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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  June 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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picker gather and grill for father's day. rachel: it's so good. pete: that rub on that r reignsy or tomahawk, as good as it gets. rachel: happy father's day.
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>> what we're learning now. new york police preventing what they say could have been a disaster after stop ago vehicle for a blacked out license plate and later finding out a whole lot more and those guys the guy riding that vehicle. holding in jail and remember very well and what happen when had three of the 9/11 hijackers were first pulled over in routine traffic stops. stops after they were let go. this arrest coming after icecaptured illegal migrants with suspected ties to isis. never good. that is igniting new concerns over exactly who is crossing our borders and not just inside our boarders. new threats outside too. russian warships are roaming just off the coast of florida. china's build ago new megaport in south america and north america is north korea and all over u.s. ally south korea.
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is the ship about to hit the fan? i had to practice that line forever. general rob spalling and former fbi special and we're all over treasury secretary janet yellen saying our debt is nearly $35 trillion but that is at a reasonable level as donald trump suggests we replace taxes with tariffs to fund it all. is that a reasonable response? we'll add it all up with former house speaker and gop 2012 speaker paul ryan and mouse whip tom emmer and ken fisher. they're here and only here. over in the uk, princess kate middleton makes her first royal public appearance since cancer diagnosis and says she's not out of the woods yet and we're ready to go now. neil: good morning, everyone. i'm neil cavuto and hope it's a great day for you.
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we could avoid a disasser and nypd describing the capture of a vehicle and guy driving with possible terror intentions and nate foy has more on what they're learning. hey, nate. reporter: hey, neil, good morning. the queen's da is not charging as terrorism but the investigation continues after a traffic stop that prosecutors say may have prevent addis aster for the city of new york and possibly -- prevented a disaster for the city of new york and judge sanson held without bail on weapons charges and pulled over for covering his license plate and officers approached the car and found a knife holster to his leg and ax taped to the ceiling of the car. that was just the beginning. take a look at this. officers found 11 weapons in total include ago loaded 9-millimeter glock handgun and several myself and daggers, a weighted whip and stun gun. >> we'll look at computers and find out what his intent it. s.
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we're the city of new york and need to protect our city. reporter: investigators found nypd body armor, orange mta vest and mask and baton and phrases in air bibbing. >> add together the language on the baton, which is, you know, god and forgiveness and lucky for choice and you're going to learn today and add that plus the uniforms that give them access to other places in the city of new york and other places in the city of new york, it's concerning. >> he apologized in the traffic stop saying sorry, i'll take it off. there's a lot of drunk people nowadays. he told police he was visiting his uncle in queens. neil. neil: thank you, nate. nate foy on all that. no white house reaction to this arrest and the president is back from italy getting ready for a big fundraiser going on in holly
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hollywood tonight for which they're raise ago ton of bubs. lucas tomlinson has more. reporter: that's right. president biden attending the fundraiser in los angeles with some of the elite and president biden traveling through the night aboard air force 1 and landed at andrews air force base and brief stop for what he arrived just over a week ago in los angeles and the video of that is the president's arrival there and he landed and here he is getting off air force one followed by daughter ashley and might be getting a jump on debate prep while flying back from it and she having a free day and debate is less than two weeks away and george clooney and julia roberts and jimmy kimmel and fox was told $28 million was already collected heading into tonight's fundraiser and some tickets sold at the door and that number is expected to rise and make it is
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the largest democratic fundraiser in history and that's bigger than the previous event set in march at radio city musical and obama was also there at that one. at the g7 in italy, pope francis was the first pope to attend the meeting of the world's seven largest economies and not traveling far from the vatican and some eyebrows were raised here and president biden touched heads with the pontiff and violation of protocol and handshake and kissing of the ring and hunter biden's children were on the trip and joined their grandfather when biden met with the pope and earlier president biden said he'd not pardon or commute any potential sentence for his son and that sentencing is not scheduled and not clear if george clooney's wife amall will be attending thg the fundraiser and she's irked that president biden calling icc international criminal court arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu outrageous and we'll have to wait and see, neil.
