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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> i'm thrilled to be back in beautiful arizona with thousands and thousands in the crowd. hardworking americans. we are the party of common sense. as an example, it is big stuff, bigger than people think. why would anybody want to have men play in women's sports? why? >> [boos] >> we want strong voters, powerful military. we don't want wars. we want to have great education for our children and we want to have low interest rates, and i will be slamming the door shut on the biden migrant app, and i will terminate every single open borders policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. >> sandra: former president donald trump back in
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battleground arizona for a raucous town hall last night. he took 30 minutes of questions after his speech, and laid out what he calls a common sense agenda on things that matter to everyday americans. hello and welcome, everyone. i'm sandra smith in new york, and john, here it is, it's friday and grade to be here with you. >> john: not a moment too soon, that's what i say. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." a brand-new fox news poll neck shows the former president's message is resonating with arizona voters who give him -- look at this -- a 5-point edge over president biden. and when it comes to the big issue in their backyards, the border crisis, more say they trust trump to do a better job. >> sandra: it's now been three days since president biden's border crackdown, and as of now it seems to look just like the past three years. migrants from around the world continue to flow over the southern border, even other networks including cnn needed some clarification from dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> should everyone assume right now that this crackdown, this
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shut down, if you will, will now be in place for weeks? >> it is in place, kate. it will be in place until we experience seven consecutive calendar days with the nu numbef individuals encountered at our southern border. on average, it's less than 1500. >> john: well, that could be a long time. bill melugin is live at the border in california. you just heard the dhs secretary say this is in effect. it is it effective where you a are? >> well, john, if the white house's goal is to reduce illegal crossings, no, it is not effective. we just got brand-new numbers from our cbp contacts which show right here in the sand ego sector, yesterday alone, there were just under 1,300 illegal crossings. it's not slowing down at all. we saw some of those crossings. take a look at this video late yesterday afternoon. this is what border patrol has to do with out here.
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you will notice that there is one single agent who had to try to corral this group of about 150 people from all around the world who had just crossed illegally. huge linkage barriers, yet people from china, from mauritae middle east, egypt, all over the place. there's no translators for these border patrol agents, and they don't have enough manpower to patrol the front lines. we caught up with some of these migrants. take a listen. >> from egypt. >> all from egypt? >> egypt. >> america good. >> good america? why did you come to america? >> business and group. >> you want to work? >> work, yet. >> group of friends, you guys want a job. >> america, good. >> america good. >> vietnam. >> all from china? why did you come to america? >> for free. >> to be free? >> yes. >> take a look at this video.
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once again we were on the scene as border patrol is mass releasing hundreds of these illegal immigrants to city streets in san diego. their buses just dropping them off at a local trolley station. these people coming in from all over the world, again being mass-released. once they are done with federal processing, they are given a notice to appear. sometimes those court dates are years out in the future. once they have that paperwork, they are able to travel around the country wherever they would like to go. this, as dhs was promising consequences under this new executive order. guys, back out here live, that's the bottom line. dhs and the president himself were saying, if you concept is order goes into effect, you are banned from asylum and you will be removed. that is simply not the case for a large majority of the people crossing here in san diego sector. cbp data shows, in fiscal year 2024 so far, more than 70% of the people crossing in this sector are released into the united states, and that is holding true right now even with this order in effect. we will send it back to you.
