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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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my first thought is there is something wrong. >> emily: exactly! >> bill: i choose to answer or what do you need, slide them to voice mail. >> harris: it is very, very rare that i call somebody. it's very rare. >> bill: very modern. >> harris: i prefer to have conversations quickly. so if i'm going to go on and on, it's somebody who i know, and that means if i'm not calling them, they generally don't call me because we either have that relationship or we don't. my family come always. or you see mom call, pick up. i see them, pick up. >> kayleigh: gen zers are even worse, they put his silent mode. stop doing that, gen z. onto "america reports." >> we have seen, over the last come i think five years, an increase in the number of key sds, known or suspected terrorists, attempting to cross
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the southern border. we have seen a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against americans and our allies. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack we saw at the russian concert hall back in march. >> john: just a week after fbi director christopher wray warned of a similar isis attack, one in russia come on american soil, i.c.e. arrested tajikistan nationals with suspected isis ties after they illegally cross into the united states. how is that for good news on a wednesday? >> sandra: what a way to kick it off. >> john: john roberts, good to be with you. >> sandra: gillian turner in for sandra smith today, this is "america reports" periods eight tajikistan nationals, all men, nabbed in a coordinate operation that spanned three sanctuary cities, one source telling fox news they were released into the country after initial i.c.e. screenings at the border failed to raise any
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red flags at all. they just walked on through periods of former fbi director investigator bill daley is going to join us in just a moment. >> john: fox team coverage, matt finn in california were one border sector now the busiest in the nation. and alexis mcadams kicks things off in new york city with the latest on the i.c.e. arrests. alexis, this has got a lot of people puzzled and concerned. >> john, that's right, we talk about what happens at the border on a daily basis and we see from our drone teams and cameras, but now people in new york are hearing about what is happening across the united states. we know eight men from tajikistan had entered in through the united states. how did they cross in? right through the southern border. and a source telling us, john and gillian, then a majority of those men actually were found right here in new york ci, watch. >> my biggest concern is that there's open southern border has created the biggest national security vulnerability the station has ever seen. >> so in just the last few days,
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a group of men from tajikistan, who investigators believe have ties to isis, were taken into custody. according to sources, these men were "fully vetted" at the southern border, okay, but somehow nothing was flagged on them so it was only after they were already in the country and had been released that cbp was notified about this alleged isis connection. we can tell you this was a huge situation that was led by i.c.e. that took place in three major cities, talking about philadelphia, los angeles, and then right here in new york city. we actually talked to a democratic councilman here in new york who says the border is broken and biden needs to do something before there is another terrorist attack in the big apple. watch. >> they really can't do a thorough job. they don't have enough officers to vet these people. and certainly this should be done before they come into our country. so let's get real about this. let's protect our nation. our citizens. our families. let's know who is coming in.
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>> according to "the new york post," the feds used a wiretap to listen in on their phone calls, hearing one of the people arrested talking about bombs. we can also tell you according to the latest information from federal sources out here, these men have not been charged in any crimes yet. they are being held in i.c.e. custody and could be basically just sent home. john? >> john: alexis mcadams for us at the big apple. gillian? >> gillian: despite president biden newly-released executive order, the number of people actually crossing into the u.s. illegally is not abating, and one key sector alone now migrants hailing from 100 different countries, even more come are being ushered into the u.s. with only what's called a notice to appear in court on a day sometime years out. matt finn is live from california right now. matt, how many people has border control and counter daily you are? >> jillian, the latest numbers
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obtained by fox news, crossing of a san diego every day. this week we saw at least four migrants crossing in a single clip, a caravan emerging from the desert. some of the border patrol agents tell us it is one of the largest single groups they have ever seen in the san diego sector. and we have learned that migrants are still being released into the united states after illegally crossing. despite president biden promising that would not happen under his executive order. here in san diego, we are talking to migrants from all over the world, including iran, yemen, china, and egypt. you are from egypt, correct? >> yes, i am from egypt. >> and you're coming here, staying in california, sunnyvale? >> come for work. >> come for work? >> yes, i love america. >> in my country, don't have freedom. i don't -- i don't do anything. tattoo, no.
