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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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ultimately, it is about politics and ultimatelyd humans and what is best for society ends up being called called. >> laura: you hit it, is about, it is a threat to the power structure family, faith, first beer of the government ism not so important suddenly andas neither is politics. isabel, are you getting married? i've heard you were about to get married yourself? amp june 29th, right aroundd the [applause] >> laura: this is great. a revival towards not just tradition but things that matter most, things and duringco importance in our lives. goi congratulations, best wishes,te evita, we will do a lot longer n segment and make sure to follow s >> todd: a fox news alert. you are looking live in italy
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awaiting president biden any moment now expected to start a bilateral meeting with giorgia meloni at the g-7 summit. this meeting comes after a pretty awkward moment during day one, as country and world watch to see how he performs on the world stage on day two. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the president will also sit down with pope francis. we have fox news team coverage unpacking major tackeaways from the summit. first madeleine rivera live with the details of the president's final day at the g-7. >> madeleine: migration is expected to be one of the main topics on day two of the g-7 summit. that is very important to giorgia meloni who wants to stem
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immigration to europe. the president will meet with pope francis, a personal highlight for the president, who is catholic. pope francis is the first pope to participate in g-7 talks. we will warn of dangers of artificial intelligence. and building ukraine defenses, g-7 announced new 50 billion loan unwritten by the u.s. and supported by assets. the president snapped when asked about a ceasefire and hamas. >> what is your message to allies including the g-7 about what more the u.s. can do to drive toward a peace agreement, thank you. >> president biden: i wish you guys would play by the rules, i'm here to talk about a critical situation, ukraine, ask me another subject. >> madeleine: he addressed his son's hunter conviction.
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>> president biden: i'm proud of my son hunter. he's overcome an addiction, he is one ever the brightest most decent men i know. i said i would abide by the jury decision and i will do that and not pardon him. >> madeleine: the president says he will not commute his son's sentence. >> carley: chief editor for the u.s. forum, jim, good morning. you heard them say the topic of conversation between president biden and the iestaitalian -- h you think that will go? >> it is time to address the
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world about unlimited migration has not worked well. across all of europe and most of the free world, in-flow of migrants who are not assimilating and increasing crime and causing trouble in the country has given serious issue. that is something he'll hear from the italian prime minister. biden has been 100% in favor of this xfaux executive order. >> todd: these leaders, giorgia meloni is the exception, trying to come up with a solution. the solution is close your darn borders and get the act together so migrants don't feel a need to flee.
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>> working where the problems are as opposed to importing people who are not bringing skills, not like this is equity based or skills based, like bringing in doctors with legal migration. these people are running away because their countries suck and i feel badly for them. the answer is not to bring them here or to countries in europe or other places and bring down the standard of living there. bring up the standard of living where they live and fix the problem at the source. >> carley: yesterday the president was asked about a ceasefire between israel and hamas, take a listen to what he said. >> president biden, did you discuss a possible ceasefire? >> yes. >> are you confident it will be done soon, sir? >> president biden: no, i
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haven't lost hope, it will be tough. >> carley: he said no, he might not be certain a ceasefire deal will happen is because military leader of hamas said that civilian deaths in gaza are a necessary sacrifice and could benefit hamas in the end. how do you negotiate a ceasefire deal with a group whose mentality is that? >> i think it is nice to hear biden actually acknowledging the fact a ceasefire will not happen, rather than try to jam it down israel's throat. anyone who knows hamas knows they use civilians as pawns and sacrificial lambs. they prefer to have these deaths because it causes a media frenzy and putting pressure on israel to stop the operations. the only way civilians in gaza and rest of the
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palestinian-controlled areas will have peace is for israel to defeat hamas and probably do something about the west bank that puts people who are not from the river to the sea seamenitality in that rejectionist of israel's ex existence mentality in charge of those areas. that is acknowledgement of that by palestinians, that needs to happen to make this better. >> todd: an expected jihad ist - nationwide sting. is a major terror attack on u.s. soil all but inevitable at this point? >> we've been whift whistling past the graveyard for a long time. we are one collection of giant
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soft targets, if people can be prepared to make an attack. i wish this crazy idea of using our border as a barrier, as place to stop people from coming in, rather than letting anybody who can manage to walk to the southern border in. these may be bad guys, we should try to find them now. they are looking across the country when we let them in. time to consider the fact we are under threat and having open southern border and ashesllowing mobs to travel the country and rile people up is not the greatest idea. >> carley: dhs inspector general said agents are not vetting asylum seekers, they do not have all information to do that, to add insult to injury and another added layer of concern, as well. thank you for joining us.
