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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  June 7, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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friend who played for them behind ucla for women's most. >> jesse: did you go girl. >> dana: you go, girl. we want to thank mike the situation for showing us around the jersey the boardwalk. we have big summer plans we are going to be in milwaukee. >> greg: isn't it funny. >> dana: situation. >> greg: situation wrote a book. has he read one? >> dana: how dare you are. i bet he has read your books. >> greg: i don't think he has ever read a book. >> jesse: come on. let's go. situation right there. greg. >> dana: we loved it. thank you for having us march tell tiki bar. that's going to be it for us. huge thanks to all of you have. great night, everybody. >> harold: happy birthday, peter. ♪ >> rich: good evening, welcome
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to washington. i'm rich edson in for bred baier. the defense is presenting its case in hunter biden's felony gun charges trial. the prosecution rested this morning. the big question this evening will the defendant take the stand when court resumes on monday. there is a new development in the criminal case against former president trump it. resulted in his conviction last week of 34 felony counts. it involves a social media post that may have foreshadowed that outcome. correspondent david spunt is in wilmington, delaware tonight with the details. hello, david. >> david: rich, good evening. this is an interesting development. the verdict in donald trump's manhattan case came out on may 30th, a day before may 29th, the judge announced today to both parties that someone posted on social media they are a cousin of one of the jurors and they said the juror told them that donald trump would be convicted. essentially foreshadowing that conviction a day later on may 30th. fox news reached out to donald trump's legal team and we're
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told that they are investigating. we're also told the court is investigating and the post was taken down but, certainly, that is curious there was a social media post about donald trump's conviction purportedly from a cousin of one of the jurors just one day before the actual conviction. i'm in wilmington, delaware with this federal courthouse behind me because big news in the hunter biden federal gun case today. this weekend, abbe lowell, hunter biden's attorney has a big decision to make whether or not to allow hunter biden to testify in his own defense on monday. meanwhile today, an emotionally charged day with hunter biden's eldest daughter on the stand giving him moral support. >> hunter biden's eldest daughter admitted to jurors she was nervous but we've positive narrative of her father when she saw him in october 2018. that was when hunter bought the .38 caliber colt revolver at the center of the case. naomi biden said she borrowed her dad's truck to move into a
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apartment in new york city days after the gun purchase and argued she saw no evidence of drugs in the vehicle. hunter biden's overall dealer at the time he seemed great that contrasted with testimony from the day before from her aunt who was in a romantic relationship with hunter at the time. hallie biden says she found what she believed to be crack along with drug paraphernalia and the gun itself in that truck. only days after naomi gave the truck back to her dad. hunter biden dabbed his eyes with a tissue as his daughter recounted a relationship. he said it was his brother's beau passing that triggered a depressive spiral. after my uncle died things got bad. when naomi left the courtroom she was in tears and hugged her dad. the first lady flew in from france to sit in the front row once again to support hunter. is he charged with lying on a federal gun form about whether he was still using drugs when he bought the gun on october 12th, 2018. his lawyer, abbe lowell, telling the court he may call his
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defendant to the stand on monday. in testimony earlier today, lowell tried to poke holes in the authenticity of that firearms transaction record pressing gun store employees over whether there were two different versions of the form and if it was filled out properly. lowell painted a picture of sloppy paperwork by store staff. >> i mentioned the first lady in the courtroom. she was in the courtroom monday, tuesday, and wednesday. thursday she was in france for d-day commemoration event. she flew back to wilmington. she was in the courtroom today. she is actually flying back to france later to be at a state dinner in france tomorrow only to come back to the united states on sunday here in wilmington with the president. we have asked the white house a little bit more about these trips, who is paying for them to try to find out a little bit more details. no answer yet from the white house on that. but, rich, big news if hunter biden does take the stand on monday. if he doesn't, it's possible we go right into closing arguments and it's potentially we could have a verdict by late monday. rich? >> rich: big morning monday.