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>> as you walk along the border wall, you see all types of debris, migrants shedding clothing and garbage, lighting fires, and occasionally we spot migrants cutting holes in the wall or trying to get over it. illegal migrants cross into the united states in all different ways. one method is scaling the wall with these rebar ladders. border patrol tells me sometimes the mexican military turns them over to the united states. now i'm talking to some of these migrants here, i say, are you aware of the executive order which claims you are no longer eligible for asylum? many of them say it is news to them but they feel like they are good migrants and they will be good people in the united states, so they feel like america will let them stay. back to you, gillian pete >> gillian: matt finn and jacumba for us, thank you. >> john: bill daley, former fbi investigator. how concerned are you? about this revelation that eight tajik people with known ties to isis were apprehended coming across the border.
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they were vetted and paroled into the country. >> hey, john, i'm very concerned. i'm concerned, much like the fbi director said, that this is the harbinger of perhaps things to come. we have literally hundreds of people who have been shown up on the terrorist watch list. these individuals apparently did not appear on that watch list. perhaps they weren't discovered by our partners overseas, our own intelligence agencies, before they arrived. but nonetheless, we literally have hundreds of other people who we suspect are terrorists who snuck across the borders. i'm very much concerned, and i'm concerned, john, we also use this term "betting" very loosely come i would probably put that in airports without being too common about this. venting is a very serious matter, in this case, venting, using the terrorist watch list is probably the best tool we have. comparing databases, getting into countries that may or may not have records, may have purged records, people have
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authority or push can have records expunged. it is a very loose term we use beard over the years i have worked on international cases where we need to truly vet people. it takes literally tens and tens of hours, i even on the ground work, to really understand who someone is. >> gillian: so, bill, the terror watch list, as i understand it, is pretty black-and-white. how does one encounter a migrant along the southern border, match their name with the terror watch list, and somehow come up short and miss eight people when they are, in fact, on the list? do you have a sense of how that mistake is made in real time? >> well, actually, gillian, i'm not too sure whether or not they were on the list at the time. that seems to be the big take at this point. we may want to suggest that perhaps they showed up afterwards, they came to the fbi's attention, homeland security's attention, because of information received by either
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our agencies or our partner agencies overseas. but you know, people showing up at the border and even showing up and then passed the border, they have papers, or maybe they have nothing, they give a name, perhaps if they are on a terrorist watch list, we'll have a face, you can do some type of facial matching or facial imagery to compare them. other than that, that's really what we're talking about here and i think that is really a concern that we all need to have as americans, people coming through, there isn't this kind of thorough vetting and even people who might be on the terrorist watch list, in this case we will find out whether or not they really were there or they gave a different name or the face didn't appear through facial imaging, but it is a very -- a very spotty case, at best. catching people appear to be appear to be one all right, bill, as troubling as this is, there is an even bigger problem, and that is the number of people where come across this border, that the border patrol, cbp,
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dhs, i.c.e., the fbi, have never laid eyes on, the so-called got-aways be at how many are there? take a look at this. since president biden came into office, an estimated come only in estimation because we don't know, what their intentions were, 1,664,203. how much of a national -- of people who are being vetted pose a national security risk, what kind of -- 1.6 million people who weren't invented? >> john, you are spot on with this. you can imagine what it takes for an agency like the fbi when you don't even know who you are looking for appeared in a case where people may come across and we have a name or a face or some information about them, maybe try to track them but in this case, we don't know who they are, we don't know who they are connecting with, we don't know what their intentions are. we don't know whether they were sent here intentionally as part
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of some type of plot, sent here as sleeper people who could be activated later on in sales, could be used against us later on, or could they be, people could easily be radicalized and influenced by either outsiders or other people when they get here? i think you are right, john. when you look at these numbers, it certainly is startling, to say the least, and certainly from a national security perspective, whether from a terrorist perspective, an intelligence perspective, when we see large numbers of people coming from different countries who we deemed as being hostile intelligence services, they may be sending their people here, sending young men, young military-age men, who could also be intelligence operatives. we have a number of issues we are facing, and i think all of us as americans need to be appalled at what exposure we are placed at because of the open border we have. >> gillian: but especially considering the threat environment we are currently in, bill, i want you to take a listen to the attorney general last week and then we have the fbi director -- reversed that
