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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. >> ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> greg: i expect nothing less. happy tuesday. historic day for the first time ever hunter biden did not to get off. found guilty of 3 felonies facing up to 25 years behind bars the good news if he goes to prison his family visits and conjugal visits could be done at the same time unlikely maximum sentence since his first conviction community services likely he shown a interest in working with unwed mothers not the kids. biden froze for 30 seconds at white house event calling it the
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longest he is gone without saying something stupid he then exchanged of fist bump his hand it should heal in 4-6 months. s&l talking with the biden campaign to reach voters biden's campaign raiders are asking s&l to write comedy. aoc and rachel maddow claimed if trump elected they will be locked up even more terrified is the view of going to fat camp. researchers using ai determine elephants call each other by names in their own language i thought we already knew that. trace gallagher shannon bream
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the canadian cancer society apologized for using cervix instead of the trends friendly front hold. not to be confused with the word ass hole. south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help in wynne especially if he needs help shooting bleep bleep and books mentioning butts and farts can't be banned in public libraries good news for my new book. you know it's coming. you know it's coming.
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so prior to a jury finding biden guilty and has gun trial as defense found an unlikely ally the second amendment the thing democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last-ditch effort hunter asked that as the questionnaire he said violated second amend meant rights of the argued the question asking if he was a drug addict was unconstitutional in the state had no right to infringe on his second amendment's rights just because he did a little dope and buy a little dope i don't mean george stephanopoulos i mean so much coco scarface would've recommended rehab. is still the defense has a point so why is it unconstitutional well they argued historical intoxication statutes can't
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stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober a citizen based on past drug use and that i'm sorry but make sense is a constitutional for the government to remove the secondment meant rights of a person based on an the conflict let's forget about hunter the same law would borrow wounded that who uses cannabis for pain from exercising his right to self defense imagine a person in recovery who now owns guns should he go to jail never mind the ruling people from going to treatment or seeking mental health help i need it. now did hunter break the law sure but it's an unjust law you
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can disagree with me you are disagreeing with the second amendment it shall not be infringed but if that sounds familiar to you then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpf rolled the flashback flashback dude. >> you can make the argument and said this is unconstitutional because the second amendment doesn't have an exception in for if you're addicted to something you can make the argument that is secondment meant rights are being violated which it would be funny to see joe biden asking the court to make that argument her next book now the rules say estate you should only applied for me during the monolog but her next book should be called how i tried to keep hunter out of jail but imagine that the sun of a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra part saying
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politics makes strange bella -- bedfellows but for the second amendment's state i daresay get hope hunter were a condom because i don't want that getting genital warts. so while the verdict maybe bad news for hunter it's also bad news for the second amendment he was found guilty of being in possession of a firearm as a drug user or addict but there is many americans who fall into that category. but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it but the democrats in a box if trump calls unconstitutional the democrats agree suddenly they are on the side of the second amendment but if they don't it forces them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sent i bet his dad would love that what if the commander dims -- commander and soiled briefs
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he said he wouldn't pardon him but the odds abide in remembering that are the same as michael loftus wearing underwear it's a headache for joe but that assumes he has feelings about the neckline hears him at an event last night. >> ♪ ♪ was that joe or a statue of joe. if he was any more frozen maas protesters would've spray-painted on his face. at this point the best they could do for him is unplugging
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with 5 minutes and reboot before calling tech support you want to hear something worse years joe today had a gun summit gun-control summit talking about you gun owners. >> by the way they want to take on that if we get out of line mr talking about they need f-15s they don't need a rifle what did he just say i kind of know what he said but still -- still is not about what you need it's your right to have a rifle this is the guy you believe january 6th was an insurrection apparently we shouldn't worry because he has f-16s or after 15 sees aft up and so his approval ratings dropping faster than his boobs when his bra comes off. even liberal election
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forecasters suggesting the unthinkable that biden drop out just he did in 1988 democrats what was a marketable candidate michael dukakis he says in biden just hit an all-time low and approval 37% dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk democrats would've been better served if you decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country the many popular democrats what i hope he doesn't fill out a gun application soon because apparently he is high as well who do they have this guy it looks like a tennis pro gave the entire country club committed -- chlamydia like this
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chuckle monster i've seen whoopee cushions with more depth this guy's transportation secretary ellie transporter was illegal immigrants on midnight flights talk about a shallow bench they make fox and friends look like the supreme court what does joe think. >> no no luck nobody steps down i'm not going anywhere. if you're going to beat me after run against me and nobody wants to do the right who do they have the california debt guy at the hearing the teeth really when he likes him is him get the vp lady good luck with that mayor gaye judge booty pete he can't beat me nobody respects him and it's not because he's gay either.