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david spunt live for us in wilmington. david, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> rich: president biden says the echos of the voices of the men who died on d-day are asking us to defend democracy and to stand up to aggression. abroad and at home. the president's address at historic pointe du hoc had no specific reference to his likely election day opponent but the implications were apparent. while in france, the president had apologized to ukraine's leader for the delay in getting crucial military aid to his country. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie wraps it all up for us tonight from the white house. good evening, aishah. >> rich, good evening to you. that apology tonight is getting a lot of reaction from republicans who the president really threw under the bus on a global stage as he also called on everyone to unite in the name of democracy. >> they are not asking us to scale these cliffs. but they are asking us to stay
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true what america stands for. >> on the stunning cliffs of pointe du hoc, president biden made a case for democracy, harking back to president reagan's 1994 speech. >> these are the boys of point pointedu hoc. these are the men who took the cliffs. >> to come here, simply to remember the ghost of point dehawk isn't enough. we need to hear them. >> now president biden and president reagan have spoken in this exact spot in the front of the stage scars of war. craters from munitions that exploded on d-day. behind the stage 98-foot tall cliffs that army rangers had to scale to take out germans positioned in this bunker. >> and now, drawing a parallel to the russian invaders in ukraine, the president is releasing another $225 million
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munitions package. but drawing the line again on sending troops, despite french president emmanuel macron not closing the door on it. >> there is not going to be u.s. boots on the ground in combat in ukraine. >> president biden also apologized to president volodymyr zelenskyy for the month's long delay in sending aid blaming congressional republicans. >> i apologize for the -- the weeks of not knowing we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pass -- had the money in it from some of our very conservative members holding it up. >> congressman mike waltz, a decorated green beret, who led lawmakers on a parachute jump to honor fighting over his war strategy writing, biden too little too late strategy and lack of a plan has bogged down this conflict. >> aishah: rich, tonight, the president is in paris. he will have some official meetings with president macron tomorrow.
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and then he will attend that state dinner that david mentioned tomorrow evening. rich? >> rich: aishah hasnie live for us at the white house. aishah, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> rich: former president and presumptive republican nominee donald trump tells sean hannity he will likely await the convention to announce running mate. mr. trump is in california for campaign fundraisers after starting his western swing yesterday in phoenix. that is where senior correspondent alicia acuna is tonight. >> thank you very much. wow. >> coming off his stop in arizona where in the latest fox news poll he leads president biden by 5 percent, former president trump headed west, attempting to turn his felony conviction into california gold. last night was the first of three big dollar events where tech investors and hosts of the all-in podcast david sacks and another helped trump raise money
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silicone valley fund raiser. >> tremendous event. would he could not fit one more seat in the place we were completely sold out. >> sax endorsing trump my reasons arrest on four issues vital security and stability. issues where the biden administration has veered badly off course and where i believe president trump can lead us back. the issues the economy, foreign policy, the border and, quote. lawfare. >> i don't think that tech investors are any different from anybody else. they ever seeing the same things. they are experiencing the rest of the same things that california is seeing. the tides are turning for them, too. [cheers] >> typically more friendly territory for democrats, biden has repeatedly tapped into this blue state's donor atm and is planning to do so again this month with reported headliners julia roberts and george clooney. as for trump, his post verdict war chest already holds $141 million in self-reported funds from the campaign and republican national committee.
