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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  June 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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on this offends. this was not a lie in trackage were you doing at the gun. this was a lie and 60 case where someone held a gun, got it, use it or held it irresponsibly and it was found with cocaine residue on it. matt gaetz gets prosecuted ten times out of ten. >> john: and again it's -- didn't say at this minute are you hi? when he filled out the form. so the jury did their work and now we will see where we go from here and we are going to go from here. thank you very much. 's onto the next program. ask for for joining us. i'm renn roberts. >> sandra: i'm chandler smith. "the story" with martha -- mccarthy no comment from president biden as he spoke moment of you around his son hunter's guilty verdict which is still obviously very fresh news
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from the father, president trenin and rest of his fam family, to absorb your mother in the middle of two very large legal cases that they center right now. to president biden was scheduled to head back to the white house but instead he is going straight to wilmington where the family will gather and talk to hunter, have dinner together, we assume. some of them just had lunch, they said that hunter was smiling and seemed happy at lunch today but in a statement earlier, president biden said he will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. remember, as i mentioned, hunter is also facing several -- separate further -- federal tax violation charges and those were the things that those whistleblowers at irs agents came from congress and talked about, thing we believe there was --
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its something that you have been deeply dug into over the last couple of years. what was your reaction to this very quickly -- terry brekka kirkness mcquigge verdict? >> i think that we would never have seen this if it hadn't been for the irs whistleblowers gary shepley and joey ziegler so you see that the right thing was done when the right people do the right thing and it was at
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great cost of them. of courses is just the tip of the iceberg of what they were investigating. we will see some of those other charters and the tax fraud trial in california in september of that goes to trial. i wouldn't be surprised if hunter biden takes a plea on that. but really it's the first time that hunter biden has been held accountable. is always counted on his father's power to protect him from having to admit any wrongdoing. he could've -- none of this need have happened if you had just admitted just to a bear minimum even that plea deal last year that ended up collapsing only happened because of the irs whistleblowers. he could have nipped it all in the bud by just, you know, pleading guilty to a couple of misdemeanors maybe and accepting some respons responsibility. but he didn't do that. you just allowed his lawyers to go and bully david wires
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and the doj under prosecutors threatened them with career suicide. you know, the obstruction and slow walking of that case owes the wrongdoing in that case to the fact that joe biden was quite happy to sit back -- setback 11 doing day to be bullied by his son's lawyers. >> martha: let's take a look at this, this is a june 6 abc interviewed president biden gave to david marron. watch. >> every center in normandy your son, hunter is on trial and annoyed that you can't speak about in ongoing front real prosecution but let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome? there verdict, a matter is? >> president joe biden: yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> president joe biden: y yes. >> martha: katie? >> i think it all depends on how the opulent sentencing goes weather president joe biden will be able to uphold
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their end of the deal for his son given his statement he released today saying he is the president of the united states but he is also a father so we'll have to see if that happens their mothers also fermentation which is available but you have to start serving kind of sentence before the becomes eligible. but when i think about what happened today i can't help but go back to the 2020 election in which marc staal we also -- i covered very closely and david wires had his laptop in 2018 and we are in a crisis in the century when it comes to believing in institutions from leaving the justice system is not one-sided and yet you still have this laptop the night as russian intelligence that was introduced in a court case is very real and not just real but containing evidence of a number of crimes specifically the gun case here but it also has a lot of other information, other crimes including the sagittal limitations run on these charges for faro valade -- there are violations which connect directly to joe
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biden. -- the idea that an entire election hinged on this -- october surprise of this laptop on a lie buried by the government really is concerning in terms of the intelligence community, the justice department and that really i think the bigger issue here in the fact that they brought this gun case as a misdemeanor plea that failed because a judge that -- and agut agreed to what it should be mentioned felonies and now they're saying that this is done and over with an essay going to touch joe biden. know the tax case might you go back to 2020 election and what was said about the evidence here and you just can downplay how much impact that had on the country's before it was all blown off at the debate and elsewhere as, you know, probably -- and 50 plus intelligence officials saying you cannot looks like that might be what this is. that just is laughable at
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this point. it was obviously the backbone of this entire case of miranda. i want to go back to what you said earlier because no doubt that biden family will discuss tonight these tax charges to pieces as well which is as you both pointed out link more closely to the potential certainly james biden was aware of these business dealings and whether or not the president can biden, had any connection to them either. >> yeah, look i think there is a danger there and, of course, that is happening six weeks or so before the election and it should be a long trial if it goes ahead. i'm told, you know, over a month it will go well into the end of october. and so it is also as you said a threat to joe biden himself because of the david what -- david weiss was then the u.s. attorney in delaware allow the statute of limitations to run out on the most serious charges are of those in 2014 and 2015, they're still in
