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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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speak coming up. we are also expecting to get that videotape of the juror who spoke outside the courthouse and has given detail about why he feels hunter biden, he or she, it has been said he, got a guilty verdict on all counts today. then the anomaly, the mind-blowing simultaneous occurrence, who scheduled president biden to speak on gun control on the state? kaylee, that was such a good question. >> i call it comes malpractice. >> team come one more time? defense attorney abbe lowell, forgive me. "america reports" now. >> sandra: here we go, breaking news afternoon any moment now we are expecting to hear from part special counsel david weiss after the president's son was found guilty on all three counts in his case.
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we are also waiting comment from the white house, karine jean-pierre will be briefing for the first time since hunter biden's criminal gun trial began. hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith, john, great to be with you. >> john: i am john roberts in washington this is "america reports." at the washington hilton this hour to remark on gun violence. its juxtaposition were his own son has now been conducted on felony charges for owning a gun while on drugs. we have an all-star lineup to discuss everything coming out of the courtroom. >> sandra: but we are starting with david outside of the federal courthouse in wilmington, delaware. david, i want to make sure we tell our viewers off the top of our own jake gibson just sat down with juror number ten. we are turning the interview in its entirety, we will play that out for our viewers we are told is about 14 or 15 minutes long. remember, david, this is a man
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who recalled briefly chatting with someone, likely his brother about the hunter case knowing it was involving drugs and guns and he said to not say much because he had jury duty. he insisted he had not much about the case and key to this juror, david, he was one of the jurors who said for he has family members who own guns. another loved one in his life struggled with addiction and passed away we will hear from not juror shortly. david to you on the latest as we await the live event. >> scent of the defense was hoping this event and other jurors especially this juror may have help them out because he has connections to someone with guns, also someone that struggled with addiction thinking they may be a sympathetic juror. ultimately this juror, juror number ten a 68-year-old from lower delaware sussex county was not a sympathetic juror. this juror told my colleague gibson who covered the justice department with me ultimately he did not believe hunter biden was
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at a 7-eleven here in wilmington, delaware, back in 2018 to perhaps by a cup of coffee or buy a doughnut is hunter biden's attorney debbie lowell said he believes he was meeting at the local 7-eleven to do a drug deal because hunter biden mentions 7-eleven's in his book and says that is where some drug deals are done. especially deals of crack cocaine. listen, there's a lot of distraction in this case but ultimately it came down to one page. that page is a gun that hunter biden filled out in october of 2018 specifically october 12 of 2018. he has been convicted of falsely filling it out, convicted on all three charges. i was in the courtroom sitting about 15 feet behind him. he was stoic, he was looking forward, he gave his wife a kiss after the verdict was read and he was smiling a little bit with family members to try to stay positive. it was noticeable center and john that every day of the trial
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except one day last week was not in the courtroom at the time the verdict was read because the verdict came so quickly. jurors only deliberated for two hours today and an hour yesterday. in fact things were so hastily arranged to david the special counsel he even was not in the courtroom when the verdict was read. this came down to one page this is the gun form from 2018 hunter biden convicted and i want to read a statement from hunter biden. it says "i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community than i am disappointed about the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time." according to president biden it appears hunter biden will likely be appealing this. we don't know the next steps we know he is facing trial for tax
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evasion it remains to be seen out will continue to go on, maybe they will ask special counsel weiss if he wants to cut a deal or go to trial as we wait for special counsel david weiss at the bottom right of your screen who had a big legal victory today. in wilmington, delaware. the sender and john? >> sandra: as you said that we got a five minute warning, david weiss' remarks, statement following the hunter biden verdict so any moment now we will be hearing directly from weiss. david, thank you. john? >> john: president biden to speak at a an annual gun safety event in washington. biden says he will respect the guilty verdict against hunter, it will be there for him until the appeals process is complete. griff jenkins live at the white house. hunter biden's team didn't mention the bill but the president is going down that road. >> interesting comment on any statement statement the white house put out within about 30 minutes let me take it to you or take you to it right now it says "as i said last week i am the president but i am also a dad. joe and i love our son and we
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are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who had loved ones battle addiction understands the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out on the other side and be so strong and resilient in rec recovery. as they also said last week i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with love and support, nothing will ever change that. now we are awaiting the president's remarks at a gun safety event across town. unclear if you will comment on his son's conviction or address, john, the admission rations efforts to toughen some of the very gun laws that hunter is convicted or a. you can bet karine jean-pierre and the white house press briefing will get a lot of questions especially in the light of the president's comments when he was in nor normandy. >> as we sit here in normandy your son, hunter, is on trial. i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal
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prosecution, but let me ask you, will you accept the jury's outcome there verdict no matter what of his? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son question work >> yes. >> he is ruling out a pardon but he has not been asked, john, whether he would rule out a commutation, as you know a pardon wipes out all guilt of the conviction but a commutation would simply get rid of the sentence but not exonerate the individual, and it will be interesting to see whether president biden will refrain from referring to donald trump as a convicted felon on the campaign trail. now that his son is -- we will find out exactly what will come of this, but already the trump campaign has issued a statement just paraphrasing he says "this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family was called marta, not as we get it, john? >> john: i was again exactly the same thing, for a.
