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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ my old man's truck run like that ♪ should have known better than to take that curve so fast ♪ daddy pulled up i was standing in the ditch he asked why i did what i did there was this girl ♪ ♪ i ain't never seen something as fine i was doing anything to make her mine. i was out of my mind. it was his girl. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: that is riley green out there performing for summer concert series.
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we're excited to have him in. grew up in alabama, grandparents on the same street. he wrote the song, i wish grandpas never died. this was his first big hit. he has a tour, ain't my last rodeo tour. >> brian: he's a former quarterback. some country music stars were athletes. >> steve: they are performers. i asked last time he was in new york city. he said, i was back here to be on the show. he is traveling across the country. >> brian: he will be at fort stewart, he plays for the troops. >> ainsley: he gave $50,000 to folds of honor. >> steve: that is that on your lapel -- >> lawrence: he doing the
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instagram video. >> brian: i did -- >> ainsley: the video. >> brian: try to stream on the instagram site for "fox and friends" and my own -- we keep everything going on every platform possible. >> ainsley: doll baby's mic. >> lawrence: making fun of you. >> brian: you act like i put it together. do you think i engineered it? >> steve: that is bigger than the one we are wearing. babying, baby, baby. >> ainsley: give this to riley green. go out and sing on this. >> lawrence: brian is not happy. >> steve: hide the wire. don't be yelling at me. >> ainsley: do you do live stuff? that is so cute.
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girls love microphones. when we were little, we took our hairbrushes. >> steve: yes, we did. >> ainsley: you did, too. >> steve: my sister kimy. riley will be singing live go to "fox and friends". >> lawrence: president biden and other leaders will meet with pope francis on the sideline of the g-7. >> brian: that meeting with the head of catholic church should start in the next hour or so. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera is tracking the events, how late are they? >> madeleine: up in the air, we never know. they like to maintain schedule, there have been many delays. i don't have a good answer. before g-7 leaders meet with president biden, the president met with giorgia meloni. according to the read out, the two talked about support for
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ukraine and need for a ceasefire in gaza. talks build upon the pledge to back kyiv. the president wanted to stay on topic when a reporter asked about gaza during a news conference. he said he wishes reporters were play by the rules. while the white house does determine the number of reporters the president will recognize, it is up to professional journalists to decide what to ask. the president did answer a question about ceasefire talks between israel and hamas. >> did you discuss a possible ceasefire? >> yes. >> are you covid-19 it is going to be done soon, sir? >> president biden: no. i'm not -- i haven't lost hope, it will be tough. >> madeleine: it is president addressed his son hunter's conviction and whether he would commute hunter's sentence. >> i'm extremely proud of my son
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hunter, he's overcome addiction, he is one of the brightest, most decent men i know. i said i would abide by the jury decision, i will do that and not pardon him. >> do you plan on commuting your son's sentence? >> madeleine: going back to the pope's meeting with g-7 leaders, he is 1st pope to participate in g-7 talks. he will warn of the dangers of artificial intelligence. he will meet with president biden and other leaders. president biden is leaving a day early to attend a star-studded fundraiser tomorrow in los angeles. >> brian: barack obama and george clooney, he will give him a piece of his mind. george clooney's wife is looking to indict prime minister
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netanyahu. clooney picked up the phone and blasted the white house. >> lawrence: glad there is a statement saying he does not get to decide things. >> ainsley: what about what they are doing to ukraine. >> lawrence: we will not see the president or get an opportunity to ask questions. >> steve: he has to rest up. he does not answer enough questions. what happened on capitol hill yesterday. the former president donald trump met with republican censo senators and house members. here is with the senators at ras headquarters.