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it's because he's not a real judge let's welcome tonight's guests. she can use -- to handstands will she grandstands. [ cheers and applause ] he puts the half and half i'm homeless michael loftus. her bumper sticker says food is for losers new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf and he doesn't wear hawaiian shirts he wears hawaii as a shirt new york times best selling author, comedian and former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus. kat i would go to you first even though you're not a lawyer but i'm interested what you thought of the verdict given your verdict feet -- of fillings on the secondment creek. >> you know how i feel because we talked about it this morning
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we also know i agree with everything in your monolog i think that what i read about is the way partisanship can do divide us and convince us to argue in favor of giving up her own rights this is a good example about that because everybody who wants to see the biden family go down i understand where that comes from i certainly think they been involved in corruption i don't think this is the thing to slammed him on because based on the data we do have on drug use in gun ownership tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and faced decades in prison over the exact thing what i argue he was a responsible gun owner i would not but there was no victim here in the law doesn't designate that somebody who uses marijuana who's a veteran or a wounded veteran for chronic pain could fall under this and what you
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need to do to avoid it having partisanship clad your thoughts is take the biden's out of ask yourself do you agree with and is a constitutional debbie or second amendment's rights which shall not be infringed nothing what so ever do you want that to be up to the subjective standard of what doesn't doesn't qualify as an addict and have the government be the ones allowed to make that determination and the answer if it's no as it is for me then yet to be against us and also even if you like the law if you think it's a great law you have to say -- he can't really argue it's constitutional there's a difference between a statutory law unconstitutional you can't argue it's constitutional regardless i you feel about it. emily in the greenroom you said you hope biden fries. >> rereading my thoughts? >> no. geographic at orgy think it's a different thing how do you look
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at it. >> is a great point let's have that is the foundation over which let's put historical statutory applications bottom-line in 1968 the gun control act was passed where congress said you can't possess a gun if you are under the influence of you're addicted to these controlled substances then the controlled substances act which defined what that meant to be omega go for a whole decade here they make gutfeld stop it. >> the reasons many americans are vulnerable and that hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been incarcerated is because of those lawes going all those decades back so currently over 157,000 people are incarcerated federally it's a federal prosecution 10% of them second-most is for firearms offences number 1 is drug offences so i also feel when the jury when they were pulled from the beginning they said over
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half of them direct family members they sought as being 1 more person just that being your last name you won't get away with it i saw them get incarcerated as well i cite taken away also so at the end of the day on the president released a statement saying we love her son were going to appeal and his family in court look so angry i feel it's welcome to the real world there are 157,000 american families going through the same thing right now he just went through today. >> can i just say some thing superfast i would love to see this actually get overturned on appeal and then it can strengthen second amendment rights for all of us. >> it would have to be the supreme court like for circuit courts and stuff. >> greg: you legal ladies pop -- pipe down i have to get the homeless guy in here.
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>> greg: whoa-mac he was she could go to prisons you could have a roof over your head? >> as a homeless lesbian i do and i realize now that i have developed a cardboard and shellfish allergy so no more sitting around eating clamps from a box. >> no more freak lamotta juice a want to talk about joe locking up you have to to keep them away from bright lights they are calling them home that's where he went he was just standing there going uncle bo z is that you did the un have an uncle bo z. you can't even clap at that point. as to the gun thing. [ snoring ] it's a good point in its true and is not what i want hunter to
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go to jail for what about the rest of the. [ bleeps ] laptop. it's like sweet jesus i'm tired of the crimes where it's like yet to be careful about pulling that down like when trump as his attorney do something that's 34 felonies that you are slinging guns around high school dumpsters and doing drugs and that's just a 3. it makes zero cents the only thing good about this is a gives hunter a better story when he meets his fellow inmates right if he's like i opened up several shell companies and i was taking money from ukraine and putting that in the shell companies 10% would go to my father you might as well just suck a dude off their. >> greg: tyrus finish this out for us.
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>> he wouldn't to got that far. >> really disagree with you guys but if you like your examples are flawed like when you talk about the veteran. prescription lead is legal so he's not an addict the skylight about being an addict he's taking controlled substances yet to commit the crime to get it anyhow he is again there's a reason that simply as anybody who lives there it's a reason he was so he is lucky when he left the gun in the car it was someone in his family who got it he lifted there someday took it or there's a reason why we put these things in place of crack was legal he wouldn't be an addict unfortunately alcohol is legal because it was first it's 10 times worse than most drugs but you can drink all the beer
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you want and say i'm not an alcoholic and you aren't lying. he asked if she was asked if he was an addict they check the box and 7000 people testified he lied so. [ bleeps ] send him to jail like the rest of us who commit crimes. crack is illegal. [ bleeps ] you you are going to jail. if you get arrested for a felony you can't vote you can't own again there's a reason for. >> greg: that was a spirited discussion alright. up next nancy pelosi admits fault in the january 6th assault. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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>> greg: nancy makes a clear will the national guard wasn't near here's footage from januare frozen face nancy pelosi taking response ability for not having the national guard and the capital that day watch. >> we have responsibility and there wasn't any accountability for what was going on there. we should have. it is ridiculous. they've already breached should be called the capitol police i mean that the national guard i were they there to begin with.