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now that this has happened with hunter are democrats going to be so liberal in throwing around the words "convicted felon? we will see. griff jenkins press at the white house thank you. sandra? >> sandra: let's bring in judge jeanine shapiro, cohost of the five. i know you are receiving on the statement because it's bran brand-new, david spunt just put it up as well, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community that i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god" he says "and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time" this is his statement following the guilty verdict. judge? >> okay. what's interesting about that statement, sandra, he is basically admitting is a drug addict. the very argument i be loyal proffered during the course of this trial that he really didn't think he was an addict, does the law require he be an addict, his statement within minutes of the verdict comes out and says
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recovery is possible one day at a time and i am blessed to be able to have. i mean, it just shows you the defense which it was all smoke and mirrors in this thing was anything from the family sitting in the front row and that intimidation factor starting with jury selection which was so bizarre. you know, maybe he was an alcoholic, maybe he was not a drug addict, all of that stuff the jury just did not talk buy it, they did it in record time and they didn't based upon the evidence and the law. make no mistake, they had the defendant's voices i said it before, bellowing throughout the courthouse, the court room, they the laptop, they had the biden women who had to come and into talk about the reality of what it was like being with hunter biden. so this jury didn't buy the nonsense. unsurprised abbe lowell did it. >> john: we have sound from one of the jurors, our intrepid producer gibson caught up with one as the juror was leaving the courthouse and the jurors that i
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didn't buy the idea and nobody else did that hunter biden was at a 7-eleven at 5:00 in the morning to do anything other than buying drugs. abbe lowell's defense jonathan turley remarked on this yesterday. seemed to say "well when he signed that form the firearms transaction form he was not high at that moment" but that's not how they judge it is at that moment, it sort of in the overall what is the situation? >> and i think it was zoe carson, the girlfriend of hunter who said hunter admitted he is always an addict. whether you are in recovery or not. she says he recognized that. but look, you don't need to have cocaine on the counter where you fill out the form to buy a gun illegally. i mean, that's just bizarre. and the fact that so many of these jurors knew someone used or who were drug addicts, used drugs come overdosed on drugs, think it was 8 out of 12 of them. they knew this was just smoke
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and mirrors and it wasn't reality. >> sandra: i just want to put abbe lowell's statement up as we are speaking of him, we are told they embraced before hunter did depart the court following the guilty verdict. he has put this out today. following the verdict we are naturally disappointed by today's verdict. we respect the jury process and as we have done throughout this case, we will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to hunter." interesting after hunter's statement. "they're all he has been through in his recovery including this trial, hunter has felt grateful for and blessed by the love and support of his family." i also want to highlight as we did at the top of the hour, judge, we are awaiting this interview that our own jake gibson just had with juror number ten. this is key because this is one of the jurors who said he has family members who own guns. why is that key? jonathan turley was making an appointment just a few minutes
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ago about how abbe lowell may have lost the jurors or insults of the jurors when he went to the defense of oh, well, maybe he was not addicted or high or drunk in the moment of signing the contract for the gun. is that a possibility? >> absolutely. jurors get insulted. the fact this juror understood from the book that 7-eleven, he had rented in the book, was where he often got drugs. and for abbe lowell to try to draw some things that made no sense, look. as a judge i would say to a jury how do you assess the credibility of something? does it ring true? does it make sense in light of all the stuff that you have heard in this trial and in light of your own background, your own common sense. that these are jurors who understand drug addiction, drug use, and abuse. the fact that abby brought in alcohol, no one has ever talked about hunter biden having an alcohol problem. i mean and also maybe he wasn't
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calling mookie, the drug dealer, within a few minutes of trying to buy the gun. maybe he was calling his girlfriend and did not want haley to know about it. you know? maybe, maybe, maybe he is weak when it is confronted with a laptop, live testimony, and circumstantial evidence. >> john: by the way we have a shot of the u.s. attorney's office expecting to hear from david weiss may be in about five or 6 minutes. it has been delayed just a little bit. again, hunter biden's team has not mentioned anything about this yet but the president is already firmly behind hunter going to the court of appeal on this. i mean, judge, unlike the term case, which seemed to be littered with holes and mis mistakes, this seems to be a pretty airtight case. >> this is an airtight case. this will be very difficult to get a reversal on. it was handled by george noriega who is an experienced judge who didn't play any games. she was as fair to the defense
