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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: you want to look at this? pat sajak has a new gig. his final episode of wheel of fortune aired last week and next year catch him on stage in hawaii starring in a play called prescription murder. his character is a psychiatrist who plots to murder his wife: you always want to get the e. >> dana: he did an amazing thing over his career and i will always cherish my time watching wheel of fortune with any grandmother. she was a pretty good player. i was pretty good, i have to say. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we beginning with this fox news alert on the terror threat of president biden's open border. eight illegal immigrants with ties to isis terrorists crossed our southern border. they were caught this time.
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i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." those arrests were part of a multi-city sting operation. immigration and customs enforcement, or ice, with the help from f.b.i. and local law enforcement caught terrorists in new york city, philadelphia, and l.a. this piece is from a former assistant secretary of defense and former deputy director of the c.i.a. a quote. the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again. f.b.i. director christopher wray in front of congress eight days ago. >> when i sat here last year, i walked through how we were already in a heightened threat environment. and since then, we've seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole other level.
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>> harris: the number of terror watch listen counters at the southern border now is surging. all under president biden. look from 2017 to the moment he took office in 2021. look across the stream there. we had two in 17 under trump. you fast forward to the moment that biden flipped trump's policies and look how many times it was 15 and now it's gone from 98, 169, 80, it's early. it's only june. fox news correspondent now alexis mcadams with more. >> to others including some who live in new york they say it is just about time this happened. a source telling me a majority of those suspected terrorists were arrested here in new york city. so the question people have at home is how did these people get
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into the country in the first place? you look live in california there a busy crossing right now at our nation's southern border. that's a area or one of the areas that police believe that these people crossed in somewhere at the southern border. so we talked to a councilman from new york city who is a democrat who says this is a big mess at our country's border and says president biden has got to secure it. >> again, i've been critical of president biden the way he has handled this from the get go. i think he has been asleep at the wheel. so that's why i'm calling on people in my own party, let's get back to reality here. let's have a southern border and, you know, again, if people want to come to the border. before they come in we vet them. not after we let them loose and then have the f.b.i. and ice try to round up. we rounded up eight. there could be 8,000 out there. >> just the last few days a group of men from tajikistan
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what investigators believe have ties to isis were taken into custody but not charged with any crimes yet. sources say the group was, quote, fully vetted at the southern border but somehow nothing was flagged. it was only after they were already released into the u.s. that cbp was notified about a possible isis connection. according to "new york post," listen to this, the feds used a wiretap to listen on the phone calls hearing one of the people arrested talking about bombs. this was all part of an ice sting that took place in three major cities, new york, philadelphia and los angeles. back out live we can tell you these men have not been charged with any crimes at this time. athey are in ice custody waiting for removal. they might possibly be sent home. >> harris: i want to get to tom homan who ran ice under former president trump and a fox news contributor. tom, your first indications that
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we were in trouble even before these arrests, you alerted us to and a loud voice saying this is what's going to happen. what are we just not doing right? >> you are right, harris, for three years i've been screaming about this. fentanyl is killing 100,000 people. sex trafficking women and children up 600%. my biggest persons is this open southern border is creating the biggest national security vulnerability and this administration is doing nothing about it. they haven't slowed the flow. they still have catch and release. i just looked at the data this morning. in 2021 a little over 4,000 russians, 22023, 33,000. over 30,000 chinese nationals. they released people from russia, north korea, syria, turkey, iran. this happens by the thousands every month. and they keep releasing them.
