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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 7, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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this leadership? what has our country turned our back on the warriors and on believing in itself? that is why i end the book with a letter to my sons, whether i would want them to serve. we have one military, if this thing goes helplessly woke, we're in trouble, our enemies are chomping at the bit. i want peace, peace through strong military that is capable and that is why i wrote the book. >> laura: congrats on "war on warriors" and happy birthday, pete, june birthdays are the best. that is it tonight, thanks for joining us and yes, there is more zoe on instagram. you have been asking for it. go check it out. as always, thank you for watching, it is america now and forever. >> todd: a fresh round of battleground polls giving trump
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campaign a burst of momentum in states president biden won four years ago as we get closer to the first debate. >> the economy, inflation, and the border and we're going to take care of it all. we're going to make america greater than ever before. >> president biden: he's about him, i'm about the country. >> are you ready for this debate? >> president biden: yes. >> todd: we're talking to lara trump. >> carley: and a glitzy l.a. fundraiser featuring george clooney. why did the hollywood leading man reportedly make an angry phone call to the white house? you won't want to miss details. >> todd: a connecticut town declining to fly the thin blue-line flag following the death of a trooper. it did say a pride flag is okay. >> it is viewed as antagonistic, even if you don't see it that
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way. i don't think that is a good way to fly, especially not with further discussion. >> todd: state of connect sect is in mourning following the death of this trooper, fact they cannot fly a thin blue line flag. you are watching "fox and friends" "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. hunter biden gun trial resumes this morning, prosecutors are expected to conclude today after president biden addresses if he will pardon his son if convicted. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: prosecution has two witnesses left then it is up to the defense to present their witnesses. ja james biden's name is being floated. criminal referral to the doj for james and hunter biden for allegedly lying to congress in their depositions earlier this year as part of impeachment inquiry of president biden.
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the president made it clear where he stands on a pardon for his son if convicted. >> as we sit in normandy, your son hunter is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, will you accept the jury's outcome, verdict no matter what it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. h hallie biden testified yesterday indicating she thought hunter may have been on drugs around the time of the drug purchase. hallie saying she and hunter were involved from 2015 through 2016. she said hunter gave her crack cocaine in june 2018 during a trip to los angeles and her struggle with drugs began. she says in october of 2018 while cleaning hunter's car, she found crack cocaine and the gun. sur surveillance captured hallie
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biden disposing of the gun at a grocery store. edward banter testified and placed it in a sock before handing it to police. hallie said the gun looked similar to the gun she tossed in the trash can. the gun was found in a bag with cocaine residue. fbi chemist and dea drug expert will testify today. not confirmed if the first lady will be in court. >> carley: i'll bet she will be, and she will be back in france tomorrow. it helps not to go through tsa. there is this. paula harlow sentenced to two years in prison for protest at abortion clinics in 2020. she and nine others convicted of felony conspiracy against civil
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ri rights and violating face act. harlow says the demonstration was peaceful and tells fox news digital, she has extensive medical issues and worries they will get worse in jail. her husband says it is devastating, i would go to jail for her, if i could. we are in this together. israel prime minister netanyahu will address congress on july 24th. congressional leaders invited him to speak last week and prime minister netanyahu said i am moved to have privilege of representing israel and present truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to representatives of the american people and the entire world. some lawmakers say they are still deciding whether they will attend, others expected to be no-shows. bernie sanderses he will not be going claiming prime minister
