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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  June 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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set yourtu dvr every saturday night over defaults on socialme media for more on me coming to a city near you on everybody called down to her. tickets across america. good night from new york city. i am jimmy failla see it next saturday remember you can be aeh republican, you can be a democrat just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i ruined the song ♪ ♪ >> if we win, if we win nevada
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we win the whole thing. we win the whole thing. we want trump. we want to romp. we want to trump. ♪. anita: donald trump on attack and nevada bless the pulses of it like late november opponent, joe biden, during a rally in las vegas. cap the weekend of campaigning inc. california and nevada the trump campaign rigged in about $33 million. the latest fox poll shows a former president leading and nevada by five points for years after he lost that key swing state to president biden. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ alicia acuna is in las vegas wwwith more on the former presidents rally. works the former president made news here in las vegas this
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afternoon. for one thing he said in one thing he did not say first, this announcement. lexis is the first said this hotel workers and people they get tips you are going to be very happy. because when i get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. [cheering] we are going through that right away but first thing an office because it has been a point intention for years and years and years and you do a great job of service. >> not long ago in the culinary union represents 60000 hospitality workers here in nevada issued a statement on x relief is a need for tip earners but nevada earners are smart enough to know the difference tween or real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. as for what trump did not do during today's rally make official endorsement gop senate
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primary which is on tuesday in the crowded field retired army captain sam brown u.s. ambassador to iceland are just too hoping to receive that support from the former president. the winner on tuesday take on incumbent democratic senator jacky rosen trump hopes to become the first republican to win nevada since president george w. bush in 2004. here's where things stand in about it right now according to foxnews pulling in a head to head master trump is meeting president biden by five points that is within the margin of error. with the job approval only 42% of registered voters approve of the work he is doing versus 58% who disapprove of one of the reasons nevadans financial situation 49% said they are falling behind. 37% there holding steady 13% say they are getting ahead. fox news asked the nevada democratic party share about the fox news a polling sheet set sheet uses it to motivate turn
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out. jon: alright alicia acuna and las vegas the former president held that rally. thank you. president biden closing out his trip to france with a visit to an american military cemetery he paid his respects to the u.s. marines who died in world war i. before lynford deller spoke to reporters about the war in ukraine. peter doocy was traveling with the president he is alive with more. >> good evening. maybe jet lag, maybe not. president biden was leaving this trip that included a meeting with the president of ukraine about 225 million new u.s. dollars for ukraine. he got ukraine mixed up with iraq. >> i think there is a new horizon a sense of some within the country wanting to let that slip. the idea it would become semi- isolationist now at which somee talking about, the idea we had
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all of those months is to get the money for iraq because we were waiting. it is not who we are. it is not who america is. >> adding to the weight of that mistake the president's national security advisor is defending the new u.s. policy of letting ukrainians use u.s. weapons to shoot at russia inside russia. >> the president's perspective this was common sense. it simply did not make sense not to allow the ukraine is to fire across that border, to hit russian guns and emplacements that were firing at the ukrainians and pickwick to cemetery president biden visited today is the one trump skipped as president of the atlantic magazine at the time claimed he called the war dead from their suckers and losers without a sump something trump tonight the story biden tells all the time except today.
