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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  June 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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you so much you are the best you taught me everything especially had a pack jeans when i go oytha trip. clicp,k she wouldn't pack jeans, happy happy father's day to my dad and all that's a little boyt got smoothha police officers whf saved his life and presented hi with metals 8-year-old ethan is not breathing for about fiveea minutes choking on harthd candyn police officers quickly arrived on the scene, thanks of those copies and anti- choking device was called a life of vacuum pumf and sucking mechanism toe cleat his airwayo s ethan, his motherr and rescuers met in the city council meeting they'll receive life-saving awards. congratulations to thoses to officers and thank god for that young. >> katie 10 seconds for boxes of flag day started 10 in 1777 commemorates the adoption of the americanth flag by congress. happy flag day everyone. >> think if that is it for us tonight. have a great night we'll see you on monday. ♪. jon: looking live the huntington place convention center in
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downtown detroit former president donald trump has just taken the stage. he was soon to speak at a conservative conference there good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. this is the former president second event today on the motor city spoke earlier at a round table announce a new campaign coalition called black americans for trout. four years ago trump was a state of michigan to joe biden by 150,000 votes. it might be close this november. that is fox news poll has trumped up by three points in michigan. madison all worth is alive it huntington place in detroit with the latest for us. >> hey john, we are inside 180 church for its first start for the president turns detroit today spoke to churchgoers, community members and received multiple standing ovations as he spoke to the voters here in this church i want to tell you some
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of the things he talked about that got him a standing ovation he got loud applause when he said he would keep a gender ideology away and out of americans he said he knew black community's desire stronger police presence that was a lot of applause he also talked about how he would be closing the borders. trump heavily heavily courted the black vote during his speech. take a listen. >> we have done more for and i say this and i sat probably a more for the black population than any president since abraham lincoln. that is a big statement. [applause] and it could get it joe biden has nothing for you except talk it's only talk. it's all talk. >> the worst president for black people. >> now president trump is just down the way also in detroit talking at turning point convention there making a lot of stops and is very key state of michigan michigan in 2020 that flipped and blew the campaign
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working hard to convince michigan voters they should vote for donald trump this november. and it could happen as you noted polling is going in the president's favor and one of the changes we have seen with this most recent visit today is that trump decided to come to detroit and his other three visits he's made to the state's guide to suburban areas the decision to come to a historically blue city and talk to voters what is normally considered a blue town that got him a lot of bragging points with voters both decided and undecided. take a listen. >> president trump i am so humbled that you would be here. president obama never came. president joe biden went to the big double ncp dinner but never came to the hood so thank you. >> we know what president trump is onstage again talking to more voters here in detroit.
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one thing he mentioned while on stage in the church is that he talked about his bp list someone on stage with them and we know byron is on the shortlist of vps president trump that he thanks he would make a great vp we do know he is on the list we've also been told trump will make the bp announcement closer to the convention he definitely was not shy about it tonight. jon: madison and detroit thank you. the former president has taken the stage and is speaking in detroit right now. let's listen in for a few minutes. >> we are leaving your estate by a lot. warren and davidson, warren thank you. thank you very much. right woman who was very quiet, very shy but very professional marjorie taylor green. [cheering] great person she is a great
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person. michael cloud, thank you my own congressman michael cloud and former congressman someone who almost one new york which they said wasn't impossible. what a campaign to ears late frankly because today it is different the illegal migrants have taken over new york today it is different but what a job he did former congressman lee zeldin. leah, wherever you are. delete, thank you. also a person who is really a terrific person i got to know her well congressperson in tulsi gabbard thank you. thank you. you all know my son don is out there working, he is such a good boy and kimberly i heard her speak they gave some good ones. thank you kimberly, thank you don. and man it really special very important to think the most
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important man in the room for what we are doing, rnc chairman michael whatley watley is doingt job. michigan gop chair i wanted him from day one i said you've got to do it, you've got to do it it was a great and successful politician i took him as ambassador pete a fantastic guy. head of the gop. good job. we have nebraska gop chairman here to eric underwood. eric, thank you very much. thank you eric for being here. we have a man is a very successful show, everybody watches it. i watch it is often as i can and he is a smart guys actually going to have a big heart i won't tell people that i will route his reputation steve bannon, where is steve? where is he?
