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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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the committee said it is not in their purview to decide how many people would watch or root for the united states. caitlin clark taking it all in stride, saying it gives her something toward -- to work towards. thank you for joining us today, that is 'the story' for this wednesday june 12, is always the story goes on and we have more on the podcast, my conversation with world war ii veteran who is part of the 42nd infantry division that it liberated the concentration camp. is now available on foxnews, you also see my conversation with him at the anniversary of normandy, incredible man, hopefully you will tune in, we will see you tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] >> neil: all right, in math problem for you, 3.3 percent is at the rate of inflation in may a year ago, fought for percent, that is where the federal reserve says it has to be. we are still a ways off -- two%
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and interest rates are not budging. one rate cut this year, it hasn't happened yet. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto. rustica yearly, how all of this is playing out. >> is like christmas morning for economists. he got the fed decision and the ci reading all in one day be! now rates remain unchanged for now, but the messaging did provide something to chew on. rismond to bring it down to the cpi report and then want to give him -- it give you his reaction to it. cpi headline numbers came lightly cooler than expected, looking for yearly up 3.4 percent, that came in at 3.. month over month, it remained unchanged so that was good but with that all in context, it is still well above the fed's target of 2 percent. let's switch to court cpi, that
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is when you strip out food and energy, you see if it's sticky, they came in at 0.2 percent, cooler than expected but higher than the headline month over the month. does that mean? inflation is more ingrained in the items i don't flecks as much. the biggest driver of that stickiness is sheltered, your home prices rent, taking up 0.4 percent month over month, 5.4 percent yearly. onto zoom out to what president biden took off his january 2021, shoulder up 21.4 percent. we have seen the polling, it is a big issue for young voters. as a hold, cpi came in cooler than expected and a big reason was energy, prices down 2 percent month over month still up 3.7 percent for the year. but with the right direction, foreign powell address today cpi report in the feds decision press conference, here with his reaction. >> we did see today's report as
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progress. building confidence. we don't see ourselves as having the confidence i would warrant, beginning to loosen policy at this time. >> so progress but not there yet. that was really the overall messaging. i will note, his tone was confident. we are seeing a demand pool, while retaining a strong labor market. the signal we got from him as one rate cut it this year but not until they are confident we are moving towards at 2 percent target on a sustainable basis and will close with this, you remember that famous powell visit at the end of last year the end up being premature? that caution you hear from him is understandable. >> neil: kaley o'brien he, thank you very much. that is where we stand, one rate, maybe this year. when we started the year with the markets thinking we would see six of them, of course at number never materialized. four cuts next day, four cuts the year after that. the fed saying the lending rate
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right now standing right now as these food prices and continuing to rocket, will go down from around 5.25 percent, vibrant represent. in a couple of years, maybe down to around the 3 percent neck of the woods twomak that is what has been telegraphed as doable. the former dallas fed advisor, which she things of that, danielle? argosy the best plans cannot be undone but this is a lot of plans and down. i am surprised there's not a more of a shock effect. >> you know what i am to. i am surprised they are not taking a little bit more of a victory lap, assaying for the better part of the last few years they were concerned that services inflation was what was to sticky and that largely reflected americans doing all kinds of traveling to. i see on that side of the screen, bacon, i love bacon. but we are as a year-over-year
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declines in rental call rates, hotel rates, airfares. so it is pretty apparent to the fact that we had to spend so much onto the food we put on the table, in the gas on the gasket tank, in the shelter over our heads which by the way, for generation z., that is more important. the rent is more important in the generation z. generation than the overall economy. but the price that americans having to pay for their essentials is making it to where they can't spend on things they want to spend on. and that is a real problem given we are less than five month of from the election. >> neil: you know we made a big deal of this may retail inflation, the cpi, inflation at that level increasing 3.3 percent year-over-year. does a focused on the federal reserve, this 2 percent ago. without getting wonky about it, do we have to be at that before it moves much further along a ford moves? >> while given policymakers themselves slashed from three
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anticipated rate cuts now one this year, i mean theoretically where going all the way out to the december meeting. i think they have said unequivocally, we have to be much more convinced that we are headed from 3.3%, and started to present or with the core pce which is in eva -- even stricter measure -- two%. and started the eraser inflation expectations for the rest of the year and that's indeed what caused them to lower expectations for there to be rate cuts this year. this is not good news though for the housing sector, for the interest rate tentative automobile sector, it is very difficult for average working men and woman in america to gain access to credit right now. >> neil: and the backdrop for this, we have a lot of debt, and that debt is affecting interest
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rates right now staying stubbornly high. arrays those with a former house speaker paul ryan were yesterday, and he looked at it as sort of a bipartisan issue. onj to respond to this, this is paul ryan yesterday. >> robot because's and democrats are spinning too much, too much debt, vise versa. they don't get past psychotic we had to do something, you have to do all of this because that is political suicide. by donald trump made clear he does not want to touch that. >> and that is my point, it is not political suicide. fast-forward to myself, in the house republicans for eight years we passed those votes, -- >> neil: but warned each of those -- >> we still won our election. >> neil: was at you? >> no, summary that look like me. [ laughter ] my point is we do not have series politics right now and have debt crisis. >> neil: by this something we continue to was a past the graveyard.
