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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  June 8, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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arizona, the great jenny nichols, my friend who played for them behind , ucla for the most wins and women's college world series. congratulations. >> go,d you go girl. we also want to thank mike the situation for showinn fog us tht jersey shore boardwalk. his book is reality check. and wehe. are some we have somer big summer plans. we're going to be in milwaukee, goink yeah. yeah. isn't it funny that situationha a book as he read one that's terrible man. rea how dare you? you know what? i bet he's read your. i don't think he's ever read a book. all right, let's come on, let's go. i like mike. the situation right there. greg. he a: we lo y hugged and thank you for having us. martell's tiki bar. all right for us .t,so
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] ♪ ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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rachel: good morning. it is 6:00 in new york city and i just turned my phone on mute. make sure my kids don't call in the middle of this. it is great to be back. pete: how are you? will: i am okay. it is a little bit like is that. rachel: i feel like we are on peter hegseth now. i love it. pete: i don't want to hear myself talk. rachel: i hope the book is going well.
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rachel: i saw my dad reading your book. he loves it. will: you still have your chance to buy that. to the news starting now. we are waiting the arrival of president biden and the first lady in paris where president emmanuel macron post them for a state visit. they will make a statement in a few hours but won't take questions. rachel: this as the white house denies the two reportedly butting heads over assistance for ukraine. >> reporter: a few blocks from where we are standing, this parade is getting underway, biden being hosted by president emmanuel macron even though they had big disagreements
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including on things like trade where macro thinks the biden trade policy is too pro usn on ukraine because emmanuel macron does not want nato to rule out sending nato troops to ukraine at some point to fight russia. white house officials tell us it is all good. >> they have a warm and close relationship. people are focused on areas they may not agree on everything rather than focusing on the strength of this relationship but >> reporter: something president biden will do is open the checkbook. he told volodymyr zelenskyy there's $225 million on the way in the military aid, that's a drop in the bucket my 50 one billion dollars and military assistance and on the world stage president biden wanted to make sure everybody knows the new nine figure munitions
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package have come sooner if not for republicans back home. >> president biden: i'm not going to walk away from you. i apologize for weeks of not knowing what was going to happen in terms of funding because we had trouble getting the bill we had to pass, had the money in it, members were concerned with holding it up. we got it done finally. >> reporter: we expect to see president biden and president emmanuel macron taking questions later. making statements later. white house officials are saying under no circumstances will the two of them be taking questions. we expect a state dinner later on that president biden will attend with the first lady, jill biden. she was here on thursday and flew back to wilmington, delaware to sit in the gallery
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for her son's trial before flying all the way back to paris. >> how does the first lady travel back and forth across the atlantic, is that on air force one? on the public time? how does she fly back and forth? >> reporter: her plane is called executive foxtrot one but it is an air force aircraft with air force pilots so it is not like she's hopping on the red eye on air france $2 to meet some suburbans there. this is a taxpayer-funded back-and-forth. rachel: would want to miss a party so she had to rush back. if while they are in france, his any discussion been had about weapons being launched into russia.
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it appears to be a new stage of this conflict that is pretty reckless. >> reporter: there's been a little bit of talk about that. president biden saying the ukrainians are only going to be allowed to attack places the russians are using in russia to attack them. they insist even though they will be striking inside russia with these us weapons it is not an offensive operation. they consider that defensive operation but when getting that close, that is how close they are 2 escalating fingers it. pete: thanks for breaking it down. is exactly right. where were we at the beginning of this conflict, what they said would not happen. you heard peter doocy mention the idea there are discussions about nato troops on the ground.
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if vladimir putin wasn't correct about the desire of nato to surround and we are making sure to fulfill that. neil: plan report and responded because of what you've done, usa, we are going to provide long-range weapons to your enemies. they are considering that. we are escalating it not just there in this conflict in russia and ukraine on that quarter but potentially in other areas. we have enemies all over the world and this is very troubling. will: we heard there might be small levels between the united states and france over france's more. written tone or commitment to ukraine. as of the end of 2023, france has given 3 billion to ukraine. the united states has given 51.