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>> you've criticized presidentyt trump for not coming on his t trip. what message are hoping to send to voters by being here right now? >> any other questions? >> present brightness be back here in western europe for the g7, in the middle of this coming week it is unclear why he left to france today to head back to delaware, jon. jon: find out for us and get back to us on that question. peter doocy, thank you. president biden bowed literally to executive action last week to try to limit illegal migrants crossing the border. however thousands of them continue to pour across the border unchecked every day. many of them and one major hotspot. live team covers oklahoma's sender markwayne mullin will tells every state is a border state in his opinion. alexis is here to tells how they're battling back into wave of migrant cramped first let's go to matt finn was at the
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hotspot i mentioned in california east of san diego. >> you can see behind me alive right now migrants who illegally crossed. we talked to them a short while ago the coming from countries like turkey and china heard a few days ago president biden addressed the nation insisting his new executive order will and illegal migrants being released into the country and those who try it will be punished. however new border patrol memo obtained by fox news contradicts what the president promised this week. that memo instructs border patrol agents to continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries and the eastern hemisphere for the six countries are russia, georgia, moldova. all the migrants we are seeing in a real-time coming from countries like china and egypt, places in africa, they are being released. the internal memo it reads in
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part quote border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from heart are very hard to remove countries of the six including moldova. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their own recognizance we've been talking with migrants arriving from all over the world here this weekend just outside of the san diego metropolitan. i spoke to a migrant from turkey and here's what he had to say. >> what you think a present biden? >> biden, i love biden. [laughter] why do you love biden? >> because biden we love. >> why do you love him? >> biden helps us. >> he helped to get to the united states? and jon cote border patrol agents are on the ground tell us time and time again they are simply overwhelmed to what you saw individual or small groups
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of border patrol agents have to respond to these large groups they are basically rendered it useless to go and chase and drug smugglers. to chase the cutaways the people running away from authorities. they said this is not what they signed up for. jon: you can imagine the frustration among those officers matt finn at the border in california thank you. as a crisis at the southern border continues the new york police department is cracking down on crime linked to the migrant surge in the nation's most popular city. the department working to confiscate thousands of illegal scooters and mopeds it calls tools of the trade for it migrant criminals. just days ago to office was shot by a migrant on a stolen moped in queens. alexis mcadams took an exclusive right along with nypd and that she has this for us. >> about it was a pretty wild night on the streets of new york.
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they see every single night we saw firsthand how dangerous it can be for those officers out in new york the scooters they're going after are connected to a huge spike in crime as repeat offenders are also out on the streets cameras are rolling got rid of guns, drugs a guy they caught who has been arrested, listen to this 50 times. >> is going be one of those nights. >> fox news hit the streets with the nypd. >> one moped on northern boulevard. what was this called? what's going on? >> they have a guy driving a stolen moped. that is how it starts, stolen moped and commit a crime on a stolen moped. departments highly skilled response team in queens patrolling a neighborhood they say is a hotspot. finding guns, drugs, and this guy who they say is a repeat offender. >> 49 arrest is not shocking to at this point? >> no, no, no that's a second time in two weeks arrested by the same officer.
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we had lots of hot spots across the city we have seen more than 50 unregistered mopeds that have taken off the street. >> we are seeing a huge uptick in people committing crimes on scooters. >> according to the nypd armed migrant moped crews have been tied to dozens of violent street robberies. police had these stolen mopeds or what example of crime connected to the ongoing migrant surge for this nypd said they arrested two armed venezuelan at migrants on mopeds. charge of them and connect with more than 100 robberies. what is 2000 migrants to come to the city give or take a small portion do not come here for the american dream. they came here to pray on new yorkers. >> us officers continued to recover shot by the venezuelan migrants getting a closer look at how big of an issue these scooters and mopeds are across new yorker just last year the department confiscated more than 18000 of the illegal and
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unregistered scooters for their already record-setting pace this year for this comes as migrant surge in new york continues. >> what happens to those scooters they seize question. >> the impound them without the other day they crushed a bunch out in staten island that's a way to get rid of that they have thousands they went to send a message to people across new york they're not going to tolerate it. >> rolled the steamroller over them. alexis mcadams in new york city. >> crooked joe has imported more illegal aliens into the country that at any other time in history of our country times, may be 50. there has never been anything like this happening to our country. they are changing the fabric of our country. they are destroying our country. they are doing things that are unthinkable. there are so many bad things but this open border situation where you are allowing millions and millions of people deflate our country. we cannot handle it. no country could handle it. it's not sustainable.
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jon: former president trump ripping biden's policy in las vegas earlier today. more on the ongoing crisis under southern border it let's bring an republican senator markwayne mullin serves on the senate armed services committee into the conversation. senator, you sell the president made that executive order this week to reportedly tighten up the border. how effective has that been? >> we've seen no results from it. this is the same present plus three and half years has been saying there is no crisis. recently started saying there was a crisis but there is nothing he could do. three years and seven months into his presidency down 28 points of president trump on the border. all the sudden he decides to take executive order by the same executive order overturned in his first 100 days in office 94 executive actions to open our southern border.