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neil: to your point, clooney did call directly the white house and i don't know what happened with that. it struck me as odd. what are you hearing about that? reporter: of course george clooney has a lot of ties in the white house and perhaps no the a direct line to president biden is knows that the phone numbers here in the west wing and just being interested to cc if his wife puts that aside of calling the news and starts fresh tonight at fundraiser and helps raise money for someone that both people want in office and to be reelected, neil. neil: got it, thank you, lucas tomlinson. i want to go to nicole parker on this terror threat and was around and dealt with 9/11 and thinking too with the capture of the guy in new york and, nicole, they weren't going to let him go and there's a history with some of the hijackers involved in 9/11 and were in various traffic stops and later let go and we know what happened after that and everyone is being super careful about this. what do you make of it? reporter: right, now is the time for law enforcement to step it
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up and anyone with potential links to terrorism or going to waiver in that manner, put it away and look into them and fully investigate them and see their link and intentions and we must protect the homeland. neil, i've been on junior show many time this is week in particular. i cannot stress it enough. the counter terrorism threat right now is at all time high for our nation. we have the ongoing threats that we have on a regular basis but see what happened october 7. that's inspiring individuals for what's apping in the middle east and inspiring individuals to act out and we have the border and that's dangerous and i see that as imminent threat to the country and wide open boarder and i'd like to take a moment frank and she thank those in law enforcement and thank the border patrol agents and thank the texas dps and taction national guard and fbi agents and all of
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those that are working tirelessly and going to protect the nation right now and a lot of them don't feel supported and my dear friends and fbi and this administration and border patrol agents feel like social workers and that's not what they signed up for. we need to have admiration and respect for them because it's a thankless job and yet we're expecting them to protect us from another terrorist attack and 9/11. neil. nicole, you maybe understand this process better than i, that's a given in fact, but we haven't raised officially the terror threat in the country even with all the developments and i know the old days we had color levels and all that and those days seem to have gone by the wayside and shouldn't that have happened already given the arrests and given some of the curious activity that at least raise that threat and neighboring it known to the american people this is going on? >> correct, we're so far off the charts and where you going to
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raise it to at this point? christopher wray can only get in front of congress so many types and testify. i have something to present as well. kris christopher wray knows it's the fbi's job to prevent a terror attack and i sure hope he's had closed door meetings with secretary mayorkas on a regular basis and explaining how dangerous to have the border open and he said you're putting us in grave danger and grave risk because again that is his job to protect us. it is un-consable to me we've -- unconscionable to me this has happened and why work counter terrorism cases if they work the boarder and they work tirelessly to protect us and have open door policy and anyone can come in and imagine how de-moralizing that is and work so hard to prevent terrorist in our nation and the border neil: sorry to jump on you, nicole, what would be the trig event and think if the sheer numbers aren't a little alarming where they're coming from would be and wasn't that long ago where much of the
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pop layings coming through that border were from five countries and mexico, guatemala and you are guy and some of the -- uruguay and some of the others and some as far as china and damage ziti stan and two of the eight for tajikistan and that's nowhere near our border or near anything and i'm wondering, that alone would raise terror threats wouldn't it? >> absolutely and i believe the terrorist threat is so far off the charts that this administration just refuses to acknowledge it and for the last three and a half years, it's a problem and election year, it's an issue. there are policies and laws in place that have been in place and if enforced, we'd not be in the situation and now it's an election year and looking to say we tried to do all this and republicans didn't want to pass and they're causing problems and look, it's very simple and enforce the current laws on the books and close the border and
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the problem is now the damage is done; right. you've got millions of people here and playing hide and seek, neil. it's like telling 13,000fbi agents there's 10,000 people here and go play hide and seek and the potential terrorists and 13,000fbi agents and assigned to work counter terrorism and it would literally take so many fbi agents working full-time and the potential threat and putting our country in and unconsciousable in and -- unconscionable and it's gross negligence frankly. neil: you've been warning them with the flip side and going for this in a week of these disturbing events and thank you for that, nicole parker, former fbi special agent fox news contributor and heed her warnings, folks. heed her warnings. in the meantime, the doj not heeding the warnings from republicans and going after the attorney general of the united states and the legal cur if you
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neil: an investigation into joe biden is the whole document thing and whether he's up to speed on that. everyone said we want to hear for ourselves how clueless he was in that conversation and democrats disagree and not giving up the attorney general himself or holding for prosecution and new york travel attorney is so smart on this stuff and i have to ask her one question and she can answer all the details and facets on it. reigns leading beck data committee, thanks for helping us today and past weeks with all the legal issues and this one perplexes me though. you have congress demanding a
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cabinet official do as they say and hand over information that they say is vital to getting a better understanding of the president of the united states and whether he really is up to that job. i mean, that's what this cuts to after all is said and done hawaii do you make of it? >> we want to hear what happened in the interviews. we don't want to see the transcript only. we want to compare the transcript with the audio. neil: you know this inside and out, rebecca, for people that don't know the transcript re revealed and hur talking back and forth what he knew and didn't know and was out of it like a dotterring old man and paraphrasing the j jazz of it
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and -- jazz of it and people are wanting to know what he said ane want to know where it goes. >> the depa department of justie will not produce so how are we getting this audio and, neil, i agree with you. what's happening here is this happens at trial as well. you can see a transcript and the written words when you're of a sound state of mind, you read the written words with a sound state of mind. when you hear how someone spoke and if they sounded out of it. if there were long pauses, those aren't always written in a transcript. there could be pauses of ten minutes long. stuttering, a lot of things that sometimes are not transposed so it's extremely important to hear this audio, but now we have the department of justice choosing not to preed.
