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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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experience but i'm not afraid to speak out on principle. are not afraid to take on powerful people and powerful forces. and look, we won back by huge margin of 30 points last night despite the $7 million that the establishment of d.c. spent against us. >> neil: real quickly, your relationship with donald trump and i was pretty, right? >> it is. actually spoke to him last night. he gave us a call. he was very excited. and he was a big part of our election. without his support, i mean, he is one of the strongest endorsers out there today, and we were one of the biggest races that he won last night with his endorsement, and we are very appreciative of his support and will continue to support end. >> neil: congratulations again. nancy mace surviving that threat and doing so easily. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i'm greg gutfeld come on the judge jeanine pirro, marie hart, jesse watters, and her security team as a bag a little cream army men, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪
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fox news alert. the house just voted to 16-207 to hold attorney general garland in contempt of congress for failing to hand over the robert hur audio tape of his interview with president biden. let's go to aishah hasnie for more. >> hey, guys. good evening to you. every single republican in the house voted yes for this contempt, except for one, ohio congressman david joyce. he bucked his party and voted no. what's next? that's what everyone is wondering because in terms of a contempt, it is up to the doj now to decide whether they are going to press charges, go after their boss. it's very unlikely that they do that. and house republicans know that, which is why congresswoman anna pulido of florida has said she will try to force a vote on an inherent contempt. this is different from what we just saw on t the house floor ts evening. an inherent contempt basically
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means if it passes that the house sergeant-at-arms will then be forced to go and arrest ag merrick garland because he is now in contempt. she can use a privilege motion to bring that to a vote in the next circle legislative days but we have had eyes on her right after she voted on the house floor and she has not stayed end on that just yet, she might still be trying to gather support for that resolution. but now a historic day at the house, first time in a long time, has voted to hold an administration official, the ag, in contempt. guys? >> greg: thank you, you, aishah. now to the republicans morning it is only a matter of time before joe biden's border crisis leads to a devastating terror attack after eight migrants with isis ties were arrested and sting operations in cities like philadelphia, los angeles, and new york city. all hail from tajikistan, which is a hotbed of radical islamic terror. according to dhs, the eight suspect each received a "full
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vetting" them on, with nothing derogatory. one tested the biden border app during his stay. "the new york post" reported to federal wiretaps revealed one of the arrested individuals was discussing bombs. just eight days ago, the fbi director was warning about coordinated attacks. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole 'nother level. this is by no means a time to let up or dial back. now, on top of that come increasingly concerning, is the potential for a coordinated attack. here in the homeland. we have seen over the last 5-6 years an increase in the number of known or suspected terrorists, watch listed suspects, attempting to cross the border. >> greg: and remember when biden claimed to crack down on the border? the guys on the ground say it isn't the case. >> is it frustrating you when you hear the narrative like, why
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aren't border patrol doing anything? >> if i don't let them across, they call and complain. i would lose my job. >> greg: all right, dana, this seems to be another example of an opportunity cost that the americans endure because the democrats are so fixated on their luxury beliefs, whether it is climate change or white supremacy in the military. things that don't exist. meanwhile, the reality is we have terrorists coming into our country appeared our country. >> dana: in 2016, none of this was in the democratic national convention platform. in 2020, it was. one of the things all of them said when they said they would reverse president trump's policies on the border, and boy did they. cbs poll last night had 60% of americans supporting mass deportations of all undocumented immigrants in the united states illegally, and a full third of democrats and interestingly 53% of hispanic voters.