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as she was to the prosecution. but i think the most important issue that you are going to hear them talk about going forward is the supreme court is going to hear a case based upon what happened in 2022 in new york, the bruin case, which basically said everyone should be able to have a gun -- >> john: hey, judge sorry to interrupt here is david weiss the u.s. attorney. >> good afternoon. my name is david weiss, i am special counsel. earlier today hunter biden was convicted of two counts of lying on a form submitted to a federal firearms dealer about his addiction or use of crack cocaine. and possessing a firearm while a user or addict. they have been two overarching themes during trial. this defendant's illegal choices and the rule of law. first, while there has been much
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testimony about the defendant's abuse of drugs and alcohol, ultimately this case wasn't not just about addiction. a disease that haunts families across the united states including hunter biden's family. this case was about the illegal choice the defendant may dwell in the throes of addiction, his choice to lie on a government form, when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of jute guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. second, no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. the prosecution has been, and will continue to be, committed
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to this principle. and to the principles of federal prosecution in carrying out its responsibilities. i want to thank the jury for their service. there are few civic responsibilities more important than jury service. 15 delaware aryans came to court each day and performed their response abilities in a professional and conscientious matter. we thank you. i want to thank derek hines, weiss, and the entire special council team. i am so proud of this group of attorneys, agents, and litigation professionals. this is a difficult assignment. these folks have been working seven days a week for the last couple of months, litigating a variety of issues and district and appellate courts on two coasts. that they have given their heart and soul to this work. they represent the best that public service has to offer. i am incredibly grateful.
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finally i want to thank attorney general garland for providing the support necessary to fulfill our mission ensuring that we have the independence to appropriately pursue our investigations and prosecutions. as you know, we have additional trials and investigative work to be done. so i will not entertain questions at this time. our work continues, thank you for your consideration. thanks. >> john: it looks like he is not going to take any more questions there but david weiss the special counsel in the hunter biden case saying this case was not about addiction, it was about the illegal choices made in the throes of addiction. judge, i thought this was interesting pair he said this again proves that no one is above the law, which was the same thing that we heard with president trump in his case. but he also said however he should be no more accountable than anyone else who is
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convicted of the same offense. i'm wondering what is the typical sentence for lying on a form of this particular issue? >> what i do know is this. first of all federal sentencing guidelines. >> john: ten years or $250,000 fine? >> it's 20 years. what they did was the biden administration moved to increase the penalties for those who lie on this atf form to get a firearm illegally. it was the biden white house that pushed that. it was joe biden who signed t that. but with respect to a federal sentencing, there are certain guidelines. does it mandate incarceration? absolutely not paired it's up to the judge now because this defendant chose to go to trial for which is not a punishment, but at the same time is going into consideration. >> sandra: judge if you could standby with us we now have audio only of an interview that was just conducted by our own fox news producer, jake gibson,
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with juror number ten. before we tossed what i want to make sure i get more background on him. when he was going through the process he recalled chatting with somebody about this, likely his brother, but the hunter biden case. he knew it was related to drugs and guns. he told this person not to say much because he had jury duty. he insisted he did not know much about the case or have any views on it. he also says he has other friends who own guns. they struggled with addiction and passed away. now here's the interview. >> no. >> what he think that is? >> i don't know, because we were so focused on the case and listening to the defense and the prosecutor and witnesses that -- you are really nervous.
