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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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you can make that case. here's the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it's not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven't gotten them and they got it wrong in case. >> todd: "fox & friends" begins right now. they could use you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it's 5:00 in dallas and this is the "fox & friends" for
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wednesday, june 12th, 2024. you saw it on our air live yesterday. hunter biden convicted on all three federal gun charges. you may have missed this unless you were watching another channel. >> this has to be, as a parent, the worst nightmare come true. >> most people see this and feel sympathy. >> this trial was so personal and so painful. >> ainsley: and 8 suspected terrorists with ties to isis are arrested and a nationwide sting operation and it won't come as a surprise. they crossed the border illegally. >> lawrence: that's the top issue for folks from my home state of texas. seeing brian there to get the pulse of the people. brian? >> brian: thank you very much. i am brian kilmeade and it is lawrence jones sitting in my seat. more on that later. i'm at. >> lawrence: you are in my
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state. >> brian: really thinking, lawrence, you can't interrupt a cold open it's against the law. >> ainsley: he has to defend himself. >> brian: and now you are doing it, ainsley? >> steve: let me do it for you, brian. [laughter] >> lawrence: did he say get dressed? >> ainsley: get dressed. and mornings are better with friends, brian. [laughter] >> steve: okay, more with brian in a minute but, first, a fox news alert. president biden is about to take off for italy in just about an hour from now for the annual g-7 summit in italy. >> lawrence: here at home concerns of terror threats crossing our southern border are becoming a reality as sources say 8 suspects with possible ties to isis are arrested after being released into the country. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson joins us now with the latest. lucas lucas good morning, guys not only did they enter illegally through the southern border they apparently received,
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quote, full vetting according to our own bill melugin, suspects are from tajikistan the land locked country infantry in central arab borders afghanistan to the south and china to the east. recall the same suspects on that concert hall killed 45 people. those people were also from tajikistan. said in a statement to fox fbi says the individuals are detained in ice custody pending removal proceedings as the fbi and dhs recently described public and private bulletins heightened environment. dhs continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, identify and disrupt potential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in los angeles and across the country in new york and philadelphia as well in recent days according to the "new york post" who broke the story, quote: part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one of the now
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arrested individuals was talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i'm afraid something like that might happen again or worse fbi director christopher wray warned lawmakers back in april what he described as threat coordinated attack after the moscow massacre those suspects were from tajikistan like the suspects here. >> ainsley: i know they weren't flagged when they walked across the border when they came across the border. they were let. in once they were here, what led them to realize these guys were terrorists? >> lucas: it appears there was wiretaps. >> ainsley: what made them go to that point? what made them wiretapped? >> lucas: americans being surveilled. apparently picked up. also somebody could have called in a potential threat for these guys and people were warned. this is the problem americans have been worried that something like this might be happening for years now. as millions of unvetted and illegal immigrants cross the
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southern border. >> lawrence: so luke's, the question is the president released his executive action last week and banning some countries and all of that did they know about this before they released that executive action or did this come afterwards? >> lucas: these guys have been on the radar now for a few weeks, lawrence. safe to say, before. >> steve: indeed. luke's, thank you very much. and keep in mind, he just mentioned christopher wray, the director of the fbi was in front of congress in april. and he was talking about a potential coordinated attack after what happened in that concert hall. our joint task force keeping an eye on everybody. i bet a dollar to doughnuts something popped up on one of the people were surveil surveilling. oh they are in the united
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states. joint task force alerted ice they swept them up in new york, philly and washington, d.c. >> lawrence: brian, the fbi director has been talking about these lights flickering all over the board. he said that he is concerned brian they thought their executive orders -- they think their executive orders are going to do it. so far no discernible difference between prior and current with the executive orders. got to worry about all the stans, these guys are coming from outlaw provinces moscow and don't have love loss for us. it's really got to be cancer. if you are christopher wray. you know the danger but it doesn't seem to be relayed to the people in charge and the border patrol seems flat out overwhelmed. i also thought it's interesting, too, that we're seeing the flood of immigrants come through san
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diego now, california, but they knocked it down 72% in texas at the cost of $11 billion with operation lone star. texas is doing it themselves because the federal government is not. >> steve: that's right. great point, brian. that's one of the reasons you are down in texas. meanwhile, border patrol, ainsley to your point, border patrol let them in. these people, because they presented id but apparently those particular names didn't click on the data base. and border patrol says we know people slip through all the time but we simply don't have enough time to fully vet them. if there is 300 people waiting in line. it's kinds of like how long is this going to take? okay, go. >> lawrence: just a revolving door right now. this is what happens when you have zero strategy and zero enforcement. they want to be out here going after these guys.
