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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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down. they could end up with a better candidate. but i just don't think it is likely. >> neil: real quickly, if the former vice president shall candidate is right, paul ryan is right, whoever wins is going to have a debt crisis on their hands. and that turned that it explodes. what do you make of that, real quickly? >> yeah, i think that is obviously true. we've only seen the debt exploding the course of the last five or six years, both under trump and particularly under biden. they are going to deal with it. the question -- donald trump is a very lucky man. i often think about this, having a conversation with somebody at the weekend, interest rates will come down very quickly so while there is a huge debt problem it won't necessarily explode under donald trump. >> neil: we will see. thank you very much. all right, here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪
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and we have brand-new images of president biden from just moments ago embracing his now-convicted son, hunter. the president blowing up his entire schedule, rushing back to delaware to be with him. hunter biden found guilty on all three counts in his gun trial. the verdict still sending shock waves through out the white house, with karine jean-pierre even canceling today's press briefing. that is something she rarely does. hunter is now facing up to 25 years in prison, but it is unlikely that he will get the maximum since it is his first offense. and it all happened so fast this morning, as judge jeanine will tell you, and the first lady, jill biden, she was not even physically in the court yet to hear it being read aloud. she arrived just afterwards. president biden says he will respect his son's conviction, but talk about irony. after the trial revealed that hunter's revolver was dumped into a trash can, the president spoke at a gun violence prevention summit where he called for harsher gun-control laws and for americans to safely
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store their firearms. >> by the way, it's time we established universal background checks. [cheers and applause] and require a safe storage of firearms. family responsible if they don't provide locks on those guns. who in god's name needs a magazine which can hold 200 shells? if you need 12-100 bullets in a gun, a magazine, you are the lousiest shot i've ever heard. by the way come if they want to take on government if we get out of line, which they are talking again about, well, guess what, they need and 15's, they don't need a rifle. >> dana: someone of the hunter biden jurors speaking out about the historic deliberations, he says that the biden name did not play a role. he was just like anybody else. nobody is above the law. you know.
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so that did not play a factor in my decision. it was not politically motivated, if you want to know that. politics played no part in this whatsoever. >> dana: all right, jesse, we have not heard from you today. i love to get your thoughts as to what happened. >> jesse: it gave me a little boost of confidence in the american legal system. although they still have a lot of work to do to win me back. it kind of like watching an eagles game at the refs throw 20 flags on us in the first half and then finally throw one flag on the other team. okay. it is still not a fair game. remember, biden's prosecutors tried to sweep this under the rug last year and have this guy not go to jail at all and have lifetime immunity until the judge was like, say what? now he might have to serve prison, serves in prison on this and the taxes. he should've listened to nancy reagan.
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she said "say no to drugs." a lot of these foreigners targeted hunter biden, not just because he was the son of the president, but but because he was a crackhead, and he has been compromised by the chinese, the russians, the romanians, the mexicans, pretty much everybody wanted a piece, and because he was an addict, he was willing to take risks and do things you wouldn't normally do because he needed the money for the family, but he also needed money for his habit, and he lived in a world of spies. suspicious wires, sex trafficking, diamonds, burner phones, wiretaps. this guy was on like an eight year heater. lucky he didn't kill himself. lucky he didn't have the gun picked up by a kid who shot himself. lucky the gun wasn't taken by a criminal and used in a murder and have the gun go back to him. but for a long time, dana, this guy, it was like a orgy of
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opportunists. he was using his dad. his dad was using empirical chinese were using him. he was using the chinese. and the cia and fbi were using him to spy on the chinese. and he has never had any consequences his whole life. if you look back at the naval discharge, that was not a dishonorable discharge, that was an administrative discharge. we got popped again for cocaine in stone harbor new jersey. that got swept under the rug. the sugar brother rolls around. all of a sudden people are interested in his art, so this is the first time he has actually had to pay the consequences and this could not come at a worse time. joe biden's poll numbers are terrible. he is freezing up at juneteenth parties. trump is out raising him, the sugar brother's tapped out. he's never even seen at navy, his daughter, so happy father's day come hunter biden. this is what happens when you raise a son like this. you have to raise virtuous young man, or else they are going to come back and bite you. that is the lesson here. >> dana: judge, do you think you will do jail time?
