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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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kamala was a good darner, she tried a little bit. it is not good to be around people who are good dancers and you are rocking in an awkward. >> jimmy: doug should have froze. this whole administration america's got issues, whole video, just look at it. >> laura: i knew we would get in trouble with this. jimmy will be in new jersey next weekend, follow me on social media. i have rose growing trouble. jesse next. >> todd: a packed city bus hijacked by a convicted felon with a gun leading to one of the wildest police chases caught on camera. we'll show you the pursuit and takedown that brought at lant on
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to a slow down. >> carley: hunter biden found guilty on all charges and media making this about trump. >> politically, this is a big blow to trump. >> one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than the average citizen. >> carley: really? walk you through hunter's next steps. >> todd: the story no one saw coming, joey chestnut banned from the nathan's hot dog eating contests. he is breaking his silence. >> carley: you have to eat nathan's hot dogs. we will bring you details. >> todd: there are details. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we have that coming up, first this fox news alert. president biden returns to the
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world stage itself leaving for italy in two hours from now. >> todd: at home, group of icu linked terrorist suspects arrested after walking right into our country across the border. lucas tomlinson, what do we know? >> lucas: eight terror suspects entered the united states illegally through the southern border and received full vetting, according to bill melugin. they are from central asia, borderers afghanistan and china. the fbi and dhs said in a statement to fox, the individuals are detained in ice custody. fbi and dhs described in public bulletin, the u.s. been in heightened threat environment.
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the fbi and dhs will work to identify and disrupt protential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in recent days days. according to "new york post," part of the investigation featured a wiretap, which includes one of the now arrested individuals were talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i believe something like that or worse may happen. described as increased threat of coordinated attack in the u.s. the suspects were also from tagikistan. >> carley: bring in john elliot to talk about this story. one of the most concerning things about this, these eight were not gotaways, they received
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full vetting by cbp. they were welcomed into our country. given millions treated the same way, where does this leave us? >> you are right, carley, it is a disaster here. one aide used the app, you could go in and get prevetted. we are having terrorists use the ape. this is an open border and the terrorists know it. whether it is isis-k who killed 1000 people in moscow, a similar thing could happen now. look at the white house, over the weekend, what there was, you had people putting defacing one of the statue and throwing bricks at the park police there.
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this is something not a single person got arrested there. we have people that can come that close to the white house and known terrorists, just since biden has been in office, you have had 320 known terrorists stopped at the border and that is just the ones we've stopped. if you use the app and you're a t terrorist, it is a disgrace. >> todd: just a matter of time before our intel services fail to catch one of the terror cells before it is too late. the fbi director expressed fear a few weeks ago. listen. we've seen the threat rise to another level, on top of that, is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack we saw
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in march. >> todd: if elected, can he eliminate as much of this threat as possible or john, is it too late? it is not too late at all. we will start with criminals and put everybody coming here illegally under biden and earlier, trickle there compared to the wave going on now, he will deport these terrorists. what president trump said, police know where the guys are and with intelligence, resources we have, kudos to the fbi for finding these guys. good on them. what president trump will do is close the border and those here, he will make sure they are deported or arrested and p
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prosecuted and deported after that. we need these guys in jail. >> carley: without question. everything in afghanistan, isis-k has been on the rise since we left there. given our catastrophic our withdrawal was, does not seem like sending troops back now is on the table. given the fact terror organizations, would it be safer if we did have a presence there? >> you are right, under biden, we gave up the bagram air force base. the withdrawal from afghanistan was to keep bagram, who is contr controlling bagram air force base? the chinese. we have over the horizon capability. it biden not given away bagram,
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we would have been safer and could have attacked isis-k where we are. >> todd: president biden will be heading to italy for the g-7 summit as israel and hamas ceasefire looms large. what deliverables must biden walk away with in order to be considered a success, john? >> one thing for certain, after what happened with hunter biden, he will not be giving parenting tips and will not be giving them any talk on gun control. what he is going to do is going in and these are globalists who are afraid of president trump coming in. i think laura's program talked about how so many of these leaders are worried about what has happened in terms of more centrist forces coming in, right of center voices coming in.
