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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 10, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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a.j. way billings, montana. i thought we were supposed to swim away from the shark. noim awaw we have to punch the . which one is it now? you punch first, then you swim y away. i'm telling you, an expert told me that's the wa.y to get out alive. >> scott from oceanside, california if biden refuses to leave the white house, it will be because he can't find his warefusey. maybe >> maybe he doesn't know he loses. k. fainiaom chester, virgini biden will be at the beach. it's jill who won't leav will bh the white house. >> oh, jill. drte house. biden. excuse me. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. >> and always remember, i'm waters and this is my world. and i woke up to. >> hannity and tonight, here- are six words in the english language that every democrat they love, lov englie to recites quote, no one is above the law. no"nw if you turn on fake news,
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cnn media and see you're going to hear that phrase a lot, but only when you're talking about trump or other republican k abs when someone on the left commits a crime. that'ss a crim a very differents for example, over the weekend, you had riotertoryexample,s drep as islamic extremists vandalizing historic monuments ,let's say assaulting law enforcement, hurling projectileumentss at a park rand >> no consequences. lookrits they were trying to han an insurrection. there were no arrests, fines, n no dramatic pleas on the left for anyone to be held accountabldramatic lefe. we'll have a full report and more video of this repotnd's disgusting riol with a message for thoseose wh who are mad at israel for and quite heroically freeing four hostages in gaza. and another message for fake news, cnn, which seem to think that the israeli hostages were simplyh released, know they wee rescued. but first, we turn our attentio.wen to some of the most shameless and morally corrupt people it
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n america.ld that would be the bidens, many in the mob, the media. they love to point. oute to that hunter biden's ongoing trial is an exampl oute that a biden can face justice. but in reality, hunter's is but a perfect example of the t will goour governmen to allegedly to protect the son of a prominent democrat.know a now, according to the very real contents hunter's very real laptop, the president's son engaged a life of crime for many years. the evidence seems transparentai ,overwhelming, but you decide it was on a massive scale. remember the fallout of the 20 2051 intel experts signing a off on a letter claiming the laptop had all the p s of russiandisi disinformation. this after three years of liesni being peddled over and over again, the russia hoax by the mediover agaa mob, all of it a , all of it based on a dirty dossier. lying the dossier becomes the basis of lying to face the courtss for
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four separate times, three of tir honored by mr. highe himself, james comey. in reality, the so-called expert.s were spreading disinformation. all they knew about the laptop was nothinformatioaboug. wan they only knew they wanted joe biden to win. you think they'd apologize . don't hold your breath. now that the laptop is official evidence at hunter's gun trial.s well, fox news digital reached n inteto theew all 51 intel expers who signed on to the letter and most had no regrets at alld whatsoever. they gotno what they wanted. they helped joe biden get the election in 2020. some even claiming that it was the patrioti.c thing to do.c thn a means to an end. anyway, of course, joe biden b is now president. the evidence of the alleged wrongdoing. on that laptop is shocking. you have rampant drug use, hundreds of thousandsan of dollars seemingly. i can't say for sure spent soliciting, purported tax evasion on millions of dollars in income that needs to be investigatedthat n, refusing tox
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file tax returns in certain years along with the possibility should be investigated. money laundering. the possibility of fara violations tietied td his own f. many americans can rightly sympathize. sure many, with hunter's addictions and personal struggles, but not the millionsaddi of millions of millions made with businesses in whichitcheric he admits he had zero experience at all. or all the shady actions of hisn father's department of justice, whicish is politicized and weaponized. according to the "new york times", the doj prosecutor that's tasked with investigating hunter, this guy, david weiss, remember he's going to sweep the whole thing planned under the rug. no charges at all.ll after purposely the statute of limitations run out on some of the most seriouoms tax chargs from the burisma years. plan a well got ruined by two brave irs whistleblowers on,k tt two plan b, that was the sweetheart plea deal that
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looped a temporary gun charge and with a few minor tax violations. no jail time. sadly, plan b was ruineduse because. the judge actually read the plea deal and started askingread t real questions aboe totally, completely abd nature of the deal. and now we're on to plan c. welli we pla, years of investig. let's make this guy the special prosecutor. let'vestigat guy thes go into ad in delaware in a courthouse there, and hope foe inr the.s the jury has officially beguns their deliberations. you know, any outcome won't surprise me, including an outright acquittal cquittal or a hungg jury jury. but they'll decide if hunter is guilty on the three felony charges. count one accuses hunter of lyingthree felolous hun on an and purchasing a gun, swearing that he was not addicted to drugs. count two accuses hunter of lying to the gun dealer. count three alleges that hunter illegally possessed the guned t while addicted to drugs or actively using drugsdr