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rachel: they feel so comfortable, why aren't you supporting us and getting nato troops, they have such a cocky attitude with us and they are not doing anything. they are not giving any money or putting skin in the game. pete: president biden felt the need to issue an apology, here is vivek ramaswamy on that. >> if you wants to imitate reagan peace through strength is different from peace through frailty and weakness which is where biden is exhibiting today. the reality is we are forking over more money to ukraine then we have accounting for how it has been spent in the first place. this is the problem with american culture under the leadership of biden in the democrats we are taught to apologize for who we are both at home and the global stage to flog ourselves for helping the countries we are helping. enough of that. we are done with this culture of apologist him.
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pete: they work very hard to almost completely rekey create what reagan did 40 years ago, catch a little bit of the magic of that famous speech. we are going to go off the wall on biden's failed recreation of biden's normally the -- the biden team was as concerned about the pathway from his vehicle to the stage to make sure he was going to make it as they are about the speech, that's the challenge they are facing, trying to carefully curate what their candidate is saying. rachel: trying to re-create a republican moment. however lichen has aged in terms of speech and impact on the world and history. interesting to see a democrat try to do that.
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will: the judge published letters saying the court became aware of our comment posted on the unified court system's public facebook page which i will now bring to your attention. my cousin says trump is getting convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. the judge alerting the court this posting was made to facebook. there is some legitimate questions about legitimacy, whether or not this was truly the cousin of some juror about the fact that it has been acknowledged by the court is quite a statement and a serious potential development. pete: we were prepping for the show when this came out and when you look at the letter, how big a deal is this? for him to put out a letter publicly stating that this comment but it all looks like the comment was made on a post
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that wasn't pertaining to the trial. there were other comments the poster made that sounded like that. is that a scammer, is it real? but room to put a letter out you would think they did some of the pulmonary work to identify that but that is not yet clear. don't want to get ahead of what this means. could have just been this is something we have to put out just in case, let's see how it sources out. at this point we don't know how significant this is. rachel: greg jarrett had this to say about what would happen if it turns out to be true. >> if it is true, that's a big if but if it is true, it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial. what this judge needs to do is appoint an independent, impartial officer of the court to does contract and investigation that may include subpoenaing facebook to identify who this person is who
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posted it because the message indicates that a juror spoke with a relative about the case. jurors are admonished at the outset of the trial you are not allowed to talk to your wife, your spouse, anybody, about this case. that taints the impartiality of the juror, and outside influence potentially. not only that. it also suggests that perhaps before deliberations even began, the jurors had already decided to convict. if there's merit to it that case gets tossed, a new trial is ordered. rachel: half the fbi has been deployed to find january 6th to identify from. i don't know why at this point we still, it's pretty easy to find this person and if this did happen it would be a case of election interference.
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will: the jury was never sequestered was a whole week before it came out, like swiss cheese. what an appeal would be but it was never about appeal. it was about getting forward as fast as possible. will: whether it is true it lends to the seriousness that you take it in the beginning. rachel: millions are hitting the beach but may be at risk if they get into the water. pete: sharks are back, there have been several shark attacks in florida and one in texas. >> reporter: the sheriff calling back to back shark attacks yesterday exceedingly rare. two teenagers and one woman were rushed to the hospital in two separate incidents taking place in waist deep water about four miles apart within the span of an hour and 1/2. 45-year-old woman lost her arm in the first attack and is in critical condition at a nearby
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trauma hospital. two teenage girls were attacked, one remains in critical condition and one in stable condition. >> something that is important is to understand the continuity of care, that's a seamless operation between the folks at southpoint fire district, the deputies in walton county, the sheriffs office and rescue. everybody did their role professionally and these two ladies have a fighting chance because of the way we interact. >> reporter: these attacks mark the first in florida this year, in texas in 19-year-old woman is recovering after fighting off a 5 foot shark at galveston beach last week. >> as i was turning, a shark grabbed a hold of my hand and i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hands which i'm glad it happened to
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me and not my siblings and i wasn't too affected by it. >> reporter: law enforcement hasn't specified the type of shark involved but the beaches are close for now. the sheriff says his office is in contact with a shark expert to see if there's an anomaly in these attacks. pete: i'm going to the beach and i will swim extra far out. rachel: you are supposed to punch the shark. pete: what else do you do? the only thing you will do is try to punch. don't know if it is effective. rachel: i heard you punch it in the eyes or something. pete: if you get bit by a shark like that, among the scars and stories, what happened to your arm? obviously there's a level beyond. pete: it is obviously scary.
