after pollk yo after poll. and you mentioned these demographics earlier. african hispanic americans,n-amr young people. that is a biicg of the par democratic coalition. and you've heard people liket ee james carville, like really angry. and i've known james, i've debate y d james over the years.. i like him. yeah, crazy. but like himhe's cra i. and he's a smart guy and peoplen david axelrod and van jones and even maureen dow d, l you know, powerful voices in the democratic partn thy, sensing that that coalition is crashing. >> i would argue that the that the radical party of the left today is nothing like the old democratic party. is not likthey become the party of coastal elites and the and republican, especially under you, has become the party of of hard working americans. you know, rank and file the people when you went out
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and you met those construction workers during your tria l you know usa usa that have hav happened maybe years ago that a republican would get that response0 o th. >> or when you went to newy we jersey, were you a little surpriseresed byd by size of th0 crowd? we had 107,000 people is the biggest crowd they've ever ha peopl biggestd in new jerseyr >> nobody's ever seen anything like it. but black people, africanle american people are screaming toward us. you know, i think one of the big reason but because they had the best economy, we had the best economy, best job g numbers, best everything during my presidency. alsoidency. , i funded the historically black colleges and universities. i funded them. gton they were coming to washington every year. the president's every single year. they were coming to washington looking for monethey wery. me one of them and i became a friendly with a lot of them. they run the black college s, universities, and they would ask, and i took care of them. i came long termk anok financinn
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more money than they wanted. and they reall my like me. r i will tell you, they really like me. no democrat did that. but when you look at the things i did, criminal justice reform,r i got criminal justice reform. obama couldn't get it. nobody get it. d i've done more for black people and anybody since for abraham lincoln. and they understand it. they really understand it. and theythey u, th had the bestb numbers they've ever had. they had the best job number. s they've ever had during the trump administration. i mean, let me ask a couple merrick garland to us, by the way, for hispanics, also hispanic>> f. i think i'm above 50%. this is, you know, to somebodyct watching this for what is so, good, about 50%. are do republicans are down at eight and 9%. i think i'm going to maybe winim the hispanic population. we had a poll ou wt today that african american, 32% for trump, 32%. romney got like i think i'm a 32%. and i think it's going to grow. look gonna, biden is a stiff.
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hiu talk to him, you look at him, he's a smart people, are african-americans, hispanics, tp they're smart people. >> they've gone through a lot. y and hek at this gu the doesn't know where the he is. he doesn't know he's alive. hand i think it's very hard fot them to vote for him. all right. when we come back, south carolina senator tim scott reportedlyn on trump's vpp shol shortlist. does he want the job? i'll askist, senator scott whene return. you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home? i mean, more affordable than groceries? of course. okay. groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a sec. >> oh, you are? he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know you got to get on it. >> check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. it's worth it.
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you just heard me asu justkmakig about making that very important. pick a few names coming up,incld including north dakota governor doug burgum senator marco rubio, j.d. vance, tom cotton and senator tim scott.uestion now, the question is, would senator tim scott, for one, take the job if asked? senator scott joins now. all right. you're smiling. so i don't i don't take that ay. s a no. i. >> i love you, man. you're a good man, sean, i got [ laay, love you, but go ahead. >> i love you. but i appreciate that. >> what a blessing to live in aa country where a poor kid raised by a single mother can be in the conversation. what a blessing to live in a country where we actually defend american for years under donald trump is, the best opportunity for poor kids living in america in 2024 i and 2025 to see their dreams
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come true. donald trump delivers forsee the americanthei people.e, he doesn't care whether you're black, whether amu're white, hispanic, asiat c native american. he believes in the american people. he bs in i'm excited to be a pac of the conversation of makingmag sure we get four more yearse of donald trump. >> iget t doesn't matter the ti, it matters the passion and the energy we bring to the table t to prove to the american peopler four more years in the donald trump is not just an opportunits y. it's coming their way. t' it's my job. senator, i know we're friends. we've been friends a long time. >> if asked, would you accept? >> well. a >> well, number one, i haven't been asked. let me just be clear on that. number two, i know that to do that, i'm asking so that, yes, you do have to ask. i will do it. i will do whatever i can