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>> good to be with you. >> carley: bring in former cia station chief dan hofman. we were talking with jim about the war in gaza. there are going to be talking a lot about the war in ukraine. yesterday president biden signed security agreement with ukraine, how do you feel about the agreement and what does it mean in the u.s.? >> i think it is a good agreement, a plan ahead for the next 10 years and there are three aspects worth noting. first, u.s. training for ukraine military. intel collaboration. and third, defense procurement and ukraine has taken a lot of steps forward with aughton mus drones. >> carley: looking at russia, right now there are, if i'm not mistaken, four russian war ships
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200 miles off the florida coast. they are basically in cubaish, that is close to the united states. is putin message, if you are going to hold a g-7, i will send you a message bringing my guys close to your borders to make you think twice about what you are doing at the g-7, is that putin's approach? >> putin is a kgasb guy. the only place he's been successful has been deterring the united states from giving ukraine what they need and when they needed it. we delayed giving ukraine javelin anti-tank weapons and long-range artillery they needed. they still have not received the foot f-16s. historical placement, and he is
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focused on cuban missile crisis. when putin sends a ship to cuba, he is thinking that president biden might be deterred from giving ukraine approval to use munitionses to strike targets in russia. >> carley: one thing president biden said that caught my ear, how the u.s. is laser focused on providing air support defense to ukraine and he said other countries expecting weapons are going to have to wait, what do you think about that? >> message discipline, we don't need to make that statement publicly, no need to discuss that in a public forum. >> carley: what does it say to taiwan? >> nothing particularly and to china, ashsessing ramping up threats on taiwan.
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republicans and democrats should come together and give us same peace through strength we enjoyed when president reagan delivered our victory over the soviet union during the cold war. >> carley: with support the united states and g-7 allies are giving ukraine, what does it mean for their future? >> ukraine is still in the fight right now. if you look at the way they have been able to defend territory from existential threat and brutal innovation, russia looks for support from axis of tyranny. we need to keep ukraine in the fight. >> todd: will ukraine be in the news in the united states much longer. it has waned, i understand people consider it a topic for the election. if you're at your table, you are
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not focused on ukraine. how much does ukraine stay in the news here to necessitate response to keep russia at bay? >> that is up to the president of the united states. he has to explain to the american people why ukraine matters and why ukraine is defending europe from russia. he has not done that very effectively from the beginning. as long as it takes has been the strategy and that, haens back to forever wars in afghanistan and iraq that people don't like to hear about. that is the challenge. message discipline from the administration. >> carley: yes, message discipline and the president said u.s. response would vary. there has been setback for evan gershkovich. russian prosecutor's office said he will stand trial, officially
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ending any future predetention appeal. what is that like? >> that came directly from kremlin. no rule of law in russia. this is putin dialing up pressure to crease leverage over the united states andex e tort us. they are subjected to rule of law in germany and he wants them back. only way to do it is keep evan in jail and dial up the pressure. >> todd: always about leverage with him. we were talking about it in the break, he got a basketball player in custody and traded for the merchant of death. this guy knows what he's doing, he needs to be handled and i don't know if joe biden is the president to handle him. >> carley: we are staying with dan. >> todd: you are not going
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anywhere. >> carley: when it comes to evan gershkovich, former president trump posted on truth social recently, he will be home safe and with his family if he becomes president once again. what do you think about that message? was it right for the former president to say. it could give the evan gershkovich family some hope, potentially? >> i don't know if i would have advised former president trump to go down that path, probably a lot of other issues the american people would like to hear about aside from this know wo. i wouldn't be surprised if president trump's team are looking for a grand bargain and push back on russia to point where there will have to be a peace deal and this could be part of it. i do not speculate, i worked on russia with the cia, whatever you think today, it could get