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as far as the vetting they say we vet them before release. the vetting is poor because we can only vet with the information that is available to us. mostly that's ncic if they have when arrested before. you think russia, syria, iran is sharing security information on people from their countries? no. this isn't the first time it happened. it happened several times where someone released from the border and iced to find them later. it won't be the last. unless they take action to secure the border something is coming. christopher wray says it and i say. no way something isn't coming in this country because of this open border. >> harris: the current director of the f.b.i. christopher wray has been saying it as a drumbeat. when he first mentioned this it was a simple warning. and then he mentioned it again the threats were deepening. and then he mentioned it again in front of congress all of
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these times. it was a dire imminent situation that people be aware of. and now i don't even know where it is because now it seems like it is harder and maybe you can talk to this. it is harder to catch these guys for all the reasons that you gave plus we have sanctuary cities in this country. >> that was a point i was about to bring up. do you think it is a coincidence these eight were arrested in los angeles, philadelphia, and new york all sanctuary cities? the worst of the worst will go to sanctuary cities where they know they will be protected. local law enforcement is not allowed to work with ice. any of these eight people could have been arrested for a crime in new york or philadelphia and guess what, they will be released from jail. no one will call ice. this is why the sanctuary cities are sanctuary for criminals. sanctuary for terrorists. latest information this morning most of the residents in philadelphia with the remainder in new york. only one arrested in california. a shout-out to new york where the governor supports this mass
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illegal immigration. your mayor supports it and two senators, schumer and hildebrandt support it. philadelphia their governor and mayor supports it. the people listening to this broadcast need to call your elected officials and demand they secure the border and protect america. >> harris: where is the president on this? he needs to speak now. he put executive action into flow and signed it and said it would be the first step in solving the problem and it blew up. this time last week we had 10,000 people cross the border and on monday of this week we had 1,000 people cross in southern california. that 2500 number, is it likely we hit that on monday if 1,000 people on monday alone came across in one state? >> i can tell you this, harris, i see the reports every day and have my sources and see the reports every day. there has been 5,000 or more
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every day since he signed that proclamation. >> harris: pause one second. i can do the math and know what they are doing. they are hoping for later in the week it goes down and then they do the average, divide by seven and comes out close to 2500 or 2499. from the numbers you and i are talking about now, that is mathematically not really possible. >> it's not. look, bottom line is anybody can look at the videos that bill melugin and other people in the field. 4900 arrested yesterday crossing the border between cbp and border patrol. it runs around 5,000 every day. this administration has done nothing. not a single thing since he has been in the white house to slow the flow. they just send more resources to the border. border patrol can't do their job. these eight people released they can't do investigative interviews because they have such a mass of people coming in they take bio metrics and fingerprints and out the door. they don't have time to do
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interviews like they should be because they're overwhelmed. this administration did it on purpose. this isn't mismanagement. this isn't incompetence. he ran on it. he kept his promise, we have open borders and we're in the biggest national security vulnerability i've seen in my lifetime. >> harris: tom homan. thank you very much and thank you for the information on the russian nationals who have come. i didn't realize that it had quadrupled more than that in a short period of time. they aren't a friend, russia. tom, thank you. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and one of the lead prosecutors in former president's new york criminal trial are set to publicly testify to congress. house republicans want answers on what they call politically motivated cases and hunter biden's legal troubles are far from over. he now has to get ready for his next federal trial in a few months. >> he faces very severe criminal
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penalties if convicted on the tax charges. if i were hunter biden's defense lawyers the first thing i would do is pick up the phone and see if i can negotiate a plea agreement with the prosecutors before this case goes to trial. >> harris: the reason people care about this is look at how compromised he was. what was it like, his relationships with people who were foreign dignitaries in leadership with the biden name? did that expose the country to anything because he would have made his father vulnerable for all sorts of things. hunter's lawyer says they're pursuing all potential challenges to his gun charges where he was just found guilty on all counts. jonathan turley in "focus" next.
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>> harris: now president biden's son convicted felon, hunter biden, faces nine charges in california in a federal tax fraud trial. it begins on september 5th. if his attorneys fail to get that delayed. president biden went to delaware last night to see hunter. the "new york post" cover shows the two hugging with the headline first felon. joe biden with this statement after the verdict. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. biden said last week he would not pardon his son. one of the jurors talked with fox. >> -- [inaudible] focus more on what the defense is saying and what the prosecution is saying. nobody is above the law, you know, no matter who you are.