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>> judge jeanine: you know come under the federal guidelines there is no requirement the judge imposed jail time, but of course it is up to the judge pirro i think the judge will take into consideration that in a case that was as direct and as clear as this was, that he could have taken responsibility, showed remorse, and pled guilty, and he would have gotten in the sentencing guidelines, the way the feds do it come he could have got an extra two points for doing that. i'm not suggesting he is being punished for going to trial, but he could have received a benefit. but i think this was a lesson in a couple of things. i think it was a lesson to ed ae lowell, an excellent attorney, who so overplayed his hand that the jury was insulted. that, you know, for the first time we heard, maybe it was really an alcohol addict, maybe not a. maybe that text to mookie was
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about meeting another girl and not buying crack cocaine. may be at the 7-eleven to buy coffee and a doughnut. you know, maybe he really didn't know that he was an addict. and yet the curious thing is that hunter, in the statement he issued after his conviction, he said recovery is possible here by the grace of god, i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. essentially admitting that he is an addict. and as so we, the girlfriend, said, he knew once you are an addict, whether sober or not you are always an addict. i think joe giving a statement early on right after the conviction kind of saved him from having to address it at the speech this afternoon and the gun event. there were certain things that were so hypocritical, got to keep guns out of dangerous hands beard well, your son had it in a car and his girlfriend dumped it out in the garbage can a block from the school. and he says we have to make sure
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that gun storage is a priority. this is a family and hypocrisy appeared on the one hand, they show this united front in the courthouse every day, and even starting with jury selection, you know, we are a family that is joined together to support hunter. and yet they were a dysfunctional family, at best, given the fact that so many of the women were affected by what hunter did. and in the end, this jury of ordinary people from delaware were not intimidated by that family. and they recognized that this was a clear-cut case and that clearly no one is above the law. >> dana: yes beard greg. >> greg: yeah. >> dana: give you the floor. >> greg: i just want to talk about that moment where joe claims you don't need a rifle because we've got f-15s. that's not the first or second time he's said this, which is proof, either that no one has told him it's a bad idea to boast that you can bomb
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americans, or they did it and he doesn't retain that information, you know? but he says we've got f-15s, you don't need a rifle. it is not about need. it's about rights. the rights to self-defense. and may be built into that, there is a time that you have to go up against a corrupt government, or in his word, a government that is out of line, but this is the same people that smeared trump as authoritarian. trump has never boasted about i can bomb you. two americans. remember, these are the guys that called january 6th and insurrection come all right, now they're saying you guys have rifles, you mean nothing to us. this guy should be president of the taylor swift fan club. my senses hunter is going to jail so that joe doesn't have to. when he comes out, he will be rewarded for his loyalty like a man in the biden crime family, a distraction from the influence peddling influence peddling in the kickbacks. it is not the charge that makes me thrilled. i know that hunter is an
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irresponsible skulls of all, as you have laid out, but this isn't a charge i am comfortable. i don't think this is to me about the second amendment. you don't lose your first amendment if you use drugs, so why do you lose the second amendment west mack a pretty conditional law. it's a higher authority of law that displaces the lower laws when they come into conflict, like now. obviously, the law was broken. but if it is unconstitutional, then it is unconstitutional. the only option if you are in recovery, as you point out, he says he is a lifelong addict, the only option if you're in recovery, let's say you are a wounded vet, you know, who has to take cannabis for praying treatment or in recovery for years, you are going to have to lie on the application because it is subjective. addiction is subjective, it is predictive, it is assuming you are going to do something bad, which we don't do with alcohol. we don't make any of these predictive judgments when people
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buy alcohol, which is way worse than wreaking physical harm, so i want, you know, it feels good to see the other side punished, but i fear this law makes it okay to justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on past drug use, and that is unjust based on the second amendment because there is nothing in there about that. so that's my thought. >> dana: richard, final word? >> richard: for sure. last week i participated in jury duty. two days. going through the selection process. >> dana: you got rejected? >> richard: i sure did. but what i learned and the people i met there were regular people, who had to take the day off from work or two days off from work come in my case, peopn the case, really committed to this process, answered the questions fairly, answered them honestly, so to jesse's point, you have more confidence in the system today. i was reassured that the system worked and the idea you have a rig jury was almost practically impossible.