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worse tomorrow. >> todd: with regard to putin, it is up to whims of one man depending how he's feeling or is that too simplistic analysis? >> that is accurate analysis, he talks about vertical of power, it leads toim had. he is responsible for failure in ukraine. he is nervous and that is why he sent the nuclear arm ship, he is concerned about all the blood and treasure spilled in ukraine. he moved ministry of defense and purged some senior officials there. it all falls on him, the successes and failures, absolutely. >> carley: speaking of nuclear weapons in general, iran says it has no plan to make a nuclear weapon, but now has supply of highly enitch ared uranium that could be weapons grade fuel for
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bombs ranging from a few days to a few weeks. they are saying they have it. >> iran is a nuclear threshold threat and that presents a grave challenge to the united states. trans national terrorism, we talked about that risk and our border is so porous. we have north korea and ballistic missiles that can reach the united states. china and the russian war in ukraine and now iran. i do believe these will be some issues discussed as the election campaign heats up. >> carley: and some issues that will be discussed at the g-7 today. thank you for joining us. >> todd: if you are just joining us, we are waiting for president to arrive for his meeting with the italian prime minister. we will bring that to you live. >> carley: we are also talking
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to a -- will visit tomorrow, all that next on "fox and friends first". don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. ." don't go anywhere.
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>> carley: this is the only one we're getting. >> todd: the two leaders will discuss the wars in europe and middle east and other world leaders will meet with pope francis this morning. hanging over this are a number of issues, not least of which we saw yesterday from the president when he made his way to the plane following the sky diving jump and the president decided to wander away and had to be corraled by the prime minister. >> carley: it was a long day for president biden yesterday, he was an hour late to the join djoint press conference with the prime minister. a shorter day today. the neat part is the president will meet pope francis later.
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president biden being the second catholic president in history meeting with the pope there. >> todd: one topic will be abortion, going to be interesting to see how catholic joe biden plays that with the pope. >> carley: that is right. it will be interesting also to hear the pope speak, the reason he was invited to the g-7 was to talk about artificial intelligence and how to use it for the positive. >> carley: south florida bracing for a fourth day of heavy rain and storming. some schools shut down and many flights delayed or cancelled. >> todd: inside a miami home filled with water, that is never good. seven million people under flood watches today. the region prepares for two to four more feet of rain.
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senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the forecast. >> janice: potential for heavy rainfall in south florida today. two to three inches for miami and that area got close to two feet of rain. the tropics are starting to get active in the gulf of mexico and that disturbance that brought moisture to florida is exiting and moving to the east, to the atlantic ocean and the east will have to monitor the situation. rain outlook starting sunday, very heavy, whether this gets a name or not, we are dealing with potential of heavy rainfall and flooding. two areas of severe storm, one across central high plains and northeast this afternoon. we could see large hail,
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damaging wind and isolated tornados for big cities. potential for thunderstorms in the afternoon as the front moves through. heat spreading from southwest in california to the central oouz across mississippi river valley. tomorrow we could see records broken. of course it is father's day and we'll look at this foredcast an see showers and thunderstorms. otherwise, good-looking forecast, it is going to be warm. 77 and sunny skies. >> carley: gorgeous day on sunday. happy father's day. >> todd: i'm sure my office will be adorned with new pictures from my children. >> happy father's day to sean.
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former president donald trump sitting down with logan paul talking everything from aliens to ai to recent conviction and bid for president. >> todd: chanley painter has details. >> happy early father's day. this interview between trump and youtube sensation logan paul is going viral. former president gifted him this t-shirt, they chatted about the election and of course president biden. >> biden is so bad, he is the worst president in the -- >> you should make a track on him. what would you say to kids w wanting to pursue the american dream? >> i would say simply, vote for trump.
