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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 13, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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,there's only one thing worse than a broken record. >> a shifty, brokeg e n record as well. i apologize to the audience. that was a terrible, shifty sounoe audiend. tyler from kentucky. wow. watch out for that doug burgum fellow. he has great hair. >> the hair alone will get you on the ticket. greg.t jani now we've got janine from milwaukee, wisconsin. jesse, come to milwaukee. o >> it's a beautiful city with friendly people. stay downtown. you'll be fine. ul peopl riverwalk, hit upreca a brewery, take a pic with the bronze fonz. e we'll be there in milwaukee the whole week. johnny will be thereek causingjy trouble. >> johnny from brooklyn. jesse, what about men blowinm bg candles? >> is that manly? only on birthday cake.g it if you're doing it in a dininga room, you use the sniffer. >> always remember i'm waters. wa world.come t
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and welcome to hannity. and tonight,o.>> eve the left's egregious lawfare against president trump. it is now falling under evenl a minimal amount of scrutiny. coming u op, we're going to show you a bizarre moment from disgraced former trump prosecutor nathan wade during a bizarre interview on fakade news cnn. fak also, outrage as biden blocksy s a pay raise for the troops after handing out billions. tito those overeducated socialr pe science major people at ivy league institutions with their massive loan bailouts and few real world skills. but we begin tonight in europe,n where joe spent the day humiliatin sg himself and us on behalf of america on the world stage yet again. >> he is for in italy for the 5h g7 summit, not going particularly welg7l. ardly joe started the summit melowkwardly kissing italy'skip prime minister giorgio meloni
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on the head, sniffing her hair at one moment and seemingly then he saluted meloni before shuffling away. b then, during a parachute .emonstration, biden got dazed and confused how shaky and started to just erodw e. wander off like that as other ag looked on in agony, desperate for somebody to bringk joe back into the fold. luckily, italy's prime minister very graciousln toy helpedt back biden get back to the group. and during the summit, biden alsoo th somehow mustered the energy for a speech. but unfortunate early, he gote distracted by a plane flying overheadtake. >> take a look. they include key parts of russia's financia bidenl. ala wait till ity goes over as well as individual and entities that supplied russia with items critical to its defensprovidinee mike, mike, mike.
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mike. >> products, machine tools and industrial materials. all right. that was part of a joint speecsh with ukrainian prime minister zelenskyy. and after those remarks, biden allowee ministd questionsm four reporters, two from see u.s., two from ukraine. of course, reporters were selected ahead of time.. let's start with so-and-so from the ap. so and the questions appearedted to be pre-scripted, as per usual. and thenaser us pretty remarkable happened. one reporter from bloomberg actually dared to go off script, causing biden to become very, very annoyed. it's not supposed to work like this. >> take a look. thank you, mr. president. i have a question for mrke a lok . president zelenskyy shortly on the announcements, but if you don't mind, i'esident shorto you about your discussions on the situation in gazaask yo k at the summit. you were asked just a short time ago just about it after the skydiving demonstration. can you give us assessment of hamas's response? and doment of you believe thaty
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are trying to work towards a deal or? a deal is this response working against the deal? and what is your message t to allies, including those here at the g7, about what more, ifg, t anything, the u.s. can do to drive towards a peaceent? agreement? thank you. i wish you guys will pla yle bit by the by the rules t a little bit. i'm here to talk about a crit situation in ukraine. the way you treat israel versus the way you treat ukraine. the rhetoric is about ukraine versus the rhetorisec usede about israel. yeah, that would be a relevant question. how dare howard the this reporter, thoug, not ask the question that ishe pre-approved by the biden white house. of course, the compliant media mob, they're supposemod to stick to the script. and of course, joe doesn't wantt you talking about israel. and in order to turn out his radical base i tur, he seems to feel the need to trash america's strongest ally in thee middle east after the worst terror attack in their historye
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. and do what? put restrictions on israel's wa w or for its very survivalterror against terrorists. that all let'sishat oh see haven their charter the destruction of the entire state of and they want to force them out of the middle east. t outfand by the way, eight americans, joe, they're still being held hostag we, gaza.. but joe would rather talk about as little proxy war talkr with russia. according to biden, that isyear far more pressing after years and years of fighting. joe wants to give ukrainever pretty much whatever they want. so they can fight their war against putin. meanwhile, it's reallyight america versus putin. while he put he's puttinlg. handcuffs on israel, he's barely lifting a finger to get any of oubarely fr hosta. home. so far, the u.s. has committedollars 174 billion taxpayer dollars to ukraine in their war against russia while allocating a measly 12.6 billion to israeli afteonr the october 7th terrorit
