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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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know the answer. it was faith and belief. it was loyalty and love. >> bill: wow, that was quite something, too. the president will make his way home. during this speech ironically the prosecution rested in his son's trial. before we go why don't we end on a positive note. a lot of folks heading for the beach. we're heading for the jersey shore, a lot of us. put a plug in for a new book called "i don't want to go home" the history of the stone pony on the jersey shore. all of america, you know your favorite spot on the beach, right? the stone pony is for so many people. >> gillian: i will pick it up for my train ride back to d.c. >> bill: a lot of american stories. great to be with you. >> gillian: thanks for having me. >> bill: we have to roll. here is "focus" right now from new york.
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>> harris: the prosecution has rested their case in hunter biden's federal gun trial. ten witnesses over 3 1/2 days including an f.b.i. agent, d.e.a. agent and some of the first son's former romantic partners. that's one word for them. they were doing drugs. hallie biden was one of them. hu hunter's ex-girlfriend detailed finding his gun and who threw it out in a grocery store trash bin and hunter introduced her, she testified, to drugs as they were both battling with that and he was battling with addiction, heavy drug use. hunter arrived just ahead of court on this day five of trial earlier. first lady jill biden is back with him for support today. she made a long trip. she was able to be in normandy yesterday and there today. a few minutes left of the trial's 20-minute break and when
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they come back a live report from the courthouse and former assistant district attorney phil holloway will join me. let's first get to this. after flipping the trump-era policies that kept our nation safe from a border that was teaming with people breaking our federal laws to enter illegally, president biden claims he is trying to, quote, gain control of what we all know is an unmitigated disaster. this week's executive action from biden is now being met with stubborn border patrol data. the facts. the picture remains dire. now critics are calling out biden for playing politics and with his own pen managing to do the unthinkable, actually attracting more illegal immigrants. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." major exceptions in the president's order including anyone using the cbp1 app.
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unaccompanied minors, trafficking victims. senior advisor steven miller says this will give the greenest of green lights to smuggle trafficked children into the country. house homeland secretary republicans hosted exceptions are broad enough to drive a truck through. texas department of public safety spokesman lieutenant said this. >> this is the border has so many exceptions it will create more incentive for people to make their way to the border and cross illegally. it doesn't address border security or a gotaways or preventing criminals that are entering our country illegally. >> harris: the "new york post" reports leaked border patrol data show there were roughly 10,000 illegal immigrants in border patrol custody yesterday. that's four times the limit of
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biden's order that happened on tuesday, which we were told would be put into play expeditiously. in "focus" texas congressman chip roy, first let's go to bill melugin at the border near san diego and that's where, bill, i understand you witnessed the crossing of hundreds of illegal immigrants from turkey, china, egypt. bill. >> yeah, harris, absolutely nothing has changed down here as a result of this executive order. we continue to see mass crossings without any resistance whatsoever. we continue to see mass releases and we continue to see border patrol completely outmanned. we shot this video late yesterday afternoon here in california. this is what border patrol has to deal with here. one single agent for us trying to corral a huge group of 150 people from around the planet who crossed illegally. waiting for border patrol to pick them up for five hours. getting im patient. language barriers, people from china and middle east. no translators for the border
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agents. they can't process all these people and patrol the border at the same time. they need more manpower and we talked to a handful of thieves -- these migrants. >> all from egypt? >> egypt. >> good america. >> good america? >> why did you come to america? >> on business and the group. >> you want to work, job? >> work, yeah. >> yes. >> group of friends and you want a job. >> america good. >> america good. >> vietnam. all from china? >> yeah. >> why did you come to america? >> for free. >> to be free? >> yes. >> look at this. we were on scene in san diego as we witnessed border patrol once again mass releasing hundreds of these illegal immigrants to city streets dropping them off at a local trolley station once they are done with federal processing. they are let go with future court date. sometimes years in advance into
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the future and they are then able to travel the country with that nta paperwork, the notice to appear. people from around the world being dropped off. asia, middle east, africa. dhs likes to talk about consequences for people crossing the border. but for a lot of the people that crossed in san diego sector they end up getting released. back out here live. interesting morning just a few moments ago a group of columbians cross illegally climbing over the wall and asked are we in texas or arizona? i said california. we came a group of chinese that crossed illegally placed into a border patrol van and somebody wrote in the dust ott back of the van, illegal alien uber. that's how a lot of people feel about it out here. >> harris: they are laughing at us. the cartel know that they have a complicit government in the country and sending people who don't know where they will be dumped up. they know they have come illegally and can stay. thank you.
