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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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ongoing and we'll be for a few more months on days i feel well enough good to spend personal time of the things they give me energy and positivity as well as doing a little work from home taking each day as it comes longer to take the much needed time to heal. we wish her well and inspiration to people everywhere we hold her in our prayers think unfortunately that is all the time we have left tonight mary can catch me weekdays at noon on the fox news channel a big week coming up we might just get the immunity opinion from the supreme court maybe thursday who knows that's why you have to watch fox news every day at noon and every night at 9:00 pm. hannity is back mondaynd got felt his next have a good weekend. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> all right. somebody is getting lucky after this show. fridays you know what that means let's welcome tonight's guest. warchest cohost and author the brand-new book the war on warriors the hag seth will hide your feelings and your signs comedian scott capurro and she's like a speedbump annoying and often found in the middle-of-the-road new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf. and to epcot centre is his golf
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ball comedian and former and to be way world heavyweight champion tyrus. before we get to news stories it's do this greg is leftovers. it's leftovers where i read this shows we didn't use so if they suck we send joe machi to hamas wearing pride shirt. >> a trip to new york. the biden campaign pursuing older voters by holding events with bingo and pickle ball democrats usually wait for elderly voters died to get their vote in a new book trump questioned if taylor swift is legitimately liberal because
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she's talented and beautiful which is outrageous to say she's 6 on a good day. [ laughter ] donald trump is 78 today gotta have it out of habit he asked to see his own birth certificate at the g7 biden met with pope francis who told disappointed biden he only does last rites in private. a pole listed voters think or come all is weaknesses and
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strengths or weaknesses low approval rating. it's a shame about species mysterious death said 1 woman after admitting to flying epstein in clinton. a terrifying dutch role on an airplane at dutch rule you say said a 1 man who appeared to holding plate a nice guy missouri court is just siding with auto insurance should be covered for stds that's why i tell my suv to wear a condom.
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during his first year in office brandon johnson spent 30 grant on makeup nancy pelosi called him to figure out how he spent so much money restaurants have robots at that cook serve and bus your meals great now what will women do. that's just disgusting how did that get in there. i should read that these 4 i read them. i share your outrage last week anti- israel writers defaced statues in washington dc jokes on them those weren't statues. california governor gavin newsom said crime is down although 99%
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of car break-ins weren't in the report they defended it saying they left those statistics in achaea. according to jen c summers hottest dating trend is the hot rodent men apparently they aren't conventionally handsome explaining jennifer lopez's new squeeze. big ben affleck. the cute little rat a recent study claims drinking coke and pepsi may increase testosterone production and testicle size 1 man is stocking up. now to the news. if donald trump is truly evil
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with the democrats run a brain-dead weasel half of voters surveyed expected biden to forget where he is during the first presidential debate the other half are afraid he will remember and leave with a story about cannibalism also 41% think he will wander off the stage. that jumps to 100% if he hears a mr softy truck but should we be surprised every week girault gets worse declining faster than sales of christine gnome puppy chow leave it to tim trump to put out a segment of his greatest hits the hardest part was deciding which ones to use. >> we hold these troops to be held self-evident all in it women by do you know the thing.
