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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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alli? >> yeah, i think it's important, for sure, and i think kids will have fun with their parents. sounds like according to the numbers you listed, the dads are sneaking beer before they hang out with the kids. >> neil: that is not what i said there. abby, your thoughts? >> i mean, if you are hanging out with your kids and they are of age, you can drink beer with your kids -- >> neil: touche. >> you can make all of those top five happen in one single day if you really thought about it. >> neil: that's brilliant. sixth on that list was processed meats and cheeses. so you are right, you are onto something. the ladies, thank you both very much. good having your insights on disk. guys and fellow dads out there, we should gather this day and appreciate the day because few other people do. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everybody. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, katie pavlich, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ it is a trump freak out friday. the former president knows how to make democrats and the liberal press completely lose their minds, and this time, they are freaking out over a report that claims that he trashed milwaukee during his closed-door meeting with congressional republicans beard multiple lawmakers in the room said trumf context and trump himself says it's fake news. >> there was a fake story that came out, milwaukee has a problem with crime, as do most democrat-run cities, almost all of them have a problem with crime. but they also have a problem with votes. and election integrity. that's what we want to make sure we get straight. >> judge jeanine: but in a collusion of stupidity, the
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media and democrats are pouncing on it. the dnc throwing up billboards in the milwaukee area to knock trump. the biden campaign is selling these not a horrible city merchandise. and the good biden lapdogs of morning joe turned into a frat house this morning, literally busting out and drinking beer from milwaukee at 6:00 in the morning. and later, mika was seen sporting a milwaukee t-shirt. >> can i just say something? love milwaukee. >> it is so good. >> all of us to live through his presidency so right back at you, buddy. it is kind of bizarre, actually. unhinged. >> i don't know many people in milwaukee who have 34 felony counts against them. crime rate sure is going to go up when he joins us. >> judge jeanine: and dear old nancy pelosi and the media can't believe that republican voters like a republican president.
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>> they have become a cult to a thug. and that is really a tragedy for the grand old party and what they were. >> looking at this room that i don't want to be hyperbolic, but it has a feel, something more akin to what you would see out-of-state media from north korea. >> why are so many trump voters voting trump to a low standard. most biden voters hold biden to a higher standard, what is it that makes trump voters except the word salad or word vomit that comes out of his mouth. >> going to talk about them and very distinct ways because they are not the lesser -- one is not the lesser of two evils. >> judge jeanine: okay, jesse, i will start with you. there is no tape recording of this. there were republican senators and congresspeople. they said that basically the president was saying, we are having the convention here, this place is not so good for crime, and of course, the democrats jumping all over it. are you surprised? >> jesse: no, they are good at it.
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i'm impressed by how good they are at this. they are so dishonest and they are so maliciously coordinated. i wish i knew how to do it. but i just have more character than they do so i would never do anything this dishonest. judge come he didn't say it, nobody in the room heard it, and a reporter writes it and it becomes a hoax, and just like the bloodbath hoax, just like dictator on day one or the revenge folks, this is all they have. it is all they have just like the russia hoax where they used to go to these briefing rooms and adam schiff would come out and lie about what the intelligence said. just like they say when he visited the war memorial over in france, they came out and said, oh, yeah, he said soldiers were losers. just never happened. but these types of things aren't going to work this time. this isn't like another race. this is about the fundamentals. the fundamentals of this country are shot. and it is not like your typical election where one guy wins this news cycle and then there is another gaffe and this guy says this. no, that's not going to happen. voters aren't persuade by debt
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anymore. they know who these guys are, they know joe, they know trump. the best way to persuade someone, you offer a vision so they can understand how their self interest is affected. now joe biden has not done that. how is he going to bring down housing and rental prices? how is he going to secure the border? how is he going to improve your standard of living or your quality of life? he has not done that. so he and the media, all they have are this b.s. garbage that's not going to work this time because the trump has policies, they don't. >> judge jeanine: it's interesting, harold, they talk about donald trump and the media acting like a state media in north korea, it seems to me that the democrats, with what happened in 2020, were like a -- the russian media, you can't talk about this, you can't talk about that, the laptop is not realty >> harold: so good to
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be back -- >> judge jeanine: it is so good to be back with you. >> harold: a couple of things. i give people the benefit of the doubt. kamala on my present from said in his own statement, concerned about crime and i accept that. he went on to say, i was referring to also the ballots, the way up and down, it was very bad in milwaukee. i would be curious what he is talking about. if he still questions the outcome of the election. even there he says, if he elaborates and clarifies, i'm fine with it. i find it interesting when people in the press or politicians don't give people space to answer a question. if they said something, they misspeak, and a lot of times, there are a lot of people who in president biden miss speaks or slips, they jump on. i can't do that with him. if what he is saying as he questions the election results, we should take him at his word. too, give people space. president trump has certainly done that with his vp list.