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aishah hasnie did a great interview with him. she said is your vice presidential candidate at these meetings? kind of sounded like it. is glenn youngkin on the list? trump said he would consider that. on hunter biden the president said it is a tough situation for a father. didn't see this coming, on larry hogan, somebody at ras said larry hogan is dead to us. i would like to see him win. i would be endorsing him, really interesting. >> ainsley: he has a good idea who v.p. pick would be. we'll see for that. >> steve: might be in the room. >> ainsley: logan paul podcast with donald trump as a guest and he gifted logan with a t-shirt
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and his co-host with a locked up photo on the front of it. >> steve: never surrender. >> brian: actual mug shot. he said a lot of people don't put it on their shirt and sell it. here is some of the interview. >> for other young people looking to get ahead, a lot of them, times are tough right now, what would you say to kids who want to pursue their own version of the american dream and make it all come true? >> simply, honestly, vote for trump. with biden, you never going to do it. this country is going to hell. young people we are doing well, vote for trump. if you don't have the right guy, if the country does not do well, it is harder to do what you do,
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even what you do. that would be a simple message. >> lawrence: unlike current president who wants to give them gifts and other people's money, if you are in the services industry, i don't want tax on tips, i will set an economy where you can thrive like everyone else thrives and not get us in foreign wars. that is big issue having to fight battles when you can have peace and countries working together. >> ainsley: when you look at that video clip of logan and president trump together and they start laughing, i think gosh, he's a strong guy, a fighter, he used to be the president, gotten through so much. when i see joe biden on tiktok, i'm like, your grandfather, you look at them differently. >> brian: other thing that came out of that meeting, we will
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have a big rnc, in that horrible city. you put down milwaukee. he clarified and said crime has overrun the sthae and same with chicago. if joe biden was being honest, great history, terrible shape. that would be honest. he said crime is bad in milwaukee, he understands he needs wisconsin. you going to put douven the packers next? >> steve: i will say this about the trump campaign, approached logan paul about being on the podcast and he said absolutely. they are getting a lot of publicity for that interview. logan said, i'll invite joe biden. will he take him up on it? probably not. >> brian: i'll bet rogan is next. what would be the down side,
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three hours talking about guy stuff. >> steve: i think trump people has been trying to make that happen. unless they want to be closer to the election. >> ainsley: good to see biden, too. >> lawrence: yeah, young audrii. all eyes on the fight between jake paul and mike tyson. >> brian: and wrestling legend, thunder lips hulk hogan. how you doing? >> steve: gun show. >> ainsley: don't mess with you. >> oh, my gosh, you guys are really got me pumped up this morning. knee high to a grasshopper watching me wrestle. >> brian: you're a morning guy? >> i am today for you guys. >> ainsley: appreciate it. i w watched your reality show, o fun to watch and your relationship with your kids.
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you got baptized last year and said it was greatest day of your life. >> i accepted christian abata as my savior when i was 14, i kind of derailed. i got tired of crashing and burning and scratching and claws to get ahead, i went back to faith and life is turned around. i have been blessed and things are going so great now that i'm not in control. >> steve: we've done the show for 26 or 27 years and first time we've made this transition from baptism to beer. you have got a new light line of beer called real american beer. tell us about it. >> let's see. there it is right there. we have real american beer. i had this crazy idea, i saw how
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competitive the beer industry was and what happened with bud light and the promotion that crashed and burned. i saw this crazy open lane and reminded me of what needed to be done in this country. we're more alike than we are different. i thought, this is bigger than politics. if you can't communicate and talk, you will not get anywhere with discussions, decisions or people getting along. i want to create a beer for repu republicans and democrats, doesn't matter what sex, where you are from, what your race, i want to create a beer to bring america back together one beer at a time. real american beer. the reacceptsion has been great. >> steve: where can we get it? >> everywhere, major chains and stores. i have not had anyone tell me no
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yet. we're launching next week. >> ainsley: brian, read the next tommic. >> brian: we have history, on a tease with you, got out of control, me and you back in the '80s when i was at top of my game. i went for the takedown and do you remember this at all, hulk? >> my gosh, you almost took me down and ruined my career, you kidding? >> brian: similar to stallone in the ring? >> i was 320 pounds and he was a buck 80, pretty good contest. >> lawrence: hulk, can we expect a comeback any time soob? >> steve: of brian? >> brian: go ahead. >> i've had 30 surgeries, 10 back surgeries, two hips done,
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both knees, shoulder surgery. nobody told me this was fake, i didn't get the memo. i'm 70, i will leave it to young guys. >> brian: what about running for office? >> ainsley: are you constantly in pain? >> you learn to deal with it. i don't even take tylenol, i've been through surgery and prescription stuff they prescribe for you. this point in my life, i don't even take tylenol, i train and keep blood flowing. my diet is impeccable, i weigh 265 now. >> steve: take the edge off, have real american beer if it is after noon somewhere. thank you for joining us. >> you guys are awesome, thank you. >> ainsley: yes or no, run for
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office. i interrupted brian's question. we need someone with common sense, if you need a president or vice president, i'll rule with a iron fist, i know right from wrong. >> brian: i like flat tax and common sense. i like your platform, hulk. i go down and we work out and drink beer together and if good we could have bunny -- >> ainsley: and baptism. >> lawrence: put bunny on your back like he put you on his back. >> brian: i had him. hulk, congratulations on aging gracefully, you look fantastic. >> next time don't attack me. >> brian: he's intimidated. straight ahead president biden ready to trade for a glitzy gala
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and sending kamala to italy for a peace conversference. >> lawrence: kayleigh mcenany is next. she's jamming out. ♪ ♪ [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty
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to make jets. material purchased was sold with false document that went into jets from both manufacturers. boeing is under scrutiny after series of mishaps and safety issues. former president trump weighing in on aliens. >> am i a believer? no, probably can't say i am. i have met with people who are serious people that say there are strange things flying around out there. yesterday a harvard researcher said aliens could be living among humans on earth. they are among us. >> ainsley: i'm with us, not convinced. what about you, carley? >> >> carley: i think the lord made one species and it is us.