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republican congressman chip roy of texas, member of the judiciary, rules and budget committees. could you hear that? they didn't know even what state they were crossing into, they just knew that they were here and they didn't have the leave. congressman. >> yeah, harris, first of all, thank you for shining the light on this problem as you regularly and thank bill for his great reporting. it is because of bill and other of the reporters out there we know the truth. what we're seeing right there. we have had 24,000 chinese nationals come into the country since last october. more than all of last year when we had 24,000 in 2023. which is far more than the several hundred we had in the 2021 time frame operating under president trump's policies. we have people coming from all over the world. i want to pause for a second here. we're all still commemorating the 80th veers reof d-day. i watched an interview of one of those patriots.
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i feel pluck a foreigner in my own land. he said. what those men fought and died for, what they risked. thump fighting for a country that believes in the rule of law that would have shared values where we all come together as americans to advance this great idea and great experiment. now this president is blowing that all up by opening our doors, contrary to law, risking our security, laken riley is dead because of his parole policies. medina is dead in texas because of his policies. we have thousands of americans dying from fentanyl poisoning. texas wants to try to stop it, wants to try the secure the border and the attorney general of the united states is suing us to stop it. this is the reality of america today. with all due respect to the president, who stood over there and gave a speech on d-day, he is not actually standing up for the rule of law and the values those men fought for. this issue, this border issue,
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is front and center as to why this matters. i'm so proud of republicans for having passed a real border security bill last year. the president is giving up the game. when he gave his speech last week and i'll limit it to 2500. do you remember when they were chastising us because we opposed the senate bill for its cap on 5,000? it's totally fake what they are doing. the president is showing up and now trying to get cover for election reasons for the fall but they have no interest in actually securing the border with all the exceptions you rattled off before. >> harris: can you imagine if that had passed where we would be now? i did the number on the cartels sending 2,499 and still at over 900,000 almost a million. so if you had all agreed on that bill and it had become law, that bipartisan bill as they call it, which i know many republicans are staunchly against, if that
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had come into play we would have had twice that money and not moved the needle at all, if not turned on the spigot further. i want to go back quickly to something that you mentioned and i will ask my team to do that. you said there was development in the legal battle between texas and the biden administration over the razor wire protecting the border. appeals court yesterday seemed open to blocking the administration from destroying state-installed fencing. texas filed a lawsuit. back in january the supreme court allowed agents to cut the wire in the rio grande sector. you have gone back and forth. where is it now? >> well look, it is critically important to the state of texas and attorney general ken paxton and governor keep pushing back on the federal government. the federal government is trying to interfere with our ability to secure the border. when i asked attorney general garland in the judiciary hearing last week i said do you think
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texas has a right to secure our border, to protect our citizens when the federal government refused to do it? he said well it is a terrible human tragedy but we'll give you more resources. i said no, no, mr. attorney general. this is not about more resources but allowing us to enforce the law. texas is doing the right thing to stand up and fight. we're still having a battle over what's going on with the raise or wire. the fundamental issue is the ability to texas to take individuals and remove them. that's at the core of fifth we need to make sure the clear legally. >> harris: will other states join you in this battle? when it stopped the flow, the razor wire, it then picked up in new mexico and it picks up in california because the cartels are working the openings as you are seeing. that's why as you saw from bill's report moments ago they don't know what state they are coming into. they are told to cross wherever you can find a hole.
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i have to let you go but wonderful always on the program to get the latest from you and get the perspective and we'll keep it in the forefront of our coverage, the border crisis. thank you. >> thank you, harris, god bless you. >> harris: former president trump's lead in the polls is not going away after his new york conviction. and the warning a top democrat strategist has for his political party. plus trump kicked off a major campaign blitz out west in california. >> with your vote we will end joe biden's border nightmare and fire his failed and week, horrible, the worst ever administration and rescue the state of arizona, we will make america great again. >> harris: well, he is in big donor territory, deep blue california. those donors seem to be warming up to the former president in a political shift that could be epic. the power panel, a great debate next. ♪
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absorbine pro. >> biden's order is not a border security plan, it is a concession to the fact that he has lost control over our border. on day one of my administration i will be rescinding crooked joe's outrageous executive order. >> harris: former president trump kicking off a west coast swing yesterday in arizona. today he is in california where deep pocketed silicon valley donors have been warming up to his pro-business policies. if they put down the cash for trump, that's a huge political shift from a group that historically reversed and reserved its cash for democrats.