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the indictment g. years, and that brings into evidence that time that hunter biden was earning a million dollars a year from that corrupt energy company in ukraine, bridge a and it also brings in then right -- whom who was investigating the riders. know that is very uncomfortable for the president right on the eve of the election your neck that is why i would be really surprised if there wasn't some sort of plea deal going into their and i also have no doubt that joe biden will be pardoning his son in the lame-duck period after the election. you know, he's told many lies before and i'm sure he is lying now. there is no way he won't pardon hunter if hunter is, you know, has to go in to the
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election with those convictions. >> martha: there's been a lot of reporting about how heavily this has weighed on president biden, that he gets very testy if people bring anything around it, he doesn't want to talk about he has been obviously -- and will see, you know, hunter biden, it took one deeply little apartment this time he could've, it is not too so, you know, you maybe convinced that he is not guilty on his other charges either determined to see them out in court because that's what he did hear anything and really go his way so we will see what he decides. merella divine, thank you very much, katie, without both of you with us tonight. will see you soon. so hunter biden could face sentencing weeks before election day and shortly after the start of another trial as we mentioned that deals with tax fraud. that one was resurfaced for the people for part and that will happen in california. our breaking coverage continues with andy mccarthy, next.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: to right after this verdict was announced can juror number 10 in the hunter biden gun trial spoke up to fox giving you details about how the jury came to their verdict very quickly, under three ours and whether or not the biden name and the fact that the first lady was sitting in the first row with family members consoling each other because they don't have any impact on them. watch this. >> sens i believe, you know, that they brought that up -- nobody is above the law. >> martha: good for them.
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hunter is facing potential jail time and fines up to $750,000 for these violations. were waiting for the sentencing date, don't know when that is. it could have been based on prior occasions in the sort of procedure could come in way around shortly before the presidential election social security sects. andy mccarthy and kerri urbahn are standing by butler's go to justice department david spunt who had been inside the courtroom and is outside the courthouse in wilmington congo where we will understand presidents will be headed shortly. hi, david. >> -- it was really just about one warm covers can form of the hunter biden signed on october 122018. jurors did not believe his story on the bottom guilty and know he is a convicted felon. three times over. our colleague sally person who just saw hunter biden outside of a local hotel here
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he seemed upbeat, he was with family members, he got into his motorcade and left, and other colleagues i'm having lunch with family members and he seemed like he was doing okay all things considered. hunter biden release a statement that says, "i'm more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family got my friends and my community then i and disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god and unless the experience that gift one day at a time to go jurors only deliberated let not your heart be troubled for three hours before finding -- -- less than one year ago was not in the courtroom today but he did give -- said this case is about lying in regular. >> this case was not just
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about election. this case was about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throes of addiction and his choice to light on the government form when he bought a gun and the choice within that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. >> martha: >> in the courtroom, martha, it was tens when we got word that there was a very. hunter biden looks straightforward, he patted abbe lowell, is attorney, and asked if -- experience on the back -- september 5th that could go over a month as you heard from your last yes, and it's possible that could result in a plea deal at some point over the next few months. martha? >> martha: david spunt thank you with that. with a spring in andy mccarthy former assistant u.s. attorney and focused interpreter and carry urban acute legal editor and from counselor to attorney general bill barr emigrated to have
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you both with us. and we have commented on this but i think it's worth commenting on again because it's kind of interesting to see david weiss of fired up about justice for hunter biden when he, you know, took a pass on this for quite some time and sort of threw his hands up on the, side, said sorry, guides, to the whistleblowers from the irs, you know, this is above my grade basically god is nothing i can do about. what you think about wiseman no and what do you think navigations are for the next trial? >> you know, look at i think he is right to say that this is about lying and illegal possession hunter engaged in. what he conveniently leaves out in that it all happened in 2018 and david was sat on his hands for nearly five years and tried to make the case disappear. he didn't even want to the sweetheart lead you, martha, that you try to get rid of this case with any of that
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and it was only because the whistleblowers came forward and brought attention to this that we ended up with him trying to get past a federal judge, a cockamamie level but after she asked just a few rudimentary questions. >> martha: this is an drew weissman former top prosecutor for robert muller in this -- the russia investigation and also you will hear from chuck todd here as well after the verdict. watch. >> you have the president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law even with respect to his only living son. >> are not many countries in the world where the sun or daughter of that country would get prosecuted in their judicial system. >> martha: i mean the first thing that they tried was to, you know, say that the laptop was russian disinformation and then that failed.
