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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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eric: former president trump returned to battleground michigan today one day after celebrating his 78th birthday at a fan club bash in west palm beach florida plays a key to cut into president biden's blue wall of states with a stop at a church and longtime democratic stronghold of detroit. this as president biden is expected to attend a star-studded hollywood bash in los angeles tonight. his campaign said will be the biggest democratic fundraiser and history welcome to "fox news live" i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. this is jim's fourth visit to michigan this year. his first campaign event there since his conviction in new york city last month. trump is making a play for black voters who according to recent polls are peeling away from president biden. trump is said to hold a roundtable with pastors in the motor city. madison is a life in detroit with more. madison is this considered an endorsement or fact-finding
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mission? what's up with this money fact-finding mission very much been called roundtable she mentioned those tell me they want to hear the president has to say. it is a community conversation. very different from typical campaign speeches you can hear behind me we are inside what 80 church street inside the event will be held president trump is expected to be here at 4:00 p.m. those are in attendance as early as 10:30 a.m. as we mentioned the top of the show is been to michigan four times this year. it's critical to the campaign they are eager to flip it back in favor of trump after photo blue in 2020. and he could do up with the latest polling shows that presidential candidates are in a dead heat in the wolverine state. he said that more suburban areas this trip being very different. he is chosen detroit the largest metro area up for this visit by the city's voter turnout drop in
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2020 midterms trump is hoping to turn that apathy into votes for him. another key part of his push and michigan is the black vote is what they're focusing on here today pr by the want to make androids with black voters who are able to talk to a bunch of folks in line while they waited to get in. but i heard from them, and econy is a big reason why they are supporting the former president ppick.clutching the donald truma chance to make more inr interesf the black vote? >> especially after the last four years people start to open their eyes in ca hey, my bank account does not look the same but my grocery bill does not look the same. >> one bag of groceries is one of $50 for one bag it didn't used to be like that. >> everyone i spoke to in line is not just eight michigan voter but most of them are detroit voters. i find this interesting bread talk to a number of undecided voters and i heard the same thing from them. part of the reasons they wanted to show up today is because they
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are happy republican candidate is choosing to campaign and talk to voters in that motor city. because of that they're willing to hear him out. i want to go over the issues that is so important and what today's going to be about heard the economy is going to be something on this voters minds. the other two big things i heard were the southern border and immigration. and also being in a church of christian values is something very important to those voters in attendance here today. all i spoke to art michigan our michiganvoters heading to tn november. some making that decision and undecided as of today. i will send it back to you. arthel: your live it and michigan, thank you very much madison. eric: meanwhile present biden is in california this weekend hobnobbing with big names in hollywood. the g7 summit in italy that event now over i will be attending the fundraiser in los angeles tonight. the biden campaign already reporting a record hall for the star-studded events. lucas tomlinson alive at the white house with a much more on
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what is up next this weekend. >> there is a lot of money and l.a. as you know. hollywood is a good place to pass the hat around especially if you are president biden trying to get reelected. will get back that a second period the subject of present abides a mental acuity has arrived in switzerland today. here's earlier the british prime minister. >> from and how would you describe present biden's mental acuity in your meetings? >> no comment there from british prime minister. vice president harris attending ukrainian priests summit in switzerland rep is in the biden administration along with dozens of world leaders. >> present biden my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support ukraine not out of charity but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interests. >> president biden flew through the night from italy to land in
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los angeles this morning. here he is getting off of air force one with his daughter ashley likely getting a jump on debate purple flying out around the world today is a free day for the present for the fundraiser tonight the debate dallas in two weeks away by the headliner in tonight's and tonir in los angeles for president of palma george clooney, juliet roberson jimmy kimmel. more could possibly be arriving at the door this evening. with some late arrivals but protesters are expected this evening for this is our being billed as the largest democratic fundraiser and history. that's more than the big hall at radio city music hall back it marches down the street from you there, eric. obama was there to pay before leaving italy present biden's second catholic present u.s. history but with met with pope francis greeted him at less than traditional fashion by touching or has it is ought at a breach of protocol which is eight handshake or kissing of the ring will survive spread were also told president biden's