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attack by the islamic terrorist group hamas. now for biden, this is all political. as per usual. his radical.l. e shot they call the shots. he's merely an empty vesses.s m that complies with their demands. the radicals that party. ultimately, nothing will satisfy their blood lus, n lust against israel and capitalism. they want modern, civilize- d cease nation basically to cease to exist as we know it. they wanexisas wt it replaced with radical marxism, socialism. and they, frankly, don't like the principles on which this country was created. n whthey hate our system. they hate our way of life. and jo e biden is desperatelyg needing their vote. the democraticthe party, as itit once was, no longer exists. they're a part y of radicals. they're in shambles. we see chaos everywhere. success pretty much nowhere.e fa there are far left protests singy dasy at nearly every single event, including last
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night's congressional baseballin game. there are also prominent democrats now trashing joe biden and his mental decline. they're doing it behind scen. lou beh and if they get a little too loud, they get brought in and lectured. biden is evet broughin and lectg of votes in the uncontestedmittd democratic primary to uncommitted. >> hundreds of thousands of votes. he's los hundre t. this is what happens when the person at the top is barel y tal able to walk and talk, much less lead his party and adapts to the most radical policies in the history of the country to give in to the radical base of his party. meanwhile, it is a verf his y smack different story over the gop. today, formeedy overr presidento trump was warmly greetedto on capitol hill hilll during whs a joint meeting with congress. the republican party is now rallying around president trump and his plan to fix border, to end the weaponization of justice, to end lawfare. to restore fairness to our justice system. to fight violent crime.
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to lower inflation. lower the cost of energy. reduce taxes, increase energy production, spur yet anotherther american boom like never before. take a loon k. >> well, thank you very much. this was a great meetingas a. there's tremendous unity in the republican party. we want to see borders. we want to see strong military . we want to see money not wasted all over the world. f we don't want to see russian ships right off the coast of florida which is what they are right now. that's unthinkable. we want to seet that's just sur righcountry and we have success right now. we have inflation that's killing everybodt now.n thy. we have levels of inflationha that nobody's seen for, they say 42 years. they say 53 years. and they say 75 years. i would say probably all of them are wrong. probablysay probab never seen le this before. and we're going to end that.g we're going to bring back our
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jobs. we're going to bring borde bringtense to governmen we're going to have strong borders and we're going to havse people coming into our country, but they're going to come in legally. they're not going to pour in frogallm prisony.s all over thouth america and all over the world. and it's not jusamerict americae by the way. it's all over the world. and we're not going to have themr the pour in from mentalhe institutions, which is where they're coming frong from, numbs and large numbers of terrorists. and we're not going to have thism.. his. so what's happening to ouring to country is of great concern to the group of people standing alongside of me. and i just wanted to sayt we that we have great unity. >> we have great common sense. all right. joining us now, someone who was inside that closed door cl hill,on capitol he's the speaker of the house. mike johnson is with us. mr. speakee,nsonr, back, great to have you. can we just settle one thing once and for all her thinge? did president trump, it's been attributed to hip ham that he tk a shot at milwaukee. did he do that? no he do t, didn't hear it. to hi
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>> and i was sitting right next to him. i introduced him this morning at breakfastm.oduce hito where s the day. he spoke for an hour without notes. sean, he can stand up therer and hold court as long as he wants. as you know, president trump elling is on his a-game. and i'm telling you, in the room this morning, there was i energy thi enthusiasm, excitement. we had colleagues in there, weg after,were commentin his visit was this morning the house republicans that they haven'publicanhet been this excd about the future of our country in 40 years. that's what one of my colleagues told me. look, there'at's whae ofs a pal. energy, in his words, something he said thisin his morning. he said, something's happening in america and we see it. there's a demographing ic shift going on and all these different segments of the population. we're headed andll the a great l we have to run like we're ten points behind. but i'm convinced donald j . trump is going to get a second term as president. we're going to retakwill get aea the republican majority in the senate and we're going to grow the house majorityteeg to in tha house. >> and that's going to be a good day for america. if you go issuy fo e by issue, ifw an you go to law and order, you go to the economy. if you go to immigrationorder, f
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you go to america's role on the world stage, i don't see where the democrate e, is run oy policy of success. let's start at the border. t let's start at the fact that we've identified isis people with isis connections now in this country. inthis couyou know that we've gu people coming from venezuela. we have people coming from con and iran and syriad egyp and egypt and afghanistan and 30,000 chinese nationals sinc e 26,000 chinese nationals00 che last year tens of thousands of, you know, unvetted joe biden, illegal immigrants from our top geopolitical foes. >> you know, congressman, how is that not a clear and presenressman, t to this countryo th right now? >> well, it absolutelyis is. and, john, everybody around the country recognizes that. we've been sayind th g three years, a every state's a border state now, because it is, as youre dic and have discussed so many times. we documenteny times havd 64 spc executive actions that joe biden took to open that borderl
