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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 9, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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rachel: "fox & friends" weekend starting with former president trump earning green in the bolden state with a string of sold out fundraisers and rumored vp contender governor doug burgum will join us coming up. pete: trump sounds alarm over nuclear war, biden says the only existential threat to humanity is the weather. >> existential threat of climate change growing greater. will: existential threat of climate change. texas coming for wall street. how the new york stock exchange could challenge -- the new stock exchange could challenge new york's status. mamaria bartiromo reacts ahead f
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the final hour starting now. will: good morning to the final hour of "fox & friends" from our new studio in new york city. rachel: it's a temporary studio. we're coming back. pete: a few months in here. it's getting cozy. got the furniture situated and the creeks out. obviously chicago. shout-out to chicago. rachel: thing you you can get your father is the war on warriors. that's a great book. pete: oh, yeah, thank you,
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rachel. rachel: did you like your father's day gift you god outside? will: i got a cooler with my name on it. pete: did you get sean a father's day gift yet? rachel: i have but i can't tell you because he watches. pete: is it a beekeeper suit in rachel: no, i married a lumberjack but ended up with a farmer. it's fascinating. will: beekeeper. pete: there's a new movie called bee keeper and beekeeper is like the biggest astructure andstrucd supporten in -- assassin in the government. rachel: he's a killer? pete: yeah, a killer. will: the movie playing. rachel: should i sleep with one eye open? pete: maybe. will: meanwhile donald trump is rallying voters today in las vegas. this is the trump campaign going to accelerate the vetting of potential running mates for vice
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president and those names are being discussed to include senator marco rubio of florida. senator jd advance of ohio. pete: this feels like a list and in the media and pushing open and not getting a trump campaign and going for the working list and maybe someone can come off and added and it's kind of down to who is seriously being considered and we had one of those men on, and women, on earlier and senator tim scott and asked him about being potential vp candidate.
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>> we need to have people ready to take this to the mat. president trump doesn't need any help. president trump doesn't need help but just help restoring his voice and it's not a vp contender and not who the vp is going to be. it's what we do to make sure that president trump gets four more years. rachel: that's a fascinating list and everybody on there has some positive attribute and very different things they add to the list and really great talking with tim scott. will: he said one they get along and two, they help you get
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elected. that's the historical requirement of a vice presidential candidate even though in president trump acknowledged this, they rarely do. they rarely actually deliver electoral votes, a vis presidential candidate. but number one you have to say it's true is you have to be able to picture them as president of the united states. that's obviously true with kamala harris and joe biden. when the list came out this week i applied them on the will cain show and the most differentiating factor is envisioning them as president of the united states? have they done something? been an executive or leader? i think our guest at 9:30 a.m. eastern time and satisfies that standard lead ago state and company and having governor doug burgum, one of the members of that vice presidential list. pete: a number have run for president and they self-identify as someone that would be capable of being president.
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i just real quick on the couch, of that list, who do you think is most likely? i'll give you mine. i feel like for some reason jd advance is high on the list. rachel: some of donald trump's family members like jd vance and thinking about marco rubio before and now he's on the list. i think he meets a lot of those criterias and he could help with hispanic vote and also just this week and coming up next week on the kitchen table on my podcast, we've been talking about the threats to latin america. i talk to week to eric prince who said he thought the threat in latin america is the most existential threat and iran, china, and hezbollah operating in latin america and it's a real strength for marco rubio dealing with that and he's very hawkish and will: i think you keep your
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eye on burgum. pete: asking tim scott if he submitted paperwork yet and rachel: he likes tim scott a lot. pete: no doubt. will: joe biden recently said that climate change is the only existential threat to humanity. this includes threats like nuclear war. watch. >> food security and counter terrorism. and existential threat of climate change, which is just growing greater >> it's the only
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existential threat to humanity including nuclear weapons and we do nothing and not climate change. pete: you ever to de-load the commander in chief and what's very clear, will: it's not an existential threat and joe biden does believe it is the most important existential threat and you are of course correct, it is not. but when that is your guiding light or your guiding principle, it infects everything else you're focusing on. rachel: does joe biden believe that or do his donors and young voters that he's trying to win over.