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odds are you are going to be all right. pete: they look out for the jellyfish, they are bothersome. will: additional headlines. a family confirming apollo 8 astronaut william anders is dead after his plane crashed off the san juan islands. anders was the only one inside the plane accorded to officials. he had his apollo 8 crew mates were the first people to have traveled to the moon although they did not land on it. he was known for taping this famous photo in space called earthrise. he is survived by his wife and 6 children. she was he was 90 years old. hunter biden's federal gun trial continues monday after prosecutors put their case to rest yesterday. biden's lawyers may call hunter to the stand after prosecutors revealed biden's truck and gun
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case had remnants of drugs on the. hunter apple the starter naomi testifying she did not see drug paraphernalia and her father's truck when he bought the gun in 2018. the trial is expected to wrap up next week. baseball, new york mets taking on the philadelphia phillies across the pond just after one:00 p.m. today. postings facing off in the third london's series. major league baseball is looking at bringing even more games to europe with another game in 2026 and paris potentially hosting the games. coverage starts at 12:30 eastern time on fox. hall of fame pitcher john smoltz joined us later today with more. pete: why are they taking -- will: i will be interested in what the turnout is for baseball. >> people fly to taylor swift concert so currently tickets are cheaper in europe. i don't know.
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will: the paralympics are going green but looks like the stars of the show, the athletes aren't very interested in it. pete: janice tina's off ahead of the belmont stakes. will: brian kill me joining us on the couch on the weekend, stay with us. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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rachel: parish had a plan to be the greenest olympic games yet but according to reports, some of the biggest nations don't trust the water-based cooling system in the athletes village and are bringing in their own air-conditioners instead. the washington post saying wealthier nations undercut paris's sustainability measures signaling they care about environmental aims but not if it risks the comfort of their athletes. joining us is climate depot publisher mark moore ranknow, saying these athletes are spoiled and they should just
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get on board with the green agenda put forward by paris. and france. >> this is a wonderful story to expose the vacuous nurse of the green agenda. i give the washington post credit. they called this whole idea the greenest olympics ever, now has taken a farcical turn according to the washington post, they did a survey, they called a series of countries, every country that responded saying we are flying in air-conditioners, using fossil fuels, bringing in the net energy hog plug-in air-conditioners, the mayor of paris if you want to go announced we are going to trust the science, the water-based cooling you referenced was going to allow temperatures to get up to near 80 ° fahrenheit in the other pick dorm rooms, 79 degrees, these are elite athletes on different time zones in paris summer and the
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actual athletes themselves weren't having it, spent decades of their life preparing for this, the entire thing went belly up on them. rachel: they are not going to let some green agenda get in the way of that, the mayor of paris as we have to trust the scientists, scientists are telling us we are on the brink of a precipice, everyone including the athletes must be aware of this. let's move to another green topic, first lady jill biden was in paris with her husband or in france for the events with the state visit but then she flew back for hunter's trial, doesn't want to miss the big party, the state dinner so she flew back again. what do you make of this, these are the biggest proponents of the green agenda, willing to have people, poor and not able to afford groceries over the green agenda but she has to get back to the party.