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>> we can only whistle for so long. at some point we have to have a bipartisanship working for every american man and a woman. we know donald trump wins the election, those cuts, additive to the deficit immediately. you can day that 35 trillion and put it at 36 trillion on day one and we will have to serve as the costs of all that interest, with the federal reserve told us today is going to be much more stubbornly high. if nothing else neil, may be keeping interest rates as high as the fed intends to keep them at will force policymakers, will force politicians to the negotiating table to say you know why, we got to chip away at this for the sake of our national sovereignty. >> neil: you know daniel, of the market rates have been coming down. the feds have no control over that.
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i wonder what you make of that, the markets anticipating a slowdown? anticipating eventually rates over which the fed does have control will come down? or is or something bigger and missing? >> out of thank you're missing a thing to. i think the markets are reflecting the reality -- i do not think you are missing a thing -- we restored 1.358 million jobs in this country in the last six months at a loan of her are refilled them to the same extent with part-time jobs to make this income destruction. there's a reason americans feel that inflation is higher than it is, why is that? because her paychecks are not keeping pace with the growth of inflation, inflation adjusted basis, americans feeling they are falling further and further behind immaculate is highly problematic and that is being reflected in market rates. markets are reflecting a slowdown in the u.s. economy, six tenths of a percentage point increase in the unlimited rate
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behind that, every one tenth of a percentage points, there are people losing their incomes. >> neil: boy very well. thank you very much. daniel on foxbusiness and fox news. that is a full-time task my friend. again the federal reserve staying where they are, that is a seven strata meeting they have been keeping it is pause in effect with little wonder and little hope right now that they will be aggressively cutting rates anytime soon. only one rate cut now is anticipated. remember we started with the markets banking on six, that did not happen. that is what i tell you, the markets are sometimes impressive but not always. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪
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>> neil: >> we have seen over the past five or six years, an increase in the number of watchlist it's object is, attempting to cross the border. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis k. attack we saw the russian concert hall back in march. >> neil: indeed that was all not long ago by the fbi director like many top security experts are saying the threat is real
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and something that could happen in the last couple of days is reigniting it. alexis mcadams has more from new york city, alexis? >> hello, right now we know these eight suspected terrorists are all in federal custody being held by ice. for now, a source familiar with the case tells me a majority of these guys were all arrested right here in new york city. i talked to a democratic councilman who said he is sick of hearing but what is happening out of the border, is a fed up and thinks new yorkers are not safe anymore, listen. >> it is a frightening. we're headed for another 911. i predicted that, i think we should have a secure border, we should know was coming into our country. we don't. millions of migrants and illegal aliens have gone through. it is a situation where we just really rolling the dice here. >> in at just the last few days, the group has been from tajikistan were arrested, of us
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to get us believe they have ties to isis according to sources these guys are "fully vetted" at the southern border but somehow nothing was flagged so they were allowed into the united states. we can tell you it wasn't just a stinger by ice and federal officials in new york city but also in los angeles and in philadelphia where they made a majority of these arrests. according to the new york post, the feds used a wiretap try to listen on these guys who ended up being arrested hearing one of the guys talking about bombs. one of these men that chinese men have not been charged with any crimes, the are in ice custody case ali will be held and then can be sent back to tajikistan. >> neil: thank you very much, want to go to nicole parker, making sense of this fearmongering. this time thought about fearmongering, this is a legitimate terror threat. of course a former fbi special agent, fox news contribute her. nicole when i heard that among the countries cited here were
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those from tajikistan a customer chided, nowhere near our border, at our border and taken our border. i'm wondering what is going on here? >> first of all kneeled, this is anything about fearmongering cupe this is a fact, over nation is in a very vulnerable and dangerous situation right now. for the last three and a half years, the united states apart and opened border and it's an open invitation for any to come across the border, all out welcome and that is a problem. foreign terrorist organization groups are capitalizing on this open border. and they are taking advantage of this for every single moment that they can because there's nobody stopping them. they can come in as they would like. i think the important point to discuss is vetting cupe vetting is virtually impossible. you're trying to bet individuals, customs and border patrol agents save their hands are basically tied. they are told we have to get this many people through and