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there were 60 of us that were part of this process. what you saw today were 12 people and use all those jurors speak out in 12 people come to make a decision, as the judge said, we are talking about this a couple lisa go, they are trying to get it right. anyone who disparages everyday citizens who go into this process, participate in it, don't do that because these are everyday americans who are participating in their responsibility as a voter and as a citizen. so they made the right decision here because that is what they're supposed to do, and now we're going to have to see what happens. barring an appeal, it is very likely he will have some sort of punishment, and i think it is important to remember that he is not, like i said yesterday, he is not running for office. he is not hired in any part of the biden administration or at t the dnc or at the biden campaign, and now this is a family that is going to have to deal with the fact that their son has been found guilty of a real charge, and he is somebody who has been through a lot of trauma in his life and now we're going to have to see what happens. "the story" that's the key thing. like you said yesterday, this is about hunter. it is supposed to be about joe.
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this whole thing -- >> richard: no -- >> greg: i'm agreeing with you. i'll end there. >> dana: there is agreement on the table, that is. the media using the hunter bideo hammer donald trump? ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: leave it to the liberal media to shamelessly use hunter biden's guilty verdict to dump on trump's conviction. despite the cases being miles apart. hunter's gun trial was as open and shut as you could get, ironclad evidence like text
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messages, hunter's drug dealersd ex-lover, and yet the liberal press still trying to compare to the hush money mass alvin bragg cooked up against trump. >> this is a really good day for the american system. >> the verdict certainly flies in the face of everything that the former president has been pushing, trying to undermine the legal and the justice system. we know president biden has come out very strongly against that. >> could you imagine donald trump saying the following words: i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. >> what you are seeing today and what we saw in new york in connection with the trump criminal case is jurors doing their job. >> the public will see this as a sign from anyway, the doj follows the facts and the law without regard to who is subject to those facts and the law. >> were it not for his last name being biden come i don't think the trial would have ever occurred.
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>> jesse: richard, they had like maybe half a dozen whistle-blowers saying that every time they tried to follow the facts, they got shot down by the biden administration. >> richard: look, i will say this because there is something greg said last segment that is worth bringing up here. i do think there is politics that have to do with this case bear in mind you, i think the guilty verdict is the guilty verdict, so be it. i think the interesting pivot you saw her, when you see folks on the right making, let's talk about the biden family, let's move away from hunter because, there are some interesting bedfellows here you have to navigate, right? this case does lean directly into the second amendment and the idea that on this form that we talked about, which is why hunter was found guilty come are you an addict and thus you can't have a gun, this is a case we saw come up in the fifth circuit last year come august of 2023, the fifth circuit found this is unconstitutional. this question is unconstitutional. so for people on the right, they have to evaluate, if we go too
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hard on this particular case, do we anger folks who believe in the second amendment? which is why after this decision was passed, the trump campaign issued a statement and they retracted it, then brought it back out again because they're trying to figure how to navigate this moment, and they also, to know if you go to hard against hunter biden like they did in 2020 and 2022, it doesn't show up with the electric because both times, 2020, and 2022, the apparent red wave did not show up, just attacking hunter and going after him, doesn't seem to be as effective to woo e electorate as republicans think they are. how do we navigate this moment when it is so complicated? >> jesse: as someone who identifies as on the right, i am having no trouble at all navigating this difficult moment, according to you. >> richard: oh, good. >> jesse: judge jeanine from of the pivot that richard seems to be saying that the people in the right are making, to me it just seems like, maybe this was a fraction of the crimes that were on the laptop. >> judge jeanine: i mean, this
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is so disingenuous, richard. >> richard: how? >> judge jeanine: give me a break. it was the biden white house, the biden deferment of justice that had this case from 2018, allowed the statute of limitations to run, so hunter biden could not be accountable for the worst tax violations and worst tax crimes that were connected to when his father was a vice president and when he was getting money from all over the world, and then funneled to everyone who was sitting in the front seat of that courtroom. you wonder why they are so unified? because that is where the cash came in, that is where the llc was. don't give me this justice system worked. if it weren't for judge noriega saying give me precedent, give me some idea of why someone should be given immunity in perpetuity, ad infinitum, because his name is hunter biden and the doj said no, we can't, we have never done it before. so let's not be so
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holier-than-thou and saying the system works. no, but for this judge, this guy would have been skating. he skated every year of his life. this is the first time justice has been visited upon him, and because of him, the americans in this country have lost faith in the criminal justice system. because of the democrats and policies in social justice nonsense. so spare me, oh, the system works. >> jesse: greg, the system has been covering up for this guy for decades. >> greg: hunter's charges, whether you like them or not, are real. you know? there is plenty to choose from. but what about trump's charges? you had to meticulously fashion and create them, and everybody admitted at the time, this is unprecedented, a first-of-its-kind, never been done before, and they are doing it for a president who is the leading candidate in the election. not only is that corrupt, it's election interference, so it's not about equal justice.