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thank you steve, he is great. he is a smart cookie another smart cookie is roger stone. roger great guy. former secretary ben carson did a fantastic job. [cheering] everybody loves him. i love him. a man who is very popular in these circles a big star he's become a bigger and bigger star ted nugent thank you for being here wherever you may be. wherever you may be, thank you very much. thank you very much. with the help of everyone here today we are going to win the state of michigan this november. we are going to fire crooked joe biden. we're going to evict the biden family from the white house and we are going to make america
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great again. have you heard that expression? [cheering] less than four years ago our border was secure. inflation was nowhere to be seen we did not have inflation the world was at peace america it was stronger and more respected than ever before it was never as respected as it was just four years ago now under crooked joe biden the worst president in the history of the country the world is in flames. our border is over run. inflation is raging, europe is in chaos the middle east is exploding. iran is emboldened. china is on the march the worst most incompetent person to ever lead this country is dragging us toward world war three. other than that i think is doing a good job or do we agree? other than that is doing a fine
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job. he is the worst under biden, illegal aliens are better off. terrorists are better off china is a better off. the cartels are better off. but the american people were far better off under a gentleman named president donald j trump have you heard of him? [cheering] and in particular and remember this wait a minute, mike lindell please stand up okay? i just saw him. stand up. forget about his pillows is the greatest purchaser of advertising in the history of america. if you could find my ads i would be blanketing the airways with that thank you might, we love it mike in particular michigan was better off with a trump by a
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lot. you are doing great. companies are moving back in the car companies were not moving out and you were not under a mandate to build all electric cars which are all going to be made in china is just a question of a few years for decades before he took office joe biden and his cronies in washington got rich by selling off michigan jobs and selling out detroit's for that is what they did that is why your car business is so far down. we used to have one 100% of the car business and now you are down to probably 30% by comparison to what it was. crooked joe back to enough at theworst trade deal we ever had. china's entry into the wto another disaster. transpacific partnership you wanted that so badly would've totally destroyed the state. the paris climate accord where we put up a trillion dollars and nobody else puts up anything. one of the most unfair deals it sounds good but was a disaster.
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every other globalist has asked to suck the life, wealth, blood out of our country that is what it was doing but after decades of joe biden putting america last, michigan finally got a president who put america first that is what happened. that is what happened. jon: former president donald trump raising some cheers as he speaks to the turning point action convention in detroit he is hoping to win michigan this time around he lost it to joe biden four years ago fox news polling shows he is up in michigan over the current president we will see what happens come november 5. other news this our eight idf soldiers were killed this morning an explosion in southern gaza israel is conducting exit ground offensive israel defense forces sharing a photo of captain he's among the soldiers
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killed explosive reportedly hit their armored vehicle which is part of a convoy returning from an overnight mission. it is the deadliest attack on idf forces since january. lucas of tomlinson's life at the white house with more on that. ask john, the captain was just 23 years old and a deputy company commander as you mentioned that he was one of eight is really defense forces soldiers killed when their armored vehicle hit a roadside bomb in rafah he was off to a member of the druze in faith that's an offshoot of islam. the head of the community in israel out the statement tonight saying quote the kid beauty pays once again a very heavy price in this war. captain, ms. member be blessed car which was a long list of fallen hope sacrifice their lives for the security of the state since the outbreak of the war. over 100 hostages remain in hamas captivity in rafah including five americans is growing pressure on the biden
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administration to do more to get the american hostages released or rescued using u.s. forces if necessary. dozens of world leaders including g-7 leaders attend ukraine peace summit in switzerland, president biden opted to attend a big fundraiser in los angeles tonight setting is vice president to switch instead be present biden flew overnight from italy arriving this morning in los angeles here is getting off air force one along his daughter ashley the long flight to california it likely giving biden time to prep for this debate with donald trump in less than two weeks the headliners at tonight's fundraiser in los angeles hollywood heavyweights including george clooney, julia roberts, former president barack obama and jimmy kimmel by the way clooney's wife her father fox's told $20 million has been collected over a perhaps a more at the doors been billed as the largest democratic fundraiser in history that is more the big call from radio city music hall back in march obama was at that
