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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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who insists his politics didn't change but that the world around him really did. something to the about on this friday afternoon. and also this on a new s. episode of the untold story podcast i sat down with charles the secretary of the american battle monuments commission which is an amazing government organization that oversees all of our veteran burial places all over the world. so we spoke at normandy at the american cemetery. he's served for 24 years in the army reserve. that interview is available at look at how breathtaking that is just amazing. please tune in on the podcast to hear my conversation with him. i thank him for doing that with us when we were in france, and we'll see you back here on monday at 3. your world starts right about now. that's the story. have a great weekend. goodbye everybody.
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[ ♪♪ ] ♪ that's what i want ♪ >> neil: a good thing i cover money because it's all about the money especially right now. money that's what the biotin and trump campaign's want and they're hoping to hole in lots of it. president biden fresh of european trip, planning to sweep into los angeles los angeles tomorrow for star-studded hollywood fundraiser. former president barack obama julia roberts and george clooney among the big headliners. donald trump for his part attending a big birthday bash tonight at club 47 west palm beach with about 5,000 of his closest supporters possibly more. we have fox team coverage with danamarie mcnicholl on the trump event expected to kickoff in 3 hours, and then los angeles big money president biden is banking on right now. welcome everybody you're watching your world right now. i'm neil cavuto. glad to have you." first west palm beach where you will find annamarie on this big
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trump event tonight. >> with the breast they bash started about an hour ago, 5,000 people are trickling into the palm beach convention centre. the energy building. they are excited. trump is expected to be speaking and arrive for festivities around 7:00 pm tonight so have a couple of hours until that starts. former president is turning 78 years old today and shares his birthday with flag day the holiday. the event is being hosted by club 47. a group who calls himself the largest club of trump supporters in america. this after trump's capitol hill visit yesterday with house and senate republicans that brought a rare moment of gop unity. he stressed republicans should not attack 1 another can't promising to quote work out any lingering differences within the party. senators even gave him an american flag cake with 45 candles and 47 referring to the next presidency.
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over on social media trump was interviewed by influencer and professional wrestler logan paul on his podcast with him as 1.8 million views in less than 24 hours. the former president is reaching a younger audience by covering topics from ufos to the rat meat between drake and kendrick lamar. it's been to be a couple of busy days for former president trump at this weekend he heads to battleground michigan to court black waters. listening to residents at roundtable discussions he will also be speaking at a turning point usa events in detroit, i solidly democratic city were president biden won by 94% in 2020. back out here live it's a sold-out crowd. people were instructed to wear red white and blue to this birthday bash so most are rocking up to live music on the stage anxiously awaiting former president trump to speak and address the crowd for his birthday. >> neil: thank you very much for that. dana marie mcnichol west palm beach. william nhan janette smith in
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los angeles. a big event planned for the president tomorrow with some pretty big a-list names. what can you tell us? >> a lot of money may be $20 million or more but the president needs to energize his campaign. and the validation that comes with appearing to be supported by popular celebrities even though most attending saturday have virtually nothing in common with the average order. >> were not looking at george clooney providing advice. >> but george clooney has something others don't. this saturday he and julia roberts will activate the hollywood money machine for president biden. >> that's character in real life and that's george clooney. >> in 2020 the entertainment industry gave democrats 104 million almost 10 times more than republicans. >> i know what it's like to struggle. >> biden highlights his blue-collar roots while calling out trump. >> donald trump looks at the world differently than you and me. how he can help with bringing a
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friend gain power and control. >> biden has is a cadre of billionaires as does trump. >> both candidates raising a lot of money from big tech and wall street. biden's big donors include hedge fund executives and wealthy individuals. >> what biden is trying to do us a look at the policies i'm doing and dalton graham raising money and donald trump is trying to say i'm the guy that fights for you even though i am rich. >> big money often buys attack ads. will celebrity endorsements help move the needle? biden is banking on it. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. >> biden hit-up california 4 years ago for 300 million. number 1 source of cash tickets up to $125,000 saturday but the event also offers them something equally valuable. of the line into the social media accounts of celebrities who offer their name and likeness to the campaign for fundraising and access to millions of followers. again young voters. william la jeunesse thank you. so where you on this and hoodie
