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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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spee form thank you, kat timpf, our studio audience, fox news at night is next. [ cheering and applause ] >> trace: good evening emma trace gallagher, it's alone pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is a mega slate news, 'fox news @ night'. breaking side, dramatic new media of the heroic military
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operation in gaza that rescued four's early hostages from a palestinian terrorist, eric cohen is here to give us a step-by-step of what happened but the media somehow condemning israel for saving its own citizens, and then and there is this. >> this is about what i will personally label, the idiocy of team usa women's basketball. how dare you make this decision? it is stupid. >> trace: national controversy after caitlin clark was left off of the 2024 olympic women's basketball team, should she have made team usa? it is eight "the nightcap" we need to input on. what happens when your employer forces you to embrace a progressive symbol that goes against your religious beliefs? when california christian lifeguard is suing the la county fire department, he would join us live on set with his protest. we begin with tall tales being called out.
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a lengthy fact check of the false stories and joe biden has told stroud his 50 years of public service, except the times goes to great lengths to call him everything but lies. kevin corke is live and in dc with more, good evening. >> tall tales indeed, good evening. he would never expect the left-leaning new york times to call it president biden but am doing is so, a pattern is now beginning to emerge with more and more usually reliable media outlets willing to point out mr, his attention for telling lies or as a times puts it, tall tales had an understanding mind you that any misstatements or statistical or factual errors from former president trump, those were lies but these are tall tales? nonetheless, of the times is keeping the score and mr. biden is openly racking up. for example,, he said he was nominated for an appointment to
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the naval academy, not so. no records of that. he also said he is to drive an 18 wheeler, he drove a school bus and he took a 500-mile trip as a senator, a cargo truck. he leaders that he was arrested during the civil rights movement, no record of that. but he did deliver the eulogy for former west virginia senator who had one point in his life had been an organizer and member of the kkk. biden also claims to be the first and his family to go to college and the nephew of a cannibalism victim. report in -- while she wrote of this, all of these claims stretching the truth or are downright false. she also edited by an often drastic, with different audiences through hyperbole. saying mr. biden's approval ratings have plummeted not the lowest level lever according to nati silvers 538, biden sitting at 37.4 percent just under five months to go before the american people decide about every
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election day. >> trace: low number, kevin corke live before us in bc. thank you. [ ♪♪ ] the fox news and add commonsense department has a question for the new york times got comic -- how much -- how come donald trump tells thais and joe bondy tells tall tales, hyperboles, exaggerations? it's funny because common sense is pretty in two and with the media and could swear that joe biden lies all the time, constantly, consistently. but for some reason in the liberal media, biden speaks only the truth. the new york times says that biden often tries "connecting with his audience through hyperbole". we also told at times biden uses "rhetorical flourishes back factual liberty". common sense is confused, is the uncle who was eaten by cannibals a rhetorical flourish or a factual liberty? how about a biden driving the big rig, being the first and his
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family to attend college, graduating at the top of his class? what about the phony laptop, never talking business with his son? the media will tell you it is not a lie, it is unverified, when that joe biden is just stretching to. mark twain said there are three types of lies, lies, it damn lies and statistics, clearly referencing to trump. sense think biden would know kinda joe would not tell a damn lie, he would simply stretch and embellish a rhetorical flourishing, factual liberty. and with that let's bring in a steamboat institute fellow kaylee mcghee white and princeton university put it was scientists, lauren a. wright. thank you both were coming on. kaylen to you for his, is the new york times kidding with this, this the torah goal flourish? >> others layers of the leaders
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of hypocrisy within this new york times report. firstly attempt to suggest that biden's lies is somehow less egregious than trump's plea because trump was making false claims about a so-called stolen election when the reality is, there are plenty of democrats have also made similar lies who have not wound up with lengthy new york times fact checks. also hypocritical fact that these lies that biden has told which are very numerous as you have pointed out in your segment , it's been around for decades to maggot they were around into the 2020 election. suddenly the new york times is just deciding to do fact check on them? the only difference to me it seems is that joe biden is no longer a good candidate for the democratic party. he is losing in the polls to trump when he wasn't back in 2020 and at the media is trying to turn on him. >> trace: mate -- taking a much closer look, a pole from care television out of minnesota, this is about how enthusiastic the candidate are they. look at the numbers, you have
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trump at 61.5 percent and biden added 30.9 percent. that is double the number. there's something going on here because we are constantly told the country doesn't like either of these candidates but clearly somebody does. >> to caleigh's point, the sad thing for democrats is biden is the best they've got. harris is not electable, and he beat her fair and square along with the rest of the candidates in the democratic primary. yes, he stories are egregious. those are not the issues that will lead biden and the election on average, americans are angry and they feel less safe, last free, less prosperous than they did under trump. simple calculation they are making, yes at the age is an issue and it new york times and others are right to pointed out but but it's not at the top of welders minds.
