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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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won't necessarily explode under donald trump. >> neil: we will see. thank you very much. >> ♪ ♪da >> i'm dannaa perino with judges jenny and,e richard fowler, jee watters and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5.
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brand-new images of president biden from moments ago embracing his now convicted sun. the president blew up his entire schedule rushing to delaware to be with them underbite and wase found guilty ocon all 3 counts d his gun trail the verdictk sending shockwaves for at the white house.ka even canceling theri press brieg something sh.e rarely does. but and turf faces up to 25 years in prison unlikely ghenkelyt diskei the maxirsm as it says first sentencepene all happening as je jeanine will tell you and thers first ladyt jill biden wasn't physically in the court yet to hear it being read aloud. she arrived just afterwards. president biden said he will respect his son's conviction buy talk about. irony after the tril revealed the revolver was dumped into a trash -- trashcan he spoke at an violence prevention summit where he called for harsher gun-control laws and for
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americans to safely store their firearms. >> it's time we establish universal background checks.ches requiring this dave safe storage of firearms.e we neelod locks on those guns. who in god's name needs a magazinemaga told 200 shows.if if you y need 1200 bullets a gun you are the lousy a shot of ever seen. if you want to take on government for get out of line l you need f-15s not a rifle. 1 of the jurors spoke out aboutn the historic ts,o liberation saying the biden name did not play a role. >> we treated him just like heen was anybody else. he broke the law and that's how it goes a didn't a factor in my
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decision. was not politically motivated. politics played no part in thisf >> just to be haven't heard from you today i like to get your thoughts. >> give me>> a boost of confidee in the system although they have a lot of work to do to get me back like watching an eagles game and the referees for 20 flags in the first half finally throw 1 flag on the other team okay stone not a fair game remember the biden prosecutors tried to sweep it under the rug last year have the guy not go to jail little devil lifetime immunity until the judge was like say what now he might have to serve prison might have to serve prison on this and taxes he should listen to nancy reagan
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say no to drugs a lot of the foreigners targeted hunter bidet not just because he was the sunc of aau president but because he was a crackhead and he's been compromised by the chinese theia russiansns romanians mexicans pretty much everybody wanted a piece ane d because he was an addict he was willing to take risks do things you would h normally do as he needed money for our the but also money for his habit and he lived in a world of spies, suspicious wires sects trafficking diamondsmond burner phones wiretaps he was on an 8 year luckily he didn'llt kill himselg likely hune didn't have the gun picked up by a kid who shot himself likely theelf. gun wasnt used in a murder and had the gun go back to him. but for a long time this guy it
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was like an orgy of opportunists he was using his dad his dad waa using him the chinese was using him he was using the chinese and the cia and fbi were using him to spy on the chinese. he's never had any consequencess his entire life. yet a discharge in auditch honourable discharge aarn administrative 1 is pot for coke and new jersey that 1 went under the rug all of r a sudden people are interested istn his art it' the first time he's ever had toa pay the consequences couldn'ta come awot a worse time his pole numbers are terrible freezing up at june, trump is a raising ofhe the sugar brothers tapped out he hasn't even seen his daughter happy father's day biden this is what happens when you raise au a sun like this you have to raise virtuous young men are also they're going to come back and y bite you that isou the lesson he >> you think they'll do jail time.