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with biden, you're never going to do it. this country is going to hell. >> like to extend an invite to president biden. >> you know what chance you had to get him, 1%, i would watch that one. >> promoting that appearance has 53 million views. trump spent time working to appeal to gop leaders in his visit to gop, meeting house and senate. trump spoke to fox news giving a hint about his v.p. pick. watch. >> was your pick for v.p. in that room with you? >> probably, yeah. we'll probably announce during the conviction. >> you told us you knew in the iowa caucuses. >> i have a pretty good idea.
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>> republican national convention, trump will likely announce has running mate is set for july in milwaukee. to find out about ai and aliens, tune in to the podcast imp impulsive. >> todd: i did not see glenn youngkin or sarah huckabee sanders in the room, follow the bread crumbs. we will see. former president trump heading to a prominent detroit church. president biden and trump are in a tie with r.f.k. jr. earning 7% of the vote. trump won michigan and biden defeated trump there by less than three points. the pastor joins me now. thank you for being on the program. what do you hope comes out of this trump visit, pastor? >> those that are pushed aside
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to have opportunity to talk to the former president. end of the day, in urban america, people are on the menu and never at the table. >> todd: good analogy, go over numbers. recent poll shows joe biden's support for black voters is down 20% and former president trump's is up by 15%. are the people in your congregation happy with the way their lives have goodbye o gone under joe biden? >> i think sometimes we have election amnesia and forget our current president is in office not because of blue wave, it is because of black wave that started in south carolina and we forget the black vote and the power of what it means to vote for those who are in office. in urban america, our voice
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matters. it means so much the former president will come to value our voice. >> todd: what will your congregation ask of donald trump? >> he laid out an agenda, i can't remember any president that has laid out an agenda for black america. the numbers are 500 billion to disseminate to black business and churches and help least of these and those metrics matter and we'll hold him accountable to the platinum plan he produced. >> todd: you mentioned love in a lot of sermons, would a lot of problems in our country be solved if there was more love in our world? >> we can vote different, we are all called to love the same.
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jesus loved you regardless of your background or political affiliation. >> todd: biden won detroit, i shouldn't lie to a pastor. biden won detroit in 2020, 94% to 5%, that is one of the widest margins you can see, do you expect that spread to repeat or do you think trump will make significant endroads? >> as long as our former president values the black vote and give us a voice, i believe those numbers will shrink. current president has forgotten that he is in office because first black president selected him as vice president and he has a black vice president. >> todd: thank you for answering
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that question. your message of love is important, have fun this weekend. >> carley: he fibbed, we were waiting for this to upon ha, president biden arriving for his meeting with giorgia meloni at the g-7 summit. there you see the president walking down the shadowy hallway. >> todd: most famous hallway, discussing wars in the middle east and biden and other leaders will meet with pope francis later this morning. >> carley: and giorgia meloni, big topic of conversation she wants to discuss with president biden is migration. she wants to end stem of migration, flow of migration in europe. given everything that has happened in the united states with illegal immigration at home, how productive will that conversation be? >> todd: especially not necessarily discussion between these two on migration, entire
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g-7. so many world leaders, whether macron, rishi sunak, just got punched in the mouth as we look at zoom in on president biden. they received a lot of pushback and lost to right-wing members of their countries and governments. the right wing wants to drive home message we cannot continue down the path of migration. bringing in people that don't share our language and are not contributing to our nation. we can't continue down our path. will joe biden get the message for them. >> carley: i heard something, let's listen in. >> president biden: okay. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> mr. president --
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[asking several questions at once] -- >> carley: you hear the press trying to shout questions at the president. if he takes any, we'll bring back to you. they are having that bilateral meeting now. he'll have another working session and be sitting down with pope francis, i'm sure notable moment for him. second time the president met with the pope during his time on office. >> todd: it is fun watching news live. >> carley: day two of the g-7 summit will last three days, president is heading home a day early. california governor gavin newsom paying visit to the border to let you know he is doing everything he can to handle the migrant surge. watch this. >> back down at the border,
