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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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that's a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don't laugh at jesus he's the only 1 new has it together. i didn't laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what's with you read -- hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. >> jesse: it's for sporting claves get it. >> sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden's attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountable don't hold your
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breath all of this straight ahead and your voice president hira didn't -- harris might be the most disliked politician of all time i will show you the dismal numbers coming up. and as we've warned you again and again and again joe biden is playing russian roulette with the safety and security of you and your family. for more than 3 long years this program and others on this channel have been sounding the alarm that media mob state run media has been complicit and allying to you the world's most dangerous terrorists are coming across joe biden's wide-open south border in terror cells are here inside of your country plotting and planning and scheming attacks against all of us. the fbi director has issued
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multiple dire warnings on capitol hill that a fallen on deaf ears at the white house should have gone a lot further as the level of terror hasn't been this license 9/11 and you are not safe. there's a clear and present national security danger for our country and neither his attorney general or his fbi director haven't demanded as they should they start enforcing nation's laws and aid a bit in lawbreaking they bear response ability for what is coming. it's no longer if an attack is coming it is when an attack is coming. i said it before and i will say it again i pray to god in heaven that i am wrong but i have eyes to see that i'm not wrong. last year the new york times fact checked it and pretended it was false saying terrorists are not coming across our border as they vetted the 11 million
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people know they haven't and they say we have nothing to worry about the new york times was wrong and was lying to you watch they will probably get another phony pulitzer prize over there lying and take a look at your screen 8 unvented immigrants from to g kazahkstan with suspected ties to isis were apprehended in a multicity operation. 2 of the accused terrorists have been operating in our country for more than a year. all of these suspected terrorists were fully vetted at the border before biden released them into the country. of fully vetted really another lay like what the 3-year-old the lie that the border is secure in the border is closed we heard over and over again by the way breaking news moments ago from our own bill a bombshell report from the department of homeland
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security found that illegal immigrants have not been effectively screened at the south border. let me quote from the inspector general directly shell i. dhs remains at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum-seekers who could pose a significant threat to public safety and national security continuing to reside in the united states we are talking over 10 million unvented legal immigrants pouring into the country in a little over 3 years with another million or so that were never apprehended there is no serious vetting there never has been serious vetting going on to keep in mind most high-risk illegal immigrants come from countries that do not cooperate with the united states such as our top geo lid look towards geopolitical those that hate us. the countries that hate us they
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are not helping us of that to their terrorists and criminals and spies many of these illegal immigrants don't even have documents making it impossible to know who they really are as joe biden is letting all of them into the country forcing you to pay for their food and housing and transportation and health care and medicine for education for their kids. with more than 30,000 chinese nationals are geopolitical foe crossing the border just since october this fiscal year. and the most recent official numbers show and just 2 years more than 12,000 russians poured across the border with nearly a thousand illegal immigrants from iran and more than 500 firms syria with 3000 from egypt, 6000
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in afghanistan and people from yemen and venezuela and kazakhstan that's the tip of the iceberg. thanks dear president it's unfettered illegal immigration from every single terrorist hotspot on the globe as terror groups like isis wanting as many dead americans as possible remember what your motto is joe it's convert or die. isis is carried out dozens of large-scale terrorist attacks around the world for the last decade and since biden has opened up the borders some of the suspected terrorists have been living in a neighborhood nearby what are they doing there plotting and organizing waiting to strike dozens of illegal immigrants are using logan airport in boston as a makeshift shelter with more than hundred sleeping on the floor do we even know who they are we don't.