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netanyahu is a war criminal. >> todd: interesting story. teenager working at martial arts gym takes down a man he suspected of being a car thief. the teen says he saw the suspected thief rummaging through his car and confronted him. archer is seen taking him down, punching and choking out the man who appeared to attack him. the man worked at the muffler shop next door, he did admit trying to get in the car, he said it looked like the description of the car next to be worked on. kansas city chief bj thomps on n stable condition after going into cardiac arrest yesterday. he was taken from the training facility in an ambulance. his agents he is unconscious,
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but stable and good. his family asks for your prayers. thompson played one game last season. pray for his quick and full recovery. hillary clinton getting pushback for something she posted on d-day, it is not good, we'll tell you why. >> carley: it involves hitler and comparison to him and donald trump. polls show former president donald trump ahead in arizona, forcing president biden to defend his record on key issues like the border. >> donald trump has said of your executive action, he's p pretending to do something, biden's order is weak and pathetic. >> is he describing himself? weak and pathetic? come on. >> carley: all right. voter panel is here to grade the president's performance on all the issues. coming up next.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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poll show former president trump leading president biden in several key states. >> todd: madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: these polls were conducted in arizona, florida, virginia and nevada and numbers don't look good for president biden. take virginia, not typically considered a battleground state, the president and former president trump are in a dead heat. in florida, republican voters outpaced democrats and trump leads biden 46 to 50%. in nevada, biden and behind and in arizona 46 to 51%. voters see trump as better option on two big issues, border and economy. here is trump at a phoenix town hall, his first rally since his
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conviction. >> this allows millions of people into our country. joe biden's is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-woman trafficking, pro-drug dealers and they think death and destruction into our country. it makes it worse than what you have right now. >> madeleine: polls were conducted between june 1-4, being done before president biden's executive order on immigration tuesday. president biden said in an interview he does not regret not taking action more quickly. do you wish you had done it sooner? >> no, because then i would have been blamed for blowing up the agreement. >> your opponent said of your executive action, he's p pretending to do something about the board, the executive order is weak and pathetic. >> is he describing himself? weak and pathetic?
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come on. look, everybody knows what has happened. >> madeleine: trump lead in the polls are within the margin of error, they do spell trouble for the president who won arizona and nevada by very small margins. carley and todd. >> carley: the president is getting criticism for his a appearance in normandy yesterday. >> madeleine: taking aim at president biden appearance, research account managed by trump's campaign and rnc and describe biden as being in perpetual state of confusion and the president tells abc he is ready to debate trump later this month. >> i will say what i think, let him say what he thinks. he is off the wall, i want to be dictator on day one. he is about him, i am about this country. >> are you ready for this debate?
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>> yes. >> madeleine: that debate will take place on the 27th. >> todd: bring in our voter panel, university of arizona student, jose castro, alex holt, father, and danielle cortez, who served on biden's commission. >> you are young and latino, is trump winning your state of arizona because biden has lost both youth and latino vote offer the last 3-1/2 years? >> yeah. it shouldn't surprise anyone, given fath as young people, we want good paying jobs. we want good quality education and yet what we've seen is the takeover of education system by woke agenda, which isn't preparing us to actually get jobs and actually get careers
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after we graduate. personally as correspondent of campus reform, i've seen liberal bias on campus, which infringes on our first amendment right to freedom of religion and free speech. this is not what is motivating young people to go to college, to pay exorbitant amount of money and tuition and take out student loans. and we see that donald trump will get our economy back on track and get rid of the failed biden economic policies which have led to staggering inflation. >> todd: we will see. alex, your story is fascinating. you told producers, you don't like trump, you were not going to vote for him, but that could be changing.