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you look at those on the list, for years said terrible things about him, i expect the fact that senators vance, senator rubio, senator scott, who was a friend, i now think differently of this. and i give people that space come i try my hardest if people are actually being honest and genuine about it. and i hope, again, one of the reasons i said to democrats, if there is a republican president, katie and i have a little different opinion on this issue, maybe we all do, if a republican president says i'm going to enact some gun reforms, and democrats said no, no, we can't let him or her do it because that would mean that republicans get the credit for it, i would be a first person to criticize democrats, if not repeatedly criticized them. we have not done that with president biden on border security. may come around and think last minute on it but if he comes around i think it is a good thing just like senator vance has come around on president trump, senator rubio has come around on president trump, and i take them at their word be it i get president from the benefit of the doubt beer but he wasn't talking about milwaukee in that regard, he was talking about something else and maybe we
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should ask him what that something else is. >> judge jeanine: the good news is he is probably happy to answer it and he has already answered it and there you have it. an accountable candidate for president. all right, katie, let's talk about the fact that people who follow donald trump, they run the gamut from a cult to a thug, and it's a tragedy for the grand old party. >> katie: they are just going overboard again. so they misconstrue what trump said and instead of taking an opportunity to actually talk about what joe biden has done for the people of milwaukee or what he has done for the people of wisconsin, talking about why he is ahead in the polling in wisconsin, while he is behind in other swing states, the media has to go overboard and break out the beers and accuse the republicans and trump of hating milwaukee, as if they hate the city so much that they are bringing a convention there and they are going to infuse millions of dollars into the local economy. in a place where restaurants were closed for years. this is the first real convention that they are having in a city outside of
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washington, d.c., that is going to benefit the local community. they don't want to talk about crime. they were distracting and climbing onto what trump said about this because just yesterday there was a 9-year-old boy who was killed in his bed because of a drive-by gg shooting. they don't want to talk about those things that are happening in milwaukee and the policies that have led to that continuing on. i think the team biden has missed an opportunity here to really talk about his record and why he is winning wisconsin in will win it in november and instead they are misconstruing what trump said. >> judge jeanine: greg, katie makes a great point, joe biden could come back and say this is why i am winning and this is why you are losing. the truth is that all the democrats do is just trash the people who support donald trump. the divisiveness is part of their playbook. if you support trump, you are just a cult and you are a thug. >> greg: i think the key difference is when you say it is a cult, you are talking about people and not the cult leader.
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so when they say that they are actually just insulting millions of people. we try to always focus -- and i think even trump, trump does this, celebrities, political leaders, people in the news, i don't think he's ever gone on after democrats, and he tried to conflate him talking about the city with milwaukee-ans -- is that how you say it? what the city is, damaged, may be permanently, progressive policies. and the media, instead of ever bothering to address the policies that have destroyed these cities, they focus on the criticism, as if the criticism is worse than the things being criticized. crime or poverty, milwaukee is the second in poverty rate out of the top 50 cities, 25% of people in that city live in poverty. so why doesn't the mayor address that instead of spending all your energy on this other thing?