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at what part did i actually nervous about was when the trial was handed over. then it became real. now we have to play the part, you know? the defense and the prosecution and the witnesses are done. now it's our part so -- yeah. at home it got real and i got nervous. >> i took a video of you speaking earlier. i assume since you don't want to use your name you don't want your video as far as public or do you care? >> i can't speak for anybody else here. >> i'd rather not. >> i just want to give you my name and phone number. if you decide you want to be on tv or the internet, we would love to have you.
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>> it was a trial like i said i never expected to be on it. sitting in it day in and day out looking at all the evidence and mr. biden over there. you can't help but take some of these things, you're looking at them and then at some point you just have to turn away. and focus more on with the defense of saying and the prosecution saying. so that's basically what i started doing. i tried to block the rest of it
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out and just put why he was on trial. he was just like anybody else, you know? and i believe that they brought that up in court. nobody is above the law. no matter who you are. so, that did not factor in my decision. it was not politically moti motivated. if you want to know that, politics played no part in this whatsoever. again. >> where you cognizant of the family members that were there in the first lady being there is that something the jury talked about or noticed? >> we... i was aware of it. the jury, i know you come a little bit late, but once we
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came into the jury room, we did not discuss anything. we didn't discuss the family, we didn't discuss any part of the case until it was actually given to us. it was given to us yesterday afternoon. that's when we were able to talk about it. >> have you served on a jury before? >> sandra: that was our fox producer jake gibson interviewing juror number ten who said politics played no part in this case and this decision and the case was heart-wrenching, he said. nobody is above the law. he did not buy the story about hunter being at 7-eleven. judge first your reaction what you've heard. >> i'm very impressed. i think most people who serve on juries and it's been my experience when they come out they try to do the right thing, and it was great listening to him saying you know what? the name did not matter, who he was did not matter, whether or not there was family in the courtroom we did not think about
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that. we never discussed the case until we actually went into deliberate end than it was about the prosecution and events and that was it. it was perfect. that could've been scripted for him. >> john: we will continue an effort of better audio. i miss some of the words there but we got the gist. john? >> john: we will get some subtitles on that. judge, if you get standby with us we would appreciate it. let's bring in kerri urbahn to attorney general bill barr, it happened quickly, you don't think it was extraordinarily quickly, about what, three hours of deliberations? you fill it up was about right for the case presented? >> yes i mean think about it, if a figure if a person is caught driving 90 bounce downward for d5, it's on camera and their family members talk about how they are a reckless driver that spatially what this gun case was which brings me, john, to my
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first point which is this is pretty low-hanging fruit. i can't help but wonder the reason doj didn't bring this earlier when they could have or should have because they knew they had this other tax situation brewing and they thought this guy about a gun he is obviously an addict, he did not do anything with them, they got it 11 days later, the juice is not worth the squeeze which we've heard before. the irs whistle-blowers said in his office in stonewalling him and going in different avenues with joe and hunter and i wonder if that is what led to that plea deal which of course was the deal of a lifetime. given it allowed for immunity from all future prosecution and the judge steps in, falls apart, now here we are, a year later and he is convicted in all three counts. spew to carry out was listening to his reaction, jonathan turley, to the verdict earlier with judge earlier jurors that
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were gun owners or had legal gun owners and their family could have been insulted by the most recent defense when abbe lowell started making the case that will. in this very moment when he was applying for the gun, he could have been sober and he felt like the question was about right then, not in general was he an addict. it was an interesting point as we heard from juror number ten, someone who did disclose there were gun owners in his family. >> it is an interesting point. when i was walking out of the courthouse yesterday there was a couple standing there. they appear to be a local couple. they had a sign and the sign said "hunter biden should go to jail because this happens every day in delaware." i wonder if these jurors if they have been touched by addiction or family members or friends or what have you with this, it does not mean they have not seen the ramifications and the responsibilities that come with
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us, a lot of the testimony from hunter biden's book and other just his family and friends, it was not just an addiction, this will someone very wealthy living large on all of this money from those business deals, these famous hotels, he is taking out according to the evidence $50,000 in cash per month from the atm to pay for his drug addiction. you have to wonder if you are a juror sitting there you can feel some of that i for someone with this addiction and say wait a second. our brother, my cousin come my friend on the street, they did that and they had to go to jail for it. >> john: irony of ironies president biden this afternoon is speaking to a gun control organization and this is what they have on their website it says "people with dangerous histories prohibited from having guns based on federal law." they include convicted felons, abusers under restraining orders, people with dangerous mental illness. fugitives from justice and
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unlawful drug users. and biden seemed this will venture the political route, kerri, but biden seemed to have an arrow in his quiver with doug donald trump's felony conviction so when he goes into this debate on the 27th of june he can call him a convicted felon, but i think the democrats need to be careful how liberally they sprinkle those words around. now that hunter biden is a convicted felon paradigm and of joe biden brought that up of the debate, donald trump could throw it right back in his face. >> he certainly could. you know, when i was sitting there, i was thinking gosh, the biden family is really walking a fine line here. sure, we understand why they want to support hunter biden, we get that, family, find. however, this is still the first lady of the united states. and her husband's white house. they have been advocating for more astringent penalties for
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people who violate gun laws including the very gun law that hunter biden violated. so they are looking at your risk intently which had to be hard, small town, small state but the reason in part hunter is facing what is is because of what they themselves are advocating for. it's a bizarre political situation all around. >> sandra: that is true, we are waiting to hear from the president himself it will be his first remarks about this annual gun safety event in washington since his son was found guilty a short time ago so we will bring you to that event as soon as it begins. quick break, will be right back. ? the smart investor has their money in a guaranteed product that goes up with the market. their gains lock in, and when the market goes down, they don't lose money.
