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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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the leg!" if you know, you know. >> what are the prizes? are there prizes? >> a delorean, obviously. >> fox nation, you need to get me on that show. i will beat you. >> we are all very competitive. i am just full of useless information. >> would you pick me to be your teammate? i was born in 1988 and the only thing i know about the '80s is ronald reagan was incredible. >> i don't remember a lot from the '80s. i'm a lot older than you are, that we are '80s -- >> i'm, like, barely 30. [laughter] >> you look like you're in your 20s. >> people who didn't grow up in the '80s know more about the '80s. i just don't remember it. >> bring me on the '90s quiz show, i'd probably be terrible at that, too. thanks, everyone. don't be dumb i could get to dvr the show. have a great weekend, but for now, "america reports." stay tuned. >> as we sit here in normandy,
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your son, hunter, is on trial , and i know you can't speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but would you accept the jeannie rhee jerry'soutcome no matter what it is? have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> john: president biden making it clear he will not pardon his son if he is convicted in the federal gun trial as prosecutor's rep of the case and the gents put the first witnesses on the stand. the court in a lunch break right now, but we are learning the president's brother, james biden, is expected to testify, and naomi has already taken the stand. >> sandra: we will bring you a live report on that and just moments. we also have an all-star lineup to take us through today's proceedings. jonathan turley, mercedes colwin, and mark eiglarsh are all on deck. >> they could have brought the case seven years ago. it's only when you run for office they bring cases. right after the announcement of
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this, more campaign funds were given to this campaign then any campaign, they think, and history. almost $400 million. 400. >> john: former president trump praising his postconviction fund-raising numbers at a rally in arizona as he kicks off a west coast swing that includes a visit to the deep blue state of california. i'm john roberts in washington. sandra, he left early. i was waiting to hear what life was like for you in the 1980s. >> i was born in the '80s and i don't know. i think i enjoyed all the colors and fun hair. great to be with you. i did sprint up here and i'm happy i made it. i'm sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." the former president also in his campaign speech failing to rescind border policies if he wins the white house. >> john: karl rove will join us on brand-new polls that show travel for president biden. >> sandra: we begin with alicia kenya in phoenix for us. hello, alicia. >> hi, sandra.
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hi, john. former president trump is using this western state swing to turn that conviction into california gold. last night tech investors and hosts of the all-in podcast held a private fund-raiser in silicon valley. fox news confirming that haul at $12 million. fox news digital has confirmed in march they met with republican senator j.d. vance and donald trump jr. in d.c. this was the first time he said he was all in for trump. this was first reported by "the new york times," and last night on x he posted he is endorsing trump, writing, "my main reasons rest on four main issues i think are vital to american prosperity, security, and stability. issues where the biden administration has veered badly off course and where i believe president trump can lead us back. those issues, the economy, foreign policy, war in ukraine, the border, and lawfare." last night's fund-raiser is in
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addition to the post verdict war chest that trump has already amassed, $141 million in self-reported funds from the campaign and also the republican national committee, plus $150 million from organizations backing the former president. that number does not include the leading super pac supporting trump's campaign, which reported raising nearly $70 million. sandra, trump still has fund-raisers today in southern california, today and tomorrow, then he heads to nevada. we are still waiting to hear from the biden campaign on its main numbers. we do know that it does have a big time flashy hollywood-style fund-raiser coming up with headliners of george clooney and julia roberts. sandra? >> sandra: will be watching it. alicia, thank you. john? >> john: sandra, the united states economy added 272,000 jobs in the month of may, beating the expectations as the employment rate edged up to 4%, the highest level in more than two years. jared bernstein is the chairman
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of the white house counsel of economic advisors and joins us now. with this job number that came out today, you get the idea that things are looking really good, but take a look at this in terms of inflation and what the american consumer is feeling. groceries up 20%, gasoline up 45%. energy costs of 38%. consumer prices up 19%. credit card debt up 44%. real average hourly earnings down 2.63%. so when the president touts bidenomics and says everything is great, do you understand why people at home aren't feeling it yet? >> well, john, we know we have one of the most persistently strong labor markets this country has ever seen. not only is this labor market continually offering up large numbers of good jobs to working americans. as you said, 272,000 jobs in may. the expectation was for well below that, but we are also
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seeing wages beat prices. let me talk about that for a second. over the last three months, years grocery price inflation. 0%, 0%, negative 0.2%. over the last year, inflation of 3.4%, wages that more than 4%. wages are beating prices. what you said is true, prices are still too high for lots of households who are definitely struggling with those prices, but in terms of their buying power, particularly when it comes to groceries, the price of gas is actually down from what it was a year ago. progress is being made in the right direction and i just had to stay on this track. >> sandra: let's get this one out of the way because they spend fact checks on inflation. the president makes claims like this. >> i think inflation has gone slightly up, 9% when i came in. it's now down around 3%.
