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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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he has an appetite that can never be satisfied, which is why he's trying to eat rocks. he ate beef and had an allergic reaction, and i was like 'hmm - have i killed my dog? he had a bypass surgery because he ate a - he ate a sock.
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fetch provides coverage for all of this and so much more. get up to ninety percent back on unexpected vet bills, use any vet, and cancel any time. fetch, the most comprehensive pet insurance. get your free quote today. griff: all right, you're looking live as thousands of anti-israel protesters surround the white house demanding president biden call for a ceasefire in gaza. we'll take you there in just a moment with a live report. welcome to "fox news live," i'm griff jenkins. anita: i'm aimee that vogel. israel carried out its largest hostage rescue operation as the edfhas freed four hostages taken by hamas, and they are reuniting with their families. stephanie bennett is following this breaking news story for us live in london. >> reporter: hey, anita, yeah. celebrations happening all
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across israel including right outside the hospital where they were taken to be the checked over. take a look at some of this heart-warming footage. beach goers or cheered as lifeguards made that the announcement after they were held captive for more than eight months, all four hostages are in good medical condition. this one right here, this footage was from right outside the hospital there. , this oa -- noa was kidnapped with her boyfriend, that is, who still remains captive. today the israeli prime minister visited her in hospital, the cam family clapped and also sang happy birthday to noa's father. what a birthday gift, to have his daughter returned. as for the other three hostage, one was just about to start a job at a high-tech company when he was taken hostage, and andri was working as a security guard at the festival at the time. they are all in their 20s. the last person freed is in his
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40s and was also working security at that festival. meanwhile, according to the hamas-run government, they say the number of palestinians killed has a risen to 210. prime minister benjamin net net an a ya a hue continues to face growing and is international pressure to take the ceasefire if deal laid out last week by president joe biden. for now though, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken will head to israel next week. there are still the about 1200 hostages till held by hamas, 43 of them have been declared dead, but their bodieses are tilling being hell. anita? anita: amazing that those four were rescued and in good condition. stephanie bennett, thank you so much or on that. also anti-israel protesters are gathering in washington, d.c. to mark if eight months since the start of the israel war as the white house is taking extra security measures. mike emanuel is live in lafayette square where this is
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all going down and, mike, are the crowds growing there? >> reporter: no doubt about it, anita. good afternoon to you. the crowd at this palestinian rally has a really grown rapidly here in lafayette square with next to the white house. organizers are firing up the crowd right now giving speeches, calling for a ceasefire in the middle east and calling on president biden to stop supplying bombs and military aid to israel. protesters are wearing red pledge to create a human red line surrounding the white house, chants of free, free palestine and biden, biden, you will see, palestine will be free and referring to the president as genocide joe. organizers or from answer coalition writing on x, quote, buses are now arriving ahead of the people's red line national mobilization to surround the white house for gaza. people traveled as long as 16 hours by bus to d.c. to demand an end to the u.s.-israeli
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genocide. a short time ago we spotted protesters using red paint to create a sign signifying the biden administration has blood on its hands. we've heard a number of people venting anger that the president saw said the invasion of rafah was a are red line and yet israel went forward with the military operation. these protesters say they are the human red line remembering those on the pal stint can side who have died in the past eight months of war. this is the third major pro-palestinian rally in washington since october 7th. secret service has taken additional precautions to make sure things don't get out of hand. president biden, of course, is not here today, but these protesters are clearly trying to send a message to him and u.s. policymakers today. aimee that? anita: yeah, no doubt about that. hopefully, it all stays peaceful. mike emanuel live in washington for us, thank you. griff: thousands of miles away french president macron is
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hosting pride preponderancen for a state dinner this hour, and that's where we find white house correspondent easter doocy live following all of it for us. hey, peter. >> reporter: griff, this is the event the first lady came back to france for after a going to delaware for a day and then flying back. it is the state dinner town the road -- down the road at the palace. so far everything today has been very is, very scripted by the french hosts. and they have really managed to stay on message, so the talk about the big international news if of the day which is, of course, the daring rescue of those israeli hostages in gaza, was very, very brief. >> i want to echo president macron's comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages that were returned to their families in the israel. we won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. >> reporter: one very interesting moment came during a
