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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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john: four terrorists have been released, they are free and safe. the idf says they've rescued three men and one women, they were kidnapped from the music festival on october 7th. today's raid by the special police forces in central gaza, the largest rescue operation since the start of this war. claudia:hi, i am claudia cowan, those hostages are back in his real and have been reunited with their loved ones. details of the mission are still coming in but here's what we know. israeli forces conducted a daytime operation on two separate locations in gaza and while they did secure the release of those hostages, an officer in the national police force was quickly wounded and has died of his injuries. lieutenant colonel jonathan
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oncriques is standing by but let's talk -- check with stephanie bennett with more on today's rescue. >> reporter: after being held captive for 8 months, israeli authorities say those four hostages were taken in good medical condition. it's miraculous to say the least. celebrations were happening across israel including outside the hospital when hostages were taken to be checked over, and beachgoers in tel aviv as they made that announcement but israel says there are one hundred 20 hostages held by hamas. all four of those hostages were taken during the nova music festival. nova was kidnapped with her boyfriend who is still captive tonight. the family clapped and sang happy birthday to her brother. as for the other hostages, omar
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mayor was about to start a job after the festival and andre kosloff was at the hospital. the last one is shalome zipp. >> translator: a during operation in broad daylight, they raided two buildings at the same time in the heart of the gaza strip. under fire during operation the four inductees were held by hamas terrorists. >> reporter: for now, no movement on that cease-fire deal. antony blinken will be traveling to the middle east next week. claudia: our hopes go out for those hostages being held, hopefully happy ending for them as well.
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eric: let's bring in someone who knows about this, lieutenant colonel jonathan conr conriquez, a senior fellow of the foundation for the defense of democracy. good to see you in the studio. thank you for the work you did all those months after the october 7th attack. your reaction to the news of the hostages being released? >> tremendous joy, xi of collective relief that four of our civilians have been rescued and are safe with their families. a good moment for them but we are in a complex situation where israel is at war, four different iranian proxies despite this happy event where we were able to rescue hostages and israel is under fire.
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i just got the notification of incoming rockets in southern israel. half an hour ago there were rockets in northern israel. this is a great event. we will see more of those but israel is at war. the strategic picture has not changed even though this is a great event. eric: the mullahs are mindful of this. >> they are indeed and something that isn't said enough is even in america, let me zoom out for a second. where are we going to be in the next year or five years. the irani and have a clear plan and disciplined in a strategic cunning, their plan is to surround israel with a ring of fire like hamas in gaza, hezbollah in lebanon, to continue to maintain israel in
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a constant state of fighting, to bleed israel in terms of economy and to keep us in a constant state of war which doesn't serve the israeli purposes. my two senses are as long as the irani and are allowed to continue with this and ask tough questions, is it worth it to continue to do what they are doing they will continue to do so and that is continue war in the middle east, continuous suffering of israeli civilians. eric: do you see continued constant pressure on israel by turnaround? >> definitely and i see the risk of regional conflict. every day that goes by, there's not a diplomatic agreement between global powers and hezbollah in lebanon, hezbollah is the biggest and most
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powerful uranian proxy on earth with nationstate military capabilities. of such a deal isn't reached the other option is the military one. for the war to end israeli civilians, 100,000 are refugees from their own country. for that to change, israel wants to make sure it's safe for them to go home. the other option is to use force, they are dangerously close to a regional war where hezbollah can unleash to medicine amount of firepower toward israel, where israeli civilians are threatened from with escalation. we don't see enough urgency in the us and around the world, that is a threat. eric: why do israeli could ask not see it that way? >> it's easy to look at small
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details, to count trucks of aid coming into gaza to deal with the fate of 10 or 15 palestinians. that is easy, good visuals, it bleeds, it leads, people are focused on that but the strategic picture, the decisions being made in beirut, they are currently bringing us the region, people need to be cognizant of that. misunderstanding of not reading the map in the middle east. hamas is a small enemy compared to hezbollah, 5 times more fire power, the consequences in lebanon. >> i would like to see from all democracies.