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>> trace: this is from dana white, of the ceo of ufc, he said this about donald trump, watch... >> number 1, take any of the greatest fighters of all time, trump is number 1. you've got money, you got a great life, you got whatever, keep doing it. this guy loves this country and he loves all americans. >> trace: talked a lot of americans, a lot of the straw he sat through day by day a mark -- a lot of them say yes, he is a fighter. you can say whatever you want but he is a fighter stone and that's a calculation voters have made, maybe if they don't like trump personally the appreciate the fact he is willing to go to bat for them. i think my own family members, who normally would vote democrats but they feel left behind by biden's democratic
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party. and trump was the only one willing to fight for the issues they care about. >> trace: canadians at colleges and conservative media commentator jordan peterson art of the animosity towards trump and the leaders, trumped arrangement. final thoughts on this... >> that degree upon musty or trumpet is somewhat of a mystery to me. i cannot quite crack it. there is a class paid their albot say. elitist people are annoyed that somebody like donald trump or somebody who they think donald trump is has dared to enter the upper echelons so there's something about it that is very classist. >> trace: something makes them hate him, but not sure why. 30 seconds. >> there is an elite coastal factor at play here, road about how trump came into the election with 95 percent name recognition but everybody was absolute shock t1.
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a beloved celebrity, and that's as simple as it gets. i think the real embarrassment, misunderstanding with trump is that you says all of these offensive things, but they care more by the cable what you promises to do and i will be the end of it. >> trace: i think that is right. lauren, caleigh, thank you both. meantime fog scammers are a document in large groups of migrants illegally crossing into the u.s. as a biden's executive order on to the border appears to have little effect on the continuing a surge marianne rafferty live without story, joins as on-site guy good evening. >> no signs of slowing down, migrants continued to pour over the border in a drones leg before the executive order. with many saying that they flew into mexico and made their way to the border, some even consulting the internet to find guides. one migrants tolling as they feel welcomed by the biden
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administration. >> what you think of president biden? >> biden, a love biden. biden help us. >> an internal border patrol memo instructing san diego sector to release single adults from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere, center and asked my said it's all part of the democrats plan. >> you don't have to be a citizen to go to the census that step one, and if they go to the embassy to vote, that is when they leave that's her road to more power and control. >> saying it's all about mike and safety, listen. >> our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave before -- the countries of origin and incentivize of them to use the lawful pathways who made available to them and keep them out of the hands of expletive smugglers. >> a senior patrol officer
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telling this newly uncovered memo only applies to the san diego sector and migrants released into the u.s. under its guidance are not actually eligible for asylum. >> trace: thank you tackles bring into the author of come on man, joe concha along with the federal staff contributor, evita duffy-alfonso. thank you both were coming on. i want to play this out, this is cbs face the nation, catches kind of stunned that americans [ inaudible ] >> would you support a new government program, that would deport all people in the u.s. illegally and that finds majority favor, six in 10. >> to unpack that a bit, 62 percent of americans in favor of deporting all undocumented immigrants. what mr. trump talks about could be illegal, it doesn't seem practical in some sense to round up children. what exactly do people think they are supporting? >> trace: i think they are
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exactly supporting the law of the countries, you? >> trays, market brandon is not unlike almost every other member of the media, to answer your question, yes, it's all about enforcing simple laws. it's a matter of journalists living in the safe spaces marianne rafferty ivory towers, new york, washington, not talking to anybody outside of their own ecosystem. here are the facts, majority of americans support a border wall construction. two thirds of that cbs poker nearly two thirds support mass deportation for those who entered the country illegally. illegal immigration as you know is a number 1 number 2 issue. for what is most important to voters marianne rafferty, and somehow shocked by this kiger shows how out of touch leads in the media are, not just on immigration but inflation, because neither impacts him the way he does the average voter. >> trace: here is as cnn legal analysts who thinks hundred