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processing and a goes through. you need to shorten the mud of questions you're asking. on top of that you have got a ways back no idea where they are. haven't even encountered anybody from law enforcement. and some individuals are providing fake ids, why would they provide proper identification? they have the terrorist screening centre cut a database used to look up and say this individual is a potential terrorist, are they on a watchlist? that system is only as good as the data entered into the system. individuals that have never had an encounter in the united states, no derogatory information or any information at that. how we supposed to stop a terrorist when there is no information, you don't even know if it's a true name? this is the problem for the united states and the problem for the fbi. >> neil: wonder how we as a country got those. a lot of people, whole generation and getting my two
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sons born after 911, it's in their history books but they have not lived it, we all went through and are member would have been in moscow coordinated by isis, the theatre centre in public buildings, that was only a few months ago. it is not resonate for a lot of americans upfield all right, that is over there, it is not over here. what detail those folks? >> what i have to tell you is that i myself was a witness to the 911 terrorist attacks the morning of september 11th, was in the world financial centre and have never forgotten that david eby never, ever. to see individual's jumping to their death, it is unacceptable, it is evil and they cannot occur again in our country. but with the glow's gross incompetence and negligence of this current administration, allow an individual's to come to our country undivided, we don't know who they are, we don't know when they are and how the fbi's on to the feds. i wanted to be on the offense, owners to be on control what was happening, now america are like
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sitting ducks! i know fbi agents now who don't see but well at night, because you know we get attacked, he will be the ones picking up the pieces. >> neil: we talk about the numbers apprehended at the border, leaving aside the numbers, it was more than five years ago that they were primarily from about five or six countries including mexico, guatemala, ecuador, that sort of thing. now includes editor than 120 some countries. is a more diverse situation, from some of these terrorist states. that does not happen accidentally. >> not accidentally at all. they are capitalizing and they are saying look, we have the surgeon window of time and we're going to go for it, nobody will stop us stop us. you think that china, iran, india, all these individuals coming from these countries that hate as, there is nothing they would like kneeled into recap absolute havoc, destruction and terror in our country. that cannot happen. now let's hope for the past but
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i hate to tell you this, this is just the tip of the iceberg. >> neil: i hope you are wrong but he have been pressing on the stuff, good seeing you. i think we needed to hear from you. former fbi special agent, nicole parker. not to put more fear and you now but from crews trips to ghana shows, have you seen that this pentagons and the caribbean? imagine you're on a crews ship, and you are seeing this russian military vessel, there are several here. what the hell are they doing? that is next, here. after this payment hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪
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us and i were known -- oleh neighborhood in the caribbean? looks like where the russians are up to, reminders since a lot of their ships are coming in and out of cuba or in that neighborhood that it's 1962 all over again and a possible crisis, the russian say nothing going on here, move on. general jack game concern, fox news contributor, and so much more for the study can waste chief of staff, general, this is weird, right? we think of prerogative behavior at sea, in other areas, the indian ocean, this is a little awed and so is bringing up some history that is not too pleasant, would he think? -- awed. >> the russians have done this routinely for a number of years but haven't done it since 2019. obviously offer the short of the united states in cuba. i think there's a couple of things happening here. one, support through their
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allies, cuba which is having a devastation a time with their economy. so many ships will likely go through venezuela for the same reason. the other thing strategically i think russia and also china, they know that the united states is always had a preoccupation whether the western hemisphere, sort of belongs to us and we are protective of it. they would love to see as get vomited down by the fact that they are involved in the western hemisphere. multiple administrations, republican, democrats, will not fall for that. and we won't fall forward this time. even though we will monitor these trips in terms what we can learn from the exercises. now they have said that it -- they have been sent to the most modern capabilities, advanced weapons on them, and was consequential ship is that the submariner that is here. it is a nuclear powered submarine without nuclear weapons, it carries conventional weapons and it carries at ship it to shore weapons that also
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are anti- ship mitchell -- missiles themselves. both of those types are advanced. this class of submarine, the russians have finally caught up. a generation of our stealth technology that we really had an advance on them, another way for our viewers to understand, the ability to detect the submarine from solar et cetera -- sonar et cetera mike we have always had an advantage over them. showing off a bit, this is the most advanced class of submarine in terms of stealth and also the missiles they are carrying. i think this is into their national interests to promote to this, it's in our national interest to watch it, don't get too excited about it and don't get bogged down by the resources for something that is not that consequential. >> neil: hope you're right about that but it does bring her back to a lot of folks the backdrop of the cuban missile crisis, and the events that were
