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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> israel carrying out its
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largest hostage rescue operation since the war began on october 7th as the idf has freed four hostages taken by hamas and reuniting them with their families. welcome everyone to fox news live, i'm anita vogel. and hello griff. griff: and the president addressed the rescue as he's set for a state dinner with macron. and we kick things off with peter doocy live following it in paris for us. hi, peter. >> griff, good afternoon. president biden says he's a student of french history and finds a lot of these events very moving, including the chance to be welcomed underneath the arc de triomphe. and the president made the comment at a pair of press statements where neither he nor president macron took any questions, but they did very,
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very, very briefly touch on the big international news of the day, that daring rescue of four israeli hostages inside central gaza. >> i want to echo president macron's comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages that were returned to their families in israel. we won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached. that is essential to happen. >> one very interesting moment came during a coffee sit-down and biden told macron, who publicly complains about u.s. trade policies, that he's been hearing it from china's xi, too. >> my last discussion-- (inau (inaudible). >> a big white house goal this week is to show europeans that
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president biden takes seriously the threats russia poses to this entire continent if the u.s. and the eu don't help ukraine beat back russia now. >> you know, putin is not going to stop at ukraine, it's not just about ukraine, it's about much more of ukraine, all of europe will be threatened. we're not going to let that happen. >> the state dinner honoring president biden and first lady jill biden is supposed to get started in less than an hour. until then, the president has some down time at his hotel nearby, griff. griff: peter doocy, live for us in paris. we'll check with you in the next few hours, thank you. and breaking today, the four hostages who had been kidnapped by hamas from the nova festival october 7th have been rescued by the idf from gaza. the four are being reuniteed with their families at this hour. stephanie bennett is following the breaking story for us.
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what can you tell us? >> after being held more than eight months in captivity, israeli authorities say they're all in good medical condition. now, take a look at this footage, celebrations were happening all across israel today, including outside the hospital where they were taken. israel says there are still 120 hostages still held by hamas, 43 of them have been declared dead, but their bodies are still being held. israel says this is the largest rescue operation since the war with hamas began on october 7th and involved hundreds of israeli troops. one special forces officer was killed during the rescue operation. noa argamani was kidnapped with her boyfriend who still remains captive. today the israeli prime minister and president called her in hospital saying in part, i'm sending you an embrace from me and the entire nation of israel and met up with her in person to wish her father happy birthday where they all sang. for the other three.
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almog meir was about to start a job. and of andrey kozlov was security. and the last person rescued was shlomi ziv, who was also working security. >> and they raided two different building at the same time in the heart of the gaza strip and rescued under fire, under fire during the operation, four abductees who were held by hamas terrorists. >> and no movement on that cease-fire deal laid out by president joe biden last week. for now though, u.s. secretary of state, antony blinken, he's going to be heading to the middle east next week, griff. griff: all right, stephanie bennett live for us in london. stephanie, thank you. anita. >> right now, you're looking live at anti-israel protesters in washington d.c. gathering to mark eight months since the
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start of the israel war. as the white house is taking extra security measures. in fact, putting up fencing there for the last couple of days. mike emanuel is live in lafayette square with more on this. mike, it looks like quite a crowd gathered behind you. what are you seeing there? >> good afternoon, it's picking up here. organizers say they're planning to create a human red line with tens of thousands of protesters wearing red surrounding the white house. protesters are venting their frustration with president biden who said an invasion of rafah would be a red line and yet, israel went forward with that invasion. they're expressing anger with the president and his administration for continuing to send bombs and military aid to israel. part of today's protest will feature the names of those killed on the palestinian side over the last eight months of war. organizers writing on x, quote, there are already hundreds of grass roots volunteers hard at work preparing for the massive,
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the people's red line demonstration beginning at noon at the white house. join us in stand against biden and netanyahu's genocide in gaza. this is the third major pro-palestinian rally since october 7th in washington. back on january 13th, some of the protesters threw bloody dolls at the gate of the white house, protesting children getting caught in the cross-fire in the middle east. crowds have been loud and large in those previous protests and some of the people we've spoken with were bused in from out of state, as far as ohio, michigan and illinois, to vent their frustrations. a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war protesters from code pink teaming up to send a message to the president and policy makers here in washington. there was also a massive protest in washington back on november 6th about a month after the october 7th attack. that day protesters used red paint to symbolize blood on the hands of the biden