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>> the president continues to claim that it is down from when he took office, and it's just not. "the washington post" gave that four pinocchios. it was actually 1.4% when biden took office. so why do we see this administration continue to make those claims when really inflation is still almost double what it was when he took office? >> certainly the president knows the numbers you just said. what he was talking about there was, yes, when he got here, inflation was as you said, but at the end of that year, by the way, it was about 7% headed for 9%. so what he was talking about there is that the forces were clearly in place. by the way, this was pandemic-era inflation. if you look at every country, every g7 country, we all have the same amount of inflation. what we did was and up with the most growth and, as we are talking about today, a job market that continues to deliver. it is unequivocally true that inflation is down from its peak
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of about 9% to around 3%. the 60% plus decline in the rate of inflation. and that's helping. but our work is not done, because we have to do all he can to cut costs, continue to cut costs in health care, child care, housing, junk fees, and if you look at that agenda, our opposition wants to roll back every one of those measures which would raise costs in those areas. we are going to stay on our cost-cutting path as aggressively as ever. >> john: jared, let me get back with you on that again. i would like to try to be as accurate as possible, whenever possible. the president said, "i think inflation has gone slightly up, which was at 9% when i came in." is that a factual statement? >> you cited the inflation numbers in january of '21. the president knows that number, i know that number, you know that number. >> so i did he say it was 9% when he came in?
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"when i came in" would be january 20th, 2021. >> i don't think it's particular helpful for us to continue to bandy this about. i'm telling you what the president meant and also telling you the numbers he cited are ones that we are all very well aware of. i think the important point there is that the forces, the pandemic-induced forces that pushed inflation up to 9% were very much in place when this president got here. he gets here, immediately takes action, including forming a supply-side disruption task force that i was a card carrying member ads that help to get inflation down from that 9% peak all the way down to where it is now. our work is not done. we still have room to go. but we are actually seeing costs decline, whether it's health care, insulin, some clean energy product. certainly in the junk fee space. and every one of those cases, our cost-cutting agenda is targeting helping working americans deal with a set of prices that we acknowledge are too high. >> sandra: i appreciate that answer. to be fair, i think people get
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the sense that they are being told this was unavoidable inflation. the inflation we are still living through today. >> that's a really good point. let me speak to that. is inflation avoidable or unavoidable? probably one of the best ways to look at that is to look at every advanced economy. every advanced economy -- in fact, the g7, italy, they euro area, french, the u.k. -- >> sandra: but we have the gold standard. >> let me finish my point, and then you can push back. if you look at the accumulative inflation, every one of those countries -- i have a graph of this i will put on my twitter feed as soon as i get back to the office -- they are all about the same. they are all about the same amount. where we stand out as an outlier is when it comes to gdp growth, where we've done much better than the rest of the pack. they are more exposed to the war in ukraine, so that's part of the story, but the fact is -- i don't know that inflation was avoidable or unavoidable, but
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what is in common between all of those countries connect the pandemic. this was a pandemic-induced inflationary surge, and question related case. >> sandra: i'm sure you've done your own assessment as an economist. you can crunch the numbers. whether it was unavoidable or it wasn't, what have you concluded? >> unquestionably unavoidable when it came to a pandemic-induced recession that basically shut down global supply chains. that was absolutely a recipe for higher inflation, and one way we know that, we sought not only here but in every economy exposed to that. >> john: so, the trump tax cuts. if president biden wins a second term, the trump tax cuts will sunset at the end of the first year of his second term. the president speaking to the union of electrical workers said that he would let those tax cuts expire. this is what he said. >> it's going to expire. if i'm reelected, it's going to stay expired. hski when he pledged not to raie