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on just to let the listers know why every state is a border state there is been over 8 million immigrants released in the country. they've been paroled into the country .1.8 million known got a ways. the border patrol saw them and could not get to them. to put that into perspective that is more than the population of oklahoma, south dakota, north dakota, montana, wyoming and alaska combined. where do you think all these immigrants went? that's forcing a spike in all the major cities with organized crimes right now. that is why we are all a border state. jon: according to the bureau of labor statistics 637 non- american citizens are working in this country at 300,000 americans, american born workers lost their jobs. or than twice as many born born workers are employed while americans are losing their job. >> keep in mind the foreign born
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workers are ones that are actually legally working here. they can apply to work inside the united states when they work on their pro hearing which is nine years away usually put that does not include the underground working that is happened for any construction site inside the united states right now you are going to find illegal workers you cannot pull up to her house being built inside the united states if it is in the framing or roofing or a masonry stage you're not going to find illegal workers working for cash at those jobsites. and it listen, with got to have construction done but we should not be allowed in illegal activity to happen pretty start allowing a little illegal activity you are inviting bigger illegal activity. i've said this multiple times a thief is not always said go rob a bank. the thief starts off slow because of opportunity and opportunity the door is unlocked to a car or house. start small and ends up big.
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you love the individuals to start breaking the wall small one being the big things which is taking place in washington d.c., new york, chicago and l.a. jon: the president blames republicans particularly in the senate for torpedoing the bill senate majority leader chuck schumer put on the floor, your response? >> of course he would. it is politics to him. keep in mind before he got an officer with the most safest borders we've ever had under president trump. it is because of his executive orders he put in place but it's a stated a while ago and his first 100 days he overturned 94 that trump had put in place to secure that border pretty good simply put all 94, not just a one and now he is 93, not just one he could put all this back in place and he could secure the border. but it will take time. the message has to get out there. when did the executive orders is
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what the head of the houses are with the rest of the house is not following. so the president of united states but the executive order in the border patrol goes out in say doing what he's doing anyway. they have to be running side to side otherwise is just lip service. all we get out of this demonstration is lip service iss become a national security. wobut not talked about the fact you have three to 67 known apprehended terrorists they were crossing the border but what about the ones that did not get caught? because of joe biden's failure at the border has to be worried about terrorists sales in her own backyard. jon: we can talk about foreign policy. donald trump is talking about it today during his appearance in las vegas. here's a couple of things he had to say. >> we had the greatest economy in history.
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we did in taxes knowing that even ronald reagan gave a big tax cut we had the biggest tax cut in history. the biggest regulatory cup. if joe biden truly wanted to sign executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single order policy of a gentleman named donald j trump i got along well with putin it must've been hard for him. he actually said if you are nice to me i would hate to see if you weren't lysed to me. remember he would have never and he didn't, he never would've got into ukraine. israel would never have been attacked. jon: a couple foreign policy points from the former president made the last point in particular, do you think israel and ukraine would not have been attacked had trump remained? >> i do believe that one 100% giving peace through strength is people are afraid you were going to do what you say you're going
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to do. president trump always said that. when trump first got into office russia controlled the syrian airspace. what asked russia permission or tell them where they are flying to vegas chemicals allowed syria to use chemicals against their own people. what trump did in 30 minutes after it happened as hate, we know where he took off from but we are coming going to bomb and were taken of your airspace. he literally wiped out all of the equipment that was there and control the airspace over syria the rest the time trump was in office. the second th thing that took pe in afghanistan when a captain of a 19th group it killed under president trump's watch it when he first come into office would trump do question ricky dropped the mother of all bombs in oklahoma state largest bomb dropped since world war ii. he got everybody's attention and everybody articles a whoa, hold
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on the second part you saw stability across the world. with a strong leader and the white house. president trump is absolutely correct. there is no way hamas would be attacking or threatening the united states or iraq if it president trump was there. because they know him back up the words that he said. jon: senator markwayne mullin thank you. >> thank you sir. ♪. jon: a key member of israel's work kevin announced his resignation earlier today. is a leading opponent of prime minister benjamin netanyahu was supposed to quit the government yesterday but he held off on making the announcement after israel rescued the four hostages from hamas and gaza. trey yingst has the story for us. >> good evening pretty significant out of israel they resign from the government. that move is a major quote to
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prime minister netanyahu can stay in power it will be more reliant on far right ministers in his coalition. the development comes as we do have good news to report for former israeli hostages are home. they were rescued yesterday morning in a complex multipart operation in central gaza. reports indicate special forces storm two buildings in the refugee camp. they were engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen but ultimately completed the mission. >> this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence, conducted in daylight. in two separate buildings deep inside gaza. while under fire inside the buildings on the way out from gaza or forces rescued our hostages. what is really officers killed in the fight against hamas during the rescue mission that brought the hostages home.