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been betrayed a plea deal and apartments i guess after all of the attempts to make this go away, no, we are talking about him as a perfect symbol of the rule of law, carrie cooper, what do you think? >> especially from chuck todd that this wouldn't happen from other countries but we've been hearing from weeks, months, years, no is above the law, so not sure how that plays in his comment rather but, you know, with emphysema right now is joe biden is going home tonight to wilmington r., to spend time with hunter and i can't help but wonder if the tax case comes up, the one that scheduled to go to trial number, that's far more serious than this gun case and ratifications for joe biden in the amount of salacious details that would be revealed. you know, for instance in this case, you know, addiction can be sympathetic because there's a lot of chatter about that. but, you know, not paying your taxes because you're spending money on prost prostitutes, on drugs, on, you know, really lifestyles of the rich and famous kind of life, i don't think that's
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sympathetic and so i wonder there's going to be discussions even tonight about a guilty plea that something that you saw some -- >> martha: were not doing this again, you know, one of those conversations, this is going to go away this time, you know, maybe the source of some of that -- i find this injurious or interesting, and the, because reading through the background got a number of them had -- who own guns, people in their own families who had addiction issues. you know, much was said about this delaware environment and how road biden it is in all of that but it strikes me that may be people who have understood addiction up close in their own families many people have understand, you know, rather not got here -- kyrgios truth, on examining story b. made up because they've been through them in their own family that they know what all of this sounds like. wonder that was factor here, and the. >> yeah, i think it was, martha, and, you know, when
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we all say that we believe in the system, part of the system is that you that the jury and the -- to make sure that you have 12 law-abiding people from the community who can to note all -- or leave their baggage at the door and to note the noise and decide the case based on the fact that the here in court and the instructions that the judge gives. and i think the jury obviously did that. the evidence was overwhelming college recharge appropriately lead to a dirty verdict seamlessly color because the judge was putting thumb on the steal but because of the bunting nature of the evidence and you know in a lot of cases, martha, you get, you know, crying spouses and children and parents and all that stuff who evoke a lot of sympathy from the jury that there is a common thing that happened in prosecutor's chargers kyle gennings and everyone else in the system up to put their heads down and do their job and most of the time the evidence is what prevails. >> martha: with regard to
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the biden impact, you know, in delaware and all of them sitting in the front row this jury's ability to put that outside i don't think you can come the fact that maybe some of them don't have great feelings about that, you know, institution delaware because they've all been close to it over all these years as well. >> martha: right.
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and not as close to the election so -- with all of the beats of land over the conversation on the walmart farm -- see what we learn in time. overall -- thank you, recovered from all of you all day today. thank you so much. or breaking coverage of this continued with former dod prosecutor gym trusty leaderless hour. landmark or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,
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-- of a building housing that exhibit honoring the 364 people amassed murder at the nova music festival on february 7th. protesters their setoff layers and smoke bombs terrorist sympathizers waved flags from the terrorist organizations hezbollah and hamas them in the crowd cheered at chance calling for an inter- schmuck in the father which is largely understood to be a call for violence against jews. listen here for yourself. >> everyone: [chanting] >> earlier protesters unfurled a banner that read.