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administration on the walls outside the white house. the president and his team say they support peaceful protest, but not, quote, chaos and violence. as you can hear, the rally was set to start just minutes ago. the crowd is filling in and they are certainly expressing their strong opinion about this war in the middle east. anita. >> yeah, no doubt, it's quite loud and looks like quite a crowd behind you, mike. i'm sure it will, the numbers will grow as the day goes on. mike emanuel live from washington, thank you for that, mike. griff: anita, for more on this we have republican senator from tennessee marsha blackburn joining us now from normandy, france. senator, i want to go into sort of your thoughts and reflections of the past few days and on the anniversary of d-day. but i want to go back to the live shot with mike emanuel and see the anti-israel protesters gathering now, intending to
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form a line around the white house and irony, perhaps, here, senator that the very freedoms that they are exercising right now to protest against israel were freedoms secured 80 years ago by the heroes of normandy, but as we look now at these protesters and other anti-israel protests. senator, your thoughts on what we're seeing here. >> one of the things that we need to all do today is be grateful that four hostages have been rescued and that the idf pulled off a successful rescue and griff, we ought not to lose sight of that. and we should be supporting israel. we should stand with israel. we should make certain that israel has what they need to defend themselves and to rid the face of the earth of hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization and they carried
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out this attack on october 7th. so i'm grateful that we have israel with the ability to defend themselves and to do what they need to do to protect their people and to make certain that those hostages are rescued. griff: senator, do you believe that these four hostages would have been rescued had israel heeded the biden administration's call for a cease-fire or these protesters call for a cease-fire? >> griff, what we know is that israel knows best what they're going to need to do to defend themselves. that is their right, to defend their country. and while they do need aid from the united states, they need to buy equipment from us and we have partnered and have supported them with the iron dome, with the data sling and
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components necessary for that defensive battle posture. i think that we need to support that effort and, no, i don't think a cease-fire is what is needed. obviously, the idf and the leadership in israel does not think the cease-fire is needed. they think what is needed is a plan that will rescue these hostages and will rid gaza of hamas. if you want to help the people that are in gaza, the palestinians, the gazans, what you need to do is to get rid of hamas and get rid of that activity that has kept the palestinians oppressed. griff: you're looking at some of the four hostages that were rescued here in the last 24 hours and senator, the organizer of that massive
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protest, the coalition is the group led by a guy brian becker. he said this morning, biden could end this war tomorrow by saying that u.s. aid to israel will end if they don't stop the invasion. your response? >> i would remind many people that hamas is the one that carried out an attack on october 7th. before that, basically you had had a cease-fire and you had the palestinians in gaza and griff, they need to remember, that all changeled when hamas attacked israel. they were not at war. they were not fighting. it was an unprovoked attack and citizens and some u.s. citizens lost their lives, were captured. we need to remember this. griff: and senator, i want to pivot a little bit because
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you're in normandy. such a historic occasion this week and many are now comparing president biden's speech to the famous 1984 reagan speech, the boys appoint speech. and here is a clip. >> we've learned that isolationist will never be for expansionist intent. we try always to be prepared for peace, prepared to deter aggression, prepare to negotiation the reduction of arms. griff: did you see a parallel between president biden's remarks and reagan's famous speech? >> as i sat there listening to president biden's speech i did not think that in comparison to reagan's speech in 1984. and griff, i think one of the things to me that was so meaningful was visiting with
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tennesseans with world war ii veterans, hearing their stories listening to their recounts of that day and listening to their words about how important it is to realize that we, the united states of america, we are the leader of the free world and that is something we ought not to forget. griff: our viewers seeing pictures of you with many of those heroes, some of them the brave teenagers that stormed utah beach in normandy, just lastly, what was it like for you personally trying to describe what it was like to be among them and to see them and the emotions you felt. >> oh, griff. when you see them welcomed as heroes, they loved it. they were so excited that they were being well-remembered and that they were being thanked
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and it was wonderful to watch them. that was such a special day for them. some of them have not been back at all. their families were with them. they were able to actually be there on omaha beach. they were actually able to talk with the other veterans who, whether it was there at omaha beach or whether it was battle of the bulge, they told those stories and it would help them recall some of those memories that they had and what they had lived through during that time. and it also, i think, was really thrilling for them to come back and drive into normandy, and drive through all of these villages and they're seeing the french flag and the u.s. flag flying together. griff: and we are forever grateful for their brave
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actions and heroism. thank you for joining us from normandy. >> you've got it, good to be with you. >> good stuff. all right, will hunter biden testify in his own defense in his felony gun trial? a lot of people waiting to see what happens there. that's next. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestrydna can show you which traits were inherited, where they came from, and who he shares them with. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited time.