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so how do you get that way? that was unheard of five years ago. but now because of what you have had, the fruits of a bad policy, support for a corrective action that is so aggressive you think how did this possibly happen? and i think what this shows with the tajiks being captured, absolutely thank local and federal law enforcement for their coordination. do you know the pressure they must be under because the terrorists only have to be right once? we have to be right every single time. what joe biden has done by reversing trump's policies and letting this go on for so long before he did a week deal last week, not only is this a problem right now, a problem may years to come, reminiscent of the 2014 mid-terms when the country was like, we are very uneasy with what is going on at the border, and now you are going to look for a different result. the problem is for biden, they waited way too long to do much too little. >> greg: judge, these folks wer,
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but how can you believe that the vetting is competent if you can't do a border. a border is actually easier than vetting because you save time with a border. >> judge jeanine: you are so right about that. i have three quotes. this is from dhs: "there was no derogatory information flagged. the criminal background checks were clean when they crossed. and they were fully vetted." i'm here to tell you that's a lie. i have spoken to many people about this who were in the business. we never had the ability to do background checks on many of these people from countries with whom we have no relationship, and certainly none that allows us to use or access their own criminal records, and interpol can't even keep up with this stuff. look, we've got 1.85 million got a ways in this country, and that doesn't include, those are the known to got-aways, doesn't include the unknown god-aways so you have to say to yourself and why do they have to get away? why do they have to be unknown
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got-aways. we throw down the welcome mat and say come on in, you need a pardon, a phone, food, where do you want to be in this country, we will fly you right in? it's because they don't have good intentions. and just last week on june 3rd we found out that joe biden had literally given amnesty to 350,000, whom he cannot vent, okay, he doesn't have the ability to vent, but he said they are not a national security threat because they have no criminal records, and then we had over 300,000 flown in on the app, the customs and border patrol, the apt one, i want to come in, and there is a possibility that one of the ones from tajikistan used that app. and it gets worse. joe biden and the democrats are complicit in this. this bull nonsense that they are giving us 2500 a day, i'm going to ask you this. in texas, there are 31 points of entry come all right? and then we've got california, new mexico, and arizona.
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so let's assume there are 50 points of entry. do you think everyone is calling everyone else and saying, did you get 200 today? i got 100 today. we've got a call mayorkas and tell them we made 2500 today. that's baloney. and finally, this is 9/11 waiting to happen all over ag again. biden had multiple opportunities to stop. they wouldn't allow the impeachment of mayorkas, which tells me the democrats are complicit. and right now, do you know what these guys are under arrest for? i.c.e. has them far, i think it is facing immigration charges. these guys should be taken and airdropped into their own country or a border country. >> dana: i love that. >> judge jeanine: because biden doesn't have the spine to deal with it and everyone knows that. this is beyond politics and policy. this is about our safety. >> greg: so marie, i did the math because you know i love math, if you have 1.85 million got-aways and conservatively say
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1 out of 1000 could be a potential terrorist, that is still 1850 terrorists that your party has led into this country. >> marie: so, from a counterterrorism perspective, actually, this is an interesting case study. i want to echo what dana said. the law enforcement when they got information that they possibly had ties to isis, they kept investigating. they are going to be deported, that is why i.c.e. -- if they didn't have enough to arrest them on terrorist charges yet but they were concerned about these ties. they are going to be deported. i would also mention one of the reasons we know about their ties to isis is because of wiretapping and we went through this whole fight over the last year about pfizer and surveillance and there was a lot of republicans who did not want to reauthorize that bill because they were afraid of how it would be used. this is how it is used, that's why it was a good bill and i'm glad it was reauthorized. they also moved against them instead of continuing to surveil them. in the counterterrorism world, you keep surveilling people to see who they talk to into their network is, to get information about possibly other people that are working with. they moved quickly because they were concerned.