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that is what is called a luxury belief. the fact -- and milwaukee doesn't have the luxury to focus on trump's words. they should be focusing on what's happening to the people in milwaukee. the concern over trump -- this is pretty obvious -- the concern about trump and the concern about biden are almost exactly the same in intensity. it's almost like a mirror image. but there is a key difference. the concern over trump is what if. and the concern over biden is what is. we can see it. they can see it. their concern over trump's personality, luxury belief, the concern over biden's physical and mental state is not because our future is in his hands, whether it is foreign policy, economy, crime, the ego. their concerns, that montage of the media, that is the voice of damaged egos and feelings. trump upsets them because they have told those people in the media, you are no longer
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relevant. you are no longer the center of the universe. you can sit there and laugh, but people are still going to vote for trump, and what they are saying is, and with the voters are saying, we will take trump's mean tweets over getting mugged any day. trump pointing out that the left ruins cities is not offensive. the fact that the left ruins cities, that's offensive. >> judge jeanine: okay. coming up, dark brandon is bombing with influencers. gen z wants nothing to do with brain freeze biden. ♪ ♪
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>> katie: well, who would have thought this? our 81-year-old president joe biden is not a big hit with today's crop of young hip influencers. gen z content creators who supported biden in 2020 are reportedly turning against him, citing israel's war on hamas, lack of progress on my progress on climate change at a potential tiktok band. can joe win them back? maybe it's just time to deploy the secret weapon. >> so the importance of community banks is, as they are called, they are in the community. led by members of the community. let me tell you, i love gen z. i really do. >> katie: but as joe biden bombed, influencers are flocking to donald trump. the former president getting interviewed by logan paul on his popular podcast. because there is something, their unidentified aerial phenomena in the sky, don't know what they are. do you? >> so, it is such, a question i
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do get a lot, such an interesting question, am i believer? no, i probably am, i can't say i am, but i have met with people that are serious people that say there is some really strange things that they see flying around out there. >> is this your mug shot? [laughter] >> biden is just so bad. he is the worst president in history of our country. so that helps, too, too. >> you should make a distract on him. >> will do something. >> katie: jesse come as an influencer in your own right, what is your analysis of these influencers basically saying biden is not left-wing enough, got terrorism for them to get a spot. >> jesse: so the media is fractured. recently. it was kind of god in different directions. aunt trump has picked up on t that. used to be able to do networks, fox news, that was it, maybe talk radio. now it has splintered and he is doing podcast people a couple
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years ago would have been like, what? now he is doing logan paul, he's done candace, tim cast, and he is getting to an audience that usually doesn't pick up on political news, and that is smart. that he does free things like go to ufc fights, which is just free media. then he starts talking about bitcoin. again, you are tapping into a different demographic and people started thinking, whoa, wow, okay, listen to this guy. joe biden is still stuck in the '90s, where george clooney and julia roberts, that kind of endorsement, jeffrey katzenberg, that worked back then, but it's not cool anymore. and if you look what joe biden tried to do, the only thing he tried was howard. and the rest is cnn, nbc, and so he is really just kind of stuck in an old-school media landscape and hasn't been able to break through. and not to mention the fact that his policies are just terrible. if you are young, you just don't have the upward mobility that you used to have in this
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country, and that is really what it's all about beards before so greg, the leftist media has tried to erase this from trump's record but he has been a master of the culture since he has been on the scene. this is just an extension of that, in the new age of different kinds of media appeared media. >> greg: you know, i still maintain it is not about youth, it is not about race. it's about gender. what you are seeing is a shift in men realizing that the democrat party is not a party for men because the so-called phony empathy that they are pushing has led to an increase in crime, a dissolution of our border. and i think men watch that and just see, wow, this is a weak party. is morally weak. there is a lack of objective understanding of incentives and injustice. right now men in the media, men in the democratic party are feeling like they are stuck in some emotional, primal therapy of white ladies finding their identity in self-flagellation. and they are like, you know
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what, and getting the hell out of here. as the election season ramped up, you would hear moderates saying we are not pleased by either choices. whether it is biden or its trump. cool. we got that. but the republicans actually did something about it. they stress tested trump with decent alternatives. desantis, haley, vivek. trump won. the dems didn't do that. they doubled down on dementia and put all their eggs in one awful choice, hoping they could mine january 6th forever. and it failed. again, republicans did the work while the dems kind of created a moat around biden to keep away actual challengers. and now they are stuck with this guy. i'm going to repeat what i said yesterday. you've got to reconsider your choice because if you somehow pulled us out with some kind of shenanigans, i hate to use that word so lightly, but shenanigans, you could deal with
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a public who doesn't buy the election. they are going to go, how did that, that, win. no, pointing at biden. how did that win? we don't buy it. you're going to have to deal with that. >> katie: so harold, you can respond to the accusation that the democratic party is not the place for men. overall, is biden just trying to hard to be hip and cool f, whers trump is kind of in his natural element, doing the podcast with the influencers and going to ufc? >> harold: i'm a proud guy. i don't know. i think there is some merit in some of the things that greg said, a lot of things he said. >> greg: thank you. drinks later? >> harold: biden is leading amongst voters 65 and older. by 12 points. that is no mere province that republicans enjoy. the last 50 years, republicans have won that share of the american voting public every time except three.