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he has to push back on them and he has to show that somehow he is able to make it across the finish line. they are ready to bail on him right now and they are asking for more money for ukraine, they are ready to bail on him. they are telling him that hate to break it to you, biden, there is a steep discount on hunter biden's art. >> carley: israelis medias hamas rejected key parts of the ceasefire deal. thank you for joining us. >> todd: hunter biden awaiting sen sentencing date after he was found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. >> carley: brooke singman has details this morning. >> brooke: jury found the first son guilty for lying about drug use to buy a gun. sentences is yet to be
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scheduled, hunter is facing fine of $750,000 and maximum of 25 years in prison, although he is unlikely to coany prison time. hunter said, i'm more grateful today for the love and experience i experienced from melissa, my friends, my family and community than i am di disappointed by the outcome. the president has defended his son for years. >> peter: -- >> yes, yes, yes, god love you, man, you're a one-horse pony. my justice department will be on its own making determination how to proceed. >> do you think your son did nothing wrong? >> president biden: i'm conf
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confident. >> peter: have you spoken to your son? >> president biden: i'm proud of my son. >> brooke: one juror said naomi's testimony hurt hunter's defense. that was heartwrenching and i think all jurors felt the same thing. another juror speaking out. >> he was like anybody else, nobody is above the law no matter who you are, politics played no part m this. >> brooke: americans reacting to the verdict. >> anybody, whether famous or not, answers to whatever the jury decides. >> i'm happy, justice is served. >> he needs to suffer consequences. >> if guilty, he should be brought to justice. >> i agree, do the crime, do the time.
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>> brooke: he is facing another trial over allegedly fairlying to pay over million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and he pleaded not guilty. >> carley: few weeks before the election in november. >> todd: that has a paper trail showing documents and where the money is. >> carley: todd, are you sick of winning? >> todd: tired of winning. >> carley: students in one state learning how to win at cap capitalism and it is seeing huge success. >> todd: the woman who created the program and a student join us next, you won't want to miss it.
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>> carley: listen to this, trump-backed sam brown winning the senate primary last night with 60% of the vote, we will challenge senator jackie rosen in november. brown speaking with fox news after the big win. >> this is a clear signal that republicans here in the state are united behind president trump and me to take on joe biden and jackie rosen this november. americans need hope.
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nevadans have been crushed and this is resounding victory. >> carley: nancy mace defeating both her challenges and picks up 56% of the vote. in north dakota, kelly armstrong will take over for burgum as republican candidate in the state's gubernatorial election this november. also in north dakota, voters impose age limit on members of congress from l state and set maximum age limit of 81 on those representing the state. it will likely face legal challenges. and this, jamaal bowman, polls
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show him behind challenger l lattimore. he is a westchest er executive. 65% of voters have favorable view of lattimore and 51 pvrs for bowman. early voting begins on saturday and primary election is june 25th. >> todd: winning at cap tap pis. high school reimagining business. dr. shade is founder of total experience learning and patel is a success story from the program. >> todd: how do you teach kids to win at cap capitalism? >> good morning, thank you for
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having us on the show this morning. capitalism means private industry and entrepreneurism. we need to find italent in our students and support and engage them in inventing and changing our school system thought to that entrepreneurial mindset. >> todd: you have been engrossed in this learning program since seventh grade and you are now at polytech institute, one of the best schools for senate and math in our -- >> it nurtured my entrepreneurial ial spirit.