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>> again, you expect world leaders to do a lot of traveling, the difference is the biden administration is directly aiming at our freedom of movement. we already have a declared climate emergency, massive travel restrictions being proposed, one activist says in a climate emergency which president biden wants to do it has been multiply reported he's going to do at some point, only fly when it is, quote, morally justifiable, reminds me of barbra streisand, funding climate scientists and pushing the climate change at the same time she flew her three dogs to europe to visit her when she was in one of her concerts, had a plane just for her dogs, this has been going on for years, cnn proposing carbon passports for americans, the government to monitor our travel but jill biden can fly freely. this is a new era being descended. americans are not used to this,
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class-based society where we the peasants are going to be massively restricted in our movement but the ruling class can do whatever they want, fly endlessly and that is why this is significant. rachel: before we go so people know we are not making this up this is part of an agenda to limit people's long-haul and short-haul flights by the year 30, right? 2030. >> 2030. the bbc has said it is not a question of if but when we can start having a flying for a world, they warned of not being able to get fruits unless they are in season. remember 70 years ago, can't get strawberries when they aren't in season, that's because the advent of modern airline travel you can get what you want to now but because of carbon footprints and net 0 we are taking a complete reversal on all of this. there's a war on
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air-conditioning, freedom of movement, intentional restriction and rationing of food, energy, transportation and they are getting away with it every day we go forward with the net 0 agenda takes a little more away of our freedom and prosperity. rachel: who could say supporting a 50-year-old man in court is not morally justifiable. so great to have you always. president biden in france this morning arriving for welcome ceremony but isn't expected to questions following his statement with the french president was we are asking get brian kilmeade about his performance on the world stage next. ♪
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will: live look at paris and the arrival of president biden in the first lady as emmanuel macron hosts them for their state dinner. rachel: they will not be taking any questions. will: let's bring in brian kilmeade. he agreed to be here if we didn't ask questions. brian: i'm afraid of what you will ask. i was trying to bring down ukrainian talking points until the elevator got stuck. thursday, friday, now saturday, a great opportunity with the world watching the, to talk about the need for nato to grow, for us to combine efforts to go against, china, to see the growth of the new axis powers of iran, north korea, russia, and in china.
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no questions. gives an speeches, have some awkward glances and call it a day. he is exhausted. >> there's probably a lot of things you want to discuss or get done or navigate and you are just not meeting a capable partner. >> reporter: i always say what if this happened under trump. one of the first thing that's happened the first year of president biden, they decided to sell our nuclear submarines to australia. the deal was done with the french selling it, billions of dollars, australians go i would rather buy them from you so we came in and undercut the french. pooled their ambassador. can you imagine if trump did that, that's not how you treat an ally but since that time, although the word is he doesn't like donald trump, they had their ups and downs, tolerated each other, that is the start they got off of an president biden let everybody know.
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rachel: is the bad what about that move? >> started that way. will: you got out of your yacht on saturday morning and drove into new york city so quickly you couldn't put on a tie, i take her seriously enough that i came in studio but not serious enough for a tie. but the reason you did is you had a big interview for one nation. >> had a chance to talk to the man in charge in terms of global power it is and the other thing is he happens to one of the best friends donald trump has in real life, nothing to do with politics. they've been friends for 30 years. i had a chance to talk to dana white behind the scenes before big event, a huge fight with at the end of this month, the
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biggest ever, he talked about the trump that he knows and the guy he expects to finish off and when in november. >> you wants to be the next president, stare in more fighters eyes to see what's in there. where does he rank? >> number one, take any of the greatest fighters of all time, trump is number one, the most resilient human being i have ever met in my life. you got money, you got a great life, whatever, why keep doing this, one thing i can tell you and this is a fact, this guy loves this country and he loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever it is, he's not a racist, he's a good human being and he loves america and cares about this country period, end of story. will: dana, it is no secret dana is going to do what dana is going to do, he's not afraid, he will say what he
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wants to say, he's unique as an individual that way but unique in the world of sports. i cannot imagine any other leader of a sports organization taking a position on trans let alone that. that is all the way. >> he spoke at the rnc and i am doing it and don't do it and doing it and killed it and that's just it. he meets with kings and queens around the world and the middle east, has things going on in japan. he's got a global, opening up facilities in mexico. he literally is a global power. everyone has their fighters. i think it will be an olympic sport soon. the other thing is what is it with these fighters and trump, they hopped out of the octagon to shake his hand, give tributes to him after they win or lose and the bond that they have.
