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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  June 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> welcome to the journal committed to real report paul incident the plastic supreme court term, and winds on the justices on thursday, unanimously rejected a bit to restrict access to medication used in nearly two thirds of all abortions in the united states, in the court's first ruling thomas is overturning roe v. wade, two years ago. the biden administration is not celebrating that nine — zero opinion is it looks to give the issue front and center in the 2024 campaign here's vice president kamala harris on thursday. >> this is not a cause for celebration, because the reality is certain things are still not going to change. we are looking at the fact that two thirds of the women of reproductive age in america, live in date with a trump abortion bad at this really is not going to change that c1 joining the middle this week, wall street journal dan heninger and crim stressful and editorial board member kyle peterson and
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kim, this decision was widely feared on the left as being in other dobbs killer and instead it nine — zero against the antiabortion plaintiffs and what happened. kim: will again help me as a reminder that the court actually rules on the lot and that was so incredibly clear the earth and remember, you had pro-life doctors who are raising this huge parade of possibilities about things that could happen mr. continue to be dispensed. but they failed on the all-important principle of standing one of the examples for instance they said is with more women there using this higher possibility of complications the getting of an where we pro-life doctors would have to help them even though it violates on, under conscious they've not been able to produce a single example of that ever happening or a number of the other possibilities they raised and is
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rick kavanagh noted, we have punches lost somebody protected. verse and so, if you cannot show that there has been a great injury, that all these hypotheticals are moved and they didn't get past that her and hurled you had nine — zero arguing that are agreeing to that i think that it showed that despite all of the flapping around about this very controversial issue, the judges are looking for the most part, at the law. paul: and dan, the cassidy into the concrete injury that is re- addressable by the courts the conservative justices and brett kavanaugh decision wrote, they did did not show that in a sum of the justices who knows i don't know what they think about abortion, but is reasonable to infer that maybe some of them are opposed and is a policy man, they were looked at that to focus on the lloyd what is it tell you about the court itself. dan: will tell us something positive certainly the conservative side of the court is been trying to emphasize the
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importance of reading the law correctly in the managed to convince the three liberal justice is here to agree with them, to limit this case to a question of standing on one is entitled to come before the court. anything judge kavanaugh decision here was very interesting i want to make a few points about it. he noted for instance, that if they a lot of principal like this to exist, firefighters could file a lawsuit building code is because it might hurt them police file against something crime laws record them in advance of anything happening just as kavanaugh wrote, that was seemingly not end until virtually every citizen has standing to challenge virtually every government action that they did not like what he's describing this kind of like the world we live in help people do believe that they can sue for anything. this decision is saying no, you cannot the courts pretty reason
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you juice have to show that you been injured by something. paul: the political intricate and indications of this kyle your the vice president animal sounds like june of impressive talking as if they almost wish they have us this case but that because it better for them politically this that how you read it. kyle: i think that's why this is something that you have seen in recent cases is a recent term where there was a case, that the explanation was the right wing supreme court might just declare obama care totally unconstitutional when is kelly of course that is not what happened and this is another example of that and some of it might be genuine in part because people like ebola harris move leave that judging is a matter of you know people in robes, who are very well trained in the law and using their best judgment to put the principles in action and what judges who are wise and philosopher kings in some sense. paul: they want him to come to
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their policy conclusions. kyle: exactly and so some of it might be that they think that that is how the conservative justices operate with the conservative justices really are changes to the text and the original meaning of the constitution. some of it also might be cynical because joe biden progressive was running as the supreme court did a lot of work and getting up anger in the spring court here is another opportunity thing even though it up and out of the. paul: okay kim sing of another case of this is about bump stocks which can make it rifle fire more rapidly and the court said the regulation by the federal government, the band these bump stocks was illegal because violated the clear meaning of the statute. kim: will yes and so with the ban against machine guns and there's a definition and that law about what a machine that is
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essentially a gun they can be restored functionality with a single function on the trigger pretty it is written in the statute and the definition is there the trump administration decided to after here's change that the court look to the clear text and said nope you cannot do it until we get a straight reading of the law see what you think it was the right decision. kim: yes, had absolutely was and samuel alito 71 fixes these effects on changed a lot sue in effect congress might have the atf had not intervened and that itself. so we'll see if they can knowing okay so still it supreme court nears the end of another contentious term and actavis infiltrates at dinner to secretly samuel alito and his wife and wouldn't we learn from this latest attack on the conservative justice.