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>> they don't know. they clearly didn't know with responsibility there because it's stupid in a situation like this they thought they had a wet thought they would act as civilized. >> even with the mask even with the mask she sounds hideous. emily what is going on here why is this out now. why is she taking responsibility for this there is something going on here. >> her daughter's making a documentary that's part of the file turned over after everybody found out about it the irony is that after the video was released the pelosi spokesperson said 3 years later house republicans are trying to whitewash january 6th it's
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shameful unpatriotic empathetic what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6th committee that returned it 10 p findings among them house democrats like speaker pelosi were concerned with optics after the summer of love it so want to the play the national guard being too afraid to have any form of law enforcement ready because they didn't want it to look bad when the streets are being burned down so that's her fault not trump's. >> didn't vindicate trump called for the national guard. >> it vindicates trump and that they should release all those january 6th people right now. and i am with you why are we seeing this now. nancy must have felt bad because both claws were going so sober as they had the ability to talk again crap the back of that dan gave terry we other
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responsibility i don't know how them going to buy stocks and do insider-trading now. >> it felt like a performance. >> low me get this straight she knew they were going in the building and did nothing about it locker up. >> 20 years is what you get. >> 20 years. what do you make of this iec conspiracy why are we seeing this now? >> and her daughter is filming this that's what i'm struck by her daughter filmed she's making a documentary what's going on with this family like i would give anything a bravo reality show for nancy pelosi's family. >> greg: it's creepy the january 6th committee as that should be in there but the 2 republicans were.
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[ bleeps ] republicans. >> gold the great they saw something and it's going on getting worse we've got him. they put people's lives at risk to get rid of trump they could have made the call they didn't because that's how we get them that's what it is. another hoax. up next as they declare trump making her scared. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology...
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worried about all of us she should be worried about any kind of camp she would talk about how to build a fire and the history of fire all day long and she would starve to death. the most of boring my goodness i would watch a show she goes to camp but no 1 is going to go to a camp because conservatives don't want to waste of money on rate you have to higher dti counselors and brainwashing people of all spectrums and gavin newsom can't buy a homeless tent for a guy under
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500 k know she wants to an episode of naked and afraid i'd watch where are my clothes i'm rachel maddow i'm naked. and afraid. >> greg:, i like how they think of trump wins their careers in jeopardy their careers explode if he is in power because he gives them so much material it reinvigorates their careers. >> remember the tax returns they were drawing it out the whole time and it was nothing i remember watching that this you not remember how much fun she had with that also i can't decide if she really believes things are not like it she actually is afraid or just saying that or just thinking about it because i don't know
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how you could really believe that i think there's a lot of ratcheting up the rhetoric that happens it's ernie been ratcheted up quite high they just had to keep going and then you're not even thinking about it like a lot of the people i talked about who support trump this is top of the list of why is there just like wow this is why i shouldn't. and it sighing objectively stupid. the self-importance is a turnoff to the average person where it's like you really think he's going to take same from you so dangerous he will put you in a cage shut up. >> greg: it's true it's an ego thing is he is within a hundred to -- entertainers it would come for me next. >> no be cares about any of these idiots don't people he watch them are their own echo chamber do you think they will waste time i disagree if you
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work the first time because people thought there might be true to the russia thing we put up with this bowl. [ bleeps ] for 8 years that's likely going to say now why would else do you have it's passed that they overplayed their hand in their worried about consequences everybody who try to get away with stuff and lied and push false narratives are now afraid they're going to get their comeuppance and they call revenge are gonna me a camp signal you shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle lies narratives if anything once he wins where you going to do now because no matter what you do he's gonna finish his 4 years in the winds again absence like always going to lock me up at the celtics when the championship jayson tatum and jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat me up. >> greg: by the way how does she think he's going to lock her up like what could be the crime like she leaps from a he becomes
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president i go to jail she leaves at all the stuff in between i was like is it because she's a journalist like whatever she is i don't know because it's so preposterous and if it's being a journalist but year paolo barack obama if you want to see the high volume of journalists imprisoned it's like they are in a space capsule they haven't evolved so outdated like listening to robert de niro when he was ranting and raving recently the thing coming out of his mouth trump's not going to accept the results fascism and he's wearing a mask is like watching somebody from 2016 and you're like we are so past that i don't know who listens to her but it makes me as lame as it sounds there are camps with millions of people in them and they are in china if i would her i would steward or time and platform a little better because the trump delusion derangement syndrome is stupid and i wish