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tijuana, this is the port of entry. we are with the national guard, meeting with custom agents. look, bottom line, they need more resources, everybody needs more resources and the republican party is standing in the way to provide resources for the men and women working hard in the state of california and this country to address issues related to the border. >> carley: tomi lahren joins us now. according to gavin newsom, republicans are standing in the way when it comes to the border issue. how do you feel about that? >> tomi: carley, i wish i loved anything in the world as much as governor gavin newsom loves himself. fact he is standing there taking a selfie video with just him in
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the shot talking about how he sent national guardsmen to help border patrol agents. he is smacked down and rebuffed by our own bill melugin and matt finn who spent time in jacumba, which is seeing illegal immigrant crossings and they tweeted yesterday they have not seen one california national guardsmen and talked to the guard patrol said said they have not seen any guardsmen. they are overwhelmed and immigrants are catching uber because border patrol is overwhelmed with the line. fact gavin newsom would stand there and take a vanity shot of himself and bold-face lie, it is
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textbook gavin newsom. >> carley: and bill melugin posted he has not seen one single california national guard and sent the message to a border patrol agent and the agent laughed. to your point, we want to ask about "new york times" op ed by bret stephen a. thomases, most courageous thing joe biden could do, he is talking about stepping aside. it leaves the president with one option, he could choose not to run and cede to someone who can win, paging chris whitcomb or greg shapiro. what do you think about that? >> tomi: joe biden loves
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himself, similar to gavin newsom, it will be difficult to get him to let go of the reigns there. speaking of gavin newsom, i believe gavin newsom will be the nominee. other names, i don't believe put in groundwork to get the nomination. gavin newsom has been running a shadow campaign for the last six to eight months. he's going to red states and putting out videos. and while i agree, joe biden will not be the nominee and they will convince him to step aside, i believe it will be gavin newsom. it is important to call gavin newsom out and look at the mess in california. if you don't want to california your america, gavin newsom is not your answer.
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joe biden is not the answer. >> carley: biden-harris before the convention, clock is ticking on a replacement. have a great friday and weekend. former president trump is floating plan to end federal income tax. >> todd: never been a better tease. do not turn the channel. cheryl casone here to explain how it is going to work. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. (♪) this is not just a pharmacy
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>> todd: this is not good. the fbi sounding alarm on hospital attacks in the u.s., where hackers stole information and blocked them from getting life-saving information. >> carley: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: the fbi putting out a report about hospitals. hackers are targeting hospitals more than any other sector. 2300 organizations were hit by ransom ware attacks. 249 of those were medical groups out of 16 sectors. medical largest sector targeted.
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cyber attacks here and ashes broad highlight needs for improved cyber security and healthcare overall. mortality rates increase after a ransom ware attack. in 2019, a nine-year-old girl's death was blamed on a cyber attack. the computer systems shut down and doctors did not realize the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. cancer treatments withheld, diabetics can't get medication. hospitals are targeted by hackers, so they can get money. >> todd: they have to pay otherwise more incidents happen. could trump get rid of income tax? >> cheryl: sounds good.
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let me explain. former president trump is floating idea of u.s. eliminating income taxes and replacing with tariffs. he said tariffs could be negotiated against bad actors out there. this is all yesterday, he was in multiple places in washington. he reportedly said to republican lawmakers. i want to add, he was at the business round table and j.p. morgan and bank of america were all in attendance, it is about money, finance and campaigns run on money and he wants support of wall street. >> carley: don't miss cheryl on the fox business network. thank you. >> todd: president biden blowing off ukraine peace summit to take
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part in a celebrity fundraiser. taking biden's place will be vice president kamala harris. shonda pierce joins me now. what is your take on this? >> it cracks me up they spend so much time in hollywood with a group of people so out of touch, especially the bible belt, only thing biden knows about a bible belt is what holds his pants up. it is bizarre hollywood writers and elite are trying to improve his image. >> todd: it is something else. biden's dog went on tan attack spree and he watched his dog attack secret service.