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order come fbi director chris wray last week, the day before we had the attorney general talking about what we are dealing with. listen. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole 'nother level on top of that. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall back in march. >> i am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after october 7th. the threat level for us has gone up enormously. every morning, we worry about this question. we try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country. >> gillian: it's a perfect storm. >> eight is. as the fbi director said earlier, we have seen a rogues gallery of individuals coming through and people could act again in these groups or in concert together. 9/11, 19 individuals who carried out that horrific, horrific
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attack on the day. but over the years we have had the boston marathon bombing. somewhat poignant, today is the eighth anniversary of the pulse nightclub shooting down in orlando, where 49 people were killed. it goes to show you that even those people who may be on our radar at some point, some i just mentioned, perhaps, were, they go unnoticed. they come here with intent, cultivated with intent to come and we don't even know who they are. >> john: so, bill, just as we say goodbye to you here, bill melugin obtained this memo sent to the border patrol about apprehensions in san diego sector. there is only a mandatory referral to detention of people from uzbekistan, touch extent, which is where these eight were from, russia, georgia, kyrgyzstan, moldova. all others from every other country should be processed with a notice to appear and then released on their own recognizance, which includes more than 100 countries in the
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eastern hemisphere. so you've got to wonder, how many people are coming into this country? bill, thank you for being with us, really appreciate your analysis. >> gillian: thank you, bill. >> my pleasure. >> gillian: well, there is also this. response to this morning's inflation report in the next hour. new number now show a slight break for consumers but is it enough to help americans facing inflation fatigue? we have jerry baker on tap to discuss. there is also this. >> free palestine! >> john: a journalist harassed by a group of anti-israel protesters, as she tried to cover pro-hamas rally. she joins us with her story just ahead. ♪ ♪ dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see
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>> i'm making more money now than i ever did in my life, and its paycheck to paycheck. >> housing prices i've stored. >> how are we going to pay off student loans? how are we going to eventually buy a house? i think the state of the country is scary. >> i would agree, prices of everything. >> gillian: all right, the federal reserve set to react to the new inflation report at the top of the hour. inflation continuing to ease just slightly, though, still more than a point higher than the feds goal. jerry baker joins me now. jerry, take a look at this. we compiled some of the stats on the inflation for particular sectors since president biden the day he took office, so we are looking at overall, we have talked about 19.3% but then food is up 21, shelter 21%, energy 35%, and car insurance up more than 50%. not a rosy picture.
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>> no, gillian, you are absolutely right and those are a good illustration of prices people have to pay, rather than the sometimes general numbers we get -- that gets a lot of focus. this report we had today was mildly encouraging. what came in slightly better than people had been expecting, but it is really important to put into perspective, gillian, not only exactly as you said prices overall since joe biden came to office 20% higher, inflation is slowing, it's true, it has come down from its peak, the rates of price increases, prices are still going up month after month after month on average. the rate of price inflation has come down but it nearly 3.5%, gillian, it is still, as you said come above the federal reserve's targets, but almost also twice as high as when biden took office. the last few months of trump's presidency, inflation down below 2%. it's no wonder as you heard from those people in the clip at the beginning of this segment,
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gillian, that people are unhappy with the economy. prices are much higher than they were three years ago and they are still rising. and what's more, most incomes have not caught -- caught pace with that, and with interest rates is still high they are suffering in terms of student loans and other things. it is still a very bleak picture for most people. >> gillian: cost of living, salaries not going up as quickly and you have americans like we talked to in the montage in the segment where they might be earning more than they ever have but it's not making a difference to their quality of life. gerry come here is jerome powell setting the stage for the u.s. government own report card, take a listen. >> we remain strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal. we'll have to do more in terms of monetary policy. we will get back to 2%. we understand the hardship inflation is causing an strongly committed to bringing inflation down to our 2% goal. >> gillian: i know you can't see into the future but if you