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so that did not play a factor in my decision. it was not politically motivated. politics played no part whatsoever. >> harris: nobody is above the law. president biden said that two weeks ago. david weiss also talked after the verdict. >> this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throws of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. >> harris: hunter biden's attorney says they will pursue all legal challenges, which likely would include an appeal. a sentencing date has not yet
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been set. welcome jonathan turley, fox news contributor, constitutional law attorney and great to see you. you and i were together and a bunch of people on the screen talking about it this when it happened. a few hours have passed since then. your top thought. >> well, what's fascinating about the decision to go forward with the trial is that it put at risk the chance that hunter biden could very well be sentenced to jail. i have said all along i believe there is a real possibility here of a prison sentence. the best shot he had to reduce that likelihood was to plead guilty, which is why all the way up to the beginning of this trial i was writing you need to plead guilty. this is a lead pipe cinch of a case. you can get a two level departure to plead guilty and make it easier for the court to give you probation. he decided to put on a
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nullification defense and it failed. he lost. the judge has sentenced people to jailed with this offense. >> harris: let's talk about the judge for a second and previous cases like this. you know, you might find a situation where you are a first-time offender, the charges are stacked against you, you didn't take the plea deal, however sweetheart it was. but one of the main factors in this from our coverage yesterday as this was breaking came from judge jeanine pirro. she said if he had pled guilty, you get points for that in the judge's mind in the scope of what happens with sentencing. was it bad judgment? was it up to him? what happens behind the scenes when you have a shot to not face a trial? >> well, there are reports out today that many of the biden family believe that a delaware jury would not convict hunter
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biden. this is after all biden town, their hometown. the son of the favorite son of delaware. so i think there were some people in the family that were shocked by the quick verdict. in my view, this was not worth the risk because this is not someone that defense counsel see given a prison stint. the best way to plead guilty and get the points with the judge. the judge watched the sweetheart deal fall apart in the courtroom. she triggered it and simply asked the prosecutor have you ever seen a deal like this and he said no. the whole thing burst into flames. then she sat there and watched them put on an obvious nullification defense trying to get the jury to ignore the evidence. none of that is going to play well with the judge in determining whether to sentence hunter to jail. the guidelines under the federal sentencing guidelines suggest
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that such a sentence is warranted. they are discretionary. the judge doesn't have to follow them. none of that helps when it comes to that decision by the judge. >> harris: now that the jurors are talking we're getting real insight on no one is above the law, for example. what things mattered and what things didn't. family members in the courtroom gave love and support and a blessing but not evidence. we heard the prosecution say. yeah, i mean, none of it worked as you said. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg in new york and prosecutor matthew colangelo have agreed to publicly testify before the house judiciary committee next month set on july 12th. one day after former president trump faces sentencing for those 34 charges in his new york criminal trial. house judiciary chairman jim jordan says, this is a quote, this hearing will examine actions by state and local prosecutors to engage
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politically-motivated prosecutions of federal officials. what do you make of this? and what could we get out of it? people are becoming numb to congress's hearings. is this one going to deliver something that we might not think of? >> well, these hearings have a habit of turning into a primal scream session between the two parties. there is a fear that will happen here. you won't have a perry mason moment or have colangelo saying i was dispatched to dispatch trump or bragg to say yeah, i know that there wasn't a crime here but i'm elected and i had to do something. none of that is going to happen. they'll deny having any direction and by the way, you didn't need to have direction in this case. the politics for bragg were all too obvious. he threw a flag on this case. his predecessor stopped the case going forward. so bragg had already expressed skepticism and then his lead
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prosecutor resigned and wrote in an unethical book while this case was still pending to pressure him and it worked. he caved. is he going to confess to that? of course not. he will say as the jury found there was a real crime here. so we will have to wait for the appellate process. trump will have a hard initial time, i expect, in the trump system. it has not garnered a lot of faith from any of us. i think ultimately it would be hard for this verdict to be sustained through state and federal appeal. >> harris: well, thank you for breaking that down. i think people will want to hear from these people because even in other blue cities you see district attorneys like them making some similar-type decision and soft on crime that alvin bragg is so known for. we'll cover it absolutely. jonathan turley, always a pleasure to have you on. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: the house could vote today to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of
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congress. republicans want the audio recording of the president east interview with robert hur. the transcript they got was changed and redacted reportedly to the point where really, is that the man that robert hur called, you know, a decent person who can't remember anything? i'm paraphrasing him there. well, we'll get to see if we get the tape. with a slim majority every vote counts. republicans in biden districts have signaled they'll play ball on this issue. plus a fresh explosion of anti-israel hate happening in this country. [chanting] >> intifada revolution. [shouting] >> harris: wow.