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they want to be going after the drug traffickers. they have been forced to baby-sitted. they didn't sign up to be cops to be babysitters. >> ainsley: here is what is scary. the borders are open. millions have come across. this just 8 men that were caught. just 8. >> lawrence: that we know. >> ainsley: how many here that we don't know about that are planning attacks here. hats off to the people did recognize. this had the wiretaps. but this administration, this is a crisis from washington. this is joe biden's crisis. he has left the door open. now he is trying to do something about it because he realizes democrats and republicans are concerned about this. not just republicans anymore. and we're close to an election. >> steve: thank you very much, law enforcement. ainsley, speaking of joe biden. >> ainsley: right now, president biden is in delaware after traveling to see his son after his convince on fall gun charges, hunter biden now awaits sentence iting as his attorney vows to exauction all legal options. >> lawrence: brooke singman is here with the latest. >> the jury found the first son guilty on all counts for lying
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about his drug use while buying a gun. sentencing date has yet to be scheduled. hunter is now facing a hefty fine of $750,000 in a maximum of 25 years in prison. although he is unlikely to do any prison time here since is he a first time offender. special counsel david wise who brought the charges against him spoke after the verdict. listen. >> this case was not just about addiction. this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throws of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. >> president biden is seen here hugging hunter in delaware after the verdict. the president spoke yesterday about gun safety after his son's firearm conviction but did not mention hunter's case. watch this. >> asses second amendment.
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never been a time you could own anything you want. never. you couldn't own a cannon during the civil war. [laughter] >> no, i'm serious. think about it. how much have you heard this phrase? the blood of liberty. [laughter] >> give me a break. >> one of the jurors speaking out about the trial. listen. >> biden was on trial and he was just like anybody else. nobody is above the law. >> yeah. >> no matter how are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. >> it may not have been a political decision by the jury, but it will likely have political ramifications. former senior adviser to president barack obama david axelrod saying, quote: i don't think voters are going to hold biden accountable for his son's addiction or his son's misbehavior, but i think the real question is the toll it takes on him and his family. this is another heavy brick on the load. the first son is also facing another federal trial, which is expected to begin in september. over allegedly failing to pay
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over a million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and hunter biden has pleaded not guilty. guys? >> steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. the cover of "the new york post." first felon faces up to 25 years after historic verdict. and i heard on one of the other channels that apparently, you know, the jury got the case a couple days ago at 3:30 in the afternoon. they deliberated for about an hour. >> lawrence: they were 50/50. >> steve: it was split 6-6. a couple hours into the second day they were like, okay. he broke the law. and here's the thing. we knew he had broken the law because he signed that thing. and we know he put that x there. so it's one of those things where if he were not convicted on this, what does it take to get arrested and convicted in delaware? >> lawrence: when you look at the other channels and look at their conch of it, there is this reaction to compare what happened here and the justice system what happened to trump.