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coffee if as a president biden told president macron, who publicly complains ab a u.s. trade policies, that he's been herring it from china's xi as well. the president if here is speaking very softly. if. >> my last discussion with xi, he -- [inaudible] >> reporter: a big white house goal this week is to show europeans that president biden takes seriously the threats russia poses to this continent if the u.s. and the e. e.u. don't help ukraine beat russia back now. >> you know, putin's not going to stop at a ukraine. it's not just uni, it's about a hutch more -- -yard line. all of europe europe will be threatened. we're not going to let that a happen. >> reporter: president biden says the events of today have
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been very moving to him because he says he is a student of french history. griff? griff: peter doocy live in paris, thank you. now let's bring in our political panel. with us today is the america first policy institute chief communications director marc lotter and capital council llc part nebraska jonathan kott. let's dig in and pick if up where peter was and mike emanuel. so thousands of miles separating, you've bot the president for the state dinner right now as we speak in paris while thousands of protesters yet again continue to put pressure on this administration. and we've seen this administration, perhaps, bend a little bit to their will and som if e progressive members of congress. marc, how much of a problem is this, and how fickle do you think these protesters are even though the president's across the pond? >> well, this is a political problem for joe biden. he is so weak, he's seeking
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re-election, and he can't aboard to lose any of his radical, woke with, progressive-left base. and so he's trying to thread a needle by supporting israel but not supporting israel, calling for a ceasefire while at the exact same time he wants to continue the fighting in ukraine and russia. and the thing about that pro-- protest, there are no maag baa hats there. that's -- maga hats there. that's joe biden's base telling him they have no. maria: for him. griff: marc has a good point. it's a live shot, it's growing, tens of thousands according to the answer coalition's expected number. a lot of speakers there. what do you make of that? >> i think these are fringe members of maybe the democratic party, but i think these people have a misguided approach to what's going if on over there. i wish today they were celebrating the release of the four hostages and maybe calling on hamas to stop murdering innocent people, and then we could actually get down to negotiating a ceasefire.
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but these people aren't. i would push back, i don't think joe biden's base is the progressive, woke left. joe biden won in 20020 because he was a middle of the road, moderate candidate. it's how he beat a lot of the progressives in the primary. i think when he returns there, that's where his actual base is, and it can grow. i think these people eventually will come back home because, as you said, there are no maga hats there. they're pissed now, in six months this war will hopefully be over -- griff: how? >> at some point israel destroys hamas completely and, hopefully, bring back the hostages like they did today. griff: to marc's point p what we saw i from mike emanuel's reporting is these thousands bussed in from other areas, and there are so many battleground states now, michigan, are from pennsylvania, nevada, arizona, you know? you don't think that you're looking when you look at that live shot, you're looking at a tens of thousands of lost votes
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for biden? >> i think some of them could be lost votes, but i think if they were smart, they would realize coming home to the democratic party this november if is probably the best place for them to have a voice and be heard. it's not going to be in the trump administration. griff: let's talk, marc, about the commonwealth of virginia. fox news poll, very telling numbers. we can show you with here. now, president biden won by 10 points in virginia in the last election. now tied 48-48. >> and it's not just the fox news poll. there was another poll out i think by roanoke earlier which had this thing in the margin of error. donald trump is blowing apart the democrat coalition, and it's because of joe biden's failures. doesn't matter your race or gender, you can't afford groceries, gas, and the southern border is wide open. so what we're seeing is the map growing in favor of donald trump. and even if he doesn't turn the commonwealth or win new york or
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new jersey, joe biden has to waste precious time and money trying to secure a state he should have in his column. griff: jonathan, what do -- if you were ad vising president biden's re-election team and you see something like this, what do you tell them? >> i think they have a plan that is going to give a contrast over the next six months when they spend a billion dollars on ads and when when donald trump is actually in front of voters every day like he used to be. donald trump has been off the seat, right? like, networks aren't covering him, he's not on twitter. everyday americans aren't seeing the day cross that was his administration front and center. they will be once he's the nominee and now that he's out of court, he can actually go out and campaign. when they see the contrast between joe biden and donald trump, i think the biden campaign is very happy with that decision come november. 23reu6 griff -- griff: well, here is what virginia's republican governor, glenn youngkin, had to say. >> even having this conversation today, i think, fully reflects