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the united states of america, i would like to see strong support for a democracy at war threatened by a theocratic regime using terror organizations and the most vile tactics using humanitarian shields targeting civilians, i would think israel deserves wall-to-wall support on democracies. i am appreciative and thankful for the support israel has given so far. reasonable thought will prevail and israel will continue to have unlimited support of the us whatever happens at the end of the day. eric: the viewers can see it in front of the white house. when you hear from the river to the cnc the chants, to kill
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more jews, i heard that in one of the protests in new york city. talk about free palestine occupied by hamas, terrorists of hamas. why is israel, always blamed? there have been horrible mistakes, tragedies and the civilian population in gaza, but wise the jewish state always blamed? why don't they say and understand this could end now if hamas just gives up? >> if hamas returns the hostages and if their leaders come out, they will save a lot of human lives in gaza and save us the trouble of going in and getting them. i don't think they will, because their priorities are never the civilian population on the palestinian side or the israeli side. answering the question i don't have an answer. i can speak about work and different anti-western, anti-american sentiment. what i think is important for
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law enforcement and local governments around the world is to uphold law and order, to make sure law-abiding citizens, jewish citizens in canada and western europe feel safe in their home country and they don't feel safe. they feel threatened because anti-american anarchists are taking over the streets, doing on american streets what they feel or think they are entitled to do. many times violating laws and that is -- has to change. you see that in history but it doesn't end with the jews. when you have bad anti-democratic -- first targets may be the jews, it is american interest, european interest to uphold law and order, to protect law-abiding civilians and make sure public domain is safe.
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eric: we saw what happened in the 1930s and 40s. thank you. thank you for your service to our country. claudia: anti-israel activists as we've been watching on the screen are surrounding the white house right now. this is expected to be a major protest against president biden's handling of the war in gaza. mike emanuel is next to the white house. what can you tell us? looks like a pretty big crowd behind you. >> reporter: it has been a huge crowd gathered here next to the white house. these folks traveled as long as 16 hours to be here. organizers have been firing up the crowd calling for a cease-fire in gaza and calling on president biden to stop the military aid to israel.
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>> we are saying today with this innovative protest, one of thousands that have gone on, we take it to another level, president biden's redline was a fiction and a lie and an act of deception designed to make us become quiet. >> it is a matter of time. >> reporter: protesters waving a massive palestinian flag, these protesters say they are the human redline, they died in the last 8 months of war. since october 7th. and they create a sign signifying the biden administration has blood on its hands.
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the invasion of rough was a redline and israel went forward with its military operation. a large group of protesters earlier, federal authorities are keeping a close eye on this gathering and civil-service says it has taken additional precautions. as you see behind me they are trying to encircle the white house, creating a huge human redline. claudia: dramatic pictures in lafayette square. eric: president biden is not at the white house but in paris. and the president and a 5-day visit to commemorate the 80th anniversary, to defend american democracy. and a pair of digs that his political opponents back home. steve doocy live with the
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latest. >> reporter: we are about to get the toasts from president biden and emmanuel macron, the first lady came back to france for. and the court appearance. and at the lycée palace. the french managed to control the events and the message. the biggest story in the world, and it is very brief. we will blow want to issue emmanuel macron's product about the four hostages. and that is essential.
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>> reporter: an interesting moment came during a biden/emmanuel macron talk as president biden talked about us trade policies, he has been hearing it from china's xi as well. he you will see subtitles because president biden was speaking so softly. google my last discussion with xi - talking about -- >> reporter: a big white house goal in france of this week is to show europeans take seriously the threats russia poses to this continent, the united states, the eu and nato don't help ukraine beat russia back. >> president biden: it is not
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just ukraine. it's more than ukraine. we are not going to let that happen. >> reporter: they are moving to him, >> on paris. >> disturbing new development in the go-go beach serial killings. prosecutors charged rex heuerman in the death of two more women. they also discovered a document used to plan the killings. >> reporter: the accused go-go beach serial killers accused of murdering six women. prosecutors charging him in a superseding indictment, the killing two young women who disappeared decades ago. jessica taylor disappeared in
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2003 while working as an escort in new york city. both arms severed. some of her remains were found in 2011 on gillgo beachwear four other victims were found. the other victim is sandra costilla, 28 years old when she was killed 30 years ago in 1993. her remains were found decades ago 40 miles from home. prosecutors say they were able to use new forensic testing to matchers of both victims to the dna. investigators reveal a chilling discovery, a so-called blueprint used to plan out his kills. this is the microsoft word document. the blueprint, categories or issues he needs.