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and they say this is the legal system doing what it does this. is the right thing. but, i think they skipped the important step, this wasn't going go to trial at first, this was not -- there was unprecedented deal, and if they weren't shamed, both the prosecution as well as the defense with this deal, then we wouldn't have been here. now, you take that versus donald trump where you have unprecedented prosecution. not unprecedented deal. and i think there is a clear difference judicial system shouldn't be shamed. i get that everybody has someone, probably. i know i have family members that have struggled with addiction. >> steve: yep all of our family members should be treated the same it. looks like hunter biden is
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finally being held accountable like most americans would have ainsley. >> and, brian, we will bring you into this, too. the trump campaign said this is just a distraction from the real crimes, the real crimes are the biden family which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, raush and ukraine. what we learned in this court case the laptop really was hunter biden's. we knew that before. this is additional verification of that. which means we were lied to by those 51 intel individuals that signed that letter back before the election and joe biden. who lied to us about it. anbc, and cnn and npr who lied about it. social media individuals or social media platforms that were censoring this story so it didn't get out before the election. it's not just about addiction and lying on a government form. this goes beyond that the cover-ups. the money that the biden family possibly made from all of this. before the election. and burying a story so that you didn't know about it. you, the public, the voter didn't know about it before the
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election, brian. >> brian: yeah. a couple of things. number one out of everything on that laptop it's absolutely insane the one thing they get is the gun charge. on unsavory behavior that's witnessed there they all told us we are crazy for believing and definitely effected the 2020 election. also i think it's important this guy kevin morris who is funding all his legal defenses out of money. how do i know that's not hype. his daughter raised to hunter biden you are taking advantage of my dad who is writing checks for you. yeah. his dad is the president of the united states. he can't write the checks. but some obscure producer who made money early on and a sitcom nobody watches could empty his account for a guy who can't get off crack and obviously loves hookers. other thing is, the big story is coming up in the fall is going to be the tax case. and what about the made for tv moment, i'm sorry, my heart does not go out to joe biden who has to go back to his house and stand in front of his driveway
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and hug his son who got convicted of a buying a gun and having haley biden throw it out while, by the way an hour before he was telling us the need for gun control. who booked that gig for him the day his son is actually. >> lawrence: that was so dumb. >> brian: actually convicted of a gun violation. the dumbest thing ever but smart to have the hug in the driveway so msnbc has something to talk about. and they want to say it's no dual path to justice and trump got convict and he got convicted. it's totally different. this guy actually scripted his conviction seven years ago. they made up charges on donald trump and didn't even tell us the charges until they handed it over to the jury. and when you come up and speak about a jury decision and don't like it, that's called an american free move to do. you are not being anti-american by criticizing a jury decision. is everyone happy with the way the o.j. decision came out. are you anti-american by saying o.j. pretty much got away with
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murder? no, i don't think so. so, yesterday really bothered me he comes off as a sympathetic figure where everything he has done is his own personal behavior. >> lawrence: speaking of that, brian, this is the media's reaction to that watch. >> this has to be as a parent the worst nightmare come true. joey and joe biden have been role models for parents of addicted children. >> you are seeing sort of -- such a sad day on personal level, but you are seeing such an uplifting day in terms of sort of heroic action in terms of what it means to live a principle. >> republicans have really struggled to make this line of attack stick because most people see this and feel sympathy. >> it is not an unfair verdict. they followed the law. but it's a sad verdict. >> this trial was so personal and so painful for the biden family. the details in this case, sarah, as you well know are really ugly and they are really sad.
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>> brian: we don't have audio here but just know, guys, that msnbc and cnn says it's a very sad day for the biden family which is true but it's all self-inflict and we will see how you guys feel about it. we are in cubey's in dallas. get the pulls of the people. what is your name? >> marlow. >> brian: what is your opinion on the hunter biden decision. >> one, you mentioned sympathy. i'm wholly in agreement with you. if he had been doing crack cocaine or had an addiction for decades before his brother died, why would i feel sympathy? it had nothing to do with his brother dying. as far as the verdict, it's appropriate, he probably won't get jail time but he should get three felonies? what about one month each. other people go to jail for committing that crime. >> brian: because you guys are very aware of gun laws, especially in texas, right? >> right, absolutely. >> brian: what did you order, sir? >> well, the breakfast croissant. >> brian: is that croissant underneath those layers of eggs
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and ham. >> brian: oh my goodness need a plunger to open up his aorta later. what's your name. >> bob burns. bob burns fans, ladies and gentlemen. weighs convicted on three separate counts. shows you that justice is indeed equal because same thing happened to trump. what's your reaction? >> well, i bet you everybody in this room knows somebody or their family member has been addicted to something in their life. and all i heard yesterday on the other networks was real sympathy towards -- towards hunter. no sympathy from our family. you get what -- you make your choices and you deal with your consequences. >> brian: also, what about the arrogance of showing up on the congressional steps and having a mini press conference and storming into a hearing he said he wasn't going to be at. he was grand standing prior to this. and he has got another case staring at him and sentencing somewhere in between. this is not the top priority of people here in dallas.