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one as well. while in normandy, paris and in the question about present biden's mental acuity were part of the discussions behind the scenes and in the media. questions of followed world leaders to switzerland there's a british prime prime minister fg that question earlier. >> department of how to describe present biden's mental acuity in your meetings? in case our viewers miss that the britain's prime minister did not respond to that question about president biden's mental acuity. jon: it is perhaps understandable. lucas tomlinson at the white house, lucas thank you. the deaths of those eight idf soldiers, cease-fire talks continue and yemen iran backed jet eight ramp up attacks on u.s. ships a s is pretty retired general jack keane fox news senior strategic analyst former army vice chief of staff chairman at the institute for the study of war. we read about these trent eight
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attacks every day i was frankly astounded to read this is the largest attack on the u.s. navy essentially since world war ii. >> yes it is quite remarkable. we are numb by the fact of these things are actually taking place. the reality is that 77 cargo ships have been hit. one has been sunk there is another one right now whose crew is off of it it's taking on water. there's been 80 attacks on u.s. and allies warships in the region during this timeframe. fortunately none of those have been hit we have had some real close calls not the least of which was a ballistic missile that the houthi fired at one of our destroyers came within seconds of actually hitting the ship it was defeated by an air
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defense missile system on that ship. so obviously this is dangerous. the reality is they have had to decide the impact they wanted and that is they have shut down much of the container shipping some 90% going through the red sea and the suez canal. cargo shipping 67%. the tankers carrying fuel over 50% that means two weeks to go around the horn of africa. thousands and thousands of nautical miles and millions of dollars added to it. i cannot imagine what the insurance rates are at now as a result of all of this. but yes the houthi have accomplished their mission that is the reality of it. and here's the frustrating part. i know f for a fact the centcom commander has wanted to do more than just fire at the houthi who were firing at us.
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he wants to take a limited action against iranians conventional military capability and iran mainly the irg forces is much as reagan did. he is recommended over 100 targets to the administration. the fact is that none of those have been accepted. many of us look at this if you want to stop the houthi you have to convince iran you have to get deterrence back on the table and they will shut them down. >> the houthi used to right around in pickup trucks shooting ak-47s now the got drones and icbms of the kind that nearly hit one of our ships as you pointed out. >> yes they have hundreds and hundreds of drones. thousands of rockets and missiles. as you pointed out a number of ballistic missiles to be short. look what they have done with hezbollah it has somewhere
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between 130 and 150,000 rockets and missiles. where do they come from? all of them come from iran. just as all the rockets, missiles, drones that the houthi have. remember it's the iranians that incentivize the houthi to topple the regime in yemen which was a regime friendly to the united states into our allies in the region. we had an embassy that you shut down but we have special operations base that is shut down as a result of all of that. the iranians are behind all of this. they are the conductor of the orchestra we failed to confront them the way we should. jon: why is the administration seemingly afraid to take on iran or deal out some pain? >> the administration is under the misguided view that if we talk to the iranians and work
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diplomatically we can achieve some kind of breakthrough. this is been going on for almost four years now. no breakthrough. just a few weeks ago a member of the national security council in the white house and the state department was conducting classified briefings, clandestine and other words with the iranians. again to try to make some kind of a deal most observers know full well the only way to stop the iranians from their beloved maligned behavior you have to be willing to confront them, not talk to them. talking is worn out by now. this administration has is not e to that conclusion. jon: retired army general jack keane thank you. >> great talking with you john, thank you. jon: house republicans are not letting it go the justice department said it will not prosecute attorney general merrick garland after the house
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voted to hold the ag in contempt. speaker mike johnson said he wants to take the matter to court. tennessee republican tim sits on the house oversight committee his thoughts on all of this, next. ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. exclusively at the home depot. ♪
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jon: speaker of the house mike johnson says is ready to go to court after the justice department said it will not prosecute or press charges against attorney general merrick garland for contempt of congress bfred house republicans and nearly voted to punish garland for refusing to hand over audiotapes of president biden's interview with then special counsel robert her. madeleine rivera has more on the speakers legal threat. >> republicans had expected the justice department want to prosecute attorney general merrick garland this comes after the house voted on wednesday at nearly along party lines to hold garland in contempt for refusing to hand over audio recordings of a president biden's interview a special counselor robert hur in a special document case mike johnson says i will be certifying the contempt report to the u.s. attorneys are for the district of columbia. we also must enforce a subpoena