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the polling suggests that lower drug costs is the most prominent reason why some in that age group or the majority in that age group are favoring biden. when you also look at that data, i think we can all agree, this is not democratic talking points, older voters vote more than younger voters. you pull it out and look at the state and commonwealth that matter the most in this election, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, older voters generally vote more. two, i look forward to this debate between the two of them. because i think this could really reshape the dynamic of the race in favor of one of them, and i think it will have implications for what happens at these conventions. it could very well have implications for what and how former president trump thinks about our running mate. i do hope they ask they ask specific questions about the country. the judge is right at the end of her first segment, i said what i said, you know what, president trump is accountable for his words. i want both of them to be held
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accountable. how will you lower grocery prices? how will you lower gas prices, electronics? remember, june 27th is 5-6 weeks before half the schools in america start and that will be on parents minds. will you keep us in nato? will you support ukraine in its effort to beat russia or putin, rather, and would you stop that? finally, are you committed to keeping abortion legal and safe in the country? i want to hear their answers. we can -- look, i respect whatever your answer is, but i think the country should know what their answers are, and if those answers are not sufficient, we all have our biases in the race but we can all be honest, if those answers are not sufficient, i think they will be reflected in the polls. the older voters could flip to republican and younger voters could flip, but as of right now, katie, your question presupposes that whatever joe biden is doing is not working totally with younger voters yet. >> katie: judge? >> judge jeanine: the sad part about all of us as we have a
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sitting president and we should know the answer to all those questions. because joe biden has the bully pulpit. he has the ability to tell the american people now where he stands on these issues. is he doing it? no, he's not capable of speaking. he goes out to the g7, and he's walking away looking at people who are skydiving or whatever they are doing and they have to pull him back and say mr. president come over here. the man is on another planet. so when charlamagne tha god says, you know, we want a politician who talks like real people, this isn't about, you know, this issue are that issue. i mean, we have known historically, people vote for someone they like, someone they connect with. the young people, if anything, are exquisitely sensitive to the frailties of the elders. and they don't want to be gas lit by someone saying bidenomics is great. these people can't afford a house. they can't afford to buy a car. they can't afford groceries. and forget about savings.
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they don't have savings. so, you know, it is not about all of these, we've got to have a discussion about what they really do about policy. i want a guy there that i feel is fighting for me. so joe biden is not the real person that charlamagne tha god is talking about. joe biden has been on tiktok for what, five months? donald trump went on in one day and has surpassed the number of followers of the joe biden has, and joe biden is hiring the tiktok influencers, he's always talking about it. it's because donald trump is real. donald trump is someone you can relate to. he's genuine. is not full of crap. don't hear the politics interfering when he answers a question. let me just point out a couple other things. in 2016, hillary beat -- she won the young boats by 19 points. in 2020, biden won by 24 points. right now, what has changed?
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why is donald trump ahead? what's changed as they are tired of being gas lit. and they know they don't have a future. they know that somebody telling them everything is great doesn't help them, and they've got to force the fact that their economic dreams are not going to be attained while this guy is thumping around, bumbling around, and they can't make it. >> katie: okay. up next, not so slick, gavin newsom getting torn to shreds about his posts over the border. ♪ ♪
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patrol talking about our partnerships. everyone needs more resources. the republican party has been distally standing in the way of providing the resources to support the men and women working hard not only here at the border but throughout the state of california and this country to address the issues related to the border. >> jesse: don't get fooled by mr. french laundry, governor newsom is only deploying the national guard to illegal entry points and not the places where they are really needed, where droves of illegals cross every day. fox reporters also calling out nnewsom. >> watching thousands of migrants illegally cross in a week and we have not seen any california national guard out here, so new sums video really begs the question of whether he plans on sending any national guard here to these illegal crossing points. >> jesse: herald, the not know my california national guard deployment about as funny as joe biden's border shut down. >> greg: in your face.