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do you know what is? immigration, border security, political corruption and inflation. [cheers and applause] >> brian: we will talk about all of that back to you guys on the couch. we are here at kuby's getting a pulse of the people. >> steve: that is a great place. my daughter went to school across the street. deli counter. they have the best chicken salad in dallas i feel. >> ainsley: i love good chicken salad, too. that's a southern thing, isn't it? delicious. turning now to some of your headlines, a crazed man hijacks a bus and leads police on a wild pursuit through atlanta yesterday. look at that the suspect allegedly holding a gun to the driver of that bus' head during the pursuit and one of the 17 hostages was shot and killed. atlanta's mayor placing the blame on the availability of guns. >> too many guns on our streets. too many guns in our homes. too many guns in our schools, buses, et cetera.
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crime is down overall. violent crime is down. this day is not indicative of all of the days of the city of atlanta. >> this is a day we will never forget. >> ainsley: the suspect, who is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests, was eventually taken into custody after police disabled the bus. 19 priors? it's the guns, right. 60 survivors of the sandy hook elementary school shooting will be graduating from high school in newton, connecticut, new town connecticut, today. back in 2012 when they were first grade. 20 of their classmates and sex educators were killed by deranged gunman one spoke out about their state of mind. >> since kindergarten, graduate. we can't forget about a whole chunk of our class missing. so going into graduation we all have very mixed emotions. >> ainsley: bless their hearts. double that they were in first
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grade. the school shooting victims will be honored during today's ceremony. very nice. nypd officers arresting a brooklyn man accusing him of smashing several religious statues outside of the catholic church. they say he took a hammer to the statues of mother teresa and the catholic pope on monday. then he broke the church's doors and damaged two glass bus shelters. he is facing a series of charges. but no word if he will be charged with a hate crime. to some primary results now. south carolina congressman -- or congresswoman nancy mace defeating both of her challengers in the congressional republican runoff. in nevada, trump-backed army veteran sam brown winning his primary race to challenge incumbent democratic senator jacky rosen. brown joined us yesterday. >> nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk. and people are looking for some
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hope. i know the power and the importance of hope when all seems lost. as it was my own soldiers who came to my rescue in 2008 when i was wounded delivering hope to me by saying sir, i've got you. >> ainsley: and in maine former nascar driver austin theriault wins his primary rails. and in north dakota kelly armstrong take over for doug burgum as the republican candidate in the state's gubernatorial election in november. also, in north dakota, voters deciding to impose a maximum age limit on members of congress from their state at 81 years old. and check out this wild drone footage of a hammerhead shark lurking in the waters off of st. petersburg, florida. >> steve: don't fall in. >> ainsley: paddle borders kept their cool as a group hunt the harr pin fish. scramble to get back on the shore. the owner of the company that rents those boards thankfully hammer medicines generally steer
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clear of people and attacks are very uncommon. those are your headlines. >> lawrence: i love when they say that it's uncommon. >> steve: it just takes one. >> lawrence: we want to be the one they experiment with. >> steve: the weather down there very warm and that leads us to this. >> lawrence: fox weather alert. miami beach and other parts of florida seeing major flooding. >> ainsley: sunshine state is going to get even more rain this week as a tropical disturbance through the region. >> steve: check in with the senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather forecast. i heard some spots in florida could get two feet of rain. >> janice: this is 9011. hurricane season is here. don't think this going to get a name but it is going to move out across the florida peninsula and in towards the atlantic. and the bottom line is it doesn't take a named storm to cause a lot of problems. heavy rain in the forecast for several days for parts of central and south florida. and we could see an additional