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plus, 150 million from organizations backing the former president. and as the campaign looks toward the g.o.p. convention in july, sean hannity asked trump if is he close to picking a running mate. >> yeah. i think i will afound who that person is going to be during the convention. i think that's pretty normal during the convention. it will be an interesting period of time. >> back to those fundraising numbers. the biden campaign has not yet released its haul for may. rich? rich rich alicia acuna in phoenix. alicia, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> rich: america's employers added 272,000 jobs in may that is up from april and a sign that companies are still competent enough in the economy to keep hiring. despite persist tently high interest rates. stocks were down. the dow lost 87. s&p 500 was off 6. nasdaq dropped 40. for the week the dow was up a third of a percentage point. s&p gained one and a third and
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nasdaq jumped 2.33. >> the unemployment rate moving higher that doesn't seem to be able to push back the tidal wave of what wages seem to be doing and job creation. >> the probability of a rate cut weakness. >> more confident than rate cuts will be in scope. and i don't know exactly when that will be. >> rich: let's get some economic analysis. liz claman the host of "the claman countdown" on fox business joins us from new york. liz is the host of the fox news radio podcast. everyone talks to liz claman. liz, good evening, thank you so much for joining us tonight. you look at these headline numbers. they seem great. but are there warning signs out there? >> there are the may job creation number, rich, is being described as eye popping because you saw it far outpaced nearly every single economist's prediction by a long shot by the way. the unemployment rate -- here's the warning sign -- did tick
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higher to 4% that does end 27 month of sub4% unemployment. historically though that is still very low. the part that gets inflation watchers hackles up is average hourly earnings. wages rose 4.1% year over year. that was higher than expected. when wages rise, employers often raise prices and their goods, right? and services in order to cover those increased wages. is this a sign of wage price spiral the likes we saw in the 70s. so far no. most recent inflation rate we got personal consumption expenditure came in it .8%. far cry from the 9% level that it was at back in june of '22 when prices hit 40 year highs. so things are coming down. second read on gross domestic product slowed to 1.3% versus previous read of 1.6%. while that's good, that's small
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comfort to many americans who are still paying more than they were pre-pandemic for everything from food to shelter, the cost of borrowing money is still much higher. the federal reserve has insisted it will not cut interest rates until it sees the sustained drop anyoneflation. chairman powell, rich, as you know has repeatedly said he will wait until inflation comes back to the target rate of 2%. odds of a ratings cut intlor. now for december 50%. >> rich: potential for rate cut. people waiting for rate cut that, translates directly to purchasing a home and borrowing money. purchasing a car and borrowing money. when can those folks get some relief? >> those folks will get some relief when, at least if you believe the federal reserve, inflation comes all the way down to 2%. but there has been a warning, rich, that if you wait until then, you're behind the curve. and the fed doesn't want to be behind the curve. there is still a shot we could see at least a quarter of a percent ghut interest rates by the end of the year. we shall see.
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itch. >> rich: markets are looking for that too. >> but markets are doing fine without it. >> rich: certainly are. liz claman thank you for joining us this evening. cliz claman on fox business. a popular retail company comes one an unusual way to fight shoplifting. we'll show you. ♪ re's to now. boost. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> rich: u.s. supreme court justice clarence thomas is acknowledging previously unreported trips overseas that his friend conservative businessman harlan crow paid for. thomas has released his amended 2023 financial disclosure forms to include those earlier trips. the travel was not disclosed on the 2019 report. financial reports for seven other justices were released today. only samuel alito did not release one but he was given a 90-day extension. justice ketanji's shows she was given concert tickets by beyonce ♪ >> rich: a massachusetts company is fighting back against shoplifters by putting police style body cameras on its employees. it's the latest example of the efforts to deal with america's crime crisis. here is national correspondent william la jeunesse.
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>> you give me my jacket right now! i'm not going to have you stealing from my store! >> a manager at a boutique in santa monica catches a thief red-handed. you are on video and you are going to get arrested. give me back my jacket right now. >> theft cost stores and consumers 100 billion a year according to the national retail federation. well now the parent company of tj maxx, marshals and home goods has a plan to stop. >> people know they are being recorded again, most folks will change their behavior, not everyone. it does have a significant effect. >> retailers hope body cams like the ones worn by cops will help stores deter theft and improve employee safety. >> people wearing body cameras seeing 50% fewer confrontational glins also this week like safeway in san francisco dollar general eliminated checkout at 12,000 stores to reduce theft. >> when i came and told the security people about it, they said well, there is nothing we
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can do. we have to see them in action. >> thieves already know they are on surveillance cameras when walking in a store. it didn't, however, stop this woman, boutique manager amber jolly said one answer is jail. one problem in california the police say she didn't steal $950 needed for prosecution. >> as the law goes right now, there's nothing really that they can do because of the 950. >> tj says body cameras worn by loss prevention associates. no one wants to be followed by a guy with the camera. the company says they actually de-escalate confrontations. rich? >> rich: william la jeunesse in los angeles. thank you. bret baier looks at efforts americans detained in russia. it's tonight's whatever happened to segment. first, what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 2 in san francisco as the food and drug rescinds giulianiw