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at a tel aviv hospital the israeli civilians reunited with loved ones and even received a visit from the countries of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. palestinians come to the aftermath of the raid. the healthy health ministry said more than 200 people were killed. the majority were civilians the operation took place. what other inching part of the story american involvement the "new york times" a team of american hostage recovery official station israel assisted the effort to rescue the four captives by providing intelligence and other logistical support. the story illustrates how complex the work can be for the palestinian people, death and destruction for the israelis, i hope. >> trey yingst from tel aviv, israel thank you. coming up on the fox report we likely will know by tomorrow whether hunter biden will take the stand in his own defense in his telework federal gun charges trial. what help or hurt?
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fox news contributor joe concha tells us where he thanks this is all heading, next. [kettle hisses] ♪ oh my god. [phone rings] at the tone, please record your message. [clock ticks] ♪ ♪
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jon: the white house has more than the hunter biden trial
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worry about right now. the wall street journal dropped the bombshell last week reporting and democrats, as well as a republican say behind closed doors president biden is showing signs of quote slipping. let's bring in an joe concha fox news contributor. not a good week for the president. his son is on trial on federal gun charges for the prosecution has arrested it. were it that whether hunter biden is going to take the stand. if he were to get out there on the witness stand and try to tell his story, joe, what kind of witness would he be in his own defense? >> welcome is already been accused of a perjury by gop members in congress for the going to be investigating that this week. given his history in terms of his behavior, given his history in terms of testifying, that probably would not go well at all you have to imagine he will not be taken the stand in his defense at this point too. steve at ban is being sent to prison and peter being sent to
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prison to a major trump allies if you lie to congress that's a very serious violation should be treated accordingly for the democrats own rules as far as to prosecuting those who commit perjury in these situations. joe biden every and the pertains of donald trump has said no one is above the law. that should pertain to hunter biden but in the end this is heading toward what i think the biting camp when hope is a quick a plea deal that gets this a trial out of the news cycle as quickly as possible but there will be at damage regardless of whether that happens or not because president biden cannot portray himself anymore and his family for that matter as being on some higher moral pedestal that was something he ran on in 2020 as being a decent man with a decent family who and restore normalcy to the country. obviously from what we are seeing this is not the perception of joe biden june of 2020 for what it was in june of 2020 when he went on to in the. jon: he is the oldest man ever
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to hold the presidency, 81 years old. that article in the old street journal details even h now some democrats say in meetings he tends to wander and mumble they feel the president's mind is slipping. x that was meticulous reporting on display by the journal. nothing new there obviously would comes the publication. forty-five different sources were used here including many democratic lawmakers telling us, quite frankly what most of us already know and have known for some time since joe biden took office the regression and the client in terms of the mental acuity or lack thereof in this case as it pertains to this commander-in-chief is absolutely impossible to ignore. go read the transcript of robert her special counsel the president could not remember when he was vice president could not recall his own son died. go read mr. biden's recent interview with "time" magazine when he set russia invaded
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russia on two occasions in the same interview he blamed prices increasing by 20% under his watch on shrinkflation watch the video of the present at a ceremony in normandie this week he was squatting in the middle of a ceremony right there on stage you have zero idea exactly what is happening or why he is doing it. the behavior we are seeing from this present especially over the last few months should be disturbing to anyone regardless of political ideology. the question that should be asked is do you honestly believe this man who occupies the oval office should be president over the next four and a half years given the way he is presenting himself now question again with eyesight and hearing once that he should not even be working the exact change lanes at a toll tollbooth at this point and privately when the cameras are off one has to think only the behavior we are seeing publicly is only worse. jon: joe concha fox news contributor, thank you. >> great to see you take care.