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>> john: and you wonder why they keep coming? hmm. build illusion for us , thank you. now this. >> we are trying to help working families get ahead, and i think we have a jobs report was 270,000 jobs ended on a plumbing rate it's been 4% or below for two and half years. you are helping a lot of working americans. any time the president is talking about economics, he's talking about bidenomics, full stop. >> sandra: that was the chairman of the white house counsel of economic advisors, jared bernstein. he joined us top of the last hour, and he said when asked that they are still full steam ahead on bidenomics, even as americans say the economy is not working for them. some new jobs data out today could dash hopes for lower interest rates before the election, and that's what everybody's watching. larry kudlow is the host of "kudlow" on fox business. we are grateful the white house deployed jerry to us. we will thankful to have them on
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he is advising the president and has through this inflation crisis. he said something else really interesting just there, although i want to get a reaction to the jobs first. you said something when you sat down. they are embracing this report. >> i would if i were they, i would do the same thing. jared, by the way, is a personal friend of mine and he is a smart fella, but sometimes he's on the wrong side. this is a very strange report, okay? the top line number is very good. 272,000. private payrolls, 229,000. those are good numbers, okay? but -- and it's a huge but -- when you look under the hood at some other things, it's a terrible number. household survey. this is the payroll survey. what do i mean by that? labor statistic calls the hr departments, the large corporations, and they tell them jobs are up or jobs are down. the household survey, the bureau
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of labor survey calls families individuals. "are you looking for a job, are you employed, not employed?" the household survey tends to pick up the smaller businesses. the payroll survey tends to pick up the larger businesses. >> sandra: and? >> the household survey is a catastrophe. it fell by 408,000. 408,000. it has been weak for quite some time. the 3-month average of this household survey is 38,000 a month, which is a recession type number. compare that to the payroll, which is almost 250,000. the household survey, sandra, gives you the unemployment rate. that's where that comes from. >> sandra: 4%. >> it's kept up now from 3.6% -- i beg your pardon, 3.4%, now it is 4%. here's some other stuff, again
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come under the hood. the civilian labor force itself cell 250,000. >> sandra: what is all of this telling? >> it tells me there's a lot of weakness out there. it's telling me, for example, outside of -- >> sandra: so maybe it's time to lower interest rates. >> i wouldn't do that, that's an inflation problem. you are still running inflation for the first four months of the year and the cpi was above 4% at an annual rate. let me give you a number. the employment to population ratio -- >> sandra: what is it? >> there was a fabulous economist who worked for george w. bush, a labor economist named ed lazear from stanford university. he used to always tell me for 20 years, you want to look at the health of the labor market. employment as a share of the population. okay? it fell in this report, down one percentage point from the peak.
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it is 60.1%. it was 61% under trump. now, the peak of that was way back in the year 2000, and it was 64%. it tells me that the labor story is not strong, exactly soft. >> sandra: i want to play more of jared because i want to get your reaction. >> just two other things, these are very important things. full-time jobs fell $605,000. >> sandra: serious red flags. >> part time jobs. people are working part-time, not full-time. this is a sign of weakness. and the other one is the foreign workers, many of whom are illegal, are replacing the native born workers. this month shows it once again. >> sandra: that's happening and turning up in the labor statistics. really quickly, he was more from jared bernstein. when we talk to him about inflation, whether or not it was
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necessary. >> was inflation avoidable or unavoidable? probably one of the best ways to look at that is to look at every advanced economy. i don't know that inflation was avoidable or unavoidable, but what was the thing that was in common between all of those countries? the pandemic. this was a pandemic-induced inflationary surge, unquestionably the case. >> sandra: ivory was unavoidable or it wasn't. what have you concluded? >> unquestionably unavoidable. >> sandra: he said he didn't know whether it was avoidable or not. so we challenged him on that. he's an economist, crunched the numbers. what does that tell you? >> he was back sliding on it, my friend, jared. look, look, look at -- donald trump gave him a 1.4% inflation rate in january of 2020-2021. that's an important point. second point, the economy was not in a slump or declining as they keep saying. the economy was very strong. it grew by 6.5% in the first quarter. there was a v-shaped recovery
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after the pandemic. now, what did they do to cause inflation? >> sandra: spend a hell of a lot of money. >> that's correct. they passed the trillion dollar spending bill which was chasing an economy that was already strong, and a covid that was already coming down. what they did was they jammed demand, government spending -- a lot of that stuff was checks in your bank account. that's what they did, and that is why you had too many people chasing too a few goods, too much demand, not enough supply. the inflation rate started booming within only a few months. this is what they missed. >> sandra: and it was ignored and denied for a long time. >> this was a tremendous mistake on their part. they even disregarded some good democratic economists, although they weren't living in the white house. i'm just saying, yeah, the top line today was good, that you know what? it was the worst top line. it was the worst good report of ever seen. >> sandra: more at 4:00.