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were going to kind of try and project and give your best guess, when could we be looking? >> we are going to find out what the fed thinks in the next hour. that will give us a sense of when they think inflation will come back to 2%. currently they think it will happen sometime next year. what's really interesting, gillian, what they will do with interest rates. this report today has raised very slightly the possibility they will cut interest rates this year, not today, nobody expects any kind of interest rates today and not july, but we could see a cut in september just before the election, by the way, which might be quite interesting. some people will wonder about the timing of that. even so, still important to remember that even if they cut by 25 basis points come a quarter of a point, that mean rates will still be 5% -- again, when president biden took of office, they were below 2%. rates, all those interest rates from housing and student debt,
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car loans, were way, way lower than they are. it is the same story with inflation. while inflation is better than it was a year ago and is coming down, it is still nowhere near where it was when president biden took office and file interest rates may come down they are still way, way above where they were when president biden took office. >> gillian: it sounds like we are looking at, you know, weeks to months to get to where the fed has wanted to be for some time now. september is only three months from now. a little bit of hope there appeared we will be watching at the top of the hour to see when the decision comes down. thanks so much, gerry. >> thank you, gillian peered to be when we are monitoring a pentagon briefing after russian warships sailed close to florida on their way to cuba. moscow's show of force a warning to washington? plus this. >> it was a case that needed to be done, but it was not the most serious offense that hunter is charged with. the tax cases that are happening in los angeles in september are
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much more serious. >> gillian: more legal trouble coming down the pike for hunter biden as he now stares down a court case for a tax case in california. we are going to ask andy mccarthy about that. and the white house floating and the white house floating this possibility of hunter'se. sentence being commuted in hisfm gun trial. stay with us. , wardrobe assistant, and stylist. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress.
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit ♪ ♪ >> gillian: welcome back. the u.s. navy and coast guard now tracking a flotilla of russian warships crossing the caribbean to hold joint military drills with cuba. that russian convoy includes a nuclear powered submarine in a combat frigate armed with hypersonic missiles vehicle they arrive in havana harbor just a short while ago. jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tracking all of the movement from there. hi jennifer. >> hi, gillian. we just came out of the pentagon briefing which just ended and we asked about this russian flotilla in which we were told that this is an annual exercise and they have been doing this for about the past ten years. however, u.s. northern command
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and the armed forces have deployed warships and aircraft to monitor the russian navy as it conducts drills in cuba's waters. russian warships can be seen here entering the port of havana this morning. it feels like a return to the cold war, and even the cuban missile crisis. ships from the u.s. second fleet, u.s. fourth fleet, u.s. coast guard coast guard, atlantic area are shadowing the movements for russian naval vessels. >> we've been tracking the russians plans for this. this is not a surprise. we have seen them do these type of port calls before. we are always constantly going to monitor any foreign vessels operating near u.s. territorial waters. we of course take it seriously, but these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. >> the pentagon has been monitoring the russian warships as they cross the atlant atlantic ocean. on tuesday, the russian flotilla sailed less than 30 miles off florida's south coast. u.s. intelligence assesses there
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are no nuclear weapons on board the ships, but the convoy does include because on nuclear powered submarine, viewbook know my cuba's foreign ministry says the warships wille in havana till monday and theirt "does not present a threat to the region. in a clear message designed to needle the u.s., russians foreign minister sergey lavrov met with his cuban counterparts in moscow today thinking havana for taking russia's side in ukraine. >> linkage mack >> interpreter: we are grateful to their cuban friends for their situation around ukraine. from the very beginning come havana assess the ongoing events are absolutely correct. we are grateful to our cuban friends for the fact that they are also protecting this objective. >> it's notable russia did not send it's only aircraft carrier to cuba. it is currently out of service. also notable ukraine has sunk nearly half of russia's black sea fleet in the past two years, including a prized
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submarine. gillian? >> gillian: jennifer griffin at the pentagon this afternoon, thank you. john? >> john: hunter biden becomes the first child of a sitting u.s. president to be convicted of a crime after a delaware jury found him guilty in a family gun case. now attention turns to his tax trial in california where he faces nine federal charges. andy mccarthy is a former assistant u.s. attorney and a fox news contributor. let's get into the tax case in just a moment. but some news this morning made by karine jean-pierre, in an off-camera gaggle, we were kind of talking about this yesterday, that the president has said on the record he's not going to pardon his son, but he never said he wouldn't commute his sentence. listen to what karine jean-pierre said this morning. >> i have not spoken to the present about this and what i am saying is he was asked about a pardon. he was asked about -- he was asked about the trial specifically, and he answered very clearly, very forthright, as we know the sentencing hasn't