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jon: up next morn to a healthy lifestyle and avoiding cancer and then fresh fruits and vegetables. doctor janette reveals her tease to a good health. you will want to hear them, she is next. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today.
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the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. now, with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable.
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i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ jon: britons and princess kate is breaking her silence and apologizing for missing the annual trooping the color rehearsal she battles the cancer she announced back in march. kate also happens to be on a rate kernel of the irish guards. she sent to the strips a letter with her best wishes read stephanie bennett has more. hugs jon, the princess of wales has apologized to the irish guards for her absence at yesterday's kernel review which is held seven days before the trooping of the color. she did say she is looking forward to getting back to work
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very soon. princess kate took over from her husband pr prints it will aim as colonel of that regiment last year. and it letter to the irish guards posted on actually said in part been colonel remains an honor please pass on my apologies to the whole regiment. i do hope i'm able to represent you all once again very soon. the irish guards set on x they were deeply touched by the letter and continue to wish her wellin her recovery. kensington palace said last week the princess is not expected to return to work until it is cleared by her medical team. prince william said last month kate is doing well buckingham palace has confirmed despite his own cancer treatment, king charles iii is expected to take part and trooping of the color ceramide which marks the sovereign's birthdate for more than 260 years. over 1400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians will come together in a great display of the military precision and fan favorite la lester the king inspected the troops on
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horseback this time he will remain seated in a carriage alongside his wife queen camilla the type and stage of cancer's s about the king and princess have still not been made public. jon: stephanie bennett in the london, thank you with the princess a battles like cancer a new study from the american cancer society suggests cancer patients are overweight are at an increased risk of developing a second cancer. so, what can you do to lower that risk customer fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat has some solutions and suggestions for us. first of all cancer it like a breast cancer, colon cancer those in particular are linked to obesity, is that right? >> that is exactly right. they are two of several types of cancers linked cancer. there are many like pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, those sorts of cancer in addition to breast cancer, prostate cancer
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that are all linked to obesity or elevated bmi. this information put out by the american cancer society is quite significant. but the fact there are nearly 2 million americans and diagnosed with cancer every single year in this country alone. this new study put out by the american cancer society paid what they did was they felt approximate 27000 patients. when they discovered that they had cancer was breast cancer or colon cancer if they were simultaneously overweight or obese or have an elevated bmi at the time of diagnosis that put them at approximately a 34% increased risk of developing a second cancer in the future. the close link between your health, their nutrition and what can happen by these cancers. how we are seeing them more and more in our society.
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especially among the younger population requests the younger folks what is it about being overweight that boosts your cancer potential? >> it is a good question for the fatty tissue, this chronic amount of tissue leads to what we call inflammation in the body. that chronic inflammation causes damage to the dna. which in turn can cause the stimulation of cancers. and then on top of that the fatty tissue secretes hormones like estrogen for example that will put you at a higher risk of developing cancers or uterine cancer many people have elevated bmi a problem with her insulin but insulin promotes the growth and proliferation of cancer but you couple that with the fact obesity can impair the immune
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system which in turn makes it difficult for our immune system to detect and destroy cancer cells. then you have a recipe for disaster. jon: even good enough to share the advice you've given your own patients how to avoid this kind of thing but said let's go through some of those health tips. good nutrition obviously. >> it yes you have heard it before you are to eat. good nutrition for that means getting a high fiber diet. want to avoid processed foods filled with chemicals and toxins. you want to avoid excessive alcohol and excessive red meat shipping this is shown to cause toxicity to the cells in your body. you and to also make sure you're getting up activity and exercise for at least one or 50 minutes of exercise every single week at minimum. and then, no smoking. smoking is toxic to every cell in your body from head to toe. no smoking. you want to make sure you are managing your stress and getting enough sleep for your body