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will: any climate scientist and the fervent believer and going to be an existential threat to humanity and going to argue oh, you're going to lose coastline or use these are arguments to be had and it's not a threat to man. pete: the radicals believe that, only the most radical. rachel: a threat to humanity or environment i should say and nuclear war, which i think we are inviting by allowing ukraine to launch weapons into the territory in russia. pete: it's so dumb, it changes
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every thing we have and facing down real enemies and real hemispheres and joe said we have to fight the weather while china is building one coal fired power plant every week. every week. we're not even -- we're not exploiting nuclear power, which is somebody we should do and green if you care about all that. john kerry is driving the train. crazy. rachel: we had michael waltz on and what he had to say about joe biden saying it's the greatest threat we face. >> this is why it's the common sense election and take a step back and the nuclear threat and putin and his nuclear saber it's led by ayatollah and biden administration doing nothing about north korea has he builds multiple nukes and tests icbms and we can keep going and people
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don't fully realize that a regional nuclear exchange could literally devastate the world. pete: going to the pentagon and rolling out electric tanks and every single aspect and who suffers, we dorks the little guys. rachel: if they believed it was an existential threat, our first lady wouldn't have flown home for a 54-year-old man for a criminal trial and flew back for one day and now going to fly
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back to go to the party because she just loved being the first lady. will: they'd stop oil production tomorrow and no more discussion of cost benefit analysis and going to end demand. rachel: tens of thousands of anti-israel protesters gathering outside of the white house and the biden administration response of israel and hamas war going as far as defacing a statue of andrew jackson with red paint. going with a live report from tel aviv. right now, polls are open and 20 european countries as voters decide the eu's next parliament.
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the farmers going for part ecologist and part nature conservationist. it's expected as soon as tomorrow. small farmers are the best conservationist i know. to the belmont stakes being ran in saratoga, new york, for the first time and the traditional track undergoes renovations. 17-1 underdog doornick pulling off the upset. it'll be dorman nick and winning the belmont st stakes in sarato. rachel: this is the sixth year in a row where a different horse won each of the three triple
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crown races. and those are your headlines. pete: there you go. well, there's a video that went viral. what was it, a couple of weeks ago, on tiktok and a young ray i did and mom of two took to her i tone as people do and took to tiktok and explain why she does not replace her shopping cart. rachel: return it. pete: return it in the parking lot of the grocery store. she throw a gauntlet down and this was her, you know, her reasoning. we have an update on it. what she did originally. >> i'm not getting my groceries into my car, getting my children into my car and leaving them in the car to go return the cart. there are reports from the bureau of justice saying 10% of crimes occur in parking lots. if you get to a parking lot, look at lighting and look at security guards, look at how the parking lot is laid out. if it feels safe, go return your cart. if it doesn't feel safe, trust
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your gut and intuition and keep you and your family safe and not worth the judgment you'll get. will: sensorineural sheas she's not going to return the cart that . sparks on library debate. a lot of people don't return the cart not because they have a rational like that. pete: they're just lazy. rachel: she's not just a mom but a clinical and forensic psychologist and she's like, listen, i know there's creeps out there and they're watching you and if there's somebody there, they're watching you as you're going to the car and know you're vulnerable because you're dealing with groceries and kids and you're managing a lot of stuff.
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rachel: you've been watched for a significant amount of time and choosing social niceties for your children, i want to say you don't have to do that. pete: she li lives in los angits reasonable to say i'm going to say with the kids in the car and leave it here. rachel: i might have the groceries delivered to my house because it's so dangerous in los angeles but it's a fair point and it's interesting that a lot of people weighed in and went so viral. pete: yeah. another big story this morning as well. this, four israeli hostages finally reunited with their families. counter terrorism expert aaron cohen on the intel that led to that daring rescue and he's coming up next.