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explain why. >> i voted for trump twice in 2016 and 2020, but everything he's done since 2020 and the way he handled covid pandemic was really poor. i was pretty much done with him as a candidate. but weaponizing the justice system against political rival is a line i don't think should have been crossed, the trial in new york against him was so political and outside of what our justice system is meant for that i feel like maybe the only message you can send to people doing this stuff is to vote for donald trump actually and put him back in office to say, we will not accept what you are doing, this is not the way america and our justice system works and i've had enough of it. >> todd: looking at polls from immediately after the trump verdict came down and trump is
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winning in so many states, tied in virginia. do you think there are a lot of swing state voters thinking exactly like you? i don't want to vote for trump, but i sort of have to? >> i think you could have one of two reactions. most people don't care what happens in the trials. for people that support rule of law, don't want to see like the earlier story about the lady who went to the abortion clinic praying as protester, she's going to jail for two years. donald trump being convicted of 34 felonies for essentially a single crime they were trying to charge him of. i think a lot of people will react the way i am and say, this is not the way this is supposed to work. >> todd: that is telling. virginia is not a purple state,
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it is a blue state, how the heck is donald trump tied in your state of virginia with joe biden? >> well, first, thank you for having me on. i'm an independent voter and i served on the join leadership council. vote the person not the person, look at the whole issue, total playing field. what we're seeing that is trou troubling, price of eggs, s cereal, staples like steak, $25 for a family of four for veterans trying to make it and can't afford it. cost of rent, cost of fuel, leadership. our military, i'm one of five generations of veterans. wounded in vietnam. ev vehicles being forced upon us
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by the california mandate, fortunately because of a responsible attorney general, he removed that requirement and governor youngkin agreed. virginia no longer has to abide by the california mandate. veteran benefits were being compromised. we're going to las vegas. we are going to endorse trump -- >> todd: and you are an indep independent, who is doing that. got to leave it there. the gentleman i call the gallagher of political. he is a prop comic. the president is meeting with president zelenskyy to negotiate military aid and putin making threats against the west.
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congressmanning cory mills will be here. >> carley: and we will ask about his d-day tribute he's taking part in today, it is very cool, you will want to hear about it. keep it here on "fox and friends fi first". get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪)
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that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> todd: going to get your blood boiling. connecticut town refusing to fly the thin blue line flag for this state trooper. >> carley: they did fly the pride flag at half staff for pride month. >> democrat-led council voted down to fly the thin blue line flag in honor of a troop er was struck and killed by a car. the driver of the car high on cocaine and fentanyl fled the scene but was tracked down and face charges. an effort to honor the fallen
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officer failed to pass the town council in a 5-3 vote because to one that flag represents racism and divisiveness. >> it is an tag nastic and i don't think that is a good way to fly without further discussion. >> council chose to fly the lg lgbtq+ flag instead in the trooper's honor. >> it is very important. very appropriate to honor someone fallen, so on and so forth, great community member, an appropriate, fly ing the fla at half mass is greatest honor someone can get, that is pretty appropriate and one we are seeing from the governor.
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>> the man police say is responsible for the trooper's death pleaded not guilty thursday. his court date is july 2. >> carley: thank you. speaking of flags, maryland elementary school walking back notice sent to students and teachers requiring them to participate in pledge of after the accident looj -- allegiance. a group is against it ands it violates liberty and individual rights. kathleen champion is a maryland mom of two and joins me now. good morning to you. the school first said everybody has to stand for the pledge, it is required. a free speech group catches wind and says you can't do that and the school is backtracking. what is your reaction to this? >> i'm not surprised.
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i believe that everybody should stand for the pledge. i do understand some people have religious beliefs that makes them have a difference from it and that makes sense. that should be the only exception there is from it. but i honestly don't understand why people have a problem standing and saying the pledge in this country. we're american citizens and we should be proud of the country that we're lucky enough to be in. >> carley: i agree. that is the whole takeaway here. we just honored 80th anniversary of d-day, ultimate display of americanism and fight for freedom and 80 years later debating whether or not children should stand for the pledge. feels like we are going in the wrong direction here.