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of attorney general garland. johnson caused by demonstration of a two-tiered justice system. the d.o.j. is essentially saying it's hands are tied at the presidents of executive privilege over the tapes. setting along with sending policy the department says it determined did not constitute a crime. therefore a citation for the grand jury or any other action to prosecute guard the justice department is handed the transcript of the recordings. the department has declined to press the others attorney jennifer house contempt citations. most recently in 2019 former attorney general bill barr eric holder became the first ag to be held in contempt of congress. both cases trump in a bomb exerted that executive privilege over certain records sought by the house oversight committee. jon: madeleine rivera and washington thank you. for more on this let's bring in tennessee congressman tim a
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member of the house oversight committee. any surprise the biden department of justice does not want to prosecute or press charges against mr. biden's attorney general? >> absolutely not. this is very predictable. they have been a weaponize against the american people. you have pro-life protesters are being ambushed at night to buy t teams and directed by the department you have got mom's who were not liking and pornography is being shared with their kids. they have the audacity to question that in the justice department causing domestic terrorist. them and clearly weaponize against the american public and the justice department everyone wants a call at the swamp it's just a sewer. it all flows in and nothing flows out. merrick garland court should be held in contempt i think the justice department do anything? heck no they won't. they are gutless and a tool of
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this white house which is corruption which is beyond belief. >> height trump aids. while peter is serving a sentence for contempt of congress steve bannon is supposed to report to jail in july for contempt of congress. the biden administration should not have any problem prosecuting them. what is different about what they did or their cases from at what the attorney general is charging? >> that is even worse by that is a bogus committee created by nancy pelosi within the spe speaker -- she wanted to make the republican appointments, which she did kinsinger and liz cheney you all know how that turned out it was just a production produced by a major network as a matter of fact. the whole thing is a bogus locking up my buddy steve bannon to me is the complete miscarriage of justice be a lot of people do not like and for other things but the reality is
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not showing up for a bogus committee is a miscarriage of justice. matt gaetz has a proposal with the speaker right now that i believe has merit pay it he is a lawyer and of course speaker johnson is a constitutional lawyer and i believe is going to be some things coming out on that very shortly. and i would hope so. this is a complete overreach by the justice department. frankly we should not stand for it as the american people when republicans are in power and the democrats are not going to like it anymore either. justice needs to be blind in this case they choose to open and close them when they wanted. jon: law professor jonathan turley is a noted constitutional scholar. he wrote an opinion piece in the hill that says it is titled the corruption of attorney general merrick garland and he writes this garland has repeated mantra he has eight political would
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never yield to the pressure of politics or the white house. i believed that claim enthusiastically supported garland's confirmation i was wrong. garland shown a pronounced reluctance to take steps that would threaten president biden. he slow walk to the appointment of a special counsel investigating any biden and then excluded from the council scope any investigation of the massive influence peddling operation by hunter biden, a his uncle and others. your response to those lines from jonathan turley? >> i could not agree with mr. turley more. i looked through all of those files and the things on the bidens and their family it's $20 million. if tim burchett can find money or they wanted they must've been asleep at organize crime school during the money laundering class because the biden family did a very poor job of it their
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arrogance shows the thing that disturbs me the most out of this, there is no proof they paid 1 cent in taxes. now if you sell $500 worth of baseball cards on ebay you're probably going to get it inquiry from the irs. it is just a double standard for this family the american public needs to be realistic and what's going on with this family. they are ripping us off for they are compromised by all of our enemies and literally embed with them. it is showing and everything in this justice department is one wing of the corruption of this entire sewer that is become washington d.c. in the biden family. what does the conviction of hunter biden earlier this week is that temperate your view in any way? >> co, he committed a felony. he committed a clear felony the jury took less time out than a commercial during the january 6 hearings that were broadcast
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this is ridiculous comparing that to trump comic trump was a misdemeanor they mov moved to a felony and then they changed everything on it so they could convict in the statute of limitations was changed on it. it's a complete different thing we do not know what the penalty will be anyway. let's pass judgment on them of the penalty is there he committed a felony there is no question he committed a firearms and found he said he was not on drugs he purchased a firearm that is the very least they threw that would add him they will just brush that one off. all the other stuff all the money the millions and millions that flowed through that family there will never be any justice for. >> congressman tim burchett thank you for coming out big bucks thank you for having me on. click still to come and talk to the economy and inflation top issues for voters this election season. so isn't biden on the working? what do you think question would