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proceed. neil: he released transcripts of some of the tapes they were looking to get and he held off releasing the tapes and we got them and they sounded a hell of a lot different than they read. we do know that. the language notwithstanding so i think they add another level of familiarity to which i think americans should be entitled. what do you think? >> when you see a transcript, you read it in your state of mind and the audio tells you much more than a written
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transcript, neil. a transcript seeps very neat and orderly. i don't think his mind is neat and orderly. we need to hear how he was responding in realtime. not just the written word on the page. neil: fair enough. thank you very much. talking about a present day president of the united states and i caught up with paul ryan, the former speaker of course. he took on joe biden when vice presidential candidates in 2012 and reminded me and wants to prove to you how different that man is from what he was after this. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪)
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>> it is mathematically possible. >> it's never been -- >> lower tax rates increasing growth. neil: that man versus the man you see today. >> different guy. neil: explain. >> i've known joe biden for 20, 25 years and he's aged very quickly. he's aged a lot. the guy debated 10, 1 years ago is not the -- 12 years ago, is not the same guy today. neil: could he make it through a second term? >> beats me. neil: might have been stating the obvious and he was in the vis president space and saying he's a different guy and we all are from 12 years ago and of course none of us for the time being were president of the united states and therein lies the growing concerns about whether joe biden is physically up to the job and people were beginning to ask that same
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question about donald trump now that he just turned 78 but he doesn't get a fraction of the grief on this subject because, well, a lot of people stand on both sides of the i aisle and je biden is the big medical worry and democratic strategist. you know, you've seen this type of issue come up again and again with the president and of course his behavior and how things went. first of all with the summit in italy and before that normandy and people can pick and choose what they think or don't think indicates and he's aging fast but the fact of the matter is it becomes an issue and again and again and again. do you think it's justified? >> system of articulation a large majority of voters expressed concerns about biden's age and he sergely has shown signs of aging relative to where he was before and voters are showing concerns about tram and we're in this situation right now where there's 17% of the lee
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unhappy with joe biden is it's higher than it was in 2020 and exit polls showing 3% of voters unhappy with both candidate asks there's a large group of elector rat that's unhappy with both of the candidates and these people are looking for alternatives and so i think we're going to continue to see the same discussions relating to biden being fit in terms of his character and trump carry as whole set of baggage that's different and if people feel like they're stuck between two unpopular choices that they don't want. neil: you know, i don't know what you make of that and some have said ahead of the debate on the 27 between these two gentlemen and donald trump should pound the notion that look at this guy, he's not up to the job but i'm a big believer in karma can come back and get you and have your own ma goo moment or whatever you want to call it and how does he play that? >> i think it would be a bad
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move for him to harp on the age of president biden, carly, i absolutely agree with you. we do see voters visibly concerned and aware of a rapidly and visibly aging biden. for trump to focus on that, he's going to look like a bully and it's never frequentenned him before. people don't really like that. frightened him and they don't respond positively to it and it's not the sort of thing that's really going to capture and reverse this voter malaise that carly is speaking to, which is very, very real and voters are not jumping on board with either candidate and that's because neither candidate is owning the issues that matter the most to these voters. who really owns the issue with the cost of living crisis? neither voter or candidate has dominate that had and that speaks to the fact that we don't have a binary choice. voters can choose trump or biden or kennedy or simply choose not to vote and that's the specter that's frightening for them.