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>> the question over whether hunter biden will take the stand in his own defense remains on the table. and the defense team says they'll have an answer soon. madeleine rivera live with this case. >> hunter biden's team will decide over the weekend whether they'll call him to the stand. if hunter biden is on the stand the prosecution indicated they may put on a rebuttal witness. this comes after his daughter naomi talked about his demeanor arn 2018 when he bought the gun. she testified he seemed great she testified no evidence of drugs in his truck that she borrow. that contrasted than the day before when hally took the stand.
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hunter was involved with her after his brother's death, said she found remnants of crack and paraphernalia after she gave the truck back to her dad. and naomi telling her father at one point, i'm sorry, daddy, i can't take this, i just miss you and want to hang out with you. hunter appeared to fight back tears as she spoke. hunter's words have been shared as he talks about his book. defense says the prosecutors have not shown that he was involved with drugs when he filled out the document. things could move quickly with closing arguments and jury instructions. griff: it will be fascinating when they take the stand and i bet prosethe prosecutors will a
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were you texting a drug dealer mooky. anita. anita: for more on this, let's bring in defense attorney brian claypool. great to have you on this and of course, the big question that we heard in madeleine rivera's report. you're a defense attorney, would you put him on the stand? what are the pros and cons with that. >> anita, great to be back. this is a high risk, high reward decision. what do i mean by that? well, if hunter biden takes the stand and looks at the jury and says at the time i filled out that form to purchase the gun i was not using illegal drugs, i was not a drug addict, then arguably he seals the deal, right? because as of now, the prosecution hasn't really put up a witness saying that at the time biden fills out the form he was under the influence so
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that could arguably exonerate him. the flip side of that though, if he gets on the stand and says hey, at that time i wasn't a drug addict, prosecutors can bring in impeachment evidence, they can go into like griff said, alleged drug dealers. they could possibly go into his life style, they can use other evidence about him taking drugs to make him look like a terrible, irresponsible person. so it's risky. if i was a betting man, i would say that hunter biden's not going to take the stand. anita: okay. well, we will see. there was certainly lots of testimony from relatives, and ex-wives, ex-girlfriends, about hunter's drug use right around the time of that drug purchase in 2018. and let's put up some of what the sister-in-law of hunter biden, also a former lover, here you go. she says she and hunter were romantically involved from late 2015 through 2016. and hunter gave her crack
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cocaine in june of 2018 during her trip to los angeles. in october much 2018, she cleaned out hunter's car and found remnants of crack cocaine and the gun and of course, we know from video evidence she tossed that gun into a waste paper bin, or a trash bin. do you think the prosecution in presenting their evidence did a good job? >> i think, anita, they did what they could with the evidence they had, right? they don't have somebody coming in and saying, on the day that hunter biden filled out that form, that he was a user, or he was a drug addict. they've done the best they can. i mean, the defense is making a good argument, too, the law is that hunter had to have knowingly violated the law. has the prosecution put on evidence that hunter biden nothingly broke the law when he filled out that form. on one hand it's helpful to
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show that at one point hunter biden was a drug addict. the million dollar question was he a drug addict, a user, at the time he filled out the form and defense lawyers are arguing, look, this is a victimless crime. that hunter apparently had been in rehab for 11 days leading up to when he purchased the gun so they're going to make a big deal about that in closing argument as well. look he's on his home turf, i think it's going to be hard to get a guilty verdict here. i think you're more likely to see an acquittal or a hung jury. i doubt you'll see a guilty verdict in delaware with hunter biden. anita: especially, and a quick comment here, with the biden family in the front rows of that courtroom every day, especially jill biden, flying back and forth from france to attend this, a quick comment on that and the impression that has on the jury. >> yeah, anita, a great point. these jurors are human beings like you and me and looking over there and seeing a caring
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family. they're seeing jill biden, the first lady, sitting in the front row, that tells them that this family is tight knit and mom cares about him and the last witness was hunter's daughter, i'm not sure why they would have called her, she was testifying about what happened after the gun was purchased. and she's choked up, hunter's crying, with a tissue. all of this emotion goes into the jurors. they're told not to rule on sympathy, but we know they do that all the time. so i think that's a daunting fact that's going to favor hunter biden, likely getting acquittal. anita, that might actually help president trump if he gets acquitted because he can argue look what happens to me in new york, look what happens in hunter on his home turf in delaware. anita: speaking of president trump, i want a quick comment on this. yesterday there was news that someone, who is likely a prankster or a troller, described himself as the cousin of a juror. he posted on a facebook chat group that trump was getting convicted the day before the