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building, missile launch facilities there and they got a much more involved. these are military vessels to your point but it is not reenacting that. as you can tell? >> no, that actually posed a threat, clearly to have those kind of missiles off the shore of the united states. this is not opposing the threads. that really is the difference. you don't need to be flipping about this or anything like that. -- threat -- always he russia is promoting their capabilities in that region, they want our allies and partners to see their capability and it's in their interest to do that. and china for example has a relationship with every single latin american country in the western hemisphere. every single one. some of that is at the expense of the united states. russia has some of that were not as extensive. they want to have influence in this western hemisphere as i
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said, they have huge objectives in a europe, in the indo pacific region, also supporting iran's effort in the middle east. and that they would love for us to spend disproportionate amount of our attention on what they are doing in the western hemisphere as against attempting to achieve the into those other regions. >> neil: got a keg general, thank you. and more incredibly for your incredible service to this country. i don't think people need a reminding about thank you. a lot of people are still waiting to get the details, a little bit somewhat down the road about hunter biden and the sentencing, pins out of the judge on these matters is pretty serious, not much in jail time is expected here, of any, this judge has a history of throwing to the book and throwing the offender in jail been back sometimes for a lot longer than anybody thought. that is after this. ♪
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started asking more often trying to get at the hands on audio recordings for president biden's interview with a special counsel investigate his handling of those classified documents. you know that special counsel give certain liberties to the president because he is old, they want to get the audio recordings of that and they have been demanding attorney general garland handed them over, he's in contempt of congress refusing to comply doing just that. we have the latest on where the stands now. student good afternoon to you, is about to happen in a matter of moments, one of '02 weigh now looking at the house floor. one oh vote away from the main event, this vote on contempt for garland, spieker johnston when you walked onto the house floor said he has the boat needed to pass those. again republicans have a very slim majority, very slim margin of error and you definitely has
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the momentum. as of this morning, i have the names of at least six house republicans that were still undecided, were on the fence on those contempt vote. one of those, the most likely to buck the party and not to cave into the pressure of the party, just spoke to me a few minutes ago and told me he is now leaning towards yays vote and that is because he was able to get the information he needed to finally get on that side. he saw a letter from the white house now proved it was garland who pushed the president to invoke to basically invoke executive privilege. he is now feeling more likely to be a yays on those twomak republicans of course been arguing that americans need to hear these audiotapes form of themselves, because of quarters they did not charge biden and he cited it was because of the president's age and his poor memory. they want to listen to that and
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they want you enemy to listen to that as well. democrats are worrying that republicans will manipulate and it change and it cut and slice and dice these audiotapes into political ads during an election year. and a garland of course has also pushed back on this and said he does not want to because he's afraid that future witnesses will be compromised, they won't want to cooperate in any sort of political investigation, sensitive investigation if these audiotapes are released, for future cases. we evade this might await this vote, this is the seventh vote we are watching and the eighth one is that garland contempt vote. i'll be here watching it with you. >> neil: appreciated, want to go to johnny you, former deputy assistant general, democrats have been arguing, don't know what the republicans are making a big fuss off, the transcript of the interview has been provided, pretty good, you get a
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word for word what he said so what's the big deal about hearing every word he said? what do you say? >> the courts have applied this test, sort of like the courts to do all the time when they are not sure, it's a balancing test, balance it again the exec of privilege for the executive branch. with the president is arguing and i think is they have already released the transcript? how much more executive privilege are they really protecting, allowing the video and audio. on the other hand congress cannot say, we want to make a judgement about the state of the president's mind, his capabilities back dated robert to make the right decision not to prosecute because he thought president biden would look very frail and forgetful on the stand when they convict him? i think of this ever got to court and i don't think it will,
