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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 12, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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that is what congressman mike collins is calling d.c. after his staffer was robbed, blocks from the capitol. the congressman joins us live with his staffer. >> lawrence: looking forward to ethics exclusive. and 8 suspected terrorists with ties to isis are arrested in a nationwide sting operation after they crossed the border illegally. that's top issue for texas voters. brian is live in dallas to get the pulse of the people. >> steve: there is he in the metroplex. plus, bingo and pickleball that apparently is president biden's new strategy to win over voters over 50. maybe not the worst idea. just saying you know i love pickleball. and who doesn't love bingo. second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: fox news alert. in about an hour and a half, president biden leaves for the g-7 summit in italy. >> steve: that's right.
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overseas trip comes after he made unscheduled trip to delaware right there at the airport yesterday. so he could see and hug his son hunter following his conviction on federal gun charges. >> ainsley: jacqui heinrich live in southern italy where world leaders will be meeting. jacqui? >> jacqui: hey, good morning to you guys. the president's big goal is to find ways to continue ukraine aid after a protracted battle to get the last round of u.s. funding. the possibility of a trump 2024 presidency ahead and also conservative parties in europe gaining power in the elections this past weekend. g-7 leaders are going to consider tapping $300 billion worth of frozen russian assets. there are reportedly divisions among the countries over whether they should use the funds themselves or just the interest. and it was a topic of discussion during the president's trip to normandy, biden suggested some headway might have been made. >> our commitment to ukraine will continue to be right
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upfront and clear. we will take bold steps to show mr. putin that time is not on his side and that he cannot outlast us as we support ukraine's fight for freedom. >> jacqui: we expect the leaders will announce new sanctions and export controls on russia after john kirby said the g-7 will continue to drive up costs for the russian war machine there are some other challenges to discuss. including trade imbalances with china, threats posed by ai and developmental issues in africa. the white house, meantime, is not commenting on the latest cease-fire talks with gaza. saying that the u.s.s. has received a response that hamas gave to qatar and egypt. they are going through it right now. they would not comment on the broader "wall street journal" report that sinwar believes civilian casualties will help his cause. the president tweeted the united states will continue to lead international efforts to get humanitarian aid into gaza to alleviate the suffering of the palestinian civilians. the president is set to arrive here later today will end the trip with a press conference
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alongside ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy tomorrow, guys. >> steve: jacqui, while you are there on the mediterranean in italy, great assignment. i have a question for you. our president, i don't know if you have heard, is he an older guy, oldest guy to ever have the presidency, he was in france just a couple days ago and then he flew back to the united states. it looks like he flew back just so he could do that photo op. on the tarmac with hunter yesterday. and now is flying back that way. anybody in the advance team worried about the just going to wear him out? >> jacqui: you know, i will say because we have been privy to this planning for longer than it's been publicly reported, it was always planned for the president to come back in between these two trips. i can't tell you exactly why, but, you know, being that it went the other way he would have been out of the country for two weeks. i can't think of a time when a u.s. president has been outside of the country for ha long of a
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stretch. but, certainly, these trips are difficult even on young people. >> steve: yeah. >> jacqui: i had difficulty sleeping last night. it's a long. [laughter] , yeah, you are all turned around. so, hopefully, they have got some help for him because it's going to be a long agenda. >> ainsley: we were wondering why he did the june teernt event white house week and day before the actual event is that because he will still be at the g 7 next wednesday on the actual holiday? >> no. he is actually set to leave later on this week. so that part of his upcoming schedule we don't know. we do know one big thing that they are prioritize something debate prep that's something that is hun the horizon for them and so, perhaps, it has more to do with that then the june 7th. >> lawrence: that is good segue. get some good time while you are
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down there get good food. >> ainsley: best pizzato and pasta, it's wonderful. >> steve: yesterday, of course, the big news was hunter biden convicted all three counts. and it's interesting, because democrats don't think voters are likely to hold the president accountable for hunter's behavior. but, david axelrod came out and said you know, the real question is the toll it takes on joe and his family. is he a really old guy. and we have seen he is diminished. and just a couple of days ago, you just mentioned the juneteenth celebration. he frozen explicably. dana perino has got some concerns. she has been just as close to the power as anybody can ever get. here is what she said last night on "the five." >> dana: father time is undefeated. okay? and what i find alarming is that there is only one pe empowered n our government who can make the