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grandchildren along with hunter biden's children the reports say those children and the grandchildren also made their way into president biden's meeting with the pontiff. eric: and of the present is a devout catholic who goes to mass every weekend visiting beau's a grave that certainly must have been very meaningful to him. lucas thank you. on the biden menstruation support of ukraine and its wart defending itself against russia per dr. rebecca grant will join us later on this hour vladimir putin can be defeated. arthel: made mount for more on the 2024 campaign let's bring in geon o caldwell fox news political analysis. good to see you. let's go, thank you. trump is courting black voters. biden rubbing elbows with hollywood's who's who. which group can better help their candidate when? >> a black voters are the clear winners there it is interesting
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every time joe biden has a fundraiser where there's a particular hall yes have a former president to go. donald trump is raising record dollars on his own. but when i think about michigan very specifically we think michigan has 14% of its population is african-american. mostly based in detroit. last election, 2020 joe biden oh one michigan by lesson three percentage points. donald trump in 20161 by 10,000 votes. you consider these 1.3 million black folks that are in michigan, you have got to say you know he's not going to win the whole pot obvious is not going to win every black motorist that's clear i'm talking donald trump if you get a small coalition of those voters and couple of those with the folks refusing to vote for joe biden over the palestinian conflict the israelites hamas, but you know there's a serious
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chance he could win michigan it's a must win state for donald trump to become president and get to 270. arthel: let's talk that message in which is keeping kent slavery's help the biden campaign with an messaging that will move voters? >> there is always the chance there's one or two voters persuaded by that but the likelihood of that is not going to be as great as previous elections you'd know we have come through many challenges in our country code being one of them. it is a reset election and politics in and of itself he says he would not endorse joe biden there's many other celebrities are refusing to endorse and who did in the previous election. why? they feel like they have been hit over the head for it because a lot of americans are unhappy. they're unhappy with inflation but they cannot pay for items like they used to. they are unhappy with the
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economy in totality. there is a lot of considerations for americans and they are blaming -- make many are blaming joe biden including the foreign policy front. of majority of americans disapprove of its handling of foreign policy. immigration, we could go on and on. i do not think the celebrity vote or endorsement if you will make as big of a difference as it might happen 2008 when barack obama ran. this year is going to be a choice election and american have experience voting for presidency. arthel: do you think the black church can help trump with messaging geared towards black voters? >> i think that is absolutely possible. we keep in mind, you and i are both black portal we would be her best economic opportunity i'm sure that exist for you as it does for me. that's what african-americans were to hear about, economic opportunity but how are you going to prosper at my community which the democratic party has failed decade after decade. they want to know what assist you think you are talking about
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about taking taxes off tips? one of these other economic plans you have for us? what about the platinum plan of 2020? we put implementing any of those ideas if you become president again? black votes want to know when you going to do for me? we want to see the tangibles. arthel: you are right to your point i want to go beyond and behind the messaging. what do you think? do you think trump can offer and deliver to black voters? flex was salt but he delivered last term which many people remember what was important to the black community as more of the people actually got out of prison for nonviolent offenses were african-american. that was important but what specifically can you do for us for education? what specifically can you for economic opportunities question woreduce a lot of black business boomed under donald trump at happy make that happen for us again? why shouldn't they vote for joe
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biden? the answer is clear to me why they shouldn't paper trump he has to make that case and this is going to be something i think a public thing to take note of i been arguing for years i've been a conservative for decades now i've been arguing what is that republicans showing up in the black community where aren't they on the south side of chicago? you can't say these folks won't vote for me you never went talk them you have to have conversations with people to make them feel comfortable this is not a one election cycle kind of thing. you need to be out there every day hitting the pavement like democrats do there in those communities a lot. there's are other neighbors usy republicans and their having conversations speaking to the issues and the values. arthel: how could biden hold onto black voters? he is not lost them all but there is some slippage how can he hold onto the black voters? >> to think about the numbers african-american men, 20% saying they are going to vote for trump.