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but if it ever got to court the executive branch's arguments are not really that strong to protect audio when the already revealed the text. >> neil: now all bc the executive branch has the audio cavity no, they probably pleaded back themselves -- maybe they have come to a conclusion, is not an hour interest or the president's interest to release. >> of course it's not in his political interest. if you read the transcript and you see the weird jokes the president was making and the forgetful moments -- >> neil: that is bad enough! you are right, of the transcript sort of didn't make you shudder, the audio i'm sure would be cementing that impression, what do you think? >> i think that is right, audio may make it worse because if he sounds forgetful, uncertain, halting, that will reinforce his image that president biden is not fully capable when he is in office. now the problem for the white house is lyrical self-interest
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does not inchoate to constitutional interest of the presidency -- political -- the reason why the supreme court has recognized executive privilege is because they wanted people to speak to the president and give advice which they won't do if it's open to the public. the problem is when you release the transcript of the house already you have given up on that interest, your not protecting the confidentiality of discussions with the president. so what the white house already did by giving over the transcript was i think it too undermined their real constitutional position, even though politically you're right, i think it would be very harmful to the president's reelection interest for example for everybody to hear audio of him telling these are jokes and saying, going on these weird digressions at a very weak voice that does not show he is in command. >> neil: on wondering the backdrop for those, some unsettling images and video moments with the president, i don't mean to belittle him for
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that matter but has been feeling to the argument he forgets things, he looks out of touch and that maybe the white house is trying to seal more examples of that for us, the american voters market is this something that we need, is a summing that serves a constitutional purpose that the public should have, should here? >> the house says what they are doing is they are investigating whether he should use -- should have gone forward with the prosecution. also noted the house is conducting some kind of impeachment investigation. 's that is an investigation into whether biden is fit to hold office. is that his position,'s mental capabilities so deteriorated that he really should not be in office anymore? now the house can say that as part of our legitimate oversight power, that is what we want to hear the transcript are not just rita but we need to hear and see what the president was saying. whited the special counsel make those comments about the
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president being get to forgetful, not being fully there that a jury would not be able to commit to them it? i think it is important information not just for the election but whether biden should be president right now. >> neil: that vote going on right now, to hold the attorney general contents to deflect contempt to congress for not compliant with subpoenas. assuming that, they do hold him in contempt, the attorney general of the united states were talking about this, can quite like set up quite the constitutional epoch showdown, what happens after that? >> forgot to mention that i don't think this is going to get to court. were just talking with how the courts will look at it and resolve the conflict, in congress. but the way that you said, what this is is contempt of congress against the attorney general. gaza has to prosecute that? the justice department. there is no way the justice department, which works for garland is -- and joe biden, is going to carry out a prosecution
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of the attorney general. this is a bipartisan thing. you might remember the house also passed contempt of congress against a bill bar and the justice department did not prosecute him. and also did the same, getting attorney general eric holder, and the justice department decided not to prosecute them because they are still saying the justice department, a's to work in the office that makes these decisions, and he is saying, we think there is a valid executive privilege claim. the last thing the justice department will do is prosecute its own officials were taking a position. >> neil: interesting way to look at it, you are right, when i step back that is what it would be. this vote still in suing, thank you very much vermaak understanding that south carolina congresswoman it just voted on this, we will talk to her about that in her surviving an effort to primarily her out of her job, it failed miserably. she's coming up next -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> neil: the vote to continue into the house, to hold the attorney general of the states in contempt after the justice department refused to comply with subpoenas or the audio recordings over the president's interview with a special council
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investigating his handling of those classified documents. one it notable no vote from the republicans that would be david joyce of ohio. we're waiting there for nancy, joining us shortly. right now, a larger notice on steak here. >> here we go, this is passed now, the final it is 26207, as you mentioned guided joyce from ohio is that the only republican no vote, he decided to block his party back at least six members early this morning that were still undecided on a defense, and all but one, all but joyce avoided with their party. now what happens next, talking with a drawn it, right before the break about the doj. probably not likely to go after their own boss. the discontent vote has passed but here's what could happen. there is an alternative road for heads or publicans, congresswoman anna pulido of florida is a valve in good to