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>> what about his connection to the fans, fighters wanting, he walks in, fans in the stands. >> joe rogan is the most powerful in the media right now. he did the first 15 for free and now he loves it. he has martial arts background. i think he was on the fence about bernie sanders and by the way he talks, you could hear him on the introduction describing everything, he might be there. >> they are presenting a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier in paris. you hear the sound. one thing that has been edifying to switch gears is to watch the level of appreciation the french seem to still have for what america did 80 years ago. we can talk about the other
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stuff on the side, you were just there, the way in which they seem to still pass it to the younger generation that americans did something really special. >> their country was taken over. they were occupied by heather. we still weren't in the war and when we came in we came into a buzz saw and had to have the element of surprise to overcome the weather and guess will be saved, millions of french along with the french resistance from the worst person in the modern world, hitler, who was doing nothing but getting revenge on the french. he says if you let me keep friends i won't take any more and the allies said that's not going to be enough and to see people walk into the teeth of gunfire like this, they had six to 8 weeks of training and they were just doing other things, the only thing that was so interesting, you are on our coverage, their objective was,
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wasn't goes so far, we have to win. that's what they did. we knew we would go home after we won, that's it. >> 80 years later, it is remembered. ♪ rachel: listening to french taps.
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♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪ ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ o say does that star spangled
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banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ will: national anthem of the united states of america at the arc they triomphe in paris, france at the tomb of the unknown soldier. french president emmanuel macron, american president joe biden. it is significant they are standing in front of the term of the unknown soldier. i've fallen down the rabbit hole. i was in france the week before the eighth anniversary of d-day, you start studying and watching documentaries and movies, the casualties on d-day were something like 20,000 dead
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but another 10,000 missing. you know what that means, missing. to the ocean, to the overwhelming firepower. the unknown soldier is a big part of the casualties on d-day in world war ii. >> the one hundred first airborne in the 82nd airborne, they were working against german intelligence which started to get a sense where those drop zones might be and move them. will: they were scattered all over the country. the number of b-52s shot down during that dropped. they all missed the target. they had to rally, scramble that morning to accomplish their objective and make it clear for the guys coming down the beach. rachel: france doing a
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wonderful job of covering our dead. will: this goes back to the revolution. rachel: they arrive on the scene. a lot of their desire to help us was mounted in their animus toward the british, but we will take it and here we are 80 years ago, when you experience one of those, it's pretty cool. 80 years ago sending our boys over there to liberate their entire country. >> not getting in this until americans prove they can win in the battle of saratoga prove to the french that we are worth it. these guys have a shot. rachel: as the state visit continues, if and when there are moments worthy of coverage we will bring them to you. there is a state dinner but unlikely to be any questions,
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will not hear in an unscripted sense from emmanuel macron or president biden. great to have you this morning. what time this evening and people view the interview on your program? >> reporter: 9:00 tonight. pete hegseth is going to be on and pete, i won't give it away but you were good, insightful, handle two topics you weren't expecting and you ended up, it all went together? pete: i had a chance to watch that interview. it's really good. what was my grade? it wasn't an a plus, maybe -- >> it was a plus. did really good. we got mugs now. don't touch them. we finally got them. >> give me the styrofoam. last thing i need is something else, with a little sponge, wiping them out and get the taste of the sponge in the cup.