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"kudlow." thank you so much. it was great to have you here. >> did i get it out? it's tricky. >> sandra: he never has anything to say, john. just trying to pull it out of him. >> john: just a wallflower. you sit there and you asking questions and he's got nothing to say. good to see you, larry. such a good friend. now this. >> these are the boys. these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent, and these are the heroes who helped end a war. >> john: that was 40 years ago today, president biden pulling inspiration from one of ronald reagan's most famous speeches. how did he measure up? that's up next. >> sandra: hunter biden's trial has just wrapped for the day, and his attorney now says he may be calling hunter himself
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to the stand next week. mercedes colwin and mark eiglarsh are here to react in moments. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how's your heart? my hear's pretty good.
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>> john: the hunter biden trial in delaware adjourning for the day. the big headline, hunter himself may be called to the witness stand, as the defense presents its case. let's bring in mercedes colwin and mark eiglarsh to talk more about this. mercedes, what do you think of the wisdom of putting hunter on the stand? >> that is such a critical question of all defense attorneys, they have to ask themselves whether or not they want to put the client on the stand. will they satisfy the cross-examination? frankly, that is real. hunter biden has made a lot of comments. he's written a book about his
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addiction. you've already heard parts of it where he narrated parts of his book. that was already introduced to the jury. will he be able to withstand that cross-examination? at the end of the day, the defense has to show that, when he filled out those forms, he filled them out truthfully. what is the intent when he filled out that, no, he was not an addict of narcotic drugs? he can say "i didn't believe i was an addict. i was in recovery. i hadn't been using drugs in a long time." i would be the first one to tell you that i thought this my entire adult life, and i really was in the thick of it and fighting it. i didn't believe i was an addict." if the jury believes him, home run, game over. >> john: and, mark, this is what i'm wondering about her he would see pretty cut and dried and pretty clear? we have the video of hallie biden throwing away the gun, there was cocaine residue on the pouch that the gun was in, you'm the gun store saying he watched them fill out form right in
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front of him, he checked "no" on the question that asked if you are addicted to wear a user of illicit drugs. but if he puts himself on the stand, he leaves the tail for the jury that may just satisfy what jonathan truly believes is the defense prime strategy, and tha. what do you think? >> yeah, i don't like it. 99% of the time, in the 30 plus years i've been trying cases, i don't put my clients on the stand because it shouldn't have to come down to that. i can't control how my client is going to do on the stand. he may do great in rehearsal, but when he takes that witness stand, boy, you never know what could happen. so i don't love it. i think the defense should have been able, through their witnesses, through opening statements, even jury selection, to convey that they have to literally look at the form as, did he use on that day? that was the understanding. an addict is such an abstract concept. a lot of people are in denial
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about it. he might not have objectively thought he was one, so it wouldn't make him a liar. you can argue that after securing some of that testimony through witnesses that you then can avoid putting them on the stand and risking everything. >> john: mercedes, the first lady, jill biden, has been in court every day except yesterday when she had to accompany the president in paris. here is the media reaction on the role she's playing here. listen to this. >> i've been told by advisors, even though he's overseas, he is still keeping tabs on the trial. the white house does not have a representative in wilmington. >> the first lady has been shuttling between the trial in delaware and france, just to be at the side of hunter biden. >> there was really no question for the first lady that she wanted to be on hand for this trial, really forcing her to navigate and juggle her responsibilities as first lady while also trying to serve that all-important role of being a mother. >> john: you can look at it from that perspective, that she is hunter's stepmom and she wants to be there for the trial,