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force a vote on an inherent contempt. this is different from what we just so happen on the house floor. inherent contempt basically means it passes, it would direct the house sergeant at arms then to go and arrest garland. essentially house would be doing the job over the justice department. we don't know if it will happen, she certainly is bowing to at least use her privilege motion to force of those and if she decided than in a matter of two legislate of days, the speaker of the house would have to bring that to the floor for a vote. save that happens, the drama goes on with garland. >> neil: i understand that every democrat has voted against those, right? >> yes that is right. there were absences today. earlier on, it was all about the numbers, earlier on in the day we were watching and they were about seven on each side that were missing and then many of
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them came back, in nancy, a big primary last night that she won inches back in town and a voting is all. i know you are waiting for her. many members have come back but there were still democrats missing and i believe speaker johnston was only going to lose four republican members today and he only lost one. >> neil: got it. i wonder if the view that the democrats used to provide, guess the top democrat owned this judiciary committee, he was quoted saying, in the attorney general has substantially complied with their every request, referring to republicans. he went on to say, the justice department under president biden is cooperating far more extensively with a request from republican lawmakers then they did under the trumpet ministration. they keep pounding that, the double standard. >> they do, they say we have the transcript undergoes speaker johnston behind me back to his office.
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they have been saying over and over, you have a transcript but what republicans keep saying is that the transcript, black and white in print does not tell you right does not share those moments of silence is that a president biden it may have had. maybe he was trying to answer a question and you paused for a very long time and perhaps that would show even further that he is struggling to their in terms of his memory or mental acuity. and that is why democrats are afraid of, that they would take this tape and slice it in -- slice eight and dice it in whatever way they want and put it in a blue glad during election yepmak also making the case that looked, republicans a basically blocked all the subpoenas be issued during the genuine six investigation, why are they now going to after merrick garland were not in a covert these audiotapes gagged jim jordan to that on and said i never bucked it, and never said it wouldn't testify in front of
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the january 6 committee be! a wanted snow with the parameters were. a lot of arguments made back and forth but now garland, the ag of this administration has now been held in contempt, a big historic moment in the house. >> neil: only happened a couple other times twomak a does feed a paranoia here, at suspicion weather justified or not that of the white house or the justice department might want to hide something because these tapes are that bad or the president appears that out of it in an environment where lately we have some examples of that. that disturb some people and embarrassed some democrats and make them worry for joe biden, whether he is up to the job. whether that is fair or not, this will refuel all of those suspicions again, great? >> louck of they cannot get a hold of these tapes they will never be able to make sure those transcript or correct. they are a bit suspicious of these transcripts and they want to know the details of --, of
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the pauses and what was going on in the middle of those answers. but, yes,, they believe that today, what is he have to hide? of he is not releasing those, there is something they'd want to hear. >> neil: great reporting as always, and again, the house is holding the attorney general of the united states in contempt for not answering are providing these tapes. congresswoman nancy joins us now from south carolina, she has survived a two pronged attack on her old, the republican nod south carolina. quite easily. congresswoman, efforts want to get your take on this, in this matter, you voted for it. i am wondering what you were thinking it stands now? >> for which one are we talking about? >> neil: to hold the attorney general in contempt. >> i did that for holding him in
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contempt and the oversight committee, and now vote today, is traveling back from charleston, south carolina after a historic win tonight. we were at spent 3-1 and -- >> neil: but if he had a chance on this -- >> i would have voted to hold him in contempt. >> neil: i would that be? >> we want to make sure people are held accountable for their in actions or actions, the things that they before congress twomak think it's aborted for the american people to know the truth about garland and our investigations, every thing we have done throughout congress twomak there is a lot at stake in november, it's important for the american people to know the truth. >> neil: let's talk about your victory last night, no runoff, one think if you could get the most votes, 50 percent, he managed to fend off kevin mccarthy led efforts to primary you out of your job? what happened? >> wildcat kevin mccarthy spent $7 million against us and our primary and it ended up being the most expensive primary in