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foot or more of rain that's going to cause tremendous flooding in some of these areas. look at the fort myers area and naples area that's 8 to 12 right there and they already received in some cases close to a foot of rain there is the rain still to come 8 to 12 aren't the fort myers areas. that's going to be the story we are following as well as the heat fox for all of your latest details. over to the couch. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. straight ahead on the program the liberal activists who recorded justifiable alito and his wife and chief justice roberts speaks out why she did. >> it nothing illegal in d.c. about recording people. >> please tell me how we are going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. ♪
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now she is making the rounds appearing to feel justified and even proud of intentionally misleading members of our high
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court. there are audio recordings, there is nothing illegal in d.c. about recording people so long as one person supreme court shrouded in secrecy and really just refusing any degree of accountability whatsoever. >> and in the recording justice alito is questioning whether compromise between democrats and republicans and even -- is even possible saying, quote: one side or the other is going to win. he went on to say there can be a way of working, a way of living together peace infantry it's difficult because there are differences on fundamental things that really can't compromised the woman made the secret recording is largely dismissing all criticism from those who argued she should have identified herself correctly as
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a journalist according to d.c. law she did not commit a crime in doing so. >> we will talk to senator mike lee about this in an hour. >> 6:30 here in the east a fox news alert. no, los angeles and philadelphia as we are learning that these men from that jesus christ stan crossed the southern border illegally and raised no media concerns. the wiretap of those now arrested individuals was talking about bombs. okay, great. joining us right now is retired u.s. army general dana. general, good morning to you would have been talking about this for a while, the southern border is a ticking time bomb, border patrol says we shouldn't be surprised they don't have enough time to check everybody
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outed. >> fact that 8 isis suspects got through our southern border really have a travesty. the good news is that the fbi's joint terrorism task force were the ones who detected them. they were on their radar overall. and then ice, immigration, customs enforcement agency was able to arrest them. so that's a good thing that there is better coordination between our agencies. but what is obviously a travesty is the fact that they crossed our southern border. and we didn't detect that. >> steve: absolutely. it's a travesty that our border patrol does not have the resources to check everybody out because eventually they realized hey, wait a minute, we. >> bret: these people in. this is kind of what christopher wray, the fbi director was talking about just a month or two ago on capitol hill. you mentioned the fbi. listen to him talking about what happened overseas and the worry of it happening here. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a
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whole nother level. on top of that, increasing concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland not unlike the isis-k attack we saw in the russia concert hall back in march. >> and, general, the people who conducted the attack on the russian concert hall were from tajikistan, just like these guys rounded up yesterday. >> isis-k is extremely dangerous as terrorist organization. so, we must all be vigilant. so far we have been fortunate and lucky in some ways but it really takes everybody watching in their communities for any suspicious activity. and making sure they talk to law enforcement, police, anything that seems suspicious. >> steve: all right. major general, dana pay tarred joining us today from indianapolis. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: a big story on this wednesday morning. 16-time nathan's hot dog eating
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champ joey chestnut is forced to put his reign on hold. we'll tell you why he has been banned, yep, the goat is banned, why, coming up next. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold?