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even been scheduled yet. i don't have anything gone with the president has said. speed one very clear about a pardon but has said nothing about commuting the sentence beard what do you make of what she sa said? >> i think it is politically incompetent, john. first of all, i don't think hunter biden is going to get a prison sentence beard if he does get one, it will be very minimal. but i am pretty confident that judge noreika, regardless of what sentence she imposes, will give him bail pending appeal. because of the second amendment issue, which means he will out on bail into next year. so there is no point before the election to address this because it won't be an issue until after the election. in any other thing, if you are going to take the political hit for clemency, wouldn't you pardon your son who has just been convicted of three felonies, rather than just say, okay, the felonies stick but you
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don't have to go to jail? that doesn't make any sense to me. >> john: a lot might hang in the november election because of biden were to lose, what's he got to lose in pardoning him? okay, let's go to the tax trial. it goes to court this coming fall, not too long before the election. jonathan turley said because of the potential implications in discovery and testimony that could link hunter biden's foreign investments to joe biden, that he would be better to plead out then he would to go to trial. >> i have always thought he would have been better to plead out on the gun stuff, frankly. remember, on the tax stuff, john, he has already tried to plead guilty to this. he wanted it to be misdemeanors and soda felonies, but the underlying facts of the case really don't change, and it's an overwhelming case against h him, where the gun case was now so if you are worried about the politics of it, you have
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some time to repair it. the idea you would go to trial when early voting has already started in september, and this is the case where the allegation is that hunter biden evaded taxes on the money he was generating from profiting off his father's political influence. you would think that would be the last case the white house or hunter biden would want to see go to trial in the weeks right before the election. >> john: judge noreika has 120 days window, i think, to pronounce sentencing against hunter biden with a gun case, which could take us into september. and we asked our brain room, what's the typical sentence for something similar or the same as what hunter biden did? we found out that from 2019 to 2023, 52 defendants were sentenced in a similar category is hunter biden. 92% were sentenced to serve prison time. the average length of imprisonment imposed was 14 months. the maximum for that crime is
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ten years. there is another crime max is five. you don't think he will do any jail time? >> well, i think there is a way you can interpret the guidelines to give him a reduction based on the fact that they don't have any evidence, at least that i have heard, that he was getting the gun a criminal purposes, it seems to be for sporting purposes, at least that's what i understand. if he can show that under the guidelines, that moves him down to a category where judge noreika could impose a sentence of 0 to 6 months, which under the federal guidelines is an arrangement where she doesn't have to impose a prison sentence at all, but it is important to stress, john, that judges don't have to follow the sentencing guideline. they usually do, or at least they approximate it, but they don't have to. >> john: because if they don't for one, they might not have to for another. glad i am not a judge, that's all i can say. let me ask you about the special prosecutor, david weiss. because he went from a guy who signed off on a sketchy plea
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deal to being the attack dog for the prosecution. listen to what he said yesterday. >> no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. as you know, we have additional trials and investigative work to be done so i will not entertain questions at this time. our work continues. >> john: the consensus seems to be his prosecutorial team did a very good job in judge noreika's court but what do you think of weiss himself and how he has handled this case? >> i do agree with you that the prosecutors who tried the case did a very good job. i also think david weiss is the best defense lawyer hunter biden has ever had, and because he delayed the way he delayed, not only are some of the most serious charges no longer prosecutable in the tax case, but everything has been pushed so close to the election that in the end, hunter is not going to see the inside of a federal
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prison no matter what happens in these trials because everything will be pushed off past the election and then his father will pardon him, so if the end game was to keep him out of prison, mission accomplished. >> john: all right, andy mccarthy, always appreciate your legal advice. see you again soon, i'm sure. gillian? >> gillian: well, a new poll shows former president donald trump making some new gains in another blow state. we are going to debate whether that could actually turn red, no vendor. editor katie katie pavlich. that's coming up next. >> john: plus an oregon man's dog sprang to action after a serious truck crash left him stranded. that man and his dog, blue, join us live. ♪ ♪ my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin.