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but then, at the same time, is there is idea, mercedes, of subtly sending a signal to the jury, "remember who's on trial here?" >> john, i am still befuddled by any criticism of the concerned parent who is going to the trial of their child's. it doesn't matter if it's a step child, this is her child. she helped raise him. he may be facing 25 years in prison if he's convicted of all three charges. it is absolutely reasonable for her to be there. frankly, if she wasn't there, i'm sure the criticism would be the opposite, that he's callous and she doesn't care and she's putting the objects over the care and love she has for her child. it's absolutely reasonable for her to be there. >> john: mark, click final thought. >> i agree with her, but to your point, there's a subtle message. she's not just an average mother. that said, no criticism. she is a mother, and anyone else who wouldn't be out there supporting their loved ones, they are being intellectual he
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dishonest. >> john: mark eiglarsh and mercedes colwin, good happy with us today. hope you have a good weekend. we will be back at it next week. >> sandra: a whistle-blower exposing a children's hospital in texas for secretly conducting gender-affirming care. but now the justice system is going after him. >> plus president biden's new border enforcement executive order has been in effect for a few days now, but hasn't made a difference? retired border patrol chief chris clem weighs in, up next. same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. >> john: the justice department is taking a texas doctor to court after he exposea children's hospital secretly performing gender care for children. the doctor says he is accused of violating medical records laws. nate foy is live in new york city. how is the doctor reacting to this? >> he vows to fight the charges, john. the dallas area surgeon learned of his indictment this week when
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u.s. marshals knock on his door and give him a summons to appear in court. the charges are currently under seal, but attorneys for dr. eitan haim say he's facing four felony charges for hipaa violations. his lawyer say he shared redacted records claim to show that the children's hospital provided gender transition care to kids after the hospital ceo claimed the clinic shut down. shortly after, texas lawmakers banned gender transition care for children in the state, and now dr. haim's lawyers say he's being punished. >> he saw the surgical schedules, and he knew that was contrary to what the hospital ceo had publicly stated. in our mind, the deferment of justice has stepped into the public square to go after someone who has been a whistle-blower. >> take a look at this, john. dr. haim posted on x, "they wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal, but they failed.
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the only way to lose is to submit to corruption. it's time to fight back harder than ever." one of haim's attorneys tells fox, "my client is anxious to get to trial to get his side of the story told. i am confident this will result in the correct decision being made." texas children's hospital is one of the largest children's hospitals in the world. we have reached out to them and the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of texas, but so far we haven't heard back. dr. haim will appeared in federal court on june 17th in houston where he will learn more about the charges he faces. >> apparently haim is contending that none of the documents he sent out to chris rufo about this contain any information about the patients. so how is that a hipaa violation? >> that's exactly right, john. he posted himself saying that no patient's information was actually shared, and that dr. haim successfully redacted
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all of the privileged information. so it is certainly something we'll be watching for when he appears in court a week from monday. john: fascinating case. nate foy in new york for us, thank you. >> you got it. >> i will be slamming the door shut on the biden migrant app, and i will terminate every single open borders policy of the biden administration as soon i take the oath of office. >> sandra: that was former president donald trump just last night, just days after the current president, joe biden, took executive action at the southern border. that has not resulted in a shut down as promised at the border. far from it. just yesterday, sox cameras cut hundreds of illegal immigrants from around the world crossing in california, and a nearby san diego, border patrol release hundreds of migrants at a transit station there. here to weigh in, retired border patrol chief in yuma, arizona, chris clem. thanks for coming back, chief prayed he spoke to you a few
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days ago. what has been your assessment so far? is this executive action taken on the part of president biden working? >> good to see you again, and he took action, but i don't know if it was anything to secure the border. we are two full days after he went into effect. numbers are approaching 10% higher and average daily arrests are up 20%. again, as we talked about the other day, and how we continue to cover this, there was nothing in this executive order that was securing the border. nothing that was given the resources, whether that was personnel, personnel surge of resources, or any kind of infrastructure improvements under this order. so we are getting exactly what we expected, a big nothing burger, and it's not helping the situation at all. >> sandra: you just yesterday our own bill melugin was talking to the migrants coming in from turkey, egypt, china. you name it, they are coming in