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>> under the federal guidelinese there's no requirementre the juo imposed jail timure of course ig up to the judge i think the judge will take into consideration that in a case is direct and clear as this wase that he could have responsibility and showedrs remorse ane,d pled guilty he gotten in the sentencing guidelines he g could've gotten ota few extra points for doing that notpuni suggesting is being punished foe going to trial the could've gota a benefit i think it's a lesson in a couple of things. a lesson to abby lowell who is an excellent attorney as we allt of said whoso overplayedor his the jury was insulted for the first time we heard maybe was really an alcohol addict mao be at crack addict and maybe te text is about him meeting another girl and not a druggie
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to buy more crack cocaine and maybe it was at the 711 to buy coffee and a doughnut.dn't maybe he really didn't know he was an addict the curious thing is the statement issued afteron his conviction was that recovery is possible by the grace of god i try to experience a gift 1 day at a time admitting he's an addict aass the girlfriend saide knew what's you're an addict sober or not you are always anar addict joe giving a statement early on s right after the conviction saved him from having to address it at the speech and at this gonna event but there are certain things being hypocritical need to keep guns out of dangerous hands well your son had a car and his girlfrienb opted out in the garbage can block away from a school and he
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says we need to make sure gun storage is a priority this is a family of hypocrisy on 1 hande they show united front in the courthouse every day even starting with jury selection being a family joined togetherer to support hunter and yet they were dysfunctional family at best givensf the facunt so manyf the people affected by what hunter biden did and this a jury of ordinary people of delaware were not intimidated by that family and recognize d it was a clear-cut case and that nobody is above the law. greg give you the >> talking about the momeng:t je claims you don't need arrival because we've got an f-15 that's t the first or second time he said this just either proofto nobody hasld told him it's a bad idea to boast you can bomb americans redid and he doesn't
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retain the information he says s we've got f-15s you don't need a rifle is not about need it's about the right to self defense may be built into that there is a timeto yet to go up against ao corrupt government in his word a government out of line the sameo people whopl smear trump as authoritarian trump nevertr boasted abouumt bombing you 2 americans and remember these are the guys who call january 6 when insurrection and nowy they're saying6t you at don't. f he shouldn'tan be president of e taylors with anti- club. hunters going to jail sue joee doesn't have tcoo any comes outd will be rewarded for his loyaltl like ioyt made man in a crimema family it's a distraction n from the influence peddling and kickbacknflus it's not the chare that makes me failed i know hesn
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is any responsible sky's ball as has been played out as a charge i'm comfortable with to me this is about the second amendment you don't lose your first amendment if you lose drugs so why do you lose the second amendmen t it's a preconditional onallaw it's an authority of law which displaces the lower laws when they come in the conflict like now. obviously the lat w waifs broket if it's unconstitutional then it's unconstitutional the only option if you are in recovery as he pointed out as a lifelong addict the only option in recovery let's say you are a wounded veteran needs pain killers are in recovery for t years you have to land the application does objection is subjectiveecti it's predictive assuming you're going to do something bad which we don't do with alcohol we don't make thes
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projective edge judgements whean people by alcohol which is weigh worse in terms of physical harm. this is it feels good to see tho other side of this but i do fear this law makes it okay to justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on past drug use and that is unjust based on the second amendment because there is nothing inso there about that that's my thought richarmy td final wart?c >> last weekha dissipated in juy duty for a couple days and. >> you got rejected? >> i did rej what i learned froe people i met there they weree regular people atht the take the day off work.mi they wertte committed to the process they answered questions fairly and honestly and to thel point of jesse if you have more confidence in the system i washe reassured it works there was 60h
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of us part of the process what you saw today were 12 people who come to make a decision a couple weeks ago and they are trying to get it right. so anybody who disparages everybody as every day citizens are going to the process don'tai do that these are everyday americans participating in thei responsibility as a voter andd s citizen they made the righted decision because that' ts what they are supposed to do that wea will seepp what happens barringn appeal you will have some kind of punishment and at some point to remember what like i said yesterday's not running for office he's not at the biden administration or dnc or biting campaignly t. you some buddies been for a lot of traumasli that we have to see what happens. >> that's the kehay thing like yesterday this is about hunter it supposed to be about joe.
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>> this case was about hunter. >> i'm agreeing with you.ll i will end there. >> there is agreement on the e also coming up the media using the hunter biden verdictgh to hammer donald trump. >> ♪ ♪ i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: leave it to the >> leave it tobera the liberal s to shamelessly use the verdict to dump on the trump conviction despite the case is being miles apart. the hunter gun trial was opent, and shut as you get ironclad evidence like damning text likemessages to drug dealers a y
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real laptop and solid witnesses like his sister-in-law turned ex-lover. the liberal press still trying to compare it to the hush money mess alvin bragg cooked up against trump. >> it's a good day by the -- for the american system. >> it flies in the face of everything the former presidentn has been pushing to underming,ed the justice systemer we knowha biden's come out strongly against >> you imagineat donald trump saying the words i will accept the outcome of the case andct continue t to respect the judicl process.. >> what you are seeing today in connection new with the trump criminal case is jurors doing their job. >> the doj follows the fact of the law without regard to who is subject to those facts of the lae >> outside of his last nametr being bideian i don't think the trial ever occurs.