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taxes, but if the trump tax cuts are allowed to expire as joe biden says they will, it will for a family makes an average of $75,000 pay an additional $1500 in taxes. it would make main street businesses pay 43.4% tax rate, and it would cut by 50% the current child tax credit. so how is that in any way, jared, not raising taxes on people making $400,000 a year? >> really important question, john. i'm very glad you raised it. this president has consistently pledged not to raise taxes on anyone under $400,000 of family income, and he has always kept that pledge and he always will. we have spelled this out in our budget in great detail. when he talks about the expiration of the trump tax cuts, he talks about working with congress to make sure no taxes increase on anyone under $400,000. that means, for those folks who
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are over $400,000, those taxes will expire and that is how we raise significant revenue without touching anyone under $400,000. there's a line in the sand, the president has never crossed it. he's very clear in the budget documents that he won't cross it again. yes, we want to pay for that, and that means working with congress so we don't load up the deficit. but you cited a lot of numbers. let me cite one for you. there's a recent study, it comes out from the peterson institute, and what it finds is, if you look at the expiration of the trump tax cuts and you add in eight regime that is significant tax on families, including the terrace on the median family it goes up $1700. so that is what our opposition is putting forth. >> sandra: allies take in there. obviously you are touting strong jobs growth, that leads me to ask big questions about the
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interest rates, and in this interest-rate environment people are claiming it's unaffordable to buy a home. we have seen interest rates go sky high just to tame this inflation that you just said you feel your analysis said was unavoidable. most economists have determined it was avoidable, that we could have cut off federal spending at a point -- >> that is just flat wrong. most economists do not consider the inflation we had unavoidable, because most economists -- i've never seen an economist that doesn't -- recognize what the pandemic did to global supply chains. we can have arguments about the magnitude of the inflation, but trust me, you're not going to find an economist that said we weren't going to have inflation when the global supply chain shut down because of the pandemic. that just doesn't make sense. >> sandra: let's look back to those months and years were the administration and the federal reserve are saying inflation wasn't a real thing, that it was going to be minimal,
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and then -- >> look, sandra, i'm sorry. you do not have an argument that says the global pandemic would have happened, would have shut supply chains down across the globe, and inflation would have gone up. if you want to make a coherent argument, we can talk about the magnitude of inflation and the role that public policy played, and i'd be happy to have that argument. >> sandra: definitely talk about the magnitude of it. let me finish with my question. bidenomics. is this still something that the biden campaign will champion, or is his messaging being dropped? these are recent headlines in axios', has democrats either ditching bidenomics, "usa today," president biden scraps bidenomics after slogan falls flat. the new yorker, it's a bust. do you champion that message? >> sandra, let me speak to you quickly about that. but to me that is just kind of a rhetorical saying. when we are out here trying to help working families get ahead, i think we have a jobs report
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with 270,000 jobs and an unemployment rate that's been 4% or below for two and half years. you are helping a lot of working americans. any time the president is talking about economics, he's talking about bidenomics, full stop. on housing, you mentioned a really important area. we have a plan that will add 2 million affordable units to the housing stock. that would make a huge difference in one of the most important areas where americans really need help. and congress needs to work with us on that. it should be bipartisan trade some of these measures like the low-income housing tax credit are ones that republican have in the past supported. we have seen too many policies where folks on the other side of the aisle will resist helping working families in an area like housing because they think it benefits them politically. this president will never go there. we need to help families with housing. we have a plan to add 2 million units. let's get to work on in a bipartisan fashion. >> john: jared bernstein, we always up a sheet folks from the white house coming on. thank you for joining us today.