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nobody on the left seems to care. as the border is closed joe biden's executive order as it's a joke they did absolutely nothing there is no impact the border, the border saw our common light harris refuses to lift a finger to address the crisis refusing to even go to a single border hotspot doesn't want to go down to the border into her job and the mob in the media they are happy to put their heads in the sand and lie as per usual the only thing they care about is hoping donald trump doesn't win and joe biden does. by the way the new york times fact check that we mentioned at the top they falsely reported terrorists were not coming across the border as of this
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morning the new york times they didn't make a single mention of the suspected isis terrorist apprehended even though some of the arrests took place in new york where the new york times resides what will it take for the left in this country to wake up sadly it's clear the worst is yet to come i pray to god i'm wrong to the biden administration appears a future terrorist attack in your country is all but certain blood will be on his hands and all the other lawyers along with him. >> with everything in between what for estimate -- frustrates me senator is they have known this the entire time they have lied to us in an entire time and
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he decide to move forward with an executive order in january had no power to go forward with it you ever department of homeland security secretary who lies, vice president who allies and in attorney general that allows him to aid and abet in lawbreaking and not enforce the law on top of everything it's like 1 big conspiracy to allow the united states to get attacked it's going to happen it's not if. >> that's it everything you said in the opening monolog is accurate we are at a greater risk than at any time since september 11th and we have seen 3 and a half years wide-open border effectively an invitation by joe biden and the democrats for terrorists to come into the country seeing customs and border patrol instructed to be on the lookout for hamas
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terrorists. be on the lookout for palestinian islamists g hard terrorists all calling for jihad against america iran is called for it against america and you look at the 8 to g kazahkstan terrorists. those who have ties to isis and the radical terrorist group that cross the border illegally as a joe biden had them the democrats had him all he had to do is put the terrorists on a plane and send them home but they didn't. they vetted them putting on the back of the head they let him go and understood what this is. the fbi caught them in a sting for terrorism across threes cities la, new york and hello philadelphia. they are the same people who carried out a terrorist attack
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that killed 145 people at an opera house and sadly we are living on borrowed time as the democrats are opening the door and laying out the red carpet for terrorists to come in threatening the lives of americans. >> sean: there was a pole that recently came out and i know that media mob was shocked by it that 62% of americans believe if you're going to come into the country you have to come in legally respect our laws are borders are sovereignty it's that simple and 62% believe if you enter the country illegally you should be sent home australia does that i don't see australia get criticized often if you try to make it to the shores of australia if you need medical attention it will be provided but you will never put foot on australian soil they will give you food and water and supplies to turn around and go home.
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why don't we do that here. >> because joe biden and the democrats put politics above national security in the lives of americans we've seen it's amazing a people's views change when we have a criminally invasion of the united states 11 million crossing illegally every single day every day joe biden and the ma them are releasing gang members murderers child rapists we've seen week after week after week another american killed another child raped by illegal immigrants that joe biden and the democrats have released when it comes to terrorists we've seen hundreds you put the stats a minute ago about china and russia if i would've told you 30,000 chinese are going to invade the country i've been down there seeing hundreds of military age males from china just lined up and they keep saying i want to go to this city or this city every city in america is a border city 56,000 chinese nationals you
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think they're coming or because they want a better life for themselves and their children they are buying ranchland farmland thousands of acres and landed near military installations just because they like the view or is it because they are probably enemies of our state. >> they are invading the country and it's not just biden every single democrat in the senate has voted for open borders over and over again he goes to montana training attendees not for open borders doing so over and over and over again they do the same thing sharon brown in ohio my opponent in texas has devoted over and over again in favor of open borders against supporting criminal illegal aliens who physically assault police officers that's a position of the democrat party they look at open borders and it
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said their policy what they want because they see them all as future democrat voters and if people died to keep them in power democrats are willing to do that. >> sean: the state of texas it's been you and governor greg abbott on the front lines fighting for the safety and security of people in your state what you get as a matter of thanks you get to be the number 1 target of chuck schumer and $200 million being thrown at you and negative adds by your far left schumer supporting opponent in texas lucky they are coming after me if everything they've got truck schumer and george soros spending millions to go after me as colonist many millions of dollars we don't have the money head to ted
6:15 pm and make a cut donation now as they are getting outspent they want more of this invasion. they want texas blue desperately and they would pay any amount of money to make that happen. returned to the white house were hunter biden is top of mind promising they wouldn't pardon his own son but according to them it appears connie tatian of any prison sentence is now the question take a listen. >> you not ruling out the would commute the sentence. >> i have not spoken to the president about this what i'm saying is he was asked about the trail specifically and he answered clearly forthright as we know sentencing isn't even been scheduled yet i don't have
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anything beyond what the president said he's been very clear about this. >> sean: we will see what happens going to 1 report biden recently complained the prosecution was political if i weren't running for reelection he probably would've gotten the plea deal in reality it was a federal judge was quashed his dreams of the plea deal after she started asking legitimate questions about the unprecedented nature of the sweetheart deal even his defense team and to acknowledge to the judge they never seen a sweetheart deal like that before nobody is above the law all right joe leisure merrick garland the biden attorney general refusing to come up comply for a congressional subpoena because the u.s. constitution means nothing to him he seems to believe he can do whatever he wants because he is attorney general and as of today the house voted to hold them in contempt don't hold your breath for criminal prosecution like peter navarro or abandon