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major national security decisions that we need and they have to be made on a trigger's notice. and i do not feel watching him the last several months, but in particular in the last three weeks, that you can have confidence that that would happen. so, for example, you're the commander-in-chief, and i say i'm the chief of staff or the military aid or the national security adviser and i say sir, this is happening right now. what do you want us to do? are you confident? are you confident that he would be able to do that? i want him to be age to do it. i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him. i don't want to get mad at him. i love the fact that people want to help him. it's a tight election. it will be. but, i think everyone has to think really hard about this. >> lawrence: her comments are important on multiple tracks. and anyone that knows dana
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perino knows that she is incredibly fair and she respects the office of the presidency. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: because she had to assist the president. especially a president during war. so she is careful in her criticism of a president when it comes to their mental stability because it's not what's good for the country. it's not what is good on the international stage. and as i heard her yesterday, on "the five," i thought about the other americans that are fair minded just like her that are independent voters that necessarily they may disagree with joe biden on policy but, you know, or they may agree with the president on policy but also are concerned about the status and the tenure of the country. they may be thinking the same thing. and i just think honest brokers, if you are just looking at joe biden right now. and looking at him during the last presidential campaign, and then you look at him back during
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the obama administration. >> steve: those are three different guys. >> lawrence: it's just different. and i don't think that's something that we celebrate ainsley. i don't think it's something that we beat up on him on. but it's also a place of concern for the american people because then you ask the question: if he's like that. who is running the country? and are they elected? >> ainsley: yeah. these are our concerns. and dana has been there. she has worked at the white house. she knows what it takes to be a president and be able to travel to all these different countries and represent us as a strong individual. and when you look at joe biden. [cell phone] >> steve: apologies. >> ainsley: who is calling you? >> steve: somebody in nevada. >> ainsley: he is on television. >> steve: i wonder if it's one of the as mondays. donee, i will pick up in a minute. >> ainsley: our president has to be a good representation of our country and that's what is so sad when you look at joe biden. he -- imagine if another country as powerful as america had a president that can barely speak,
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falls down a lot, what would we think of that individual. i wish him all the best. but is he the best representative. in a moment's notice, like dana is saying, when we have wars in other countries and terrorists that were just caught and arrested here in our own country, is he going to be able to make a decision in a moment's notice? >> steve: that is a perfect transition. is he sharp enough to deal with terrorism? because, lawrence, that, you know, that ugly head was reared yesterday. lawrption lawrence we got problems here at home. concerns of a terror threat crossing our southern border, becoming a reality, steve. >> steve: that's right. 8 suspects with possible ties to isis-k were arrested but only after they were released into the united states. >> ainsley: luke's tomlinson joins us with the latest. suspected terrorists among those crossings border. not only with ties to isis entered the united states illegally also apparently
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received, quote, full vetting. according to our own bill melugin. >> suspects from tajikistan landlocked with central asia. afghanistan to the south and china to the east. we call the main suspects on the isis attack on terrorist attack concert in march killed 45 people also from tajikistan. suspected terrorists were arrested inside the united states in los angeles and across the country infantry in new york and philadelphia in recent days. according to the "new york post" who broke this story part of of the wiretap. bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing? i'm afraid something like that might happen again or worse. now, fbi director christopher wray has been warning about
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potential attack inside the united states. same style as the moscow massacre. also from tajikistan and tied isis. the reason many lawmakers wanted to the fisa program to catch anyone with ties to known terrorists overseas. >> steve: if you are talking about bombs, maybe you should wrestle them up. thanks, lucas. brian kilmeade is there at kuby's diner there in the heart of dallas. brian? >> brian: all right. thanks, steve, you know, the university of texas did a project. they want to know what matters most to the people of texas, what are the issues? number one is border security, number two is immigration, number three is corruption, four is inflation. let's see if that mirrors the feeling here in dallas. all right, who wants to talk? is immigration -- first off, show of hands, is immigration the top issue? [cheers] >> brian: border security number two? >> yes. >> brian: all right. what's your name? >> butch ruffle.