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its quite lopsided. there is a joke in there, i won't make it. i'm like the judge. screw the sanctimonious phonies. these were the same lying tea bags who claimed the laptop was fake, so if their false narrative had prevailed, which they wanted, there wouldn't have been this verdict at all and they now claim proof of equal justice? this verdict didn't come down because of you, it happened in spite of you. i mean, this guy got away with a lot for a long time and it only stopped because there was just too much to ignore. >> jesse: dana p? >> dana: i was thinking the same thing. they're trying to say these two cases read the same thing, apples to apples, it was more apples to cucumbers. they are not the same. we sat here for six weeks having to dissect every single word, not understanding what was going on. even one of the cna contributors wrote a piece for the new yorker, this wasn't right, e rejected. plus, it took six weeks, this
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took three weeks -- two weeks, not even that, because the evidence was so clear. but the other thing is, those talking heads, are they not embarrassed and angry at the 51 national security advisors who lied to them and said that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation? they keep having them on their shows. they keep using them as sources. and yet the actual story in regards to the trial is that the laptop was real, and if you were any of those journalists or talking heads, i would never talk to those guys again. whenever. >> jesse: yeah, clapper, it's the last you'll hear from me. >> judge jeanine: you dug in. >> jesse: up next, hollywood's most challenging project yet: convince voters to back the guy who's brain just shut down in public. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar,
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♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hollywood heavyweights about to spend millions to repackage the oldest president in history as the cooler, hipper joe biden. but no amount of tinseltown magic can fix this. the president turning into brain freeze biden at the white house juneteenth event. ♪ ♪ >> trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms. making it harder for black people to vote or have your vote counted. they believe banning books about black experience. >> judge jeanine: this senior moment comes as hollywood vets launch a super pac, spending $25 million to shore up his youth vote problem. the won't pac down group hiring
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generation z producers from saturn at live and parks and recreation to help craft the pro-biden content. okay. greg, you responded to that, why don't you -- >> greg: that was the first time i saw that tape, he loses control of his mouth. i mean, it is frightening that he is the leader of the free world. and i'm not even making any hypotheticals. oh, my god, he's going to do this, he's going to do that. the problem is now, with your own eyes, you can see he cannot -- he cannot be president. you know, they are going to have to do -- they are going to have to have a new category for the oscars, best reanimation of a corpse, because what we are looking at right now is not good, it is not good. that left me speechless. >> dana: that's hard to do. >> greg: well, you know. >> judge jeanine: that's true.
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you know what, richard, i want to go to you on this. joe biden standing there, juneteenth, which i don't know why, isn't that supposed to be june 19th, but what do i know. he is the one who said you don't vote for me, you ain't blackbeard well, he ain't black. he's got no rhythm come he's got no nothing. there is a startled response or freeze an phenomenon which is indicative of cognitive decline paired >> richard: it's problem know my possibly has no rhythm. is also possible he doesn't listen to kurt franklin "sunday morning." a lot of people don't listen, i do and i know what song that w was. that's okay. i think what is interesting here, right, we think about young people and howwill be voting in this election, a recent iop poll found the number one issue, number one top issues for young people as gun violence in the present spoke earlier today about that.