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. t the evidence seems to me overwhelming based on evidence from the trial ased o. r one day after buying the gun, hunter texted his girlfriend hue he was waiting for his dealer. the next day, hunter textedcrac his girlfriend, he's smoking crack. so let's be cleaso be clear. hs these allegations are not a joke. sou biden, his fellow democrat ,don't they love to lecture you about gun control? fac in fact, president biden is now proposing tighter regulationents surrounding lawful gun ownership and steep penaltiesars for anyone who dares to step out of line. ou son on trial. but gun crimes. but if this is the only trial the hunter faces, this will only prove that biden's, s as we have been telling you, is politicized and weaponized. the judge instructed the jury to ignore hunter's ties to thee first family. but let's be clear. only because of those ties that hunter now is only facing gun charges in the biden friendly venue of delaware. he's not getting the donaldp go
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trump treatment like trump got in new york with a valuation of mar a lago at a mere $18 million in a case that involved, well, valuations the judge in that civil trial was more guilty of valuationaudn fraud than anything they accused donald trump of. and then, of coursg th e, have the case of alvin bragg. misdemeanor statute t of limitations expired upcharge it to a felony electioa felonyng but don't even tell trump what you're charging him with. you , more importantly, about the bidens. , oligarchs.ign oh why did they pay hunter biden millions of millionsing to of dollars, according to the johnson grassley senate report. johnwhat services was he capable of providing if he was admittedly addicted to drugs at the time? now, if he was lobbyingf on behalhef of a foreign entity, why didn't he register r with fara? isn't that required by law?re and why did hunter and the entire biden family use over
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20 shell corporationes, according to the house oversight committee? were those accounts used actually used to funnel foreign funds to different members of the familtow y? hmm. interesting questions. right. did the big gu y benefit from hunter's foreign deals in any way? according to the laptop, that apparently is very real. all ths very re guy had 10% pute for him and hunter complainedst- bitterly about giving half his income to pops and complained about, paying for pops as home repairs. why did the big guy lie to you? every one of you watching this show about meeting with his son's business associates, remember, joe said overme eve and over, he never one time ever spoke to his son. brother, anybody about theses fo foreign business deals. devon archerre said he recallse bi joe biden calling into at least 20 meeting s with and theses fore foreign business partners. and what about burismasiness, the ukrainian energy giant? hunter admits no experience
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in oil, gas, coal, ukraine when he goes on good morning the america, but then gets paid millions to sit on that company's board d. and th and then joe, you might recall, braggeencalld about leveragings a billion of your dollars to get the ukrainiantoe ukrain m investigating this company and his son firepahis son d, brt getting it all done within 6 hours. the resultt gettin of that firig hunter continues to get paid four zero experience. never mind the chinese energy conglomerate cfc. we'll save that for another day. as you can tak see, hunter's gue trial is really just the tip of the iceberg. frankl of they, i would call itw hanging fruit when it comes to hunter and just below the surfac e. y pict it's not a pretty picture. make no mistake, when a family can ostracizuran no miste ize tn five-year-old granddaughter and ignore her until shamed by maureen dowd at the "new york times" and then neverl even follow up to talk to helor meet with her, include her. it's pretty safe to assume
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the worst. but of course, everyone, including hunter, they were innocenthunt until proven guilty in a court of law. right. so tonight, we continuighte a to await the verdict out of delaware. not exactly an unfriendly venuen for biden. here with reaction, we have fox news contributorn. e on jonathan turley john. and let's get your take on the case as an outside observer following it as closely as you. i felt the evidence was you', incontrovertible. i thought i actually was well, i actually was pretty impressed with the prosecution in this casey impres in, the case that t eventually did put on, but only because they were forcedy we to. >> well, the prosecution did an admirable job. i mean they were right on it. v they had a very tight case. what was most impressivede is that abbe lowell, the defense counsefense l, put p a series of defensese that collapsed within two days. the prosecutor just methodically. s method destroyed all of these claims. and in a normal case, that jury