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pete: four israeli hostages reunited with their families on saturday after idf rescued them from hamas captivity and civilian area in gaza and going
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to help rescue them from the mission and trey yingst going with them and hey, trey. reporter: reports indicate special forces storm two buildings and left a refugee cam and there they were engaged in fire fighters >> under fire inside the buildings and under fire and on the way out and
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under fire in gaza. reporter: one fighter was killed in the attacks to bring the hostages home at a tel aviv hospital and they were reunited with loved ones and received a visit from the country's prime minister and palestinians combed through the aftermath of the raid and the hamas-run palestinian health ministry said 200 people kill killed and majoy were civilians and reported by the new york times that says "a team of american hostage recovery officials stationed in israel assisted israeli military effort providing intelligence and other logistical support". yesterday we heard from president biden discussing this hostage record. >> won't stop till all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached and that's essential.
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pete. pete: thank you, trey. we have aaron co-hep on the program with us. do we have aaron cohen? there we go. aaron, hey, thanks for being here. what do you make? you've seen the detail and what's publicly reported but it's very difficult to put a mission lick this together. what's your reaction? >> it's good to see you, congratulations on the book. two parts i want to impact and first thing is intelligence, which is what hostage rescue or tier 1 assets need. we have an expression hebrew, pete. [speaking non-english language].
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it means intelligence is born on the battlefield. israel's monster 8 month campaign and pressure cooker campaign on hamas is what garnered actual intelligence and boots on the ground brings hostages home. israel continuing with those operations and got the intelligence needed in association or partnership with u.s. tier 1 assets from deb grew and delta force and other intelligence about apparatuses and over the last several weeks and going with the hostages withing kept in the refugee camp, number one.
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when, how, and how many hostages and where they're located and it's precise and number one and it's goes to be better, smarter, and more effective way to see the close quarters and operators going to get cover with compulsive sighting and point shooting and they developed what was called limited penetration and room clearing and they can get 90% of the structures, pete, from outside the threshold without moving in and that allows them to be able to do what no other speck ops unit in the world do, which is be able to make entry from 360 degrees, crossing and muzzling and flagging other operate torrs so that they can overwhelm the
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terrorists and standing and fighting and moving with extreme violence of action and that's what israel is trained to do, thousands and thousands of hours and hit during the day and going on the ground and getting that roll in intelligence and noah is home because israel put military pressure on hamas.
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>> the vehicle that caused and had to call in conventional forces and there was a big fire fight to get him out. pete: so in this moment, it was a success and obviously there was one commander lost and can you tell us anything about how that happened? >> yeah, a stampede from my fors directly involved with the mission and going for them using in israel and hostage rescue counter terrorism unit killed and he's a hero in israel and gave his life and fiorina walleye and three other -- free noah and three other israeli hostages and the guy was an absolute stud creating die
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version and getting back to the chopper and very complex and, pete, we'll see more of these and israel needs to stay on the ground and we'll get -- these hostages weren't freed but rescued and hamas going to give them back and we per if he can it had. stand by, you'll see more magic. pete: aaron cohen, thank you for giving us a lot of color on -- when you factor in the weeks and intel and the work and the danger and the skill, it's phenomenal. aaron cohen, thank you.
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>> appreciate you, pete. pete: you got it. trump set to rally voters in las vegas and latest fox poll has him leading in the battleground state and vp contender and doug burgum is here, next. z shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation, and last for weeks. shingles could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. don't wait. ask your doctor about shingles.
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rachel: trump surrogate and former presidential candidate governor doug burgum and he joins us now. >> great to be with you this morning. i wish america could see president trump on the stump like i've seen him in the last 72 hours.
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first of all, i and he wanted my career in the hard working tech ceos and it's impossible to imagine joe biden doing one of these events much less back-to-back to back for 72 hours right around between arizona and nevada. northern california, southern california it's really incredit card and will i think that when people see him, they see the depth of the country and am the issues that matter and record fundraising happening and record turnout and people lining the streets because wars abroad and
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wish america could see president trump when he's engaging directly with citizens and it's amazing thing to watch and it's really a piece of history. pete: governor, we've seen the reports and you're on the list and talked to another person senator tim scott on the list and that's out there. can you confirm for us, have you one sited paperwork formally to president trump's team for vetting? >> i would defer any questions back to the trump-appointed campaign team and he needs to win and you talk about him leading in nevada and he's got a chance to win minnesota and if trump was here with a chance to win states like minnesota and haven't won by republicans for decades and decades.