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>> sandra: fox news alert now we are just a couple of hours after hunter biden was found guilty on all counts, three of
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them in this gun case, and we are getting worried now from the white house, directly from the white house, that the president's schedule has now changed. the president is now going to travel to wilmington this afternoon following his son's guilty verdict, this is we are waiting him to speak live there at this event in washington where he, trey gowdy will bring you in on this, host of sunday night in america, trade, he is about to speak to the crowd there about the gun laws that his son was just found guilty of breaking. >> yes, what was that our mom said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? what can you say? your son was just convicted of three different federal firearms violations. so, yeah. [laughs] i don't care how long you've been in politics, no politician is good enough to thread the needle of having a child just
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convicted of violating the gun control act and then you want to talk about gun control. no one is good enough to pull that off. i don't blame him for skipping the event. >> john: let me ask you this question, trey. he was convicted of three counts of felony is related to that firearm transaction record. to you and your vast experience as a prosecutor have any idea what the sentence typically is for a crime like that? >> i mean he does not have a criminal history. he did not use the gun, he did not brandish the gun, so john conley you have lying and trying cases where you try to get it done and you don't come we have lying and buying which is what he did and you have lying and using. he didn't use the gun. so no criminal history, no robbery, no brandishing. the guidelines are now advisory. way back when i was a prosecutor
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they were mandatory, they are advisory now. i think what hurts hunter biden was his defense attorney's strategy. did not accept responsibility. some difficult remorse, it's really called acceptance of responsibility pair he did not plead guilty and admit it, he made the jury made this decision. he made the government prove its case. look, i would have put them in drug court, i said that all unpaired i don't think people like it when i say that but if his name were hunter smith or hunter roberts, i would've put them in drug court. >> sandra: real quick, trey, i'm sorry but i may have been confusing. he is still going to be speaking and making these remarks at the event but has scheduled this afternoon has changed, he'll be heading to delaware following his son's guilty verdict so we do still anticipate we will hear from him there in washington. judge, i can feel you are chomping at the bit hear barry what is it? >> trey and i normally agree on things but whether it was drunk court and i was a narcotics judge over here, with this guy
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should have done what should have done was he should have ended up in a drug court but for him to get involved in any kind of program would require he at the very least indicate his responsibility and his willingness to try to rehabilitate himself. instead what he did was he in the federal system has denied the judge the opportunity to add points which would be positive points for him to express remorse or accept responsibility. it doesn't matter which the judge could take into consideration in sentencing. now, what is most interesting about this is 120 days that it will take before he is sentenced in this case for him to do the presentence report. that will throw him into the tax trial. so maybe they will come you know, delay the sentencing until after the tax trial. can you imagine, trey, if during the tax trial or after it there
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is a conviction and he has got to be sentenced on both? then you can be darn sure he will get a jail term. which will be called for in the situation. >> john: so, trey, take with the judge said their foot one and one together, does it equal anything more than two? >> because i want to live a long and happy life i will agree with judge shapiro i will not risk disagreeing with her. [laughter] but i think is going to happen is he will wind up pleading guilty to the tax charge. just like this case was not inculcated, you either filed your taxes on the right date or you filed a tax return or you did not. so since he did not you don't have to be a good prosecutor to win that case. i think he will plead, sentencing will be after the election in november, and his father is going to pardon him. that's what i've always thought. i don't care how old your kid is. that is still your kid. you're not going to watch him go to prison if you can avoid it.