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look at the other numbers 18% overall. those numbers seemingly are growing. you look at swing states those voters are in play what can joe biden say? actually i have no idea i've not heard any of his specific messaging to black voters outside republicans are racist and you do not want any democracy by voting for donald trump those are not things i think resignation. special comes to younger voters especially black men they are more concerned about economic opportunity than just the statements which have been used decade after decade meanwhile communities across the country are crumbling. arthel: speaking of direct messaging i do have to go back y 15 or 20 seconds on this. trump has said he read the black voters resignation with him because he is indicted is that the kind of messaging black people want to hear, really? >> and going to be honest with different from black people
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across the country who say wow it feels like they are treating him like they treated black went in the jim crow south whether that be true or not this is what people are saying to me personally. so i do not know if that is a case for everyone. i have not spoken with everyone. i'm certainly sure people felt like when what he went through in new york is unfair and politicized bait weaponize the department of justice. a lot of these other progressive prosecutors have as well for political reasons. people can see that i don't think people are stupid. what he says beyond that i have no idea but i know what i have heard personally. arthel: we do not have time to getting into weaponize the justice department that sells a whole other bag of worms that may or may not be true. but always good to talk to you gianno caldwell as always a fox news and political analysts will see you next time. happy father's day to your family. thank you. >> thanks. [laughter]
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eric: and to everyone house speaker mike johnson said he will not be deterred by the justice department decision not to prosecute attorney general american garland by the speaker promises to enforce the subpoena. demands garland turn over the audiotapes of president biden's interviews with special prosecutor robert her now the transcripts a at that have alrey been turned over. madeleine rivera has more on this from washington. >> good afternoon house speaker mike johnson is promising to take action in federal court this was expected this comes at the house voted on wednesday nearly along party lines to hurt attorney general american girl in contempt for refusing to hand over the audit records of president biden interview special counsel and is classified documents case. the present exerted executive privilege of the tapes and moved republicans have slammed. >> is really only two reasons why that would be the case. either the transcript does not match the audio or the audio he
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does not want us to hear. >> justice department says it has a long-standing policy of not prosecuting an official who refuses to give congress materials subject to executive privilege. for me attorney general bill barr and eric holder were held in contempt of congress in both cases d.o.j. refused to prosecute them after former presidents trump and obama exercise executive privilege over certain records it. in addition the department has already released the transcript of the tapes. democrats and republicans with the audio to turn them into political attack ads. >> american garland a and the adjacent troves of information steve bannon and peter navarro thumb their nose at a lawful subpoena. they're going to jail as a result of it. >> florida congresswoman luna has interest a resolution for
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garland to passive goat directe sergeant and arms to rest garland himself. two legislative days to act on it. >> alrall right madeline, thanko much. arthel: eric, florida residents are still in cleanup mode. this is after strong storms dumped up to 20 inches of rain and its other parts of the state. i mean this looks insane. the downpours causing severe flooding. they are there for several days some streets around miami and fort lauderdale still have standing water today. officials say it is quickly receding. luckily no reports of deaths, serious injuries or homes destroyed. that is good news. the cypress nature reserve that is between naples and fort lauderdale had the heaviest rain nearly 28 inches. north mnorth miami got over 21 . and holland dale over 20 inches.
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>> the explosion killed eight of its soldiers early this morning and southern gaza. it indication of the sacrifice against the terrorists of hamas. if the armored vehicle part of a convoy returning from an overnight mission. there was no gunfire we are told it is unclear if the bomb was planted in advance or hit an ied. at half with the attack since january that is when an attack killed 21 israeli soldiers. arthel: we are going to take our viewers to lend at the princess of wales make your first public appearance since revealing her cancer diagnosis. we'll have a lab report for you coming up next. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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eric: big day for the royal family and the british people. a princess and kate made her first public appearance since revealing her cancer diagnosis back in march. the family attended the annual trooping of the color parade. kate, seen smiling alongside prince william and their three children. king charles is also battling cancer but stephanie bennett is live at buckingham palace with the very latest on the events and we see -- with all the
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princess personally. stephanie are you there? trying to get stephanie into place. we will get to stephanie and a moment as soon as they prepare outside buckingham palace. arthel: meanwhile newark's governor is considering a ban on public transportation of anti-semitic incidents like this one. this is anti- israel protesters this week took over a subway car demanding quote zionists raise their hands and saying this is your chance to get off. cb cotton is live in new york city with more. >> hi arthel partner governor kathy hochul said reinstating a mask a ban would require action of the state legislature but she says conversation with state lawmakers have begun. she also says she's not going to tolerate anyone shielding their face. >> we will not tolerate