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>> everyone: long live october 7th, low afterwards the and israel protesters swarmed the city subway system chanting and vandalizing subway cars with graffiti. and will be officers with regular actually seen writing inside the subway cars alongside those protesters earlier today a democratic mayor eric adams visited that exhibit in downtown defiance of the anti- israel protesters and you had this to say about the protest last night. >> i thought it was despicable. it was disgusting what we saw and you cannot call for peace while you celebrate what happened on october 7th. >> last hour progressing in protesters even interrupting presidents biden. [applause] speech on graham's grandmother president and his campaign continue to be dogged by these protesters at these events by progressives who are demanding an immediate cease-fire and for the u.s. to pull all military aid and finally back out here at union square there is a
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video circling on social media from -- purportedly showing a man who was selling this pro- israel protesters that he was hitler was still here to wipe them all out, a quote from him, and a sense of home while this was yesterday. marc staal? >> martha: in the. brian katrek you very much. so president biden no up against the potential of his son possibly going to jail and pulling -- polling watches we see that there is still time for him to drop out. mark these in an murray harbour on that and who voters want as from's running wait, the part of. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: so right about no president biden heading to delaware after his son hunter's conviction. this afternoon on all three of the gun charges that he was indicted on. meanwhile precedents is also facing some very tough political language about whether or not it might be not too late for him to quit the race for the white house to make a well-known health or were closely followed, nate silver, founder the election forecasting website 538, posted this today, well biden just hit a new all-time low in approval i'm dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run as a bigger risk.
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are we there yet? i don't know. but it's more than fair to ask. according to gallup, president biden's approval rating at this point in the first time is lower than any president in the last 70 years except jimmy carter and just a couple of points behind george h. w. bush, both of whom lost when they ran for second terms select ring and mark theissen former for president george w. bush the american enterprise institute senior follow, washington post columnist an effective contributor. an murray harbour formers state department spokes person under president obama what others that are procyszyn to better. let me start with you, marie. nate silver also says this, was here in my opinion is that democrats would have been better served biden had decided a year ago not to seek his second term, which would have allowed them some semblance of a primary process and give orders essay among many popular democrats
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across the country. what would you say to nate silver if you were talking to him this afternoon, marie? >> look, if either -- we were having a very different conversation today. but what i will say is that 5:38, nate silver's bully behemoth that he founded, today came out with their practice reparations for this upcoming presidential election and said that joe biden is actually more likely to win. by a very slim margin, 53-47, but still say that because of the fundamentals some of the things they polling, he has a better chance. so nobody's dropping out and i would rather be the biden team when comes to the polling because i think that joe biden actually has a lot of room to grow his approval ratings based on politics and policy and what i will say about donald trump, love him are hate him, he has always had a really hard feeling on his -- -- and he doesn't appear to be doing a lot of things to try to expand his support. so biden needs to do a lot of
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work to get his numbers up but i think he has a lot more room to grow and i would rather have that growth potential than what biden has demonstrated. >> martha: mark, you know, given all of that, you know, biden one in 2020, looks at this day and says i win again, i'll put it out in the end back and was reportedly that there really rely heavily on june 27th, on the debate because biden feel that he is being -- and i could be a turning point for him. >> absolutely. what i love about my friend marie is that she is an optimist, to say that biden has a lot of room to grow is a great way to look at this whole that he is in. is on most days the single most unpopular president since the end of world war ii met. he has 61% of the countryside his presidency is a failure, 18% 2018% says his policies that improve their lives to 54. ♪ see their words of note in the report years ago. the only thing he has going for him if he is not valid from and he's running against
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donald trump. is underwater on every single issue voters say they care about by double digits, okay? he has a positive way to win this presidency and the election permanently where he -- might not work? maria's right, it could work because biden is the most unpopular president, trump is the most second-worst -- ill be a title -- will get tighter before election day and debates as you say martha will be very decisive. >> martha: let's take a look at this, this was at the juneteenth event in the white house and has gotten a lot of attention in social media. watch... >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> martha: i don't know. may be the president just shouldn't dance at events. i don't know.