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he will pardon him once there is no political downside to doing so. >> sandra: i want to get this inherent judge perhaps you can jump in because you have been talking about it a lot, the presence of the biden family in delaware. it was tough to hear juror number ten off the top of the audio we played out the interview convicted, conducted by our jacobson but at the top now that i have for beta i can tell you exactly with the juror said and it's interesting. he said "it's a trial but like i said i never expected to have a trial like this. sitting there day in and day out listening to all the evidence, looking at mr. biden over there. he can't help but take some "i don't want to add anything to what i see here "of these things into factor you know looking at him and looking at his family and at some point you just have to turn away, you know and focus more on what the defense is saying, what the prosecution is saying. so that's what they started
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doing. they tried to block the rest out and just focused on biden in the trial. ." so clearly even though jake followed up earlier in the interview by asking where you cognizant of the family members who were there and the first lady being there was that something that the jury talked about or noticed he said we were aware of it, the jury, i know they came in a bit late sometimes, once they were in the jury room we did but we did not discuss anything. this was very much a part of this trial, the presence of the family members in that room. >> look, when you live in a small community and you have people of power, we are talking the president of the united states, this is his son, the first lady, there are secret service agents all over that courtroom come all over the courthouse. that jury is very well aware that whole biden family is focusing on. you know, for the longest time we've talked about how this guy who has been referred to hunter being called the prince, you know, how you know they are so well loved, i am not so sure
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there wasn't a part of this community that said you know they've gotten away with every thing. hunter has never paid for anything or held to be responsible for anything throughout his life. and yet we have heard about him for decades. i mean, from getting out of the military for using cocaine, for being thrown out of the military. so i think it was a double-edged sword. they knew they were there, they knew they were being stared at, they knew the power of the presidency, and that whole family and they also knew the family was there and was subject to and a part of this dysfunction but was still there trying to show themselves off as a unified family and the jury didn't buy it. >> john: all right, judge and trey if you can stand by with us we would appreciate it because there's a lot more head including we expect to be hearing from the president very soon and the university at the washington hilton hotel. one of the sponsoring organizations is every town which is a gun safety and gun control organization that speaks
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to the very thing hunter biden was just convicted of. it should be an interesting afternoon. stay with us, will be right b back. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> john: picture the washington hilton at the university where we expect president biden will grow quickly, the motorcade left the white house and they will be speaking about gun control and gun safety on the very day that he is convicted on three counts of lying on form 4473 when he purchased a gun on october 122018. after that the president will be heading to wilmington to spend time with his son. and esteemed law professor jonathan turley, and fox news
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professor what about jury nullification? >> i think there was no question they were attempting jury nullification it didn't work. and judging by the interview at fox news they may have overplayed their hand. during this trial you can cross the line from empathy to insults for the jury. if you deny things that are obvious. that was the problem with the defense laid out by abbe lowell. that he made all of these claims in the opening statement that fell apart within a couple of days. that really reduces your credibility with a jury. now i think most of us saw that as basically a placeholder to allow the jury to nullify this case to ignore the evidence, but that juror indicated they weren't buying it and raise one particular example where the government showed a day after he
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purchased his gun he was trying to score drugs and referring to a 7-eleven. and lowell told the jury he was probably trying to buy a doughnut to. this juror said come on come in his book he refers to scoring drugs at that 7-eleven. we don't think he was buying a doughnut. so that is where you can lose a nullification defense by insulting the jury. >> sandra: really important and jonathan i'm sure you heard us quoting new throughout the morning and afternoon here because that seems to be really key. >> i wanted to encourage you doing that. >> sandra: of course, professor, thank you. now we have some of the juror number ten sound bites that actually have the words on the screen because the audio is just a little bit tough. i want to roll through the first one of juror number ten saying on hunter biden in this case politics did not play a role, listen.
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to politics did not play a role says juror number ten, nobody is above the law. what would your reaction to hearing that, jonathan? >> i think that is redeeming for the delaware system. many of us felt that is what was missing in new york where we felt in my view there is a political prosecution that resulted in 34 convictions. this is a very different trial. this judge i thought went right down the middle, ruled some cases for the event, some for the prosecution. the evidence was undeniable.