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menthol flavored pods designed for ecigarette device. houston, the justice department files criminal charges against a whistleblower who was exposed a texas hospital that was allegedly secretly conducting gender affirming care on minors. the surge is accused of violating federal privacy laws set. vowing to fight the charges and says the justice department is corrupt. and this is a live look at the saratoga race course in saratoga springs, new york. courtesy of fox sports. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 23 in albany, due to a modernization project at belmont park, saturday's belmont stakes is taking place at the saratoga race course for the first time in the venue's vaunted 161 year history. third leg of the triple crown kentucky derby and preakness stakes for the first time since 2013. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ i've been the through the
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this one will never see the light of day. all right. ♪ >> rich: russian president vladimir putin says negotiations to free "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich should be conducted in private and need to be resolved on a basis of reciprocity. in tonight's whatever happened to segment my colleague, bret baier, looks at how the arrest of one american may have spurred detainment of gershkovich and others. >> bret: thanks, rich, in december of this year paul whelan will mark six years in russian prison. one month before that is the november presidential election. experts familiar with the negotiations say there could be a window of opportunity for his release after the results are announced. no matter who wins the white house. in tonight's whatever happened
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to, we look at the status of russia's imprisonment of americans including whelan and "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich. >> you know, when we do our work, none of the deals that we bring together are fair or just. it gets criticized a lot. >> mickey bergmann has spent the last decade helping free americans overseas including russia. he worked on negotiations alongside former ambassador for the united nations bill richardson. he now directs global reach for richardson center for global entertainment. >> criticism on this the more you do the deals the more you incentivize taking more americans. >> recent arrest of u.s. citizens could be response to failed negotiations to release paul whelan. >> we are learning new information tonight about the american citizen being detained in russia on an espionage charge. >> bret: in december of 2018, whelan was in russia for a friend's wedding when he was taken into custody on espionage
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charges. >> if the detention is not appropriate, we will stand demand his immediate return. >> bret: whelan was a corporate security executive and marine veteran. he had been visiting russia since at least 2007 and had spent more than a decade cultivating friends and contacts in the country. >> my brother is not a spy. >> bret: experts believe his arrest was the kremlin's response to the u.s. imprisonment of russian citizen marie buoy tina convicted of conspiracy to act as a foreign agent if i were not russian that would be called social networkig there were discussions swapped for whelan. >> dog and pony show not doing anything at all. >> butina released in october of 2019 after serving most of her 18-month sentence. >> i see that we are reunited. >> bret: she now serves in russia's parliament the state duma and sanctioned by the u.s. treasury in 2022 over russia's
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invasion of ukraine. by then, whelan had served two years of his 16-year prison sentence in russia. >> it seems like there is more that could be done. >> opportunity to bring him home and that didn't happen. >> bret: in 2020 negotiators were working on a prisoner swap. whelan for russian drug smuggler konstantin you're cheng co- >> what happened there. >> we took it to the white house there was no interest at the time. it's complicated. i bring donald trump wanted to bring paul whelan home he still talks about it and the rest of the americans being held. he didn't want to give anything in return. >> bret: your then co-swapped for trevor reed. >> he was in 2019 after accused of assaulting a police officer while intoxicated. >> investigator refused to take video evidence from the vehicle that i was in. >> bergmann says russia requested the two for two swap.
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whelan and reed for you chen co-and merchant of death. >> we have to take in count counterpart might be playing us as well. >> hesitate tonight te'o want to make a deal including booth convict wanted of conspiracy to kill u.s. citizens. >> no one should ever think that he can plot to kill americans with impunity. >> bret: as the president biden prepared to meet with russian president vladimir putin for the 2021 geneva summit. bergmann and richardson suggested the white house bring up the possible prisoner swap. >> families of the detained americans came up and we discussed it. >> bergmann says no official proposals were ever put forward. >> i am not going to walk away on this. >> bret: nearly a year later, only half the deal was executed. >> i did. >> how though? >> thank you. >> three months ago. >> reed returned to the u.s. you're chenko sent back to
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russia and served as putin's oversight chamber. >> is this russia's effort to continue grabbing people? >> paul whelan, griner, griner gets released. >> when we went to negotiate over trevor reed and paul whelan that was end of february and the beginning of the war in ukraine. we didn't know brittney griner was already taken. >> bret: days before wnba player brittney griner arrested on smuggling charges. russian airport officials say they found cannabis oil in a legal substance there in her luggage. >> bret: bake breaking tonight. has secured the release of brittney griner from russia. price it's paying is drawing criticism. >> griner would be released viktor bout but the russians refusing to late whelan walk free. >> this was not a choice who to bring home. we brought home trevor reed when we had a chance earlier this year. sadly for totally illegitimate reasons russia is treating paul's case differently than
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whelan. >> bret: he has to be frustrated over time he has been overlooked. is there something that can shake the tree? >> unfortunately, we will have to wait until the elections here because president putin doesn't have any interest in making a deal that might make president biden look good. >> bret: beauty returned to russia and opened exhibition of artwork while imprisoned in the u.s. he now serves as member of regional legislature and maintains his u.s. imprisonment as griner says of hers in russia was unjust. >> with the same outrage was in russia when i was sentenced to 25 years. many people would say for what? >> bret: in recent years russian officials have arrested an american school teacher and a musician on drug charges. a dual citizen was taken into custody for alleged treason while trying to visit her family. and at least two american journalists, including evan gershkovich are behind bars. accused of spying.
