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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i'm gina. i've tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i've surpassed it. and i'm keeping it off. >> ainsley: it's 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is "fox and friends". we are expecting to see hunter biden shortly, day two of jury
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deliberations in the federal gun trial get underway in one hour. >> brian: how many family members will be there. this as dad issis faing heat from a pollster. >> steve: and siri getting smarter, as apple rolls out a massive ai update. can we escape ai in every part of our lives? doesn't look like it. >> lawrence: mornings are better with friends. >> brian: get dressed. we are waiting hunter biden's arrival in delaware at federal court. >> steve: 9:00 eastern time, deliberations will begin. >> lawrence: rich edson is live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. >> steve: with a heckler. >> i'm surprised there hasn't been more of that.
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this was this morning. jurors are supposed to be here and will start deliberating in less than an hour. the judge will address them briefly. they are doing so without hearing hunter biden do so. the jury deliberates after an afternoon of closing arguments. there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden, lying on a form, owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days, all in october of 2018. they led off their presentation referring to the biden family members, including first lady. people are not evidence and nobody is above the law. and his ex-girlfriend and ex-wife's testimony was
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discussed. he claimed he was meeting a drug dealer and smoking crack. the gun owner who was questioned about him being a drug owner. relying on evidence of past drug abuse when he bought a gun. lowell says there is no evidence or testimony or witnesses observing hunter using drugs then. week after hunter bought the gun, there was a text about him meeting a drug dealer. maybe he wasn't smoking crack. all in the hands of the jury. >> steve: during closing arguments yesterday abbe lowell was trying to inject reasonable
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doubt, he said hunter biden did not knowing ly lie, he was in a deep state of denial. that is their case there. >> that is the whole case there. there were times between 2015 and 2019, he was in and out of rehab, on drugs, at time he signed that form, he was under the belief he was not a user of drugs. the prosecution is saying that other stuff, they are contending he was on drugs and lied on the form. >> lawrence: so do other drug addicts that refuse to go to aa, but it is not a defense. interesting to see what the jury decides today. they continue deliberation. hunter biden has not arrived at the courthouse.
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>> brian: first lady will go on tuesday from washington to wilmington, wilmington to france, france to wilmington and france to philadelphia. she of course is back in wilmington, to show support for her step-son, i get it. but why are we paying for it? >> ainsley: it cost $345,000 for her to go back and forth and dnc is saying they will cover the cost. we asked peter about it, they will cover the cost of a couple tickets. >> steve: probably one first class ticket. if intent was to influence the jury, they will not be needed today. the president is leaving tonight or tomorrow for the g-7.
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they will be close so they can go back to court if the word comes down. >> lawrence: when they pay for the flight back and forth, is that a legal expense or campaign contribution? >> steve: probably campaign. >> lawrence: is it part of the election, how do you label these things? >> brian: juneteenth coming up thursday? >> ainsley: next wednesday -- next. >> brian: yesterday at the white house was time to celebrate, great roster of fantastic acts evidently, people looking at this shot and saying is the president freezing? is he frozen? is he okay in this or just refusing to sway with the music? >> steve: remember when you were a kid and played that game where you come up and say freeze and everybody else around you would
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move and you have to freeze. looks like he is playing that game right there. he moved a little bit. >> lawrence: or guy with lack of rhythm. it wouldn't be a problem if he did not lie and say he was part of the black church and he marched in the civil rights movement. that is all we do as a culture. someone hanging with the culture, you even have kamala, she does not have to lie or cackle. >> ainsley: if you don't have rhythm, you can clap. everyone can clap. >> brian: he was also brought up in a puerto rican church. he should sway, not sit still. that is all we got, no one in catholic church has any idea if we have rhythm or not.