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from a counterterrorism perspective, soon as they got derogatory information from a that's actually a pretty good operation. we should say that out loud right now. >> greg: yes, but the thing is you need to do the wiretapping because you didn't have a border. if you had the border we would not have a debate over wiretapping because we wouldn't need it. >> marie: wiretapping, too. >> greg: in this case what you're doing, isn't it great we have this because we screwed up? >> judge jeanine: how about the fact they are illegal? that should be enough to deport them, and one of them in question was involved in law enforcement and had a court date next year. that means one of them was arrested -- >> dana: crime. >> judge jeanine: yes, for a crime get >> greg: jesse, i have a rule of thumb. any country that ends in "stan." >> jesse: no one is more worried about the stands than i am, they are hand grenades, marie, coming with the pins pulled and we got lucky. joe biden said he is running to defend democracy, can't even defend the border. we are catching and releasing
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terrorists. one of the guys made a reservation to break into the country. we call it opentable for illegals. joe biden porter app. they didn't catch him at all, they bring in laken riley, he calls them lincoln riley. i think it was the serial killer from south america, remember, bust out of a pennsylvania penitentiary, was on a manhunt, live on "jesse waters primetime," how could you forget? jechinese nationals, or kicking cops in the head, the venezuelan welfare camp. the reason this has happened is because the far left has joe biden. they want an illegal alien nation where they can blow up the welfare state and just increase their political power. same with the corporate class, they want new customers, millions of them, and the fed just bragged about all of these illegals keeping wages down, half the biden jobs numbers are foreign nationals anyway. so joe can't say no to his son, can't say no to the illegals
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come he doesn't have a spine, never has been able to set boundaries for anything, and he never shut down the border. it was a mirage. he said it was over 2500 a day, he would shut it down. next day there were 4,000. day after that, 10,000. did he shut it down? no. the vetting, jobs numbers, border shut down, it is all a big mirage and the guys acting like the world's best travel agent. come one, come in, come all come here is a room, here's a phone, here is some free cash, it is red pilled the country come everyone now wants mass deportations come and it's not racist because obama did it. >> greg: all right, there you go. ahead, joe biden railing behind closed doors, sharpest against a weaponized doj that convicted his son. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: jill biden whining behind closed doors that his son is a victim of the joe biden justice department. despite media praise for respect for the rule of law, he is reportedly accusing the justice system of targeting hunter, telling a confidant earlier this month, "if i weren't running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal." biden said no pardons but his white house was acting pretty cagey on whether he will commute hunter's sentence. >> what i'm saying is the president, i have not spoken to the president about this, and what i am saying is he was asked about a pardon, he was asked about the trial specifically. he answered it very clearly, very forthright, as we know, the
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sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet. i don't have anything beyond what the president said. he has been very clear about this. i haven't spoken to the president about this. since the verdict came out. and as we all know, the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet. >> jesse: and the media is about to give biden the father of the year award. >> he is constantly in contact with his son. they speak at least once a day. this is something that is going to add more weight to the president's mind-set. >> i think there is solicitude for him as a father. i don't think the hunter biden thing is currently hurting him with voters. >> i can't even imagine donald trump saying that about any of his children, his family. that is actually loving your kid. and i don't understand why republicans don't even have compassion for that. >> the president's son, hunter biden, not being treated the same as everyone else come in many ways being treated wo
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worse. >> he shouldn't take any crap from trump and he needs to be ready, because donald trump has 34 felony convictions. joe biden, none. those are the two people on stage. >> jesse: take it away, dana. >> dana: okay, first of all, if you don't know the answer to something -- karine jean-pierre, just on that answer about whether biden would commute the sentence, which means that instead of a pardon, saying you are a result, it means you just don't have to serve a jail sentence, okay? you don't have to do prison time. instead of having 20,000 words to say i haven't spoken to the president about that yet, you can say, i haven't spoken to the president about that. >> judge jeanine: period. >> dana: done. next question. that kind of drives me crazy. next thing i think president trump would probably say, biden, you should commute that sentence beer i think there is a sympathy and empathy that