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wide. and they've invited all these dangerous people interouo ouo our country and they've they've taken up the invitation and come here. it's ake the serious situation. the fbi director has testified three or four times in congress now in recent months that all the red lightss are flashing.he and what he means is we've gote dangerous persons, we've got terroristsgot da on our own shon in our country, because joe biden openedshores that borr wide and everybody knows it john. i've been traveling around the countr knowravelingy the lastevents six months. i've done events i in 123 cities in 29 states now. and it doesn't matter whether i'm in a blue stater whethe in g district. the message is the same. the peoplee is are fed uph with this. they're fed up with the open border. the fed upm, eg to the their security, their feeling of safety, and of course, the cost of living. ing ofy and,fthe rising cost of, all these things that are compounding the problems that we can fix. and i think for that reason, the american people are goin the to give us a chance to do that. >> every crime, every murder,ce ev and eventually i pray to god i'm wrong. ifally i a terror attack happens by joe biden's unvetted, illegal and his open bordersr pi
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policies now at 11 million unvetted in this country, he's got blood on his hands. what did president trump specifically say he would doy on the border? i assume he probably said just willsck to the policie that were working when he left office. yeah, that's the whole see, president trump is a bold leader and he understood. he ran re on border. he reminded us back in 2015. border. border, border. becausine he saw this disasterng coming and he got control of it hecausgoe. >> he used his authority. he used executive orders for the right policiesver that he instituted remain in mexico, where people had to stay on the other sid peopl e of the bordero to adjudicate their claims for asylum. that's a no braine theirr that n patrol agents have told us, and the leaders of that agencysf said if if president biden would just issue that executive ordef prwoulr remaining mexico e we could reduce the flow by 70% at the border. but he will not do it. sean, you know why. t ? want you know why? because they want the open border, because they want to turn bocause thton these peor
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voters. and we're working hard to prevent that from happening as well. so many problemsd topreven fro.n what are the. what did the president say he'd do on the economy? wou what did he say he'd dldo d wit with israel,h uk with ukraine? what did the president say that he would do to get energy d prices down and get, you know, get the american peopl,e money back in their pocket? well, a lot. on all of those frontsd with regard to the economy, we've got to revive the american economy the eco ag and we know how to do it,e yo because you and i both knowle o after the first couple of years of the trump administration, we had the greatest economy in the histortrento why?he world, not just the u.s.. why? because we implemented becaus policiesd in. that we've all always believed in. we reduce the regulatorye th bu on job creators, innovators, entrepreneurens to allow t the economy to thrive. and we reduce taxes on job creatorsxe as wellking fam and hardworking families. we've got to make those tax cuts permanents. e because they're going to expire soon. and that'll be the largest tax ilincrease in us history if weer don't fix it next year. and we've got to get to getting
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the regulatory state under control. under joe bidelitaryn, weaponizy the agencies and smothered american business in the freonir market. we can reverse that. president trump's ready to do it. he's got so many planst.trump io . we could spend all day, all night talking about it. we're excited to implement thosin.d toe, and i think we're. to get it. >> 95 days. congressman, early 95 votingy starts in pennsylvania. g95 days from tonight.nigh speaker johnson, thank you. all right. joinint. -- g us now is southgr. carolina senator linsey graham. senator, an awful lot of money has been spent in ukraine, it seems in many ways. has that has devolved into a proxy war between joe biden versus putin, the u.s. versus russia? the american people are pretty about it. they're angry that europe has not stepped up mothe eur financy to protect their own continent enoughd a.. and then you got, what, $12 billion? that's it. that goes to israel. but even worse than that, joe biden will not alloworse t
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israel to fight the war they need to win against radical islamic terrorists thatl that slaughtered them on october seven, took s hostag their citizens hostage, americans hostage. and he's lecturing bibie, netanyahu, the entire al he's not helping at all. and the worst part is, he says the u.s. won't help in terms of offensively helping to winter the war on terror. joe biden has surrendered on the war against radicale bidn islamic terrorism. can you explain the disparity? because i can'u et. yeah, michigan. joe biden is worried about losing support in michigan. he's still wearing israel undere the bus. there's been no better ally to the state of israel thaen ny president trump. he recognized jerusalem as the e capital of the jewish state. stsrecognized the golan height as part of israel, not syria. biden's withholding the weapons israel needs to win a war they can't afford to lose everywhere
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. want israel looks the radical islamist want to cut their throatthei. my here's my message to the stateo of israel. help is onth the president. trump is coming back. why you so certain center ghost american people have had enough of this four years of just just misery misery at home, misery abroad. what i would say today about the senate engagement or president trump, he was w the team captain and we were glad he wads leading us. i everybody in that room is dying for hir m. get back in office. he wants us to win the senate. so wtse can put judgesnch. on the bench. he talked about him helpin g us. it was the single best meeting i've ever seen betweenican sen the united states republican senators and president trump. he was in a good mood. people appreciate him. very s he's leading in every state. weta need to win the senate bac. r. s doing better than eve senate candidate the road