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biden, maybe he imagined when he thought he was clean. >> a jury could also say wait way to second prosecutors, needed not say are establish this individual used or possessed these drugs it during the october 2018, warned that the defendant knowingly did so. he may have thought he was cleaning, that he was fixing his life up and so on. >> trace: is a scripted? do you -- your thoughts? >> and they are doing the job of his defense team, working for the hunter biden defense team packets shock and. also using this from media right now, that he is an addict, we need to be compassionate towards him because other americans struggle with us. and it falls on deaf ears, somebody who has an addiction and my own family, that does not mean he have a free pass. this is what is interesting, we have preached by these individuals into the corporate media that the monkey have to be
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compassionate, rally against white privilege, nabo baby white privilege hundred biden comes in and break the law all of a sudden we have to break all the rules. and these are democrat laws. >> trace: i want to move through these two things quickly, in bc but this headline of, is really military rescues for hostages, more than 400 plus trains killed, then york times and the associated press have been saying the same stuff. unbelievable, you know, you thoughts? >> gaza health officials literally is hamas. you cannot take them at their word. did throughout 200 people, five minutes after something happens and in the new york times, almost every other media outlet echoes that. it's utterly ridiculous, we have lived with us since october 7th they continue to do it and where are the only network calling it out. i guess it's not enough? >> trace: the new york post,
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gaza journalist who wrote for al jazeera was holding three hostages in home with family. israel says, a journalist, for al jazeera, holding hostages. >> i mean the media has been discrediting itself over and over again, when it comes to any other story we see important in our country. the format, the russia collusion hoax, just discrediting themselves over and over again. >> trace: over and over again, thank you both. mean audrey to liberations underweight for hunter biden's gun track the defense closed its case without calling the president sent to the stand, live with more in willington, delaware, good evening. >> good evening, this trial of elite moving rapidly, only a week old, jurors will come back tomorrow and o'clock eastern time after deliberating for about one hour before going home. evita duffy-alfonso -- hunter biden had a lot of family members inside of the courts
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today showing him support. he seemed upbeat, smiling, giving them xoxox as there were breaks in the courtroom which is significant. jurors have to decide whether hunter biden lied on the gun form in 2018 when he said he was not addicted to drugs, they say that he committed three different felonies, two of those felonies where it falls a statement, one deals with possession of that gun in 2018. now the government does not have to prove that hunter was on drugs and he bought a gun or even into the month of tobit. jurors have to weigh the general time period, prosecution showed text messages, hunter biden it texting his sister-in-law, talking about doing drugs, the lawyer for the government jurors told not to focus on the presence of famous people, meaning the first lady and others who have continuously showed up. it isn't wanted jurors to be distracted, wants them to focus on the actual evidence marianne
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rafferty hunters and attorney power did to the gun form that says are you on unlawful user or addicted to illegal drugs, it is and say have you ever been, it's about hunters a frame of mind is what i below says. again it jurors back tomorrow, if convicted hunter could face up and i say could, up to 25 years behind bars marianne rafferty is also possible the jury could have a split verdict, fighting him guilty on one and acquit him on two others. >> trace: see you tomorrow night. live it for as in delaware. let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo, great to have a. hunter biden's attorney as david was saying, biden did not consider himself an addict when you bought a gun. it's not what he said, but what do you think? >> it is not a plausible defense. i don't think it's going to work. i think really the defense is hope is that the jury being in delaware just chooses not to follow the law, not to find the clear facts.