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he listed booties and hairnets. and or dump sites, they jumped two victims and under t rg or target, appears to be a reference to victim being in water. here is the prosecutor on these documents. >> is intent is to locate victims, to hunt them down and bring them under his control, and it to kill him. his motivations, meticulous planning, clear intent is obvious. >> reporter: other documents include reminders about getting sleep beforehand and a reminder to remove head and hands. in crudely disturbing and this investigation continues.
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>> reporter: brian yannis with the grisly details. eric: apollo 8 astronaut william anders has died. he was killed when a small plane he was piloting crashed. he was piloting solo when the plane went down off of the san juan islands. the cause of his crash that took his life under investigation. during apollo 8, the first lunar or been mission, anders snap the iconic earthrise photo, the first color image of earth taken from space by a human. retired major general william anders was 90 years old. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast
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eric: a search for a missing 12-year-old girl. maria gomez perez was last seen at her home in gainesville, she was reported missing thursday morning. now there's a $20,000 reward being offered for any information leading to her safe return. madison has more on the search. >> reporter: maria has been missing for more than a week and people are trying to find her.
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if you have information on her disappearance call the county sheriff's office in gainesville. they say 2 dozen local, state, federal investigators are working to find her. this is the latest flyer, 5 foot 3, 100 pounds and investigators believe she may be wearing the bright blue shirt you see in this photo of her, 12-year-old is missing in danger. investigators say the last time anyone saw or heard from maria was may 29th at her home an hour north of atlanta. investigators tell us she lives with her dad, and he is the one who reported her missing. the community is just really trying to help out with this. people are handing out flyers, doing everything from searching houses to looking through doorbell camera footage. >> we will be heading homeless
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areas, hotels, motels, it is really emotional. >> reporter: we show you that flyer one more time which investigators tell us they don't think maria was abducted but she's in danger because of her agent how long she's mizzen missing. maria's disappearance does not meet the criteria for a levi's call, that's georgia's version of her an amber alert. back to you. eric: hope for her safe return. claudia: pat sajak hosted his last we'll of fortune show last night. it began with a flashback and ended with a special farewell to viewers. christina coleman has more on the story. >> reporter: pat sajak took his last turn on wheel of fortune last night. he said goodbye to his loyal viewers, he thanked them for tuning into the family-friendly show. >> i always felt the privilege
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came with the responsibility to keep this daily half-hour a safe place for family fun, no social issues or politics, nothing embarrassing, i hope, just a game. >> reporter: our game a lot of people loved. the 77-year-old hosted the show for 41 years, hosting over 8000 episodes. he said wheel of fortune allowed him to meet so many great people. >> every time we taped a show i met three new people from all parts of the country in the world who were kind and considerate, who rooted for each other, took great pride in talking about their family, their hometown, friends, schools, jobs, even their pets. they were the real stars of the show. >> reporter: vanna white would say jackson's 1992 thursday showing their work together over the years, she describes pat sajak as a lifelong friend that he expressed his
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gratitude, white described her as a great friend. >> vanna is as sweet and unassuming as she seems. we have seen changes in each other's lives over the years and always been there for each other. i will very much miss working with her but i take solace in the fact that we live about 5 miles apart so we will see plenty of each other. >> reporter: ryan seacrest will succeed him and vanna white will stay as a cohost. ryan seacrest is excited to work with her. claudia: i bet. pat sajak became the longest-running host of a game show in 2018. former president donald trump making a splash fund raising in a deep blue state following his conviction in a manhattan court. will it work? that's coming up next. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us!