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favour what are you more impressed by catley carter gop pollster caden kelly cooperman democratic pollster. the president will say i've got a big hollywood heavyweights behind me but to be fair like a donald trump has very galvanized crowds with him. many of them are a listers but many more are not. and they are the ones who are jazzed and i keep thinking back to hillary clinton who could fill a venue as long she had some of those celebrities. without the not so much. what do you make of that? >> i think that for joe biden he can't turn away from the scanner fundraising events. the money raised is so important. this was an advantage that biden had for some period of time and out seems like trump has closed in and might and power in terms of how much money he has suspend and joe biden needs the money that he can raise in terms of reaching voters getting his message out there connecting with groups less than
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enthusiastic right now about voting for him that he needs to turn out in the fall and if there's celebrities that can help attract young people who historically have voted democrat but currently are showing leg and support for biden, then it's all to the better and i think both trump and abiodun will use whatever celebrities they can to their advantage and i think the argument that points to the cynicism kinda falls flat at this point because that's what politics does these days. >> at the gear is a very good point on that. you get what you can from whom you can. probably carter does come back to who has the most galvanized base and maybe hollywood and some of these big names can help the president galvanize at base. doesn't appear to be for the time being all that galvanized but what do you think? >> i don't think so liberties have the same kind of pull as they used to. at the goodies to mean a lot to have celebrity endorsements. we saw in 2016 hillary clinton had the entire hollywood establishment behind her and it didn't help her in the end and i think right now we've got this
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whole counterculture movement where people are trying to think for themselves and express themselves differently and in many ways we are seeing this whole revolt against the elite telling us what we should and should not do so i'm not sure how much the hollywood elite paul in the same way they used to but i do agree that the numbers here are important. the dollar amount biden needs to raise is significant. he needs his ground game and because he can't capture the attention the way that donald trump can he has to have paid media. he has to be getting his message out there in ways that will connect with his audience. unless he has not money he will not be able to do that. the dollars are very, very important to him. they are less significant for donald trump really pulls from a small donor base and has a more notches in but in the number of people supporting. >> you both remind me in the past how you spend that. both sides get a considerable amount of joanne donald trump has been on a roll. president biden had an early
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lead but the fact of the matter is how you spend that money. i'm wondering on that the issue then becomes where that goes. i remember people laughing at donald trump in 2016 when he was pouring so much energy into these battleground states were a lot of people in his own party are telling me you're wasting your time. you know have a chance in hell to encode these he did. in his targeting these very battleground states and from a much greater pole position including michigan tomorrow. what you make of that and how democrats respond to that? >> joe biden absolutely has to win the blue wall those states of michigan, wisconsin pennsylvania if he's going to be successful the selection. these are states he wanna in 2020 and are critical to him winning the presidency. these are ct cannot afford to lose. there's a lot of ways to play with the electoral map that comes with it right now the
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general consensus is these 3 seats are ones biden must win and right now michigan the polls show the 2 are virtually tied in a dead heat ray now for this. there's concern joe biden is losing support among black voters and other voter groups and that are key to him being successful. so trump is being very purposeful by going to michigan and doing what he's doing in. i think ultimately it would be a large realignment for trump to pull that level of support from black voters but this is something biden will have to focus heavily on over the next 2 months. >> what do you make of that check the strategy can't focus on the battleground states but donald trump has no choice sometimes house money problem is going on to focus on new york for example to do a lot of activities in new jersey, very blue states. but he got big crowds. so what do you make of that?