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would have been out for an hour, come back with a conviction. i mean, this is very obviouslyss an offense that was committed, but that's not what the realffee is. >> i mean, these as implausible as these arguments are, they're really placeholders. >> the defense playing to a delaware jury. this is biden town. thisware jurden town is wilming this is where the home of thefay biden family resides. and i think they're hoping for a jury nullification.. and to add to that i s a certain degree of sympathy for someone who had a tragic fightso w with with drug addiction. >> so we'll see what happens tomorrowlltomorr. ment there's no question in my view that the government stuck the landing here. they prove the case. the question is whether they cane the caestion get the y to consider the evidence and not justt wh who the defendt is. >> what do you think the most? and i thin>> youk, i do respect abby as an attorney. i think the one thing hunter
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does have goin e ong for him is abbe lowell. and i would argue there are noto many great attorneys in d.c., but he is a good attorney for sureat. ght >> and i thought he did as effective a job as he couldwe considering the hand that he was dealt, which was awful. with that said, do you think he was able to cast doubt in any area that sticks out in your mindha? >> no, no, i you know, the argument that was made by abby starting out was maybe brmeone else checked out box and they brought this mr. cleveland forward who just blew that out of the water and said, i stood there, watched him check that box and the otherg to boxes and told him to take his time, which he dids time. of then said, well, he was really sort of rushed into buy buyingin gun and cleveland saide no. he came in intendingnding to toy a gun. and then there was this ludicrous argument that hed thes sort of immaculate period of sobriety or, at least he was just drinking, not using drugs v
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. and the government destroyed it and showed a texent it the veryr day where he's trying to meet mookie to score more drugs.t and the day after that, sayingg that he's doing crack in a car.m and he had witnesses come forward to say that when they saw the crackayt , he doint every 20 minutes. so none of these thing livs survived within two days. >> but again, that's not to do with me unless i'm sure the prosecutor. i'm sorry, sylvester. i apologize. i thought you were finished. do a, you agree with me that theorta real important issues that people shouldntat be concernedriou about, then this is a serious ss issue that the crime aspect him and charging him here. but i think the more serious issues involve how much moneyy that this that hunter was heking without experience at a time he's addicted to drugs seemingly offering no services that we can identify as of now . no, that's exactly right. blewknow what's, amazing
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about this case is that it blew away their own defenser own desr that the media has been repeating for years. they've been suggesting that hunte r biden really was this incredibly competent in demand. businessman and international expert in his book and in this a trial, it's clear that he was addicted and having a very difficult time managing moste. basic parts of his life. >> but he was getting millions from these companies wasons. yeah.. all right. jonathan turley, professor, >>ank you for joinin g us. for now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. harvard law professoing us, for alan dershowitz. >> professor, you're actually on a satellite tonight, as i, zo don't have you on your little zoom thing. it's great to see you a little bit more clearly. we'll start with you tonight. let's get your taker take on the case. do you agree with the last question i asked professor o and turley, which is about, you know, this is low hangingw, fruit as far as i'm concerned, considering the millions of millione s of dollars
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that they brought into this family at a time he's addicted to drugs and at, you know, with no experiencend, admittedl. in an interview on good morning america. look, the best thing that could possibly happet thinn to, donald trump, is if hunter biden gets acquitted because. en i the evidence against hunter biden is so much, so much more compellinh moreg. the legal issue is so much more compelling than anything against trump.t this >> and it will prove beyond any doubt that this is all about wherall abe the trial wasc conducted, that if you're trump and you tried in new yortehak, i it's automatic guilt. and if you're biden and you're triec guilif you'rd in delawarea different verdict. >> so the best thing that could possibly happen, trump, is the acquittal of biden. based on all of this evidence. c >> it would also be aa. good thing for the for america. it would it would uncover and disclose the horrible crimi double standard that our criminal justice system is going throughnaicstem i. maybe we could get some reform. maybe we can do something
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about it right now. our criminal justice system jug of the world.h and i feel just so horribleable about. it i've devoted six years of my life to trying to defend tars of and explain a legal system based on neutral principle is g that legal system is gone. the trump case destroyed destro. and if there were an acquittal in this case, at least it would expose it itt. now, there may be a conviction in this case because the evidence is so overwhelmingn that won't hurt donald trump. but if there were an acquittal, it would help donaldalt bu wer t trump enormously in the court of public opinion. pu that the acquievef new york verdict was justified. >> if there's an acquittal in this casen th, there's such a difference in terms of the venue, it seems. diff greg, that if you want equc justice and equal application of our lawatios and you want constitutional order, it's all going to depend on the venue.t l it's all going to depend on whether how politicizedprosec weaponized the prosecutor may be and how abusively biasede the judge can be.