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from countries all over the world, and the former president campaigning for another term, donald trump obviously sees this as an opportunity to slam biden's immigration policies. this is on tuesday in phoenix. >> this allows millions of people into our countries. it's great for illegal immigration. it doesn't do anything. it makes it worse than what you have right now. >> sandra: that was trump saying it is really pro illegal immigration, this policy. your thoughts? >> it really kind of is. if you look at it, all it does is say, when it hits another number, divided by seven, whatever it is, you don't get to claim asylum that way. but if you go back to mexico or you use the app and you are in the queue, at that point you can come in. so it is signaling a way to do, instead of trying to shut them down or clean up the process, we are actually encouraging these people who do not have the true
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basis for an asylum to go ahead and get in line and muddy up the system even more. again, where i get frustrated, you've heard me talk about this many times, this is about border security. especially when you named these countries where we know -- good countries, but at the same time, they have a lot of bad actors who flow through there, and that's where we've got to be concerned. the president was talking in arizona. i dealt with us on the front line for several years. i'm actually in chicago right now, i got in yesterday and i'm here today, and that's what people are talking about. it's not just a board issue, it's an american issue impacting everybody. >> sandra: it is a huge issue. if you are in chicago, it's what everyone is talking about. they have run out of space. i mean, how long ago was it that we started to see the police precincts filling up with migrants? then they started sheltering them into schools, parks, kicking kids playing soccer out. it's been an issue there a long time. finally, this is alejandro mayorkas'. he continues to blame congress for the problem, and he calls
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president biden's actions this week "strong." listen. >> it is all based on what we are experiencing at the southern border, and the numbers that have been identified are based on the limited resources that we have. the president, last year, in august, in october, sought additional resources for our department to strengthen our border security. congress failed to act. in the absence of those resources, in the absence of congressional action, the president took this strong executive action. >> sandra: chief, a final thought from you on that. >> well, secretary mayorkas has been directly or indirectly responsible for border security and immigration for 12 of the last 16 years in his position, so for him to blame congress, i think in his office he's got a lot of responsibility on his shoulders for this. but also, the house passed a bill, and i talked about this ad nauseam.
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hrt was a border security bill. no 1 took it up in the senate and they tried to put some kind of frankenstein approach to pro-immigration, nothing to security in that bill. so we will take this action, which again is not a border security executive action. again, with the president announcing securing the border, it's laughable. i think the american people are waking up. i'm hearing it in the midwest and obviously on the border, so let's hope we get this resolved and get the right people to make the right decisions to protect america. >> sandra: chris clem on all of that for us. give our best to chicago while you're there. thank you so much, chris. >> you got it. thank you. >> to decide that the country matters more than they do, that is what is important -- that's what they decided. >> john: president biden remembering the heroes of d-day earlier today, but the concerns about his age are back in headlines after a string of gaps
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on his trip abroad. >> sandra: will bring it all down with bill mcgurn. he's on deck. ♪ when your child has moderate-to-severe eczema, it's okay to for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema.
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remembered the brave rangers who charged into oncoming fire and scaled the cliffs of pointe du hoc. listen. >> they ran toward the cliffs and mines planted -- [stammers] exploded around them. but still they kept coming. gunfire rang above them, but still they kept coming. nazi grenades thrown from a blood exploded against the cliffs, but still they kept coming. >> john: joining us now is bill mcgurn. he's trying to recreate that famous moment that ronald reagan had 40 years ago to the day, in which reagan said, among other things, this. >> they climbed, shot back, and held their footing. soon, one by one, the rangers pulled themselves over the top, and in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of europe.
