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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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from when president biden first took office. >> those who have properties, they are doing well. home prices high. those who want to participate, first-time buyers are struggling. we have this social divide. hard to jump to the next level, which is the reason why it's critical that we have more supply in the future years. >> they believe we need 50% more supply of homes on the market. new regulations from the biden administration announced last month adds $30,000 in the cost of the home. it all comes back to supply and demand. shortage in homes keeping prices higher as well as the cost of a mortgage. back to you, the american dream is out of reach for many. >> dana: 30,000 more? that's a lot. thank you, edward. >> yeah. >> dana: fox news alert. day two of jury deliberation is underway right now in hunter biden's criminal trial as we
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await a verdict in a federal case alleging president biden's son lied about his drug use when he bought a handgun in 2018. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. that hour went by quick. >> bill: it sure did. good morning, dana. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. hunter biden is no longer in court. he will have to be there for a verdict. prosecutors say hunter biden knew he was addicted to drugs and the evidence shows that. the defense suggesting to the jury the evidence is circumstantial insisting the government has failed to prove its case against hunter biden beyond a reasonable doubt. >> dana: judge jeanine pirro joins us in a moment. first rich edson is live at the courthouse in wilmington. we're deliberating now? >> they are, dana. they started at 9:06 this morning when the judge called them back into the courtroom. she talked to them and asked them whether they had any conversations or read anything about the case overnight. they indicated they had not. they went back into the
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deliberation room and deliberated yesterday for an hour and ten minutes and that process is ongoing. hunter arrived here at 8:five in the morning. went to the courtroom and departed back again at 9:20 in the morning. most of the time during these deliberations we could possibly hear the jury asking questions, maybe getting some more testimony read back to them, looking to look at some type of exhibit, all of that. that will be communicated through a bailiff to the judge while that process is ongoing. hunter is not going to need to be back here at the courthouse until there is some type of decision. then they will probably once the jury indicates they've reached a verdict we'll have 15 to 30 minutes before hunter has to come back here and read it in his presence. there was some discussion going into yesterday as to whether he would actually take the stand. it was indicated by the defense they were going to consider over the weekend possibly calling hunter biden to the stand. that never happened. they decided against it and so the jury is deliberating without
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the benefit from hearing from the defendant himself. it's ongoing here. we'll keep you updated as we get updates. >> bill: painting on a broad brush, 25 years is the maximum sentence. three different charges and take you through each one. count one, false statement in the purchase of a firearm. that has been disputed by his attorneys. that's count one. count number two, another false statement to a licensed firearms dealer. he signed the form at the count. count three possession of a firearm by an unlawful users of a controlled substance. this is really the heart of the defense's case. they are arguing that you cannot prove that he was an addict at the time when he got the gun. take it over here and talk to the judge and get expert analysis with you ladies now. >> dana: great to have you here, judge. last night on "the five" when we left you thought there would be a verdict today before noon. do you still feel that way
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today? >> yes, i do. it's a straight forward case, the evidence is clear. what abbe lowell is proffering to the jury to try to get the defense to buy into their version you don't have any real pictures, you don't have this or that. we don't know he was using at the time. we didn't see any cocaine on the counter when he was filling out the form to get a gun. but the truth is that it's rare that you hear a defendant's voice belloing out in a courtroom talking how he is addicted to crack cocaine. the evidence is overwhelming it is pathetic the defense is arguing what it is arguing. it all comes to the issue of nullification. and the issue is whether or not the biden family sitting there staring down this jury from the start from jury deliberations is going to make that jury uncomfortable. i don't know if there is such a
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sympathy component to this. ashley has been running out in tears, one of the bidens, but at the same time when the jury looks at this in the deliberation room, they've got a guy who is addicted to crack cocaine based upon his book, the text messages, his girlfriend, his ex-wife, and the zoe car sten as well as his voice and that's the issue. do you want someone addicted to crack cocaine running around with a firearm? the answer is no. who brought up alcohol addiction? i haven't heard evidence of that. he wants you to buy into that. >> he says the lack of photos can speak more loudly than what was spoken by her under a grant of immunity. talking about the former girlfriend on the stand weiss said people sitting in the gallery are not evidence pointing to them.