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>> sandra: thank you, jared. come back soon. meanwhile, dave 5 of hunter biden's gun trial is on lunch break after testimony from his daughter, naomi biden. when that resumes, jurors could hear from more members of the biden family, including hunter's uncle, james. lucas tomlinson is live outside the courtroom in wilmington, delaware, with more on that for us. hi, lucas. >> hi, sandra. that's right. just moments ago we saw the first lady and hunter biden's wife walking out together during this lunch break. earlier, some powerful testimony by hunter biden's eldest daughter, naomi. they were both seen crying, both hunter and naomi crying in court as naomi testified. that she had never seen her father in -- what she called the clearest, back in 2018, after her uncle died. her uncle, of course, being beau biden. used to prosecute gun and drug cases like this. naomi said she was proud of her father, hunter. under cross-examination by the prosecutor, he asked naomi about the truck where the gun was
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found at the center of this case. she said she drove it earlier up to new york where she hoped to meet up with her father. she said there were no drugs in that truck at the time. the text messages were read aloud in the courtroom where naomi was attempting to reach her father in new york and the prosecutor asked her if she knew where her father was. the prosecutor said he was with a drug dealer at the time and the prosecutor made the case that those drugs were put in the car later by hunter. another family member in court today, the first lady, jill biden. no indication she would testify. she did fly from france aboard the u.s. air force aircraft to be here today and plans to return to new york tonight for a state dinner tomorrow in paris. earlier today the defense called the gun store owner who said he had never met or talked to hunter biden in the showroom where he purchased that 38 caliber colt culver revolver, as you see here, a six shooter. an fbi forensic expert said he found cocaine residue in the pouch where it was found in the
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trash can discarded by hallie biden. and they call jason turner and did a background check. he said they reviewed the form to make sure all the boxes were checked and he said he also never interacted with hunter. they are going through their witnesses pretty quickly and we could have this child wrapped up by early next week. it is notable that a pew research report said the odds are not in favor of hunter. only 1% of defendants in federal trials like this are acquitted, of course. the suspects don't have a thought it was the president of the united states, although president biden said he made no plans to pardon him. >> sandra: we are that in that lease interview. lucas tomlinson, thank you. >> john: new fox news poll showing former president trump ahead of president biden in three states, and deadlocked in a traditionally blue one that went to biden just four years ago. we will tell you where that's all happening and asked karl rove what it all means. he's got the whiteboard warmed
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up and ready to go, plus this. >> as volatile and as crazy as ever, gamestop soaring. >> the reddit frenzy has driven wall street into uncharted territory. we have never seen volumes like this before. >> gamestop, fascinating. just look at that. >> sandra: a popular creators returned to youtube shaking up the market. the market. reacting to the frenzy created by roaring kittyo.. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon
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>> sandra: brand-new fox news poll showing former president donald trump outpacing jill biden in key battleground states, tying him in traditionally blue virginia. a state biden won by more than ten points just four years ago. let's dive into his karl rove,
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fox news contributor and former white house deputy chief of staff. what does that tell you, karl? welcome. >> well, we're in for a barn burner is what it shows me. the fox poll showed virginia tied 48-48, you are right, jill biden won by ten points lasting last time. the rule of thumb is one poll is less reliable than multiple polls. the interesting thing about this is, on may 21st, there was a roanoke college poll that also showed a tie. the last poll we had before that was january, virginia commonwealth university, and before that in december of the richmond times dispatch, both of them showing a healthy biden lead, the two polls within a matter of three weeks of each other showing virginia tie. that would say something if the commonwealth of virginia where in a headset brace. arizona, six-point lead, there was a recent bloomberg poll, mid-may, five points.