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rachel: you did you approve these cups for the b team? >> i don't consider you the team. >> a reference to something, you can't complete that. >> going back on stage in june 29th, and on the 27th, inspirational motivation. we need to find a moment all 3 of us are somewhere in the tri-state area. we don't travel. this is my clothes are, showing two kids who walked out now. hard to figure out how to stop. pete: stay as long as you want. he heads back to his yacht, we head to the belmont stakes. everything is fancy. final stop for the triple crown
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run and a new homeland in saratoga springs, new york. rachel: a fight is brewing to see who takes home the big prize. pete: janice dean is live. carley: it is a people day in saratoga. hard to believe it is only three hours from new york city. one of the oldest tracks in the nation and the oldest thoroughbred race in the country, that happens in august. that is where my husband and i had one of our first dates. we talk to the folks at saratoga and who they are excited to win. ♪ [the william tell overture ♪ >> reporter: the third leg of the triple crown, the belmont,
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is being held in saratoga. we were expecting some rain but i am here so it is mostly sunny skies. what is it about saratoga that so special? >> a beautiful facility, the history of it. every day at saratoga is nice. >> backyard, the people. >> every time i come here, it's home. >> reporter: the first time you've been at the racetrack? do you like it so far? >> yes. >> you, your parents? what they love about this racetrack? >> they love watching the race and betting on horses. >> reporter: i've been to a lot of racetracks are across the country but saratoga is my favorite. you know why? my husband, sean, and i had one of our first dates at this track 20 years ago and i've got a picture to prove it. are you betting on the big race at the belmont stakes? >> absolutely. mystic dan. >> i like sierra leone.
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>> the prettiest name, that is a horse. all of them. what you are you doing today? >> just being cute? >> yes. >> reporter: there's going to be a lot of people here for the belmont. is that exciting for this town? >> we are used to what. kids are in school right now so that is even better. >> they are in school. is this mom's day off? nice, very nice. there is food, there's drinks. it's not belmont without a hat. but let's talk about saratoga and belmont and why these hats are different from other races. >> saratoga at belmont is over the top. the combination of the wonderful race in the summertime plus the third race of the triple crown. it is like smash and fashion
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wonder. >> are you excited to have it here? >> totally. what i have seen is everyone is excited about it and they are getting behind it like the kentucky derby but new york style. it's amazing to me. >> reporter: you get to see the first look at the beautiful hat christine made me. how do you like my hat? the race is about to begin and i've got the best seat in the house. ♪ >> reporter: this is the winner circle where the winner of the belmont, we give it good luck and i don't know if the rain has held off so far. maybe i am just lucky. we were expecting rain on this race day but it is mostly sunny skies.
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maybe it is because i'm here, maybe not. 6:41 is post time, the 156th belmont stakes is going to beyond fox. back inside. pete: stick with us all morning. will: more "fox and friends" still ahead. er child. get in. ♪ ♪ listen. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! [ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place
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or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them.
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i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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pete: scott a strike in toledo, ohio. jeff savage just finished evicting a tennis from his property and renovated it. when he returned to find another family living inside with the locks changed. jeff savage joins us now. you never thought this would happen to me, yet it did. a new family changed the locks and took over your house. >> i went to the home two weeks prior. everything was gone. i assumed i would get to the house, my crew would go in, turn it over, put the new renter in, the locks had been changed. i called our toledo police, talked to the tenants, the new
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tenants and they came out to see me at the front curb and said they had squatters rights which was a first for me. i have 500 rentals in told lito and this never happened to me before. i never heard of squatters rights. i drove home from a property i owned that i pray property taxes on, squatters got to stay there and are still there to this day so i'm an eviction court again evicting people i don't even know with no lease, no utilities in their name. pete: you have to go through the legal process to get them evicted which takes 30, forty five days. hopefully it is swift for you. we are glad you joined us. hopefully you spotlighting this issue prevent other people having to go through it. thank you for your time. more "fox and friends" still ahead, don't go anywhere. se'n and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered.
3:57 am
so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard.
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4:00 am
if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®.


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