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to the majority in the senateivs is to marry up with president trump and his agenda. there was a positive meeting today. he talked about rebuilding this ce hi the country and i can't wait to have him back wit>> seah wher people agreed with you or didn't agree with you on belief that there should be a federal 15 week ban on the or allowancei on the issue of abortion. yeah, put that aside, one thing i would argue, and i don't think i'm wrong about is that 2022 one of the main reasons, if not the main reason the red wave did not occur was because of the overturning of roe v wade. a we had another supreme court decision. it was unanimous today it was on the abortion pill. i think we're up to 60 to 70%l r of all abortions are done with that pillti w. and the supreme court made very clear today that that. will remain legal. the democratdemocrats will dema the issue. but will this rulingthis
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impact any or mitigate any demagoguery going to occur this election season? >> well, number one, no matter a what you do or say,u do they're going to accuse us of hating women t and being extremists. president trump said todayis that democratic party is extreme. they support abortion up they to the moment of birth. the virginia governor, the old governor, talked, allowing a decision after the baby is born. n afr ththey're the extremist, . i'm proud to be pro-life. you knowprou, france limits, frn abortion at 14 weeks. ces my bill's 15 weeks.t president trump said, leave it up to the states. i respectrump tt that this won'i be decided based on abortion. this election will be about your physical security, your prosperity, and tryine g to get the world back in check before a lot of us get killed. i'vebefore a never been more wod about an attack on our country than i am right no attacw, wa president trump said. it was an affront to our nation, to have soviet shipss off the coast of florida. weaknessoff th breeds aggressio.
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by the way, the day president trump was elected, all the stops nuclear weapons, hypersonicf the missiles off the coast of my free state, florida and. it almost seems like a cuban missile crisis moment, but joe. doesn't know. , this is the 1930s all over again. why did russia, ukraine wanted putin do it? because he thought he could get away with it. hjoe biden's watch. i really believe that. why did they attaci reallyk isro viciously? they thought america wouldn't be with israel. all that changes.he so they trump wins. i can't wait to have him back in office can't . the republican senators appreciate this man. to everybody out senatorapprec l watching, do all you can to help president trump cause our waany of life depends on itn it really does.t. i say this is an inflection- point for the country. we've ofteinflectin said it's a point election. this is way biggert electi and - never been more afraid for my country or the state of the
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world than i am right now. lindsey graham, senator, thank you. and. reciate it when we come back, jim jordann trying to get trying to hold the left accountableg to for their brazen lawfare, tactics and the weaponization of justice against donald trump and more. he'll explain straight ahead. some people would rather crash than slow down. i built this club out of nothing. this is my family. this is war. >> like writers, we are only leaders. june 21st. ich ich crash must not ich. >> stop the insanity with cortisone stands for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number one. doctor recommended it works fast and lasts 4 hours. >> cortisone ten nail fungus is nasty up to now. starts improving the of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it's clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results. you can see quickly opti nail
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and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you. >> call now and order ellipse. right. mark your calendars. pennsylvania. your 95 days from now. early voting- from 144 days till election day. and about a month from today, the manhattadan district attorney, alvin bragg, you know, the guy that ran an get trump, that guyt and trump prosecutor, third highest ranking doj official, matthew colangelo, he's going to testify, testifal micy before the house judiciary committee, both of them to answer for their brazen politicallyprosec motivated prosecution of donald trump. and by the way my pr, hearing wy
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the day after donald trump's sentencing. meanwhile, the other state caseh against trump, the one in georgia, has gone completely off the rails. an appeals court there will hear arguments in theappeal coer whether or not a fulton county body willis, will bee. removed from the case. earlier today, willi s moved to dismiss the appeal. gave an unhinged speech at a church where she's claiming to have been attacked. and overen attac sexualized. atw that she said. in other news,ha her nathan wadw sat down with fake news. cnn where his own media team decided to pause the interviewie to give some advice wholly on fake news. cn n. w cnn. >> it's like a saturday night live skit. take a look. ofen nig did the romantic relationship between the two of you start out? yeah. so, you know, we get into it. t there's been this effort to to to to say that, okay, these these exact dates are are