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the latest fox news poll finds trump up by five points in arizona and nevada. president biden won those swing states in 2020. that is a flip right there. trump dropped this news nugget on hannity. >> were you in the process of picking a vice president? you are getting close. >> i think i will announce who that person will be during the convention. that's pretty normal during the convention there will be an interesting period of time. >> want to give me any names? >> no. >> harris: we know a few on the short list. alicia acuna is in phoenix. >> former president trump started his western state swing here in battleground arizona, really hammering president biden on immigration and border security and he also tied it to how people are feeling financially. >> the biden border invasion is also an all-out war on the working class minorities of our
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country and it is a flat out economic warfare on african-american and hispanic american families and workers. these people are taking the jobs. >> we know from our fox news polling that trump is trusted by arizonians over biden on immigration and the economy. 48% of people in arizona feel like they are falling behind financially. up 8% from march. interestingly silicon valley is showing its trust in the former president as well. last night in san francisco, tech investors who also host the all-in podcast held a private fundraiser. it reports that haul at $12 million in addition to a couple of private events in southern california today and tomorrow. add that to the post verdict war chest he has already a massed, 141 million in self-reported funds from the campaign and republican national committee plus $150 million from organizations backing the
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president. it does not include, harris, the leading super pac supporting trump's campaign which reported raising nearly $70 million. before i let you go an update we just received from paul stein houser, our political reporter with fox digital. "new york times" reporting david sax, who hosted the fundraiser last night first met with republican senator from ohio j.d. vance and donald trump junior back in march. this was right after former president trump clinched the gop nomination. at that point sax said he was all in for trump. you do not get that out of northern california, it is notable. harris. >> harris: i saw him on his twitter last night or x as we call it these days and he was really active in that regard. so it is interesting. would that start something more than just with him? he has a lot of influence in those circles. thank you very much. former president trump's polling lead is not just out west,
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though. a new poll finds -- this is brand-new from fox news, he is four points ahead of biden in florida. now a republican in a lead is not a huge surprise in florida. but this is. trump and biden are in a dead heat in virginia. the governor of virginia, glenn youngkin, this week. >> even having this conversation today i think fully reflects the change in view about not only the strength donald trump would bring to the president but the weakness joe biden has demonstrated. states like virginia that joe biden won by a lot in 2020 are back in play. >> harris: trump's conviction in new york has changed some people's minds when it comes to voting. 27% say they are now more likely to vote for the former president after the verdict. one democratic strategist describes the feeling in his party, quote, i'm expecting mostly panic from now until the election again. if biden was up by a couple of
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points in every single state, maybe there would be slightly less dread but 2016 is not that long ago and the memory of it all. end quote. power panel. cassie, and jose. great to see these messaging artists with us on the panel today. let's get the debate started. cassie, i will start with you. the president -- florida not a huge surprise, governor there desantis is always saying it's a red state. the rest of this, particularly places like nevada and virginia where biden won he is either under water or tied. >> let's think about virginia with glenn youngkin. he wins the governorship. he did it with republicans and independents. you know what those folks are saying? i like things around here since youngkin has been in office. very popular and created a strong machine in virginia with
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the state party. can really make that stay competitive if not put it in trump's favor because of the conditions in virginia and they can see what they have locally versus nationally and what's working and what is not and why i think it is a very interesting state to watch and interesting it is polling so close. as you noted in your setup there with nevada, arizona, florida, these other states when you look on the issues where trump is leading in some cases by double digits it is public safety and the border. it is the economy. and that is no surprise you see these flip. it is a clear, clear contrast between when president trump was in office and president biden in office. people have a long enough memory to know their lives were better when president trump was in office. >> harris: jose, all of that eludes to the fact the president is out west taking food off biden's place. these are people who normally would reserve their cash for democrats. how big of a problem is that? >> it is a problem, i think it is no surprise to anybody trump
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would catch up when it comes to money. we've always known this was going to be a close election, harris. the one thing you can always get more money but you can't get back more time. that's the challenge trump will face because we're only a couple months away from november. if he doesn't have as many field offices as biden. he is catching up with the money. >> harris: i won't quote exact numbers because we always get into that game and it is not a game. they're big crowds. >> look, i agree with you at that but look at the economy. it will play a major role in this election. job reports came out today, 272,000 jobs. this economy is strong. gas prices, by the way, are coming down under $2 in many states. >> harris: not in new jersey. i don't know where you are shopping. i know he tapped the reserve, that's temporary. >> things are looking good for
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this president. if we look at history incumbents usually repeat, right? trump was only of the few presidentss that lost. >> harris: what do you say about tapping the gas reserve? that's situation is temporary now. >> democrats are doing all they can to normalize $3 a gallon gas. trump replenished our emergency reserves. what is biden doing wrong? how people feel about the economy. i was talking about a liberal democrat friend after the trump verdict last week and said i think it is a win for trump. if donald trump only talked about grocery prices and electricity bills he would wipe the floor with joe biden because that's what is on the minds of everyone every single day. every time a democrat says i don't know what you are talking about, the economy is doing great. the american people say clearly you don't buy your own groceries or pump your own gas. >> harris: ten seconds jose.