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there's one moment where he starts looking around and a next important armor on his shoulder kind of, you know, bring him in a little bit and it looked like he up at that point. how troublesome are all of these incidents? because there are many in number. >> look at neither of these candidates are spring chickens. that is just a fact. i think that what the biden campaign missions they were talking about today in fact talking about all the things that joe biden had done for the black unity highlighted some of these things at that event and hbc you investment, black impairment numbers down. i think this is, you know, demonstrate something the white house actually want to talk about. with us by the debate and other public appearances of which there aren't that many are so important because voters who have questions and i think that when joe biden goes out on june 27th and makes clear that donald trump is not fit to be president, shows joe biden's on top of the subjects. he talks which the policies by the way themselves many of them are very popular. that has not translated into approval ratings yet that's adopted by the incumbent has
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to do. >> martha: i know that the trump team made the hbc funding eminent with something that i know resonated with black voters went to bed but mark give you 30 seconds to respond here. >> trump is gaining with black voters that he's getting with hispanic voters, biden has lost three points among black voters, 70 points among hispanics that he's losing against younger voters. joe biden's presidency is such presidency such disaster he is unleashed, you know, longing for the return to the days of donald trump and a lot of americans wouldn't think that they be born in portland from december 1. so, you know, nurse -- >> martha: june 27th will be an important life in all of this and i think most people will restart deciding what he will do or at least those who are excited until after labor day so we will see somewhere in there for the long haul. thank you very much, marie and mark, wait to see you both. >> ♪ ♪ -- with tight slices.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: this is breaking moments ago we are just getting early elements of the story the feds reportedly arresting six russian suspects who believe -- are believed to have ties to an offshoot of isis. you have banana past week in we are, philadelphia and la according to recording -- reporting from the new york post. one of the suspects was reportedly caught on a wiretap speaking about bombs. that will bring in part woman, -- know if fox news contributor. thomas i said the details are kind of sketchy so far in this. this is reporting from the new york post what is your action to this initially? >> it is sketchy and it will be sketchy for a while
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because there's two -- but my sources who are pretty good sources, they've never let me down to her verify the story is very much accurate. there is some confusion through national -- international from russia or russia in the neighboring country cholesterol being worked out. but i can tell you this, my sources say that only you one was arrested on the west coast, almost all of them were arrested in the new york area which is very concerning because new york has been a target before and -- they're going to keep -- my sources say at least one has crossed the border and was released by the administration got maybe others but that that is coming in as we speak. >> we know we have had people coming in from iran come from china from the middle east, all over the southern border and it seemed like the only people who are getting turned back right now are the people who are coming from south america which was, you know, more typically obviously those who are crossing the border but, you know, curious about this because they have
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been a number of stories lately about sabotage efforts in russia potentially by -- in europe i should say, mostly targeted at people who are supporting ukraine in the war and that those efforts have been parts that they uncovered on, you know, railways, hacking jamming systems for transportation, a fire that happened in a shopping mall in mexico, you know, do you have any concerns that these things might be related to the war in ukraine and russia may be seeking to attack us here at home? >> absolutely. i think it's related but here's what people need to understand, under three and half years of training we've got a circle number of russian nationals being -- these numbers are unprecedented and you look at the people on the terrorist watch list, they got over threaded 80 the southern border less than a look. under the trump administration, we had 14 -- so, you know, but the scariest thing have i been screaming about this national security vulnerability for
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three years, the scariest thing that we are nearly -- commitment -- not taking advantage of desperate -- the free hotel travel free meals got a few medical care covid-19 whited 2 million people pay more to get away? the scariest thing and i guarantee you some of -- >> martha: it's a great question. what level confidently have that our domestic intelligence officials are seeking these people out. that they are trying to find them,. [crowd groans] cover these parts? >> here's the problem. when you cross the border illegally -- the border -- sometimes the -- sometimes national information. most smart we don't know who the hell do even our and when they see the -- the do you think russia is sharing national security information on any of your national russia? you don't know who these people really are. so the intelligence community does a great job but can you find these people when they don't know who they are?