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fun it talk about. >> ainsley: president biden trading world stage for glitzy hollywood gala and sending kamala harris to italy for a peace conference while he meets with celebrities. >> does it look back to skip going to peace conference for ukraine and going to a glitzy event? >> the vice president is representing the united states of america. it can't be said united states walked away from supporting ukraine. >> ainsley: here to react is kayleigh mcenany. that reporter makes a good point, doesn't it look bad when you skip a peace conference zelenskyy has been begging you to go to, to go to a fundraiser with celebrities.
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>> kayleigh: it is your most important job, instead of going, he's sending kamala harris, does that instill faith in anyone? she makes the problem worse. would you rather have the man that freezes? >> ainsley: he could have said, move it to another date, we can fund raise later or is he panicking? donald trump is making a ton, i need to keep up and win. >> kayleigh: bingo, he's on defense. 24 hours after the verdict for trump to raise 53 million dollars. people who do this for a living says this blows records. biden is on defense. >> ainsley: you see donald trump in in interacting with young people
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and he's going to talk to milli millionaires, is that relatable? >> no, clooneys represent old hollywood and logan and podcasters, this is new fame gen-z is ashes peeling to -- appealing to. he's bringing a fun message out on tiktok. >> ainsley: that is true. there is word after that hollywood event, he'll hunker down at camp david and prepare for the debate for 10 days. we will not see him or hear from him. >> kayleigh: what i'm curious about, his depbate team, they ae counting on trump to be unhinged and wild. trump is not that and they are counting on trump to bring up
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hunter biden. >> ainsley: will trump prepare for the debate? >> his best preparation is the campaign trail and talking to voters. hold yourself up at camp david is not be ing out talking to voters. >> ainsley: i hope he is able to hold joe biden to the fire, you would need to know that information. >> kayleigh: best thing trump can do is ask him questions, put him on defense by going on offense. >> ainsley: watch kayleigh mcenany on "outnumbered" at noon. have a good weekend. it is friday. go outside to riley green performing live for all-american summer concert series. ♪ >> whichever porch had a swing. ♪
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>> lawrence: back with a fox news alert. new york city man accused of driving with weapons near laguardia airport due back in
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court. >> steve: that man was found after they stopped him with an obscure license plate with 11 weapons, a gun, knives and machete, body armor and baton that said, left me no choice and another that said ask in god for for forgiveness. >> brian: we dodged a bullet here. unlawful use of police understand form, he had a t transit vest. >> ainsley: he faces 15 years if convicted. he had an arsenal in his car and it was weird, he had a knife strapped to his leg, ax tacked to the ceiling. >> steve: this guy was ready. the question is for what? when being lead out of the
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police station, reporters peppered him with questions. did you buy that stuff on amazon and he gave the reporter a great big grin. where did he get that stuff? doesn't look good. >> lawrence: makeshift. fact he was going to be p pretending to be a cop. any tarrget he pretended to be would have made it difficult for cops. >> brian: the d.a. said this is couple blocks away where they pulled over this guy with a motorcycle and that guy was an illegal alien who shot both cops. again, difficult traffic stop, judge jonathan diller's family. this guy was armed to the teeth. he could have reached for his
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gun and didn't. >> lawrence: law enforcement did not get hurt in the process. reminder to the american public to have your head on swivel. with everything happening at southern border and middle east, plots, you have to be ready. >> brian: imagine in the laguardia airport and start shooting and wearing nypd vest. he is probably shooting as many people as possible. >> steve: one other thing, imagine if you were behind that guy in traffic and you lay on your horn and like, get going. >> ainsley: you can't do that anymore. i know that doesn't happen in the south, up north everyday. don't honk your horn, you don't
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know what that passenger has. >> steve: a hatchet in the ceiling. >> ainsley: how crazy. >> steve: we need more answers. >> brian: someone not crazy, carley shimkus. >> carley: thank you, so nice of you. i appreciate it. i hope it is true. >> brian: it is true. >> carley: jury out on that one. in new york, governor kathy hochul says she's looking into bringing back mask bans on subways and anti-israel protesters hide their identities while taunting people. >> raise your hands if you are a zionist, this is your chance to get out. >> free, free palestine. free, free palestine. >> we are hamas. >> you are what, hamas? >> yes, we are hamas. >> activist took the video and
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spoke with us earlier. >> this understand formity of hate is designed to intimidate and to allow people to hide behind their hate same way we see keyboard warriors hide their faces. if you are proud of your message, you are not hiding. >> carley: no timeline for a mask ban if kathy hochul pursues one. do you remember this iconic scene from the movie "titanic." >> jack. ♪ >> carley: kate winslet made this admission about her kissing sc scene. >> it is not all it was cracked up to be. we kept doing this kiss. i would have to do makeup check on both of us between takes and