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richard they had half a dozen whistleblowers saying that every timesayi they tried to follow tt facts they got shut down by the biden administration. >> i will say this because therh is something great said lastdo thing with t that's where bringp because there ar he politics thd have to do with the case mind you a guilty verdict is a guilty verdict. it. the interesting pivot you seee folks onfo the ratemaking about talking about the biden family, let's movele away from hunter's mobecause his interesting bede pillows that youyo have to navigate this case leans directly into the second amendment and the idea on the form we talked about as theyus have a gun y. has had in the first circuit in 2023 whereus they found it was unconstitutional the questionti was unconstitutionalon. for people in the rate they havo to evaluat te looking hard on ts
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particular case the second amendment. that's why after the decisiontr was passedum the trump campaigny issued a statement he retracted it put it back out because they're trying to figure how to imagine but also they know ifo you goha to hartigan's huntere biden like they did in 2020 and 2022 it doesn't choke with the electorate as both times they win. the apparent red wave didn't show up so the idea of attacking hunter and just going after hime doesn't seem temo be as effectie as effective as are pelicans think theys are so the question is how we navigate this.ho >> somebody who identifies as being on the right mapping no all navigating this difficult moment. judge jeanine the pivot they are the people on the radar making to me it just seems like this was a fraction of the crimes on the laptop
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. >> so disingenuous richard givei me a breakng it was the bidenidn white house the biden departmen of justicede that had this case from 2018 allowed the statute of limitations to run so biden t be accountable for the worst tax violations in the worst tax crimes connected toec end hites father was vice fathpresident and when he was getting money all over the world which was funneled to everybodye sitting in f the front seed of that courtroom you want to know why they are so unified that'sie where the cash came in. so don't give me this judge system work for him saying give me precedent give me some idea on why somebody should be given immunity in perpetuity because his name is hunter biden and they said we've never done it before us lets not be so holy year than the saying the system
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g thworks. guy would've been skating without the judge skating every year the life the first time justice has visited upon a man because of him because of him they lost faith in the this and the social a justice nonsense om out the,e system works now in te system is covered up for this guy for decades.arge >> the charges would you like them or not our real this pony p to choose from what aboutom trump's charges yet the fashioning create them everybody admitted it was unprecedented aa first of its kind never done before they doing it for a president who is the leading candidate in the election not only is a corrupted selection interference is not about equal
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justice the it's lopsided a joke is in there i won't make it but screw this antimony is phoniesid these were the lying teabags who claim the laptop was fake so if they're false narrative had prevailed which they wantedre there wouldn't bee wn this verdt to idle then no claim proof of equal justice didn't come downin because of you happened in spite of you this guy got away with a lot for a long time and only stopped becaus oe thernle was to much to ignore.o >> dana?ig >> they're trained to see these case were the same applets it's the apples they are apples to cucumbers they aren't the same we sat here for about 6 weeks and to dissect every single worh when thee cnn contributors sayg this wasn't right so that 1 is likely to continue.
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with 3 weeks not even that.ta >> i think thoselk talking heads are they not embarrassed and angry at the 51 national security advisors who lied to them and said the hunter biden laptop was disinformation they keep having them on their shows and the actual story in regardst to theop trail was the laptop ws real fear any of those journalists are talking heads i would never talk to those guys agaiwhn so last 2 hear from me next hollywood's most: up challenging project yet convinco voters tjeo back the guy whose brains are shut e guy who' down in public
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>> judge jeanine: hollywood heavyweights about to spend millions to repackage the oldest they're repackaging the oldest president as hrye in history a d no amount of tinsel down magic can fix this the president turning into brain freeze biden at the white house juneteenth event.whit they are all ghosts try and take it back. taking away your freedoms makinr it harder for black people devote banning books about black experienceieve. >> it comes as hollywood veterans launch a super back spending $25 million to shore up the youth of the problem the group is hiring millennial
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generation z writers and producers from shows likene saturday night live anrad parksp and recreation to helpar craft o biting content. as you responded to the. >> it was the first time i saw w the tape losing control of his mouth.ntro it is frightening that he is the leader of the free world not even making hypotheticals like oh, my god is going to do thisdt or that the promise now with your own eyes you can see he cannot be president. they need a new category for the oscars best reanimation of the corpse what we're seeing right now is not good.eft left me speechless it's artless to do richard i want to go to
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you on this. joe biden standing at juneteenth i don't know why he did that supposed to be june 19th but what do i know he is the 1 who f said if you don't vote for me w you ain't black. wellel he's got no rhythm or nothing it's a startled responsa or a freezing phenomenon indicative of cognitive declineh mimic asar possibly as a rhythmy a lot of people don't listen too kirk franklin on sunday morning. that's okay i think what'si interesting here rate as we think about young people and how they will vote in this election they recently found the number 1 issue for young people is gun violence president spoke earlieu today about that what we found is recent fbi report came out