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>> brian: all right, bush. what about immigration today. >> this has got to stop these people coming across this border, we don't know who they are. this is a trojan horse, coming, brian. we have got to do something. this is stupid. this is crazy. >> brian: illegal crossings are down 72% because texas is spending $11 billion on the lone star project to go ahead and do it. what's your name? >> chris fossen. >> brian: chris, what what is the issue for you here in dallas. >> border crossing as well. >> brian: what about you, sir? >> terry fry. immigration to me. calculated. >> brian: why? >> infiltrate the infrastructure of the country and destroy the country in inside. >> brian: but what has your governor done to change that. >> abbott has really built up the fence down there, put in the floats, and he has been proactive. >> brian: guess what? he is getting sued by the biden administration. what's your name? >> kelly. all right, kelly, i see you are
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pulling for the mavericks, i think. >> i think. >> brian: mavericks down 0-2 the former maverick seems to be hurt that's good for you guys? >> that's right. >> brian: let's not get me talking sports. what is the number one issue for you. >> definitely immigration, security. i do not feel safe. i have two college-aged boys i want better for them. i'm a school teacher. i want our children to be safe. we have to do a better job of vetting. i am grateful for governor abbott because without what he has done it would be a lot worse. but we have to do better and i'm very, very concerned. >> brian: you have got the teaching aspect the kids in college, wonder what they are going to be teaching as well as immigration. thanks so much. what about back here? over here in the corner, what's your name? >> beverly. >> brian: all right. beverly, can i tell you have a bubbly attitude and wonderful personality. first off the stats say you care about border security and immigration what does beverly say. >> i do. and my son serve in the texas national guard. [applause]
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>> brian: what's your name? >> josh. >> brian: josh have they been go to the border. >> some members of my have gone been there two years now. >> brian: what can you do there as a member of the national guard as opposed to border patrol? >> mostly you apprehend them and have dps with the border patrol take care of it from there. >> brian: are you proud of him? >> i am super proud of him. is he also a texas a&m student as well. >> brian: quick question, does your mom always talk so loud? >> yes. >> brian: i thought so. [laughter] >> brian: what about this table here? very subdued in one way and certainly opinionated where this country is at right now. people say that immigration is now moved number one. has the president with his executive orders solved that problem? >> no. he hasn't. and he just needs to let governor act do the job if he is not going to do it himself. i fear that it will get a lot worse before it might start getting a little bit better. >> brian: mayorkas said we are doing a better job in texas he
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said because, the numbers are down. that san diego is the sieve these days. why are the numbers down in texas. >> because immigration illegals coming across. >> brian: governor act put up his own barb wire and own wall. >> went to the courts and tried to shut him down and he said "hell no." >> brian: do you think former president trump says this country is in decline. if you want to turn around towards the camera do you feel the same way? >> yes. absolutely. >> brian: fix being? >> yes. yes, i do think it's fixable but i do believe that i'm really worried about our children and what they're learning. >> brian: right. what ages are your kids? >> well, i have a 33-year-old. i don't have a baby. >> brian: all right. you are worried about what is in the curriculum right now? >> yes. i don't think they know what d-day is i don't think they know anything about world war ii and what those people did for us. it just worries me, the education system and they are more worried about other things. >> brian: coming up on 250th birthday a lot of the
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celebrations. might be a good opportunity to get people acquainted with our past again. we have never been perfect but what makes us great is that we try to be. i just think we got to get in touch with that people want to know our history. the fact not being taught shows they don't have a choice. hey, guys, great job. i will be back, i promise, because cub kuby's always got opinion. guess what is on the other side of that wall a supermarket. diner, restaurant, supermarket, that's what kuby's has. i will unveil that shortly. >> lawrence: curious though, if you don't mind asking the audience, there is all this talk in texas that in the next election, texas can turn blue. and i'm just curious if the audience believes that is possible in texas in the next election. >> brian: okay. all right. being that you are sitting in my seat i should take orders from you anyway, lawrence. >> lawrence: i'm just being you. >> brian: dallas county went
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65-33. 65% of dallas went for joe biden in 2020. only 35 for trump. the state went 5 for texas. let me ask you guys. lawrence jones who hails from texas, always wears boots and has a very obedient dog, wants to know is there a chance that texas turns blue? [shouting no] >> brian: they are undecided lawrence. [laughter] >> brian: i can't get a sense of the people. obviously, there is not that feeling. but we were talking last night kaif is carrying my radio show now and that's the local affiliate in dallas. >> ainsley: awesome. >> brian: did i an event for them. they say people are flooding in here and not thoroughly convinced that they are buying into texas values when they come. brian. >> lawrence: then they should leave. >> brian: they want to make sure that they do. that's a worry. by the way, california, if you leave california, and take your business, they will tax you an exit fee which is insane to me. doesn't seem constitutional.