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i discovered blasted particles and invented needleless new type of patch that uses nano technology to provide extended release of medication, providing more comfortable form of chemmytherapy and for parkinson's disease and patientses and can deliver medications. i patented the device and created patch life. this taught me how to find a problem and figure out how to create a solution. >> todd: what year are you in college? >> i'm a junior. >> todd: wow, junior year. i was not invented anything, i don't want to get into my college experience. focus on how you stack up against your peers because of this program. you are in a tough school with a
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lot of smart students who excel in math and science. how has this program differentiated you from your peers? >> anyone can do research in a lab, this program teaches you skills that you need to get yourself outside of the lab. how you present yourself is what is going to make you successful. so this has helped me in a variety of competitions and helps you present to your peer says. >> todd: and helps you win at cap italism, best of luck to both of you, i think you are going to places. send it to senior meteorologist janice dean.
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jfk >> janice: we will hear from her in the future. round of aspplause. heat for west and southwest and spreading across central u.s. and east coast. here is forecast highs, 80s and 90s and extreme heat for california and southwest, d dangerous heat for this time of year. average high in phoenix issen it4, when you deal with 112, that could set up a big risk. take a look at heat as it spreads across ohio valley and parts of the northeast friday and to the weekend. people are excited about this, first real taste of summer extended since last summer. make mention of the potential of
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severe storms and florida is getting heavy rain over next couple of days. tropical moisture moving into the sunshine state. jfk we have been warned. see you. >> todd: stay there, watch this. deer smashing through the windshield of a bus and caught on camera. more of the video next. >> carley: friends and family of general hospital actor johnny wactorare demanding action on violent crimes and misdemeanors. johnny's brother is here next. can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time.
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(birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. >> todd: some absolutely wild video coming out of georgia. a passenger shot and killed after a gunman hijacked a commuter bus with 17 people onboard and held a gun to the
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driver's head. panicked drivers tried to get out of the way. the suspect is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests. the mayor placing it on availability of guns. >> too many guns. crime is down overall, this day is not indicative of all days of the city of atlanta. >> todd: the suspect was taken into custody, charges pending. >> carley: family and friends have organize sd a march in hon of johnny wactor. march participants are calling for officials to prioritize public safety. johnny's broth er mark, and michael parker, a friend of
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johnny, join me now. thank you for joining us. know grant, the loss of your brother is so tragic and se senseless, tell us about this march and what you hope will come of it today. >> i don't live here, i can't vote here. main thing is keep -- happened previously before and it sucks it had to be him for it to be a c catalyst to put this in the forefont. >> carley: michael, what is your message this morning? >> yeah, it is what grant said. killers are still on the loose. we want to bring awareness to this. a second parts, we want city leaders of l.a. to hear our
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frustration and understand we are crying out for hymn. >> carley: i think we lost them, unfo unfortunate time to do it. they need action and change in los angeles and the loss of this actor is just one other horrific and sad example of crime that can, feels like, impact anybody. one thing iun waed to ask grant, we hope to bring them back, the moment before johnny died, he was with a co-worker. saw his car getting broke into, he thought it was being towed and he noticed something was wrong and he stepped in front of his female co-worker. >> todd: one thing we are not hearing enough about, this to their point, it could happen to
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anybody. this area in los angeles is basically right at what was formerly the staple center. >> carley: we have them back, we lost you for just a moment. pick up where we left off, i believe micah talking about your message. >> we want our city leaders to hear us, you hear secretive conversations in l.a., people whispering about how bad crime is and how dangerous it is. then this happens and it is so close to home. we want to give people an opportunity to stop having the conversations in secret and step out in public and let their voice be heard. enough is enough. we're walking around with fear and anxiety. >> carley: grant, how many
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people do you expect at the march? do you have hope this could change things for the better down the road. >> i have no idea how many people are going to be out there, micah organized it all. i know johnny touched a lot of people. i think there will be plenty people, people that didn't know johnny. i think a big number. i hope it will help, even af after -- catch the guys that did it, i want it to continue. >> carley: micah, you met johnny in acting school 10 years ago, you have a great relationship. give us information about the page. >> we do, we have been raising money with the family for --
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since day one. we just launched www.ju www.justiceforjohnny you will have information about johnny and we'll continue to update information that comes out, news articles and things of that nature. we invite anyone to donate, there will be expenses down the road, it is a long road. >> carley: thank you for joining us this morning ahead of this march, 10:00 a.m. pacific standard time. thank you for joining us. it will be a long day, hopefully light at the end of the tunnel and hope the people who did this are found. >> todd: if they can do something to make that grath
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city safe again. president biden did address gun violence yesterday, did not mention his son's felony gun conviction which came down hours earlier. white house cancelling the press briefing, that did not stop the media from making this about donald trump. watch. >> mrith cally, this is a big blow to trump. he's trying so hard to create this weaponization. >> you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law, even with respect to his only living son. >> know ares have struggled to make it line of attack stick. most people see this and feel sympathy. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. this is a big blow to donald trump. what do you think about that news coverage yesterday, joe?