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neil: the teamster president wants to come to both political conventions because they've not formally endorsed a president and sean o'brine with&what he wants to do if he et db spl the opportunity to do it.
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neil: i found that interesting and given for the union heads and tend to support democrats and often types in the case of ronald reagan for example but the rank and file overwhelmingly with him and how do you see that falling out? >> i think trump made an effort to court union and motors and populous appeals this is a winning block biden champions in a pride team and a lot of pride in connecting with these people and leading to these people and understanding and representing them for his entire political career and i understand that
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going to be successful this fall and he's going do whatever it takes to get that support. neil: what do you think, justin? >> it's a terrific opportunity of republicans >> a holt of vector-borne voting blocks and contributing blocks are taken for granted like latinos and republicans would be wise to outreach and include as best they can or have that conversation. it's a terrific opportunity for republicans and they shouldn't squander it. neil: it was a long time and ronald reagan was the last to win the union vote with a long time ago. justin thank you.
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just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. neil: hearing the treasury secretary of the united states telling us our $32 trillion debt is at a reasonable place.
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reporter: good morning, neil. the record high $24 trillion immomented $24,000 per household in the unit and roughly the values of the economy of china, germany, japan, india and united kingdom combined and janet yellen thinks that amount may be manageable for the country. listen here. >> i think if the dip is stabilized relative to the size of the economy that we're in a reasonable place. the way i look at it is that we should be looking at the real interest cost of the debt that's really what the burden is. reporter: interest on debt is the fastest growing part of the budget doubling from $345 billion in fiscal year 2020 to $659 billion last year that surpassed spending on defense and medicare and the country's expenses are only increasing. on friday the house passed
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$895 billion defense policy bill include ago 19.5% pay increase for junior illicit troops and they're adding to the burden and doesn't seem to be relief on that fund in the future and federal reserve -- neil. neil: madelynn, why are we worried about that . thank you, madelynn. coming in on a saturday no doubt. madeleine rivera and one of the most successful investor and billions that he makes and ken
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fisher and invest tomato founder. ken, always good to see you. you always hear this rallying about the debt and we've got to do something about it and it grows and grows and grows. what do you make of it and the markets don't seem to focus much on it. why is that? >> thanks for having me on, neil. first, it's a lot like with adolph hitler. terrible guy but didn't mean he didn't have good table manners despite being a terrible guy. if you look across the state it and think of it this way, it's reasonable under a 40/40 plan,
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the debt being reasonable. that's what she said. the debt is bigger but people think debt is bad, more is worse and at some point that's right but it's really as she said the curating cost of the debt. what the government has to pay as percent of tax revenue or what the government is having to pay relative to the size of the economy that's in terms of affordability. that is now at the same level a that it was 40 years ago. it's a point that people don't get. if we could define when it was rising 40 years ago, we can now. do i like the level of debt? no. i wish it was lower and had less. all kinds of good things and the fact is it's reasonable and that's the first part of the 4 40/40 plan and that's before we
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took on a lot more debt going into world war ii and the fact of the matter is we were okay then too. do i like it? no. do i wish it were lower? yes. is it reasonable by historical standards as carrying cost of the debt and the ability to service the debt and running at about 12% of tax revenue. at that level, it's reasonable. i don't like it but it's reasonable. taxes and debt paid later and inflation makes the prior debt less value and will it's a factor that people don't factor into the affordability of the debt. but neal: getting welfare to
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work going and changing into surpluses and a boom in the market. i don't know if it was entirely owed to that and other factors to put it mildly and internet boom and the rest. but do you think if parties -- both parties got serious about this, there could be rich reward for everybody, including the market.
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>> capital markets think about three months into the future and we need future presidents to do and not been good at and stop spending so much money and going on spending for the percentage of gdp. neil. the market and the volatile market and he's got the record every day this past week and it's on fire and market is doing quite well and you saw a lot coming after an off week and wondering what you see happening and reminding me of history on this and going to happen during the presidential election and not sure what happens after that. what do you think? >> i don't know what happens when we get to 2025 either. i tend to look out into the future about a year.