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>> ainsley: so ironic they would leave a blue state to go a red state yet they are leaving for those reasons. >> steve: no taxes in texas. >> ainsley: won't change their politics? >> lawrence: just don't come. >> steve: two weeks from tomorrow the first presidential debate is going to be on june 27th. and jacqui heinrich was talking a little bit from the great country of italy about how the president is going to come back and do some prepping. it sounds like is he going to be hold up at camp david for anywhere between a week and 10 days. to get ready. it will be curious to find out who they bring in to pretend they are donald trump in the mock debates there at camp david. >> lawrence: i'm just curious, and maybe can you weigh in on this. >> brian: i think they should bring in james carville. james carville does the best donald trump. >> ainsley: i don't know if i would bring him. in james carville is not happy that he is the -- >> lawrence: they haven't listened to anything that he has been saying. i'm just curious how they prep with him.
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what strategies that they use and how suddenly is the president going to be alert? because, if you watch him at the juneteenth celebration. if you watch him yesterday when he was giving his antigun speech, the cadence wasn't there. he seems like is he falling asleep at times. rocking and everything. so, what are they going to do during this two-week period, i think, ainsley, to get him alert? >> ainsley: i hope donald trump is preparing to, i'm sure he is. i'm not as worried about his performance as i am joe biden's. >> steve: gets a lot of press. >> ainsley: president will carter, reagan and bush would go to camp david to prep. seems like a long time to go and prep. >> steve: he needs help. >> ainsley: he does need help. >> steve: at the same time the campaign is doing some outreach, in particular, apparently they are doing outreach with older voters and so over the next week or two, the campaign is going to go out and have different events to talk to people about social
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security and medicare. they are going to go to more than a dozen older voter events this week across the battleground states. and so what they are doing, a pancake breakfast in georgia. much like where brian is right there. phone bank in new hampshire, bingo in arizona, and at the top, look at that pickleball tournament in virginia. clearly they have -- clearly this white house has been watching "fox & friends." they know that if you want to get people motivated, you have them play pickleball on tv first thing in the morning because and brian, i was down there about three weeks ago. there are so many older people like me who play pickleball first thing in the morning brilliant strategy. >> lawrence: brian, can the president play pickleball? can he get out there with the other elderly people. >> brian: no. absolutely not. i look for him the guy go out there sober grab the ball and bounce it over.
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>> steve: well then he can play bingo. >> brian: what stuck out? new hampshire? where was he going? new hampshire and he was going to virginia. he never thought he would have to spend time in virginia and new hampshire. and this is the question i was getting last night. key actually lose new york? but if he has to spend money to save new york, that's a win for trump, too. >> ainsley: interesting how is he faux focusing on these groups. bingo and pickleball. how do we get the black men and women? we go to their radio stations. we go their churches? how do we get the younger people? we pay for their college? how do we get the hispanics? >> lawrence: gifts. >> ainsley: we open the border. >> lawrence: gifts. >> ainsley: close to an election. >> steve: all right. 7:22 now here in the east. and carley shimkus joins us with news from l.a. >> carley: that's right. on a story we have been following for some time. happening today in los angeles. people are set to hold a march for justice after the murder of general hospital actor johnny
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wachter. convince city leaders that crack down on time. actor and michael parker joined me earlier on "fox & friends first." >> what happened to johnny. decide what happened previously before. and sucks that it had to be him for it to be a catalyst to maybe put this out in the forefront so something would change. we want the city leaders of l.a. to hear our grution and understand we're crying out for help. >> carley: this happens as general hospital is paying contribute to the late actor. a go fund me page has been set up by wactor's family to cover funeral costs and other expenses. oprah winfrey is recovering at home after being hospitalized because of a stomach illness. her team telling the "new york post" ms. winfrey received an iv due to i do hydration at the rmingts of her doctor, she is resting and feeling better every day. oprah had to cancel a tv
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appearance where she was set to reveal the latest book club selection. a deer leaping through windshield of a boston, rhode island. the deer was weaving through oncoming traffic before that jarring crash. the driver not even flinching kept driving before safely moving the bus to the side of the road. the deer did i do shortly after the crash. 36 the 6 passengers escaped with just minor injuries. for those with a fear of heights, you might want to look away. heart pounding video out of argentina shows a man trying to climb a 30-story building with no rope or safety gear. oh my gosh, same nervous just watching that video. the polish was attempting to reach the top of the skyscraper. he was rescued by who put a safety harness on him and place forced him to come down. it's not only dangerous for him it's also dangerous for other people on the ground god forbid something bad happened.