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one protestor even confronted president biden yesterday at husband gun violence speech and he is telling a really tough line politically as more voters on his side of the aisle say they are against him and his policies on israel. steve hilton in "focus" next.
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expected today on contempt of congress charges against attorney general merrick garland. why? because a.g. garland has refused to hand over subpoenaed audio recordings of special counsel robert hur's interview with president biden over the classified documents that biden took. since the time he was a senator. the department of justice did release an edited transcript of the interview. however, republicans say that's not enough especially since the interview led special counsel robert hur to call biden a, quote, elderly man with a poor memory. and he used that as a reason not to charge him. the gop only holds a thin majority in the house. so all of them will need to be behind the effort. one moderate republican from a biden district says bring on the vote. >> you comply with the subpoena.
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the way it works in this country. the framers were clear. whether one agrees or not congress has possibility to provide accountability and oversight. the administration should hand over the video and audio tapes and ultimately you comply with the subpoena order. that's how it works. they are trying to run out the clock so there can be no transparency. >> harris: steve hilton, fox news contributor. do you think they'll hand over the tape? probably not. why are they important? >> well, we see every day why they are important, harris, when we watch biden. we watch him in these remarks and every day now there is the terrible slurring of the words and losing his train of thought. can barely get through a five-minute speech on a prompter without making some kind of hash of it. for years i've been saying if this is what biden is like in public when he knows the cameras are on him, imagine what it is like in private where he doesn't have to perform. that's where he is making the
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crucial decisions. now this transcript is of him in private and that's why they don't want to release it because i think they realized that if they release this transcript, it is pretty much death for the biden campaign because the american people will see very clearly that this man is absolutely incapable of being president now let alone for another four years. the fact that garland is blocking this yet again is another example instead of being the independent head of the judiciary system and executive branch he is supposed to be, he is acting as biden's personal lawyer. that is not appropriate. i don't think we'll get the tapes but we absolutery should. >> harris: cease-fire talks between israel and hamas have been thrown into doubt after hamas responded to the deal demanding amendments after two weeks of silence, steve. they want the make some changes, some edits if you will. israel calls it tantamount to a
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rejection. secretary of state antony blinken is in qatar pushing to keep those negotiations alive. they are on life support. >> it's time for the haggling to stop and the cease-fire to start. it's as simple as that. israel accepted the proposal as it was. and as it is. hamas didn't. so i think it's pretty clear what needs to happen. >> harris: this comes as the united states reportedly is considering unilateral talks with hamas excluding israel to free five american hostages held in gaza. an opinion headline calls out the president this way. joe biden and the left must know better than to deal with the devil known as hamas. you know, i have wondered from the beginning of the push for a cease-fire all the pressure on israel. the president then calls on hamas to step to the table. but he doesn't say words like this. if you don't come to the table
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and give all the hostages back immediately, it's an affront to us because you have americans. what do you think we might do? >> you are so exactly right. that's what is so frustrating about this whole farce frankly of negotiations, about the hostages and so on. let's be clear, this is a terror organization. you don't negotiate with terrorists, you defeat them. and you have right now the qataris, this endless reference to them as intermediaries. no, they are harboring the leaders of hamas. so we need to be putting pressure on them to force hamas to release the hostages, to make the pressure so intense on those who have an influence here that they have to give up the hostages instead we're doing this middleman thing and negotiating. it is so weak and so pathetic. it is typical of this biden administration. >> harris: if you cut israel out
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on this deal, that is more than a middleman. you are working for the terrorists now. this is a president who is already working with the drug cartels letting people into this country who endanger us because we can't vet anybody. this is a parallel to this. two columns of a house about to fall and we live in it. >> exactly. this is the thing about biden. we said from the beginning, right, he was sold to us as a great foreign policy expert and all his years of experience. no, what really matters is that he is totally weak and unprincipled. he has always been like this. this machine politician climbing the ranks, whatever was good for him politically he would do. he doesn't have any firm convictions or beliefs and so when the push comes to shove in a situation like this he totally caves and doesn't show the strength and leadership that we need. >> harris: it's scary time, it really is. israel deserves a better friend
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than we're being right now. an eruption of anti-israel protests are occurring across the united states again this week. let's watch. [shouting] >> back up. [chanting] >> harris: it was kind of a raw version of let's go brandon in the middle about biden. they said the real word. alexandria ocasio-cortez did disavow the anti-semitism but says it has been weaponized.