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justice samuel alito think it took dealer came this week with the secret if he does wipe at a dinner and present yourself as a catholic conservative and liberal activists were in windsor, recorded the elite does as well as chief justice john roberts and a dinner for the supreme court historical society last week and here's part of her exchange with samuel alito. >> as a catholic in somebody who really cherishes my faith, i just know that we can negotiate in the way other things happening in think that it is a matter of like winning. >> i think you are probably right is one side of the other. and i don't know but there can be well a way of working or
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living together certainly. but it is difficult. because there are instances on a mental thanks. >> i think that the solution really is like winning a moral argument like people in this country believing in god and that keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. >> i agree sue and this bring in james one of the editorial features editor the wall street journal any court follower james welcome and so what in that exchange, when did you hear the message and is it anything or anything wrong. james: of the message basically was, lido the public event alito was in a public event and enthusiastic for is a crazy person approach and i think we will have this expressive being approached by semi people are overzealous or crazy a public event and he was humoring her
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know she said with a stuff about returning the country to godliness and easily very thin the side of the sink as you say to crazy prison humor. paul: so we met the critics saying wait a minute, that they trace his belief in christian. james: the new york times is a headline, that is about alito godliness, and their tripping antique this to this word it to him which he never said a numbing that is just right back and veteran was in the washington post is a piece possessing thing interviews the court to them in a very confusing way. but you know what is really appalling here's also much this crazy woman who is quite amusing that james o'keefe approach to journalism. paul: wait a minute is she crazy she acting with malice of forethought. james: both okay james o'keefe is a conservative who does it sort of thing any strikes of conversations with people in the works for and then he hypes up they say which is usually not
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much in the press rightly looks on this day and so there's been a spy one in pacific some fed revelations not. paul: another thing that ever initiate and she talked to missus alito and try to get her to say things that she thought maybe could be used against the justice and what we learn from her. james: the last bogus alito story about the flags, they were flown upside down flag their home in virginia and the appeal to george washington's revolutionary like the fluid there vacation when he was telling the truth when he said martha did that i had nothing to do with it and she made that very clear and are very colorful remarks to this moment. paul: she basically confirmed the story the justice story. james: yes that there was nothing on tour their cheese a lot if i would've liked you want to she's a private citizen. paul: no indication they needed justice john roberts or justice
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samuel alito of any sense that they say anything that suggested their leaning was on issues in the court. james: the only thing that justice alito's that we have a defined role we need to do with who were supposed to after she was asking what can we do about this polarization he said will severally supreme court's job and robbers made similar comments, and so of them understand their role perfectly well the late jackson was also at that if it is an event and lauren winter apparel he did not talk to her. paul: does this mean that your supreme court justice or member of the justices family coming basically have to assume anywhere you go, you could be taped to be used against you. james: least of your supreme court justice by republican present nothing like that seems to happens to other justices jackson but ginsburg was known to speak out school but she did that on around. paul: it was celebrated of
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course. james: at the same people who are denouncing alito for say nothing. paul: salute senate democrats this week, they just pushed and used it this event to try to push their legislation through the senate ethics supreme court ethics. the public is blocked it. and what is that legislation and what that do. james: it would reporting set up a code of conduct for the supreme court, the somehow be binding on the court. and justice alito in an interview with this last year's unconstitutional the supreme court is independent british government and constitutional parchment their prerogatives any other justices have not quite said there but they have issued a joint statement calling them, think of the same direction. paul: one of the bit of known as a nuisance justice thomas allegedly took three trips on a private jet from welliver in his. and those were unreported and
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said to be a scandal and is it. james: no is reported by her friends broke republican and they apparently got this from our senator durbin on the committee. it was left out of this all these trips took place before 2022 in 2020 to the judicial conference which issues the guidelines for disclosure changes roles and said that travel in private just is no longer considered personal hospitality which is not disposable but a gift which is so justice thomas has complied with the disclosure rules and i was left out liberal public reports. a completely unethical omission c1 will thank you james and when we come back, the justice department said that able not prosecute attorney general american garland after house republicans decided to hold him in contempt at donald trump turn to capitol hill and then usual moment republican community.