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(♪) your pain shouldn't be minimized
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or forgotten. (♪) when medicine gets better, all of us can get better. >> 3, 2, 1. >> joey is already in his rhythm. >> his d.n.a. is a blueprint for modern -- [cheers and applause] >> go, joey. >> >> we're almost there. [cheers] >> joey, joey. >> steve: oh joey, joey. we have loved him for decades now, perhaps, his reign as the greatest of all time competitive eater. >> lawrence: we still love him. he just has to get it together. >> steve: is done he won't be
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competing on the fourth of july. he signed a contract with a competitor. signed a contract with impossible foods. the lead maker of the meatless meat products like the impossible burger. the hot dogs he signed with are made from plants. >> lawrence: this is what they are saying in the statement to the major league eating. we are devastated to learn that joey chestnut has chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant based hot dogs rather than competing in the 2024 nathan famous fourth of july hot dog eating contest. >> janice: this is tragic. i was a judge, an esteemed judge a couple years ago. one of the greatest moments of my life, really. >> ainsley: top of the resume. >> steve: i'm going to put that on your wikipedia page. >> janice: it's a huge event. without him are thousands of people going to come to coney island? i don't think so. but i think it hurts joey chestnut more. >> lawrence: do you? >> janice: yes, absolutely. if you remember a couple decades
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ago. co-barbie. nathan's hog dog eating contest made him the person he was. he decided not to sign a contract. whatever happened to him? we never heard from him again. >> ainsley: in 2021 joey ate 76 dogs and the buns, just to compare it. i read that another guy was eating about 49 hot dogs. so number two guy is probably thrilled by. this now he has a shot. >> janice: right. honors lawrence real quickly this is what joey is saying on x. this is the decision nathan and the major league eating are making. it will deprive the great fans of the holiday usual joy. >> janice: who can blame them. >> lawrence: rest assured you will see me eat again soon. stay hungry. i don't think if you are in a contest of eating it should be plant based at all. >> janice: that's another topic all together. >> ainsley: making more money. >> steve: still a hot dog not made the traditional nathan's way. ultimately the headline is he
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will not be a weaner. [laughter] >> steve: i not relish saying that. >> janice: you have been waiting. >> steve: i have been playing ketchup. >> ainsley: if joey decides. >> janice: make it more popular. >> lawrence: maybe brian can get to the bottom of this. >> steve: is he a guy who likes to be frank. [laughter] >> lawrence: that was really good. >> brian: if we have to blow a commercial. any news at all on it interrupt my interview. we need to spend more time on it if we could. let me tell you about what is going on now. this is going to be big. it's one of the most replayed moment in sports history. you have all seen it not even sports. buzzer beating dunk. jim gets a winning college championship to win the 1983 ncaa, nc state had cinderella year. now they are suing 10 members of that team claim co-conspirator have systematically and
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intentionally misappropriated the cardiac parks publicity rights including their names and likenesses. this just the beginning, guys. now joining to us discuss this and so much more is a dallas favorite. he still lives here after winning three super bowl championships for the dallas cowboys. he is now the ufl president, ceo darryl moose johnson. round of applause, guys. here at kuby's restaurant. so you are oshould the # 3 team be paid. they are in their 50's and 60's. >> first group. we had undefeated college football game 1987, doug flutie moments. so many iconic moments in sports how many more people are going to step forward now. >> brian: this is ruining college sports. i feel bad nobody was paid back then and education was a wash. you give me an education just go play sports. billions are in there. we are going to be playing football players and basketball players back to 2016.
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what's going to be left of the college sports that we know? >> i think it may go away. we were fortunate to grow up in a time where college sports was on par with professional sports. and i don't think we are going to see that moment again. i think it becomes professional sports now. it's going to be basketball and football. the future of the smaller sports is what i'm concerned about and the impact title # had. because they never matched it with football there was no women's football on the college campuses. why do you try to match scholarships offered when you can't find a way to keep football out of that equation. >> brian: everyone is getting paid. who hasn't been paid will be paid soon. as would you know you made the transition from nfl p pro bowler to executive. you merge the usl and xfl on the precipice of the championship game. going to be in st. louis. it's going to be 5:00. fox will cover it. on the game joel klatt and kurt men fee. this matchup with birmingham and san antonio. >> great first season. the merger came together late in the process. we navigated that the football
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has been outstanding and shame on us if we didn't pull that off. we went from 18 teams or 16 teams down to 8 teams so the talent level has been great, depth in the offensive line. great quarterback play. great ratings, anxious for this game. the only loss birmingham has had all season long has been to san antonio brahmas in week 9. rematch 18-9. everybody come out and join us st. louis. >> brian: i love that the merger worked and i think some type of relationship with the nfl is inevitable. between 27 and 30 players already invite ford tryouts with the nfl. i think that's important, also,ment fact is skip holtz against wade phillips. two famous names, famous coaches, famous football families. darrell, the bigger question is, are your cowboys ever going to get back to the super bowl again? [laughter] , the last time they were in it, you were playing in it. [ applause ] >> i think the community has been so excited to see the stars and the mavericks have that success. everybody is ready for dallas.