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i would end up looking like i was sucking a caramel chocolate bar. >> kateshg and leo are close friends. flashback, susan lucci teaches b brian how to kiss on "fox and friends". this is 2011, teaching him to kiss like they do on soap operas. >> lawrence: brian! >> carley: i am blushing. >> brian: i am surprised how good i did that. she never called. >> she is supposed to say that, brian. >> lawrence: did you talk to dawn before you did that? a lot of explaining. >> brian: it was spontaneous. >> what did dawn say? >> steve: they might not have talked before, they talked after. >> brian: this weekend will be front and center. >> steve: she's dawn's favorite
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actress and there is dawn making out with her. >> brian: i heard you met susan lucci. >> ainsley: what do you do when you run into her? >> brian: chemistry reignites. >> steve: nice, hot lips. battle for -- >> brian: thunder lips and hot lips. >> steve: hunter and biden push their messages. >> brian: jamming out with riley green. ♪ ♪ my daddy left for another woman. moved off to l.a.. my mama fought hard against that cancer, she died when i was eight. i finished school, my country shipped me off to war. when i came home, my whole world
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>> steve: president biden and former president trump are battling it out for business support as joe biden touts his
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economic record, the former president is pushing back. listen to this. >> president biden: no president had the run we had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. it was 9% when i was in office. >> day one we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with maga-nomices. >> what about the economy and what is going on? >> i say we have the best economy in the world. have to make it better. >> they have the best economy, best economy, best job numbers during my presidency. >> employment has not been this low for 50 years, wages are rising. >> were we better off four years ago or now? it is not close. >> steve: host of varny and company, stuart varney.
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both sides appeared before the business round table, donald trump would like to cut c corporate taxes and joe biden with corporate taxes, raise them. >> set them side by side and look at policies. trump is business guy and biden is a politician, huge difference. trump wants to grow business, economy and profit. biden wants to tax it and control it and milk it. trump will lower corporate tax rate and eliminate taxes. trump kills regulation and biden encourages regulation. if you look at successful economic business model, trump
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has it, biden does not. >> steve: you made it simple, binary choice, not where both guys are kind of on the same page, two different books. sgll trump is business guy, biden is politician. >> steve: next thing i want to talk about, kevin o'leary from "shark tank" told daily mail, if you are independent and thinking donald trump is too crazy but you have doug burgum in the package, trump experience. he has executional skills from business in state of north dakota, you get trump and burgum-trump insurance, ying-and yshs yang.
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>> it makes sense. burgum is a self-made business guy, made money in software, i believe close to billion dollars, good track record for guy who would be vice president and has established business character. i like doing business ideas to government. we've had politicians forever, business guy in charge. i want a successful growing economy. and business guys may be people who give it to us. >> steve: that man will be on varney and company. run upstairs. >> i will. >> steve: straight ahead riley green will perform live and we're going to have musicians, there is riley coming up. m meanwhile, bill hemmer is getting ready for the news. >> bill: he can take a cue. have a great weekend.
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will supreme court rule on presidential immunity? we will find out. president biden in italy and where is president trump heading next? answer might surprise you and u.s. navy being taxed, how do we end this conflict costing money and watch israel's northern border, we'll show you the map shortly. it is friday, folks. see you 10 minutes, top of the hour. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage.
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which paint color matches your bold style. and with the mylowe's rewards credit card, you can save 5% every day. you got this. and we got you. >> steve: it's time for the all american summer concert series. >> here to perform, give it up for riley green! [cheers and applause] ♪
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♪ with old hank singing some song about a train ♪ ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> amazing. >> steve: how great was that? if you would like to help ute riley and you would like to know what he is doing go to riley green >> buy tickets now. >> brian: he will be in lawrence, ohio, bloomington, illinois on the 16th. fort stewart the u.s. army. >> sounds good. >> lawrence: thanks for the music today. >> ainsley: god bless you. thanks for being here. [cheers and applause] >> steve: have a great father's day, everybody. >> bill: thank you on a friday morning. one hour from now we might get it. the supreme court could is


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