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>> exactly. one of the big problems is that our students don't know why they are not standing for the pledge. it would be different if they understood why. speaking to my students, particularly and some of their friends, i think the bigger issue is they want to be on their cell phones. not my students thankfully, they want to stand and say the pledge. a lot of other students just want to be on their phones and talk and don't want to stand or because other students be aren't standing. they don't really know why. if the schools encourage them to do it, i think they would actually stand. after the whole kneeling for the national anthem, i think we saw
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a big decline in people wanting to show respect in so many ways. >> carley: i totally agree. it is up to the school to teach students why they should stand for the pledge. when i was in school, that is what we did. it wasn't even a thought in our mind. you stood for the pledge, honored the flag. we are all americans united under one great country, we should be happy and grateful to be here and feels like some people are chipping away at those obvious statements of patriotism that used to not be a question and now they are. we will leave it there, thank you for joining us, have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: actor george clooney rep reportedly decided to give president biden a piece of his mind after a clash with the actor's wife. we will talk about that next with joe concha. >> todd: demo dem violence
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there. hope the horses will be nice, janice dean is live in saratoga. wow. b belmont stakes is in sarasarato she joins us live from the race track next. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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>> todd: gavin newsom proposing new plan to defund the police in california as that state faces a massive budget deficit. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with all of the details. >> cheryl: good morning. amid this major budget crisis and looming fiscal deadlines for california, looking at a 45 million budget deficit, california governor gavin newsom unveiling new plan to defund police. under the new proposed budget newsom is proposing to cut from the court system, cut from law enforcement and 80 million in cuts from the prison system. a spokesperson saying reductions will not impact public safety or result in release of inmates.
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cutting cost through deactivation of beds. state budget problems due to californians fleeing the state. united van lines reported california had largest net loss of one-way movers. people are moving and not moving back. >> todd: you don't want to pay 80% of your money to taxes and then get shot. update to story of levi executive who got flack during covid times. >> cheryl: she spoke out about covid mandates. the executive resigned two years ago amid backlash she received for speaking out against covid mandate is taking on the fight of women in sports. launching xxxy, referring to biological men and women. >> i looked around at these athletic brands that claim to champion women and claim to want
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what is best for women and they do nothing of the sort. i looked at my background as elite athlete, world-class brand builder and i realized, this is what i have to do next, start my own brand. we are only athletic brand that stands up for women sports and female athletes. >> cheryl: the company wrote in the premise allowing for trans males to compete in sports is taken to conclusion there are no physical differences in sexes, women's sports will cease to exist. she is working with riley gaines on the launch of this line of clothing. >> carley: don't miss cheryl on mornings with maria. have a great day. >> todd: new report claiming actor george clooney called the white house after the white house criticized agency his wife
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works for. george clooney calleds to talk about arrest warrants sought by prosecutors and upset about administration openness to impose sanctions on the ickc, because his wife might be subject to -- >> carley: clooney called this outrageous and he will be a special guest at the fundraiser taking place next week. >> joe: going to be awkward, no question. let's unpack all of this. it shows white house and president in joe biden who appears to have the spine of a jellyfish. first, icc puts out arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu led by mrs. clooney, amal clooney and outraged george clooney calls biden's people and
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biden reverses position and says he is against congress effort to sanction the icc. add this up, shut the front door, danny ocean is running our country? this is outrageous. >> todd: impressive in what he did in all three oceans movies. that was fake, this is real, an actor should not be setting foreign policy. none of this will stop the fundraiser. jimmy kimmel is hosting. i'm interviewing president biden and president barack obama with special guest george clooney, julia roberts and more. every cent will help keep donald trump out of office. where is mention of the issues important to american people, like the economy, immigration, all i saw there was we want to
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get trump. >> joe: yeah. what is jimmy kimmel know about inflation, does not impact him. violent crime, he has security, does not affect him. illegal immigration, doesn't care about that. i give jimmy kimmel credit, he is poorly rated late night host. gutfeld and then coldbert and throw somebody else in there and jimmy kimmel in third or fourth place. we saw this last month when colbert at radio city music hall hosted a fundraising and raised money for biden, now it is kimmel. i don't remember much of a johnny carson or jay leno or even david letterman, nbc version hosting fundraising.
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that is where we are at this point. kimmel simply is an act vist and not very funny and that is why his ratings reflect that. >> carley: more stars will be announced at a later date. we'll be watching. thank you for joining us, happy friday. >> joe: bye. >> carley: tomorrow is 156th running of belmont stakes, for first time it is taking place at saratoga race course. >> todd: senior meteorologist janice dean will preview. you had to go north to basically albany. >> janice: well, saratoga springs is a famed race track right here. if you can fix my ifb, i'm getting some feedback, i will take it out now.