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and went to the defense put on to this idea that oh, hunter biden might have used drugs a few weeks before, maybe a few weeks after but not in that timeframe, it opened the door for the prosecution to introduce all of these tax and all of this geolocation data about where hunter biden was and his cell phone and he is texting a trying to find drug dealers at the 711 in wilmington. it's just the day before when the day after. so turned out to be very harmful to his case. i don't really see a defense that is going to work here. to really puzzling why the ever went to trial the first place. >> trace: try to find a guy named mookie, does he do jail time, hunter biden? no, he is looking at some come to thank he does jail time? >> i don't think so. may have to look at it this way, i think many people are thinking about it this, this is a prelude to the much more serious cage which is going to take place where you are in la, i think -- it wasn't rescheduled in
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september about millions of dollars in tax evasion. so here, hunter biden first-time offender, be he probably won't do jail time but he maybe a convicted felon. that means you have to serve jail if he's convicted in the second federal trial in september. >> trace: i have to go but here's the thing, in the drum document case today, breaking news, judge jeanine denied a motion to dismiss some charges but the new york times reports of fallen, of the government must remove it from its charges an episode in which mr. trump has been shown a highly sensitive military map to one of his close aides after he left office, of the decision by judge or was it more of a swipe at prosecutors working for special counsel. jack smith. what do you think? >> this is favorable for donald trump, there was no way they were going to wind of the motion on dismissing the case entirely, the prosecution can still go forward. but that was one of them more damaging facts in the indictment, and is key to them
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showing that the national interest was harmed in some way by president trump if he ask you had these documents, these classified documents in an unauthorized away. will make it harder for the prosecution to run its case there. >> trace: i think so. john yoo, going to have you on. coming up, dramatic video shows the moment is really hostages are recovered in a daring rescue? it is a video you have not seen, even if he had, we will have a eric cole and go through this and give you an idea what is happening. later in the "the nightcap" i get that woman's olympics committed to -- decision to leave caitlin clark off of the 2024 rosters sparking national debate with many calling the move eight snob, and mist opportunity to grow the game. >> caitlin clark does not deserve a spot ahead of any of the players on this roster. okay? we're talking basketball! you know were not! no, we are not. 4000 in attendance, now 18,000.
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this girl's box office. >> trace: meantime others point out at the olympics is not a popularity contest and she is simply not qualified yet as other woman who made the team, we want to know what you think, should caitlin clark have made team usa, why, why not, lead as snow @tracegallagher, coming up snow @tracegallagher, coming up in the "the nightcap" negative 80 have to see, that is next. at makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: dramatic new vader tate of the rescue operation in gaza there in file that is really hostages their freedom, ashley strohmier with the details in the compelling images of the mission. good evening to. >> located the footage was captured of the helmet camera warned by an israeli operate of during the rescue mission, the video revealed just how
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dangerous it was to get out of the hostages from the hands of how w.a.s.p members of israel's yemen, in the operation unit it worked along the israel defense forces taking on heavy fire during the operation. now four more israelis have been reunited with their families after nearly 250 days in captivity. one parent of an israeli megan hostage who remains in captivity said about the return of noah. >> know saturday was the birthday of noah's data, also my birthday. is and as i heard the news is that he got the greatest gift in the world, distal a few few hours for me to get to get the same gift. hopefully soon. >> there's also been criticism from media outlets about the mission which resulted in the death of more than 270 palestinians according to the gaza health ministry. it is important to note that the ministry does not distinguish between civilians and hamas