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seeing crime is down 26%. >> we are looking at a man decomposing wait a minute greg as 11,000 finding the murderer rate is down 26% the justme department also announcentd they haven't dated in convicted 500 gun traffickers. c >> i could do that in 1 countygo the biden administration also hireutd 3700 police officers ths they should be allowed her on t because that's whahat young voth care >> the truth imes americans don feel ido want to go back to thit with such desperation they brought in steven spielberg to
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help on the normandy speech the cringe content you get from the young people seeing joe biden, can yocau change that?othe >> remember the other day he was in france and he bends over like that everybody i know under 40 text me and asked if joe biden pooped his pants it doesn't matter anymore what they tell young americans you see joe biden looks like he pooped young americans see that and it's over what doesn't 80-year-old white man from delaware look like at a party that guy can't find the beat doesn't know how to clap frozen like on solo he's tiredie he was just in europe his son's trial is on and he's just not cut out for that looks like he'u just fulfilling the duty and you can tell that he is embarrassed
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and heiresses more whole countries embarrassed. >> the truth is there are 81-year-old men with all due respect to congested up this guy it's not even about. >> mick jagger 6 months younger than biden. >> he's just not presentn.. >> i would say here's the thing father time is undefeated and what i find alarming is there's onlyd al 1 person in power a por in a government you can make the national security decisions we d thneed they have to be made oe triggers notice and i don't feel watching in the last several months m particular the last 3 weeks you can have confidence w that it would happen for y examples commander-in-chief chief of staff the military national security of either a i say this is happening right now
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what you want us to do are you confident?be confident that he would be able to do that i wanted to be able to do that i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him i don't want to be mad at him i love the fact that people want i to help spielberg great state step uepp you're dealing with facts thatin are not going to get better for the next couple of years. and yet to think really hard about this and the democratsthis really need to think about thiss i'm not the only 1 saying that somebody as a former republican you can look at left-leaning people right now who feel b permission has beeeen granted th suggest there could be something like a contested convention in i augustn because it's very worrisome. >> i think they going to useuy i that guy in the sequence
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dressed. >> ahead liberal lunacy is rachel maddow and aoc.el m donald trump is going to throw them in camps. ♪ ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i've ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it's crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. ♪ ♪ >> greg: better hit up your dock if you are dealin both rachel maddow and aoc say they fear trump locking them up if reelected. is it what s convinces you these massive camps are intended onlyf for migrantsor. i'm worried about me but only abus much as i'm worried about all of us. aoc sounds nuts mimic wouldn't
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be surprised if you threw me and jellies out of his mind he did a his firsrot campaign about law corrupt that was his motto i take him at his word when he said he'g s going to round upi tapeople she says it sounds nuti and then she says it. here's what i find funny likelya think of trump wins he will be out of a job no he guarantees her employment it will reinvigorate. >> rachel maddow was made byre donald trump doing well during the term that she work on mondays and tuesdays. >> shell do 60 million a year. it's biden putting republicans
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in camps navarro and bannon imprison these trying to put trump in prison we need we need aoc no ft in prison just speakig freely she's a boon for the republican party and conservative movement should be useless in prison we need her out there expressing her r brilliant ideas we can put them on the 5 in primetime. >> is it the ego talking were people believe they have a n their back the president probably isn't aware of whoe aoc is as they go whats she saying now is now ingrained everybody knows what it is young friends of my who just opened a business their business when y u take each initial it would be tds they made that as the
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instagram and ask to meet youds know what tds means and it's like everybody knows what that mean, evs the media meltdown fes like rehashed points of 2017 or 2018 like they've learned nothing surprisingly they make e good point you feel they are projecting because they havew been putting republicans in jail and now they just as soonre revenge is cominveg. n >> no question there projecting having their finger point back a year theyo crazy part is it's al abou t them being egocentric was to jail me, as like i feared ww going toas be killed would alsoo that i f was going to be raped what layperson killed was babbitt who wasn't killed by anybodlledy who went into the
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capital is donald trump wheny ha they yelled will lock her upck there the doj could've locked her up people weren't happy thah he didn't law corrupt as they are backwards in their thinking it makes sense they are >> you don't seen'm like you hae tds what advice would you giver would you give somebody on your side who has that? >> first put themselves in jail i don't have that the toy 60 an election i would overturn the roe v. wade and now there are 21 states who have banned a woman's right to reproductive health and
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you should bring up that right now.righ has answer that question? >> if you are in kansas and kentucky giving their right to reproductive health saying it will put you in prison.ic >> the trump ihas a man of his word as the solution if you're an angry democrat and abortion that's what they said up next generations he ditching dating paddleboard yoga g apps for it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance
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into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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♪ ♪ >> richard: gen generation z ditching dating apps for in person events it's % increased by 42% from 2023 and0- the company ceo claims to doing things like paddleboard yoga. >> i don't want to date anyone who makes come bucha that's discussing.