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the change in view about not only the strength that donald trump would bring to the presidency, but the weakness that joe biden has demonstrated. i do believe that a states like virginia that joe biden won by a lot back in 2020 are back in play. griff: jonathan, this week governor youngkin saying that the state's not going to accept the california emissions standard, going to let that sunset and move back to the national one because he says people are being force fed electric vehicles that they don't want in virginia. do you think the governor's got a point there? >> no. i think the president and his agenda is to move us to a cleaner economy, and he's doing it, and that's what the infrastructure act, that's what the i.a. was about -- i'm sorry r.a -- i.r.a. was about. look, it takes a while for these bills to get implemented. i'd also note the governor has vetoed a lot of other popular bills including rights to contraception and abortion. i think, again, that a
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comparison will be front and center in if 23406. griff: all right, before we run out of time, we've got to do the vp short list. we've got a handful of names, we can show them to you. you see burgum, rubio, vance, cotton, carson. i want to go to you, marc, because you've been behind the scenes with the trump folks about the -- it looks to me he, former president trump say he's going to announce at the convention. it seems like we're all going to be watching this moment like an episode of "the apprentice." >> i was governor pence and part of his re-election as governor at that time, and we're right on schedule. this is when the vetting materials came out, in may, june. he announced the friday, saturday before the convention. i think he's clearly on track to do that again, and that's traditional for candidates of both sides. and one reason is vice presidential candidates are expensive. they cost millions of dollars with staff, airplanes, building out all of their, all of the events you have to do.
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and the other issue, number one thing for a vice presidential candidate, don't cost your boss votes, help them get votes. the longer you're on the campaign trail, greater the chance is you'll make a mistake which costs votes rather than gets votes. griff: want to put your money on would have been them? >> they're all great. [laughter] they're all great. griff: final word, jonathan. >> my pick would be j.d. vance. i think he has the support of sort of the maga base, but, look, donald trump is a showman he's a tv guy. conventions have gotten a little boring, he's going to draw this out, he's going to keep our attention and, rightfully, he'll announce if it the first or second night of the cam -- campaign and we'll all be tuned in. he knows what he's doing. griff: and he's got all of us a talking about it, the best political panel in the country right now. [laughter] jonathan kott, mark if lotter, thank you very much. anita, to you. anita: now to this, the question over whether hunter biden will take the stand in his own
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defense remains on the table this weekend. his defense team says they will have an answer soon. madeleine rivera is live with more on what's still to come in this case. madeleine. >> reporter: hey, anita. hunter biden and his legal team are likely busy mulling over the pros and cons of having him testify. if he does take the stand, prosecutors have suggested they may call a rebuttal witness with. if he does not testify, things could move pretty quickly with closing arguments and jury instructions starting as early as monday morning. friday wrapped up an emotional day in court. hunter's daughter naomi was called up by the defense. she said her father seemed hopeful and great in october 2018, around the time that a hunter bought the gun at the heart of this case. she testified she never saw her father use drugs and saw no evidence of drugs in his truck which she borrowed to move into a new apartment in new york city. but the prosecution undercut her description of her father's optimistic demeanor revealing text messages between her and her father. naomi at a one point telling her
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dad, quote, i'm sorry, daddy, i can't take this. i just miss you and want to hang out with you, end quote. the defense's argument rests on the premise that a hunter wasn't actually using drugs when he bought the .if 38 caliber colt revolver that he owned for 111 days. while hunt i could double down on that position on the stand, some legal experts belief it's a risky move considering how open he has been regarding his drug use after a his brother beau's death. >> the problem is once you show up and you testify, you're under oath, prosecutors are going to go after a him and cross-examine him to try to get him to commit, to show he's committing perjury, and i don't think you want hunter biden on the stand talking about all the details of his life under oath. >> reporter: defense attorney abbe lowell said he would notify david weiss to tell them of their decision. anita: we will stay tuned for that. madeleine rivera live in washington for us, thank you. >> reporter: you got it. griff: a $20,000 reward is being
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offered for the safe return of a missing 12-year-old georgia girl. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ere's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. anita: the search continues for a 12-year-old georgia girl who has been missing since may 29th as the folks of gainesville, georgia, put a $20,000 reward out for her safe return.