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ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a all
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♪ ♪ >> john: well, speaking of beaches, there will be a new top dog in coney island next month. the reigning champion, joey chestnut, will not be competing in the nathan's hot dog contest. major league eating, which runs the event, had impeached him over chestnuts sponsorship deal with a rival plant-based hotdog brandon banned him from competing. the 16 time champ has one back years in 2016, gobbling down a world record 76 dogs back in 2021. chestnut was frank and his response, saying he is "gutted" by the decision. >> gillian: why? why do they need to do it? >> john: because he was being
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sponsored by a rival hotdog -- it wasn't even a hot dog. >> gillian: made me feel sick to even look at it. the idea of eating too many hot dogs and then feeling sick from eating -- it is just really awful. i don't know why anyone would do that to themselves. or watch it. >> john: it's a new york tradition. >> gillian: it's weird. i'm not for it. >> john: who was the guy before joey chestnut? the tiny asian guy come up this big beard >> gillian: he ate hundreds. >> john: he was amazing. >> gillian: his predecessor, whose name escapes me, was like a world-renowned, all-around food eating champ. it wasn't just hotdog. >> john: alex is saying -- >> gillian: that sounds -- >> john: i just know the kobayshi maru. >> gillian: he was like an athlete, trained, won awards. >> john: and what happens the day after? >> gillian: it's a very weird way to live. you gain and lose like
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50 pounds -- >> john: i would assume -- >> gillian: depending on where you are in your training cycle. >> john: 70 hot dogs ways? >> gillian: it's not for me. >> john: we will mark you down as not participating. >> gillian: we also don't need to see anymore -- trying not to throw up. all right, there is also this. a new poll finds former president trump now within striking distance of president biden in minnesota. trump aims to expand the electoral gap, blue meaning states and putting minnesota, virginia, nevada, we saw those numbers earlier in the week. katie pavlich is the editor of town hall and a fox news contributor, joins us now. >> john: how many hot dogs do you eat? >> after that video, i think none. [laughter] >> gillian: hard pass. >> the reason he is banned is because he is going to a fake meat brand. i endorse the band, actually. >> gillian: going to get very sick because they are very
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highly processed. >> indeed. >> gillian: katie, take a look at this, want to show you the latest minnesota polling num numbers. this is from yesterday on the day before, "star tribune," npr news, biden at 45%, if they were voting today, trump at 41%, and then rfk jr. at 6%, others undecided round out to just under 10%, and it is really stark when you look at the 2020 numbers where biden carried the state, he came in at 52.5% compared to trump at 45.5%. the trendlines are heading in opposite directions now, pretty surprising. >> the trump reelection campaign running for the second term after he lost in 2020, they always thought they wanted to be untraditional in the states they pursued, didn't want to leave any ground untouched when it came to close opportunities that they could pull away some of these biden voters who are disenfranchised democrats. the problem with minnesota he is still not able to get his solid
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base from 2020 back to the polls for 2024. you have a significant number of usual democrats not coming to the polls in minnesota. it has a lot to do with the israel-hamas war. that is one problem. but you are seeing that happen in states all over the country, states in virginia, black voters are actually turning biden into a vulnerable candidate for his reelection campaign. you are seeing nevada and arizona, hispanics actually turning and potentially voting for donald trump. the polling specifically in minnesota is based on likely voters. that has to be an alarm for the biden campaign given it is not just registered voters or people who will maybe show up. it is people saying they are going to show up for the polls in november and biden does not have them walk down. >> john: how blue's minnesota? the last republic into win was richard nixon. ronald reagan in 1984 won 49 states. the only state he didn't win, minnesota. if you are going to take, why not take all 50?