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>> lawrence: that's bold. >> carley: happened in argentina. >> ainsley: ains who would want to do that. >> carley: that polish man apparently. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. war zone, that is what one lawmaker is calling our nation's capitol as police search for criminals who brutally robbed a staffer just blocks from the capitol. >> steve: that's right. congressman mike collins joins us next along with the aid who survived that ordeal talking about the trouble in d.c. ♪
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#. >> janice: good morning, everyone friends from colorado what's your name. >> mike. >> janice: and? >> julia. january having fun in new york? like to say anybody at home. >> andrew, mike and mary lynn. >> janice: very nice. thank you for coming to "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> janice: talking about doing some breakfast after this. maybe i will join you. take a look at the maps. shall we? you know what? here in florida. we are expecting more rain in the forecast. we have already gotten over a foot of rain. you can see right there. siesta key close to foot of rain there. sarasota, close 8 inches there. miami as well. we have got this invest 9011. hurricane is here. don't think it's going to bring rain. more rain in the forecast. 5 to 8 even will to 12 inches of rain for this area. so flash flooding is going to be
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a threat. here your heat alerts today for the southwest, again, temperatures well over 100 degrees so it's starting to feel like summertime. i think we're going to toss in to steve. do you want to say hi to steve doocy? >> hey, steve doocy, how are you doing? steve i'm doing okay. thanks for asking. enjoy your breakfast with janice. >> janice: going right now. >> steve: 7:30 in new york city. take a look at headlines. first up horrifying video from new york city shows anti-israel protesters yelling at jewish people. >> what you doing here. [shouting] >> steve: i wish hitler was here? and then democrat new york congresswoman aoc is condemning the protest outside the nova music festival memorial exhibit in lower manhattan saying in part, quote: the callousness, dehumanization and targeting of jews on display at last night's protest outside the nova festival exhibit was atrocious,
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anti-semitism, plain and simple. meanwhile to the windy city, a chicago alderman is set to propose a new 8:00 p.m. curfew for unaccompanied minors in parts of downtown chicago. the announcement follows a rise in carjackings and other crime, including a random attack by two teenagers on a couple. alderman brian hopkins saying, quote: we are off to a bad start in the summer right now. we are seeing more and more incidents on the beach involving weapons confiscation. things are getting bad out there. and we have to respond. so that is what they are trying to do. all right. speaking of crime, lawrence, take it away. >> lawrence: it's out of control. thanks, steve. so america's crime crisis striking close to home for one lawmaker after his congressional aide was robbed at gunpoint over-the-weekend as police search for the car which they say belongs to the suspect. congressman mike collins slamming the unthinkable crime
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which occurred a few blocks from the capital. calling d.c. the war zone. the congressman joins us with his staffer okay terrifyian miller who survived the attack. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining the program octavian, you were walking around with your friend and what happened. >> walking around the navy yard when two masked individuals jump out of their car and start harassing us. the next thing we know we have two guns pointed at our stomachs, one of them asked for my watch which i wasn't ready to die for. and my other friend, before the two were able to escape the two masked individuals were able to punch one in the face. i'm just happy that this could have ended very differently. thankfully these two individuals weren't looking for a murder charge. >> lawrence: you know octanian, you were very fortunate and blessed to survive that attack because we know some folks haven't. have you heard about the stories that were going on in d.c. and the navy yard?