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conviction. judge there you go, my cousin is a jury, and president trump is getting convicted and thank you for your hard work. and the judge came out and disclosed and people looking into it and the trump team is looking into it. brian, what do you make of in? >> well, i think this is the big development. i mean, merchan did the right thing, but where they fell short, then they quickly came out and said, oh, this is just an internet troll, really? why did you post that if you think it's an internet troll. number one. number two, are you going to give president trump's legal team enough information about this post so they can do their own independent investigation? this cannot be taken lightly and if i'm trump's lawyers, i'm requesting a hearing on this internet post and i want to find that person and cross examine that person in a courtroom. that's what i would be doing if i'm repping trump. anita: i'm sure they absolutely will be doing that.
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brian claypool, thank you for your thoughts, great to see you and appreciate it. >> you bet, thanks, anita. griff: anita, the former apollo eight astronaut who took the iconic earth rise photo in 1968 has died. william anders was killed friday after a plane crash that was caught on video. a warning, this video shows the moment of impact. he was piloting alone when it plummeted into the waters. and the f.a.a. tells it was a vintage air force t-34 mentor and confirmed that he was the only person on board. william anders, a hero, was 90 years old. beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. it's kubota orange days,
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cbp reports that there have been crossings at the border after president biden issued a crackdown. matt has the latest. >> we're just outside the san diego metropolitan. when migrants are illegally crossing here, they're essentially arriving into a major american city in comparison to other places in texas, and arizona that are much more rural, when the migrants illegally arrive here, they're getting right into the thick of a major market and we just saw a grouping process a short while ago. we have fresh video to show you. about 40 to 50 migrants, men and women coming from all over the world, illegally crossing right here, coming from india, china, turkey, vietnam, they arrive shortly before sunrise and as we've soon so often, border patrol processes them, one by one, sometimes, or almost always removing their shoe laces so they can't run or
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harm themselves or any other people. and i talked with border patrol yesterday on the ground and they tell us that this area has been a hot spot for, quote, three years now because there are gaping holes in the border wall in this area so the cartels and coyotes know they can illegally push migrants in the united states. they did not sign up for processing, dozens if not hundreds of migrants that arrive in a single clip and border patrol say they've used to historically chasing some people who are dashing across the border and now they're rendered almost useless when a huge group like this arrives and takes them quite some time to process that large illegal group. we have not noticed a slowdown here. bill melugin was here the past week and he was reporting that, we've not seen any type of slowdown or change since president biden's executive order. anita. anita: all right, matt finn live for us in jacumba,
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california. thank you so much. griff: for more on this, let's bring in the national patrol council vice-president, art, i want to pick up right away where matt finn left off. he's been in jacumba where bill was, and i was at the white house when the executive order was announced. the numbers indicate it hasn't slowed the illegal crossings between the port of entries. are they enforcing this executive order? what do you know? >> it's a mess, i can tell you this. obviously this administration didn't prepare how to get it down correctly because day one there was already groups taken back to the port and sent back to mexico, but mexico said we're not taking them. there's no agreement with us. so, answer hence, those individuals had to be taken back to the station nta'd and released into the u.s. anyway, but what we've seen that's
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increasing, unaccompanied juveniles. we've seen 10, 11-year-olds crossing between the pours, with 2 or 3-year-old brothers, and the smuggling organizations, you now who it works. they're not dumb, they'll figure out how to adapt to these. arizona like you mentioned, it's so remote from processing areas and stations itself that you have a lot of groups that will come across and they'll do little encampments, you've seen them and you've been reporting it. making little camps right along the border on the u.s. side, those people are technically not apprehended, and they're not counting for the numbers. a lot of loopholes and things happening on the ground that people don't realize. griff: this is a frightening insight, art, you're giving us. bill and i this week reported since president biden took office in january of 2021, there have been 503,000