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what i find very interesting is the number of billionaires who weren't very happy with trump back in 2020 now saying that they may just be supporting him. elon musk, steve schwartzman from blackstone, nelson peltz, david sachs, janet petit, bill ackman, ken griffin says he is waiting to see who the vice president pick will be. if he likes it he will throw in for trump, that has to cause serious heartburn for the biden administration. >> not just billionaires who have money which of course is a big problem when you're trying to get money, especially campaign come august october november, those last-minute you want to get to the voters, talking about issues coming up that are going to turn people's votes at the very last minute, but it is the audiences that actually bring with them. david sachs, for example, this week came out saying i have contrasted trump's record and biden's record, right next to each other, and things were better under donald trump and they come from an atypical, nonpolitical background of people that aren't necessarily
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fitting into the republican column or the democratic column, at a time when independent voters take up a significant portion of the electorate and they are looking at very specific issues when it comes to the economy, freedom on financial regulation, bitcoin, for example, is a topic coming up more than it did in 2020, so these are issues that are new and audiences that they have on social media through their own podcast could make a difference in terms of getting people to the polls. >> gillian: i guess the question for the trump camp, or the challenge for the trump camp, is how they can then siphon away those voters for him -- meaning everyone in minnesota who has managed to sidestep voting for biden in the primary is going to have to come if they want to participate on election day, make that stark choice. it is not entirely clear everybody is going to swing to trump. they still have this five month window of opportunity to go after those people now. >> just because biden is losing a certain section of voters doesn't mean they're going to vote for donald trump, but the
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problem for biden compared to donald trump at this point in a lot of states that a very competitive, some becoming more competitive as the race gets closer, virginia, for example, is donald trump has his base locked up, he knows who is going to show up for him to vote for him. he is just trying to grab on different groups depending on the topics, and across the board the top two things are the economy and illegal immigration and he beats joe biden on all of those things and it comes to certain groups, joe biden has a very small percentage of them and don't show up and he loses the election. >> john: as karl rove has pointed out many, many times it is a narrow narrow slice. katie, great to see you. >> great to see you. >> john: new call for the biden campaign to push vice president kamala harris closer to center stage. is she being underutilized? or a biden better off keeping her on the sidelines? jason chaffetz on her likely roll in the months ahead, just ahead. >> gillian: plus this.
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take us out to the ball game. chad pergram is going to do that with a look at tonight's congressional flight out on the field. >> gillian, good afternoon. the u.s. capitol is a couple blocks that way but not spark is just behind me. they're fighting at the capital right now. the fight on the field tonight. more on that coming up. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing.
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>> john: from the capital held to the baseball time, they are taking for the field for the annual congressional ball game. thousands of fans will fill the stands and watch the democrats and republicans face off against each other, and chad pergram is live from the roof of nat's stadium. they let you up on the roof right karen. >> before we are just across the street from the ballpark. they usually fight the capitol dome, but now they will fight on the lights of nat's paw, majority leader leads off with the g.o.p. and is back this year after a battle with cancer. >> there will be a big win last year, we want to win back again. i had fish with all my treatments, and i've gotten all that behind me. i am in remission now, so we are back to focusing on playing a kid's game.
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>> he was shot and nearly died on the practice field several years ago, big teams practice before dawn that's because of the intense congressional scheduling >> it is tough with the congressional schedule members have busy days and late night with busy events. especially with the west coast in a three hour time difference because they get out at three and when he to come out and play. >> sanchez is in her second year as the democratic skipper he is the first woman to manage a team, and she is looking to get her first win. they have something to say about that. >> who was going to win the congressional baseball game tomorrow? >> now, expect 26,000 on hand tonight, they aim to raise $2 million for charity, i want to handle color commentary
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tonight for the game on fs1, first pitch, seven eastern. john? >> john: we are looking forward to that. the magic of television because it looks like you are already right there in the stadium and you can do a lady gaga and dive right in. >> you can certainly see home plate from here in fact we were out here this morning johnf the facts, as republicans or democrats were taking batting practice, during the game you could also see not the entire field but something. >> john: is that somebody's business, or an apartment? >> this is a hotel. >> john: we may have to stay there, next on the go-to that ball game. thank you so much chatter. >> there's a bar where you can get a beer and everything. >> john: thank you so much. >> gillian: major decision that will impact your wallet, will there be a cut to the interest rates, or will they mean at a 23% or high. we have more coming up next.
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complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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