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>> time will tell. the economy is going in the right direction. biden is working for the american people. trump is working for his own good and consumed by his past. biden is working for the future. if biden can deliver on that he will do fine in november. >> harris: you say time will tell. time is watching and it is waiting. great to see you both. have a blessed weekend, both of you. democrat running for congress in upstate new york has an idea with what to do p trump supporters. sounds like the dictator in china. he actually said to send trump supporters to reeducation camps. sick, you can't make it up. day five in the hunter biden gun trial. prosecution has rested its case. it happened moments ago. a parade of past lovers detailed hunter biden's drug use. some of those details were tough. one ex-girlfriend said he got
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her hooked, got her to try some of the crack he was doing. some fresh faces among the powerful biden family also with the first son in court today. attorney phil holloway in "focus" next.
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why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. >> harris: more biden family members pulling up to hunter's federal gun trial. a few minutes ago his brother, james and hunter's 30-year-old daughter naomi just arrived as the prosecution rested its case. hunter biden's ex-girlfriend hallie biden had a lot to stay on the stand. one of the main witnesses yesterday and gave emotional testimony about his drug use and how hunter got her hooked on crack after the death of her husband, who as you know was also hunter's brother, beau. she also told the jury about throwing out hunter's gun that she found when she rummaged through his truck to see if
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there was any drugs in there. she dumped it in a grocery store trash bin. former federal prosecutor andrew cherkasky had this to say. >> there is just a mountain of evidence against him. prosecutors have hunter biden cornered at this point. not only addicted to drugs for many months ahead of this with eyewitnesses seeing that. the issue of whether he is being put -- using drugs right around the time of purchasing the gun, they've got him on that. >> harris: the "new york post" sums it up this way. hallie biden's testimony burned by biden. inside miranda devine as an oped the tragic tale exposes the rotten core of the biden family. she writes no doubt the family dynamics in the courtroom were evident to hallie from the minute she walked by the president's portrait. a reminder of the power of her former father-in-law who had paid her a curious late night
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visit 12 days earlier. end quote. lucas tomlinson is in wilmington, delaware. lucas. >> getting pretty busy at the courthouse for day five of the hunter biden trial. the president's son, the prosecution has rested its case. the defense has just started. they began with asking for an acquittal which is fairly standard. family members that just arrived a few minutes ago is gaining a lot of attention at the courthouse. naomi biden, jimmie biden, president biden's brother seen walking into the courthouse. we're told from our producers in the courthouse he is expected to testify later, along with naomi biden. that is one of hunter biden's oldest daughter saying they helped his path to recovery. here are some other happenings at the courthouse. after hunter biden arrived at the courthouse this morning, the prosecution called two witnesses
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to the stand, f.b.i. forensic chemist who testified he found cocaine residue inside that pouch that had the handgun that hunter biden's sister-in-law and lover hallie biden tossed in the trash began 11 days after hunter bought it. whether hunter was on drugs when he bought the weapon is the crux of the argument. according to the prosecution he was on drugs. d.e.a. witnessed the prosecution called earlier combed through hunter's text messages with drug dealers as proof he was hooked on drugs. this afternoon the defense plans to call two witnesses. both are from the gun store where hunter bought the gun. jason turner ran the background checks at the store. the owner of the gun shop. defense plans to raise doubts about the form that hunter filled out which is at the center of this case, of course. the defense is going to try to poke holes in that.