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>> what he was doing was capturing media attention so no matter where you where you are seeing. it was the element of surprise. to see huge turnout in the bronx for donald trump or new jersey, traditionally blue states not traditionally but blue states right now, it was surprising to all. and a lot of people watched that wouldn't have otherwise watched. so i think he made the most of the time that he wasn't able to travel and now that he is able to travel he's got to go to the battleground states where carly is right. those are, you know, the make or break states. this election will be decided by the 3 plus 4 more. donald trump is making his case. >> real quick the debate coming up on the 27th. how crucial will that be? >> at the gets important and will be the first time some people are shutting to tune into the election. reno voters are really unenthusiastic and not excited about thes candidates and historically when people start to tune in and pay more attention and for the biden
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administration for biden himself this is an opportunity to try to reset on his terms and get his legislative accomplishments out there and show that he's energetic and kind of try to counter the narrative is he's been lagging in the polls and hasn't been able to turn things around. >> we shall see. thank you both. of a wonderful weekend. in the meantime good days and bad days is how the princess of wales and revealed to public how she's doing right now and what she's up to right now and battling the cancer she's been dealing with for the better part of a month. alex hogan has more from london. >> this big news coming out of kensington palace today princess of wales learning a little bit more about her condition sharing this photo today. she says that she has these good days and bad days and she's not out of the woods just yet as she undergoes chemotherapy and it's not been revealed what kind of cancer the 42-year-old has been diagnosed with but in the statement she reiterated the
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struggles she faces certain days versus other days being a little bit more positive, some thing anyone who's had cancer or anyone who has a loved 1 with cancer can relate to. kate is not back in the swing of official duties but the other part of today's news is she will be attending the trooping of the colour tomorrow which is the monarch's official birthday parade in london something that no 1 thought she was going to attend. king charles iii himself is also undergoing cancer treatment and it was just last week when he travelled to france for the 80th anniversary of d-day. his first tomorrow's ceremony the trooping of the colour is filled with pomp and pageantry. there's as many as 1400 parading soldiers, hundreds of horses and musicians. kate is expected to be at the ceremony along with her children for the parade and then will be on the balcony of buckingham palace to watch a royal air do a flypasts or flyover back home. so a very public event we are
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expecting to see her at tomorrow as she undergoes what's a very private matter, something the royal family has asked repeatedly for some respect and privacy and this time. that being said kate did in her message reiterate these messages she's received from people in her touched and overwhelmed she's been by the gratitude and kindness she's received. >> neil: and a lot of that. alex hogan thank you very much. the princess herself has said this is an event she wants to make. king charles' birthday parade. and she spoke candidly in this letter into subjects. i know i'm not out of the woods yet. we will be following that tomorrow because a lot of this will be on my we can show. we'll be going back and forth but also all over the world with some of the other developments happening across the world particularly the middle east. that's another issue will be getting into. in the meantime the supreme court making a decision that won
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on immunity that's coming up for donald trump and whether he's entitled to that is former president. that's still undecided. after this you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. uuu, this looks romantic. [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob. hi. how was the weather getting up here? fine but, you know, i think we're, we're just going to go up to bed and— do you believe in ghosts? [whistling kettle sound] no? good!
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>> neil: we did get supreme
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court decisions today but not the 1 a lot of votes have been looking for to back in february, the immunity decision whether former president is allowed to grant that, to protect he and other presidents to come from the very sort of thing donald trump is facing. david spent on this and a lot more in washington. >> tiktoker's o'clock. the longer this takes to get supreme court decision the further this pushes back donald trump's potential trial back. but just about everything there's of course caveats. the first does this even go to trial. the former president is charged with trying to overturn the 2020 election results. he was supposed to go to trial beginning early march. the deadline came and went. the case itself essentially has been on ice since late december, once an appeal was announced to the local dc circuit. george tanios check can who's overseeing the case stopped all activity on the docket at least publicly until this issue resolves at the supreme court. the first appeal was to the dc
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circuit. they ruled donald trump does not have absolute immunity to avoid prosecution by the supreme court decided to get involved a few months ago and way and even of the dc circuit ruled unanimously he does not have full immunity from prosecution. donte strachan it with the high court will do. the cases argued the end of april and they typically have into the end of june which means 2 more weeks to release his opinion. depending on what they do it could be good or bad for special councillor jack smith. that man who entitled donald trump last year if the court holds trump enjoys broad immunity expect this case to never happen. if they rule he's not expected case to perhaps happen later this summer if it's a mixed bag that could delay things. switching gears to another big justice department story, in a letter to house speaker mike johnson a few hours ago the doj made it clear attorney general merrick garland will not be criminally charged after he was held in contempt of congress just a few days ago. house republicans held garland in contempt after he declined to