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individuals using masks to evade responsible for criminal or threatening behavior. my team is working on a sol solution. but on a subway people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes. >> the governor's remarks follow several disturbing incidents in the city this week a museum director had a red paint tossed on her home with the banner hung up accusing her of being a quote white supremacist scientist. the day before these anti-semitic remarks were caught on camera during a process, listen. >> have nothing better to do? go home. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> we also watch several mask pro pell city and fled into a subway station one man not wearing a mask was captured on the train yelling two passengers quote raise your hands if you are a zionist he followed up by saying quote this is short
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chance to get out breed the state legislature ended its session just last week and lawmakers are not due back until january. it is not clear if there is a path forward for re- implementing a face mask a band which was a policy previously repealed at the pandemic height to some israelite survivors of the october 7 hamas attack were here in new york city this week they told fox how they felt witnessing some of th the scenet the protest. >> i felt like i am back at october 7 ray got a panic attack she help me too get down from the stage. i was very scared and sad and disappointed that i have to go through all of this again. i was feeling attacked. >> nypd says anti-jewish hate crimes ro rosa bite one her 50%n may leading the number of
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overall incidents being investigated bites hate crime task force. arthel: right cb cotton, thank you. eric: probably breaking news it was the deadliest attack in the idf since january. dr. rebedoctor rebecca grants nn israel's will to win against the terrorists of hamas. the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same #1 selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget,
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the joy of the crowd seeing the king and princess of course but this today it was wanted by the public. it was needed by the royal family. any family going through a tumultuous time like cancer right now is a difficult thing. especially for anybody. it even shows a humanity that even roles go through things like this. but today, the trooping of the color. is it annual to mark the sovereign's official birthday of a king charles iii actual birthday is in november. last of the king rode on horseback. this time he wrote in a carriage with his wife queen camilla at prince william road on respect for the procession with his wife princess kate of course riding in a carriage behind the king along with their three children. the 42-year-old princess looking glamorous as always in that white dress and wearing the irish guards regimental brooch as she is the regiments kernel of course but she didn't miss lasix dress rehearsal for the big day so today was a little ttouch and go.
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less that she did give us an update on her health saying she is making good progress. but it's millions know with chemotherapy there are good days and there are some bad. she is going through treatment and will be for a few more months now but she gave some insight into her personal life. she said she has been engaging with the children school life. she's also done a little work from home and hopes to get back to some engagements over the summer break the royal family, as we know comic enough to be tightlipped about information. especially it comes to their health. they hope to be vocal to get others checked out. we talked to some people here in the crowd today, some even camping out overnight. >> will be lovely to see her certainly. she has had to put up with so much with the illness. it's sincere back on public duty. >> it kind of humanizes progress it really does she wants to be or to say that she can be with her children. which is fabulous. >> and of course this is not an official return to public duties for both the king and the
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princess. their doctors will advise on a case-by-case basis. and of course how they feel each day. but today, a gorgeous site to see the family back together here today. sue for it that it is buried the british certainly know how to do it our very best wishes to the princess and the king. stephanie at buckingham palace, thank you. arthel: eight murder investigation spanning two states after police and find a woman dead and her louisiana home. a search for her missing daughters and tragically in mississippi. madison scarpino is following the story and she is here now. >> arthel, the suspect is 36-year-old daniel callihan he is facing capitol murder and sexual battery charges in mississippi. he was not shiite talking to reporters yesterday. admitting to the crimes blaming antidepressants. >> i have no reason for what i
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did. all i know is i want to say i was on sober and only on lex lexapro. i am also borderline multiple personality disorder. i've not got to talk to a lawyer progress investigators are accusing callihan from brutally murdering callie brunett there's a frantic search for-year-old erin and 6-year-old jalie the sisters were later found just hours away and jackson on thursday the 4-year-old found dead in a wooded area. the 6-year-old found alive. >> it hurt my heart. it hurt my soul to see that baby in the woods deceased. to bring that type of terror and horror to the city of jackson was very startling. it was very hurtful. >> police arrested callihan's alleged accomplice third victoria cox she's facing