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from those witnesses. this morning the first lady jill biden arrived at the courthouse flying overnight from normandy where she took part in the d-day anniversary and later we can't rule out that hunter biden will also take the stand before this case wraps. as your previous guess mentioned according to a poll only 1% of criminal defendants in these kind of federal criminal trials are found innocent. >> harris: we'll follow the case. appreciate you getting us started here with all the latest. thank you very much. "politico" with this. the hunter biden case is solid. something rotten about it, too. unless something very surprising happens the jury is likely to convict biden in a matter of days. in "focus" now former assistant district attorney and retired police officer phil holloway. how many damage did the ex-women in hunter biden's life do on the stand if any at all yesterday, phil? >> i think if the jury is paying attention to the presentation that the prosecutors are putting
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on, the presentation that's occurring in the front of the courtroom, these witnesses did a lot of damage to hunter biden. it is obvious that at the relevant time when he bought that gun he was both addicted to drugs and he was also an unlawful users of drugs. particular life i think crack cocaine being the big one. here is the thing. another presentation that's taking place in that courtroom and it is for the benefit of the jury. the presence of the first lady, the presence of the rest of the biden family, all that sufficient is there for the jury to see. the defense orchestrated it for the benefit of the jury trying to get sympathy. there are people there who like the bidens. this is an effort to get jury nullification, when the jury says maybe he is guilty, the evidence is there but we'll give him a pass anyway. they have the power to do it.
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lawyers cannot directly ask for it but they are doing it in the way that you see playing out in the courtroom. >> harris: i'm so glad you brought up the family members who just arrived a short time ago as the case was put to rest by the prosecutors. yes, they could have some sort of affection for them having been neighbors or state mates since it's in home state. the idea of how much power they wield. this isn't just a stepmom, this is the first lady of the united states and that power also comes into play here. in fact, i had someone on social media ask me a question and i think that we pay regardless of what this is, but the question was if this is something personal, this trial, are tax dollars going to fly jill biden in time for the resting of the case today? it's an interesting question but i think the taxpayers we pay anyway. hunter's infamous laptop front and center at the trial. a new headline hunter biden laptop reemerges as media embarrassment as it becomes key
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evidence in the gun trial. cnn, msnbc, "washington post" pedalled the russia disinformation narrative. let's watch. >> it's classic textbook soviet russian craft evidence work. >> looks like a classic russian playbook disinformation campaign. >> u.s. authorities are seeing if the emails are connected to an ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> it is so obviously a russian operation. >> they have warned it is likely disinformation. >> ongoing russian disinformation effort. >> harris: jonathan turley with a new op-ed. laptop designers to make hunter biden news disappear. they can't now. the reappearance of the laptop in court might be awkward for most people but not media or television hosts on politicians
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who pushed the conspiracy. they were all in on the truck and the voters were played for chufrms. your reaction. >> now that we have had an f.b.i. agent authenticate this laptop. what it means to authenticate evidence, you have to bring in witnesses or sufficient other evidence to prove that the item is what the prosecutors purport it to be. in this case the actual laptop. it has now been fully verified and authenticated. what you see here is you see the media happily going along with parroting the pop -- propaganda with the biden campaign. pure propaganda. more than that what we have is we had censorship. americans could not post on social media about it. facebook and x twitter wound let
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you do it. we were censored and not allowed soviet style tactics from the biden campaign but all coordinated. >> harris: prison time if he is found guilty. >> he might get a little bit. in the federal system if you have a trial and don't take responsibility, i think the guidelines will call for a little bit. not much. it won't be until later. they have to come back for a sentencing hearing and if he gets time, they can extend that out probably to the period after the election when one way or another joe biden is a lame duck and then he can pardon him before he goes to jail. >> harris: interesting that's exactly what they thought would happen with donald trump. they were hoping things would get so drawn out and they have to a certain degree. but now you have this going on. we'll cover it stem to stern. appreciate your expertise. thank you.
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critics are having a field day with hillary clinton's post about d-day. they say it is a slap in the face to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our great country. the battle over gender issues is a cultural flash point not going away and could play big in november's election. >> would you force your daughter to undress in a bathroom with boys? >> i won't comment on that. >> men and women across this country that don't have faith or trust in you protecting our girls. >> harris: a huge political divide on this issue. jason chaffetz in "focus" next. lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves.