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>> mm-hmm. a yeah, it blows a hole in thes notion constitu usually of an impartial jury. >> but here are the facts here.e so simple. the law is clear. the evidence of guilt overwhelmingthidence o the argut that hunter was in denial about is addiction. >> so that somehow forgives his lie. that is so. >> but look, if a hometown jury is already in your back pocket, then jonathan's right. sympathy and jury mightnotifi actually work. and it doesn't matteca r that jurors are not allowed to negate the law. they do it anyway sometimessecrc because secrecy them.pleaseions they could do as they please without consequence. having said that, prosecutors do have an advantage. ,they don't have to prove that hunter was high on drugs or addicted. ought the day bought the gunth only during the general timeframe, and that was proventt conclusively through text messages, photograph
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s, oo witnesses, his own words from the book he wrote. >> hunteotr, it turns out, was the best witness against hunter tohich is precisely why he chose not to testify. e been >> he would have beenly completely shredded on cross-examination shredcrossi >> all right. predictions. professor dershowitz essor de? well, i think the evidence a coo overwhelming there could be a conviction, but i wouldn't be surprised if we sawbut jury nullification. >> remember, jury nullification cuts both ways. what happenee saation.d in new n jury nullification. >> the jury found an innocen nev person who committed no crime whatsoever, guilty becauseerth of the judge's instruction. and because the prosecutor made up a case that was juryon nullification with the judge nullification. this very well be a casecase o of jury nullification as well. >>ry prediction. >> gregg jarrett well, this hase beenen a no nonsense honest judge, a federal judge hugeon difference between this judge and machine. s foll >> if the jurors follow theirth
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duty as theyey mus there will be a conviction. >> all right. i noll rightt know outcome, be t juilty verdict, acquittal, a hung jury. nothing will surprise me here, but we'll see. surall right. we >> thank you appreciate it. when we come back, thingsmes ar are so i mean, so bad for democrats. you've got prominent democrats, even a prominent election forecaster are floatinge id the idea that biden should drop out of the rac e. >> our friend james carville is losing his mind. arm e go, out the latest on him and much more as hannity continuears. i try to put my arm around any event that i can. absolutely. absolutely. at new day, usa, that' what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think of the veteran out there ane needs to refi his home. he may want to purchase and we can help them. and that financial solution for them and their families. them and their families. >> it's feeling. >> everybody in the company, esr
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beginning to end. >> shop now at show allegiance .com. all right. so with your president joe and his struggles mounting and less than five months until election day, 147 days. electionhundred but who's count?
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democrats are sounding the alarm. yesterday, james carville oncen again saying he does not think that biden should ever run again. >> take a look. we have a choice to make in november, and it isn't a choice i was crazy about.abou. i actually was very publicgh that i thought that president biden should not run for reelectionsident not. but the lack of enthusiasm among young people for public policy, public service or being involved in the public squaren th is quite dishearteni. and i can understand that on one level, i may not talk term and a lot of things are nos art working for them, and i feel like the two guymean ms that dol mean much to him and i am really afraid that we're goingnl to lose a generation of young people. democrats use it losing their core coalition of party, young people, african-americans, hispanic-americans -.