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madison scarpino is here with the very latest on this. hi, madison. >> reporter: hi, anita. family, friends and dozens of investigators are desperately searching for maria gomez perez. here's the latest bolo poster for maria. the little girl was last seen at her home over a week ago about an hour north of atlanta. investors or don't believe she was kidnapped, but they do think she's in danger because of her age and how long she's been gone. the sheriff's office on the case says maria lives with her father, and he reported her missing. she's 5-3 and around 100 pounds. she has black hair if brown eyes and may be wearing the bright blue shirt in those photos. >> i have two daughters. one of them went to school with maria for the last three years. they've been in the same class. it breaks my heart when i go home and my daughter asks me the same question, i mean, am i going to see her in school
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again? >> reporter: there are missing signs up everywhere around gainesvilleful people in maria's community are searching for her every day. they're handing out fliers, asking questions and even are reviewing home surveillance foot an. they say they won't stop until maria is found safe, and investigators say maria's disappearance does not meet the criteria for a levis call, that's georgia's version of an amber alert. anyone with any information at all no matter how small you may if think it is, contact the hall county sheriff's office in gainesville, georgia. back to you. anita: yeah. let's certainly hope they find her soon. thank you so much, madison scarpino, for that live report. griff? griff: coming up, how businesses in california are responding to the state's new $20 an hour minimum wage for food workers. that's next. ♪ ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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griff: cbp sources tell the fox news there were more than 310000 illegal crossings -- 3100 in the last 24 hours as president biden issued an executive order. matt finn is live on the ground in california with the latest. hey, matt, what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, we just saw a group of about 40-50 migrants be processed a short while ago. this group came from all over the world, mauritania, india, china, turkey, vietnam. men and women. we saw border patrol process them as we see so often, remove their shoe laces so they can't run or harm themselves or anyone else. and i spoke with border patrol agents here yesterday. they say this area for the past, quote, three years has been so wild because or car tells and coyotes have figured out there are gaping holes in the border wall here, and they can freely push illegal migrants through this area. border patrol says this is not what they signed fun up for. historically, you know, they
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would chase down small groups or individuals who cross, now they are completely overwhelmed by these groups of 50-100 plus, basically render rendering these agents useless for hours as they sit here and process them all instead of seeking out, you know, drug smugglers or the individual runners. it's interesting to note here in that qume baa -- that qume baa, we're just outside the san diego metropolitan. so when these migrants arrive, and those who are released, are entering right into a major american metropolitan, right into the united states in comparison to shares -- areas in texas and arizona where they've got to figure out their next stop because it's an ultra-rural area. these guys are arriving right into a major american city. and as we have been reporting, bill melugin was here all week, we have not seen any slowdown or significant change in the illegal crossings here since president biden's executive ore. griff. -- order.
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griff: matt finn live on the ground for us, great job in california. iowa neat that? anita: the latest jobs report numbers are in, and it reveals that america's employers added 272,000 jobs in may. that is up from 175,000 in april and a sign that companies are still confident enough in the economy to keep hiring despite persistently high interest rates. well, it might be of a little different story in california. california governor governor gavin newsom facing backlash over his minimum wage hike. the california business and industrial alliance running a full-page ad, look at this, in a statewide edition of "usa today." mock to obituaries for fast food restaurants that have been impacted. tom manzo, president of the california business and industrial alliance, joins us now. tom, good to have you with us today. so you took out this full-page ad in "usa today," it is literally a mock obituary of all
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the restaurants that have been impacted by this $20-an-hour wage hike that's for food fast food worker. the latest victim is rubio's, that's a wildly popular fish taco chain. they are closing 48 locations. so what are you hoping to accomplish with this ad? >> anita, thanks for having me on. you know, we definitely need to raise the level of awareness on, you know, new. >>'s terrible policies along with the rest of the legislature. newson. -- newsom. $20 an hour minimum wage is only going to equal a $20 big mac for everybody, and it's just not affordable and sustainable. so, you know, we want people to know in the tate of california -- state of california bad policies are affecting businesses, can and we want it to be known nationwide. that's why we're glad we're talking about it today. anita: yeah. well, rubio's tacos did have a response to this, to their