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biden family members, you may recognize them from the news but none of that matters. what did you think of that strategy? >> it was brilliant and it was necessary and an experienced prosecutor. the family is the elephant in the room. you have got people in this small town of delaware, everybody knows the bidens. you have the first lady of the united states. you have secret service all over the place. you have all these identifiable players dressed to the nines, all lined up in a unified front when in reality it's a dysfunctional family and the jury is thinking he is okay now. we'll take care of him or over it now. no, he is not over it. he wrote a book and has a laptop. the laptop that same family wanted you to believe was a lie is a central piece in a federal case before a federal jury. so let's get rid of all of the smoke and mirrors here. here is a guy who is a crack addict who went to buy a gun and got the gun.
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his girlfriend, his brother's widow he is having an affair with throws out the gun because she knows he shouldn't have one. the biden administration is the administration added years to anyone who files a false application to get a gun from 15 to 20 years. that's joe biden who did that. that's the biden white house that did that. and now all of a sudden hunter shouldn't be held accountable like everyone else? he is not above the law. >> dana: plus the white house the president participating in a gun safety event later today. >> of course. >> dana: if the shoe were on the other foot you can imagine what they would be saying. >> yes, you can. there is no mercy when it comes to, you know, donald trump and but the reality is that this is clearly a case where i haven't seen evidence like this in a case, i really haven't. this is so solid it is ridiculous. you have the defendant's voice in the room belloing out that i was addicted to crack cocaine. you have the girlfriend, you
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have the ex-wife, you've got the widow. i mean, it's crazy. >> dana: it's crazy. what's not crazy "the five." it's a little crazy. >> we're a little crazy. have you been in new jersey lately, dana? >> dana: the verdict could come down today and you are here for everybody and you will get to hear her thoughts when that is ready. [shouting] >> regardless of your purpose in remaining you will be in violation. >> bill: last hour we showed you the chaos in the stays of new york city. in california, too. los angeles, ucla. police making multiple arrests after anti-israel protestors marched through campus, set up new tents. officers cleared the grounds already. william la jeunesse is in l.a. with the fallout. looks like we'll have a summer filled with this. good morning. >> in this case, bill, ucla did not want to let it spin out of
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control as before so police moved in last night after protestors set up tents, died it fountain read and vandalized buildings and threatened to set fire to a building forcing students in the middle of finals to evacuate. 25 arrested all were told to stay off campus for 14 days. those students cannot take class in person or graduate, which is friday. what we're seeing is a new strategy. stanford last week immediately called police when protestors sprayed graffiti and took over the president's office because he refused to di vest from israel. >> finally we demand amnesty for all student protestors on stanford's campus. if these demands are met we'll leave your office. >> what about those 3,000 protestors nationwide arrested? they were suspended or expelled from school. well, what about criminal charges? misdemeanor or felonies?
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every university is different. harvard denied degrees to 13 students. two at princeton. yale allowed a student to graduate arrested twice. u.c. schools are withholding transcripts until arrested students pass a code of conduct and brown university of texas, stanford support pressing criminal charges. johns hopkins withdrew all disciplinary measures provided students don't disrupt graduation. the top five universities. columbia, ucla, texas, northern western and ucla chancellor told congress he should have acted sooner. >> the benefit of hindsight we should have been prepared to remove the encampment when our community's safety was put at risk. >> universities saying peaceful protests or if you disrupt class, take a building it's over. the dilemma is discipline. do they suspend or punish students or do they press
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charges or give a warning or as some are demanding amnesty like the faculty and many student groups? back to you. >> bill: more to come unfortunately. william la jeunesse in california. want to share with you now some heart pounding images of this daring idf hostage rescue. the video made public runs 40 seconds in length. here is a big part of that now and we'll watch it together. [gunfire] [shouting] [shouting in foreign language]
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[more gunfire] >> bill: there is a lot of that in arabic, some in hebrew. we're working on translations so we can tell you what is exchanged in these conversations and obviously the moment is just as dramatic as it gets. >> dana: often these kinds of operations do not happen in broad daylight. >> bill: so they went into two different buildings at the same time and the daylight portion of that is kind of what took those in gaza by surprise. they went after two buildings at the same time and the reason they did that is they were worried if they went into one and not oh other they would tip off the others and some hostages would be killed. in the end they rescued four. extraordinary story. >> dana: the hostage takers and keepers tried to shoot on the hostages as they were being
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rescued. >> bill ackman is an american, big supporter of israel. made a lot of money no private equity. he is as outspoken as anyone. compare and contrast the tenacity israel employs to get its hostages. eight american hostages are being held by hamas, five living, three dead. what are we doing to get them home? that is something that escapes a lot of our coverage. >> dana: god bless them there. >> bill: so we will get more fallout and maybe we get more rescues. >> dana: political earthquake rocking europe. voters taking a sharp turn to the right. is that a sign of things to come even here in november? do you remember this? >> the truth is, people are dying today in nursing homes in republican states. just that democratic states had the disease worse and earlier. >> bill: what a time. october of 2020.