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earlier today, election forecaster nate silver echoed comments saying democrats be would have been better off e would'if biden had stepped d . yesterday, the new york times even publishinyestg a piece lon highlighting biden's long list of bizarre lies, including his claim that he used to driveh an 18-wheeler, that he was the first in his family to go to collegeo . that is uncle. he was eaten by cannibals. he receiven byd appointment to e naval academy from his future senate fro. he got involved with the civil rights movement at the ageinvold of 15. e we know that's a lie. he was arrested on a front porch with aarrestt family durg desegregation at a local neighborhood and that he never earned $400,000 in a year. well, now, of course, the newco york timesursek of various points, they kind of downplay these blatant lies as hyperbole or exaggeration and ones. and those are the ones they included. that's all the tip of the
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iceber.e g. cause take a look at your screenwe because we're scrolling more that biden has told over the years. by the wayby the, the new york s you're very, very welcome to use our farst o more comprehensive list of joe biden lies. biden lies you ever decide to an your corrupt and abusive bias? h and by the way, you can eventhat give me attribution. youoh, and joe did partner with that friend of his that mentor of his. that's right. the former klansman, robert byrd, to stop bussing and the integration of publicf schools. remember, joey said he didn't want public school ramembs to become racial jungles. they might want to cover that, too. th mightand as biden struggles e to mount, trump is not slowingtl down at all. his vp search is allegedly in full swing. earcbiden's desperate electione year border crackdown is alreadyear wate failing as i continue to flood over the border, whic h sources nowh saying 10,000 were apprehended
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on thursday alons knuckle, fours the limit at which biden said procould stop processing claims. in other words, it was asylum all smoke and mirrors als, noteo real. here with reaction, harris poll chair mark pen. n, the host of tomi lahren, is fearless. there's no such thing as a fearful tomi lahren. anyway, on outkick. tomi lahren. tomi, let's get your take. it's a long list of people now. it's james carville. i won't speak for mark penn. let i'll let him speak for himself. but it's van jones. it's david axelrod. is maureen dowd, nate silver. norod,w joining the chorus?you you have been saying, do you still believe 140 days out,o you think they're going to replace biden? >> i absolutely believe they're going to replace biden. i believe it's going to happen either at the or shortly thereafter. i think the democrats are far to s oro strategic and they're far too used to winninger and they enjoyefor winning far t much to take a risk with joe
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biden. and i knowe bide they took a rik in 2020. but when we look back ate lo and the debates in 2020 and we look at when he was newly elected, he was in fahen her better shapa than he is now, and he was slipping then. son th h i don't think they cani possibly take that risk. i do believe they're going to swablwho belip out. tha i also think that when it comes to this first debate, we need to actually raise our expectations of joe, because us counting it as aiseui he's able to sit upright and complete his sentence is givino stepg him far too much credit because then he'll claim a victory just like he did aften her the state of the union because he was able to get through it in one piece. so we have tioo raiseo ra our expectations of biden. and we also have to put the onuse oude on the democrat a and not just the messenger, but the actual messagecrat a. d because if and when they do swap out biden, we have to be ready on the republican siden and we cannot be caught flat footed if they bring gavin newsom in anottedd he's a shiny new toy. we can't let that happen. we thas, egy of the democrat i don't think we got that.n: >> i think it's more likel i dot be whitmer if they have the ability to bypass vice b
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president. mark, can anybody really conclude anythinmark, g? smart democrats like yourself, you really don't want biden, do you? >> well, i think i'll i'll defer that one per se. but look, i didn't think he wasd goinidn'g to run. he decided to run. thesyou know what swept the democratic primaries? these are his delegatee hes. it's his convention. the idea that he's not going i to be the nominee i think is ara fantasy. i think the party is around hiri . i don't know why james said what he said. it's not really particularly'tyi oint. useful at this point. i'l the only thing i'll say is this the base. >> mark, you know why he saidid what he said? vengeance. a little riskyha. >> you know why he said it was. it's a sign that it's obvious this guy is a mumbling and bumbling, stumbling, bumbling. you know, he could barely sentences together. however, i do take tommy'swever,
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admonition really seriously. i think we'll see the return up of jacked up joe.wh whatever joe drankatev eight tak before the state of the union. maybe it was just red bull and caffeine pills. i don't know. whatever it was, that was note m the normal joe. we never saw it before and we haven't seen it since. but we will see it fornce. the. now, there are some even saying, mark, that donald jus trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate. wait till he's nominatede firs,n debate. >> and what would you say to thawhat wt? h oh, i'd say he accepted it. he it in the lion's den. ifif i were donald trump, i would have done some betterin negotiating here, but i don't think he can back ougt without really looking cowardly. and i think biden has, you know, said he's going to meet the challenge. i thinow, saidk it's big test wt he is whether you think he's jacked up or noher yot. dt if he can get through that debate, he'll lift his campaign. and if he can' theampaign ant, -
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that might actually be in some jeopardy. they might have actually, joe, might have done donald trump a favo mr and i say this affectionately, tommy, by insistingg that that when itm his turn to speak, that they mute his microphone becausk the think that was a mistake in the first debate in 2020. your reaction? >> well, i would hope with a i w lot of things foouldr that firsd debate. obviously, it's stacked against donald trump and we know that. but i thin agak donald trump han incredible opportunity in this first debate to act more presidentiaortunityirst den he's ever acted in his entire life. push everything on joe and joe' pushs agenda and his failed policies, which is the democrat failed and policies and agenda. de donald trump just sits back and he lets talk himself into a corner, then donald trump will win that first debate. he just has to restrain himself, which i believeave to he do i . pull it in, act t as presidentit and dignified as possible, n and he will win against joe biden and his failed policies. he simply can't stand on thosebn . >> and quite frankly, he can't stand at all. all right. t ask you this.