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just pretty little prosecute attorney general merrick garland of the house move this week to hold him in contempt of congress refusing to turn over audiotapes president biden's interview special counsel robert her and condemned what he called unfounded attacks on the department justice morning that they are dangerous and were back with dan heninger and kim and kyle petersons i'll just on the winners of the fight here, was this contempt to citation. >> i think that it was with thank you so a couple things to keep in mind and when you stop the republicans want to stay transcript special counsel the audio special counsel ben hur
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interview with president biden's already been released. kyle: it is hard to see who there's sort of a real executive privilege social the audio and in particular because the justice department has acknowledged that the transcript the remote if the consumer credit worse in particular given that robert hur's reason for not charging president biden recommending charges, the city that the biden was an elderly man who present himself to the jury and so link is a real legitimate question here. limit have faithfully the transcript it reflects what happened in the audio. paul: emily once you turn it over you fix it issued executive privilege on the other think that lots clear that what about the response by the white house counsel's office who said we don't really need the audiotape in all this is his fishing you want to put it into the universe the present and president.
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kyle: will base it printed the basics was robert hur's decision is kyle's adjusted. >> blissful could get, that's exact words, she was not going prosecute because mr. biden is clearly sympathetic warming elderly man the poor memory and who just happens to be the president of the united states it was a had agreed to release the transcript i don't think it really had reason to claim executive privilege and you cannot just have a little bit of executive privilege wednesday release the transcript the audio was game think of annette the monumental nature of robert hur's decision house in congress was entitled to hear it too much campus from the donald trips in terms trip to capitol hill and the senate some of the great critics and capitol hill shut up mitch mcconnell the minority leader and pretty much everybody who could be there was there. when is the message the trump
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was delivering with the tell you about the chances of unified republican party going into this election. kim: well i think that is the word paul, it is unity donald trump has been showing some signs that he understands that he needs to try to get everybody in the party back behind him is partly about that and a lot of the present look at everybody bending at the naval i know the press about this republican party to remain disunited with his of the present into trying to get everybody the same page of every somewhat raucous primary and a lot of divisions for the other thing that really struck me paul, is help donald trump is time is looking ahead to actually govern and there were a lot of substantive discussions when he was there until about how the mightiest for instance, budget reconciliation, to do open another tax cuts this is very very different for me years ago when he was still introducing himself to the party and he has
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his connections already trying to make a plan in case he listened and how should get victory this fall. paul: and kyle, the elisa coming fast and furious about who donald trump is considering for vice president and i don't know how much credit them with probably some doug berg, governor north dakota is one in calypso editors jd vance and marco rubio and tim scott as well although oddly, they're criticizing scott is not the right choice. when you make of this list as of the criticism on scott which strikes me as unfortunate. >> so might be criticism of the motivated by pretty. paul: another of those choices. kyle: and i think overall this is pretty reasonable and as we choices on their and my also people are putting the list to ensure that it includes a broad spectrum of the republican party including some mega associated candidates like senator jd vance
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of ohio and have a hard time seeing how that helps trump picking jd vance i think that he still need to worry the swing voters in summary like tim scott or doug berg on appeal to moderate suburbanites and suburban moms makes more sense to me as a political matter because i know that trump was up in the polls but were so long way to go until november could still tighten. paul: to notable names for this list the nikki haley when he gets trump in glen young and the governor of virginia donald trump did eat with you this week, briefly why aren't they on. dan: i think that is just because donald trump is a mention that but you know what look he is a shaman in this the minaret the apprentice and he's going to build up and ignore milk from until he makes the announcement at the convention. paul: when we come back till very jury convicts hunter biden on felony gun charges as that person finally faces that is a quizzes of his actions and a panel the political impact of the verdict the presidential
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paul: those president biden on thursday, in his first on camera comments about his son's conviction on federal gun charges in delaware jury took three hours to find hundred biting guilty and on tuesday on all three felony charges related to the purchase and again in 2018 bringing to close the first of two trials knees facing as his father which is a campaign for reelection and we are back with a panel. and dan, list this adjust verdict. dan: it was indeed i just verdict and he violated the law was clear the analyst across the political spectrum of the new there's maybe a guilty verdict unless the delaware jury found itself incapable of convicting abide in which they get in verdict today what are the political implications of this and this inevitable and i don't think it a particular helps donald a tropical i think there's no upside there. but it is the sort of the last