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closing of the 48 locations. let's go ahead and put that up on the screen. basically, a spokesman says like the restaurant industry overall, rubio's has been negatively affected over the past few years birdie minishing in-store traffic attribute the, to work from home practices remaining in place and by rising food and utility costs that combined with a significant increase to the minimum wage in california puts pressure on a number of its locations. so there you go. they're saying that was a big factor here and, of course, the statement has lost nearly 10,000 fast foot food jobs since this minimum wage increase went into effect. it hardly seems to be coincidence. how can can these restaurants stay in business at all? >> well, it's going to continue to get worse. and what's going to happen is you're going to see more, you know, restaurants close, you're going to see more people if they want to expand, they're going to move to different statements. you're going to see, you know -- states. you're going to see layoffs,
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people that potentially had employees that were working overtime are no longer going to be able to work overtime. and there's a big misnomer that it's a mcdonald's restaurant, it's a mull by billion dollar corporation. a lot of the restaurants are owned by franchiseis es, and it might be 10-15 stores that might employ 20, 25 people. now they're faced with, okay, we're going to have to lay off or, we're going to have to stop the overtime, and it starts to come to the point where it's impossible to become profitable. and if businesses cannot be profitable, they can't sustain. there's no probability of -- possibility of it. anita: i want to read you one other thing from the deputy director of worker power and if economic security with the roosevelt institute. he says california businesses can, ab sr. this increase in the minimum wage without having to increase prices and without having to impact employment. that's what he told abc-10 in
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san diego. how can that be, tom? >> well, you know, the problem is you have people making decisions, creating laws that have never had to worry about making sure that they make payroll or worry at about what some of the overhead and the costs are. so you have a lot of people that have no idea about a business. margins are not that big when it comes to mcdonald's, when it comes to some of the franchisee stores. and the other thing is people don't realize, you know, there's fast the food restaurants all over the state, and you might have a small machine shop or a flower shop across the street, and all of a sudden your employees are going to be saying, hey, we want $20 an hour, $21 an hour. and, for sure, business to business they're not going to be able to raise prices. anita: yeah. >> so you're putting employers in a a position that they're going to have to shut their doors. anita: on the him fromside,s it is -- flipside. it is expensive to work in
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california, certainly, and you can't really make a living on $20 an hour, so what do you expect workers to do in that case? >> well, i mean, i always a felt that, you know, a lot of the fast food restaurants were a starter job, you know? kids in high school working your way through college. and, yes, there's some wonderful opportunities to become a manager, there's people that make great livings there, but i don't know if mcdonald's is the place that you're going to, you know, retire out of for the majority of employees. ask is we need to keep that in mind -- and we need to keep that in mind. you cannot continue to raise wages that businesses cannot absorb. and california right now, it's the most hostile environment in the nation. i mean, they have the worst labor laws, they have the private attorney general act which is crushing businesses. you have wage and hour lawsuits, wrongful terminations, you have an 11000-page -- 1100-page labor
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digest that employers have to -- you're constantly being assaulted here by legislators, by newsom ors by big labor, trade unions, by lawyers. it's an impossible -- anita: it is, it is, it is a tough environment there in california, no doubt. we certainly appreciate your time today, tom manzo, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. griff: accused gilgo beach killer rex heuermann has been charged in the murders of two more women as we are learning new details of a lurid word document that he kept. bryan llenas is live in new york following this story. hey, bryan. >> reporter: hey, griff. look, prosecutors now believe rex heuermann was killing women for much longer than they previously thought, as far back potentially as a 1993. the 600-year-old architect -- 60-year-old architect was initially charged with the murders of 4 women. this week he was charged with the murder of 2 additional women including 28-year-old sandra
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cross tell la whose remains were discovered in 1993 and 20-year-old jessica taylor who disappeared in 2003 while working as an escort in new york city. she was decapitated and both with arms severed. heuermann pleaded not guilty earlier this week. now, prosecutors say they were able to use new forensic testing to match hairs of both victims to heuermann's dn if a. investigators also revealed a chilling discovery, a so-called blueprint used by heuermann to plan out his kills. the blueprint, or planning documents, included body prep notes or reminders like remove marks from torture and things to remember, get sleep before hunt. too tired creates problems. and use heavy rope for neck. the suffolk county district attorney said there's a lot of evidence showing intent and planning. >> what we would allege is the more rested, you know, the participants are, the more you