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the "new york post" writing president biden watched his german shepherd attack secret service members following another attack involving a commander, a sergeant writing a colleague, there was a dog bite and the officer may need to go to the hospital. have a safe shift. your reaction to letting the dogs out. >> put that dog in the room with hollywood writers, that is true last comic standing for sure temperature is hilarious biden watched. they nease need caesar milan to come whisper to the dog. i think somebody has been whispering in biden's ear, probably obama. all i can say, caesar needs to tell the president, stop sniffing and smelling the dog
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hair. >> todd: there you go. impressive job by you, thank you for joining us on a busy morning. over to steve doocy for a look what is coming up on "fox and friends". good morning. >> steve: todd, did you get a haircut? >> todd: last friday, thanks for note igging now. >> carley: not a thing said about my hair. >> todd: always gorgeous. >> steve: coming up joe biden meeting at the g-7, he is back in the states tonight for that big scelebrity fundraiser. kayleigh mcenany will weigh in on the president's schedule and strategy, as well. and the u.s. is sending a submarine of our own to cuba after russian war ships arrive in their waters.
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biden administration says not to worry. jack keane tells us if they are correct and hulk hostage an looking to bring america together with beer, he will join us with that coming up. summer friday, country star riley green will rock the summer concert stage. stick around for "fox and friends" in nine minutes and 25 seconds here on the channel you trust for your morning news.
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♪ >> just moments ago, president biden arrived for his bilateral meeting with the italian prime minister. the two leaders didn't speak but here's what president biden said to one shouted question about whether he was snubbing british prime minister reeshy sunak since the two won't have a chance to meet before the president returns to washington a little bit of controversy there that some reporters are trying to clear up. [shouting questions] so it seems that the reporters overseas are actually try to do their job ask probing questions. as it comes to the wander heard around the world where the italian prime minister had to say joe, joe, joe, get back here. the media here in the states
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maybe they didn't see it? watch. or maybe it didn't happen. joe, stay there. don't move. >> well well, for anybody that's paying attention joe biden is showing tremendous leadership on the world stage. >> i was i was checking in with campaign aides after the press conference how they thought it all went they said look, he accomplished what he sought to accomplished. >> the president only three years older of the republican challenger accused of being too old for his job has flown across the atlantic three times in the last week. >> todd: lincoln saw a great play at ford's theater, joe air force one us making this argument, look, guys, you got to hear it when we hear from those
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in the white house biden's allies in the media, behind close doors joe biden is as sharsharp as a tack. quadratic equations. he is john nash basically. when you see biden in public outside of those closed doors you can't help but think that this person shouldn't be the golf starter at your local county golf course let alone the president of the united states, commander and chief of our armed forces. as it pertains to this election, biden has to overcome three impressions almost impossible to reverse despite what those in the media are saying. like putting toothpaste back in the tube. overcome he is too old and mentally too far gone from the job. overcome the perception he doesn't know what he is doing on the economy and overcome the fact that our country, in terms of all these protests we are seeing and the world in general is a far less stable place than
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it was before he became president. that's why, as it stands right now today, june 1st, biden is clearly the underdog and trump is the favorite to win on november 5th. that is for certain. >> carley: the cover of the "new york post" this morning is brutal. they titled it me ander and chief. biden embarrasses u.s. with confused wandering at world conference. there is also a "new york times" op-ed, joe, written by bret stephens, titled the most courageous thing that joe biden can do. he says that would be choosing not to run. and he floats josh shapiro or gretchen whitmer as potential replacements the what do you think about that. >> that's interesting. you see this video right here, guys, that's like you will see this carley, todd, i'm sure you see this. go to the poured with walk or amusement park. see balloons, wander off to follow the balloons. that was joe biden yesterday before the italian prime minister had to reel him back. gretchen whitmer and josh shapiro.
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he is the governor of pennsylvania. he is relatively popular in that state. gretchen whitmer, michigan, i guess, what popular. no? you can't be the party that says you are going to save democracy and then take out the sitting president and install somebody without one primary voter having their say in the matter. i just don't think that would work. these people are not known on the national stage. no one knows their brand. and donald trump would win in even bigger landslide than he probably would if he ran against joe biden if the election were held today. personal opinion. >> carley: gavin newsom saying he is tough on the border which is a major issue with on the minds of all americans so you have to wonder where his brain is at right now. >> todd: take a selfie i'm tough on the border hi, mom. ridiculous. joe concha, happy father's day to you. have a great weekend everybody out there. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪


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