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fast forward to today, 2024. andrew cuomo is back in the hot seat. congressional panel gearing up to ask him about the deaths during the pandemic. >> dana: senate primary day in november. the balance of power perhaps hinging on that state's pivotal seat. >> i'm a grassroot candidate and clearly president trump sees that same fire, that same grit in me as well and that's why i'm proud to have his endorsement. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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(man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did.
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>> look, whether a person died in a hospital or died in a nursing home, it's -- the people died. i am telling you, as i sit here,
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i have told you the facts on covid from day one, whether they were easy, whether they were hard, i told you the truth. >> dana: from 2021 to today. disgraced and former new york governor andrew cuomo going behind closed doors before a house panel expected to face tough questions about nursing home residents who died during the covid pandemic. he is defiant about it. aishah hosni spoke to him on his way to the hearing. she joins us on capitol hill. good morning. >> good morning. i've been covering andrew cuomo for a very long time and there is one thing that he refuses to do and that is to take any responsibility for what happened in new york four years ago or apologize to those families. i tried to ask him to do that again today. and he didn't. what he is trying to do here today is establish this narrative that he didn't do anything wrong. the d.o.j. has never charged him and that this is all a partisan
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pursuit and that he is basically did for years ago what the federal government recommended. watch. >> mandates, i think a lot of folks wonder why you pushed this down the throats of nursing homes and then took so long six weeks to reverse it. >> the department of justice found no wrongdoing and investigation said explicitly we followed the federal guidance. >> okay, so he will try to tell committee members that today. house republicans on this panel want to get to the bottom of who actually authored that march 2020 order. the one that barred nursing homes from rejecting the patients who had covid. also want to know why his administration, dana, massively underreported the number of people killed. remember that was a big deal. and also if that decision had anything to do with his $5 million book deal. he resigned over multiple sexual
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harassment allegations. never taken responsibility for how he handled the covid pandemic. his spokesman again he has never been charged. the committee, dana, does plan to release a transcript of today's closed-door testimony but they probably won't do that for a few weeks. dana. >> dana: we'll watch it all happen today. thank you for being there. >> bill: you have what is considered by some to be a seismic shift in europe after far right candidates scored stunning wins in the e.u. parley meant elections. is this a precursor for america come november. the founder ever golden together and fox news contributor steve hilton. the headline, trump and european populist right. the problem is closer to home. a paragraph, all right?