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>> bret: obviously, we have a personal relationship in that evan "wall street journal" reporter under our corporate umbrella and we have been doing stories and stories and a lot of, you know, outside pressure. is this one of these things where it could last for a long time? >> i have -- you might call me an optimist, but i believe that after november, no matter what the election results are, in this country, they will be a period of opportunity to negotiate for his release. and i thank you for all the conch that you do on him. i know you have done conch with the american -- families of hostages in gaza. and that conch, again, from a negotiating part of you, point of view, it is so useful it and critical in order to help us get people home. >> bret: while the united states and others can work with negotiators to call for the release of americans, the government cannot state to an overseas court that a citizen is guilty or innocent or provide
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legal advice or representation. the state department currently has russia at a level 4 travel advisory urging americans not to go there. partly due to the singling out of u.s. citizens for possible detention. we'll send it back to you. >> rich: up next, the panel on our lead story social media posts leading to questions about former president trump's trial. first, beyond our borders tonight. the u.s. military built pier designed to carry reconnected to the beach into the territory. the section had broken apart in storms and rough seas. u.s. central command says food and other supplies will begin to flow soon. indian prime minister modi is formally elected as a leader of the national democratic alliance coalition that group won the most number of seats in the country's national election. the 73-year-old leader will be sworn in as prime minister sunday for a rare third term. and this is a live look at
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france. one of the big stories there tonight, the paris olympics organizers unveil a display of the five olympic rings mounted on the eiffel tower. the french capitol is marking 50 days until the summer games. just some of the stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ we are the champions my friends ♪ and we'll keep on fighting [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty.
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>> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. >> rich: let's bring in our panel "u.s.a. today" white house correspondent francesca chambers, mollie hemingway editor and chief at "the federalist" and fox news senior politics analyst juan williams. panel, thanks for joining us this friday. recap on this facebook post we have seen right here. right now what the court in new york is looking at is this facebook post. my scufn a juror and says trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. that was posted before the verdict. a trump campaign official told fox news digital they are investigating the matter and the court says as appropriate the court informed the parties once
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it learned of this online content. so, mollie, you have got 34 convictions. they are waiting for sentencing in this trump case, does this upend this process anymore? >> certainly if this is legitimate. if this was an actual cousin of the juror that's going to pose major problems and a likely mistrial or at least it would in a normal court of law. but the bigger problem is that every single thing about this trial has been corrupt. whether it's the charges that were levied. how the judge handled the trial, what witnesses were allowed to testify. what things they were allowed to talk about. you know, where you had people giving information that was completely irrelevant but the former fec chairman wasn't allowed to testify. the jury instructions. so, already americans clearly think this is a trial that was not done well. and this does not help that situation at all for democrats. >> juan, this isn't posted on any random facebook page. this was on the new york court system's facebook page. this seems pretty serious, no? >> juan: we don't know. we don't know. it hasn't been investigated.