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are are at and these exacte -- dates are i'm getting i'm getting signals here and, you know, when we go out like of this, i guess. okay, so mik keep rolling. >> and he brought down. a person, which is please pause while we now bring our person being interviewed into another room to giveg interv them, the ? can't make it up. it was more the chairman. jim >> of the house judiciary committee. jim jordan is with us. before i getn is w. to the people that you know, michelangelo alvialvin bragg going before your committee, let me go back to what we learned in trial p of hunter biden, putting aside ase buw hanging fruit, which is a tax crime, but notous -- the burisma years, because
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david weiss allowed the statute of limitations to run out. joe joe lied to the country. hunter biden lied to the e formercountry. 51 former intel officials lied to the country. the fbi, they knew that rudy'sne attorney had a copy of the laptop they knew would be leaked. sod a co were pre bunking that n their weekly meetings with big tech tha social media companiesc and then when askeompad directlf they knew whether or not this was misinformation or the laptopr nothis w real, theyi give an answer. the media mob lied. big techne, bi, this story.e, i excuse me, is that electionth interference? >> jim jordan yeah, and it wasn election interference, literallinterfery two and a half before the most important election. we have the presidential electio befor n. so again, for me, the the ruling in the verdict here on, the hunter biden case was was really about two things that for anyon abongs.e who hade doubts, we now know for sure that the laptop was real becaushes reale. ca >> the prosecution, the government, david weiss
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entered itplay g wei as evidencl in that trial. and then second. none.d then of this happens.whil but for those whistleblowers coming forward, but for shapley and ziegler coming forward and telling us what they wer an because that was the catalyst for the judge to take the close look that she did in thecatalys delaware court, or they wouldy have got that sweetheart deal throughwo. so those two guys came forward and gave us the facts and their stor -y. tory by the way, sean has stood up. the biden story has changed. the white house stor s sty has changed. >> david weiss's story has changed multiple times, but nott the whistleblowers and their story hasn't wavered one bit because their testimonin butwer- true. >> now, though, the government has acknowledged something-s trh that we knew four years ago that the laptop was very reapto does that now mean that hunterah implicating, the big guy and hunter complaining bitterly half his income to popsme - that hunter talking to eric gon about which account they're going to pay for pops as home repairs. burism does the issue of burisma
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the does of this now come into play in terms of a real investigation and possibly if we had a real attorney general that actually believed in equaao justice and application of our laws, wouldn't he be investigating it? n wnealland does it say about t that he knew the laptop wasr real for four years and did nothing with it? >> well, a couple of things. we'vures and did e sent referrals to this attorney general, and i think in four and a half months we're going to have a new president. and then in january of next year, we're going to havthenn je attorney general. so we'll let that that justice department take a looky genee on what we've sent there. on both hunter biden and on jim biden. and thenndn jim these other isss that you just raised there. but yeah, i think everyone now who' s followed this this story of all the facts that you've been bringing forward on thesern 51 former intel officials on this whole story understands that wha s wholt they were telling us was just not accurate. everyone knows i that and again sort of the the final step is when they actually entereds d the laptop as evidence, even though they had it's clear thd it 2019 and they
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knew all along they actually used it as evidence to removnee any doubt if someone mayve have had something. >> well, thosead some. 51 offics have to account for what they said, considering nonet fo thatp know of ever even looked at the laptop. and weren't they organized winkh and tony blinken to sign on to something for other reasondge with no knowledge at all whatsoever, except the knowledgwhatsoevthe that thd for joe biden to be elected? yeah. tony blinken worked with mike morell. >> mike morell put this together. they did i -- kist at blinken, sort of that. that was the catalyst for it all. noheand they put this together. they got approval from from the cia because they had this advisorye ci that has to sign o on anything like this. >> and of course, it was use lit to to downplay the whole story. >> and it was used to censor the new york post. their their twitter, their twitter feedand mo and everything else. they were blocked. and most importantly, the american people were kepnt l e ton in that information. >> we're not done. we got some more investigative work to do on this issue, and we'rmingtotigative e to do that. t we're going to, i think, findth some more informatioinn and ate
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the right time, make sure that the country understands ountryerythingeverything about. >> that whole situation in october of 2020.ean: s >> so now merrick garland has been held in contempt. o know i'd like to know if anything'shi going to happen to him, like peter navarrng io, steve bannonl fromalso like an answer from the attorney general ife with he's comfortable with letitia james and alvin bragg runninletg a platform to use their positions of power to go one man, one one family and one organization. better >> and i'd like to get a better answer as to why.highes the third highest ranking justice department official, matthet e fficial,w, why would anybody evr leave that prestigious positiong to go be a lowly prosecutoelr? t a in in new york city, because that doesn't make any sense, i does it? >> no, it doesn't. but we'll get a chance to ast dg colangelo and mr. bragg thoseel questions on july 12th when they come. and i think ther thosequestions big concerns with that whole terrible case, ridiculous case in newk th york. first, is this the fundamental