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she would use it for sighing actual. >> greg: well put. >> maybe they would go on tv and say she has to go oh, no,. >> greg: coming up a coach to a slam dunk a question which stunk. for my patients. it really works. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis,
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♪ it's a video of the day part 2 >> the race baiting question by a going for grace. it comes from joe missoula 35-year-old head coach of the boston celtics. a sports writer asked him what it's like to be a black head coach in the finals his answer left him speechless for the
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first time since 1975 you have 2 black coaches in the finals do you think it's significant moment how do you view it. >> i wonder how many of those have been christian coaches. >> greg: i haven't heard an awkward silence like that since i showed up at kudlow's house in clovis. enclose tyrus what was the point the journalist was trying to make him what was the point he was trying to make? >> the journalist come on we need to stop using that term more watered-down than a racist in these days. when joe came and i thought he
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was too young didn't have experience but then he pulls a stunt like this you heard the race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow-up question they're trying to get him a gotcha moment glad to see a brother stand up and say it has nothing to do with my coaching ability or anything it's my work ethic and faith they got me where i was at and just ended it. forget the fact that we are up 2-0. i invaded his podcast dropped a bit and the full went for like it's a bin prank calling him a week but again it goes to the point where most of us just like the funny blackeye get field the skin is knowing to do with character and jokes. some glad her prominent black eyes because a lot of times
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psycho that school and he said enough of the seas done this before he did with the rowe family is like what was it like sing next to the prince he was like jesus is only king i serve so just murdered them all the time kat as a devout christian and sports however how do the comments make you feel great. >> like i could be a sportswriter. >> yahoo sports. >> i'm serious because i could have known he would have answered this way there are a few things i follow lasted then basketball because you know what i did i googled him but to think you're going to go into an interview the same person when asked about meeting at the royal family answered like o'chiese as mary and joseph this is a christian man gaia prioritizes his fave talks about his faith you could've known he would answer this way if you bothered to google so sportswriters don't need to know sports or even
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pretend to google it if things don't work out here i'll just go to espn i guess. >> do they put basque ballgames on at the shelter? they do fro chicken wings from a distance to catch me where they actually from chicken? >> completely rowe seo and have to fight to kill the chicken with your single can of pork and beans the question was crazy is like for the first time since 1975 okay it was settled in 1965
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are we seriously arguing about lack of diversity in the nba okay. let's out of the fight arrow lysed trans people having coached a single team in aussie let's get in there and fight for the ball and help me change my address. >> you are insane tonight mr loftus taking special outrageous bills last to you emily. >> only because of them. >> what you think. >> my point is do your research on the person you're covering but the promise we lived in an anti-christian anti- judeo-christian society is wei harrison becker i would say but to us and i know that's not right why he was vilified for
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speaking out for his faith at a catholic college in a filet no problem pray for them being a twitter handle when you tragically dropped on the field prayer is only okay when everyone else doesn't so i applaud this coach irrespective a sports team skin color or anything for being a bastion and beacon for being a christian man in the social environment. up next a texas court overrules banning books on butts in schools
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[ ♪♪ ] nobody is watching the news. [ ♪♪ ] >> gary: almost 11 on the east coast let's talk about butts and farts ruled houston area schools and libraries kennel longer banned books that mention but and farts like "i broke my butt." and larry farley leprechaun. tyrus, are these books a gateway does shakespeare and chaucer?
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>> i think this is a gateway for your new tv shows where you have afternoon shows about farts and butts. >> gary: that's a great idea emily, as an adolescent boy in my past, i loved about farts and butts. >> if this is what gets a little boy to read, i love it. it is hysterical that there is this category but at the end of the day the ruling that you can't ban the book because you don't want to see the message but you can ban if it's unpopular so for those communities who do not want them to read about butts and farts. >> trace: my dream is to be number 1 on amazon in the category i don't know if there is a button fart category but i
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want to be the trailblazer. >> i'm glad this ruling has been made those on staff picking up the slack and you been a way lobbying for this. >> gary: it was tough. being a homeless guy, you come in contact with smelly butts and terrible farts and that's how i know i'm alive but it unites people rather than divides. farts are always funny and as long as they're not teaching little kids sex stuff and those are the books you want to have and here's who's riding these books because i wrote a book doing well at because you have to do the follow-up and it's don mcmillan is our whole
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thing she's written five books exclusively about butts. what's all that about and they all have the pseudo-porn titles that, hey, ladies slow down. we get it. >> greg: we need a second but. >> i glued my butt. >> greg: will talk about that will b e right back.
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>> greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] >> trace: good evening. i'm trace gallagher and it's 8:00 and los angeles and this is america's fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk


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