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>> lawrence: he's a catholic part of all this culture. raised and marched. >> brian: it is a great way to go. >> steve: when he was not dancing, standing there, freeze, he was at the lect your honor and reminding those at the early celebration of juneteenth, i'm doing a really good job for all of you and the other party -- did not mention political opponents by name, they want to take you back. watch this. >> president biden: let's be clear, they're all ghosts in new g garments trying to take you back, make it harder for black people to vote or have your vote
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counted, closing doors of opportunity, attacking, diversity, equity and collusion. about our present and future. >> brian: run on dei. that is popular in america. number two, what part is he talking about going back, taking us back? southern democrats separated and they were for jim crow and they are the ones that called themselves the kkk, not sure if he will be happy with where his party was. >> lawrence: whole celebration of juneteenth was donald trump's idea, he proposed the idea and joe biden lift said it and made it a national holiday. it is a fear tactic and they have been doing this nonsense
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ever since the bronx rally. look at numbers now, black people are leaving the demo democratic party, leaving the party and has nothing to do with race. it is one thing, the economy. it is one thing, the border and fact you decided to take schools away in black neighborhoods, shut down senior facilities and put illegals there. instead of focusing on issues, they plan to use a fear campaign not to talk to white voters, but to tell black folks, stay in your lane right where you are. better not shift your vote, if you do, donald trump is worst thing for you. don't forget tax credits, it is racial politics and to fear people and to --
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>> brian: talk about georgia. >> lawrence: which was a lie. >> brian: senator warnock won again. he should apologize for his comment jim crow 2.0. >> lawrence: and all that revenue for the all-star game, the all-star game pulled out. business owners said, what are you doing? you are hurting campaigns, it benefited the party. >> ainsley: one-fourth of the black community is now voting for donald trump. almost 80% voted for biden and now 72% say they will vote for biden. the pollster nate silver is suggesting because of biden's low numbers and ashes proval rating 37.4% is cause for joe biden to jump out of the race.
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>> steve: in february, nate silver was saying democrats should think about substituting for the quarterback. yesterday he came back and post said on x, former ly twitter, h said democrats would have been better served if biden would have decided not to seek a second term and give voters a say across the democrats across the country. essentially bring in a new horse. he continued and joe biden hit all-time low in approval, dropping out would be a big risk. there is threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don't know. it is more than fair to ask. you have one guy who is smartest big data guy in the world saying it could be too late for him. >> lawrence: if you are the
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president, you can't feel good about this. the convention is two months away, i think. people are still suggesting maybe he shouldn't be on the ticket, almost convention time. >> brian: where do you go? it is kamala harris. governor whitmore will say, kamala, step back, governor shapiro? no. if you put her top of the ticket, numbers look worse, unless sonia sotomayors, i'm going to retire and they say kamala, would you go to the supreme court. >> ainsley: don't even say that. you said all staffers don't want to lose their jobs and telling him to stay and run. >> steve: in a safe space. nobody saying, the numbers stink. he knows numbers are bad, he thinks and we've been talking
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about this a long time, we heard last march what the plan was. joe biden may not be great, he is not donald trump. >> ainsley: beat him before. look at virginia. >> brian: one big advantage is money and that gap is closing rapidly, president got 12 million -- >> ainsley: president trump. >> brian: in silicon valley and story in politico talks how wall street is lining up behind him. and point bridge capital is in. blackrock labeled insurrection following trump, an asffront to democratic values is in, castleman and eric levine, gop fundraiser treasury official is in, shawn mcguire is in.