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will: we talked about this and being the second most powerful thing on the decision for president trump. two separate articles on you in the new york times and headline from one, trump's energy guy talking to green game and wild card focused on the first one and green and talk a green game and like climate change and green energy.
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this comes down on energy and innovation and not regulation and that's going to solve any problem that's innovation and that's energy in what we need and that's the reason for this reporting out and silicon valley and going for them with the new things that are coming and we need for us to maintain american dominance in our economy around the world. can't say i'm moving proudly supports this house to that house and getting my electricity bill to go down this. affects every american and my time joe
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biden restricts the u.s. energy and we shove that demand overseas to places like iran, russia, venezuela, any place like that and it's worse for the global environment and it's like a triple bad policy for joe biden is bad for the environment and bad for world peace and bad for americans and nothing has changed in my position on that and that in north dakota we call it innovation and not regulation. rachel: governor, one thing i'm sure donald trump likes about you is you're a businessman and think probably very much the same. really quick answer from you on this. on x, a world economic forum guy and the opportunity to respond to that. >> i've never been to the world
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economic forum and don't know what they mean by that but what i think about the economy, i think about having in america and the ability to do things like sell energy to our friends and allies and stop buying from the adversaries and i think about technology where i spent 30 years and i know that's going to be part of national security and if you have national security, you'll have food security and going to play it so right and he knew how to negotiate with all the world leaders over and over >> going
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for the level playing field and going to fight for that and that's good for every american. pete: thank you for being with us. rachel: thank you, governor. >> thank you. rachel: texas coming for wall street and how the new stock exchange could challenge the status for new financial capitol. maria bartiromo joining us live on that next. ♪ i don't care if we ever come back ♪ ♪ that i always remember the fun we had ♪ ♪ i love fishing with dad ♪ now through june 14th save 10% on dad's favorite gift, special father's day gift cards, bass pro shops and cabela's.
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends". watching two big stories that are going to be hitting florida this week. first one is big time heat. take a look at weather maps showing you what i'm talking about and already warm down across florida but it's the water temperature that is part of the problem. these are departures from average and much of the water in the gulf of mexico around 4-5 degrees warmer than it should be for this time of year. actual water temperatures in some cases are upper 80s and because of that, we've got a lot of tropical moisture moving in towards the florida area so today, we're going to break some records for temperatures and again tomorrow and then by the time we get towards tuesday, big plume of moisture coming in and some spots over 10 inches of rain this coming week. rachel, back to you inside. rachel: all right, thank you, rick. lone star state coming for wall street and new stock exchange could challenge new york status as america's financial capital. sunday morning future anchor maria bartiromo joining us on that now. maria, always great to have you
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on the show. we've been talking about -- we talked about it yesterday and talked about it again today and i think will cain is definitely for this. what do you think, could this happen and could this be a real challenge to new york and they're status as global leader in finance? >> good morning, rachel, and good morning to the team. look, i think this is more of the same in terms of businesses looking to cut costs and businesses looking for a business favorable environment and texas has been that now for so long. the new york stock exchange has changed so much over the last 20 years as you know. i was the first person to broadcast from the floor of the new york stock exchange in 1995. when i did that, there were 5,000 people on the floor of the new york stock exchange disbursed throughout five rooms. today there are fewer than 500 people on the floor of the new york stock exchange and whittled down to one or two rooms right now and it's like a tv studio and a lot of the businesses actually coming through electronically anyway. you don't really need the floor
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brokerage the way you once did. you can have real competitive environments elsewhere because you don't need that floor trading dynamic that the new york stock exchange offered for so long and really was the place that people wanted to go and ring the opening bell and ring the closing bell and have all of the pomp and circumstance that goes along with going public, that prestige of going public and today, it's largely electronic and that for the business coming from and now the fact that blackrock and citadel have partnered here and that gives the texas stock exchange up the liquidity they need and it's the most liquid and deepest capital market in the world and everybody wants to change with it and texas could give new york a real run for its money as businesses do not want to have to deal with additional fees. fees on just about everything, even encouragement and suggestions that you have to