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but i think it gives glimmer of hope to people who think that it was an illegitimate process and think something was rigid. which was what former president trump has always been advancing and claiming that america is a fascist country and all that the fact is a jury, which i don't think was influenced by anybody, found him guilty. now, it's illegitimate if you have people talking about it as the deliberations are taking place. and i guess that's what judge merchan will have to look at. >> rich: francesca, you covered the white house. this was something that the white house wasn't talking too much about and then it started talking an awful lot about. i don't know if we are going to hear about this specifically. this case is going to continue to be in the white house's press release and the president's statements. do we expect that? >> well, notably, president biden is currently in france right now. and he will be meeting with the french president tomorrow. next week he has the g-7. so i realistically do not know how much we will hear from the white house on any of these matters or the biden campaign over the next week or. so but, with respect to how president biden has treated the
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case itself, he was trying to stay away from it because he didn't want to have these allegations from a republicans as if he was putting his thumb on the scale or meddling in the case somehow. and, since the conviction has happened, he has started to talk more about it from a political perspective. i think you will continue to hear him do that but always rooted in the statement that trump was convicted by a jury. i think, you know there, some other stuff that's come out in recent weeks as well. so a lot of people say, oh, you know, what did democrats have to do with this? we do know that the number three at the department of justice under biden was sent up to new york to prosecute this trial. we also know that a democrat law firm in new york, which is known for the head of that law firm being a bundler for joe biden lent three attorneys to the manhattan prosecutor to go after these people. that same law firm actually the brother of chuck schumer is a senior partner there. so there are democrat fingerprints all over. this and, again, it just speaks to why people are so worried
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about the destruction of rule of law under these prosecutors. >> juan: let me say this is all noise. this is all static. the fact is that a jury of people who were selected, including by president trump and his team, found the man guilty. now there is all this conspiracy, rumors. you know it, gives they hope people who want to say it's illegitimate. but the fact is that the former president the united states was found guilty of 34 counts of fraud. >> juan, never before in this country have we had one political party try to imprison their political opponent. >> juan: i don't think that's what is going on here, mollie. what is going on shear an attempt to distract from the fact that trump was found to be corrupt. >> your problem is that americans see what this trial was. >> no, i think americans see. in fact the polls indicate this is starting to have some impact on the way they might vote, especially swing voters. >> rich: that was a good exchange between the two of you. i ask, you know, you guys are up next in the questioning. but now it's francesca's turn.
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you know, you look at what has now transpired in all of this. and this now is back drop of the president's son. and he is on trial. and you had jill biden, the first lady, fly to france for the day, basically come back. the white house has embraced hunter publicly. that's got to continue no matter what happens here. >> president biden though is drawing a distinction between i love my son as a father but, again, as we talk about court cases, not wanting to be seen as being involved this case. the thing they have to contend with the special prosecutor, that person reports to the department of justice to merrick garland and so the white house has to stay very far away from looking like they're involved in this one with the president's son at all and as we heard him say this week trying to distance themself from the idea that his son was convicted that he would pardon him. >> rich: and, mollie, you
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eventually -- you essentially have here the biden department of justice. he talks about the wall between the two, airing the biden family dirty laundry in open court. >> well, yes and no. what you have actually is a family that has sold access to joe biden when he was senator, haven't, and president. made a lot of money off of it. and you don't see in these charges, you know, influence peddling or foreign agent registration or any -- tax evasion. the types of things that that special prosecutor let lapse because the statute of limitations was allowed to lapse on that. you have this thing that deals with gun charges. not really cutting to the core of the biden family business, which is selling access to the president. >> rich: juan, real quick, your response to that. >> juan: i think obviously the special prosecutor is a trump person, actually. >> trump appointed? >> juan: so i mean a lot of this is, again, penal will say i see conspiracy.
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i see rumors just look at the facts and the fact is here up a justice department that's prosecuting the president's son. >> okay, guys, leave that right there. up next, the friday lightning round is coming up. the veep stakes, job numbers and winners and loser and "notable quotables." ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too.