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to make sure we get four more years of donald trump., tht but it's not about me, sean.t that's the most important thing i wanti want to deliver. it's not about me.r, it's about having people tohi believe in this country again. four more years of donald trump. >> we get a chance to fire merrick garland in on the first day to restore confidence in the department of justice for the first time and forf we get a chance to close our southern border and stop a ten million illegal immigration invasion. we get a chance to doant in what americava wants done fixs our economy. four years under donald trump, and we'll get that done. gefour more years under fou joe biden. we will not have a country we e can even recognize. >> yeah, you knorecognizw what u make? i was talking to the president trump about this. i mean, look, if you look at everyrump a poll, it breaks y
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down demographically. >> the democratic party haslly, their coalition. republicans have their demoren. al coalitio but we see a phenomenon in almost every poll. and that's what i wan insnt the president about, and that is african-americans, hispanic t americans, young people. they seem to be abandoning the democratic party in droves now, sometimese by the time election day comes, they return home. what will it take to hold the this perhaps developing new broader coalition for the republican party? becaustione i don't think joe bn can run on the question of are you better off than you were four years ago. ne >> that's the one question he is praying that he never hears are.u bett you better off under four yearsr for joe biden in four years of the donald trump? the answer is simple. the new coalitio n of trumpf supporters is not based on demographics, is based on working class people coming together because b the first tie in their lifetime they have a president that fighttimes for
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them, it doesn't matter whether you're a union worker or nonunion worker ife r. o does it matter whether you're black or white, male or female? he is working day and nightnigh to make sure that we restoreonom the actual best economy in the history of the world?under under donald trump, we had inflation, john. you knowe ha this at 1.4% wagesg at thees bottom were growing faster than wages at the top. folk meantat t black folks and white folks and hispanics and asians all saw their incom e go up. we had a 70 year low for g unemployment for women. donald trump created the kind dn of coalition around success.e kd >> he unified our country because he did the right thing. colorblind. he did the right thing. and we could all celebrate that for years. yeah, we really can. would you be happye really? the other names that are being mentioned? i know, i know. senator rubinotio, a friend sur
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of yours, i'm sure you're friends with senator cotton, for exampl fri ae. and senator vance, i mean do you think they'd be good choices to the lesson? the good news is that the bench of the republican, it is deep,a it is wide, and itwi is talenten >> what we neeted is four more years of donald trump.ump, >> he'll make the righte decision. we can have confidence in thatte . he could pick me. sean hannity for janitor. that's about all >> he i'm qualified for. so anyway, we know who adulation. all right, senator, thank you. when come back, hillary clinton uses the 80th anniversary to trash donald trump. we'll explain of the fake ramaswamy joins us when we return. our has been infested by a woke revolution. the military, i think we grew up and you left your politics
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>> all right. today hillary clinton went on air. she posted a message about d-day that was reallssagoy all about our favorite person that she obsesses over donalr fd trump. hillary writing, quote, 80 years ago today, thousands of brave0 year americans fought to protect democracy on the shorefoughts of, normand. this november, all we have to, do is vote. predictable. but it is what it is.presid here with reaction, former 2024 presidential candidateenhing the vivek ramaswamy. you know, i'm watching the democrat democras flailing.a we keep reading reports. they're scared to deatwe keehde about joe biden as their candidatas theire and. you know, the fact that donald trump was convicted in this bogus triat dol in new york hast impacted his poll numbers. i would be scared. i guess, too. what is your reaction? you think they keep him at thiso ? do k you think they're afraid to keep him? do you think there's a movement underground? them thiof himee ndergrou?