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have your certain -- your board look a certain way to actually list on the floor of the new york stock exchange. companies don't want the exchanges to tell them who's going to be on their board. there's a lot of rules and fees that go along with going public on new york and nasdaq that very well could open this path up as businesses look all throughout america for, you know, for business favorable climates. rachel: right. i'd rather live in texas. that's just me. so tell us who you got on the show today? >> i'm going to talk to greg abbott about the new york stock exchange and the governor of texas coming on with me live and getting his take going for the executive order and wide open border. we've seen a real shift of people going into texas versus now they're going into arizona and going into san diego and san diego is such an incredible hot spot particularly for the chinese nationals and they'll talk about that where we're also talking about senator jd vance as you've been reporting this morning. she's on the short list for
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president trump and we're going to -- for his vp candidate and then we'll talk about that as well as prospects for joe biden. the house oversight committee last week sent criminal referrals to the department of justice for hunter biden and james biden. we'll talk about this impeachment inquiry and we're asking the question, rachel, will joe biden make it? will he actually be there at the debate? will he be there for the election on november 5 or will the democrats swap him out or will he actually decide to withdraw? this is a question that is rising across business and across washington right now. there are many people who believe joe biden is not going to make it and he's actually going to withdraw, and it's going to be either kamala harris or somebody else. we're asking the question this morning given all the recent media stories and the journal out with another story this weekend on who's the ben and have next in line after president kamala harris after that scathing piece where they have people behind closed doors
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biden shows signs of slipping. we're talking about it this morning. see you in ten minutes, are, a, rach. rachel: great questions and show where you became the icon you are on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> thank you so much. see you later. rachel: all right. national little league week and what better way to celebrate than with a game on fox square, the importance of this time honored tradition. that's next. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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will: take a look at this larger than life traveling trading card a. baseball lend jackie robinson being unveiled by tops to promote the negro leagues and the upcoming field game airing june 20th on fox. pete: that's right. alex ruiz and co-op city little league here with how baseball brings communities together and celebrate national little league week. thanks for being here with us. >> thank you. pete: tell us what you do with co-op city little league? >> i'm the president of the league and been the league president for two years and we bring the kids out from different backgrounds, different economic backgrounds and we expose them to different things and have practice three time as week, take them to yankee games, we focus on their academics
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also. we stress that hugely. rachel: they're having fun. >> oh my god, this is all the time. all the time. pete: nonstop. >> nonstop, man. we have fields in the bronx, we have two fields and the kids are there three time as week and play on the weekends. we go 9:00 in the morning is the first game and we're off the field by 5:00. rachel: keeps them busy and out of trouble and focusing on school. >> yes, absolutely. they're always there and pans are huge in the neighborhood and volunteers and work out with the kids extra and that's a big part of it. parents taking an interest in what their kids are taking interest in. pete: most of the kids from bronx or all over the city? >> all over the city, i open it up to kids all over. pete: how many teems do you have? yellow, maroon? >> we have eight teams. these are the selected few that were able to come down today and early pick up. pete: we appreciate you being
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here. halleluiah ex-ruiz, where can folks go? >> yes, pete: why do you love payable? >> because it's fun and the best thing about baseball is that you get to play and every time we play, coaches help us. pete: here we government my man. will: nice. pete: sign them up. rachel: hey, bear.
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♪ will: thanks to co-op city little league coming out today, coach ruiz has something for you. check this out. >> we got a special edition baseball card -- will: the jackie robinson nero ue -- negro league cards. pretty cool. pete: go to church. have a great sunday, everybody. ♪
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maria: good sunday morning


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