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unaccompanied children that have come encountered, been encountered. but you're saying that because of the executive order which raises the threshold for credible fear claiming asylum, essentially in their words, sort of closing off that option, and exempting the children, it will then be a new magnet for the children to be sent? >> absolutely. and we saw that during the obama administration when so many unaccompanied juveniles started crossing into the united states. and the criminals, they know what they're doing, they've been doing this for a while. they'll adapt and that's where the problem is. we need to realize a lot of these individuals just like we've seen, so many drop their identification they don't want them to know where they're from. individuals around the age of 20, 21, dropping identification coming across and now they will be claiming to be unaccompanied juveniles also. griff: and what impact does that have on human trafficking? >> so, it's going to continue
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to flood certain areas like they've been doing now. they'll continue to flood the areas and agents have to continue to respond. the transport and everything else. you've seen the frustration where they're stuck in administrative roles and you're hearing everything in the background and you know groups continue to cross and tucson sector continues to be at the top of the list when it comes to gotaways, because of the number of remoteness and juveniles rise because of this order. griff:er we a five months from the election and when the executive order was announced and the polling numbers showing a strong support for trump, no one was surprised. about you a surprise admission from former white house secretary jen psaki who said this. >> regardless who is mad about the details what's here and
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it's a political vulnerability for the president and his campaign and they knew that and they knew they'd have to do something like an executive order before the election. what do you make of that? she's saying it's a vulnerability. >> it's frustrating. it's political theater. if you wanted to they'd say anyone is being detained. in a humanitarian way. everyone that comes across, you detain them and release nobody and look at the asylum claims they may or may not have. while you're doing that they remain in custody. that will drop the numbers. right now people from over 160 countries coming into the united states because they know there's no consequences, all they have to do is say asylum and get released. the minute you hold them accountable, the numbers will drop. griff: and art, lastly, as we now are watching, you are inside. you see it firsthand, up close and personal.
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what will you be looking at to determine whether or not this executive order or any part of it will have any impact in helping? >> well, i mean, obviously you'll see the number. people will concentrate, look the number of apprehensions are going down or encounters whatever it may be, you have to look at the numbers, how many individuals, especially the unaccompanied juveniles, has that number going to start to go up. the gotaways, that number is going to start to go up. not just encounters, what you're apprehending, you've got to look at every single number in the big picture and make sure that they're accountable how they're holding up the numbers as well. griff: well, it seems to me according to the order, if they are going to turn these people back and remove them, you're talking about mass deportation possibly. >> you are, and right now what's happening is the individuals that are from mexico, that are crossing, those, there's been no problem, obviously, sending them back because you're right on the mexican border, but you know, this is proven, you have to make some kind of arrangement
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and speak to other authorities from other countries in order for them to take some of these individuals back. griff: and compounding the problem. we don't have repatriation agreements with the haiti, cuba, nicaragua and venezuela, but the number of special interest aliens coming from places like kazakhstan, mauritania, and egypt, jordan, these are not easy people to send back. >> and they say, hey, we have a problem, we'll do an executive order. it wasn't done correctly. they didn't tell people everything else going on. it's smoke and mirrors. it's political theater. they know the election is around the corner and that's what it comes down to. griff: and brate great insight. thank you for your time. >> thank you, griff. anita: a $20,000 reward is offered for the safe return of a missing 12-year-old georgia
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>> you're looking live at pro-palestinian protesters surrounding the white house this hour demanding a cease-fire in gaza and demanding that president biden end all military support to israel. they call it a red line surrounding the white house because they believe that president biden has walked back what he called a red line on rafah. we'll continue to monitor this. you can see there, there's the red line, symbolic, they say, of the red line that should have been enforced with the president's enforcement over rafah. and we'll see where it's going. all peaceful at the moment, but growing in numbers. anita: now to this, accused gligio beach man charged with the murder of women.