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turn over audiotapes from an october interview between president biden and special counsel robert her at the white house and the classified documents case where biden was not charged. garland turned over the transcripts months ago which has the same contents just not the audio. the wording in the letter to speaker johnson is almost the same as a 2019 letter in which doj announced it would not criminally charged and attorney general bill barr for contempt of congress. really almost word for word almost a same letter, the same with the 2020, 2012 a. should say regarding then attorney general eric holder who was the first to be held in contempt. he was not prosecuted. and. >> the next crack at this immunity thing if it were to pass or they take it up would be next week next thursday. >> next thursday the supreme court has opinions listed on the calendar. they could add days. they like to try to wrap these up by june 28th which of the last friday in the month. so it's possible they could add maybe next tuesday wednesday or
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friday but as of now just thursday on the calendar spee and thank you very much david it's fun following that. a lot of legal issues. let's get into with rebecca rose woodland. we have tom dupree with us former deputy assistant attorney general andy mccarthy former assistant attorney general fox news contributor. welcome to all. andy first off on the doj saying will not prosecute baron garland and there is a distinction between this branch going after officials within the department of justice just not going to happen. move on. what do you think? >> it's not surprising. we went 223 years with no attorney general of the united states being held in contempt or censured in that way. now 3 i think of the last 5 attorneys general have so it's kind of been depleted as anything other than a partisan weapon in these very partisan
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times. it's not surprising that the biden justice department would not prosecute joe biden's attorney general but we should be clear on what's going on here and that is that joe biden and garland have made a political determination that they would be more harmed by the release of the tape then the political hit they are taking for stonewalling over it. but the position they are taking is a political position not legal. >> neil: what happens now? i'm thinking the position they are in now and obviously congress is going to say well but then there's the breaks. his going to change? where you go? >> i don't think it's going to change. they are basically asking merrick garland to prosecute himself which we all knew would be a nonstarter. i think congressional leverage here really comes from the ability to put a spotlight on these issues. is and he said the administration clearly made a
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political judgment it would rather take the contempt hit or at least contempt citation or public opprobrium upping attorney general held in contempt rather than turn over the material congress is demanding. 7 congress' next move is to ensure they can get away from the consequences of this decision to keep the spotlight on the issue. they may call hearings. there may be other public statement from commission chairman or other members of the house or senate, really saying look you of the american people this information and if you're going to continue stonewalling fair enough. we will ensure the public a. >> reporter: account. >> separately i want to ask for this little more with you the supreme court has not yet ruled on this trump immunity claim. i'm just wondering how you think that will go because it's been sort of dragging its feet to hear a lot of the trump people prosecutors put it on this particular issue. how you see it going?
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>> first of all delay certainly doesn't hurt president trump. former president trump the delay can only help because the stay remains in effect. what seems to be the trend that the supreme court made may decide this on very narrow factual issues the absolute immunity. presidents have enjoyed absolute immunity over the course of the existence of the united states capture liability or any sort of official acts. whether this will be considered official acts, what happened on january 6th, that will be the big question. the overall scope of immunity has to remain in place. presidents cannot be subject to constant lawsuits and being derided and bogged down with that. so i think what we're going to see, i did say the president will be victorious with the
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supreme court. but i think most of the opinion will be specific as to very factually specific regarding what happens january 6th. >> so that is the case, and let say they do rule on this, but quite the opposite of what rebecca was pointing out it doesn't go the former president's way, the very least things have been delayed just waiting for this. so the idea that at least 2 of the cases involved could get adjudicated before the election are next to nil and they? >> i don't think so. addictive sue lachance the january 6th case goes to trial. here's why. i think trump's lawyer john sauer at the oral argument give a lot of ground and he admitted under questioning by both justices barrett and kagan that a number of the acts in the indictment were private acts
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that are not amenable of immunity claim. if i think if smith is willing and when the case comes back in whatever form it comes back in, if he's willing to say look i'm willing to leave the rest of my case on the cutting room floor luscious go to trial on what they concede as private, that case could still get to trial. >> washering closer. thank you very much. in the meantime i don't know if you're taken off the airport this weekend or the weeks ahead it's supposed to be very busy travel season cb dealing with long tsa lines probably an understatement. but you are also going to be dealing with some picket lines checksum flight attendant picket lines. get ready after this with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ ♪
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(♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] >> neil: wrapped up largely another winning week for the market especially the nasdaq. fifth record in a row. technology stocks limped to the finish line.type not so much the doubt. after this.