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>> joe: wow. i have not seen chuck todd on tv in i don't know how long, he is still there, i forgot about that. the other todd is making a gesture. that is what i thought. this is not apples to apples comparison. the hunter biden case was open and shut. he got caught. same will be said after the tax trial in november, he did not file taxes, that is documented on paper. with trump trial, ask 100 people on the street, what was the crime donald trump committed and no one can explain or define it. a bookkeeping error? if that is the case, that is misdemeanor at best, not a felony or jailable event.
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we have judge merchan deciding donald trump's fate. one comparing to the other, no. the cases are two different things and hunter biden, every analyst said would be found guilty if the jury was not swayed because it was in booides backyard and they were not. >> carley: hunter biden was going to get a plea deal and then got the irs whistleblowers that were getting blocked at every blow. >> todd: no precedence for get out of jail free card. there is narrative of whether joe biden's mental psyche is okay. that was a theme for a lot of coverage yesterday. "washington post" says hunter biden's guilty
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verdict resurfaced dark moments in the family's history. notice lack of similar concern for trump's psyche. watch the comparison. >> one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than an average system. >> as a parent, worst nightmare come true. >> donald trump is waking up today facing different reality, first morning as convicted felon in new york. donald trump, first american president convicted of a crime and seconds later, two felonies, and kept breaking his brand new old record. >> todd: i didn't see a lot of tears discussing donald trump, did i miss something?
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>> joe: tears of joy, if anything, after that verdict came down. good to see raf itch /* mad -- rachel maddow on tv. those are msnbc clips, we know where they come from. you have folks on there that gave oorther point of view and w what happened to ronna mcdaniel who was milquetoast in terms of making an argument positive for americans and donald trump and she was pulled from the air after one appearance because the inmates run the asylum over there. this is what donald trump will deal with up until election day, since the messenger is so m
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mistrusted, the media, not sure what impact it has on public psyche. before 2016 election, 59 newspapers we looked at the hill, gave endorsement of the two candidates. 57 to hillary clinton and 2 to donald trump and that got clinton a set of steak knives and concession speech. >> todd: only real takeaway from the hunter biden case, it would have been swept under the rug, if not for one federal judge. we appreciate it. >> carley: major day for the economy, we are awaiting new inflation report. cheryl casone will explain why you should pay attention to this. >> todd: and teen usa doubling drown to leave caitlin clark off the olympic squad, we'll bring
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> carley: fox business alert. we are waiting for a key may inflation report as decision on
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interest rates are expected this afternoon. >> todd: cheryl casone is here with details. cheryl. >> cheryl: this could be biggest day for data for the year, we have cpi out three hours from now and fed decision in the afternoon. this could impact language that we hear from jerome powell at 2:30. 3.4% is the headline number, i wonder if it will be stickier. rent has not eased. 70% is shelter. this will be big today. >> carley: in new york city, cheryl, i can't believe protests that took place outside nova music festival memorial.