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thing that joe biden needs and is more downward pressure on the bided brand joe biden sit standing it just as creates a negative feeling for the presidency in this election is to be determined by turnout, enthusiasm. and if joe biden who already has problems with some democratic voters especially younger voters, those younger voters are giving a reason to say, with think that i can go vote for cornell west door joe stein robert kennedy jr. i think these convictions possible tax trial in september, they're going to hurt biden's candidacy c1 kim something was in the hundred biting would never happen in charge with this charge in particular unless his father had not been precedented running for reelection because of the are charged with this specific crime and what you think about. kim: well yes will get a lot of people writing memoirs about the
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drug use and etc. look one of the reasons you do not have this crime charge a lot is because it's not always easy for the department of justice to identify people who have engage in this cut about falsity and this one was sitting right in front of their face and it was an ignorable and to not charge him would've been the special favors and welcome hundred biting have a lot of benefits here the most people who are charged with this one do not get in particular, very wealthy benefactors who got some of the best lawyers that money can buy and rather than admitted guilt to what was a pretty clear-cut cry crimes prosecutors make clear, he decided instead to fight this in court any and he lost as i think that this is especially the way since it began, with all of the dramatics the special counsel, and initially giving him a wrist slap. and i think this is something that people should look at this verdict in phyllis of justice
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was done in effect possibility that was not going to be c- for the politics going forward kyle in dead-end was talking like i'm there's thought other this is actually this conviction, we don't know with the sentencing will be with liz conviction actually does not help trump at all and that it actually is better provided because it takes away the accusation unequal justice. the case the president said is charged. and convicted at trial on tax charges coming up i guess it's in september we make about political calculation. dan: i think there's truth without the jury had found itself unable to convicted biden wilmington delaware from the old something grounds think trump would have a heyday raising arguments about two standards of justice and abatement raising money and that the political spoke but for sports something that there is some truth that you know there's a little bit of a let down for that argument by
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president trump and i do also think that the damage to biden's limited hearing that this was a case about a gun and a benediction with that is not going to be true necessarily with this tax case is coming up and i think out my prosaic bigger political nature for the president because then you getting into they questions about putting hunter biden get all this money why was he on the board of this ukrainian energy giant and so don't forget that is coming later this fall and expect president trump in a field day with that as well c1 anything hunter biden should go to jail on this charge dan. dan: not necessarily, having will i think that he severed a lot reputational he and he may go to jail tax charges later if he is convicted but you know, joe biden's candidacy needs a jolt an important jolt mainly on the economy but this is just more bad news for joe biden. i don't see how it's going to
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help them at all. paul: all right is still ahead, this appears to be easing but maybe not enough for the federal reserve two/interest rates yet. so are we likely to see a cut before the november election. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed.
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>> semen is expected federal reserve held interest rates steady this week when several big now windbreak cut in 2024 cummins away from her evidence that inflation is on the way down to is 2 percent target in the labor department said that on wednesday, the consumer prices rose 3.3 percent in the 12 months through may, easing some what from previous month but not enough for fed chairman jerome powell to act. >> we see today's report as progress and building condos but we don't see her way of having the confidence that would warrant want beginning to loosen
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policies at this time. paul: let's bring in douglas president of the american action for director the congressional budget office and doug welcome it is good have you here and so thinking about powell's statement and that may and simmer price report, chairman powell was a too pessimistic with the good news make. doug: i know i don't think so come i think that if you look at the ways that the cpi came in soft not have been much comfort in the top line was month, but it was because gasoline prices were down and we have seen the movie before we could easily reverse quite likely will and the core was softer than expected because the shoulder inflation which has been the achilles' heel for children inflation remain unchanged airline fares and some other things that drop in the corporate so the pattern of this is softness did not give the fed much comfort and so they stay
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where they were in on the one cut come i think that they set themselves up said the following position, they desperately want to stay out the political season in particular he accused by don't trump up coming to favor president biden itself one cut come after the election and investors are expecting that now they can copy for the election only there's material this in the data that we are in trouble and so, that is where they want to be you can go preemptively after the election but not before. paul: okay i would ask you about that evidence of a slowdown read it easy much been told by bit of monitors a full the money supply, that they have policy works with long eggs looking at their watches and saying coming in over the last year or, it is coming the recession is coming in it never comes. you see some signs of a slowdown out early in pretty good shape economically.