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trump has about hunter and bided son. a lot of pundits saying they don't have a great relationship. also, i believe hunter's legal problems right now are going to pale in comparison to what's coming starting september 5th. because that trial talks about hunter biden as a cheater. you cheated on your taxes. and all of this gets back to, is it closer than to the big guy because now we're talking about how did he earn that money? where was that money coming from? that's happening right before the election. i think a lot of people in america would say, you can't say on the gun form that you are not an addict when you are clearly smoking crack every 30 minutes and going to the 7-eleven, like, they get that, the jurors got that come everyone says that. they also can say, gosh, i feel bad he is an addict. i hope he stays in recovery. i actually think the country is pulling for him, just stay the course, hunter, stay sober, nobody wants anything bad to happen to you that way but there are consequences for doing bad
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things. the last thing i would say is this brand of the biden crime family is very effective. and i think it negates, or balances out, anything that trump got in 34 felony counts that joe scarborough likes to talk about because you can really wrap your head around getting a cheater on your taxes come everyone gets that. >> and greg, i believe you were the first to use the phrase "been on crime family" many years ago. >> greg: in my book, "the biden crime family" come on amazon, do the audio, as well. i think this is an example of the biden family making lemonade out of lemons, just coins that, cocaine out of baby laxative come in hunter's case. the plea deal got exposed by the whistle blower so they shifted to a media approved op, really devastating verdict for the family. in reality, probably the most insignificant charge compared to the kickbacks, the money laundering, the influence peddling. the hunter takes one for the
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team because the team needs a distraction from this upcoming nightmare. the key for the media is to focus on the father-son relationship, to exploit it politically so you gain empathy for joe and distract from the bigger problems. as i said earlier. but the real question is why do you need to do this? like, why do you have to do this? it is because your client, joe biden, isn't fit to stand trial. he isn't fit to be president. maybe they have to try so hard to save this guy, it should tell you he is incapacitated, and that you are enabling joe the same way joe enabled hunter, and maybe it's no longer healthy for the country to continue trying to do these things. i think you are right. i think trump should put joe's mind at ease, say, you know what, i'm going to commute hunter -- if i win, i'll take care of this, so you don't have to run. if you are running to save hunter, you don't have to, i'll
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take care of it. i'm a man of my word. think about it, hunter and trump's cases are very similar. it's all about filling out a form. in trump's case, how do you fill out a form when there is nothing you can check that makes sense about this sort of payment? so they said whatever, paper to the lawyer or whatever. in hunter's case come he couldn't fill it out because if you told them i told the truth come he couldn't get the gun and if he lied he broke the law, both cases kind of similar, came down to what you broke down on a piece of paper. i think there is a bit of sympathy there and i think it makes the republicans look like the better party because they are saying, look, we don't want to get political on this. we think this charge, broke the law, constitutionally, is a bit weird so we want him commuted. >> jesse: do you believe that donald trump, judge jeanine, should announce that he will commute hunter biden sentence if he is reelected?
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>> judge jeanine: i think that donald trump is the type of person who would do that. i think the fact he made a decision not to go after hillary clinton and everybody is yelling "lock her up, lock her up," and he took a lot of heat for that. he said i want to look forward. for all of those people looking to criticize him, saying he is going to be hitler, this guy has proven he has more capacity to forgive than the democrats, and let me just say, joe biden is wrong about something. he said if he weren't running for office, his son would have gotten that plea deal. that plea deal was an illegal plea deal about unprecedented by the department of justice, they admitted it themselves, no one gets immunity in perpetuity, it's just not done. in the justice system. and secondly, you know, joe is a very weak leader, he is a very weak man. he is someone who did provide or demand that there be accountability, okay, and i hate listening to these people talk
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about donald trump would do it for his own kids. donald trump didn't need to do it for his own kids because donald trump set guidelines. donald trump told his kid you don't drink, you don't smoke, you don't do drugs, from the time they were this high, and i know this for a fact. all right, joe biden, obviously, is not that guy and he exhibits it every day in front of the world by saying we will keep the venezuelan gangs here, we will keep the tajikistan ands here, i don't know what to do with them, he is just a weak man. having said all that, they took all of these expired misdemeanors against donald trump and they resurrected them. what we ought to do is take the expired statute of limitations that the department of justice allowed to expire against hunter biden, give them new life, so we can prosecute hunter in the biggest years that he got money from burisma and from foreign countries, and then let's go to town, guys.