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there's a lot of evidence that trump enjoys a lead in arizona. nevada, again, similar things, a quick poll not too long ago, a 5-point lead, and pretty strong evidence from a series of polls, i think seven or eight in the last couple of months, showing a lead. and the national number which again is 48 for biden and 49 for trump. a close race nationally, but the democrats need to be ahead in the national number because they are too many democrats in places like new york, new jersey, california, and washington state that are going to go democratic in the electoral college, and trump in 2016 won even though he lost the popular vote and came darn close to winning in 2020 even though there are 7 million people who voted for joe biden who didn't vote for him. and then we've got florida, the only number -- 46 biden, 50 trump. we have had a series of polls in florida that show a wider lead
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for trump in the state. we will have to watch that one, but it looks -- the average shows that it's a pretty good state now for trump. >> john: let me take another moment here, karl, to zoom in on virginia. let's compare the results. as you pointed out, but take a look at this, this is the 2020 outcome where the president beat donald trump by just a little bit more than ten points. listen to what governor glenn youngkin said about the possibility that trump could win virginia. listen here. >> in 2020, jill biden won virginia by ten points. even having this conversation today, i think it fully reflects the change in view about not only the strength that donald trump would bring to the presidency, but the weakness he has demonstrated. americans and virginians are ready for change. >> john: i lived in the commonwealth of virginia, and there were plenty of republicans in the western part of the
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state, there's a bench in alexandria, as well. when you look at arlington county, fairfax county, loudoun county, those are the big population centers, and they are ripe with democrats. could we really pull off an upset this year? >> let's wait and see. there are things in that poll that indicate the broader problem not just in virginia but elsewhere, black voters are not supported by the same margin, hispanic voters in arizona, for example, on the other side of it trump is doing better among people without a college education then he did four years ago. if you look and said the in this
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poll they are replicated for more times than in virginia. that is to say lots more, but the same problems you see elsewhere are repeated in virginia. >> places like nevada, pulling on the border. 37% in our new polling on who is more trusted to handle our crisis at the border. obviously during the primary season we saw this as the top issue, karl. important to watch how this plays out state to state. >> that was one of the smart things the president did yesterday. he talked very little. he talked some, that he talked comparatively very little about the outcome of the trial in new york and spent a lot of time talking about the border. that is why i think in the sun belt states, the battleground states, nevada, arizona, and georgia, he's much better shape than he is in the
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great lakes states where the races are really tight. you take a look at the real clear politics average of polls, there have been eight polls since the 10th of april. trump is up by zero, that is to say one-tenth of 1%. 0.1. in michigan he's up by three tenths of a percent. there have been seven polls since the middle of april. then pennsylvania, he's up by 2.3, but since the middle of april. the problem for biden's he's got to win every one of the states. if trump wins one of the states and carries what he did in 2020, plus wins nevada and wins back arizona and georgia where he's leading outside the margin of error, then he's a president of the united states. biden needs to win all three of these and not lose states like virginia in order to be elected president. >> sandra: karl rove, always awesome to have you, sir. thanks for joining us on this friday. >> john: thanks, karl. crunching the numbers again. have a great weekend. family affair in the courtroom
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for hunter biden, his daughter naomi taking a stand in her father's defense, as we learned the president's brother, james biden, is expected to testify, as well. jonathan turley on deck with analysis, plus this. >> they're going to give out. these are really dumb robbers right here. >> sandra: shoppers taking matters into their own hands during a robbery. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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>> these robbers are stuck inside the store. stuck. >> sandra: suspects making a stink inside a perfume shop until some bystanders take matters into their own hands. something we are seeing more and more. senior correspondent steve harrigan is live in atlanta. we have seen the video, steve. how did all of this get started? >> sandra, this all began on sunday inside a perfume store. they were four, it looked like, teens in hoodies, in masks,
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grabbing boxes of perfume off the shelves. this, despite the cashier yelling at them to stop. that's when some of the customers decided to try and do something about it. here's what that scene looked like. >> i'm just going to video. >> these robbers are stuck inside the store. >> we've got these guys. >> the robbers are locked inside. >> here they come with the latter. >> they going to try to break the door down. >> they need to get prosecuted the right way. the court system in the city is a nightmare. >> now, some of the looters tried to make it out the door, but some of the shoppers held that door tight. they were filming with their phones and they were also calling the police multiple times, but it took about half an hour for the police to respond. here's one father who was buying
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cologne with his son. >> lee kept waiting and waiting, and it took 30 minutes. >> they eventually broke through the drywall in the back, and they managed to escape. they would later see near highway on foot, but without those bags of perfume. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: wow, what a story. steve harrigan on that for us. thank you. john? >> john: it took half an hour for a response? wow. a live look at the district court in delaware and our court will resume after lunch break. when it does, the president's brother, james, could be called to take the witness stand. let's bring in jonathan turley, fox news contributor and constitutional law professor. how do you think the prosecution did in proving its claims, this idea that the laptop is real, it helps prove that hunter biden was addicted to drugs at the time that he filled out that federal firearms transaction form? do you think they made a good case, or where there are holes in it?