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and a word document that he kept. bryan llenas, what can you tell us. >> he's accused now of murdering six women. prosecutors charge him in the superceding indictment. jessica taylor disappeared in 2003 while working as an escort in new york city. she was decapitated and both arms severed. some of her remains were found in 2011 on gilgo beach where his four other victims were allegedly found. the other victim, sandra costella. when she was 28 years old. she was killed 30 years ago in 1993. her remains were found decades ago in a woods on long island 40 miles from heuermann's home. prosecutors say they were able to use new forensic testing to match hairs of both victims to heuermann's dna.
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investigators also revealed a chilling discovery, a so-called blueprint used by heuermann to plan out his kills. heuermann pleaded not guilty in court. now, this is about the documents that were found and prosecutors describe these documents as containing things like, the problems or the issues that he needed to avoid for apprehension, writing down things like dna, fingerprints, hair, and also the supplies that he needed to carry out these murders, listing things like booties and hair nets, foam drain cleaner. and here is the prosecutor describing some of this evidence earlier this week. listen. >> his intent was specifically to locate these victims, to hunt them down, and to bring them -- to bring them under his control and kill them. his motivations, meticulous planning and near clear intent
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is obvious. >> this investigation is continuing. other documents that were found included reminders about, quote, getting sleep before the hunt, and a body prep checklist that included a reminder to remove head and hands. deeply disturbing and the prosecutors pretty much said that he is a suspect in another murder so we could see more charges down the line. anita: unbelievable and sounds like these alleged murders were extremely well-thoughtout. bryan llenas. thank you for that live report. >> of course. anita: griff. griff: anita, a goeorgia community is coming together to search for maria gomez-perez. and a $20,000 reward is offered for her safe return. >> a scary situation.
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it's been over a week since anyone has seen or heard from the little girl. the sheriff's office that's on this case, says there are more than a dozen investigators working, two dozen investigators, excuse me, working to bring her home, that's on the local, state, and federal level. the sheriff's office put out a new bolo for the 12-year-old. saying she's missing and in danger. she's 5 foot 3 and weighs around 100 pounds and may be wearing the bright blue shirt you see in this photo. the last time anyone saw or heard from her, as you said, wednesday morning, may 29th at her home about an hour north of atlanta. investigators tell us that she lives with her dad and he's the one who reported her missing. the community is desperately trying to find her. every day people are walking around, handing out flyers. they're doing everything from asking questions to looking through door bell cameras.
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>> and the woman across the street where she used to hang out with friends, and we've been knocking on doors, talking to people and actively asking if we can search her house, going behind houses, rv's, mobile homes and the yards and we want to bring her back home safe. >> we want to show you that bolo flyer one more time. investigators say maria's disappearance does not meet the criteria for lev i's call, georgia's version after amber alert. they don't think she's kidnapped, but think she's in danger. anyone with any information should call the hall county sheriff's office . griff: our prayers for her safe return. anita: there's this, major league baseball is heading across the pond. we'll have a live report from london coming up next.
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>> welcome back. the united kingdom is all set for baseball as major league baseball's 2024 world tour continues today with the mets and the phillies playing today in london. it's all part of super saturday on fox today, followed by the belmont stakes and the dodgers facing the yankees. our greg palkot is live inside london stadium following all
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the festivities. greg, it looks like you're right there in the thick of things. >> anita. we're some 3,000 miles away from the united states, but america's pastime, baseball, alive in the u.k. you see the u.s. flag, the u.k. flag. you hear the national anthem behind us, one of the great rivalries of america baseball, new york mets and philadelphia phillies on display here. we're a few minutes away from the first pitch. to spread the love of baseball around the world. from the fans we talked to earlier, they're having success. take a listen. >> this is london, this isn't baseball territory. >> it is now. >> it is now. >> and he took me to see the mets every visit. >> and you remember the mets? >> i always remember the mets and always follow them. for the mets or for the phillies. >> quite clear, let's go
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phillies! >> do you love baseball here? >> we love bible, absolutely. >> phillies, phillies all day long. >> let's go mets! let's go mets! ♪ >> now we're hearing the u.k. national anthem. and they know baseball a little bit, but still, a learning experience. anybody that knows baseball knows that the phillies might have a bit of an edge here, but being a long time new york mets fan, as we used to say, you gotta believe. anita: all right, loved hearing the u.s. national anthem first. and greg palkot in london. griff: play ball. a lot more fox news live continues when we come back. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. did i read this?
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10:00 am
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