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that are both going to jail for the exact same charge because of biden's weapon eyes politicized department of justice charges are reserved only for trump supporters conservatives and republicans and people he refuse to comply with the predetermined outcome and show trial in january 6 and about january 6th. the author of the new york times bestseller the war on warriors behind the betrayal of the menu keep us free the fox and friends we can cohost a former white house chief of staff. >> any times the white house says let me be clear about this check the news about 2 weeks later nothing clear about it no don't hunter biden will never see the inside of a jail cell regardless of sentencing whether it's a pardoner commutation he can use the powder claim what he wants but why is some is
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prosecuted it laid out for years on your show year after year to not bring any charges at all they were tarred to make sure the latest charge possible as what was actually brought where is this guy was a foreign agent never registering as such and was never charged as such all aspects of this point to preferential treatment for the biden white house to include merrick garland as mentioned in what the interview look like on special counsel he won't because he is guarding the biden family remember when obama asked for loyalty that's what they are doing right now republicans doing the right thing a course the justice department in this instance won't move an inch. >> have never seen anything like this in terms of the weaponization of justice is not
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worth 18 million it's closer to a billion dollars we know that may be more we know for example that they ran on campaigns to get 1 man, 1 organization and 1 person 1 family and successfully did so with an abusively biased a judge in both cases and i'm looking at this everybody sees it for what it is is that the reason why donald trump not only is not her in the polls buddies leading in the polls. >> it could be but also it could be that what people really care about are the border and the economy, the presa groceries and gas people are hurting out there look at what the democrats due picking up where pete left off and where you left off in the politics of this. think about round 1 on this laptop it started with 51 intelligence officers saying the laptop deal is in real attrition
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disinformation then in 2020 joe biden follows it up on the debate stage and calls it russian disinformation in the media follow suit that was all a bunch of garbage. round 2 is we will use this conviction as a shield to biden to say the doj and all these things are fair because my son couldn't have been convicted if it wasn't you rightfully point out the doj did give him a sweetheart plea deal but court of appeals said something's not right here in the end the last chapter is that hunter biden will be biden to win or loss i think he's going to lose but he will get pardoned either way whether on the way out to roof in the first few days of biden's last 4 years this is 2 way when
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mar-a-lago was rated did trump get a heads up now when gallagher was rated did biden get a heads up yes was biting convicted on documents and no. why, diminished faculty look at where they sat on the same deal. alvin bragg from the very beginning campaigned on the fact he went after the kids he knew better than any other candidate how to go after trump why because he said he did it 100 times and i'm the best guy to do it again. and hooked a felony on the statue and got what he wanted as trump is tied in virginia i think is tight and that a soda as the map is expanding for trump not getting worse. >> 's fbi and doj they knew for a fraud years the laptop was real and they didn't use any of
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the information including payments made to him when he got all of these millions no experience while addicted to drugs contempt pete congrats on the book. coming back democrats getting desperate and you won't believe how they plan to reach out to voters you will love this and what they will do for younger voters also protesters arrested at the congressional baseball game he explained that more straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: breaking moments ago climate protests stormed the field at the annual congressional baseball game before getting apprehended we will continue to monitor the situation we turn to the biting campaign which is rapidly deteriorating and to make matters worse voters aren't keen on call a harris either has only 60% of democrats think she would win a dimmer -- a general election her favourability is similar 10 points underwater joe as 1 point hire in terms of approval. campaign is resorting to vary desperate pandering twin over voters they have seniors and bone banks as many of which admitted avenue abandon support for biden their tyrus attraction
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voters with a beer and birth control. sort free beer and birth control and free college tuition, vote for us a new poll shows trump leading biden by 2 and it could be the site deciding state come november so bad for the biting campaign national review writer charles cok calls his candidacy id could go a presidential candidacy here with reaction the former speaker of the house it's kind of hard for the vise president to have a lower approval rating than the president beer and birth control and free college what a nice deal as harris is hopeless
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because that's who she is. in the 80 of her being president makes biden look good as she's a very shallow uneducated but uneducated will person other than her we are to laugh there's no significant part of that in the last month or so of abortion she's actually stabilized and sounded semi- serious but i think that she is a huge drag on the ticket and psych you're basically voting for molly harris to be president that increases the challenge for
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biden the stuff of beer and contraception like it's childish. it assumes young people are so simpleminded that they have a single point of reference they don't think about getting a job they don't think about not being able to buy a house they don't think about the presa groceries this week they are supposed to go do all my gosh i get a free beer g.i. like joe biden that's stupid. most people, most americans are just more calm dated and people in the white house that's the reality. >> sean: maybe them old-fashioned is a vote buying illegal for now if you're buying beer and birth control free college and pickle ball and phone banks i don't know sounds like you are trying to bribe people to me i come from new york i'm very cynical i don't live there anymore by the way for the record.