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europe's he leitz have watched with horror trends in america. it's their own people they have most to fear, smaller countries saw huge advances by parties of the right that oppose mass immigration, reject extreme climate measures, and resist the continuing disillusion of civilization into a multi-cultural mush as only baker can right. broker immigration and the push on green energy at home resonates most but how do you see this and is this a foreshadowing? >> very much so. it is 2016 all over again, isn't it? my first year at fox. i remember very clearly having these kinds of conversations with you and dana and others. i was involved in the brexit campaign in 2016 a few months before our election here and the question was wow, that was a shock, could it happen with
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donald trump? could you see the same populist revolution? we did and i think there is so much there. you have slightly different issues in different countries and germany where the greens had a big part in the government. a massive push toward green energy putting up prices, people are sick of that. the big rejection of the greens in germany. france more the immigration issue where there is a sense that the culture is being undermined by uncontrolled immigration. sitting above it all just as here in america, actually it is the economy, stupid. right across europe you have this economic malaise where you have seen inflation just as we have here and you have seen a sluggish response and the establishment really sticking to their globalist ideology and not really responding to the day-to-day concerns of the people. that can return trump in november here just as it did in 2016. >> bill: a couple of the headlines and this goes back to
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march. a.p. news says england is limiting gender transitions. u.s. legislators are watching. march groundbreaking study undermines gender activists suicide narrative. u.s. news in july of last year, europeans restrict trans healthcare for minors. what do we learn, if anything, when they are going through a lot of this as well, steve? >> it's incredibly important. these developments just in the last few weeks actually have been a body blow to this extremist ideology that we have seen rampant throughout america over the last few years. and remember the starting point for all of the ideology around what they call gender affirming care was a small study in europe. a dutch study. handful of people in the late 90s i believe. that was the only scientific basis. you could barely call it science such a small study that
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justified what we've seen in terms of this extremism in relation to parents and their children and what's going on. now you have real science coming to give the real answers which is actually the same as what regular people through their own common sense have been saying for years. the u.k. study in particular is incredibly important. the former head of the society of pediatricians in the u.k. is the national health service. remember the national health service socialized medicine. they revere that. they are saying that these treatments given to kids should be stopped. no more. there is no scientific basis for it. it is a massive, massive rejection of this extremist ideology and i hope as we have already seen with the american college of pediatricians here in our country have responded to this. we need to see the whole medical establishment take notice of what's going on in europe. >> bill: thank you so much. taking notice today we shall. thank you, steve hilton.
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good to talk to you in california. thank you. >> they were giving every indication to the public they were shutting down this program. i worked there and did surgery there and i knew it was untrue. >> dana: a texas surgeon is facing charges after speaking out against gender affirming care for under age patients. courteney cox is recreating the iconic moment making us feel like this was yesterday. ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy.
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with his now wife earlier today. he is required to be in court for the reading of the verdict but nothing else. that contrasts a little bit with new york law when the former president had to be inside the courtroom any time the jury was looking for something to be read back. want to let you know it's happening right now. no verdict yet but we're on verdict watch right now. michigan is going back to nuclear thanks to a billion dollar loan from the energy department. a plant in that great lakes state is getting a second chance to power on up. we are getting a first look at this nuclear renaissance. very intriguing story. kelly is live at a plant in covert, michigan. what did you find out? >> hi, bill. we are basically an hour away from grand rapids here where this plant is going to keep the lights on for about 800,000 people alone. and then with the addition of two small modular reactors another half million homes are
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going to have more power as well. this is important because with the addition of article fireball intelligence data centers there is going to be even more of a need to bolster the u.s. power grid, which is already reaching its peak capacity. goldman sachs says that we'll need 160% more power. nuclear reactor began operating in georgia in the spring. the first new one in the country since 2016. they plan to add two of these small modular reactors and all together that's only a $2 billion project. $30 billion less than a new plant that opened in georgia. they are being used in russia and china but don't exist yet in north america. remissioning plants is really the cheapest way to bring nuclear energy back into the u.s., once the leader in the field and now trailing behind. >> what we're doing has never been done before. the whole community is watching.
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the whole country is watching and several parts of the world are watching to see what is happening at palisades. we recognize the historical significance that a nuclear plant has never come back from a decommissioning state to restore to full operation. >> you know, bill, this is a really big deal for the community. this palisades plant is interwoven into covert, michigan. everybody knows somebody who works here. it is adding back 600 jobs into the community. back to you. >> bill: beautiful part of the country especially this time of the year. thank you for that. >> dana: primary voters are heading to the polls today in nevada where the swing state's senate seat could determine the balance of power on capitol hill and all that comes with it. we're live in las vegas. polls are open. what do we expect after the endorsement this weekend, alicia? >> well, dana, sam brown candidacy is hoping for a really big day and a busy day here.
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we'll see about that. he is the leading candidate in the gop senate primary. he has significantly outraised the competition. a field of 15 other people vying for the gop primary senate. and he is also the only one to receive former president trump's endorsement. he is retired army veteran sam brown. he is also a purple heart recipient after being injured in afghanistan. brown also heads in with the endorsement of the nevada governor and is supported by senator mitch mcconnell. now that kind of support has led some in his party to accuse him of being in the tank for the establishment and not maga enough. >> i don't have anything to prove to people. i started out in 2016 as a trump voter and was so motivated about the america first policies and agenda that in 2020 i was a volunteer.