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jurisdictional issue? this was a federalt is electiond commission issue, and the fec said there was nothing there , no crime, no problem. and so did the department of justice, the southern districto th of new york.o that so there's that fundamental problem. then a due process problems.lems you had a partisan, judge partisan, prosecutor had. yet the gag order put on president trump. and they never, ever really crldpresidenump anver ev us thee trying to prosecute, for goodness sake. >> and then finallwerey, maybe the biggest concern is the expert witness on campaign finance, brad smith. so the campaign finance expert wasn't s to talk about campaign finance. he wasn't allowed to be the expert hed to witness in the bra courtroom. >> so we're going to get brad smith a chance to tell chancethe congress and the counh what he wasn't allowed to tell the court and the jury. omin >> brad smith will be comingwi as a witness as well. oh, maybtnesell.e the judge cant be questioned as to whether or not he understands what the o sixth amendment to thens constitution is ortituti his. ep maybe you can explain why they didn't identify what the crim why e that trump was was being charged with or how they were able to upcharge frommisdem
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a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had run out o ino some election law felony. i'd like the answer to thatgrow and maybe bring in engoron as well and explain how he came to evaluatasl ane the mar-a-lage of 18 million whenrt that property is worth closeo r a billion. and the and the evidence was overwhelminge , jim, thank you. >> when we come back, the biden white house loves loves giving out government handouts. >> now they want to give out. as we told you last night, beer and birth control. way by the way, except when it comes to the military. not soent interested in helping them out. them out. >> we'll explain. we believe a new day, usa. we believe a new day, usa. we have a noble purpose. our purpose not just closing alone. >> we want to do whatever is >> we want to do whatever is best person. >> we want to be known help th as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people and their families.
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we're the ones that are there we're the ones that are there to hel daous thinp them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficulrit dangerous things.ver some are givineg their lives right now, today, for forfo the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you. me and for our family. so for us at new day, to havehio so for us at new day, to havehio the opportunitiny to turn around and help those people at this point in time. point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. it's a noble service. and that's >> no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that.
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office, well since, you've loste money. one group that has not is our nation's militar noty. now, congress is trying to fix that by raising the pay for juniorat be pa enlisted troops t 20%. jow, just one problem with that. joe biden says no way. white house statementse bide n s the administration, quote, strongly opposes makingchedul a significant permanent change to the basic pay schedule. is it any wonder that then, that biden is doing so poorly with young bidens people or african-americans or hispanicr p americans or so many otherle got people who got two thirds of the country now struggling financially? you gofinanciallt 25% of americc up meals because they can't afford thean um. o and democrats, members of the media are starting to notice. takeemedia ar a look.umber, >> democrats have a problem. it's not their police a y. it's not their fundraising. it's not that joe biden started buffering at the june teahe party. no, no. pam they have is their messaging are to say it plainer
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is how, it's they talk. folks appreciate when someone sounds authentic, even dem their ideas are terrible. but with democrats, even when they talk about th e good thingse of i they've done, it sounds fake. >> some of it t is just cosmopolitan confidence, iflike you will. like you need to lead the kind,d of life, really not the kind of like you the business people are. >> well, that's across the board. that's black or white. that's a big part of change. that's a part of hispanics. >> but it will lose hispanic males. them >> yeah, going to lose. here with reaction with more, chairman of project 21, horace cooper, florida congressman michael waltz. cocongressman, let me start with you. so our military under biden has our miident way, wayrily down militarily. there's a lot of saber rattling going on by china and russia and iran. we've got a little minor cuban missile crisis going on offflor the coast of our state of florida, where apparentlyid
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the russians have a sub with nuclear and hypersonic missiles on it. my last understanding is the. united states does not technol have hypersonic technology like china and russiarussia d does. he's giving free beer and birth control to young people to , tryor him and bribe them into voting for him. but he can't take care of ourtht military that is barely making ends meet. military i making ends that have covered in past years have had to be on food stamps. ht >> yeah. sean, according to the defense department'sah. own survey, over 250,000 troops experience troop what call low food security,g ao 120,000 troops very low, meaning they periodically miss meallis and are losing weight.v that's not evecounn counting th' the family members and that's not even counting biden-nomicsti and inflation. >> and yet house republicans are tryingdecs a fix that.happen