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>> i think getting back out there is good for your mental health people it's good.. all of it is great but i would never date a guy who did that. >> it's interesting becauset there aren't thamat many barsda anymore antid dating apps ande removed thrie risk from social interaction. you don't feel that when yout used tbuo have when you're meetg people is alou ul about the superficiaonl height salary ageo i'm not six-foot tall but as a 9.7 i get an extra .3 by workinr on my charming charismisa to yo point aboutht come bucha like freehand glassblowing and i have a serious question 7 you pick a
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girl and some to go straight over and another question arear you allowed toe put your salarf when you'rile dating at profilet >> why would you do that? say no more jesse.or >> greg is right. >> 's got sit day a limber out there when yoube are datingcaus because then you get flaccid with your reflexes all of aen sudden the y guy steals your gil and you're in the bathroom. >> i thank you need to do some backyard beekeeping. judge jeanine? >> what really it's like young kids are getting involved in plumbing they don't call a plumber they look at it themselves the problem is if you've got all these dating app everybody is lyingev about somethin sg why not just allow e
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he's a veteran sculpto camr. or go to veteran sculptor to check out his work. i highly recommend it. he even through one of greg in for free. greg for greg and gus? yeah. look how beautiful they look. not as distinguished , but quite accurate. tonight, jesse watters, frontline. spea. ng of accuracy judge jeanine pirro, james comer, kayleigh mcenany and vic rhymes with steak tonight at eight. >> all right, great. all righ t. tonight, we've got a great show, 10 p.m. natalie campagna ,michael loft. it's kat tap tyra's. watch it oe r die. >> it's. let's do this. . dennis. >> and while. oh, yeah. all right, so we're goinge. to play the sound, and thenu i'll stop it, and then we'll replay it after you guys gasp. >> play the sounds.
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all right, richard, your cash. dear, dear. seal. seal a baby otter.y ot oh. let's roll and find out who's f correcint. oh, wow. est at thase: isti baby? sea otter. oh, we had $20,000. >> wow. i believe i was. >> thank you. you said that was the dallas zos zoo avo, by the way. >> they've seen. my gosh. how do you think that is? one impressive. okay, so this giraffe had a tall order for his birthdatal treat the lady who lives at the oakland zoo spent his fourthg fo birthday bobbing for yams. the yams were hoisted perfectly to mouth height for the 15 foots tall birthday boy. zawadi also tips the scales at 1300 pounds, which surprisingly makes him one of the thinnest in the herd. and then i know jesse toldtold , but i'll tell you again. i'm going to be on jesse
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watters primetime. she'll be hoisting yams to mouth. >> yes, that's right. i want>> dan to show you this dy because these kids, golden retriever, he loves to play cards. he loves cards uffle th. so she's going to shuffle the cards for him. he's like, let's go. let's play car ehed. and she gets really excited when he sees that. i don't even know this dog's name. oh, and also, if you hadn't heard, judge jeanine will be on jesse white . it's got to have something to promote. richar. d. g to >> we all travel a lot, but there's nothing more annoying than having to unexpectedl uneyy check yourg because it's a little bit oversize open happened. to this. guy on his flight from london to spain. he was determined to provee hi that his bag was small enoughy- to fit in the carry on. so he jammedon, he it into the luggage size or thing there. too bad itit stuck. got stuck. >> and so he had to turn itt. over to pry his bag and i feel it for him becauset n i know what that feels like. >> how did it end? he eventually got hit to turn it upsidd?rd: he h e down. ine is >> and i also want to let you know that judge jeanine is goingbese watte to call. a fl
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there she is. and it's a full bag. if anybody wants another checkay and look at my bus straight here. so it looks likene. can't h >> you can't hold this with one arm. let's trd y straight out. no, straight out. so i told you it first came o out. >> i thought in myn mind, newton, but it didn't do anyou of the women on the show, huh?fh >> why straight?y bu be careful with my posturest. . i like gus's bling. i think that's pretty good. that icloss. nine: >> do men close, though?ne if you didn't know that he's got a necklace on.have g >> all right, that's it for us. everyone, i'm tired of us. have a great night, everybody. >> we'll see you tomorrow. we'll be here later. >> welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight. hunter biden convicted of twounts o counts of lying on a form. the combination of gun as and drugs made his conduct dangerous. sno one in this count


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