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he is getting wall street andic taking a piece of silicon valley. a lot of guys are citing court cases, civil and legal case because they are business people and you don't want to weaponize government to go after people's success. >> steve: what he did last night trying to court the black community and hemorrhaging young voters. you mentioned virginia, bellwether state for virginia, in latest poll, it's a tie, battleground state. >> brian: three straight polls. >> steve: 48%. governor youngkin said last night with sean hannity, anything can happen. >> sean: that is what polls are showing like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin,
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michigan, nevada and arizona, those battleground states are seeing same kind of statement that virginia is making. they want a strong america. an america that has economic strength, not biden generated economy that unleashed inflation. >> lawrence: as we get closer, the partisan divide was deeply emotional. the closer we get to election, only emotion that matters and their paycheck every two weeks, they are looking and don't have enough. they are going to the grand jury store. >> brian: i think security, too. i look at the border and foreign policy, 38% approval rating on foreign policy. >> lawrence: i agree, it was border at one point, closer to election, economy is number one
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issue. >> steve: to your point in our big packet of stuff, there was survey done by intuit credit karma and 27% of americans admit they occasionally skip meals because they cannot afford it, 30% sacrifice other things to buy crashes, other things are paying bills or rent because of cost of food. >> brian: hot water in a bag, if you are skipping a meal. i think this is country style chicken pot pie, come by my office today, skipping a meal in a bag. tells me where to cut it open, too. boil water, dinner is coming your way. >> ainsley: it is eza. we have machines right outside your office, put a cup of hot
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water. >> brian: and have friends and family over. >> ainsley: meal in a bag. >> brian: i'm boiling the water, call your relatives. >> lawrence: i will toss to carley. >> carley: i always wanted to eat chicken pot pie in a bag. >> brian: you are invited, bring your own bag. >> carley: chaotic scene, p protest rocking new york city, watch this. [indiscernible chanting] >> carley: they are upon chants long live intifada. protesters set off flairs and chanted anti-israel slogans and demonstrators were carrying a banner that said long live october 7.
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praising the mas killings which left 1200 israelis dead. 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. hundred for two migrants who beat and mugged outside a four-star hotel. how to combat that significant uptick in crime. >> there was a shooting where a migrant shot two police officers trying to keep us safe, who were tailing him because he was a suspect in several robberies. now they shoot at our police officers. >> carley: the migrants are believed to be staying at nearby hotel shelters. terribles in california rescuing a kite surfer after a pilot spotted the word help in the sand. first responder was lowered down
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and the surfer was hoisted to safety. the surfer did not need medical attention. uconn head coach dan hurley is staying in connecticut after turning down $70 million from the lakers. he will look to lead huskies to a national championship, saying, i am humbled by this experience, i am proud of the championship culture we have built at connecticut. speaking of basketball, wnba star caitlin clark fouled hard as fever faced the suns last night. the connecticut player bumped clark. clark and chicago sky star angela reese have been in the
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spotlight. sales are up over last season. actress courtney cox recreating her iconic appearance in bruce springsteen's music video. it is part of trend where people ask their moms how they danced in the '80s. she wore a shirt similar to what she wore. she said it was one of the most importance of her career. >> brian: i thought it was spontaneous. >> ainsley: she looks amazing, she has not aged. >> carley: she is gorgeous and i hope my son does not ask how i
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dance. >> lawrence: how did you dance, brian? >> steve: dancing ymca. >> brian: no, no. cal mcginnis >> carley: he stays on one letter. >> lawrence: like biden. >> brian: i don't freeze, tomorrow i will be in dallas, klif is carrying the radio show. i will talk to people of texas, find out what dallas thinks what is happening in america and the border and food in a bag. >> steve: snyder plaza is just across from smu. >> brian: right where the bush museum is. >> lawrence: tell my people i said hello, texas, dallas.
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>> ainsley: go to the diner so he is not out by himself. >> steve: i will send sally. >> brian: i need help dressing casual, untucked shirt. >> lawrence: show your muscles. >> ainsley: gingham. >> lawrence: wear cowboy boots. >> brian: if we don't tease soon -- >> steve: real photos of children are being used to power ai. >> ainsley: who official and leading ai expert jamie metsel says this is tip of the i'm going berg. >> brian: and he has a brand new book.
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only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses!