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if, in fact, joe, for whatever mark penn went out, tom is convinced mar it wouldt be gavin newsom. i'm not sure. i don't think it would be gavin. that's just my guess. i have no inside knowledgethat except that he told me over ove and over and over and over again when i interviewed himt do and in the debate with governor desantis, that he wouldn't do it. okayokay. so i think the most lk person, if it's notharris president harris, would be governor whitme wor whitmr. that's my take. people have floated the name jo michelle e obama. i don't think she's up to the. job myself. would be the most likelywh democrat? who would you pick if you had to choose somebody? >> well, again, you have to go through the history here. >> these delegates were nominated for this ticket. harris, i think would be the likely nominee if for some reason, any reasone hims joe biden had to remove himself, you could bet on thate
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as almost a certainty you think would be kamala harrisy feat. yes, absolutely. all right. is on well, bet the game's on.t i don't know what you guys want to. bet. but, you know, feel free, you know, off ai yr. when w thank you both. all right. when we come back. all right. foack ghr israeli hostages, thak god held by hamas terrorists october the seventh. they were rescued duringai what was a daring raid this week. and we have the video of it. but your vic we ho e is making sure to appease her far left base rather than praising those involved in the heroic raid. ha and we'll tell you what the left als also said about ths heroic moment. moyof think they would be happ the hostages were freed. the people that were involve thd in taking them, yes, some of them died. but every death that has taken place since october seven. >> blood is on hamas's hands th next.
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watch. >> listen. get latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening this. arin past weekend during a daring raid as israel rescued hostages taken during the october seven terrorist attack. the idf just released video of this very dangerousy da operation. >> take a look at thisngerous. we had recorded a catch phrase that said and they indeed
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said listening to the in me. yes, yes, yes, yes. a very courageous, serious, but complex military operation. but over there in fake news, cnn one banner called the, quote, a hostage release. no, that would be a rescue. keep in mind, that is a networka that's supposed to hosto the upcoming presidential debate. host the fake jake tapper and dana bash really be objective or trusted? no, they're liberal talkir show hosts. they're not journalists, as they claim to be. alsoeral ot, vice president harris. oh, she mourned the palestinians, quote, tragicallyt ha killed duringn an the raid and call for an end to the war. playino thg, of course, to her extremist left-wing base which showed in full force thishi weekend in front of the white house and promptlyin fro started
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vandalizing monuments and lafayette square, reportedlyyette sq at police ant service and demanding the elimination of the state of israel. now, secret service agents, you know were told to kill themselves and there was a lot of f the police's release fromof some of these radicals. and by way, they were forced fro to retreat from the insane mob. anyway, herethe in reaction. r former senior aide to presidentr trump stephe sn miller. and from the lawfare project,pr brooke goldsteinoject is us. you know, the people that aresi responsible fobler the murder of 1200, brooke, the people that took all of these israelisi and americans hostage and israel bravely is risking lives to go saved is the liveseh of people. i argue that every death of every palestinian that blood is on the hand is of hamas, that that started this war, esea that killed these israelis. the worst terror attack
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in their history. and it's miraculous that they got thesn histor mire four host. and that would be called a rescue, not a release. >> your reaction? well, sean it's great to beo be here with you again tonight. and i want to say that you're ab are absolutely correct. under the laws of armed conflict , it is hamas, a terrorist group that is responsible for the death of civilians, both israeli civilians and palestiniaans bothaelin civ. but you have to ask yourself, knowing what is happeningwhat in this war right now, at what point under the laws of armer td conflict do you lose your civilian status? t wa because let us not forget that it wa00s over 2000 and gaza civilians that broke into israel on october the seventh. it was the gazan civilians along with hamas that tortured that that murdered that burned israeli civilian babies alive. it was gazan civilians
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that then took israeli civilianit gars as hosts that kept them, tortured them were paid by hamas to keep them, raise them as . at what point do you lose your civilian status, being a civilian is not an affirmative defense to murder civilians or r do murder other civilians. and you best be sureothers c tho matter what you call yourself, if you kidnap and murder israeli civilians, the idf will rightly hols thd accountabt >> and, you know, it's sort of like that that coastal elitist, you know, hollywood leftists, george clooney and his wife literally wanting bg bibi netanyahu to be brought up on war crimes as he's literally trying to defend his own country from radical islamic terrorists radic. al you know how people lack that moral clarity. stephen miller i will nevestepha for the life of me understanndd israel has the right to self-determination to defend their country from a group