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they were anti-israel. there is an update on that. >> cheryl: you had two people that spoke, two survivors of the nova music festival reacted to the pro-hamas protesters that showed up when they came to talk about their experiences where they almost died. watch this. >> people there shocked to kill israel kill me and my friends and kill my country and this is violent and not our way. >> they were screaming the word intifada. it was a trigger for me. >> cheryl: alexandria ocasio-cortez tweets about this, this is new york, people walking around with a banner, saying long live october 7. alexandria ocasio-cortez tweets basically cal usness outside
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nova was atrocious antisemitism. this has no place. comments were rough. one said you visited their encampments and you hugged them and said you admired them. now you are surprised? pick a side, try to stop playing both, aoc. they were screaming go home, if you are a zionist. new york city mayor eric adams came out and was angry. >> carley: they were screaming raise your hand if you are a z zionist, this is your chance bentley to get out. how is this allowed? this sounds like violent,
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terrorist sympathy speech. it shows there are evil people in this country walking around. >> todd: sounds like false imprisonment. you can't say that, that is not free speech, that is a crime. >> cheryl: i know we got to run, scooter braun produced this memorial happening down by wall street and said, i don't understand why protesting a memorial for innocent music goers that was raped, kidnapped and killed. >> carley: and there were people that were arrested here with ties to isis. >> todd: don't miss mornings with maria. >> cheryl: i'll be there. >> carley: joey chestnut banned from this year's nathan hot dog
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eating contest. dan dakich is here next. >> todd: and brian kilmeade is here with what is coming up, the jo j j joey chestnut story, there will be a winner and a wiener. >> brian: that was worth the sets setup. carley, you have to leave in 11 minutes, let me tell you what is coming up. i'm over in dallas, one of the fastest growing cities in the country. these people are up early to be part of the fun. d darrell moose jojohnston will b joining us. he owns carolina hurricane, a
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dallas resident tom dundan will be here, mike collins, trey gowdy, kellyanne conway and will cain will wake up, even though it is a wednesday, because he lives around the block and can hear us. you ready to show enthusiasm to america? [cheering] >> brian: they are up early, i hope you are up early. it is on your own pace, i ask you to gradually get dressed and stay within yourself. we are back in nine minutes. do something. throw up a wide shot.
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>> boy the beef and i continued in that commercial charlie. after being banned from the hot dog eating contest. the 16-time reigning champ said i was to learn i'm banned from the nathan's july 4th hot dog eating contest. to say set the record straight i do not have a contract with major league eating or nathan's they are looking change the rules past years as it relates to other partners can i work with. the basis i'm being banned and it doesn't impact the july 4th event. >> carley: the host of the don't at me on dan dock kitchen outcast and he joins me now the
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point he wanted to eat impossible nathan's hot dog eating contest. nathan says if you want to be a part of this you got eat nathan's hot dogs. what do you think about this? i think they are right they are write if you want to be part of the nathan hot dog eating competition eat hot dogs. i'm ambassador for nike but i'm going to wear adidas. you cannot have a 4th of july hot dog eating contest without joey chestnut major league eating needs to figure this out. hot dog eating contest is absurd to me although i watch every year. i got to he will it you if you want to be part of it eat the damn dogs sponsoring the event it's simple. >> carley: i couldn't agree more. >> todd: when you were playing basketball and honing the craft in dusty gimenez did you ever imagine you would be on national
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tv talking about hot dogs? >> no. no, i didn't. you know, but i got to tell you, if i can't watch it live, i do tape it. i'm a big nathan's hot dog fan. >> todd: dakich. >> i don't know if you were such a fan. people saying without joey chestnut they are going to lose a lot of viewers. brings us to next story about caitlin clark being left off team u.s.a. women's basketball team. they are now speaking out saying the team selection committee chair put out this statement saying it be irresponsible for us to talk about her in a way other than how she would impact the play of the team it wasn't the purview of our committee to decide how many people would watch. it was to create the best team. so i guess they are saying that she just didn't make the cut for skill-based reasons. is that true? >> yeah. you know, i can see where they are saying that i'm not so
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well-versed on the wnba's players top to bottom. you can make that case. here's the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it's not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven't gotten them and they got it wrong in case. >> todd: "fox & friends" begins right now. they could use you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it's 5:00 in dallas and this is the "fox & friends


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