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>> jesse: i differ with you on that. as i tried to share at the outset, i think people change their mind, let's embrace it, we had a decision today at the supreme court, yesterday or today, forgive me, that dealt with a decision president trump's agencies had made about a kind of ammunition about gun stocks, and it really -- katie knows this, far better than me, but my understanding it allows for the gun to fire a lot of bullets at one time. and president trump, his administration, stop this, the sale of that. now the court decided, the supreme court decided that was not president trump's agency's responsibility. that should be decided by the congress. the reason that is relevant to this conversation -- >> jesse: please explain why that is relevant to. >> harold: if you look at what president biden is trying to do on the border, one of the reasons he was reluctant i think to issue executive orders and i have been one -- you may recall the trump executive orders were challenged in court. the president has said we need
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congress to act because when congress acts it makes the likelihood of a piece of legislation being more sustainable, and for that matter being constitutionally protected. president trump try to do something on pump stocks and it didn't work because the court said, look, you don't have that authority. what governor newsom is trying to do here, i get come i don't think it is a gimmick, i think with the concern might be sending to the illegal entry points, if you put law enforcement down there, national guard down there, you may create a bigger problem and a bigger piece of chaos. i probably wouldn't have gotten on and bragged about it. you've got to send resources where they are needed most. he is a smart guy and i am sure he is trying to think through this, but to compare that i think, jesse, it's unfair to compare that to president biden. if you worked on a bipartisan deal on the border, which jim langford and the republicans did, then -- >> jesse: president trump did not have a bipartisan deal on the border. he reduced illegal entries by a lot. greg -- >> harold: some of that stuff
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got overturned. >> jesse: still, the border was secure. >> greg: harold come harold, harold. >> jesse: talk some sense. >> greg: i don't know what to say anymore. >> judge jeanine: can i take your time? >> greg: no. it is all about the timing withs before an election. dems treat basic concerns of americans how -- it's just how college kids treat their studies. you know, it's not until the night before the final that they start doing the work, and then it is too late. our health and safety isn't something you put off until it affects your political standing. we are not your art history final. there are people that are suffering because they put this off until it mattered. again, it is the opportunity cost of luxury beliefs. we have been raising red flags about this problem for years on this show, the dangers of a porous border and the threat of importing terrorists. but dems are focused on what social justice ideology, trance
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rights, reparations, changing the names of schools, climate change, identity activism, all those concerns made their egos feel really good, while we all got... >> jesse: you don't have to say it. >> greg: screwed. >> jesse: judge jeanine, at least to give gavin a little credit, greasy gavin, if you are not familiar with the nickname, at least he looks like he is at the border. >> judge jeanine: but he's not. that's the whole point. that's part of the gaslighting. plus, why would you put national guard at ports of entry when the mass number of illegals are avoiding the porous ports of entry. they go around it. let's go through the port of entries where there is border patrol, i'll bring some fentanyl with me and just hope they don't check. come on, we are not stupid. stop gaslighting us. and seriously, now he wants to do something? he is the one who has been supporting biden and biden's reversal of the trump-era policies that tried at least to close the border.