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let's talk about money laundering, foreign countries, fara violations, use pakistan uzbekistan,all of the countriest money from and that whole biden family sitting front row at the courthouse, they were just there because they love hunter, they were all there because they've got cash in their accounts because of what hunter biden did. and you can't deny it. >> jesse: so, marie, are you under the impression that there will be no pardon, no commutation? given, at all? >> marie: i would predict here there is a 0% chance that joe biden commute or pardons his son. i just do not think he will do it. because he is not that kind of man. judge jeanine, i respectfully disagree with what you said about the family sitting in the front row of that courtroom together. this is an incredibly close family. >> greg: too close. >> marie: they have been through so much tragedy in their lives. they have been through enormous challenges. addiction is a huge problem for many americans, and i think there is a lot of sympathy and
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empathy for what hunter went through, for what his family has gone through, and i do think at the end of the day that when voters go into that voting booth and it is donald trump versus joe biden, not donald trump versus hunter biden, that donald trump's myriad of legal challenges, which go well beyond the case he was already convicted in, and his ability to try -- he has said he wants to have revenge against his political enemies. he said this over and over ag again. >> greg: raise an interesting comparison. i would vote for hunter biden before i would vote for joe biden. because at least hunter biden has a brain. joe biden, you cannot believe for a second that joe biden is going to be the nominee. you look at him, you saw him -- >> marie: 100% he will be. >> greg: he can barely speak -- >> marie: bet on it right here. >> greg: what do you want to bet? >> marie: we will come up with that in the break. >> dana: i'll need a >> dana: i'll need a witness. >> jesse: the revenge will be success. >> judge jeanine: that's what he said.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: beer, bingo, and birth control. the biden campaign and allies pulling out tricks to get young and old to the ballot box. launching a group called seniors for biden-harris, features activity such as bingo and pickleball determines in key swing states fear of a group democratic donors thinks the ways to bring over the kids is full of not throwing parties with three beer and birth control. trump's strategy, pulling younger voters that events and did an interview with influencer
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logan paul. ♪ ♪ okay, jesse, i think that a lot of people who go to a pickleball tournament would already be an engaged voter. i don't think you have to encourage them to get out to the polls. >> jesse: gambling, alcohol, casual sex, the democrats really know their boating base for sure. a democrat hat. the biden administration just gave marie, let's say, $20,000 to bail out college loans and you are offering me a beer? that's it? it's going to take a lot more than a beer to get me to come around. i don't think beers for votes is effective. i mean, i did take a beer from a democrat. i would chug it and puts b.a. i would take birth control from a democrat. free birth control. i'd wash the birth control down with a beer. they said you can get pregnant if you are a man, dana.
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i can't be too careful, i have four kids already. we have jake paul on "jesse waters primetime" tonight -- >> dana: tonight? >> jesse: about this. >> dana: going to ask about july 19th? >> jesse: it's postponed. >> dana: because of mike tyson? >> jesse: yes. >> dana: i've got to catch up on that. greg, cbs poll from over the weekend asked who has a vision between the two candidates of the future of the country? trump 67%, biden 51%. try and tell the kids, here, you can have a beer but i don't have a plan. >> greg: i'm not sure bingo for biden is a good object. key note for kamala, is that next? >> dana: i like that game. >> greg: they are hemorrhaging support because they have no policies to .2 so they have to do gimmickry. what would be better then gimmickry is a new candidate. i don't believe trump -- he just walked in, didn't bring any cash or prizes for those people.
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didn't have to bring beer or pickleball. i mean, pickleball and bingo, it sounds like a birthday party at a home. it is not a good message. who is going to put money on a horse that can't make it to the racetrack. i'm sorry, this guy can't be leader of the free world. i wouldn't trust him to lead a group through disneyland. let me put it this way. if you saw that kind of behavior, biden, from that juneteenth thing, in a pilot before the plane was taking off, or a surgeon before he was going to operate, would you allow that person to go forward? you wouldn't. if a pilot was acting like joe biden at juneteenth, you would alert the authorities. if it was a surgeon, you would assume he was drunk. you'd have to do something. he would know you have to do something. meanwhile we are sitting here agreeing with this weird delusion that he's actually running for president. i think i hit my limit. i can't believe this is
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happening. what if he actually did win? what next? the thing is, he is not like fetterman. fetterman's decline was reversible, there is nothing reversible about joe biden. i have to ask, what do you democrats want? this is crazy. you've got to step out of this world and look at this and see what it is. this is insane. >> dana: logically. >> greg: makes no sense. >> dana: marie? >> marie: i will answer your question totally honestly for the first time, just kidding. i watched that video and i am also concerned, right? i wish joe biden were 20 years younger. what democrats will honestly tell you is when you put someone who looks older and policies that i'll get to in a second that a lot of people actually do support, especially seniors, up against a candidate in donald trump who goes on stage and says crazy insane things, a whole talk about sharks in las vegas -- >> greg: he's joking, by the way. >> marie: i'm just saying,