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i'm trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn't having that. i tried other diets and they just didn't work didn't last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i've lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> steve: check this out, apple officially jumping into the ai race announcing plans to bring ai technology to ios users around the world. some tech agiants are calling ot apple. >> apep announced a partnership with chat gpt. ceo tim cook says updates will
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be indispinsible and help users to create custom recipes, stories and more. tech jaet has apple intelligence. it has been called a security risk. visitors will have to check apple devices at the door to be stored in a cage. apples new john ffeatures come later this year. >> brian: disturbing new report claiming real pictures of young children are being used to create powerful ai learning tools without knowledge of their
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parents or the kids. human rights watches bad actors are creating malicious deep fakes. this comes after top imf official wash warns ai could have disastrous effect. jamie metsel has a new book that is supposed to help us, super con convergence, it is out there, genetics, biotech and ai revolution will trans form our lives, work and world. this is what you worry about, ethics involved with ai not on display with kids. >> ai and technology could be best thing happening to humanity, and it could be worst thing that happens.
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could put our children at risk. now is time we need to navigate toward better outcomes. it is using your picture in way not giving permission. we asked lion to tell us what they are up to, they tdz we have worked together wto move links o the children's public images on the internet. it does not contain images with url that point to public int internet only. you feel better? >> no, we have large ai systems, they are collecting digital information and more information and data they grab, smarter they bottom. they will try to swallow up the internet, we need governance and
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regulations in place. >> brian: you made a readable book about something we all need to know. you said we can start curing cancer and you used ai to save your dad's life. >> it is really something so meaningful to me, while writing the healthcare chapter, my dad was diagnosed with the steve jobs cancer and i encouraged our oncologist, sequence his tumor cells. chem o did not work, we found a mutation by sequencing the cancer cells. he has seen two super bowls and ashes tended his granddaughter's
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graduation and celebrating the book launch. >> brian: i can understand the book, we all need confidence in this. we'll talk more about it. primary day in nevada and polls are opening soon, candidate sam brown picking up major endorsement, he is straight ah ahead. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] >> janice: good morning, it is a beautiful day here in new york. we have temperatures going into the 70s. across the west, we have extreme heat. phoenix 110, in houston, heat
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will feel oppressive. above average temperatures thursday, friday and saturday for two-thirds of the country. in florida, tropical moisture, could see 6-12 inches around tampa and fort myers. fox, for the details. inside to you. >> ainsley: polless opening soon for highly anticipated senate primary in nevada. >> lawrence: donald trump endorsing army captain sam brown. sam, thank you for joining the program. >> lawrence: thank you for your service. how does it feel to have the former president endorse you, do you think it will give you last boost you need? >> it is humbling to have
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president trump's endorsement. i started in 2016 as trump voter and a business owner of a small business. i volunteer at the mindon trump rally. polls open in 90 minutes. president trump at top of the ticket and i'll be there with him taking on joe biden and jackie rosen and their failed policy. path to senate majority run through nevada. >> ainsley: captain, sienna polls have you neck and neck with jackie rosen. senate balance of power, 49-51. why is this seat important to
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you? >> this seat is not just important to me, but to the entire country. we have seen contrast between joe biden and left leaning congress lead by chuck schumer compared to how things were under president trump's wellership. nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk and people are looking for hope. i know power and importance of hope when all seems lost. my own soldiers came to my rescue saying, sir, i have you. that is what president trump is doing for americans and gaining in the polls and i seek to do in nevada, give them something to hope for. country and struggles we have now do not have to persist. we can get back on track, become strong and have an economy that
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works for all. >> lawrence: captain, many would argue you have given the country enough, almost dying in combats, decided to serve again. >> ainsley: god bless you, thank you for your service. jury deliberations will resume in hunter biden gun trial in 20 minutes, will we get a verdict today? my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> steve: 14 minutes from now, hunter biden's trial will resume. former federal prosecutor joins us with what to expect. the yesterday they went in 3:33 in the afternoon and deliberated one hour. what do you think? >> this case is open and shut in terms of facts and laws. prosecution has presented strong evidence of his drug use. it is up to the jury here.