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and in the end, accusing the republicans of being the ones who are playing politics when all biden did was reverse all of the executive orders that trump did. but you know what? here's a guy come he runs a state. i understand, $70 billion deficit in california? i mean, come on. and he just promised to give health care to all of the illegals? you are freaking inviting them in, giving them health care, at the cost of $3 billion a year in california, and now you want to talk about the republicans? no, you are wrong. you know how to stop the problem, but he won't do it because you are gaslighting us and that means you are lying. harold. >> katie: first of all, even if the national guard were down there because he told them to go, they wouldn't be allowed to do anything. it is not what he is governor abbott telling them to build razor wire and keep people out of the places they can. they would just be there for show, anyway. gavin newsom is the same democrats we see on this issue
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all the time, they want more money to manage the problem. american taxpayer money rather than actually stopping the problem. and illegal immigration is one of the top reasons why people are fleeing california more than any other state because they continue to say they want to raise taxes to pay for health care, for schools, for hospitals. all of that deficit spending is largely driven by illegal immigration. and he is inviting them in. he is not saying we need to change our program so people are ineligible. instead he is saying we should allow all of these people to vote. so he is just saying this for the sake of lying to everybody and he is not going to change anything. >> jesse: you here with the chinese nationals are doing? they are cutting the line and everybody hates them. did you hear about that? they are very pushy. and everybody lines up, all the different nationalities, the chinese elbow everybody out of the way to get to the first and get the asylum claim. and everybody -- >> katie: it's hot out there. >> jesse: there cutting the mike bettes cutting the line beards before there are no li
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lines. >> jesse: allows me to do th that. up next, who the heck is that? will explain in "the fastest." ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. gen z women are clamoring for summer's hottest dating trend. the hot rodent man. or rat boyfriend basically. due to unusual features and are not conventionally handsome, looks like our very own jesse watters is getting the hot man makeover. >> katie: wow. good necklace. >> jesse: i knew a couple guys like this in college, nontraditionally good-looking. you got hooked nose, or like crazy hair, or like ridiculous-looking chin and symmetry. and they would pull girls like,
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and i would be jealous. i'm much better looking than you. why are all of these girls talking to you? so yeah, i don't think that kid is very -- i think he died. >> judge jeanine: did you kill him? >> jesse: no, he overdosed. >> harold: judge, what do you think about this? and when he think about this, what would be the features on a hot rodent man? >> judge jeanine: no features on a hot rodent that would -- give me a conservative cowboy with muscles and long legs. >> jesse: oh, yeah! long legs. sorry, greg. >> harold: do you have an opinion about this, kate? >> katie: is gen z okay? those are disgusting. if you are a man and you get compared to a road and come isn't that offensive? women don't like being compared to animal, at least not -- >> jesse: yeah, fox. >> katie: that's true. >> harold: you have an opinion about this? >> harold: my sense going back to the people, this is what is left for women. because all the other men are
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fleeing. it's kind of a sign of equality. we used only refer to women as mousy, and now men can be mousy, too, here's another instance, they can invade the safe space of women. now men can say i am mousy, too, and then g get a lot of tail. >> katie: they look like they are from the '60s, like the trend is coming back around. >> harold: "men's health" magazine, where you worked, was this something you thought about, if he is coming out sexy rat man, but something that was unique -- go >> judge jeanine: where does the road income in? >> katie: rat tail? remember that whole thing? a much better option. >> greg: it's called a summer story. where did you find this, "new york post"? is there a shark attack somewhere? that is a story for the daily mail, something about mouse feae get approval for the most story and put it in here and i can get out of here because my wife wants to go to the hamptons. let's go.