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>> when george washington first ran for office the tradition in virginia was everybody got together for election day and candidates bought liquor. washington a military hero thought he was above that and refuse to buy any flickering came in last at the next election he bought more than any other candidate i don't know if that's bribery or just the way they campaigned i can tell you it's a very deep american mission the problem for the democrats is it doesn't count. i keep telling people biden inflation is so bad you cannot buy enough adds to offset going to the grocery store people go to the grocery store every time we go to the grocery store we are stunned you are either getting small packages or higher prices in some cases gain small
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packages and higher prices in america many adds biden biases faced with the reality that most american families going to go there and realize their friends who can no longer afford to buy the above are they by the generic because the camp afford that that's a failed presidency if oprah is a dent who freezes for a full minute and you begin to think to be the commander-in-chief is really a big job and you have to be aware and capable. >> sean: historically and you are a historian. peace and prosperity drive elections let's assume that's true are you better off than you were 4 years ago you are paying
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12 grand more a year then you were paying for the exact same items i don't think people are better off getting into the economic numbers 2 thirds of americans are struggling mightily to pay their bills and 25% of americans have literally had to forgo meals because they can't afford them course or top geopolitical flows including people with terror ties up in crossing the country about 11 million that works out. i do those dismantle no bail laws work across the country with how prosperity is around the country of war in europe and the middle east not too well or joe biden surrendering in the war on terror. i was working out with the new law fair in the weaponization of justice to what extent does all of this cumulatively in the
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minds of americans say that they've had enough do you think they've had enough and 145 days does anything change? >> it's more than in any election in my lifetime a survival election they have to say can i survive fraud from more years of joe biden in the white house at the grocery store can i survive from from more years of my culture and values in country being undermined. can i survive and amazingly weak and incompetent commander-in-chief on the basis of survival donald trump is going to be president. >> sean: we can only hope i would like to think america gets this right. mr speaker thank you coming back we tell you why the left is responsible for making 1 of my favorite fast food places of all time more expensive we check in
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with ron desantis in a moment. oh also a guy got tased at a mlb game happened earlier straight ahead and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day! >> ♪ ♪ the socialist utopia california will raise the minimum wage up to around $20 an hour and to supervise to nobody fast food restaurants were forced to raise prices or close down altogether now if you get a double double of fries and a drink at in and out burger 1 of my favorite places in the entire world that and crowned burger in salt lake. and to their credit by the way in and out they resisted the price increases as long as they
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possibly could they need to move to florida state government out in california is about as bad shape as you could expect with california facing between up to a 75 billion deficit depending who you ask because state leaders already promised to spend way too much. revenues don't meet expectations and compare that to the free state of florida my state where governor ron desantis signed a budget reducing spending by about a billion dollars from last year only roughly a third of what california wants to spend in the budget is only after new york state no tax state income tax under if more florida governor ron desantis with us governor's letter reasons i moved here i'd wanted to do it for years there's certain command you should
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believe in law and order better schools for less money lower taxes by far especially compared to new york city compared to where i lived in long island the people are a lot nicer especially to me pretty hostile environment for me in the streets of new york city i gotta tell you. >> we should make you an ambassador for florida at the chamber of commerce president tatian you've only been a resident for 6 months 1 thing we don't have we don't have double double animal style in florida in-n-out burger is never came out this far east and they may never go with california current policies if they were starting right now they wouldn't have been able to succeed like they did back when california was a prosperous state and you were right your former state new york has millions fewer people than
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florida no yet our budget when i signed into law today that reduces spending from last year and is around the less than half of the new york budget anybody use driven new york roads and florida roads knows we have better infrastructure ranked number 1 in education lowest a burden of debt in the country i've paid it down 36% of total debt from the entire history of florida 36% of debt we are doing it right but even as we reduce spending shown we use tax dollars to expand infrastructure of got people moving here we will accelerate road projects between 7 and 15 years because we are prudently using resources most education spending largely driven by school choice scholarships which is important
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raising pay for teachers providing bonuses for law enforcement we are doing the things that taxpayers expected we are prudent with what we are doing and we have a aaa credit rating signed the federal government can't match. >> double double animal style of in-n-out burger wants to come to florida i would invest heavily in them moving here if they ever want to partner i would be glad to it would be my honor. >> if they decided to come to florida they would print money in the state of florida would be so successful they think the company they like being where they are and i respect that they would do well in florida. >> sean: i friends of mine who have chicken salad chicken out of south florida 5 or 6 restaurants it's killing they kill themselves because they work really hard but it's doing phenomenal. i couldn't be happier my friend