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225 came here. after two days of fighting, only 90 could still bear arms. >> john: we should point out that ronald reagan was 73 at the time. he looks more like 60. he was eight years younger than joe biden. compare the two. >> i would say, watching the speech today, joe biden had a very well written speech. he delivered it pretty well. i know there's concerns about mispronouncing words and so forth, but the words and stuff are fine. the reason we remember reagan's speech -- i was living in europe at the time, and i had visited just a few days after. we remember his speech, one, because it was well-written, because it is consonant with the man, what he stood for, and because of his record. he came to office proposing a military buildup to meet the threat. he deployed euro missiles, he armed the afghans, he confronted communism wherever it was.
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and those were tough, brave decisions. the speech reflected that. the man and the message were one. i don't think joe biden has that backup record. so the words are fine, but he's telling ukraine -- i think he's right, it is the challenge of our day, but to give them weapons and say "here's what you can shoot at and here's what you can't," imagine if eisenhower had those restrictions, and its way the speech will be forgotten. unlike the classic still read today. joe biden's will be forgotten in two or three weeks. >> john: is interesting, too, that ronald reagan was reading off of note cards because they didn't have till prompt is back then. it's much easier to read off the teleprompter, as we prove every day on this program. there's also a couple of moments where biden was described as some folks is looking frail and unsteady, like the moment where he shook hands with macron. he appears to be deciding
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whether he's going to sit down or stand up. it looks like he kind of covers his mouth and melts them to get him, "we slept introduced the secretary of defense," and biden decides to sit down anyways. what kind of image do you think he presented on the world stage? >> it's a thing we see every day. you can't look at clips, even from 2020, and then look at today and say that he is more vigorous where the same. this is heightened because of the white house line, that he tires out the young people, no one has more energy. we hardly see him, so we are looking at all the little things for him. what we see is an old man. i'm sure that's what they see in moscow, that's what they see in tehran, that's what they see in beijing. >> john: that brings up the famous "wall street journal" article from earlier this week which said in part, some that have worked with him, however, including democrats, and some
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who have known him back to his time as vice president, described a president who appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones. if he were to win reelection, bill, do you think he could make it another four years? >> i think that's a reasonable question to ask. if a vote for joe biden is really a vote for kamala. it is certainly a question on everyone's mind. the journal story was very reasonable. it's what everyone is wondering about. the journal story said, in private, people concerned about what he's doing. imagine that. we know from the public what some of his actions as she looks lost at times, he does not look vigorous. i'm not going to diagnose what he has. i'm not a doctor. but you can't with a straight face say that he hasn't lost a step, and they are sending out people to walk to marine one with him to disguise his shu
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shuffle. it's just crazy. >> john: i know that i've lost a few steps over the years. thank god i'm not president. bill mcgurn, good to see you. >> have a good weekend. >> sandra: people like you to be alive after their boat sinks off the florida coast. we've got the details on the coast guard rescue after the break. they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures.
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ow! uh oh. you, ok? no... i mean yeah. -just hit my melon. -yikes! should we see a doctor? i can't tell a doctor i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathlete! i had a concussion. most happen doing ordinary things. sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked.
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>> we have a large number of people getting ready to go up on the third aircraft, second lift. >> john: all right. wouldn't that be a hoot? a group of house lawmakers commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day today with a parachute jump over the beaches of normandy. the group of eight are all u.s. military veterans. the jump was organized by mike waltz and colorado democrat jason crow. what a great thing. he told me he did this i think back in 2019, and he said it was just amazing to parachute -- here is his body cam video. we just got this in. there he goes. it looks like they were all on static lines. with a on static lines are not? i can't really tell. but can you imagine that? look at that. there is omaha beach.