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let me make the following point. in years where we've elected republicans, the election years tended to be above average, which is consist with maybe trump winning this year. but in the inaugural year that follows, they tend to be below average for republicans and i've explained that reason on your show before. people tend to believe the republic is more business friendly and big government and regulation and they get excited about that in the election year and then they feigned out the president can't do as much for people hoping for and it works for the democrats and fear that the democrat will be big government and big regulation and going up for the democrats going to win and inaugural year they find out the deputies can't do as much either and they have to be pretty good and assessing 2025 leaders and getting closer appeal on the show. as we get closer to that. neil: finally your sense of
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investors and their mood and obviously they're feeling psychod and feel a lot richer and feel a lot more howty with investment practice and how do you prepare them for that moment and bumps and constructions? >> drops are 10% but less than 30 and someone yelling fire in a crowded movie theater and may not be a fire at all and come and go real fast and freak
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people out and open up the cage and tell people to ignore that and open up signs of the big bear market and might be a big bear market and that's not now and that's ahead. consumers are not overly indebted and in better shape they than they used to be 10/15 years ago and by the corporations and government that keeps piling on the debt. neil: got it. ken, good catching up and seeing you on the show. ken fisher, one of the greatest investors on the planet. princess of wales kate middleton making first public appearance
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since cancer diagnosis. after this.
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>> this is a separate issue and stephanie ben gnat at becking ham palace with how it all went down. hey, stephanie. >> hey, neil. it's a tradition going on for 260 years and it is not his official birthday per se and that's in mid november but people came out to celebrate and this year kind of more than other years of course and we're celebrating the the king road on
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horse back and this time a little rained back and william road on horse back for the procession alongside the princess royal and duke of eden borough and came down to the wire on whether princess katherine would attend after apologizing for missing last week's colonel review, which is a dress rehearsal for today's big day. today looking glamorous as always in that white dress and wearing the irish guard's regimental broach if you can see it. she's the regiment's colonel.
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in her latest message she said she's making good progress, but there's good days and bad days. the treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. she also gave us a bit of insight into her life talking about engaging with her children's school life starting to do a bit of work from home, and of course looking forward to joining a few public engagements over the summer. >> putting up with so much and it's been nice to see her back on public duty. >> really does, yeah. she wants to be here and be with her children, which is fabulous. >> yeah, of course, princess catherine admits she's not out of the wood just yet and as always her message afters been the same and wants privacy and time to recover with her family, kneel. neil: thank you for all that,
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stephanie. kate middleton, very, very popular in her majesty's kingdom. the prime minister, not so much. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade,
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we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪
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[sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ neil: all right, fox on top of a dichotomy if you will in her majesty's kingdom and princess extremely popular and kate middleton among the most popular global figures and richy sunak the prime minister of britain in a world of hurt and very unpopular ask trying to turn that around in a snap election and could be history in a few would he bees we're joined right now and love him having on. greatest story and former aid to them and the british accent and anything he says sounds brilliant and he is brilliant.
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nile, very good to have you. >> great to be here, neil. neil: we talk about the populous conservative wave throughout europe and does not extend to your beautiful country where the conservative government is after 14 years in danger of petering out. what's going on? >> yeah, that's a great point, neil. conservatives in real trouble and on july 4, the uk has its own general election and the socialists and labor party going to take power, which i think would be absolutely disastrous for the future of britain and they're 14 years in power and really have not done a great job i say and many conservative voters are very disillusioned and that's because the conservative parties fail to deliver and promise a wave of mass migration for example into the uk. brexit is not being 100% fully
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implemented and delivered by the conservative government and many of it has shown supporters growing disillusioned and voting for the reform party headed by nigel farage and this will split the uk and allow the socialists to take power and i think a socialist government for the next five years will be absolutely catastrophic and completely against the trends weariness seeing in most of the rest of europe. neil: apologize for the tightening time but i'm curious, what's the italian prime minister, maloney, getting right because she's dealt with the migration problem better, she's much more popular. what happened there? >> yeah, georgia maloney was an incredible success story in europe really because she has, i think, come across as high principled conservative leader
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and she's taken on the left very successfully and defeated the left and i think that in many reasons, she's demonstrated how people on the right can win in europe by imflemming real conservative policies and standing upon real principles and many respects she's a conviction politician with my former margaret thatcher would have liked georgia ma rowny in her start of leadership -- maloney and the british leadership have a lot to learn about maloney's tremendous success in italy at this time. neil: well put. the german publication calling her the german maggie thatcher. thank you, nile. we'll look at all these foulouts from the threats at home here that have nothing to do withdays politics there right after this. 't selection of kubota tractors,
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