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can get done. and he also talks about, or the document also a talks about crime scene and if you're sleepy, spending too much time at a crime scene or your lack of sleep, your chance of making mistakes increase. >> reporter: there there is an avalanche of evidence including 350 electronic devices. they've called in the secret of service to help analyze 58 internal hard a drives and 46 cell phones. the d.a. said this investigation continues, in fact, prosecutors said it's fair to say he's a suspect in the murder of valerie that mack who disappeared in 2000 at just 24 years old, griff. griff: frightening details there, bryan llenas. live for if us, thank you. >> reporter: of course. griff: new reaction to breaking news out of israel. that's next. ♪t ♪in -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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anita: back to our top story now, israel carrying out its largest hostage rescue operation since the war with hamas began on october 7th as the idf has
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freed if four hostages taken by hamas and are now reuniting them with their families. let's bring in senior adjunct fellow at the than partisan foundation of defense of democracies, anthony ruier row. it's great to have you. i wonder if i could ask you about this daring hostage rescue of these four israeli hostages by the idf. can you tell us any more about that? >> well, thanks for having me. you know, it's a great day and evening for those four families hearing that their loved ones have been returned to israel alive. you know, unfortunately for the over 100 other families, it's probably bittersweet for them and, you know, certainly there are americans amongst those hostages as well. it sounds like it was a daring rescue. unfortunately, you know, the commander and one of the troops were killed in the operation. but, you know, it was an effort
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to, you know, basically fulfill what the israelis have said, which is to bring all of the hostages home, you know or, regardless of what it takes to accomplish that. anita: yeah. and we don't want to forget about the rest of those hostages that are still in captivity, you're right. they are always this in our thoughts and prayers. let me ask you about this, opposition leader benny ganz was supposed to give his resignation today. that's now been postponed. do you think the dynamics are changing there? he's been pressing for a postwar plan. so far prime minister netanyahu has not presented one. this has caused major tension there and here at the white house. what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah, there's some questions of whether he was even alerted before the operation, so that could also indicate some problems with the coalition inside of israel. you know, the pressure on israel to come up with a postwar plan, you know, in my if mind really
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it doesn't focus on the broader issue which is iran. and, you know, we have this effort to, by israel to try and, you know, defang, if if you will, hamas, but we also see that,s you know, israel's being attacked by hezbollah in the north, and there are other tentacles of the octopus or the ring of fire, whatever you want to call it of iran really trying to encircle israel. i think there's a lot of focus by the biden administration on pressuring israel into a ceasefire if that won't really solve the broader problem which is that this administration has really allowed iran to, you know, acquire more money is and resources it then gives to the proxies around israel to attack israeli citizens and, in this case, hold over 100 of them hostage. anita: yeah. and that leads to my next question. i know that you feel the u.s., the biden administration, has done too much constraining, if you will, of israel in its war
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with effort against that has anh supporting. explain your thoughts on that. >> yeah, it's one of those where this administration had spend, you know, spends just a little bit of time that they do on constraining israel and spend that focus on restraining tehran and etc. nuclear program -- and its nuclear program which is now at the thresh threshold near a nuclear weapons state, you know, the administration had to be essentially convinced to support a resolution in vienna last week. and the administration has allowed china to buy oil from iran at much larger levels, ask and iran is in a hutch better position than it was -- much better position than it was four years ago. that's really the way to start to help israel, is to stop iran. anita: okay. last question now, and we were just peeking in on that protest at the white house. but let me ask you this, prime
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minister netanyahu is expected to address a joint session is of congress next month. form ifer speaker nancy pelosi says he shouldn't come. let's listen to what she had to say, and and i'll get your quick reaction. if. >> i think this is wrong. frankly, i didn't approve of his being convenient violated the last time, but the speaker just on his own invited him without consulting with the rest of the leadership. and he came and he criticized president obama, and i thought it was completely inappropriate. anita: okay. so she thinks it's completely inappropriate. quick reaction to what she said. >> i think the d-day anniversarieses this week show the importance of what we should be -- of standing with our allies, not standing with iran and others who want to do harm to our allies. anita: all right. anthony ruier row, thank you so much for your thoughts today. appreciate your time. >> thank you. anita: griff? griff: the longtime host of "wheel of fortune" bids farewell