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the third leg of the belmont is going to be happening in saratoga springs, this is one of the oldest tracks in the country for 156th running of the belmont stakes. they run the t travers here, oldest thoroughbred race they have in saratoga. this is a racing town, they love it. the race itself is going to be held here for the first time, 156th belmont stakes. the forecast looks fantastic. it was looking like more of rain possibility, but now for race time tomorrow, mostly sunny skies. i've done my job. that is great thing. my hat, a lot of you are wondering who designed it, christi christine milner.
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take a look. >> i wanted to go more summer look, saratoga is known for the summer look. you have to have, third race of triple crown. i thought a cowboy with bling. you are wearing a special dress, samantha sung, with horses on it, i wanted to go cowgirl theme, that is what i did. >> janice: there you have it. that is the origins of my beautiful hat. i'm still getting weird feedback. famed hall of fame trainer wayne lukas will be here, his horse is one of top three to win the belmont. >> carley: hope you have a great time at final leg of triple crown. you love it and cover these events so well. thank you, have a great weekend. don't go anywhere, rnc co-chair
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lara trump and cory mills will be here live. >> todd: summer concert series continuing with brandon lake, live all morning long. do not miss it. this is not just delivery (♪) this is knowing even superheroes... can use a sidekick. (♪) walgreens. (♪) this is not just a pharmacy. (♪) this is living the care in healthcare. (♪) walgreens. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah.
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(elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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but they're also delicious, easy to use, and affordable. that's why modern mushrooms is the number one mushrooms brand in america. rush to walmart and find modern mushrooms. >> todd: president biden expecting to meet with ukrainian president zelenskyy. addressing his relationship with putin. >> president biden: concerned me for 40 years.
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he is not a decent man, he's a d dictator. we are not talking about giving weapons to strike moscow, just across the border. the idea russia is juggernaut of -- you know how many troops they have lost so far? 350,000 dead or wounded without a single american troop being engaged. >> carley: cory mills joins us from normandy, france. you are about to jump out of a world war ii plane. we can't wait to talk to you about that. we will ask you about the president's position on ukraine. he's meeting with zelenskyy later today, this meeting is happen after the president decided to allow limited strikes into russia and the president is trying to calm fears this will
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not draw us further into war. what do you think about this? >> the way since 2014 has drawn us further into it. we should have been looking at additional ally support before we were involved. we are getting ready to honor the 80th anniversary of d-day. america's involvement in that war, our allies had gone on to fight and continued to fight and needed addition al support. needed europe to stand up against tyrannical leadership. we must put america first, think about debt, gdp, how to improve our lives. we will not do that if our adversaries do not fear us and allies do not respect us. >> todd: you are about to jump out of a perfectly good plane. world war ii era plane to commemorate 80th anniversary of
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d-day. how much of an honor to make this jump in honor of those brave men who did so much to save humanity 80 years ago. >> todd, carley, a great honor, we get to honor the greatest generation that ever lived. we see what it is and sacrifice and dedication of brave men willing to go out and fight for freedom. that is what this is about, i'm joined with amazing paratroopers, congressman keith self here. congressman ronny jackson back here. congressman -- >> todd: oop. you have a dropped shot. >> and von ordon, very interesting. >> carley: that is amazing, bus full of patriots going to jump out of a world war ii era plane, something not many people can
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say they did. congressman, thank you for joining us. far too nervous. >> todd: as they were falling through the sky. >> carley: that is what separates us from soldiers, i guess. congressman, thank you so much for joining us. there is also this. former president trump continues campaign swing out west this weekend with a rally in las vegas as he continues to make his pitch to voters in traditional democrat strongholds. and in a brand new fox poll trump is leading biden in nevada by 5 points even though no republican has won that state in 20 years if you can believe it. >> todd: rnc co-chair lara trump joins us now. great to have you back on the program. look. it is nice to be up in june. everybody loves the that. but all that matters is being up in november. so, so how do you turn those good polls into trump votes? >> sorry, i'm not going to be jumping out of a plane this morning with you guys.