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[ chanting ] >> neil: you thought those lines on tsa were long. you could be bumping into this. flight attendant strike begins to take hold. we have more from chicago o'hare international airport. >> plans can't fly without flight attendants so these protests and potential for a strike could throw a wrench in the travel plans for millions of americans this summer. these negotiations for a new contract have been going on for more than 5 years going back to before the pandemic. this week the 2 sides are an washington meeting federal mediators to give the talks 1 last chance before flight attendants walk off the job. the soonest that could have been would be late next month right in the middle of the summer travel season. >> we are fighting hard to get
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the deals in place not to disrupt people's travel. but if it comes to that this could be a major disruption in the case of american talking about shutting down the entire system. >> yesterday flight attendants and thousands of airports picketing as part of a worldwide day of action since both united and alaska airlines have ongoing negotiations with their flight attendants. the biggest taking point in the negotiations is pay. inflation has gone through the roof over the past 5 years but flight attendant salaries haven't really changed. the average starting salary for flight attendant is around 27, $28,000. it's been 14 years since we had an airline strike here in the us everyone involved is hoping to keep the streak alive and especially here during the travel summer season. >> neil: hopefully they settle that. meanwhile you've heard a lot about and the debt $34 trillion closing in on 35 trillion.
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and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. >> i think that if the dip is stabilized relative to the size of the economy that we are in a reasonable place. the way i look at it is that we should be looking at the real interest cost of the debt. that's what the burden is. >> neil: i know what she was trying to say in the sea cibc interview but treasury secretary alarmed a lot of people when she was clearly referring to newly $35 trillion in debt as a reasonable place. it is anything but according to my next guest miami guinness, who has been bemoaning this when it was a whole lot less than 35
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trillion. the committee responsible for federal budget president. what did you make of that? >> in the big picture there's absolutely nothing reassuring about our fiscal situation. not 1 good piece of news you can find looking at all the numbers. i understand the secretary was staying which is leased to talk about balancing the budget. our fiscal situation is so bad that's not going to happen and finding a plan that would stabilize the debt and put it on a downward path so it doesn't grow as a share of gdp, that would be a healthy step a lot of people are talking about is the right metric. the problem is we are not on track to do anything close to that. we are on track to borrow $20 trillion over the next decade. that would not be stabilized. it would hit the record of the highest shared economy it's ever been 4 years from now. last time was that i was right after world war ii. we are about to be there in a couple of years. under the president's budget which she talked about generating savings they would
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not stabilize the debt. in fact, they would borrow $16 trillion. when you look at the trajectory there's nothing reassuring about the situation. >> neil: what i love about you back you can see through washington speak. in other words from the president or others would talk about we cut the deficit in half, we are still spending more than we are taking in, so the deficit whatever it is piles on to the debt. the debt is a combination of all of our deficits. and there's nothing i see on the horizon on either party this want to change that trajectory. i have paul ryan here who is looking into this matter of course when he was the speaker and even with the debt commission coming up with ways to stay the growth but those days are gone. he was pictured as the guy throwing granny off the cliff for even daring to say we have to deal with entitlements and you know how that went.