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that is my concern. >> martha: is astonishing that there aren't more pressing questions to the president about these people about what his -- what his administration is doing to find them though that the door has been opened and all of them have come in. so tom holman, thank you for helping on. is a story that we will obviously learn more about in the days to come. thank you, sir. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> martha: when hattan da alvin bragg agrees to face congressional investigators about 34 counts brought against former president trump in new york as a doj denies that it had any connection to the case in new york. former tribe attorney and doj prosecutor jim trusty's artistic, next
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: manhattan da alvin bragg agreeing to testify in capitol hill month tomorrow which just happens to be the day after former president trump. [applause] sentencing which is july the 11th.
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trump said he did nothing wrong, he plans to appeal his conviction for falsifying business records here in new york. one of the prosecutors in the case that matthew colangelo, also agreed to testify in the hell they make you left in very high-ranking position at the department of justice, packed up his bags and came to new york to work alongside bragg. has republican as, and general garlent about that move last week. >> you have no problem dispatching matthew cola colangelo. >> i did not dispatch mr colangelo anywhere. >> you know how he ended up there? >> i assume he spoke -- applied for a job there and got the job. >> i had nothing to do with it. >> martha: less bringing forward from -- trump attorney jim trusty who's also in the federal particular. good to have you with us this afternoon. you want to hear from bragg county want to question him on the origin of this case the back-and-forth between dropping the case and picking
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the case up and having people resign and leave the office because he wasn't pursuing the case. what do you think about what you heard from attorney general harland? that ring true to you given the fact that one of his deputies came to new york to the front desk and give the opening argument on this case? >> i think the attorney general is latching onto the word "dispatched." i didn't dispatch anyone. happily saw the number 3 official go to new york for a loan that rejected case revived itself literally three weeks after he became bragg's right-hand man, but i didn't dispatch anybody. so the bottom-line locale are not saying that there is necessarily some sort of conspiratorial activity here. it could be like-minded people with organized criminal justice system that are happily falling into each other's embrace. by the bottom line is glandular, not bragg, has a lot of things to answer for -- -- you know leading the
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charge on this ridiculous case mso that is the person that i think the questions and answers are going to be most fascinating about. >> martha: here is what michael -- former rnc chair said in terms of whether or not he thinks bragg should go to dc and -- watch... >> he probably insisted his behind her. he does not need to this because all of this is the biggest okay movably of. if he shows up on those individuals on that committee are there for one purpose. and that is to hang him politically. >> martha: is he right? >> he's overstating it. look on their obviously concerned about the use of the criminal justice system to target somebody. to preselect a target and then to bend the law with inventive law infractions. i mean this whole trial, nobody knew what the offense was or how you could fill a nice these misdemeanors until you got to the jury
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instructions. that's absurd. so yes, bragg has a lot to answer for. of course, it's a little bit of street theater with its front and from congress and each side is can a predictable but there's a lot to answer for and it's not about politically hanging bragg is for exposing was happening in new york and georgia and main justice in the single instance of donald trump. >> martha: you know, do you think, you know, that this is a worthwhile pursuit from congress? or do you think that these issues are really more for the appeal for trump's appeal in terms of how this whole thing was handled? >> i don't think that what congress does is going to necessarily shed any light that's helpful on the legal front of the appeal. i do think it's helpful to sensitize the american public to her extraordinarily inventive prosecutors are being. i think there is a recon mission and crossed. this will be limiting for everyone over the long run not as for president trump and maybe is not a misleading, maybe it slipped on the side so transparent is getting phone numbers out of this stuff.
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but it's wrong. been around camille justice for 35 years, i was a prosecutor for 37, you know, i don't love criticizing prosecutors. it's not my instinct. yyc something that's wrong, i'm glad anyone is spending attention to the unusual nurse of what they're doing and the lack of ethics and buyers junctures including bragg and his initial press conference announcing the facts number and part of the indictment. >> martha: will going to be talking about a lot what happens on july 11th and the sentencing which is going to be a very big moment in all of this so we'll talk to you soon. thank you. >> good seeing you. >> martha: you to. that is "the story for today see you back here tomorrow. >> ♪ ♪ >> it has been a busy newsday -- what he makes of today's hunter biden the element and the president of the unite


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