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>> america is a nation to find a single word foothills and the whole himalayas with xi jinping our freedom can never be secured you will never forget seeing them lying around actually. it's noteworthy the percentage of women registered to vote and cast about is consistently higher than the percentage of the men. >> greg: it's brutal but the reality is we don't need the ad anymore. biden is unfit to be present tailor made for the tony fifth amendment and the democrats know it which raises a question do they believe trump is an accidental threat why are they running this. if trump is hitler why is your only choice to fight him and elmer fired without timers it's
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a logical unless of course you have a backup plan come november or else he would have replaced him already. it's normal in fact necessary to be suspicious that the party is sticking to the plan right now the betting odds this shift of minority meant to trump the current electoral knowledge account you think america is really going to buy that if biden wins that a incapacitated crash test dummy will beat anybody much less trump shouldn't democrats be in a panic about the aftermath if they managed to somehow pull the charade off election will not be believed because her eyes and ears see and here what the candidate is like it biden wins this country will be in chaos not because of any violence it's because nobody would believe it there has to be some underlying shenanigans. compare that to trump if trump
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wins no 1's accusing him of cheating because these samosas most scrutinized candidate in the history of the world he can't fart without cnn having a 12 person panel my advice to say the countries in really bad postelection why would you do the right and honourable thing and when somebody is drawing a bit what you say joe? >> no there is no plan it's just me you want to know the secret i'm not nice. i see things you people wouldn't believe the corn pop with chain off over ryan 9 cool eaten by cannibals. all those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain. [ cheering and applause ]
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chilling. pete congrats on the new book we will get to that in a later segment so keep your pants on or off i don't really mind. here's the deal do you buy the erie there is a backup plan because the fact that they are running this guy knowing there is 5 months and he's already a meant -- ms. >> i think they wanted a backup plan but i don't think there is 1 staggering to think about considering what an investment to put in politics insurance policy all along has been harris you can conceivably play some with her also can't skip over her should be the first black female and on their side first matters the most insurance policies is mere nobody or chaos >> greg: that leads to my backup backup plan. shenanigans. >> of joe were to win he's about
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to debate with the lowest possible expectation you can imagine which helps him big time. about time lets go surviving for 10 seconds i went. >> it's like saying pete is a 5 he's like a 6 i don't know anymore. with you make in my erie as they must know we can to win they have to have something else. >> they want to say the word shenanigans and underused word shenanigans. is a backup plan is pronouns. storing the call biden day as there's a team its vote for them it's not them it's him can't
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call myself him anymore. i call myself him number retiree basically putting pronouns and pronouns throwing stuff sitting me unfairly go wit she is very hard and going to be them as sons going to take over because he such a hero so it's given that. as he makes good point about the low expectation thing the point is it's a reality idea deal with maintenance can be very easy for him to come out like that but the leasing they're probably practising as how he can [ bleep ] himself less noticeably
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like a more discrete way to [ bleep ] yourself status so biden strength is his weakness it's so hard to look like you are not bullying him because it looks like you should go to the hospital. >> i feel sad about making jokes about him that i'm not the 1 putting them out there dr jill is. >> you can't have a spirited debate looks like his spirit is leaving him. >> i want him padded i think he's gonna fall over. >> suits that inflate when you fall over. >> she come in full hockey gear. >> i've got kneepads he can borrow if he needs it. >> i don't know what that means
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that would give up my time to talk to this point. >> what say you. tragic savill we are seeing maybe it was in just a how can anybody in this family not say okay dad that's enough you are done it's sad it's not fun. there is no joy in watching somebody whether way with supposedly the hardest job in the planet currently can be half 1 foot in the heaven half 1 foot here be just fine i think shenanigans are right it's apropos because singing i hate saying it is i don't like the stuff i think the plan is the democrats laid it out in front of us usually the stuff they
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accuse trumbo they do for comes in is going to take away what democracy she can't letterman so we may have the reason they're not replacing joe is because joe's not going anywhere they will figure with a punished place and he steps away and does the right thing i don't think they have any intention of leaving we will see exactly what they accuse trump of us what they're going to do and say we can get the country over to a convicted felon how does biden fold on he doesn't have to. >> he only asked to hold on till november. >> when he meant told on literally i think. to your point there's no way they can be comfortable listen. there's a lot of things you don't pay attention to man a parachute dropping in front you you pay attention to the started
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clapping and simply tying their shoe your point about the family concern if you're 81-year-old dead a few he to fly those you tell him it's time to stop somehow that's less important as president of the united states and a hobby 87 and was drunk all the time they were looking to drive the car then isp can. as you are terrible son. up next the gop your home if you have a y chromosome ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme
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>> it's coming your way, hey, hey, it's a video of the day. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: is there no quick fixes to democrats become the party of checks through democrats or a bid mood as they turn off the dudes to video concern donnie deutsch and james will limit the fact their party is toast as liberal men say they go out to get a pack of cigarettes and leave with a suitcase in each hand rolled. >> a huge male problem across particularly hate this term but i will use it communities of colour especially. thank they have too many preachy females too much and don't eat hamburgers don't watch football and wear a condom. command the [ bleep ] up and leave me alone.