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles
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and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit eric: migrants are streaming
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across the southern border, president biden's new executive action limiting these requests. matt finn is at the border east of san diego and tijuana. what's going on? >> reporter: we saw a group of 40 or 50 migrants cross right here. as we see so often, border patrol processes them one by one, takes out there shoelaces so they can't run or harm themselves or anyone around them. this group in particular from all over the world, mauritania, india, china, turkey, vietnam. they arrived before sunrise and waited until border patrol processed them. i spoke with border patrol agents, this area has been the hotspot for the past three years because coyotes and scouts and cartels know that there are gaping holes in the border wall so they can easily and freely push migrants into the country right here. you may recall the viral video
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where migrants freely walk around the corner of the border wall. what is interesting to know is we are outside the san diego metropolitan. they got aways we never see, migrants arrive or are released, they get into a major american city. that is different from eagle pass, hotspots, once they cross those areas they figure out the next move in rural spots. we get word not far from where i am standing there's another large group of men, women and children, we will keep you updated throughout the day. eric: thank you. claudia: former president donald trump in deep blue territory as he visits california for campaign fundraising tour. he got up to off to a start with the key endorsements from
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a top silicon valley investor who brought in $12 million at a trump fundraiser in san francisco. john bussey is an associate editor with the wall street journal and joins us to talk about the trends we are seeing, good to see you. we see more polls conducted since he was convicted in new york but the needle hasn't moved very much. look at virginia which biden won handily four years ago. hillary clinton won the state in 2016 and a fox news paul, since the verdict came in, biden and trump in a dead heat, 48% apiece. we have a fox news paul. biden leading trump by double digits in virginia. what does it say when reliably blue virginia that hasn't supported a republican presidential candidate in two decades turns into a swing state.
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>> reporter: you are seeing reaction to the criminal case which a jury found donald trump guilty really slowly get into the electorate. there has been some nominal around the edges movement toward biden since the conviction but not a huge amount. that probably doesn't happen until a couple more months, as swing voters make up their mind. those people in trump's base are not going to care about the conviction. those in biden's camp of made up their mind. it is going to be a while before those swing voters finally come down and we see the numbers reflected in the polls. he went into california, a blue state. he is not scheduled to win california. but there's a lot of money.
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there always has been. he has fund raised in california before. this is more overt. a big event at his home, it is hard not to find a billionaire in california that wants less taxation and less regulation, so you're going to find common ground, trump will find common ground, so too biden. this is a big well of candidates including president biden go to fund raise. biden is ahead of trump right now in fundraising, rather substantially but the gap has been closing the last few weeks. claudia: we've seen him make splashes in deep blue cities before. look at these pictures from his rally in the bronx that drew thousands of people in may, a lot of people turning out there in the bronx and this past
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thursday, a big crowd turned out to support him in san francisco, home to nancy pelosi and kamala harris and attended the fundraiser at the home of david sachs. here's what sachs had to say on foxbusiness yesterday about liberal california may be shifting to trump. >> it wasn't just of the enthusiasm in the room but outside the room. all week san francisco publications have been writing about big protests in san francisco because trump was coming to town. as it turns out, hundreds of people turned out in the streets but they were pro trump demonstrators welcoming his motorcade and the number of anti-trump protesters was just a handful of people. >> reporter: silicon valley has been reliable for democrats for years but trump came away from the single fundraiser with $12 million and a high-profile endorsement from david sachs
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but will that translate into serious inroads in california? >> i don't know. you hear acolytes of one candidate or the other talking about crowds coming out in grand favor of this person with that. you take it with a grain of salt. they are talking up their guy, talking their own book, they have an interest in this candidate winning, possibly because they are not going to tax them as much or regulate their businesses. regardless of whether or not social benefit would be in the direction of higher taxes on billionaires and regulation of their business. you have to take david sachs with a grain of salt as you would any endorser of a political candidate. california is not scheduled to go republican. it is important to note the swing states, you are at the margin of error. it is an incredibly close vote,
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election, right now, if you were to hold it. trump leads in several of these swing states, but by such a narrow margin that the margin of error encompasses it. it is unclear that he has a lead even though, it may be more microscopic than we think. therefore, really important to watch what happens with the independent undecided voters. they are going to carry this election. claudia: a new fox poll done in may in which candidate voters trust more gives trump a big lead 55% to 42%. how does he convince voters that he's the best man to combat inflation and interest rates when prices at the grocery store are still really high for so many americans? >> he has a big burden, no question about it. this inflation we have all experienced in the grocery store happened as a result of the pandemic.