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not quite as exciting there as the congressman. great polls we are seeing for donald trump. you look at a state like nevada as you pointed out no republican has won the state of nevada in 20 years. yet, you see a margin there that is left that 10 points, about 7 points that separates donald trump from joe biden in a state like new york. we have virginia, where there is a dead heat between donald trump and joe biden. new hampshire, dead heat between the two men. we have added states like minnesota to our battleground map. and i think you asked, todd, how do we continue this trend as we head to november 5th. joe biden is doing it for us. because everyone is voting based on the fact they remember how their life was with donald trump in office, how much more affordable groceries were. 1.87 was the average for gas across the country. we had a secure southern border. we didn't have wars breaking out in the middle east and in europe. we had peace agreements in the middle east with donald trump. people want to get back to that
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life. they know who brought it to them. they know who will bring it back to them. it is donald trump. and so he is going to continue out there delivering his message and he will be going to blue states. he will continue campaigning for states that democrats traditionally win. he is going to go to places like detroit. is he going to go to chicago, to atlanta. he will go everywhere they don't expect him because he is not afraid to ask for people's votes. and he believes when you ask and when you get out there and talk to people, they ultimately will vote for you, and that's how he is going to win on november 5th. >> carley: so, lara, former president trump just launched absentee ballot in flip in stance in how republicans choose to vote. how concerned are you that absentee early voting among democrats will lead to a weakness for republicans come november? >> well, we have to vote early. and we have to vote in whatever way we can, carley. the reality is, if we all wait
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as republicans until election day to cast a ballot, look, life happens. you never know. you have kids, somebody might get sick. you yourself might get sick. we have seen several instances whether it's in arizona or nevada itself, where you had situations, polling locates, where all the machines went down in arizona. in nevada an ice storm in a recent election that kept people from going out. we want you to bank your vote. and then we wants you every day from that moment up until election day to get your neighbors, your friends, your family to vote for donald trump. we have to make it too big to rig. and donald trump's message our message from the rnc is however you can vote and as early as you can vote, we want you to go do that look, we want a system where it's one day of voting, paper ballots and photo i.d. across this country. we don't have that right now. we can get back to that place. but we have to get through this election and play the hand that we are dealt. once donald trump is back in office.
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once we take back the senate and have a huge majority in the house. then we can make those kind of changes. so let's play this one. let's win this one. go vote early and take people with you to go vote. >> todd: such a distinction, i you want a unicorn they don't exist. if i want a petty have to get something other than a unicorn. that's the point that donald trump and the rnc are trying to drive home to voters now. donald trump says he will choose his running mate at the g.o.p. election. if you would like to break some news here, by all means the floor is yours. seriously, describe the factors that donald trump is looking for in a v.p. as he makes this very, very crucial decision. >> well, look, i think the great news for us as republicans is we have a very deep bench. we have so many great people on our side for whom he can -- from whom he can choose. you can't look at the democrat side and they have if joe biden doesn't run who would it be. they are in bad situation. donald trump is looking for someone who can carry on that
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america first mantel. evidence will be president, i believe, for four more years. despite what you hear from democrats, it's only four years he wants to be in office. don't kid yourself, democrats. he wants to ensure the person he chooses to run by his side as a vice presidential running mate is someone who has the same values. who wants to see this country succeed. understands what is necessary in order to do it. he has great slate of people to choose from. i don't think todd will break any news here today, unfortunately. maybe next time. but i think that is the number one factor he is looking at whenever he chooses a running mate. >> carley: rnc convention july 15th through july 18th. he did make news yesterday talking to sean hannity saying he will announce his v.p. choice at the convention. so we'll look forward to that to hear who he chooses. lara, thank you so much for joining us. great to see you again have. great day. >> thanks, guys. >> carley: have a great weekend, everybody. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> todd: bye-bye. ♪ ♪


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