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as cosmopolitan condensation if you will leaving the kind of life they need and faces people off. >> that's across-the-board black or white. and we are going to lose the hispanic vote. >> greg: he's right about condoms have went on a rate now that's why am so grouchy but it does make sense when pete is on the panel rate but for once the human snake hybrid is right who said the same thing for months men are abandoning the democrats by instinct fleeing faster than the women of the view after spotting a salad the other disappear or suffer in silence. once they celebrate are flapping their wit dicks around a girl's locker room and they can find
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any left in their own party. >> here's a break clean energy future cheers to lure energy cost and it cheers to great new energy jobs massachusetts. cheers to investing in america. >> greg: some but he got a group discount at supercuts. i'm just going to stop there. terrace we've been talking about the false narrative about about race because they know gender destroys race black and hispanic men leaving the democrat party. >> what is the carrot for a man to be in the democrat party what does it represent for a man other than he really loves his
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[ bleep ] wife. or second wife. >> third or forth. howard stern jimmy kimmel i mean if it hurts see a counsellor. if you guys sitting at home there falling their as strong how the mail. what you want yet. and tires just spilled soda on my foot. and they use the bathroom
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earlier i spit orange soda on your feet sorry. >> greg: orange soda tyrus, really? >> it's what you gave me in lieu of, hey,. i will show myself out. >> what you want to know. >> what you think of the current state of the democrat party it does seem like we used to call them karen's but has become their brand a bit wonder who's asking james to where crowned him. for 1 thing no but also he's dead inside. and the things coming out of their that's alive wear is that coming from. terrifying 1 low-paid hooker for
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sure she's got mortgaged whatever it takes. >> that's what it is 6 workers got a beef with an is because they are hispanic so they're telling them no money. and cat do you agree with him. >> that men are fleeing the democratic party i.e. don't know where that came from i have not heard that lesson i'm not a condom guy so i don't know obviously. >> i should have been a condom guy you put that in there as if no 1 would notice and also i
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think he does a lot of these podcasts these he not really is looming closer this much of his face on their condoms. if i were the interviewer i would have been like what you mean condoms sir nobody ever asks any follow-up questions that is the saddest thing about all of this knowns like what you mean about the 1 thing everyone's focusing on from this yet a chance to ask him. >> that would make him uncomfortable for michael you have to say is how so my sects worker. >> i think menno realized's not really a party for men you can see the and border security and crime replaced justice with
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empathy and empathy that leads to further harm their things more dangerous in the process the old adage is more true today than it was before you have a mommy and daddy party democrat savoy's been the mommy party in public and's or the daddy party there are consequences for what happens? dicipline you when something's wrong we don't coddle you in all that nonsense just on hyperspeed there's nowhere a man can feel him being masculine is okay there are single issue voters on that apparently so the democrat party is the party of mommy put him party is the party a daddy and your party scott is who's your daddy up next why is pot full of flops.
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>> a historian 5 words. >> greg: pop music sucks these days the wall street journal claims pop stars like ariana grundy taylor swift do a lipo aren't creating hits like they used to most other highly anticipated albums falling flat due to negative reviews are low sales what is the real story? >> i feel there been some bangers the ariana in particular when she was accused of being a homewrecker she started dating this month we gave away think it never ends like your homewrecker she came out with a song called yes, and that's bad bidge energy think it's about songs rate people don't listen to whole albums anymore.
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>> greg: you hit on the real truths got this music is for girls pop music is no longer for men. where's the metallica over them anew. >> and a bit pervy think the promise they live too long better when light rosters are high on drugs is girls need to do heroin the pills to get their drugs prescribed by doctors it's not fair i want you really high and falling over dying in the bathtub and then the music is better they all die at 27 last time he a good song michael jackson died he died a drug so come on better cocaine or something janet jackson rocked and she was dead almost the whole time she was alive we got the check that.
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do you just eat a hamster we're even. >> greg: i only hear this in music when i'm on pallets on its all girl music directed at emotions everything is mimi me look at me guys don't get into it so you lose half the audience >> the age group doesn't have purchasing power although it's that's obvious these days is heavy-metal or hard rock anywhere. >> it's been fractured heavy-metal like a hundred different weird categories many went to country music it's a guy space rate physical portion to it i can't turn pop whatever it's nonsense it's air and make
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it music you getting here in music and what i men are you go find a lot of music from guys with guitars sing about their girlfriends i guess i don't know >> alive people produce their own music it's true wasn't funny but it's true sometimes i have to state that. my erie is mentor playing call of duty because that is replaced music that's where they get their entertainment fill men of gone to meet videogames women of gone to pop music. >> he asked that music to play call it duty and we don't have original songwriters say don't get jobs cookie-cutter to be blue owned the buildings all their songs sound the same as the same beat the autotune at
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the same cookie-cutter thing that's what sells and that's it knew a songwriter where are they we don't see the songwriters anymore their breccia is to addition on a talkshow or tv show or be on the boys and what do they do they sent with the label the label autotune some anyway so we don't have that streaming whatever you think now would be a better place for songwriters to get out there yet we don't see rock 'n' roll bands because they just make them the jonas brothers. we could form a little band you could be. >> the 1 he dies in a bathtub. litho- you answered it like it was family feud survey says 1
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who died in the bathtub number 1 answer. >> will cleaning aaron. we all bask in the questions you ask hings! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ [ ♪♪ ] you are watching mailing it in. the first question is a good 1 from heavy at what question would you ask at the presidential debate i will go to your first got. >> why are my neighbours so aloud. we live blue millennial's they share their entire life with us why can't they calm down a bit. he's clearly good hearing aid. ably give me a couple so you would ask a personal question, what would you ask?