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fighters and their data is often met with skepticism. was it today the united nations acadie council paused president biden's proposed cease-fire dale it has been approved by israel, hamas has yet to sign on. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in a veteran of azo special operations counterterrorism unit of aaron cohen out of the start of netflix skin it decision before and after pro- israeli activist dr. sheila nazarian, rabbi mentz and former navy seal who trained with the idea special forces, aaron ut you first, want to put this video up and go over this. give us an idea of what is going on here and how difficult was this mission? >> let me start off by saying that all of the intelligence that was harvested for this operation was do you to, and again in hebrew we have an expression, which means intelligence is born in the battlefield that's number 1. for the last eight months israel
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has been putting an incredible amount of pressure on hamas and that rolling intelligence based on blood pressure,'s are competing we have discussed is the reason why this was actionable intelligence. what you're seeing here, is 18 or one asset working in conjunction with israel's domestic intelligence and security forces, and they are making forced entry into the structure from 360 degrees. useful as one of the only units in the world capable of doing that, they are literally -- the operators are flogging each other, crossing each other, the reason why is 360-degree assault overwhelms the tier risk, they can only point in one direction at a time when it is multiple barrels coming out of them of the violence of action and they attack, having the shots go straighter. these are behavioral-based tactics and the seventies israel team with their scientists and reformulated see qb which is what is this is, to be able to
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shoot straight or, should faster and get hostages home. >> trace: phenomenal. hamilton over to you, you can put the video back up, the washington post opinion, hamas is not interested in releasing hostages based on history the only way any additional is really hostages is getting freed is by rescue operations like the one the israeli defense forces launched on saturday. cameron diaz thank it is true that we can see more rescues like this, that we will need to see more rescue like this? >> absolutely. i think right now israel likely has the intelligence to garner more rescue missions,'s sole purpose is to return the hostages safely and soundly and they continue the war against hamas. again we had to remind our viewers israel did not ask for this conflict, israel did not want this conflict. and want any unnecessary loss of life but hamas must come and release these hostages first and foremost. 's will is taking tactics as covered by mr. aaron cohen had
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remarkable, trained a lot of u.s. military personnel as well. i think the dynamic scenario in the chaos is due to surprise of the hamas fighters when israeli forces encountered them in this building the. >> trace: amazing, it is. what you think of the biden administration negotiating could almost directly may be through qatar but almost directly with hamas? >> i think it is a waste of time, i think what you're seeing it here with this operation, whether or not hamas wants to give the back of the hostages or they would get of them back either way they are coming home. that is what i think. whether we got a kick down doors. by the way the operatives deployed on this operation, in his civilian clothing, dressed as local arabs, they pulled it off in broad daylight and the reason they were able to do that is because the element of surprise. i say to biden and his team, israel, we're getting back our people either way. >> trace: writes the following, at bbc anchor as exhibit -- israel forces worn
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palestinians ahead of the hostage rescue mission, i cannot imagine asking that question. it's a military operation that clearly took months to pull off and you gonna give notification? >> at the basic prerogative here is surprise and balance of action. if they lose the element of surprise whenever you engage in hostage rescue missions when he notified the assailants of what you are objectives, i think of israel were to engage in further conflict here and rescue more hostages it would be a categorical global skate -- mistake to modify how w.a.s.p you're potentially garnering a scenario will hamas will target and/or harm is really civilians for what? for the ultimate purpose of withdrawing israeli military, or engaging in bartered and shipped for further peace. we all want peace with it has to start with returning to the hostages, israel has to pull off what's necessary to return them home. >> trace: we said they would move all these college campuses and they have, they have surround the white house and called for a intifada
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revolution. here's some more video of these protesters, anti- israel pro- palestinian, very anti- -- just watch. [ bleep ]. >> trace: thoughts? >> listen, as an iranian, first-generation to america, we have been trying to warn the americans, america's next. americas now. and we are seeing it into these protests, weather defacing thinks calculated disrespecting america, they are just calling it out afford the killing of zionist, killing of jews out loud at this point. what is and how to take for americans to wake up? >> trace: rabbi mentz, he wrote let's not be distracted, how we know idea have could put