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>> look, i think the fact that the debate is taking place in june before the nominatingbeo convention of either party is the best sign. re tatednsean, that that is thel hoop. they're making the old man, joe biden, jump throug thah befe actually getting the nomination. so if he exceeds expectationh sl hang at the debate, he hangs on forr a thread for that nomination. adbut if he falls short of those expectations, make sure and get ready. ctation,they're to be trotting t somebody else for that nomination. and you know who's waiting on clinton? okay. okay. so what are the expectatio-n i is going to be now? had to guess. we might see a little more energetiesc, joe. as a matter of fact, i would bet probably half of your income on it or half of your net worth on i yt. i'm teasing. and but with all due respect, in i mean, i would imagine a lot of red bulls going to you know, joe's goint ofs g to be drinkine in the lead up to that debate or whatever he was using or drinking a lot of caffeine the night of the state of the unioa loe thn. e
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i don't think he's going to come in flat. i think he's going to be well rehearse ind and.a i think he's going to be wide awake because i think he's going to drinwake bechinkkt of caffeine or whatever. sho >> this is his last shot. and the reality is caffeine or red bull, i thinfeink you're bes very kind with that, sean. donald trump was right. they need to do a drug test before a that deb but regardless of whether e, s biden or somebody elsat what we as a party need to do is step up and actually define. what we stand for. i think that's one of the risks of the path they're leadinf gdo. us down. we're criticizing joe biden, his agenda. wee biden of that. others in our party have done's that, too. that's not going to be good enough to win thi notswi election decisively as we need to. i'm worried we maycisively a bek to have another red wave like 2, we had in 2022, the one that actually never came. theand so i think that the reai is we have to, regardless , define my put up what it means to be a conservative today, what it means to b t e an american today,eviv revive those sharede national values that were b supposed to be celebrating on d-day, not go in the direction of politicalingrth
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partisanship and toxicity in the direction that hillary clinton takes. ity that, but in our own directn actually stand for what it stane a citizen of this country and stand for an actual alternative vision to that left-wing poison. >> and if i'm being honest, if idoughhink we've done a goo enough job of that yet. >> and that's what our work is cut out for us. thisfnd year. sean: d daily mail tip survey legitimate reveals 70% believesp that both candidates should undergo pharmaceuticaler screening. they face off in these debatesty and only 18% think drug tests are unnecessary. now, for 18 perc performing athe they get drug tested all the time. drug tested y you do it for pre, especially, you know, considering that what wehe witnessed on at the state of the union? i don't know. i don'of tt know if it wasess, caffeine. i'm not going to venture a guess. i'm no, but itt certainly was not the guy we see every day. was itsee ever? >> no, it wasn't. but the reality is the american people deservee
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transparency. and we're talking about putting somebody in the office of th ee president, the united states, representing this country when we are skating on thint of ice. the american people deserve to actually be able to make that choice in an informedy desk so i do think that debate is the final step foe r biden.rm if he underperforms there, that is the final straw. and you've got to be prepared lt for a different topic. they're going to ask you that. an unfortunate sid mu.e effect of that is we're going to be hearing more from from folks like hillary clinton. are you arguing that maybe trump shouldn't go in for the kill maye and in that debat, in other words, that trump should kind of lay other back as little bit, just make his points and let bid biden tak and maybe not fight as harde no as he normally would. strategically, would that be a smart thing to do? becauswould e i think it's bett he runs against biden. >> so, look, i think the smart thing to do is to actually make this a versus b, four years of trump, four years of biden. d compare the border, compare the economy, compare globaltabii
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stability and us security risks. on every measure, trump winsty . by flying colors. and that's a rare opportunity. sean this is a oncit'se in ay fo century opportunity for voters. the last time we had this was over a century ago where you could actually compare the records of both people running. records of botthat's a donald te i believe needs to stay focused on and will stay focused on. the reality is they're going to try to lure him in every other possible direction. re abt that's what these prosecutions are about. but at the end of the day, focus on the recorat thed focus on the vision for this country that makes joe biden at his oldi age irrelevant. as americans increasingly flock towarde irreles trump the rightr for this country, curiosity is getting the bettes thr of me those boxing gloves over your right shoulder i'm looking at. >> is that what i'm looking at? that's you've got to be readyo h to fight. >> and sometimes you got to fight with the gloves off glo and as i say, you got to be strong enough to protect your kindness. so w te keep it kind of, but we're going have to fight when necessary. but that was it. i know, because i trai i kusn ey day. i hit every day and i hit hard. uht everd hit ha, so i just hapd
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to notice. although usually where i make love. anyway. vivek ramaswamy. we'll watch closely. than ilk you for being with us. >> more. hannity coming up straight we ahea havd, we believe new day, . we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing alone. >> we want to do whatever isser best for the individual service person. person. >> we want to be known as america's mortgage company as america's mortgage company for veterans and activ e dutyin. service people and they and their families. we're the ones that are thereirv to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, people are doing hard, arduous, difficules >> some of theunm are givingo tt their lives right now, today, for for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you. for me, and for our family. so for us at, new day to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this and help those people at this point in time.
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