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>> steve: and we're talking about a jury in bidenville, joe biden has been there forever. you know that leo, the david weiss wes /* weiss took into effect the biden family was in the front row saying this is not evidence. >> we will see. people talk about idea of jury nullification, that means facts and law 100% lined up. it is not supported by what was supported in court and this case has that written all over it. even if they have hung jury or acquittal, which would be outrageous. all from hunter's text messages
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and laptop, of course. >> steve: you think he will be convicted? >> i think he should be convicted based on legal analysis. not sure how political this jury is. you can't read into anybody or a jury until after the fact, of course. >> steve: we've all been watching and this case has been salacious, the family dragged back and forth through the trial. he could have done something about this a long time ago. >> that is a very interest ing part to me. hunter could have pled guilty, you don't need a plea deal to plead guilty, by taking it to trial, we have all the behind the scenes from his o -- this ws
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all going down, that is interesting, as well. >> steve: if convicted, i know the president said he will not pardon him. he's going to pardon him. >> after the election is over, he will get a pardon, joe biden does not have anything to lose there. they said this is a political prosecution. >> do you expect a verdict today? >> i anticipate a verdict today, streamlined case. >> steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, 10 before top of the hour, kicking off summer of soccer on fox. fox soccer analyst stu holden and alexi lawless will preview it. check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: taking a few headers outside, see how that works out.
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we are on verdict watch. about 10 minutes away. dramatic body cam video. hits keep coming over joe biden's age and cans day from the left. one week later, is the border any better? join dana and me top of the hour, we'll kick things off. see you then.
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>> brian: it's the summer of soccer all season on fox sports. two largest tournaments in the world. joining us now is two guys that didn't need me to tell them what's coming up this summer. with their predictions for the two tournaments. welcome, guys. great players in your day. hard to believe your day is done but you look like he could still play. >> back in the 1900s. >> he played in italy. >> brian: let's set the table for people. the tournament begins june 14th,
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correct? which one can we see first? >> the euro, our first time at fox sports covering this event. it feels like a mini world cup. you have england, germany, spain, italy, all the big players and tournaments. the teams in this big tournament and that's what we're excited. you think about renaldo, his last international tournament. and france and then messi. fox sports we talked about the big teams and stars on display every summer. an opportunity even for the united states this summer in the copa america to show what they've got. >> brian: who comes in favored and who do you pick to emerge? >> euros, france, england. from an england perspective is it coming home being able to win a trophy? they're very good. incredible talent and
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confidence. france, also the last stand when it comes to renaldo and portugal. the big teams and stars and then a couple days later we roll right into copa america. u.s. hosting this tournament that in normal times is for south america but u.s. is hosting it and everybody is coming and argentina and brazil. messi in his new neighborhood here in the united states, or vinny junior when it comes to brazil. >> brian: u.s. against boll ive yeah. they're getting respect internationally, right? >> you make a great point here. we talk about this generation of players and they've been dubbed as the golden generation. this is a team you should be excited about this summer. really this summer we'll find out if this team actually has what it takes to play against big teams and it is kind of a dress rehearsal for two years from now, the world cup in the
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united states and expectations are sky high. uruguay is one of the top teams now and then brazil or columbia. chances for these guys to prove what they have what it takes. otherwise the coach could lose his job and maybe -- i'm excited and hope they make us excited getting it done on the field. >> what have you done for me lately. you should expect this team to do big, bold things. i think as you said for coach and the team to a certain extent. >> brian: i didn't know where he was going with that. now it makes sense. it works. i think it works. >> new material. >> open source, it is all yours. >> brian: let's talk about this on radio, too. congratulations, a fun summer. the world cup right after. thanks, guys. watch the euro cup and cabo
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america. >> steve: meanwhile. >> brian: i'm in dallas tomorrow. breakfast with friends and live there. we'll talk to a lot of people on camera and buy a lot of food. >> steve: things kick off at 5:00 a.m. central time until 8:00 a.m. >> lawrence: pack the house for kilmeade, my dallas folks. >> ainsley: do you want them to get dressed? >> i will be dressed. stay within yourself. [chanting]


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