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all the hostages home wants ago and it would of the census murders of innocent palestinian children but we know their true motivation. >> it's kind of ironic, the jewish people have been -- we're about to salivate on wednesday, 3666 years since god came down and gave us the 10 commandments? thou shout not kill, thou shalt not murder. we the jewish nation never wanted to get into this war and if we were not hampered we would have done this in six days. the world has put handcuffs on israel and they allowed this is civilians not to leave to go to egypt. >> trace: camera here is in michigan giving a from the posting in his speech and she still gets heckled, watch. >> it we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza, including those tragically killed today. for the past eight months, president biden and i have been working every day to bring this
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conflict -- i'm speaking right now. i value and respect you voice but i'm speaking right now. >> trace: the keep trying to ruin of these far left radicals and yet they are not going to, your thoughts? >> my thoughts as the innocent palestinians tell us where the rest of the hostages are, come out now. trays, if i knew my next-door neighbors had kidnapped people and i don't come out and speak about it, my innocent? like to all of the innocent palestinians, come out and tell us where the hostages are, show us your innocence. to kamala harris, you cannot play both sides. they are failing. >> kamala harris, he built the sub, you allowed them to speak, gave them free speech and now, you got a problem with it? [ laughter ] welcome to it free speech is from your party. >> trace: 10 seconds, aaron
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cohen? >> israel pulled out a doozy, that was a magic trick i was talking but eight months ago, they got the pressure on hamas for the past 8 miles, there's a reason why know what home in three hostages are home. >> trace: dr. sheila nazarian, is aaron cohen, photomac, speeding. a life guard came under fire after refusing to fly a part of flag in his workstation and what happened after that? common sense, captain jeffrey little joins his life. a live earth camera looking at north carolina, nicknamed the land of the sky. who knew? we're coming right back.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: in a small victory for religious freedom, los angeles county has graded a christian lifeguard a partial exemption from flying a progress pride of flag in his workspace. let's bring in captain jeffrey little and his attorney, special counsel paul jonna. a thank you both were coming on.
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captain to you first, you were granted an exemption and then they revoked it and they've given it back to you, you have to be thinking you don't trust these people? >> absolutely. this process all began last year, and i requested an exemption to not have to fly the pride flag and be responsible for supervising. >> trace: what you tell them, digitally listened this is the way i believe, what was your reasoning? >> i'm a christian, and being a christian i want to honor god and will honor the bible and doing this action and endorsement, religious convictions i have, bringing this in the workplace. >> trace: paul jonna to you now, you don't have to abandon your phrase because you're working a job, right? soon obsolete not, the first amendment protects employees in the situation, a government employer like the county must accompany -- accommodate religious -- as it has birdiemac
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this is somebody without religious objection fly the flag but instead they are doubling down on a position in there forcing us to litigate of this issue. >> trace: part of the problem is, that you are, you don't have to raise a flag but he still have to tell some deals to do that. that is not a true remedy? >> correct, having to compel a subordinate and having to supervise the operation of that part like being raised, to me that does not honor god and it is really living a lie, continuing to do that. >> trace: i know this has been said to you many times but the whole idea of people saying while, it has nothing to do with you not wanting to rescue somebody who is gay. it has zero to do with that at all, and that's not even part of the case be when it's a complete diversion, i have been doing this for 22 years and had excellent feedback and hundreds of people saying, my job is to protect the public. and i will continue to do that
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for the rest of my career. >> trace: why do we have to legally force people to adopt somebody else's celebration which is against their faith? i don't get the reason for that. >> of the u.s. supreme court has held that a public school cannot require students to salute the american flag, government employees cannot require employers to salute the making of like what the county of los angeles is choosing to dictate its employees have to raise a progress part of flag which they owned document say promotes messages about his beard and magic, it's very controversial thing. and forcing religious man, a man of faith to do this is unconstitutional. >> trace: what you think about this, when they revoked it, did you think what are you doing? and how do you think this battle is going to go on for a while, or is it something you think could be fixed quick? >> it's a simple fix, it's a simple ask. but it seems as though my employer has not shown good faith and honoring the beliefs