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a recent fbi report that came out just before greg says it -- crime is down 26% -- >> greg: not true. speed to wait, greg. >> greg: a man decomposing in real time. >> richard: wait a minute, greg, surveyed 11,000 law enforcement around the country, and they found the murder rate is down 26%, and the justice department also announced that they have indicted and convicted 500 gun traffickers -- go >> judge jeanine: i could do that in one county. >> richard: i know you are a good prosecutor, but hold on. the biden administration hired 3700 police officers. these are things the president and white house should be louder on because that is what young voters care about. and that is what the segment is about. >> judge jeanine: jesse, the truth is that americans don't feel it. but i want to go back to this. there are such desperation. they even brought in steven spielberg to help on the
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normandy speech. the cringe -- you know, the cringe content you get when the young people see joe biden, i mean, can you change that? >> jesse: yeah, so remember the other day when he was in france and he kinds of bends over like that? everyone i know under 40 texted me and said did you see joe biden poop his pants? it doesn't matter anymore what a super pac tells young americans. you see joe biden look like he poops, young americans see that and it is over. what is an 80-year-old white man from delaware look like at a juneteenth party? that guy, okay? you can't find the beat, doesn't know how to clap, he is frozen like on solo. he is obviously tired. he was just in europe. he is exhausted. the sans' trial is tormenting him. he is just fulfilling the duty and you can tell he's just fulfilling the duty. he's embarrassed, kamala is even
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more embarrassed. the whole country is embarrassed. >> judge jeanine: but you know, dana, the truth is there are 81-year-old man, contrary to what you are saying, jesse, with all due respect, who can really jazz it up. >> greg: mick jagger is six months younger than biden. >> judge jeanine: that's right. he's just not present. >> dana: i would say, here's the thing. father time is undefeated, okay? what i find alarming is there is only one person empowered in our government who can make the major national security decisions that we need, and they have to be made on a triggers notice. and i do not feel, watching him the last several months, particularly the last three weeks, that you can have confidence that that would happen. so, for example, you are the commander in chief, and i say, i'm the chief of staff or the military aid or the national security advisor and i say, sir, this is happening right now, what do you want us to do?
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are you confident -- are you confident that he would be able to do that? i want him to be able to do that beer i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him, i don't want to get mad at him, i love the fact that people want to help impute spielberg, great, step out, but you are dealing with facts that are not going to get better in the next several months, let alone the next few years. it's a tight election but everyone has to think really hard about this. i'm saying the democrats need to think about this. i'm not the only one saying that, someone who used to work for a republican. you can look at left-leaning people who right now feel permission has been granted to suggest that there could even be something like a contested convention in august because it's not getting better and it's very worrisome. >> jesse: you know who they are going to replace joe biden with at the convention? >> judge jeanine: who? >> jesse: that guy in the sequined dress.
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>> dana: i tried to be so serious. >> judge jeanine: great point. >> greg: i would vote. >> judge jeanine: ahead, liberal lunacy. rachel maddow and aoc fear donald trump is going to throw them in camps. ♪ ♪ sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles
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and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant.
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i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now
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♪ ♪ >> greg: better hit up your dock if you are dealing with. both rachel maddow and aoc fear donald trump is going to lock him up if he is reelected. rach saying an interview, what convinces you these massive counts years planning for our only for migrants? so yes, i'm worried about me. but only as i'm worried about all of us. and aoc sounding nuts. >> it sounds nuts. i would not be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. he is out of his mind.