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south carolina history and at one or by a larger margin than any time in my life, 30 points last night. what i heard resoundingly is that dc is out of touch with hard-working americans, dc is out of touch with south carolinians and that people have their voices heard. it was a tough fall raise, and upping my own campaign manager and worked very hard to assemble a team that would pull out a major win last night. retracted every day and a very proud of my team, product south carolina. i don't know anybody in washington anything, i don't work for washington, are to work for the establishment, a work for the people of south carolina that elected me. >> neil: it is one thing to phase i challenger, one in particular, kevin mccarthy was pushing about to face two and come out of it without a runoff, you know, you seem well-positioned before the general election in five months. it was a close call, are you worried it could have been a close call,. >> no, not at all. we knew for a long time that we
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were added between 20 and 25 points consistently over the last 2-3 months, we ended up winning by 30, a larger margin and make margin. i worked very hard, taking interviews, tough abodes, tough decisions, working on policy and working hard to deliver results for south carolina. that's a people saw, they saw through all the senseless noise and then get a tax cut of the lies. and they would with the truth and somebody who works very hard for the people of south carolina, it was astonishing to. and did not sleep last night, and was super excited about how big our when was. >> neil: kevin mccarthy of course being behind a lot of this, office he was payback or argued it looked like payback for your vote against him as speaker. do you have any regrets about how all of that was handled, whether you were out to get him when it didn't look like you would get him? surprise, angry keg better now? hole wave of leadership who feel
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you cursed it -- bitter, what do you say? >> i want to say there is room into the party for everybody. there is room in the party for me, there is room into the party for conservatives, opentable, libertarians, all as per makoto want to focus on now is november and bringing everybody together. i'm not interested in continuing a revenge tour against anybody, have some of my colleagues indoors my opponent in this race, that happens from time to time twomak i'm interested in bringing people together, overlay because when the white house and get a larger majority in the u.s. house and flip the senate. that will take a lot of work talking about policies like immigration, inflation, talking about women's issues as i have been onto this program a number of times. we can win over hearts and minds of independent voters, suburban mom's and woman and winnebago in november and whatever money where our mouth is and deliver on our promises.
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that's what it is about, working hard for the american people. >> neil: certainly resonated with the voters in your state, i did have a chance to catch up the speaker paul ryan in that job for four years, was that during the time when donald trump was president. he worries about the message that you and others have when you went after kevin mccarthy at that time. so i knew that he had said that i wanted to give you an opportunity to respond to what he said about you. this is from speaker brian it yesterday. >> when he have a one seat margin, and anybody can blow the place up, for fame or later fortune as they have done, nancy is one of these people, you have to change the place. >> neil: look what he is doing it now -- >> supporting to get out of the primaries, legislators going to washington to legislate keg join a team, to what kevin i assume is doing here is making sure we get legislators in these seats
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because the people who voted to outstand did not deserve it, no reason to, they did it for fame. >> neil: all right, he seems to support what kevin mccarthy is trying to pull off with you. >> i've been called worse, i'm sure, nila. i've been called worse, i'm sure. but at the end of the day, the people have their voices heard. and look, congress has one of the lowest approval ratings it's ever had in history. the people haven't been given a reason to trust congress and i went to the center i was the first woman to graduate out of the military college of south carolina. we ate honesty and integrity for breakfast. we lived under the oath that you do not lie or tolerate those who do. i want a leader i can trust, and the american people can deserve that. that's what we have and speaker johnson. a man of integrity. but he's honest. he's basically a boy scout. and he's someone when he gives you his word, he means it and that means a lot to me up here in washington, d.c. it's been a very lonely
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experience but i'm not afraid to speak out on principle. are not afraid to take on powerful people and powerful forces. and look, we won back by huge margin of 30 points last night despite the $7 million that the establishment of d.c. spent against us. >> neil: real quickly, your relationship with donald trump and i was pretty, right? >> it is. actually spoke to him last night. he gave us a call. he was very excited. and he was a big part of our election. without his support, i mean, he is one of the strongest endorsers out there today, and we were one of the biggest races that he won last night with his endorsement, and we are very appreciative of his support and will continue to support end. >> neil: congratulations again. nancy mace surviving that threat and doing so easily. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i'm greg gutfeld come on the judge jeanine pirro, marie hart, jesse watters, and her security team as a bag a little cream army men, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪


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