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that has in their charter a call israel's destruction that would have been 40,0000 ded dead americans in a day based on their populationn. and then you have, you know, jack actors likegoing george clooney and his wife going after the prime prime mint for trying to preserve their country. really? well, you knowally, is your morl compass, mr. clooney. >> although mr. i'm being a bito too polite. here isn there isn't one, sean. there's no moral compasss no moe the radical left in this country has decided that it's on the side of hamas. it's as simple as that. hamas is a genocidal terroristte organizationrror. one of the most evil, vile, repugnant, repulsive organizations alive today, or any point in the history of humanity. they, as has been discussed, they , they butcher, wome murder, they tortur coue t
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enslave women and children, barbarians. but joe biden, us democrat parte --y is now playing fore pr the pro hamas vote in this this country. they're playing for whatever sliver of voters in this country they thinkslivft is sympathetic to hamas. now, that's morally to hs morall. but i would also sayi wo it's politically idiotichamas because for every pro-hamas site in this country thi, theres 20 voters, 30 voters who are as horrified and, as appalled te by the atrocities of hamas i e are on this panel tonight. i believe joe biden will pay a dearbeliev pay price for cozyp to that segment of thete us electorate. e >> this is one of the saddest moments in us histor that n did he abdicate america's rolee on the world stage as theus leader of the cause of libertyan and freedod freem but then he ao surrendered in the war against
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islamic terrorism by saying, we're not going to help israel defend against those people that attacked them on october 7th. you know, just just the perfect to raise money with george clooney and his wife. thanoney a his wifk you both.p t appreciate it. coming up, donald trump,he biy in thea, thell state of virginia, the commonwealth, well, the blue statecommon red in nov. we'll ask governor glenn youngkin. and later, biden hosted a juneteenth event at the white house tonight. yeah, it appeared to be a little late for joe to stay up. yeahyou got th, he got the tapec >> you don't want to miss it.ti straight ahead. the ve >> i look back with greatet satisfaction on my 32 yearsposii on active duty. i understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalitoning these are peoplee who have served. they've been in leadership positions. positions. financial helpthey're willing tt their life on the line if necessary. >> and tfor a handout. and say, i need some financial help at this point in time. oing to they're looking for a h. they're looking for our little hand up. hand up. my team at new day usa is going
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and relax. ellipse does all the work for you. >> call now and order ellipse. all right this is huge. according to the latest fox poll in the commonwealth of virginia. donald trump.n, joe biden. this is a second poll in a row a
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tied at 48%. o remember, this is the place joe biden won by ten points in 2020. the same poll shows trump winning 25% of black voters in the commonwealth of virginia right now.n repu can republicans considerbl virginia in playrginia come novb joining us with moreer, virginia governor glennh youngkin.t gahe governor, listen, your victory reallyer shocked the world man in many ways because a lot of people, like myself include d ,thought that virginia had gone solidly blue, that northern virginia, thata h- too many d.c. employees that were going to vote for the bureaucracrey. and it became that much more difficult of a state to win. to wiis this state in play forf donald trump? >> sean? it is i believe it is. and that's exactly what the polls are showing us. just like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin. michigan, nevada and arizona, those battlegrounda an states ae seeing the exact same kind of statement that virginians
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are make. and they want a strong america. they want an america that ha was economic strength, not the biden generated economy. no unleashed inflation. they want an america that has national security, not the indecisive, weak america that joe biden has created. they want an america that has a secure border, not one that has terrorist and illegal immigrants and fentanyl flowing over every day. i i mean, we see it in virginia. we literally have five virginians dying on average from fentanyl overdose. and we hadeinians d i two illegl immigrants crash the gates at quantico in a box truck recently. and they want an america that has energy . we are so tired. i can hear it every single day of being told that you have to buy. and even if you live e b in california, but not in virginia anymore because we declared our independenc ivirgir that in fact you and you have, 0 to pay 20, 30, 40% more for a gallon of gas because of the biden failed energy policy. they want trump back in the amei