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doug: well in the second half of 2023, it was business capitol spending and all those perceptions except the pandemic they don't turning cap so is actually concerned about the economy picked up a bit in the first quarter but what we have seen since the second quarter started this the household sector which is carried the economy is showing some exit the edges and real disposal at full income is not risen sets anyway so the cash flow that powers spinning is a startup we sing the uptick in new claims for unemployment insurance and that flat retail sales report nothing that indicts the outlook for certain thing enough to make you nervous the strength will continue see when the markets as we did not like the vets decision. the stocks have been out this week though they have been in a record run and so should we read is too much to do that. doug: i don't read too much into that because you know the stock
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market has lawson also contributing factors in them looking underneath the financial sector the real economy what is the household sector look like i see some reasons for concern there would said durable goods orders indicators of real investor spinning like and they're okay with are not outstanding. many of the housing remains an absolute recession so this would've that key cyclical pieces cap exit housing not exactly roaring forward. paul: let's turn to this debate over inflation invited white house chemo this weekend accused the president trump of policies that would do nothing for infection and in fact would fan it and focus on immigration control the focus on tax cuts and inflationary and tariff policies which they said would raise prices when you make about argument. doug: will this administration desperately wants of the bulls eye on with the inflation that they tobacco. i should stop trying to pin other people with just apologize
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the macro mistakes they've made in move forward. we can't seem to give themselves to do that at seven going to blame trump administration for housing the tax cuts that actually just a continuation of current policy so it cannot be inflationary and it doesn't make sense in the immigration claim depends on the magnitudes in the base and qualitatively less supply leads to higher prices but i don't see how that turns into a near-term inflation unless there's a dramatic change i am worried about the tariffs, they are a cost raising input costs or something that businesses are going to have to pass along. so in and of themselves as heroes to add do the include inflationary bias my favorite policy for that reason for the terrace i agree with you turn the tariffs particularly if they are just imposed on some sectors come they can raise sectors in the dale linux users the consumers. fundamentally, i think that the
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cause of inflation is excessive spending and if the federal think that is not the ultimate determiner of inflation. doug: well especially the latter and certainly, the trump 10 percent tariff would be across off all sectors not relative but abroad impact the price level and leaning if that the question is will day and did not leaning it's anything in 2021 that biden and ministration did we had a lot of inflation i think learned their lesson the lien against it and over the growth but you will get inflation as a result. >> okay appreciate you being here and go to seo and and when we come back, world leaders gathered for the g7 summit in italy the wake of the elections and saw big gains for the political right so president biden is a paying attention to the message sent by angry voters in europe. ga, the advanced form
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paul: a politically group world leaders gathered initially this week of the g7 summit the six of seven participant wheezing political peril it home and putting princes emmanuel germany's jokes who are really for last week in european parliamentary elections angry voters sit appear message of gratian and climate policies and shooting that legislative body to the right and president joe biden facing his own troubles and the polls show internally donald trump is second term and so will he learning the lessons from the fate is the wall street journal editorial member joe has been following the story come
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across from london and joe, so what message do you think the european voters rescinding the political class. joe: we had a couple hundred million is 27 countries in europe looking the blocks parliament and the big story is that the shift to the right where the big winners was the conventional party of the center rights were the european of the american republican party but then you also had big victories for politicians and parties further to the right and groups like the national really france foreign minister millions brother italy party the country. very well and you're absolutely right, the voters rescinding us to issues in one come in europe is facing integration prices basically says 2015 in the voting signaling the fed up with the inability of mainstream politicians here to get a grip
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about anything that is happiness voters in recent years discovered how expensive it would be to cut back the continents carbon emissions to be with climate change in the not prepared to pay the bills anymore in these poems to get tough on immigration there also very cool to put it mildly and assist you further evers from climate change c want that in particular affected the green party in germany. the coalition government means are part of that and that is in trouble and there and in france as well, the president emmanuel mccrone is on the ballot until they do not have lunch until the 202070 dissolve the parliament and national assembly there and is wendy of elections pretty high risk effort there for mccrone. joe: will these elections european parliament they often