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being totally honest -- >> greg: going after jokes. this guy is mentally deranged beard >> marie: yes, donald trump is buried when you look at him on stage and he is saying these insane things, if you are not really down in the weeds on the far right truth social narrative, you are an independent voter, you are like, this guy -- >> greg: your example is the shark and electric stuff, that was hilarious good >> marie: one example, there are so many things. last thing, comes to seniors, biden campaign come every year, trump budget he's proposed, cut social security and medicare. that joe biden has passed -- >> judge jeanine: don't even go there. >> marie: there are actual policies -- >> dana: one of the problems is neither of them will do anything to address entitlements, i will say that. judge, i will tea you up with this. they are basically using taxpayer money to try to buy votes. >> judge jeanine: yeah, and it's amazing, what donald trump is saying, goes to nevada and he says, look, i want you to not be
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taxed on your tips. so they get to keep more of their money. joe biden says i want to pay for your student loans. i want to buy you this, i want to take care of that, which means all of us get to pay for something he is giving a different group. it's totally backwards. he's forcing us to pay for things that he's going to get the benefit for. and i'll tell you what vehicle one of the reasons he is so behind with young people, i m mean, even though abortion on climate change and all this other stuff, is they look at him and no one is more tuned in to the frailties of age than someone who is young and stunned by their behavior. so young people are like, oh, my gosh, this guy is out of it. and you can give me beer and condonms and all this other nonsense and pay my student loan but i still can't pay for dinner, i can't go out, i can't get a car, i can't get a house,
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i can't afford anything. i'm still living with my parents because inflation has gone up totally 19% since you took over. so that's a problem, and you know what, i'm glad jimmy carter is still alive, even though he's in hospice. you know why? he will not go down as the lowest rated president in history because joe biden has got him beat. >> dana: coming up, donald trump making a huge promise that is already flipping biden voters. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: donald trump is coming up with game changing policy ideas. the former president out in nevada making a promise to stop taxing tips, and biden voters are loving it.
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speak i did talk with some hotel workers yesterday, some service workers here in las vegas, but how that is playing with them, and anne-marie come about six people told me that would change their vote. that is enough to make them switch voting democrat to republican of donald trump is promising something like that to them. >> judge jeanine: all right, marie, nevada is a huge swing state, and more than one in four private sector workers are employed in the tip-heavy hotel service. >> marie: that's right, and they have gone blue in every election since 2008. biden won by a little more than 30,000 in 2020. i will say, look, this is clear political pandering. you go to vegas and you say, i'm not going to tax your tips. >> dana: you don't think it is good policy? >> marie: i was getting there. it's a very interesting, unpredictable policy idea, and i do think that something like that -- i don't know how good a tax policy this is or isn't, but what i will say is politically in a state as close as nevada where there is also a senate
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race, jacky rosen and comment being challenged by sam brown, this is the kind of thing i want biden to be as forward leaning because speed is out there, good policy. >> judge jeanine: trump said going to move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. i don't know if he is just throwing that out there. pretty much follows through on what he says he is going to do. >> jesse: this is for the whole country, marie, not just vegas, atlanta, philly, new york. this is going to make every worker in the service industry and these blue cities, what did trump say? this is really going to move the needle. he only lost by three in nevada the last two elections and now he is ahead by five. i think this is going to have him run away with it. biden is taxing tips so we can pay for illegal alien sex changes. it is a brilliant economic
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strategy because it's targeted towards the working class, easy to grasp, and easy to execute. as compared to what jeanine said, the student loan bailout, where you are just bailing out grad students who made bad decisions with our money, in an unfair and unconstitutional way. this actually incentivizes workers to work harder so they can keep more of their money. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, as it relates to the general economy, the biden people fear that the general electorate just doesn't get that they are living in an upswing -- >> dana: so i am a hungry hungry hippo for fresh policy ideas, and i absolutely love, at least have a debate about something that has nothing to do with somebody and what they did on a farm ten years ago. this would put about $3800 on average per year in the pockets of people who work primarily for tips, not only help people in vegas but think of how many people working in the gig economy now. if you are piecing together, may be working eight hours at one