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at some point you do insult a jury by asking them to ignore that, and they may have overplayed it a bit by having this large number of biden family members there in the courtroom. i understand their desire to be there but that also can have an opposite effect on the jury. you know, this was biden town, everyone knows this is their hometown. and this jury may have felt a little bit of a pressure and may be presumption from that. i don't know. but the jury did the right th thing. the real question here is how this will impact the judge on sentencing. keep in mind that judge noriega was not just a judge of trial. in mentioning the sweetheart deal in my courtroom and it was judge and that raised the immunity agreement that had this disassemble in front of her as the prosecutor admitted he had never in his career seen a plea agreement like this.
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so she has witnessed this -- >> john: i was just going to say it's a credible to think, jonathan, not too long ago they were in court for what seemed to be a pro former signing of this plea agreement with this extraordinary as you pointed out immunity deal that was buried within it and now he has been convicted on three separate felonies. you mentioned the bidens basically owned a delaware. when you drive down i-95 if you go through delaware and you want to stop for gas and something to eat the only place to go if you don't want to turn off the highway is the joe biden welcome center, right on the center of 95 there. with the first lady's president's stomach presents almost every day except when she was in france but she hustled back for the next day, he had to wonder what effect that had on the jewelers. let's play what the juror told our jake gibson about that idea. >> where you cognizant of the
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family members that were there and the first lady being there was that some in the jury talked about or noticed? >> i was aware of it. the jury. i know you came a little bit late but no. once we went into the jury room, we did not discuss anything. we did not discuss the family, we did not discuss any part of the case until it was actually given to us. and it was given to us yesterday afternoon. that's when we were able to talk. >> john: so he said he was aware of it but clearly it did not sway their decision. >> no, it didn't. and it's interesting you know because i think there was an expectation that this jury would afford some leeway. this case is a new precedent in one important respect. it's nothing new legally. it was an easy case.
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short of the jussie smollett verdict this was the most predictable one you can come up with. but it was new precedent for hunter biden. he was being held accountable in a way he is able to evade much of his 54 years. and this jury wouldn't even literally give them a doughnut. the argument of defense was just assumed that he was at the 7-eleven to buy a doughnut and they said we can't do that, your client is in his book talking about scoring drugs at that 7-eleven. so the jury did the right thing here. how will this nullification strategy play with the judge is what i was getting out before. she not only saw the plea agreement fell apart, but she watch this nullification effort. and that may weigh a little towards granting or ordering a little jail time. many of us will not many of us for some of us have said that hunter should have pled guilty before this trial began.
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it would've avoided any jail time. he didn't. instead they put on this nullification defense. that will not play well with this judge. >> sandra: and the president judge said multiple times in multiple interviews the presse house secretary as well that there are no plans and they will not pardon. the president will not pardon his son. >> i think that will be a tough one for the president to actually follow. by the way, jonathan, i agree with what you are saying. i think there is a bit of jail time that is possible here because this judge, as you say so eloquently, was the judge they tried to pull the wool over her eyes. that includes david weiss' office that finally understood had to act like real prosecutors for his career and his mutation was on the line, but you know, it was at original deal and the nullification nonsense and the
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family in the courtroom. this was straight shooting not no-nonsense judge. she move this case like judges do every day in this country. you go from summation of charge to deliberation, you don't take a week off so you can go and be influenced by your neighbors or your family like merchan did in new york which was such a joke. this was serious. and the jury understood this was serious business. they had a job to do and in spite of the fact that so many of them knew so many people with drug problems and drug addictions and overdoses and had guns themselves, they were able to look at this directly and now the judge has got a decision to make. he could have avoided all of this and pled guilty but if he pled guilty he would be in a convicted felon and i'm sure the biden family was not going to allow him to do that but now he is a convicted felon, irrespective of how the supreme court rules on the gun case, and that may come down i
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understand this week or next week. >> john: sentencing typically happens within 120 days. the law does provide for significant penalties but it could be anything from probation to a fine to time in jail. we won't know that for sure here for a while. we are still awaiting the president at the washington hilton, he will be arriving momentarily. then he will take to the stage there and give his address to the gun sense university. and every shadow organization before going to wilmington to spend time with his son. will be right back with all of that, don't you go away. and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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