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were you concerned. >> we were concerned. you never think you would be the one in the next story headline. i thank god that nothing else bad happened to us. you hear about these stories. it is quite unfortunate that we live in a city where it feels like you have to fend for yourself. so, i'm just thankful that god protected the two of us during this situation. >> lawrence: he definitely did. so, congressman, let's go to you. there has been 463 aswawttle a dangerous weapon in 202 and the year is not even over yet. what do you guys going to do. 878 robberies that doesn't even include the vehicle thefts as well as just thefts in general. >> you are right, lawrence. >> lawrence: what is congress going to do about this? it is out of control. >> it is very much out of control. say a war zone. asked the people around here. told the citizens who live here in d.c. and no one feels safe. this is a gun-free zone. you just saw where two people got out with guns. what needs to happen is we have
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got to get back to a nation of law and order. we have gotten so far from that. we don't prosecute people and in the city of d.c. we don't even pursue them. i had a member come up to me yesterday talk about one of their staffers that got held up. they took his cell phone but they didn't take his watch. he presented the watch, the apple watch to the police, showed them where they were and they said we are not allowed to pursue. it's a time to take a look at home rule here and put congress back in control of this city. this is the nation's capitol where people come to visit. and when they don't feel safe, our safe doesn't feel safe. it's obvious that we have got a lack of just not just disrespect but just disdain for the law. you have seen that even in your previous hits here that we have been watching earlier today. so we have got to get back -- the way you do that, you put a republican in the white house. you take that senate. we build our majority in the house and we will get some things passed and we will make sure that these blue cities, these blue states understand that when you break the law, you
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are going to pay for what you did. >> lawrence: you know, octavian, you are a staffer. you help out the congressman on the day-to-day. not really involved as far as running for office. but what is your message to the leadership of d.c. as being a victim now. >> my message, to you know, the leadership in d.c. is please take care of your constituents, right? we should not walk around, we should be able to able to walk around freely not feel -- not to worry about our lives. just be able to walk regardless of what time it is. to be able to walk and feel safe in our nation's capital. >> lawrence: i don't think that's too much to ask for octavian. >> congressman, thank you i'm glad you are with us octavian you as well as your friend. >> thank you. >> lawrence: thank you, brother. if you have any knowledge of the incident or recognize the vehicle that was on the scene, text the tip line at 504-11. crazy stuff happening in d.c. now, to this, a progressive
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activist defending her decision to secretly record our supreme court justices. >> there's nothing illegal in d.c. about recording people. please tell me how we are going to get answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy. ♪
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♪ steve welcome back. supreme court justices john roberts and sam alito secretly recorded by a liberal activist posing as a pro-life christian at gala dinner for the supreme court. here a little bit of the exchange with justice alito, listen. >> i support your ruling on
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dobbs. i support i'm very pro-life. i don't know how we bridge that gap. you know, like how do we get people -- >> -- i wish i knew. i wish i knew. we need to do what we're supposed to do but this is a bigger problem. this is way above us. >> steve: here with reaction, former alito law clerk and utah senator mike lee, mike, good morning to you. >> good morning. so this woman, lauren windsor went to this event. this historical event that they have had for many, many years and pretended to be a religious conservative. essentially she was doing a g.o.p. sting. she was trying to get the justices to size some crazy stuff. but, ultimately, the stuff that made all the headlines was that she has discovered and alito confirmed america is polarized. i think we knew that. >> yeah. i think we knew that already. and so, look, she showed up as a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying
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to run justice alito into harm. it didn't happen the way that she wanted. instead, he just gave some natural obvious answers. and express add desire to see america return to a time where we more properly reflect standard traditional american values. and so, look, this is all part of an intimidation campaign. this reminds me a little bit of what we saw from the left as we were approaching the decision date in nfib vs. sebelius. dealt with obamacare. there was a massive intimidation campaign waged by the left directed at chief justice john roberts. now, many belief that chief justice john roberts was going to vote one way and ended up voting another way. perhaps they think they can do the same to justice alito or other members of the court but definitely they are trying with alito to get him to recuse. get him to take himself out of certain cases important to the