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if i did it, excellent, may be getting more views on the story we made up. >> jesse: nailed it. >> harold: for the record, one of our in-house newspapers, and we love it. "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: fan mail! first question. do you go to your class reunions? why don't we just say have you ever gone to your class reunion, katie? >> katie: no, but my excuse is my high school doesn't exist anymore. they turned it into a middle school. >> greg: that's interesting. >> katie: rude. >> greg: that's like finding out someone you've dated had a sex change. >> katie: i don't know if it is that bad. >> greg: how so? let's just move on. jesse, i would love to see you at your class reunion, the former bullies that suck up to you. >> jesse: i'm not a bully, okay? i bullied like one or two kids -- >> judge jeanine: that's a bully. >> jesse: in middle school -- >> greg: and you were in college at the time. [laughter] >> jesse: i went to one you know mike reunion, five-year
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reunion, didn't recognize anyone. >> greg: harold? >> harold: bend to my high school reunions, i spoke at my 30th, last year in d.c., come on one of the highlights. >> greg: of course you did, harold. >> harold: and i bent a technical colleges beards before very social. >> greg: some but he has free time. judge? >> judge jeanine: no. now you are going to yell at me, too. because i skipped my senior year in high school and i never knew which want to go to. when dry graduate? the year before. don't say anything. >> greg: that was pretty cool. did you go -- some kind of wild, romantic escapade with that a swarthy gentleman? >> judge jeanine: with the long legs -- >> harold: the conservative cowboy with long legs? >> greg: yes. i have never gone to my class reunion. just because it is too far. i just don't feel like going all the way over there. and sierra high school, i don't want to just crush their dreams and see how successful i am. what's the best thing about the
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age you are now? jesse, as you approach 50 -- >> jesse: you don't have to try too hard. in your 20s and 30s, you were always trying to get there and then be somebody. and once you kind of our somebody, you can just kind of relax and you don't have to try. >> greg: or in your case, you just gave up. you know what, this is where i'm going to be. harold, you are what -- >> harold: 54. >> greg: 54. goodyear. i remember 54. >> harold: it was just last year for you. >> greg: i'm going to be 60 in september. >> jesse: no way! >> katie: are we having a party? >> greg: i don't know. >> jesse: we've got to throw you a huge party! >> greg: but i'm an amazing 60, let's be honest. yeah? >> judge jeanine: don't even. [laughter] >> jesse: i could make my legs longer. >> greg: they have surgery for that. okay, judge. judge, what is the best thing about the age you are?
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>> judge jeanine: i'll tell you what it is. it is not so much because you have gotten where you want to be, and i'm not saying i have or haven't, it's just that you just mellow. >> katie: mellow? >> judge jeanine: yeah, i'm mellow. >> greg: you are mellow? can you imagine her 20 years ago? >> harold: two years ago! >> judge jeanine: it's like you've seen it before. you can't get excited. you know what to do. you know what the game is. and you know what? i'm loving my life peered >> greg: that's why we don't protest. would seen it all before. harold? >> harold: i agree with the judge, i am calmer. i rely on experience when my kids were young. i think of ways i can influence what they are doing, make them better people. some people say you think about your mistakes. i don't ever think about that stuff. i think about the best things i have learned, and how do i curate that into something that is going to help make them better, and even the people around me better? >> greg: i find as i age, people mistakenly trust me more.
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[laughter] and also, i get up really early because as you get older, you realize you don't have time left. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> greg: get up earlier and earlier. now i get up before i go to bed. [laughter] "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and i go first. so, check out these two camels who made their greatest escape from the petting zoo at an amusement park. the duo pranced up and down the parkway where park goers looked stunned. one almost got kicked. luckily the parade of the two of them were short-lived. they were headed to cairo but they couldn't get any tickets and it's yet to be discovered how the two camels broke loose but i, of course, being a fan of camels was fascinated by the camels, it's not even hump day.
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greg? >> greg: always see great to see camels going toe to toe. pete hegseth number one book. scott. kat timpf, tyrus. tonight at 10:00. let's do this. gregory's dangerous gang news. we have a lot of gang problems in america because they are coming from other countries. i'm talking about pink angels. check them out. they are out and they are loose. they are out on the roads. they are causing problems. they are flooding the streets. here they are just strutting their stuff. this is around the houston zoo. i almost said houseton. the cops are coming. they are making a break for it. getting out of there. getting out of there. those little freaks. >> judge jeanine: they are beautiful. >> greg: are they really? those are actually flamingos. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: i would like to wish my dad steven waters a very happy father's day. we are getting ahead of things there. there he is in maine with jesse jr. reading god know what is that book is probably something from the 70s, great eagles fan
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we love you so much. >> judge jeanine: we love your dad. >> jesse: he taught me how to pack jeans when i go on a trip. >> greg: you would pack jeans. >> harold: happy birthday father's day to my dad and all dads. little boy got meet with police officers saved life presented with medals. ethan wasn't breathing for five minutes. choking on hard candy. thankfully almonte police officers quickly arrived on the scene. thanks for those cops and used anti-choking device lifevac uses sumping section clear airways. met at city council meeting received life-saving awards. congratulations to those officers. >> dana: flag day started in 1777 commemorates the adoption of the american flag by congress. so happy flag day, everyone. >> judge jeanine: thank you. that's it for us tonight have. great night. we will see you on monday. ♪ ♪ >> trace: goni


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