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>> that's right. so again there's nothing this reassuring about the situation including the political leadership on both sides on this issue. we have 2 people running for president promising basically not to fix the problem promising to cut taxes increased spending and fix social security and medicare which is what paul ryan was known for talking about and still has been championing. you cannot fix the situation and you cannot make social security and medicare reliable for the people who depend on them unless you make changes because we are headed for insolvency. yet we have a political environment where nobody's talk about the truth anymore. you talked about claims the deficit have come down. that was just unrealistic. the president had put more borrowing on the books. the deficit on the came down as we recovered from covid. president trump borrowed much more before covid hit them and needed to. they both made the debt worse. we will soon release the numbers on how much they both put into borrowing and it's an ugly
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frightening picture. the worst component of all is where we are on interest. interest payments are the second largest item in the budget. the only problem that's bigger is social security. they are larger than defence spending. that's dangerous for our country >> neil: we have tapped our credit lines to the max. only uncle sam can try to keep increasing the credit line but the fact is we are the ones stuck with the bill. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> neil: thank you so much. miami guinness. we'll explore this with ken fisher whether he's worried about this the celebrated investor-owned why he think the markets are ignoring the sort of thing and running at the pace they are. that's tomorrow on my we can show. we will also be updating you on the floods going on in florida. there been really the case all week and they are not getting better. besides the floods there we are dealing with a heat wave. that could grip much of the nation may be upwards of half the nation as
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>> we are not even the tropical storm fay's we are just in
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florida. for friday's running of incredible flooding there. nicole valdes has more right now from miami. >> south florida still underwater after record rainfall with even more expected to fall today. check out this north miami neighbourhood. you will notice just how far can maybe a miles worth of water, that's not only covered this main road here but has flooded several of the homes you see in just this neighbourhood. it is the grim reality for hundreds of people across south florida as they continue to struggle with massive flood concerns, and a renewed flood threat today with another chance for heavy storms. miami-dade county 1 of 5 counties that remain under a state of emergency after record rainfall in places like hall and dale beach clocking more than 23 day period. that's her officials tell us they rescued nearly 200 people
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including a mother and her 7-month-old child. those are people who either were trapped in their homes or forced to ditch their cars when they realized they were not going to be able to drive through deepwater. some some people wading through it lifting up their pants taking their shoes off. not advised but unfortunately some people realized they didn't have a choice. wee de'ante green robison earlier today at aventura mall where he was try to figure out if he could salvage his car and he has a message for everyone think about driving through the floodwaters located. >> and fortunately learned the hard way. due to a lack of patience. i was safely secure in a parking lot. no rain or water was touching me but my ego got away and i wanted to go home and be comfortable and it cost me. i literally saw people submerged in water coming out the parking lot. and then the water filled up the passenger side, the back, my
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side and the rear driver side as well. >> it's dry and warm for now. we're expecting showers to start to move through here in just a little bit. but travel of course in and out of the sunshine state has been amasses you can imagine. tons of delays and cancellations still today at both fort lauderdale and miami international airport. >> incredible. thank you nicole valdes. rick said he might be able to dodge if you're not in the florida area of these floods but you have other things to worry about because a good chunk of the country could be injuring it. what's going on? >> we have severe weather going on this evening across big cities in the northeast and behind this. get ready for i think it's going to be a prolonged heat wave. it's going to be building. let's show you what's going on, severe weather threat. cities back towards parkersburg all the way up through hartford towards boston portland, new york city these are the storms beginning to fire here.
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eastern parts of pennsylvania getting ready to go towards a jersey within a couple of hours or so, around the neck city area. it's going to be kind of a few rounds of the storms throughout the evening hours. clearing out by tomorrow morning by tomorrow we will see the temperatures feeling pretty good. right now we have heat index in new york city at 75. it is humid. today is a humid day but this cold front is bringing severe weather. it comes on through throughout tonight into tomorrow, and then we have this weekend. it is pretty spectacular. you want to be outside as much as you can. mid low seventies boston. 80. mid seventies sunday in new york. really nice not humid weekend. enjoy it because it's all about to change. by the time we get towards tuesday of this week we are going to watch this ridge moving across much of the east and it will begin to get really warm. the extended outlook remains warm. saturday and sunday he does in
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the plans. by the time we get towards monday great lakes towards northeast. take a look here next thursday through monday. we are talking about temperatures right here very likely above average. well above average along all the big cities. and if i look a little past this, looks like we remain the same way for may be the following week. we might be talking about heatwave that builds in here and last a couple of weeks. that becomes dangerous and taxing for so many people. a lot of people living in this area dealing with the seat. >> neil: we should be careful. thank you very much. another reminder mom's win again. we are told again with the planned spending father's day versus mother's day kids just love their mothers more. it's okay. it's okay. i can deal with that. so i'm going to tell you what dads really want. and it will save you a fortune. this is why we really get less, because we want less. after this.