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heals, recovers and rejuvenates when you are getting enough sleep. and finally you want to make sure you see your doctor for your routine health screening tests. if you are of age. for example your mammogram, your pap smear your colonoscopy remember if we can detect cancer early for most people that means there's a better prognosis. you do not want to just see your dr. you're sick or unwell but you want maintenance. you have to get the oil changes for your car. want to make sure getting maintenance and helping your body healthy and strong as well. >> there are a lot of pills and injections that can help people manage their weight these days. of those helpful in preventing this secondary cancer problem? >> excellent question. an actual study came out of case western university in ohio. they followed about 35000 patients who were taking injections like semi glue tied the instrument called the glp-1 medications for it but they found was patients on these
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injections had approximately a 20% decrease in developing cancer over 815. so yes, absolutely. some of these medicines that are available now they were first discovered and created for diabetes and blood sugar control are showing us their secondary benefits such as protection against kidney disease, against stroke, against heart disease, and now against cancer but which is really phenomenal. jon: good news to share. dr. janette nesheiwat thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: next up on the fox report a warning this weekend for florida beachgoers. >> that a threat a woman into teenage girls attacked by sharks on friday. but get this the attacks happened within an hour and a half just 4 miles apart. i'll have more on all of that coming up. some people just know that the best rate for you
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thas a 20 footer. >> 25. >> you're going to a bigger boat. jon: and a popular champ beaches are open once again after rare back-to-back shark attacks last week. beachgoers in walton county told to be careful after one woman lost part of her arm to a shark bite. madison scarpino has more for us. >> that woman's life will forever be changed but you said it shark expert say these back-to-back attacks are incredibly rare. thankfully all three of the
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victims are alive. the first attack happened in water sound and video captured what appeared to be a shark something nearby, moments later by the victim there was swimming by a sandbar and again lost part of her arm. an hour and half later, just 4 miles away another shark attack to teenage girls. the woman or the teen girls was taken to the hospital in critical condition the other teenage girls suffered minor injuries. >> it is rare, exceedingly rare to have three victims in o day but we had two incidents in closer proximity within a short part of time there's a pattern there. >> panhandle authorities are reaching out to experts to see if there is an explanation for the attacks happening so close together. the florida shark attacks happen on the same day of an attack in hawaii. just last month a 19-year-old fought off eight shark with her bare hands at a texas beach. >> as i was turning, i shark grabbed a hole of my hand.
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i looked out there is a shark attached to it my hand so i began punching it. >> shark experts again say the back-to-back attacks, almost never happened. >> we go into the water that's the sharks home. that is their environment. what has happened with these shark attacks is very much an anomaly. this is not something we would expect. certainly not something is going to occur. >> local authorities on the panhandle are keeping a close eye on the surface from the land and the sea there warning all swimmers to stay vigilant. jon: medicine thanks. more on the fox report right after this.
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jon: your headlines from around the globe. in europe, far right parties in france, germany, austria and belgium making big gains in parliamentary elections but the result prompted friendship president to call for a snap election after his own party's defeat.
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[background noises] european farmers are leading a movement against eat you climate policies and their impact on production costs. analysts say these protests might have impacted those eat you election results as well. andin greece, the family of misg doctor michael mosley reports his body was found on a greek island this morning after a days long search. in iceland, lava from an active volcano is flowing toward a coastal town but officials are closely monitoring the flow and watching for seismic activity. [background noises] this is ecuador protesters are calling on a state run oil company to shut gas flares in the amazon jungle and a timely manner. a court order gave petro, ecuador several other operas until 2030 to complete the project.
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>> today, chose our country at age 102 mary, there with us today as well as the veteran celebration but we hope for this marriage to be a happy one. so congratulations to the newlyweds. jon: this is friends of 100-year-old world war ii veteran tied the knot near the d date beaches in normative or is 96-year-old bride says love is not just for young people. that is a look at some from around the globe. coming up on the fox report, a couple of baby meerkats need your help. we will tell you what you can do for these cute as a button critters after a break. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact
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a beaver at a california zoo indulged in a self-care day, the beaver named peanut had a full day of crunch therapy peanut was more than happy to crunch down on lettuce, the san diego wildlife alliance says crunch therapy is good for the soul in a public relations upcountry representative called tina and abbasid at the san diego zoo. five baby meerkats make their debut at the san antonio zoo and now they need names. the zoo is asking for the public's help in picking names for the names, it went viral when the zoo posted a video on tiktok, it will only take a year for the baby meerkats to be fully grown. you can make your suggestions by contacting the zoo via the website. that's all fox reports on this sunday june 9 at 2024. i amon scott, thank you for joining us this evening. we will see you next weekend. ♪


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