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it's bad enough that it's happening. it's bad enough we have a recruitinginenough we a crisis. it's bad enough that they have barracks that are literally fallinh banks tg apartcs with black mold and in themto r according to one recent inspection. but biden's opposing it. so we're going to spend he's going to spend billions on a climate corpsbia clim. >> he's going to spend a half billion aiding the palestiniansi . but when it comes to paying the marine corps, when it comett to soldiers with theirhe on the line for the red, white and blued , he opposed. nera we're not talking the generals. we're not talking the colonels. talking we're talking privates, sergeants, corporals. i am i'm astounded that they're opposethd to this, given all of the other nonsense that this administrations sp is spending money on. and yet we're in the worst recruiting i crisis sincene r vietnam, china, very real worlds and whole divisions. we can't man and equip all ships right now. we're trying to fix and now we're fighting the biden administrationghting,.
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i couldn't in good conscience advise somebody to want to getth into the military with this guy as commander in chief becauseee he doesn't know what day of the week it is. horace cooper, let's look at the demographicmorrisr a prr the democrats core base. ther they'e a road in parts of r base, african-americans, hispanic americans, young people. >> what are the reasons this. >> well, first, let me say this about this military. ident this president has identifieifd every problem that he could when he was running in 2020. and his solution, spend more money, . now that it comes time for us to, share with those youngn r men and women who are willing to put put their lives on the l. this president suddenly doesn't want to spend. >> you can't be this wrongacci by accident. now, with regard to thesdent.e k
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concerns, many black americans are complaining that this president's priorities have everything to do with the cocktail hour in the professor's lounge and absolutely nothingng to do m with their real lives. >> it is amazing how many hispanics are saying they're non longer willing to support thisty president and his party. we're looking at an election where it is possible that a republican may win the hispanicr vote for the first time. you're seeing the young vote. y ouu aryou're seeing the women's. >> you are seeing so many areas where this president's poor stewardship of the economy, prioritizing all of mae progressive agenda over the needs of mainstreainmt yo america. and it's no surprise that you're seeing americans complainu ameri acrosa
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the board. >> why is it okay for china to have a spy balloon or china to, you know, be saber rattlingo ,you know, hostile maneuvers against our our fighter jets in international airspace, hostile maneuvers againstationa our navy and international waterways? now, we've gotlwaterways. russia sub nuclear armed, we believe, m with hypersonic missiles. >> why isn't that a bigger deal? wha--congressman? >> well, because at the end of the daycause at, you a, you a administration that has a concessions base essions d approachand yo and you've got you've hau'd john kerry leading the delegation over to china the last t years, begging themet to do more on climate, which they kno morw can take advantage of and then continue their nuclear build up their space, build up their military buildup. >> i mean, this crew is asleep o at the switch, sean, and it's going to tak e it's to take anou entire trump term to dig out
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of this hole. but he talke this holed about i. morning and republicans are united and we're going to hit the ground running in januaryican's ae grou of 202 >> it's not iran that that's ann existential threat. it's not russia. it's not china. th's climate change. >> that's how out of touch they are and saying times. when thank you both. when we come back. legendary fitnes we come s and health guru jillian michaels. wow. leaving the woke state of florida for the free woke state of california. sorry, the free state of florida. she said the quote, woke victimology culture just became too much allergy for her. powerful tape. straight ahead. you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. groceries are expensive. >> so i was in trouble there for a second. you are four gentle, dependable
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get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour. the step counter smart mat and wireless remote call now>> o the fall out from california'sct failed woke leadership
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continues. fitness guru jillianins grou mis sounding off on her decision to leave the failing statethfree of california for the free state of florida. on sage steel' ss podcast.casts. >> listen to this. really powerful. you're from californiao thislly california moved out. are you in florida? yeah. >> an foe are you? miami. california. got too crazy for me. >> mornia goy? >> why okay, this is my? parting line. i grew up here. i'm a womai'm a won. my i'm a gay woman. my mom's a jew. a my dad's an arab. i have a black kid. and believe it or no t, my son thoug is half latin. even though he doesn't look like it. i hold a million cards in your game of work, victimology, poker. and when i leaver an, maybe youe lost your mind. >> just maybe some of these that are passing here
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are absolutely mind boggling in relation to crime, protectinge, our kids, or the fact that a 12-year-old child can be put can on off labl to irreparably change their body. again, if my son came to me mom and said, mom, my daughter,d sa i think i'm trans, i'd say, okay, you know, like, yo you wat to dress this way. you want ms e to call you whatever the heck you want me to, fine. >> explore it. i love i lo you. i'm like, do you? as long as we're safe but we're not changing your body until it's fully developed. i'm sorry. conversation'sur can'il over. >> can you get a tattoo?. it's.dness. it's madness. me. it's madness to me. i could go on and on and on. >> and it's madness. >> i don't know what's going on here. madness here with reaction.