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>> anti-semitism is an assault on our values at americans and as progressives. the jewish community is threatened the progressive movement is undermined. weaponizing anti-semitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between jewish safety and palestinian self-determination. >> harris: you could set an egg timer how long it took for this to come up. an opinion piece said she is worried about her -- not about the tolerance of her progressive movement. her track record and choice of allies make it clear her concerns are not -- are cynical, not sincere. steve. >> exactly. and that's exactly true of biden and kamala harris and just think about the difference. when you saw their reaction, biden and all the rest of them with all those speeches they
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made about the biggest threat to america's security domestic extremism and white supremacy and disgusting speech in philadelphia with the blood red background. all of that was about this kind of extremism that they argue was on the right. much more widespread on the left. on the streets, in campuses and in their own party, barely a word. it is such hypocrisy. all that matters to them is winning those votes, the youth vote and the swing states, muslim vote. that's all they are thinking about. any kind of principle is out the window. it is really shameful. >> harris: i want you to see this and anti-israel protestor interrupted president biden's gun violence speech yesterday. yes, he had an event about guns shortly after the conviction of his son, hunter biden, on a gun felony. here is how biden responded. >> president biden: the main reason i'm here i mean this from
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the bottom of my heart -- [shouting] >> president biden: no, no, no, no, no, no. no, folks, it's okay. look -- they care, innocent children have been lost and they make a point. >> harris: that makes him look like the most duplicitous person on the planet now. he has all the power and he is saying i understand why the people call me genocide joe. that's what he is doing. they were yelling at him. the other side of the room starts to call for four more years of joe biden and tells them to be quiet. if you are running his campaign your head is exploding right now. >> again, this guy is such a massive embarrassment to us all. look at that. she calls him genocide joe, yeah, she has a point. what are you talking about?
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a decent leader with any kind of moral backbone or strength would say how dare you use that term when it is hamas who went into israel with the specific intent of wiping out the jewish state and all that israel is doing is defending its own people against slaughter and murder and the worst crimes we've seen for decades. how dare you use that word about israel, our ally israel. that's what the decent, strong leader would have done. instead we have this embarrassment, decrepit biden. it is awful to see what's happening right now. >> harris: i will share a tape on the show of him a year ago, him five years ago, him a decade ago and farther back. he is a different person now. the person he is on that stage now is not deft enough to do what you say. maybe he can become another version. appreciate your time. hunter biden's guilty verdict is looming large over the 2024 presidential race. how?
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>> i think that hunter biden's decision to plead not guilty and take this all the way to trial has proven politically disastrous for the biden family at large. >> harris: so will it have an effect on voters? do they even care? are they paying attention? probably not as much as you think. the economy with bursting inflation is tough. we'll dig into the politics of it with the power panel great debate next. ♪ in this crazy world how do you protect and grow your investment portfolio and your retirement money? the smart investor has their money in a guaranteed product that goes up with the market. their gains lock in, and when the market goes down, they don't lose money. forward with their money, never backward.
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>> harris: new inflation numbers slowed just a little bit last month from the previous month, but prices are still punishing americans when you compare year to year and that's what really counts. we're going in the wrong direction. by now president biden had promised we'd be about 2%. when trump left office it was 1.4%. i don't know if we'll sniff that while biden is in office. the federal reserve plans to meet today and make a new fresh decision on interest rates. it could have a big effect. fox business's edward lawrence is at the white house. talk to us about how this would change lives, if at all,
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depending on what the fed does? >> if interest rates get cut that's a help for those getting a mortgage, getting a car loan and would help the administration. president joe biden desperately needs interest rates to be cut. that would open the door -- needs inflation to fall and that would open the door to the fed cutting interest rates before the election. 61% of the market believes that's what is going to happen in september. now this might then turn poll numbers in president biden's favor if all that falls into place. inflation sticky overall. came down slightly. 3.3% year-over-year. core inflation without food and energy prices for the past year fell a little more 3.4%. both far from the fed's 2% target. when you look at what drove inflation, shelter up 5.4%, rent and home prices. you see gas up, used car prices did fall but all food up 2.1%.