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>> no, i thought they did put together an airtight case. they started with an airtight case. they didn't punch any holes in their own case, i suppose. i don't think that gives them enough credit. they did an excellent job anticipating the arguments of the defense. so you had abbe lowell, the defense counsel, making a series of claims in his opening statement, that the government proceeded to knock down within 48 hours. so by the end of the second day, virtually nothing the defense said in opening arguments still had any viability. they suggested that hunter biden might have just been sober during that period, and the government came in and showed a text message the next day trying to score drugs with a guy named mookie, and witnesses that said, when they were spending time with him, he was taking hits of crack every 20 minutes. they suggested he didn't check the box on the form. they brought an employee who said, "i stood there and watched
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him check that box." it was a series of arguments that the prosecution did an excellent job knocking down. >> john: so you can prove your case, but then you still have to convince the jury. he suggested in a column earlier this week that jury nullification is something abbe lowell and hunter biden might be counting on. he said, "in addition to a favorable jury pool, his travails with drugs will prompt one or more jurors to avoid the law and vote to acquit. even if he cannot secure acquittal, these political and social elements at play in delaware could produce a hung jury." are you still thinking that? >> john: i do think there is any discernible defense strategy here other than a nullification strategy. in arguments put forward by the defense, it seemed to be any pretense, almost placeholders for a nullification vote by one or more jurors. there's hope for that. this is the opposite of manhattan for trump.
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this is a great jury pool for biden. this is biden-town, their hometown, and they are reminded of that with the first lady who is flying in from europe just to have another day there, and flying back to europe. so that message is really being reinforced. i'm sure the prosecutors are not thrilled by it, but also every juror says they know someone who struggled with drugs. the combination of that, i think the defense hopes it might get a couple of them to look beyond the evidence and vote sort of in an empathic way for the defendant for what he's gone through. >> john: there is no question the biden name is all over delaware. my daughter and i were coming back from a lacrosse tournament in new jersey and we stopped at the biden welcome center to get a chicken sandwich. you wrote this about the laptop on "laptop deniers conspired to make hunter biden news disappear. they can't now." he went on to say, "the reappearance of laptop and a delaware courtroom might be
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awkward for most people but not the media or intelligence officials or politicians who push the conspiracy theory. after all, they were all in on the trick. it was the voters who are played for champs." listen to some of these clips from left-wing news organizations this week about the laptop. >> prosecutors tonight showing his infamous laptop to the jury. there it was. >> cemex close of testimony yesterday about a hot topic for years now. hunter biden's laptop. >> you have seen the prosecution lay out a mountain of evidence in the form of data from his laptop, text messages, photos. >> the testimony assisted prosecutors and introducing evidence, including text messages, bank records, and hunter biden's laptop. >> prosecutors brought in a lot of what they described as key evidence, including photos of crack cocaine from hunter hunter biden's infamous laptop. >> john: the laptop. there it is, the laptop, the laptop many of those news
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organizations said didn't exist, it was russian disinformation. ten seconds, professor. >> it's bizarre. it's like being in a parallel universe. they are just shrugging and saying, oh, yeah, the laptop, after being deniers for years. >> john: always great to talk to you. we probably had more to go on this next week. sandra? >> sandra: roaring kitty is back, live streaming yet again, having a big impact on stocks. what it means for investors. we will have that for you next. >> john: he looks a lot like paul dano, doesn't he? plus, president biden taking executive action to secure the border, but it appears nothing has changed. chris clam, retired border patrol agent, will tell us what he thinks biden solution is actually making the problem worse.