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revealed how unpopular national governments are. and this is a story and boy did that ever happened this cycle and so i think that emmanuel is party his worried about have as many best as the national rally. clearly, chancellor shows government his administration in germany is in a lot of trouble because all three of the parties that are in the quote elation government ran into trouble here with a conservative opposition parties gained a lot of ground. in the election and i think when the signal here is that clearly our voters are unhappy with a lot of these coefficients who were not even necessarily the first choice to begin with a lot of these people became president or prime minister in elections they were not happy with a options in front of them and so i think that the europeans are demanding a lot better of their
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political classes that they are getting right now. paul: will they had come is tell you about the steep condition of western democracy with the most popular politician in the g7 actually the only popular politician is the prime minister of italy. [laughter] dan: yes melanie club is articulate an msa she is a strong public politician but i think what is said is that this is something very important that we should understand here, has relevance for the united states as well in europe you have the european union which is pan-european governments, based in brussels then you have all the national governments themselves with a look at these people to represent them in brussels and what is happened there and we talk about here with the so-called administrative state and basically come of it is bureaucrats setting policy for populations and joe was
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describing it, what's happening and since they've created the european union there, it is that the bureaucracies have created rules and regulations become more and more distance from the public and the voters these individual states we recently had transformers demonstrating as they to do is against the cost of european union rules and regulations rate and to the extent that they ignored the will of the feelings of the population and other going to the parties over the basically are opposed to the administrative state wanted readers those of the parties on the right and that's what's happening here in the united states as well. paul: joe any lessons we have about 45 seconds is from for the united states in particular president biden. joe: bullet the climate issue is because europe is much for the road of a lot of these issues like electric vehicle mandate composing cost and household and producing carbon emissions in the big political lesson here is
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that is not a winner as soon as the voters discover how much they themselves lofgren for then we will see if american politicians look across the athletic to extract that lesson this election. sue and i don't think about its way change on them month unless the big rebuke in the election and i think a joint music when writing when we come back, it's missus of the week. this is our last chance to help save thousands of
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holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that there are
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holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. now, with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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time it now for hits and misses of the week. kim, first to you. >> pulp my missus to this administration latest exercise namely a new rule consumer financial protection bureau that proposes to remove medical debt from credit reports. medical debt can be a problem for some people this is teeming
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with negative consequences that will discourage americans from paying their debt or from buying insurance brittle raise costs for consumers everywhere. in short, paul, is the latest election year ploy along with student debt relief from this administration one will do more harm than good. >> kyle question to mc took a ha noted resident of westchester county new york, hilary clinton, per endorsement of the democratic challenger to squad congressman jamaal and the states coming primary. hilary might be running to the front of the parade given the recent billing shows trailing by roughly 20 points to westchester county executive george latimer. it's a youthful moment for party discipline a moment best known for pulling a house fire alarm his mo and congress in starting fires this ought to be a change election. >> dan question of us might this is going to the anti- israel protesters in new york city have morphed this past week from support for gaza civilians to
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explicit support for hamas and hatred of jews to bid this buttered red paint on the fronts of the homes of some of the trustees of the brooklyn museum. they invade a tribute to octobee auntie fought at the rand out into raise your hand if you are a zionist of this is your chance to get out. most of them wear masks like the ku klux klan. sad to say new york city of all places has a very serious anti-semitism problem. >> it is getting very ugly but remember if you have your own hit or miss be sure to send it to us je are on f fnc that is t for this week show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching hope to see you right here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪. arthel: all eyes on the city of ange