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car insurance up more than 20% over the past 12 months. >> when you look through this number, what you are seeing again is all the non-discretionary stuff. all the things that we have no choice but to spend money on, food, energy, housing, healthcare continues to be incredibly sticky in terms of prices. i would say high and rising. whereas everything else is having to off set it. >> let's put it in context. for the month when president biden came to office and started instituting his policies cpi inflation up 19%, food and shelter costs up more than 21%, auto insurance up 51 1/2% from the month president biden came into office. electricity up more than 29%. president biden on his way to the g7 in italy. in a statement he says prices are still high but today's report shows welcome progress on lowering inflation. the bottom line is that inflation is still going up.
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it is just going up a little less than april. back to you, harris. >> harris: wow. thank you very much for breaking that down. the president's son hunter biden's historic felony conviction is raising new questions about fallout for the president politically. the trump campaign said after the verdict yesterday, this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden family crime. hunter's conviction comes two weeks before president biden and former president trump are set to face off at their first debate. this election cycle. experts are already predicting that hunter biden's conviction will do little to change voter's minds. however, they are warning the case could take a toll on the president personally. republican strategist riyan williams told fox it's a deep personal blow to the president but i don't think it will have that much of an effect on the election. david axelrod said i don't think
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the voters will hold the president available for his son's addiction for misbehavior. but i think the real question is the toll it takes on him and his family. misbehavior, crimes. fox news contributors guy benson and richard fowler. all right. let's start with how voters reacted after the conviction of trump in new york and now they have a second conviction of the president's son. guy benson didn't move the numbers on trump. what do you think happens this time? >> probably similar, right? you had one of the actual candidates convicted of these felonies. i think it was illegitimate but the convictions are out there and didn't move the needle much at all. the current president's son. i would be surprised if voters really shift very much on this. although it kind of cloud some of the narratives surrounding trump's trial and his conviction as well. it is a headache for the biden
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campaign because don't forget, president biden tried to make all of these problems go away for his son and almost succeeded with that sweetheart deal from d.o.j. but blew up because a federal judge asked a tough question at exactly the right moment. otherwise there would be no accountability for hunter biden. >> harris: richard. >> i tend to agree with guy. i don't think you will see a shift. you have a troubled child who committed a crime and that troubled child is now a convicted felon and we'll have to see what happens there. i do think in this particular moment, because of this particular gun charge, i think this -- odd bed fellows at play. the case that happened last year in the fifth circuit and the nra is trying to get that question off the background check form. >> harris: president biden yesterday completely butchered a quote from president thomas jefferson during a speech pushing gun reform.
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while making false claims about the second amendment. let's watch. >> president biden: there has never been a time that says you can own anything you want. never. you couldn't own a cannon during the civil war. i'm serious. think about it. the blood of liberty, give me a break. >> harris: you know i love digging stuff up on american history. the "washington post" has this. you don't have to look far in the constitution to see the private individuals could own cannons, article one section eight, clause 11 gave congress the power to declare war. in that they could issue special waivers to private individuals to act aspire rats on behalf of the united states. these individuals would own warships in an event of war and obviously obtained cannons for use in battle. guy. >> biden has made this exact same misstatement before and he keeps making it.
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he doesn't learn from mistakes seemingly ever and when you are 81 years old you don't tend to change. >> harris: richard. you are laughing. >> i do like american history and pointing out the biden justice department has prosecuted over 500 gun traffickers and working to take illegal guns off the street to make it harder for folks to get guns. bad people to get guns. >> he said his son did nothing wrong. >> his son is a convicted felon so you know that's not true. >> harris: if you are writing gun policy read the constitution first. you bet. thank you. "outnumbered" after the break.
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