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left. because they fear that justice alito is not going to embrace their bad arguments. so, look. this is not a good way to win litigation. not an honorable way to win litigation. more importantly, steve, it's not going to work. justice alito is a man of honor and integrity and not going to back down because of intimidation also she recorded mr. alito's wife and he confirmed that his wife likes to fly flags and that's what that was all about. you mentioned chief justice john roberts. he actually pushed back at her and said this about the united states being a christian nation. >> i don't know that we live in a christian nation. i know a lot of jewish and muslim friends who would say maybe not. it's not our job to do that. it's our job to decide the cases as best we can. >> steve: what do you make of her tactics? i know she said it's not illegal to secretly record in washington, d.c. but she went into this event and
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she was pretending she was somebody she was not. just to try to get the justices to say something embarrassing. >> yeah. look, it's what they do. you know what they say when the facts aren't on your side. pound the law. when the law is not on your side pound the facts. when neither pound the table. this is pounding the table. she is going in there trying to mess them up somehow, but, look, she? way over her head. these are smart individuals. they know their way around the courtroom. they know their way around washington. they are not going to be easily baited into saying something that is going to trigger their recusal. even though that's clearly the intent. >> steve: all right. let's see what happens. she did leak the audio to rolling stone. they ran with it and that gave us something to talk about today. senator, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you so much, steve. >> steve: meanwhile, brian is live from dallas this morning having breakfast with some of our friends. that conversation coming up straight ahead live from the
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when it comes to donald trump. speaking to a number of billionaires shaking off any qualms about the former president and embracing him and a big story that came out yesterday. here to react to that and so much more, he is a dallas resident. he loves this place kuby's. he is hurricane's owner tom did you know den. welcome back. we came steve doocy ran across you the pickleball the other week and now got you sitting down. a round of applause for the carolina hundred owner. [applause] >> brian: before i get to the pickleball story how did the owners happen. >> where i live when i bought the team. i thought about moving. we like it here and kids are in school we just had to stay one of the best cities around. five kids that keeps you busy. when you talk about -- i read in the story, you know, just struck by how many people like ken -- bill ackman, steve schwarzeneggerman, hall lambert. big names in finance are going
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effort to trump camp. why do you think that is. >> i think probably historically some of the way trump treats people doesn't sit well with -- whether you have choices but there is really not many choices anymore. so you probably are more likely to put up with. >> brian: more pro-business, too. >> pro-business and some of the things have gotten to where it's hard to support nonsense. >> brian: how hard is it to be successful in this climate right now? what is the challenge with the american economy different challenges for everybody. regulation and having to be so careful with everything you do and say for fear of are people going to cancel you or think you are not supportive of other people's views. it just gets hard. >> brian: just the whole culture, for you, in particular, you not only -- you made your money in finance, but you also involved in pickleball at the highest level. how did you come into this game and how fast has it grown?
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>> yeah, i mean, i got old so i started playing it because it was fun and competitive and i needed something that i enjoyed doing. and then decided, you know, to get involved with the business side and the pro-part of pickleball started growing. >> brian: you started the league. what's the name of the league? >> i didn't start it i got in it pretty early called the ppa. >> brian: is this the number one league in the country? >> yeah. >> brian: how many players are involved? >> like 100 players. >> brian: these are pros. >> they are pros. they get paid. they make money. i don't know if you -- is nfl pros because it's not clearly not at that level or nhl players. but this is what they do for a job and make money doing it. >> brian: for you, does it surprise you? i mean, you could see this on television now. you see people of all ages playing this now. >> yeah. i think the growth of people participating doesn't surprise me. it's what i expect. i think that continues. it is surprising me how many people want to watch and it care about what the pros play with
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and what they do. that was a bit of a surprise. >> brian: you chose to live in texas. you grew up where? >> new york. >> brian: you grew up in new york. so you live in texas. there is a sense that the texas stock exchange is about to launch here in a couple of years. big names like blackstone going to be involved. what is it the climate in new york that are making it so difficult? why would you think big money could be coming down here with their own exchange? >> yeah. you know, i told you earlier, part of the reason i retired was because a bunch of the states and the rules have just gotten so onerous that it makes it difficult. and here they are obviously much more friendly and understand if you grow the business, you create jobs, you know, velocity of capital is what makes things grow and sometimes regulation stops that. >> brian: right now texas might be the beneficiary of it. round of applause for tom here not quite as good as the -- playoff taking over. more "fox & friends" in just a
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