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>> harris: gender identity is a polarizing issue for voters. growing share of them, 65% now say gender is determined by the sex assigned at birth. but among trump supporters that number jumps exponentially to 90%. only 9% disagree. among biden supporters 59% say gender can be different from sex at birth. officials and athletes continue to criticize the biden administration's record on protecting biological women in
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sports. >> people have fought for for decades to provide fairness in girls' sports, opportunities and scholarships. they are erasing all of that. >> a classic case being so open minded your brain falls out. who thinks we would have biological males competing against biological women? >> the biden administration has akate re quaint -- the future of women's sports is bleak with his administration. >> harris: get men out of my bathrooms and locker rooms argues the importance of women's -- who weaponize gender -- fox news contributor jason chaffetz. timeline thoughts on this. >> i like what riley gaines and guests have to say. it baffles my mind in in day and
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age we are having this discussion. fundamental and physiological differences between men and women. the idea that you would put these men in these women's locker rooms and have them taking medals and pushing women aside from competing on an even playing field is just unbelievable. i think it is one of the fundamental differences in approaches in this election and it is something i wish we would address head on and just decide. if you want to do this as an adult and you want to do something different and you want to try to identify, that's different. we're talking about our kids and young women trying to enjoy sports and participate and have privacy in a bathroom setting like changing into a bathing suit. that is just a bridge too far. >> harris: it is wider than sports. as you just said bathrooms are
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part of this conflict, this battle, whatever this moment is, however we describe this right now where people are so polarized. it is bigger even than sports. men and women's bathrooms because of how they identify. i remember a time if there were a man in the bathroom we were told to say something, speak up. we are in a different spot now. we should talk about it openly as a society and see where we all are. conservatives are tearing into hillary clinton on the social post yesterday. 80 years ago thousands of brave americans fought to protect team see on the shores of normandy. this november all we have to do is vote. one critic wrote comparing the sacrifices to retake europe to democrats voting against donald trump sick and disgusting. world war ii veterans deserve so much better than this. jason. >> the idea that hillary clinton
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always makes it about herself is not new news. but come on, this is about the veterans, the people who served. the greatest generation that protected us. you have to put your politics aside and say we all stand for the red, white and blue. these men and women, what they went through going to those beaches, knowing they were most likely going to die and then to try to compare donald trump to hitler? i get disgusted when i hear people trying to compare people to hitler. hitler murdered millions of people and donald trump wants to make america great again? it is disgusting and vile and degrades what hitler did. we need to all remember what hitler did. he was a murderous person and one of the worst people to ever be on the planet earth. >> harris: democratic candidate for congress in upstate new york said this maga supporters should
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go to reeducation camp after the 2024 election. paula collins is running against republican congresswoman elise stefanik. >> after we've gone through this maga nightmare and we reeducating basically. that sounds like a rather -- reeducation camp. >> harris: now she is walking those remarks back and told fox in a statement, quote, even if maga were to be resoundingly defeated we would need to engage in widespread civics education, which both red and blue voters acknowledge has been slipping in recent years. this isn't the first time we've heard this rhetoric from democrats and others in liberal media. >> you would put half of trump supporters into the basket of depl deplorables >> rubes that back donald trump.
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>> there are millions of americans, almost all white and almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. >> the bottom line is all of america needs at the programming because we've all been negatively influenced by donald trump. >> maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. something needs to happen. >> harris: i thought there would never be a day presently where we would hear the talking points of chinese president xi jinping in communist china. that's how he talks about the uighurs there. that's what they are using. those talking points to talk about republicans. >> so much for michelle obama's when they go low, we go high. so much about uniting the country. and all these people that preach diversity, yeah, they are the quickest ones to say we have to deprogram you and reeducate you because they -- their vision of
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america -- i used to think that we all wanted the same goal. we just had different ways to get there. i don't believe that anymore. i think there are some people that totally want to destroy america and redo it in a totally different way and this is why donald trump is thriving because he communicates and relates to people who just love their country and they love it and it is not something that the democrats can take lightly. they have lurched so far to the radical progressive left it is unrecognizable to most americans. >> harris: you were on the hill as the chairman of oversight how they try to distance themselves within the democrat party from those on the far left but you all share the sweater. it is hard to take it off when you have a former secretary of state talking about half the country and how she still sees them. great to see you. have a wonderful weekend. "outnumbered" after the break.
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