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of mine do great and here is my next question the new york times fact checked you right in fact checked you on the issue of whether or not terrorists were crossing the border under joe biden's open border policies unvented of illegal immigrants from her top geopolitical flows i mentioned a list of countries over and over i think they owe you an apology governor. >> they said the last fall it wasn't just me spit bawling. of the biden dhs said there were hundreds of people on the terror watchlist. you can't have 10 million people come in not have potential terrorists come across the border especially people from the middle east now we know without a shadow of a doubt we have isis folks identified and apprehended the new york times was wrong and to putting forth the narrative running interference for joe biden what
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i said was correct at the time remains correct today as with those media outlets it's done by journalism they say what they want and they forget about and it's obvious they were wrong. >> when they debated they went over the issue of crime and issue of taxes and the issue of spending per capita, education and results being number 1 in the country spending far less money than california did on every single statistic. florida is outperforming its common in a lot of red states but lord is doing particularly well why do you think so many people are allowing the government for example income tax in california a couple making $84,000 a year you pay 6 nath income tax out there not paying the full 13 and a half
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percent but that's a serious amount of money for a couple especially with the cost of living out there. >> they hammer middle-class families in california that's why a lot fled to florida used to be that people would never leave california because the weather is so great they have these great natural advantages but they are doing that in terms of education as we believe in education california believes as the teachers are using it to impose left-wing political agenda on students first of all that is incorrect second of all it's not how you have good performance we are ranked number public universities and we have the same philosophy. they should fulfill their mission of pursuing truth academic rigor, preparing
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citizens of our republic they should not be indoctrination camps like columbia university when we add these pro- hamas people let our universities that tried to set up a attend they were kicked off in 10 minutes we didn't let the inmates run the asylum people take notice of that in daily set people to come out to me you might have in the past might not a thought of florida for higher education they say why go to columbia we are the harbor for the young -- unwelcome now. >> if the owners of internet would be 1 to meet with you and me i will go if you and raise as much money as humanly possible to get them to move to the great state of florida because they want to get back to my new home state i would love to do that. >> i agree we will deliver that to in-n-out corporate. >> we appreciate it governor thank you. we will tell you how trump will
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literally and the biden economic disaster that more straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ biden economics continues to her every day americans killing people when surveys saying a quarter of the fellow americans are skipping meals to save money and so expensive and that's not all according to another report nearly 2 thirds of americans are struggling financially and they're gasping for air i'll live -- i live paycheck to paycheck at 1 point and former president trump floated a great idea in nevada over the weekend making tips tax-free that could be a very popular idea and what
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is a service heavy swing state and more importantly the people he worked hard and deserve that money here with reaction from foxbusiness. i love the idea they just go after the go after the gold in your teeth when you're dead for crying out loud you make a few bucks and tips i spent 10 years working in restaurants let the people keep the tip money they earned it why do you have to go after every penny. >> this is the thing biden wants to take 1 set of people's money and give it to another set of people he went to college that's his plan for the economy. >> sean: you forgot free beer and birth control it right. >> i don't go far enough right. that's the biden plan the trump plan keep more of your own money and guess what that's the thing that makes the economy grow bringing inflation down makes
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people think they have hope for the future take down the tax on all wage income anyone on that should pay less in taxes cut all the green spending makes the economy go and we should have growth unlike anything we have seen since maybe 4 years ago. >> i want to pick up on that it's an incredible election where they have 2 presidents who have had basically a full term whether their plans work or not we've had an example of what happened under president trump not only real growth and income as opposed to a 4% loss in income we fed growth and tax revenue for those who think the government should have more
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money to do things you've got more money coming in from the trump tax cuts if reelected god help us we will see all kinds of new tax increases making an enormous mess we probably end up with rest there's less revenue which means greater deficits and it's not just inflation everybody's happy it went down to take last month and may but it's not just inflation it's a cost of interest rates. >> 32353433 up year-over-year every month that's not a tick down that is status quo where they can't reduce interest rates and my wrong. >> americans are underwater when it comes to the real amount of money they have based on the cost that keeps going up not only in inflation but in interest rates double the price
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of owning a home in america. >> as a dishwasher cook busboy, waiter. >> i was right with the. >> leave service workers alone they earn that money they go above and beyond stop taking every penny they have thank you of. are video today is next. >> ♪ ♪ makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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cincinnati reds fan ran on the field during the reds game last night adding tased after doing a backflip in front of a police officer fan was arrested and his band from great american ballpark that's the time we have left set your dvr in the meantime. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