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white house because he built a strong america. and that'sca exactly what we've seen in virginia over the course of the last couple of years , commonsense conservative policy works. we've unleashed a riunleashep ey in virginia, and i think they want to see it on a national level. yean thins, virginia is in we got five months of hard work . but i'm telling you, when they put that when they put the records of president trump againss oft president bidi i believe that virginians and american ts are going to fid themselves pulling the lever for president trump. >> so when i was with presidentr trump last week and i did an asterview with himeseekend, youe came up and he asked me ifke i spoke to you off, and i said, well, occasionally you we you k, we have we have spoken. and you come on the show. , tell and he said, when you talk to him, tell him i'm going to give him a call goito g. i want to thoughts on virginia. so i would say expect the callmt from president trump. i don't know. i'm just a mere messenger. right. you know, what about northern virginia? because that alwayr.s scares me, because there are so many dark
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bureaucrats that live in the commonwealth of, virginia, that work in d.c. and how big ah percentage of the vote is that going to end up being for the commonwealthating the ? >> well, in order to win virginia like we did in 2021,e you have to lose northern virginia less badly. and what we did, of course, was wen the hispanic vote, we won the asian vote, we won oen the independendent vt vote. people are ready for change. and in 2021, they were readywe to see parents put back at the head of the table, controlof of control of their children's lives. they were tire t children'sd oft taking all of their hard earned money and putting it in government cofferrned mones,g in their pocket. they wanted a chance to build their livethey wands the way thd to build them and not being told what to do all the timeo . mandated masks and oh, by the way, mandate what kind of ca or. you drive. this is virginia. and of course, i think thithisv
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is america. and therefore, the plan to win virginiathan t is, of course, to lose northern virginia. less bad, but to get over 40% nt of the vote and then knock it out in the rest of the state. di and that's exactly what we did in 2021. and when you looand when youk am trump's strength across virginia, that's exactly what he ca' ginia thn. let me ask you a finalr fi question. if donald trump annald i knowou your name hasn't been out there prominently, but if donald trump called not you, asked you toun run with him, what would you say,m governor? well, well, first, i would be honored and humblede . he rep >> tell him that there is a ton of talent in the republican party today, everyw and i've seen them everywhere. and it's my job to finismyh winv my finish my time as governor and help him win virginia. irwhat tell you what.ha we've got to make sure weve t get donald trump back in the white house because donat withstand another four years of joe biden. is that a hard no, sean,r hear that that is that is a a realistic view of the fact
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that there s so much talentha that i think he can have a great choice and fin d lots of people i think i can ask this would be honored but indert understand. all righand. t governor, alwayswhen great to have you on the program. when we come back, the white w u house hold the juneteenth event tonight. they didn't go well for joe. straight aheadll o, the thinking is starting the writing clock. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrived the many nice little i like you guys. >> you're in a nice. >> how many staff ladies did you win? they said seven. >> felt like one. he keeps writing.
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doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery, goalies increases water in the stool, making it softer so it's easier to go. >> no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining. kohli repair has the beltway lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report, special report with britt baer weeknights on fox news channel america is watching. >> earlier tonight, biden hosted a juneteenth celebratio>> sean:n at the whiti house and big surprise, it didn't go well. throughout the event biden stood awkwardly still, while other attendees were singin werg and dancing before later clapping along completely out of rhythbeforem with everyoe around him. and when he did speak, it only got worse. he d g a look. >> she not lost. she knows. so long as i that night. r be our freedom can never be secured. these black soldiers were a link in the distinguished line of patriots, enslaved and free, who risked their live
12:00 am
s in every war. since the founding. the founding of our ideals. >> we don't know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey's bedtime. i'm sure bedtime he's going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea's all the time we have left this evening. >> please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. >> have a great nigh