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capitol murder and sexual battery charges in mississippi. officials are not yet saying how cox is involved in the crime sheriff's office said callihan is facing charges their first degree murder, aggravated kidnapping and armed robbery. and arthel it is unclear if callihan will be extradited back to louisiana or how the different jurisdiction factors will play out part in the meantime the fbi is still asking the public for any information on this case. back to you. arthel: i know that story just gripped the hearts of people in new orleans and throughout louisiana. it is interesting how the suspect was talking, singing like a bird seemed to start to build a defense for himself even though he is multiple personality disorder. just heartbreaking. madison scarpino thank you so much. eric: israel military converts eight soldiers were killed early this morning. the deadliest attack on forces
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since hamas started killing 21 soldiers back in january. the idf said the soldiers are part of a convoy traveling through southern gaza. that's when an explosion suddenly it hit their armored vehicle. another reminder of the sacrifice and determination the israeli forces are facing to rid gaza of the terrace of hamas. with the snow the national security analyst dr. rebecca grant a senior fellow at the lexington institute. doctor graham despite israel's success in gaza this shows how hamas has been launching rockets, did so yesterday from a humanitarian aid area. your thoughts on this sad total of eight israeli soldiers? >> another tragedy taking place because hamas will not agree to a cease-fire. israel will have more facts on what happened. if it was an improvised explosive device that took out this troop carrier then possibly
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a bit of a shift in the war as hamas tries different tactics may be a signal hamas is digging in a little bit to try to continue a long and play fights. really a tragic day in the two things that stands out israel has got to achieve security around its borders. israeli military presser that hamas listens too. eric: would he think going forward how this will affect the campaign if at all if israel continues to press to eradicate hamas control over the gaza strip? >> you pointed out israel is operating in multiple locations obviously down in the south but i have seen an uptick in the attacks coming from the north and of course a lot of activity out in the red seat with our uscentcom intercepting more drones and about yesterday. israel's deeply engagedisrael id throughout that area. it is going to take continued
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military pressure and some settlement that leaves hamas not in control of that region. eric: what type of settlement could you potentially see? moment think this has to end it sometime. >> yes, we note israel, the u.s., qatar and egypt try to get to a cease-fire it only took a little while three years ago in the missile war to bring a cease-fire. what i hear is at some point you've got to have the palestinian authority's in some way number one priority israel must reestablish insecurity. this attack today is a sign there's still more work to be done. eric: is it possible israel will be able to rid the gaza strip of hamas at least tamp it down and off israelis can fairly be safe? a cease-fire will build into that. if we get one we want to see
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better israel relations and a lot of things on offer in the most recent package that could lead to progress but cease-fire has got to converse progress it could end today give up and stop the killing when they say and the occupation they should be saying and hamas occupation of gaza. meanwhile the g7 has wrapped up. new commitments to ukraine. eight landmark 10 year commitment from the biden administration for ukraine. that is the message of vladimir putin. looks very strong message. biden administration has match the commitment of several other nato members it is 810 year bilateral security deal between the u.s. and ukraine. why? because nato is not ready to bring ukraine in as a full
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member. nato wants vladimir putin to know and his overlords in china to know there is no way to europe will let russia when and ukraine. that is lacy britain, france, now the u.s. in this 10 year deal. it has to be funded by congress. is unimpressed that a sign nato is closing ranks to deter putin. and putin has been very active with this propaganda statements. the russian warships off florida and all of that and continued fighting in ukraine. click to say offloaded me clarify that that is in cuba. it is a 90 miles away. this is a message of vladimir putin no matter who is in the white house in the coming years or in a european capitol with this give putin second thoughts? no matter what happens against their for israel against what i
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am doing for a decade. so what do i do now? maybe i won't to win this thing. >> airport ukraine it is a two-part message but one is the complete that message goes to putin but also to china. if china could not support putin he could not fights. the other piece that has to happen and it is happening is its ability for ukraine to strike a some targets that really mean a lot to putin. whether it is the s300 or 400 air defense systems just over the russian border, some targets and crimea, those types of attacks will have to continue. and of course ukraine will have to really lock down its air defense and make sure nato stands firmly behind ukraine two. >> it seems that they are. dr. rebecca grant always good to see you.
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arthel: here we go a father and daughter breaking the guinness world record for pushing a car 1 mile they did on the same day. faith phillips tried first breaking the record for women in the category. and then her dad clinton bested his daughter to get the men's and over all records but all a part of clinton's push for something campaign is an elite athlete entrepreneur and health care reform advocate who says he wants to inspire people to take action and here they are clinton and faith joining us now.