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i mean, he did his whole first campaign around "lock her up," this is his motto. i take him at his word when he says he's going to round up people. i take him at his word when he threatens journalists. >> greg: i love that she says first, it sounds nuts, and then she says it, and then she says he is nuts. jesse, here is the thing i find very funny, and you are in the media -- >> jesse: kind of. >> greg: just on the fringes. i love how they think if trump wins they will be out of a job. no, trump actually guarantees their employment. the left-wing media needs trump. they are dying. he will reinvigorate, they will be on tv all the time. >> jesse: rachel maddow was made by donald trump. she did very well during his term, and i'm sure she will maybe work on mondays and tuesdays. >> greg: and make $60 million a year. >> jesse: right. if you think about it, it is actually joe biden that is putting republicans in camps. yes put navarro, bannon, all of these people in prison, trying
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to put trump in prison. >> greg: grandmothers. >> jesse: aoc, life is not all about you. we need aoc not in prison, speaking freely. she has been such a boon to the republican party, the conservative movement. she would be useless in prison. we need her out there expressing her brilliant ideas so we can put them on "the five" and prime time. >> greg: dana, isn't it simply the ego talking when people believe they have a massive target on their back? oh, the president -- no, the president probably isn't even aware of who aoc is. >> dana: but also she is so much more useful to trump out there than she is to the democrats because every time she talks to democrats, center left democrats are like, gosh, what is she saying now. i think the tds thing, trump derangement syndrome, it is so ingrained that now everybody knows what tds is. young friends of mine just opening a business in new new jersey, their business, when you take each initial, would be tds, so they put that as their
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instagram, and then they asked me, do you know what tds means? yeah, everybody knows what that means. they didn't realize they needed to change it because it was so crazy and actually want to have a business. the media meltdown feels like rehashed talking points of 2017 and 2018, like they learned nothing. >> greg: no, they haven't. surprisingly, judge, jesse makes a really good point. >> jesse: i do. >> greg: do you feel like they are projecting because they have been putting republicans in jail and now they just assume that revenge is coming? >> judge jeanine: there is no question they are projecting. whenever they point the finger, how many fingers point back at you? you know, the crazy part is, it is all about them being egocentric. i mean, really, he wants to jail me. remember, after january 6th, i feared i was going to be killed but i also feared i was going to be raped -- what? the only person killed his ashli babbitt and she was not killed by anyone who went into
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the capitol. donald trump, when they hailed "lock her up, lock her up, locker up" come he didn't lock her up. we had the doj. he could have locked her up. a lot of people were not happy that he didn't lock her up, and yet they are so convinced that he's going to be hitler. i mean, they are just so backwards in their thinking, and it makes sense that they are just projecting. because he didn't do any of it. >> greg: richard, you don't seem like you have tds. what advice would you give -- >> jesse: say thank you. >> richard: [laughs] >> g>> greg: what advice would u give somebody on your side who has a serious case of tds? >> richard: well, first, bannon put himself in jail. there is that. listen, i don't have tds, but i will say that trump is a man of his word. in the 2016 election he said i'll point is a print for justice that will overturn roe v. wade and he kept his promise that he overturned roe v. wade. now there are 21 states that have bound a woman's right to reproductive health, period. >> dana: you have a crazy way
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of taking a topic and making it something complete different. you should bring up benny gantz right now. >> richard: no, no, no, let's -- >> jesse: what would you tell people with tds? answer his question. >> richard: if you're in a state of ohio, kansas, they have given those people their right to reproductive health even though those are red states. >> jesse: so you are telling people he will put you in prison. >> richard: i'm telling you that trump is a man of his word and voters still don't like impute speed through the solution if you're an angry democrat, get an abortion. that's exactly what you said. >> richard: no, no, no, i'm just telling you he keeps his word peered >> greg: up next, gen z ditching dating apps for paddleboard yoga. ♪ ♪ riting, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same #1 selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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♪ ♪ >> richard: gen z and millennials are ditching online dating apps for in person dating events. according to eventbrite, attendees at a single dating events have increased by 42% from 2022-2023, and the company's ceo claims things are claims folks are doing like kombucha brewing, grat, glassboro and -- >> dana: i do not want to date a soul that makes kombucha. i do love this. i love that people want to be together.
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i think getting back out there is good for your mental health, more likely to meet somebody. all of that is great beer but kombucha brewing? i would never date a guy that does that. >> richard: greg, what happened to go into a bar and meeting someone? >> greg: it's interesting, there aren't that many bars anymore and dating apps remove the risk from social inter interaction, so you don't build the skills you use to. on apps it is all the superficial, height, salary, age. i'm not 6 feet tall but as a 9.7, i got that extra .3 by working on my charm and charisma. but to your point about the kombucha, if you are going to do things on a date you have to choose something you are good at that you can show off at. >> richard: glassblowing, jesse? >> jesse: [laughs] you got me, richard.