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i think i speak for other baths, we realize, kids, you love your mom more and moms love themselves more so i get that. but i want to explore this in more detail with alex breen, comedian extraordinary. i am not bitter. i understand where you are coming from. probably agree with that huge disparity in love, but what do you think of it? >> i mean, i think dads are lucky if they get a phone call, for the most part. >> neil: whoa! >> a lot of the money that is being spent is their own money, too, that's the other part of it. i think it's fair. it's may be the opposite of a perceived wage gap. women, they say, make two-thirds less than men, so now mom gets two-thirds more for mother's day. all's fair in love and war. >> neil: abbey, is that is what is going on here? just a vendetta? >> i think there are a lot of explanations, and just because they are spending less does not make you any less appreciated.
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i hope, that being said, your kids got you adult tickets for father's day. >> neil: they are very price. they usually download a song and leave it at that. it is interesting, right? we see this year in and year out and i'm just wondering what's behind it. you are both saying, obviously, more affection for mom, all she does come i get that, she brought you into the world, blah, blah, blah. i'm just wondering why this gap widens every year, it actually does come it gets wider. i daresay within another few years, it's going to be pennies for dads. [laughter] >> well, you know, i think -- >> neil: go ahead, alli. >> i was just going to say, i think part of it as moms want more stuff, and it is easier, you can get them spa treatments, jewelry. for dads, fishing equipment, they don't want it because they pick their own home and i guess getting barbecue stuff the equivalent of getting a washing machine for mom, you know, just putting him to work.
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>> neil: i see. >> i think you probably want less beer and moms maybe want a little more. >> neil: that's interesting, abby, because they have done surveys on this for what fathers really wanted apparently the fishing and golf gear and mayan shirts, want to pick that out ourselves, that i can understan. this i really rally around, we just want to eat, and anything that goes into eating, going out for a meal, that is a big deal. a special getaway. i would add in the getaway better involve food. beer is important. spending time with the kids. interesting, falls dead last. between that and the hotels come all of that is good. but what does that tell you about dads and their priorities? i think they are actually very economical. abby, to you on that. >> yeah, maybe i feel like dads are very simple. they don't want much. >> neil: whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean by "simple?" what do you mean by "simple?"
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>> they find joy in the little things. >> neil: there you go, recovered well. >> it's funny because i called my dad in preparation for this, and i already got him something but i called him and said, hey, what do you want her father's day? he goes, nothing, which makes it worse because then you have to think of something else, i meant no might want to play ping-pong. maybe get your dad a ping-pong, let dad win on father's day, my dad watching this, just in case i lose. they just want memories and they want, you know, the simple things in life because that's central. maybe we barbecue for dad for once. >> neil: it's interesting. i think moms and dads have a lot in common, and i think just loving to be with their children, that is something. but, you know, sometimes kids get to a certain age, i'm sure you never did this, where they don't want to be with either mom or dad. i was a rock star when my kids were little, and that were off fast, and i just wonder, can you convey the importance of just
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kids being with their dads on this special day? alli? >> yeah, i think it's important, for sure, and i think kids will have fun with their parents. sounds like according to the numbers you listed, the dads are sneaking beer before they hang out with the kids. >> neil: that is not what i said there. abby, your thoughts? >> i mean, if you are hanging out with your kids and they are of age, you can drink beer with your kids -- >> neil: touche. >> you can make all of those top five happen in one single day if you really thought about it. >> neil: that's brilliant. sixth on that list was processed meats and cheeses. so you are right, you are onto something. the ladies, thank you both very much. good having your insights on disk. guys and fellow dads out there, we should gather this day and appreciate the day because few other people do. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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