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>> what up, everybody? roaring kitty here. i'm going to pick a stock and talk about why i think it's interesting, and that is gamestop. >> how much should we do lose yesterday >> a billion. >> sandra: meme stock mania is taking place get again. for over three years he's been on hiatus, and roaring kitty is back in full force, and he's moving some of the stocks big time. ricky gutierrez, a retail trader and youtuber with more than a million subscribers, not roaring kitty. thanks for joining us. what should people know -- >> thank you so much for having me. >> it is really specific circles, you drop the name "roaring kitty," that know about this. it's people looking to make a
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fast buck, right? >> definitely. >> sandra: what is this about and what does it mean that roaring kitty is back? >> back in 2021, it seemed like he gathered a huge following solely based off the idea of, he believed in this company, he thought it was way undervalued, and i would say the whole fascination about gamestop itself was really because it was so heavily shorted. this movement started to be able to stick it to the big guys and then knowing he came back in 2024, just a few weeks ago, actually just finished watching one of his life streams here on youtube where he disclosed his open position, which was the first live stream he actually hosted since being gone for the past three years. >> sandra: interesting. i guess we will leave it up to people to decide whether or not they condone buying stock with your hard-earned money just to stick it to somebody. usually that's not really covered by wall street analysts. okay, so, this is roaring kitty
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in his own words. listen. >> you should keep your eye on stuff, too. reserve the right to change your mind about stuff just like i do pray don't follow anyone blindly. nothing on this stream's advice. hopefully you all know that, right? >> sandra: i have a very deep background in finance, and once was a trader. i was active on a trade desk. i'm very well aware that people want to make a quick buck. but this concept of just buying and selling because somebody tells you to, rather than on a company's fundamentals, isn't it risky? >> exactly. it is as risky as it gets. one of the things i love to preach on my youtube channel is how this is just a glorified pump and dump. if you are able to define a pump and dump -- i don't think it could be defined any more clearly then gamestop itself. there's no question that you can make a ton of money, but the biggest goal that any person going into the stock market,
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just like you know, we are all here for the same reason, and that's to make money. unfortunately, just like back in 2021, a handful of these people are left holding the bag, and it seems like that might be the case going on this time where, after market hours yesterday, we were up 45%, but now during normal trading hours gamestop is down 32%, giving back everything it gained after market hours and then some. >> sandra: here's the 5-year chart of gamestop, for example, from june 2019 to noon today eastern time. it has been extremely volatile, and that can be really tricky for an everyday investor. but we get it, we get that people want to be in there. what should happen here? do you think that there is talk of regulating activity like this? or do you think people should just be able to play in the stock market however they wish? >> now, my biggest issue with
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this whole gamestop movement is not so much about people's ability to just be able to freely buy whatever company it is they want to. i am all for that. for roaring kitty to be investigated while we have a series of politicians that continue to show that they are outperforming the s&p 500, i think the biggest thing -- i don't know if i can speak for the people, but the biggest thing everyone really just wants our affair playing ground. if we are only going to go for the small guy but never go after the politicians that continue to outperform the s&p 500, that just doesn't seem like a fair market place to me. >> sandra: a level playing field always sounds pretty good. but do your homework and the stock market is accessible to everyone who wants to participate in it. and that is the beauty of it. >> exactly. >> sandra: thanks so much. john? >> john: all right, hunter biden's federal gun trail adjourning for the day after the defense called his daughter, naomi, to the stand as their irecfirst witness.
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people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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>> john: supreme court justice clarence thomas is acknowledging previously unreported trips that were paid for by a conservative billionaire. thomas has amended last year's financial disclosure form to include the trips that were back in 2019. the vacations to bali and
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california were not originally included in his 2019 disclosure form. by the way, last year, sandra, ketanji brown jackson, the justice, got four tickets from beyonce for a concert were $3700. >> sandra: there you go. sorry, i'm reading this breaking news out of the courtroom right now. i will go ahead and move on to this. this is from our reporters inside of the biden trial court room, where we are just now learning that the defense attorneys are saying that they could call hunter biden to the stand. abbe lowell, the defense for biden, said he will decide over the weekend whether he will call hunters to the stand. no other witnesses for the defense. if they do call hunter to the stand, the prosecution indicated they may put on a rebuttal witness. we should have more on that soon. >> john: wouldn't that be something? unemployment rising to the highest level in two years while job growth moved higher, but those jobs are mostly part-time
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or temporary. larry kudlow on the conflicting messages and what it all means for our economy, and your pocketbook, coming up.
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