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it's been almost 30 years now. hopefully that's their turn this fall. we will see what happens. yeah, i just don't know why we can't get over that hump. every season. we play well throughout the regular season but then we fall short in the playoffs. >> brian: mavericks down 0-2. are they going to come back and win this thing against the celtics? nba championship. darryl is going to go do a boot camp workout. darryl, thank you so much. >> welcome great to see. welcome to dallas. >> brian: guys, more from kuby's in just a moment. "fox & friends" continues, texas and new york. ♪ ♪
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>> ainsley: new york congresswoman elise stefanik hosting ear epac rising stars reception yesterday where she endorsed female g.o.p. congressional candidates from all across our country. joining us now are those candidates. we have lori buckout from north carolina. nancy dull strum from alaska who is also the lt. governor there mayra flores from texas and caroline dobson from north carolina. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> i will start with you myra.
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you are running again, tell me why. >> because i love south texas. it's my home. it's my community. and, you know, the democrat part has just taking for granted the hispanic community. it's very important that would invest in the. the republican party has no future if we don't continue invest not guilty hispanic community. south texas is home and where i was raised and where i'm raising my children. i want to make sure we have the right representation in washington. unfortunately we don't have that representation in washington right now. this is why i'm running again to take back texas district 34. >> ainsley: lori, why is it important to have women serving in congress? >> you know, i'm a combat veteran. grew up in the shenandoah valley. and, you know, like most women, i have an experience that far
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exceeds just who i am as a woman. so, i think that we need fresh voices in congress overall right now. we definitely need some change. my district has been represented by democrats 141 years. we don't just need women but rim bring fresh voices and change and really want to represent their people. nancy, how about you? why are you running and why is it important to elect republicans now to congress and females. >> this election is going to be consequential. in alaska specifically we have been hit so hard by the things this administration has done. president biden has issued over 60 executive orders that are basically trying to shut our state down. we are oil and gas and mining state minerals that the entire country needs.
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not just for production but national security. if we don't have those things in our country and we have to rely on other countries we have got to have a change in d.c. we have got to have president trump back in office. we need to get the course reversed that we are on. you know, i went to the yuma border several weeks ago and i witnessed with my own two eyes the officers who were there how demoralizing for them to have to act as a baby-sitter and social worker for these people coming across the border illegally our country has no security with open borders. we have none. it effects us even here clear up to alaska. the fentanyl coming into this country is making its way up here. last year, unfortunately, alaska had the highest rate of per capita of overdose fentanyl deaths in the entire country, totally unacceptable. i'm not going to stand for it. i'm going to washington, i'm going to fight for our state.
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and for our country care lien, i know you are representing alabama. it's important for you to win your race and to her point there were 8 suspected terrorists that were just arrested. they are on the terrorist list talking about making bombs. they are here in the u.s. and came through our border. >> no. it's it's incredibly terrifying and that's why i'm running to fight for alabama families to fight for american families and that's why it's so important to elect republican women because we understand the struggles that american families are going through. we'll understand the way that biden's reckless border policy has jeopardized our security and we're in a position to fight for and represent american families and try to get our country back
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on track. i don't know how you do it i know being a working mom. i'm here in new york. for y'all you have to travel to d.c. often. thank you so much for doing this for country. god bless. more "fox & friends" coming up.
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