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>> well, yeah, i think i will announce who that person is going to be during the convention. i think that's pretty normal during the convention. it will be an interesting period of time. >> sean: do you want to give me any names? >> no. >> rich: we're back with our panel. panel, the lightning round and it's veepstakes time. mollie, what do you think the former president is looking for in a running mate? >> president trump made a really good selection in mike pence when you think back to 2016. and he needed to shore up the vote of evangelical christians and mike pence did a very good job of that and also did a really great job with the debates and whatnot. so i assume that president trump is thinking about what he needs to win right now also probably thinking during his first administration he didn't always have the best people around him. is he looking to have high quality individuals who can help advance his agenda in that second term. >> rich: juan, how much do these picks ever really change the dynamic of a race. >> there have been studies recently show they don't. famous one everyone points to is
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johnson kennedy, boston austin connection. you know in fact if you look back historically, kennedy would have won texas anyway. i think the news out of this process, this week is the vetting that some people announce that they were getting letters and questions for vetting. the big surprise to me was ben carson, the former secretary of housing and urban development. i didn't see that one coming. and what i hear is that in the lead right now you have two senators, vance and cotton. and i think that speaks to the trump family and trump associates in the campaign thinking that stamp of legitimacy establishment republicans would help him. >> this is trumpesque thing to drop this in the middle of a convention. is he creating about as much anticipation as you can with this thing. >> yeah. we are watching the apprentice play out with these veepstakes right now more or less. and no one really knows who he will end up picking up until the very end. i have been warned about by sources repeatedly. in terms of what he can do in
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the short-term it certainly helps you create a space for your message. win the news siege. cycle.disrupt the news cycle ifs what you intend to do as well. if he does it before the convention, that could get him some additional news before the convention. they have the debate, too. that's the other thing to keep in mind. that's an opportunity for both campaigns to get back in the news as well. >> rich: mollie, take a look at the job numbers we had for today, more than 270,000 jobs. unemployment did tick up a little bit, 4%. solid job growth and that's been the case for this administration. do you think that that has much of an effect or there will continue to be upside down numbers for the economy on this white house. >> the numbers need to continue dramatically for him to get away where is he right now really low farvelgted. frustration with the economy and frustration so many of the jobs are part time as opposed to full time there are many problems he needs to overcome. >> given the time i got to get to winners and losers.
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juan, who are the winners and losers for the week. >> juan: winner, a group of lawmakers. democrats and republicans who jumped into history earlier today. they took part in a bipartisan parachute jump in normandy, france, to pay tribute to the 80th anniversary of d-day. it was organized by representative mike waltz of florida and representative jason crow of colorado. the group included 10 congressman, all veterans. i think was a spectacular effort to personally honor the united states and the allied troops who took part in the historic assault that, you know, i think we all agree, changed the course of world war ii. >> rich: absolutely. >> juan: these congressman, bret baier always does that "common ground" segment. i think these guys took it to a new height. rach. >> rich: a great common ground. jessica can a? >> the veterans themselves who were honored this week in normandy and as we do get you to the 80th celebration it could be the last major celebration for this kind. the loser this week i picked
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russia because they weren't invited to these celebrations france said because of war against ukraine. ask. >> my winner pat sajak so many episodes and so many seasons man retiring. witty, so kind. chairman of the board of trustees. my loser merrick garland the field marshall of the democrats' war on rule of law. he has overseen the department of justice and it will not go well with him throughout history. >> juan: i forgot to do loser. pollsters so wrong in india and mexico. i can't believe it. in fact, one of the pollsters cried, cried as the results were coming out on television. >> rich: wow. that's something. we should get that video. all right, panel. always a pleasure. thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend. ♪ >> rich: it is friday, time for "notable quotables." >> i've come here today to do what the republicans in congress
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refuse to do, take the necessary stepping to secure our border. >> i will terminate every single open borders policy of the biden administration. >> remember, president trump put people in cages. >> hold on, hold on. >> hold on there were cages in the obama-biden administration too, you know this mitch landry. come on. >> americans believe there is a double standard in our justice system. >> the justice department will not be intimidated. >> i do not partake in cannabis products. but, after today's hearing, i could understand why someone might want to actually pop a gummy. >> i don't think the concept of there being a lab leak is is inherently a conspiracy theory. >> if this case was on mars. it would be an open and shut case. >> ignition. and liftoff. >> the charges brought against donald trump should gravely concern every member of this body. >> when someone lies to congress, that is a crime. people need to be held accountable, even if you are the president's son. >> democracy is never
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guaranteed. every generation must preserve it. defend it and fight for it. >> never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals. >> rich: monday on "special report" we look at how legalizing medical cannabis healthcare foragerring americans. join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." her guest is tom cotton and new york democratic senator ritchie torres. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the east coast. thank you for watching "special report." i'm rich edson in washington. "the ingraham angle" coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as always, thank