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a dating app, you pick a girl and she comes right over? >> richard: you have to swipe. >> jesse: i have another question. are you allowed to put your salary on your dating app profile? >> judge jeanine: why would you want to do that? [laughter] say no more, jesse. say no more appears to more. >> jesse: greg is right. i agree with everything greg says about the muscle memory. you have to stay limber out there when you are dating because then you get flaccid with your reflexes, and all of a sudden some guy steals your girl when you were in the bathroom. [laughter] >> richard: i guess you have to do the backyard beekeeping, jesse. judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: what? >> richard: yoga? >> judge jeanine: i will i know is this is a good thing. i saw something on fox today were young kids are getting involved, they have a problem at home, they don't call a plumber, they handle it themselves. the problem is if you have all of these dating apps, everybody is lying about something.
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why not just allow your instincts and your eyeballs to figure something out for you? we've got intuition. we've had it for centuries. let's just work on it. >> jesse: pheromones, right, greg? they are called pheromones, even smell the love. >> judge jeanine: i can smell it. >> greg: smell the love, jesse watters bids before whatever you stepped on the way here. what's going on with you today? >> judge jeanine: flaccid. >> greg: what time is at? >> richard: time for us to go, it is all about a bar and a drink for me. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. first, we did the impossible. then, you ate so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now... ♪ they're backk! the footlong cookie is back at subway!
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unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details, inspired by you. this is the all-electric rz. this is lexus, electrified. (♪) gain deign time for "one more thing." jesse? >> jesse: dana, it's a bust if you can't see it. it's extremely distinguished. look at how distinguished i look in bronze this came from david
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holbrook veteran sculptor, check out his work. highly recommend it. he even threw on one of greg for free. not as distinguished but quite accurate. speaking of accuracy. judge jeanine pirro. vivek ramaswamy and vivek rhymes with steak tonight. >> greg: great show. 10:00 p.m. emily compagno, michael loftus, kat timpf or tyrus. watch it or die it. let's do this. we haven't done this in a while. >> greg: we are going to play the sounds and i will stop it and replay it after you guess. play the sound. >> greg: all right, richard? you are a cat?
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>> judge jeanine: deer. >> jesse: seal. >> dana: baby otter. >> greg: let's roll it and find out who is correct. >> jesse: is that dana or me. >> greg: baby sea otter. >> dana: i won. >> greg: you win $0,000. >> greg: dallas zoo they have sea otters. that was impressive. >> judge jeanine: this giraffe had a tall order for his birthday treat. he lives at the oakland zoo. spent his fourth birthday bobbing for yams. hoisted perfectly to mount height for the 15-foot tall birthday boy. he also tips the scales at 1300 pounds, which surprisingly makes him one of the thinnest in the herd. and then i know jesse told you but i will tell you again eye will be on "jesse watters
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primetime." >> jesse: she will be hoisting yams. >> dana: show you this cute golden retriever. he loves to play cards. shuffle the cards for him. he is like let's go. let's play cards. he gets really excited when he sees that i don't even know this dog's name. also, if you haven't heard judge jeanine will be on "jesse watters primetime" tonight. [laughter] >> dana: got to have something to promote. richard? >> richard: we all travel a lot. there is nothing more annoying than having to unexpectedly check your bag because it is little bit oversized. it happens to this guy london to spain. determined to prove his bag was small enough to fit in the carry-on, he jammed it into the little luggage thing there. too bad it got stuck. so he had to turn it over to pry his bag out. and i feel for him because i know what that feels like. >> dana: how did it end? >> richard: he had to turn it upside down and let you know judge jeanine is going to be on "jesse watters primetime." [laughter]
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>> dana: a lot of "primetime" tonight. there she is indeed. >> judge jeanine: a full day. >> jesse: if anybody wants another check look at my bust. >> richard: looks like wayne newton. >> jesse: i boat you can't hold this with one arm. straight out. i told you. >> richard: i'm not going to lie. when it first came on wayne newton but does sort of look like you. >> judge jeanine: why didn't deany of the women on this show? >> jesse: careful with my bust, judge. >> dana: i like gus' bling. zoom in close though, if you didn't know. >> judge jeanine: necklace on. >> dana: that's it for us, everyone. are you tired of us? have great night, everybody. see you tomorrow. >> judge jeanine: we'll be here. >> john: good evening and welcome to washington. i'm john roberts in tonight for bret baier. the verdict is in for the hunter biden felony gun charges trial. the jury found the president's son guilty on all three counts. now the big questions are what is his sentence and will


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