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>> after trump endorsed brown one of his fellow candidates dr. jeff ghenter served as ambassador to iceland fuming on x writing the snakes are within. a reference to the nrsc and mcconnell. the winner of today's primary advances to the general election in november and take on incumbent senator jackie rosen. her significant war chest makes her the heavy favorite feel. republicans feel they have the opportunity to pick up the senate. we'll see. >> dana: you are in a hot seat today. thank you. >> bill: a race to watch, too. courteney cox dancing in the dark yet again maybe this time with a light on. the actress posted a video on tiktok reminding us of where she got her start in the mid 80s. ♪
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>> bill: did you see what she did there? recreated that iconic moment on stage with bruce springsteen first anticipated 40 years ago donning the same wardrobe piece. nothing says the 80s like springsteen and courteney cox dancing in the dark. >> dana: if you are a friends fan you can go back and thank them. there you go. [chanting] >> dana: disturbing rise in anti-semitism plaguing america's street. one says it is being weaponized to divide americans.
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[chanting] >> dana: anti-israel protests spiraling out of control in new york. some people praising the terrorists of october 7th. all this fueling accusations of anti-semitism on the left. democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez arguing some of the pushback is racially motivated. >> false accusations of
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anti-semitism are wielded against people of colo women of color by bad faith political actors. and weaponizing anti-semitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between the fight for jewish safety and the cause for palestinian self-determination. >> dana: josh, this comes a morning after the protests. olivia wine gold was surrounded by a mob yesterday shouted anti-semitic slogans and took her notebook and ripped it up. josh, you tell me, the ajc poll said 93% of jews polled said that anti-semitism is a problem and 85% say it's important for the u.s. to continue to support israel. your thoughts here. >> all you have to do is look at the images from new york city last night where you didn't just have anti-israel protestors, you
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had mobs of people waving hamas and hezbollah pro-terrorist flags that were standing outside an exhibit commemorating and honoring the victims of the music festival in israel brutally murdered on october 7th. this is how problematic the anti-semitism on the far left is. the reason you saw aoc speaking on that webinar and those were two liberal leaders of the new york jewish community hoping to have a conversation with aoc about how bad anti-semitism has gotten on the left. to the congresswoman's credit she did try to condemn anti-semitism and recognize it is a problem but you always here the but. you always hear the i don't like it when it is used too aggressively against our group, against the far left. and what you saw last night in new york city is a testaments of how deep the problem runs and the big test, dana, is going the
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whether they condemn the pro-terrorist slogans chanted last night in new york. are their actions going to speak louder than their words? >> dana: they did that event there at a memorial site for the nova music festival where the main october 7th terrorist attack happened. cheryl sandburg was on our show a month ago and talked about what actually happened at that festival. you would imagine that somebody like aoc who cares about women, right, that maybe she would think differently? what cheryl here? >> after october 7th the reports were coming out about not just mass murder but mass sexual violence and the usual people who should be speaking out were either ignoring it or denying it and that's not okay. women naked, legs spread, bloodied, tied to trees. this is a nonpartisan issue no matter what you believe.
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>> dana: she spearheaded an entire documentary about that and feels a little lonely and bereft. people she normally think would support all women didn't get it from them. >> they didn't. there is this divide. the a vast majority of democrats condemn everything that happened on october 7th. it has been the far left that has been the problem and why the allegations of anti-semitism have been ringing true to a whole lot of people. again, i really interested to hear what aoc has to say about what happened in new york city last night that's right next to her congressional district. not far away. so she did say and speak out against anti-semitism but ultimately is she going to condemn the pro-terrorist slogans that mocked the attack that justified them last night in new york city. >> dana: thanks for being on the perino on politics podcast.
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you had a lot of good thanks. appreciate it. thank you. >> in today's episode we have a kitchen clog going on. i felt the stench of drain owe and fish sauce hit my no, sir tills. >> who says blue collar work isn't cool no more? generation z is making big bucks showing their skills and you are about to meet one of them. ♪ sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ listen. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! [ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover.