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all the shortages, the factories that close down, lack of supply through the supply-chain. it took a couple of years for some factories to reopen. that resulted in shortages. the economy itself is doing well. he has had month after month after month of job growth. we just had another great job number on friday and you are beginning to see those numbers in the polls where people say i don't know about biden and the economy, that is beginning to improve for biden. more people are coming to the realization that the last 18 months, 6 to 12 must particularly have been a strong economy, huge growth in the job market and importantly, wages have increased in excess of the inflation rate which means people have more buying power. claudia: the white house keeping a close eye on virginia
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and the messaging about the economy. we will see what happens with a debate coming up. thank you for joining us. eric: president biden and first lady jill attending a dinner with emmanuel macron in paris, at the early say powers, the president calling france our first friend. france came to our aid during the revolutionary war. marquis they lafayette was bleeding troops to yorktown. the two leaders having a traditional toast reaffirming longtime friendship and partnership of the two countries. >> president biden: we've always been there for one another. we stand together. we stand together for values that lie at the soul of the nation's. i believe that to be the case.
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liberty, equality, brotherhood. generation after generation, upheld these ideals. we stand as one. countries are stronger, the world is safer. eric: we came to the aid of france, facing the same situation facing vladimir putin and russia in ukraine, france and the us. we will be right back. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover,
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clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders.
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for winning protection— go with simparica trio. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. eric: legislators passed a bill that banned social media platforms using algorithms to recommend content to children. kathy hochul expected to sign the legislation which says addictive algorithm feeds have negative impact on our kids
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mental health. a dozen states have enacted regulations cracking down on kids social media use. 13 states have pending legislation on that. what does it mean? johns hopkins professor of medicine, doctor marty maya millette 11, fox news contributor. how important, what does this mean to the mental health of our young people to have this type of legislation? >> one small step in regular getting algorithms which out the actual apps that a child can have access to but it does create a system to enable parents to turn off suggested videos that automatically pop up in front of somebody under age 13, for the child to be notified of any notification after midnight. that's one small step because many people said it's the algorithms that make them
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addictive, not the actual applications. with this policy we only get suggested videos from people you follow, not at random. eric: what could our kids be seeing? they could be seeing anything. depression, suicide, from young people in this sort of thing. may be things they shouldn't, obviously the same. >> recognizing affair host of diagnoses to that, there has been a suggestion gender dysmorphia has a social contagion component. we have surveys showing that 1/3 of teens are in a constant relationship between anxiety and depression. eric: what would you tell parent to deal with their kids.
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all my friends have it. >> that's not a reason to have these highly addictive apps. parents routinely say i can't not give them a smart phone but yes you can. there's a lot of downstream issues and diagnoses and complications. 5% of kids are not on them at all. a generation of parents saying give you a flip phone or something without the access to these apps. the idea of all things in moderation is the end all rule of health is not scientifically based. you wouldn't say that about cocaine for example and i think it should not have access to a smart phone until they are at a mature age. eric: what age do you think is acceptable? as a parent what do you look out for? >> there are all sorts of levels of maturity in teenage years. at some point in those teenage years with strong restrictions
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for kids not to have access and to have the ability to go back and look at the history and have conversations with kids. they are not getting social skills they need when they are on these things. the devil will be in the details as to whether or not they can enforce them. montana has a ban on tiktok. eric: they go out the door with thereby can't wouldn't see mom and dad until evening. good to see you. thank you for your advice. we will be right back. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at
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claudia: thousands of horse racing fans are in saratoga springs for the belmont stakes. belmont park in queens is undergoing renovations. foxbusiness's kelly sadberry is there to and i love your hat. >> reporter: this is known as the test of a champion because of its length, it's the largest course in the country and has a unique track on long island but now that we are in saratoga, it's shorter the same length and as you mentioned, this is a different place but still a
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historic racing town. this racehorse was created in 1863 making it the oldest sporting venue in the country. this year's stakes has winners from the other leg of the crown competing. mystic dan and sees the gray our competition today. the first time since 2013 the two triple crown lay winners will face-off in the belmont tonight. you can watch on fox sports as part of the supersaturday slate which . i spoke to the kentucky derby winning trainer, and belmont stakes winner about what it takes to win. >> our job is to be an observer, horses have their own language. our job is to slow down and make sure we are hitting what they are telling us. >> reporter: post time is at 6:40.
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claudia: the ponies and the parties in saratoga, a fun day. eric: it is a great town with restaurants by the racetrack. quite a beginning kicking off for the summer in style. claudia: we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern with the journal editorial report coming up next. it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards i'm admiral tom lynch chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve
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12:00 pm


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