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>> i would ask what they wouldn't do like what would be a law or a program you get rid of. >> greg: i wonder what joe would get rid of. >> he probably wouldn't understand the question. >> greg: tyrus? >> my first question are you alive and my follow-up is the people it got felt like to know ... how do you like when we stumble over our words. >> greg: pete wait. >> i would ask both of them what year were you first elected. donald trump that's a pretty easy 1 by then it's technically 1970 so he has to remember that and there's no way he would 2008
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with obama or 72 my first senate roman 29 how long he's been in government. >> you will look at you and go don't. >> i'll tell you what i told martin van buren. collet swim team. is there something in your past you thought would harm your future but actually helped. pete? >> my ex-wife. >> which 1? >> exactly. just wasn't meant to be i think.
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>> screw you for saying that the breath, all the bad stuff is helped me immensely with the content it's provided me where would i be. >> you got a whole book out of it. >> and i have another 1 coming out nobody wants to read about things that go well. >> exactly is nothing bad ever happens to them that stroup. tires. >> what was the question. >> 's or something in your past see if that would harm you future but helped. >> kids. >> no because when you have 3 kids with 3 different women in 2011's not a party they weren't triplets. >> i outsourced sometimes when he don't have parents people give you the information at them often they are like out them all
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at once i didn't hear the other part of the same person letter people to hide and whatnot the kids are [ bleep ] cool. >> something in your past dating tranny's. >> i thought it would work 50 years ago and got bit of that street credit a little bit so i can make it onstage. >> thanks for coming on pete. speaking of pete he has brains and likes a best-selling book
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[ ♪♪ ] 's good looks are absurd and knees mastered the written wart. 's new book the war on warriors behind the betrayal of them anew keep us free is currently numbes bestseller list. a fun fact list i've been on 6 times. today isn't about me and my
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many, many accomplishments though it's about pete following in the footsteps as a hot host with a hot book. as the second hottest host here on fox give us a little synopsis of your immensely successful book. >> i spent 20 years more or less in the military on various deployments by the end of my service was holding right shield during the summer of love in 2020 january 6 happened inauguration happened my unit was targeted. that's when they were talking about white rage and all of this my orders were revoked secretly they told me but didn't tell me why because i was deemed extremist by my own unit and own chain of command. >> because of the e-mails i sent you. i didn't know this.
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>> i found out when i was writing the book this happened. but it was the tattoo you saw on the first picture is emblematic of the guys fill so because of political ideologies at the top gender de i whatever it is called patriot extremism filtering out normal strongmen from the ranks of the military. >> greg: i had no idea that happen. infuriating. >> it's chapter 6 but the book isn't about me i spent hours interviewing guys and gals about what they are seeing meritocracy and social justice nonsense. >> greg: as pete says it's not about him. [ laughter ]
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is that a fox news belt he's wearing. >> fox nation built. >> always working. >> greg: first nonmilitary people should we be worried? >> it's 1 thing to move away from high tax rates are abets school you can't move from the 101st airborne we have 1 military keep it lethal or we don't have an ability to defend ourselves and the book with a letter to my sense of whether it want them to serve under want to continue the legacy of my family think you'd be interested in the answer i provide. >> and really impressed and it's hard for conservatives to get on the new york times best-selling list it says a lot. as much as somebody like you.
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that wasn't an insult. >> what was it was saying because he is a patriot and stuff new commander-in-chief changes all that as they're wanting in the streets of time on their hands now as i feel safer here. someways going to clip that greg wants more of that homelessness confirmed congratulations awesome. you can find at this book and all of those bookstores that's not true they don't exist amazon in order find it anywhere. pay the full price he has a lot
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>> greg: thank you to our guests. studio audience. fox news and night with trace gallagher is up next. i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in


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