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kat cammack, jason rantz, the best in the legal business join me as we await the verdict in the hunter biden gun trial. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> see you in a moment. we're in verdict watch here two hours 50 some odds minutes into deliberations between yesterday and today. stand by. no decision yet. we think lunch is at noon but we'll wait for that to come. >> dana: okay. in the meantime a general surgeon has been indicted on four hipaa violations over his allegations that texas children's hospital is providing trans healthcare for minors despite the charges, he is standing by his claims. >> imagine what happens when you take a vulnerable confused kid at 11 years old and start them on puberty blockers is a chronic medical patient. >> dana: what's going on, mike? >> he is a doctor in texas
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facing four felony charges because he went public with information that texas children's hospital is performing transgender procedures on kids. document to a journalist showing texas children was operating the child gender clinic after claiming it was shut down and after the state attorney general ken paxton released an opinion said it could be investigated as a crime. the doctor appeared on the ingraham angle last night. >> they were giving every indication to the public they were shutting down this program. i worked there. i did surgery there. i knew categorically this was untrue. they not only continued the program but expanded it behind closed doors. and especially as a doctor, trust is the most important currency we have. the fact that they were lying to the public is a violation of medical ethics. >> he has been indicted for violating hipaa laws. a journalist says they were redacted and contained no patient information and did not
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violate privacy. foreign for him said it is going out of the way to prosecute a whistleblower. he is anxious to get his side of the story told. the texas legislature passed a law prohibiting transgender surgeries on minors and the governor signed it last year. >> dana: incredible story. thank you. >> got it. ♪ >> bill: so you can -- sorry about that. i was waiting for the queue. generation z posting their work on social media. a new trend creating a lot of buzz and blue collar jobs. we could use those. lexi is a commercial and residential electrician. good morning and man, i could have used you this past weekend. where were you?
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you are the daughter and granddaughter of electricians. what do you do best? >> so i specialize in commercial service and generators and anything residential as well. >> dana: did you always think you would be an electrician or did you have lots of different ideas about what you would do when you grew up? >> i actually went to school for pre-med and fully set on being in the medical field and i started clinicals and no shot. this is not for me. but i was always in the construction setting so after covid happened, everything kind of shut down except for essential workers, which are electricians. i threw myself into electrical work and never stopped. >> bill: wow. >> dana: i was going to say there is probably not many women who are electricians. there are some. you might be starting a trend and using social media to encourage others and the viewership you are getting is quite incredible. >> yeah, i have based my
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platform off trying to inspire this generation to do construction and trade work because it is huge and schooling isn't for everybody and college isn't for everybody so i'm trying to show an alternative route for young people. >> bill: you are 27, right? you were quoted as saying i'm not a people person. you look like you are a people person to us. why do you think these skills have been overlooked by so many? >> i don't know if it's overlooking as much as it is a lot of work. construction is a lot of work. the time that it takes to even become an electrician is years and years. i feel like a lot of people don't want to put the time and effort in but i feel like there is so many more pros as far as different things that you learn and as far as having a life skill that you can use and make money anywhere you go. so i feel like people haven't really touched on it. >> dana: electrician is not the only thing. if you look at the graphic that
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we have, skilled trades on social media, blue collar workers that's a hashtag mechanic, construction worker. exciting for somebody like you, you can be your own boss, you can start to build some wealth and get some equity and figure out a way to live the life that you want to live. >> yeah. it has opened up a lot of doors for me and helped me basically grow as a social media platform as well and taught me a lot because social media is also a really good place to learn new things. i don't know everything as an electrician and i'm constantly learning new things on social media. i feel like it has definitely been an awesome experience for sure. >> bill: can you change a tire? can you lay tile? can you fix drywall? i think i might hire you. lexi -- >> you can do it. you have to look up youtube
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videos. >> bill: thanks for the tip. nice to meet you today. >> thank you, nice meeting you guys. >> bill: you get so empowered when you can do it on your own. lexi knows that. thank you. breaking news right now on the jury deliberations. we have new court sketches, dana. these are the breaking details from wilmington, delaware. they were a little faster on the trigger during the trump trial but nonetheless this is what jurors -- how an artist sees the jurors walking into the deliberation room as you see in the previous sketch. off we go. >> dana: we are likely to get the verdict today. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. she might get the verdict. see you on "the five." here she is. >> harris: day seven and the jury could reach a verdict at any moment in hunter biden's federal gun trial and the jury could decide on those charges that the first son l


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