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oh, my gosh. what an amazing thing that would be, sandra. >> sandra: we can only imagine the emotions they're going through. i know that he sent out a note that they were deep in prayer just before all of this. as you can imagine. but wow, what a way to commemorate. >> john: it looks like they went down on static lines. i think i saw them attached to the aircraft. yeah, they are on static lines. but wow, can you imagine how much fun that would be? >> sandra: incredible. >> john: you ever had a chance to go to normandy? >> sandra: i have. i was 17 years old and it left a big mark on me. >> john: that's one of those places you go and you never forget it. >> sandra: visit he can someday. the coast guard, meanwhile, john, were watching this. they conducted this daring rescue, incredible footage. it was in the gulf of mexico after eight people, including at least one child, were left clinging to a floating cooler. medicines carpino is live in atlanta on this story for us. what exactly happened here? >> seven adults and a child distressed off the coast of
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florida. all of them and doing whatever could to stay afloat. this all happened about 40 miles off of boca grande, and thickly no one was hurt. the coast guard released some video of the rescue. you can see all eight of the boaters with their heads just above the surface in rough waters. they are clinging onto a cooler, strapped his life jackets that are keeping them afloat. the coast guard says a distress call of a sinking boat came into a marine radio. here is the coast guard posting up the boaters one by one to safely. they were able to spot strobe lights. they said they carried every piece of life-saving equipment that everyone should have on board, like signaling devices, emergency radios, and more. once all of them were out of the water, the helicopter flew straight to the nearest airport in venice florida and they were all checked for any industries. this is all happening right at the start of the 2024 atlantic
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hurricane season, and the coast guard says all the emergency equipment really makes a difference and can save lives during unforgiving conditions. back to you. >> sandra: wow. thank you very much, madison. john? >> john: they had the equipment and that's why they are alive today. and thanks to the coast guard. the 2024 belmont stakes is tomorrow, but it would not be held in belmont park. live at the new venue in upstate new york. kelly? >> hi, john. it's the third leg of the triple crown. as you mentioned, in a new location that will break on the base. the test of a champion, as it's known, right after this break. iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish?
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>> john: beautiful day in saratoga springs new york. tomorrow the 156 running of the belmont stakes. the third leg of horse racing's triple crown. it has a neat home. kelly subvariant is live at the saratoga race course in upstate new york. love the hat and asking why the location change this year. >> yeah, not only is the location changing but it's going to change the race in itself as well. that's because back on long island where this is normally held they are undergoing major renovations. so now the test of the champions as it's known is going to be slightly shorter so in a typical year this is not only the last leg of the triple crown for the longest 1 so that will be the same length as the kentucky derby. we are in saratoga springs. not back in long island but this is special because this is the oldest organized thoroughbred racing track in the us opening in 1863 so this makes it the oldest sporting venue in the
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country. again 156 years of belmont stakes. this is the third leg of the triple crown so where the triple crown goes the money follows. small businesses in town are rushing to capitalize on the thousands of people that will descend on the town this weekend racing teams looking to capitalize on a whopping 2 million-dollar purse. there's 23 races over the course of these for friday's totaling $9.7 million and you can watch it all on fox sports as part of their super saturday slate. we talk with tom season race and analyst for stocks fox sports and expects tomorrow's race to be very exciting and he says he has his eye on 1 horse in particular. >> for me at sierra leone not a sexy pick but the best 3-year-old country. you have to bring your a game every time and that's why the triple crown is so hard to win. >> 6:40 tomorrow.
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>> john: the belmont course is 1 quarter mile. saratoga 118. it's an additional 660 feet less than they were normally run. so see if the horses go faster all the way through. great to see you kelly. >> still should be very exciting >> you hat very well. >> keep up the head. keep her head up. did you see the statue of secretariat in her video? best story of all time and horseracing. won by 31 links at the belmont stakes the triple crown winner. and i can't get enough of the movie. >> that was 1 powerful powerful horse. i don't know that there's been another horse it's been like secretariat purchased amazing until. >> have a fabulous weekend. >> i will see again on monday. governments america reports. thanks for joining us i'm sandra smith. >> i'm john roberts. the story starts right now with trace and from rother's mchunu


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