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podcast host to the addiction. the host of tomi lahrene is fearlesho tims. ow >> tomi lahren. you know, i've always thought sh the most ofay inspirational comes to health, wellness, fitness, nutrition. tomisto healt, i listened to thn and it blew me away. rea i really did.ll i thought it wasth extraordinarily. your thoughts. >> and she's not the only person that feels that way. and in fact, i would arguecalifn that a lot of even california liberals feel very much that she does. t they're just too afraid to speak out. sean, you know that i lived in l.asean. for over three years and i got the heck out at the start of covid because i could see the writing on the wall. things were already woke. the taxese os and regulations we already off the charts. but then when covid startes were and the only thing they wanted to lock people up for pld arrest people for was playing in parks without a mask, i got the heck out of californi wit a. i came to a great freegrta red state like tennessee, and i haven't lookedtes li back since. and there are so many people that are doing the same thing. the democrate
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s, whichely roun exclusively, almost exclusively run that state, have run it into the ground. >> the only redeeming quality left is the weather. n >> i don't know, sean, you're in florida. i'm in tennessee. i think the weather is pretty i thyt here in the freedoms. sea >> even better. yeah, twitter. i meann: y, i add to what she she's saying, it's nuts. it's insane. and she's about all the people you've been having with, you know, 14-year-old kids. and that'sing sewithyo okay. aly no, it's not. and she she really touched on every topic o. she obviously doesn't sound politically, but she's just against crazy. and that's what the left hass ji insanens. tho >> right. and i thought it was interesting that she pointed that she, i'm one of them. i'm everything they want. i shouldn't be the person they' they're courting. however, they've gone too far beyond that. and vee tor --i that what we heard was a mom and that was what fascinated me. a momand thm because she constan was talking about my kid. or if a child wants to do this, i'm concerned about their safety. and i think as someoneab
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who as a child suffered from childhood obesity, came out of that. she's a fitness guru. she has i mean, she's life goals. loo me, when i look at her, i i'm like, that's who i want to be. and yet sh that'se has watched societyknow say, you know what, this wha the swimsuit model can be obese. now the boy can they can run against the girl, take all her d records and everything that she has achieved in lifethins with health and fitness can be taken away by the societyca that says we should look at these people and say, thisl. is what we want. this is beautiful. we're so happy. and she says, you know what? werey an done with it. m i want my kids to be safe.afe. i want my kids bodies to be safe until they grow up. m to bee leftthe influenced by this. and she left because of it. and oi it's kind of beautifulsn to have someone brave enough to speak out about it, especially as a mom and especially as someone who has foughtpecially so hard r health for not only herself, but for other people decades. she's an amazing woman, and it's wonderful to hear shzingy, yeah, i don't know.
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>> i.e sh i just hope she doesn't, you know, vote democratic in florida, vote when she when e gets here. otherwise, welcome to florida, jillian michaels. well, i'll say that tommy, doesn't sound like she's goingit to votlee those policies in thee future. all right. thank you both. when we come poes i back, straighte come ahead, more "hannity", riley green on "fox and friends" watch his must-see performance friday, friday, what you say about where you're from. he rose your daddy's and martin the all-american summer concert series is presented by lowe'acs series is presented by lowe'acs >> lowe's notes home improvement. i look back with great satisfathese 32 yearssition in active duty. i understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalits.g who have served. they've been in leadership they've been in leadership positionay, >>lo they're willing to putnd their life on the line if necessary. necessary. and they come to us and theyout. say, i need some financial help. at this point in time. at this point in time. they're not lookin everytg for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up.
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