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of people with faith. >> trace: what do you say? are you confident that you are going to go to the outcome you are fighting for? >> our small team has had nonconsecutive ones against the state of california, get a longer fight with the county in the past which resulted in them paying attorney fees marianne rafferty they dig their heels and co. push the envelope as far as they can, ultimately they lose these cases and were quite confident they will hereto. >> trace: captain, paul jonna, thank you for coming in. best of luck to you. >> i would rather watch grass grow, i would rather watch paint dry, i would rather watch it dirt be moved around because caitlin clark is on the team. you people, whoever did this, honestly, take your brain, put it in a museum and is studied for how dumb you are. >> trace: founder of sports bay, he is not the only one with
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a heck of a lot disabled of the decision to keep caitlin clark off of the woman's olympic basketball team roster. what do you think? was it a sound judgement or a complete an otter's now? let us know on x. and instagram, we will read your responses, @tracegallagher, coming up in the "the nightcap". [ ♪♪ ] with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away... and then wonder why they don't fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you marvel, how do they do it? simple.
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>> trace: they are battling online i can tell you that, we're back with the "the nightcap" crew, kevin corke, ashley strohmier, rabbi mentz, aaron cohen, tonight's topic olympic snob or not? the limbic women's basketball committee leaving the highest profile rookie in league history caitlin clark off the too for roster, many calling to the decision a snob and a mist opportunity to grow the game. other argue caitlin clark is not as qualified as some other woman who made the team and that she will most likely, make it the next time. and she will do a lot of other things snub should caitlin clark have made team usa, why or why not? ashley strohmier? >> i think she made such a splash in college basketball and there were 70 people who backed her, he did miss the mark with this withered she is ready or not i don't know, it sort of looking at dollar signs maybe they did miss the mark without one. >> trace: maybe the dead.
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our resident sports and knowledgeable person kevin corke, your thoughts? >> of the blue would, she should be on the team. sometimes you take the gift. the blue this one completely, she can play cash doesn't have to be top 12 best, thing they had a mist opportunity. >> trace: rabbi mentz? >> plain and simple, you people working their whole lives to get into the olympics and all of a sudden one person swoops in and says i'm taking your spot? i think she could wait a few years and you get it like everybody else. >> trace: okay. dr. sheila nazarian? >> oleh same such a cool mom right now, my kids are obsessed with basketball and the fact that i'm speaking on this topic, i think she is amazing. yes where they have made more money and more people were watching? yes, i think there are people who maybe more mature and qualified and should be on the olympic team instead. >> trace: interesting.
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marion? is. >> and she said -- i think his class act, we all know how good she is. able to see her soon. >> trace: she is fantastic, aaron cohen? >> snipers are like a french wine, they get better with time. >> trace: there you go. kevin, other side of this, i think look, she will have her time and maybe it's not the time for some because prepped. >> exactly right. >> trace: i think she will find her time, that is for sure. should caitlin clark have made team usa on x., 78 percent yes, 72 percent on instagram. michael, i never knew about women's basketball until caitlin clark, a lot of people have echoed that. if they wanted me to watch the should have included caitlin clark. kathy, she's not -- she hasn't
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played enough to be on the team, others are more deserving. 's got says it does not meet olympic storage, best day in olympics her head. doctor danna said yes, if he has added christian, caitlin clark to the treatment team, why not? tommy said yes, if you want more eyes on women's basketball, she would help as she has for the wnba. and emmett w. such snot and the top temples it is a blessing that would have been awful. good stuff, good panel. thank you all for joining,'s be think of her make us late news,a 'fox news @ night'. angeles, i was he back here tomorrow night. and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america
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