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ anita: the 156 running of the belmont stakes is taking place today in saratoga springs. while belmont park is under renovation. catch the race on fox as part of
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a super saturday lineup. kelly saberi is live from if saratoga springs, and, kelly, you are looking lovely in your hat there. what a great assignment. i was at the kentucky derby last month when mist ific dan won. what do you think? i know you spoke to the trainer, are they going to pull it off again today? >> reporter: yeah, we'll see. i mean, he came in second at the second leg to have triple crown, so it's very well in the cards for them. we hear that he's feeling good, is so his trainer, kenny mcpeek, is having good thoughts about later tonight. we're in a a different location today. in a typical year the belmont stakes is the longest race of the triple crown, the test of the champion, as it's known. but this year the race will be shorter, a mile and a half, making it the same distance as the derby. let's take a look at the field. mystik dan, of course, the winner of the kentucky derby, and seize the gray who won the preakness. with both of those horses
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running here, it's the first time since 2013 if that two triple crown race winners will face off in the belmont. seize the gray is known as a the people's horse owned by my racehorse which allows people like you and i is to own a share in a top the racehorse for as little as $100. i have been speaking with seasoned horse racing analysts from fox sports, and there is buzz at the track today about another favorite, sierra leone. we spoke to frank who will be calling the race tonight about how special it is to be a part of a tradition like this one. >> i've been doing this for a long time, and the opportunity to call a triple crown race is something i never even dreamt about as a kid. i'm over the moon for this opportunity, and for me to be able to call this race at this historic venue, i've never even been to the belmont stakes. so to come out here and get to call it and work for fox sports, i can't put it into words, and i talk for a living. >> reporter: and you can see it all on the on fox sports.
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if post time is 6:40, and as you mentioned, anita, i did speak to kenny mcpeek who who trains mystik dan. seeing the relationship that he has with the horse, he really says the horse is part of the family. he's been there since the horse was breeded, so it's really interesting to see how they really understand and interpret what the horse is telling them. what an amazing experience. i know you saw it firsthand at the derby as a well. anita? anita: yeah. a lot of love there. these races are a great time. go have fun. kelly saberi, thank you so much. griff: after 41 11 years and over 8,000 episodes, path say jack has officially signed off from weal of -- wheel of fortune. christina coleman has more. >> reporter: beloved host pat sajak thanked the viewers during his heartfelt farewell message if last might. >> it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after
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night, year after a year, decade after decade. a place where kids learned their letters, where people from other countries hone their english skills, with where families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations. >> reporter: the 77-year-old hosted wheel of fortune for 41 years and hosted over 8,000 episodes. say jack said every time he taped a show, he met three new people, and he took great pride in talking about their family, friends and hometown. during his good-bye speech, he expressed how great it was to work with vanna white who cohosted with him since 1982. if. >> our nightly closed and her laughter and her good nature. she's a very special woman s. and i know you're all pleased to know that she'll be back next season. if. >> reporter: vanna white will cohost with popular tv host and producer ryan seacrest who is replacing pat sajak.
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griff? griff: christina coleman live nurse on tend of an era. christina, thank you very much. and, anita, you know, i grew with up watching wheel of fortune, but i do want to pivot to a proud if parent if moment. like many proud parents, this is a picture of my daughter mckenzie jenkins with her older sister madeleine who imrawpted from high school yesterday -- graduated from high school yesterday with. we were lucky with the weather. here she is getting her diploma. it's any if proud parent if's moment, and we're so proud of her. she's a brilliant kid, she has a bright with future ahead, heading to college down in florida. i was actually there along with our colleague laura ingraham, congratulations to her daughter, maria, as well who was just standing right next to mckenzie. it's that alphabet thing, h, i, j, so we had a really special moment yesterday, and we wish her very much, we love her very much. anita: congratulations, griff. what a great picture, what a great video and congratulations
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to your daughter. griff: well, the video was shot by me, but with it's tough because you're with holding it way up between all the other parents trying to get shots of them. anita: you did a great job. that is going to do it for this hour of "fox news live." it continues with eric shawn and claudia cowan. i'm anita vogel. griff: and i'm griff jenkins. thanks for watching. have a great weekendwrap. perfect for pro athletes like me, right? can i finish? try all—new wraps from subway today. let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. liberty mutual customized my car insurance .. ey i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages.
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