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job and at night you want to make extra money so you are working for uber or some other delivery service and you are getting tips, i am more likely to tip somebody more if i know that 50% of it isn't going to be going to the government. >> judge jeanine: you know it's ironic, greg, is the fact that trump is the rich guy trying to help the poor guy. biden, supposedly for scranton joe, taking money from us to give to everybody else. >> greg: this is the benefit of trump is that the republican party is now the workingman's party, and the democrat is the woke party. it is a stark contrast between the fantasy of democrat luxury beliefs and the practical positions of a reality-based republican. the democrats will scream end of democracy, trump's tweets, he's going to imprison all of us, the world is ending, climate change. a republican candidate, trump says, your tips won't be taxed so you can take more money home to feed your family. that actually resonates. i was watching cavuto yesterday
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before "the five" come he has a problem with trump's character, not going to waste his revote on a right in. your printable take on characters to be admired but it doesn't put a penny, a dime a waitress' purse. character in 2024 is a luxury beliefs. you can talk about character all you want. low taxes is not a luxury beliefs, it's a belief, ensures your survival and gets food on the table. we don't have time to talk about your feelings. we don't have time to praise men dressed as women reading books in libraries to kids. we want the basics. we want safety, security, affordable goods, a strong border. you can take all this other stuff and sit back and comfort and go i really want the perfect candidate. i really want a candidate that is honest and clean. and doesn't embarrass me. >> jesse: a perfect candidate is not running, i'm sorry. >> greg: that's it.
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>> judge jeanine: that was great, greg. >> greg: thank you. >> judge jeanine: coming up, joey chestnut is banned from the hot dog eating contest. ♪ ♪ organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds.
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>> marie: are vegans about to ruin an american tradition? joey chestnut getting banned from the nathan's hot dog-eating contest, reportedly over a deal he made with vegan-branded impossible foods, a plant-based brand that is a rival. greg, i feel you have a lot of thoughts on the spirit >> greg: impossible brand, i've seen them on menus, it's garbage. it does joey have a backup plan? it's not like eating 80 hot dogs is a transferable skill unless you are competing for a spot on "the view." i'm going to defend joey chestnut. he's like an olympic athlete with a very particular skill, spend your entire life devoted to curling or shot put or artistic swimming come in this case they should be an olympic event. seeing how much food you can stuff down your face. >> marie: dana, are you a fan of the hot dog-eating contest? before i can't stand it. i'm not for it.
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i did think this was pretty interesting, having my ties to cattle ranching, that begin impossible burgers increase the risk of diabetes and heart problems, a new study finds you're better off with real meat. >> marie: jesse, have you ever tried a vegan hotdog? >> jesse: nope, never will. i'm with greg, competitive eating, the industry is not like private equity, you can't expect bonuses each christmas, you have to expand your horizons and look for economic opportunities. he is just trying to do that. is he aware of the conflict? how could he be? he is focused on eating, marie. he's got one job and he is great at it, it is as manager's fault. fire the manager, get out of the contract with the vegans and show up on july 4th with a lot of press at your back and win, bb, win. >> marie: i love how they say he has been training for july 4th and now he can't go compete. >> judge jeanine: he is not too bright. when you forget what hoists you in the public eye and you chase a rabbit in the opposite direction, you are basically not
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recognizing what your enterprise is and how important your enterprise is to whether or not you are going to survive. he made a decision, and he lost. now can he come back? who knows. it's too late. >> dana: the best thing is he has the endorsement and doesn't have to eat the hot dogs anymore. >> judge jeanine: that's what makes them famous, that he does it. now it is, who is joey chestnut? >> marie: "one more thing" up next. ♪ ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins,
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>> greg: time now for "one more" i'm going to plug my shoat tonight. earn perrine any. kat timpf, tyrus. 10:00 p.m. all right, judge? >> judge jeanine: sad news tony passed away last night. there is a picture of him and i. you may remember him. he starred in the french connection.
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that academy award film and he was in over 102 films during the course of his lifetime not only the flench connection. director, writer, producer. he starred in tony nominated films and he was on broadway as well. his last film was a movie with ray romano and at the end of his life, he ended up joining and helping veterans with uso, tunnel 2 towers and building homes for veterans. he passed of a long -- his side was his wife elise, we will remember him. >> greg: great guy. that's it for us. have a great night. ♪ >> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. war and cuban crisis as the u.s. monitors ships and pla


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