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hello to both of you. i want to start with you, clint. tell us how your car pushing became a hobby and why did you start it? >> my son challenged me about 10 years ago and said dad surely you can break a guinness record i wanted to inspire him and look through every single record. i found when this a good combination of strength and endurance. and i've been working at this for about 10 years to get the right car, the right flat area to get the right level of fitness. and it all came together. the real bonus was my daughter. arthel: at which a daughter i know you have two daughters you have faith and gabby who are you talking about right now? >> this is faith. she is an elite rower and a fantastic athlete i said i got it already, do you want to try
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to break the woman's record and faith said let's go. arthel: faith, you said let's go. first of all your dad talked about training for this. he had to find the right car and all these things had to align. how much did you train? what car did you happen to push for 1 mile? >> my training i've always been big into fitness and strength in all of that. so i wrote and i train a lot outside of growing i push the exact same car as him is on the same day, same car. arthel: a believer in south africa at what car is that i don't if we have that car for what car did you push, just curious. >> the cart was a 1950 ps arrow. we are from south africa faith was born in the as we did the record in austin, texas lance
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armstrong to help us find the flattest road for hundreds of miles because the record had to be set on a flat surface. arthel: and here you are again i do not know how much that cars wasteways due to how much it we? >> yes the record had to be set on a car that was more than 418n set by macedonia cut by iceland, bight finland we were glad to bring it here to u.s. of a. >> you still hold it. so clinton you said you set out to break a record you found one that had not been broken and here you did how does it feel to have your daughter in the record books with you? >> it is incredible it was one of the most biggest lessons to have her. we set up a campaign of push for
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something we want people to push for something and their health. it really helps people strive and live their healthiest life this was a wonderful record then then to be able to with your daughter and for her to raise and break a barrier and we hope to inspire families to get out there and do some incredible activity together. she is my scuba buddy. she is a workout monster. and it's incredible to do this together. stipulate very good faith, enclosing everyone to ask you, what is your father's day message for your dad? >> i think as a daughter it's always great to try to do something new, do something hard it's been really amazing to have my father do that with me and help push me through and keep each other accountable. arthel: very good your good-looking team will tell you that. congratulation clint and faith phillips three thank you so much
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phillips three thank you so much for joining us we will be right back. ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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eric: another center last nightt mba charles barkley in altitude and is 25 year career as a beloved and outspoken broadcaster print that after next season. we have more on king charles
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decision from los angeles for. >> of barkley's announcement shock in the sports world as you can imagine a basket the basketl of fam famer and icons had nextr will be his last on the air for the nba. >> my heart is an joy and gratitude. but, i'm going to pass the baton next year i am just going to retire after 25 years and i just want to say thank you. and i want you to hear from me first request barkley will cap office to nap decade long tv career in the 2024/25 season as the nba continues to negotiate possible mediate rights with other networks those include disney, abc, espn, amazon, nbc and warner bros. discovery. also vying for a chance at three packages of games and other content rights which will begin in the 25/26 season. a deal could be worth an estimated 76 billion over a decade. if warner bros. does not make the cut it will be the end of games on tnt and of barclays
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show inside the nba barkley clarifying he's got no plans to work for any other network he hopes the nba does decide to stay with tnt and true straightforward barkley style he says this is the last time he plans to talk about his retirement he will not be doing enter more in any more interviews about it. eric: what an amazing career on and off the court thank you. arthel: we have not heard the last of charles barkley yet i guarantee it i will be looking forward to what is going to come up with but let me tell you this of course she got former president trump he is heading to swing state michigan today. hoping to break through the so-called blue wall. polls are showing trump is making inroads with voters who typically lean democrat like young adults but he still faces headwinds trying to convince a more centrist americans like suburban voters. we will get into that of the 4:00 p.m. hour with the jersey congressman jeff van drew. eric will have that interview. in the meantime we are going to
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say goodbye for an hour the journal editor report is up next. i want to show everybody a beautiful shot of kate make new jersey as we sign off because on that beach a week ago today allie and bobby tied the knot. congratulations to thet th newlyweds. it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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