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may 20 which woul would've beent rachel's birthday. it was that lead along with video of the suspect that led to hernandez arrested thousands of miles away in oklahoma. investigator saves up the first time he killed or harmed others. >> we all suspected that perhaps rachel was not his first victim. it is my understanding this suspect, this monsters fled to the united states illegally after committing the brutal murder of a young woman in el salvador a month earlier in january of 2023. once in our country he emboldened by his anonymity he brutally attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in march of 2023 in los angeles. >> dna match came from that home invasion in california. was found murdered along the mom pot heritage trail in hartford county last august she'd gone missing will out for a walk on the popular trail but law enforcement believe the suspect
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was hiding in a drainage culvert before attacking her sheriff jeff said this is not the first murder involving illegal migrant and had a message for washington on the border dysfunction. >> 1800 miles of the southern border and this is the second woman in our county to be killed by an illegal alien. suspects in both cases they are suspects from el salvador with ties to criminal gangs. this should not be happening. >> to hernandez will be extradited to maryland to face charges some time with the next 30 -- 60 days. jon: what a sad case of marianne thank you. >> i think it's tough at this point to shake voters perceptions of the economy as bad. have you been struggling to pay for your groceries, your gas if you've been saving up her house and just can't get there with the interest rates, one cut with for months to go is just not going to change your perception all that much i think most
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people are set on the way they viewed the economy that's joe biden's big a problem he cannot message his way out of those concerns with voters. jon: sarah bedford during neil on friday her analysis rings true according to her latest fox news poll form at president trump has a 13-point lead over president biden on whom voters are trusted to do a better job on the economy. that media has spent the past few days trying to break that perception. over on msnbc with an op-ed under biden u.s. economic growth becomes the envy of the world. talking point memo is the story titled joe biden boosted by a roaring biden economy, no it really the atlantic with similar headlight u.s. economy reaches superstar status, no, really? let's talk about it was steve moore with the heritage heritagn currently senior economic advisor to the trump campaign,
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no really, steven this economy is absolutely great if you read some of the headlines what you think? >> john i wonder if those headlines were spoof headlines or real i guess they are real. these people who write those headlines maybe they should go to the grocery store maybe they should go to the gas pump may be they should try to pay for a rental car or an airline ticket. there is goodness and badness on the economy from this week. the good news is the inflation rate did come down and i am glad to see it. where an out running about a three and half% inflation rate that still a long way from 2% target the fed has set. but we do not forget the three and half% inflation is on top of 18 , 20% inflation we've already had under biden. this is a tough sell for joe biden as somewhat work with trump on the campaign we want this election to be about the economy.
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we want people to ask the question did you do better under trump orgy better under biden? if you look at almost every statistic people did much better under trump's presidency whether it is gas prices, poverty rates, it's real take-home pay and by the way also true for minorities and blacks had better come hispanics to better, asian said better. so let's have a national debate whose performance was better on the economy than the evidence of that is pretty crystal-clear. jon: we have stats we can put on screen of what inflation has done to various sectors of the american economy under president biden. home prices are up almost 34% rent is up over 21% and mortgages because of the hike in interest rates cost 152% more than they did under president trump. then there is the cost of owning a car 20% hike in the price of
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new and used cars and maintmaintenanceand repair is ud insurance this is what has to be crazy right now car insurance is up 51%. go ahead. >> home insurance to my wife just told me our home insurance costs almost doubled last year. these are the kind of expenses that you just mentioned your food, your gasoline at the pump, your utility bill what you have to pay for a mortgage those are the every day every month expenditures that every family goes through. if you look at those i come on shows like yours and say inflation is 20% people go what are you talking about? most people are feeling an inflation rate 25, 30, 35% i want to make a special point about that statistic you put out about the mortgage payments i think you said the there up by e or 50% that sounds pretty close to my calculations as well. this is a real crisis in the american dream because people in their 30s, early 40s cannot
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afford a home right now you just cannot afford it. the mortgage payment you're going to make is on average from $2000 to over $4000 a month. people cannot afford it there's an affordability crisis in this country. i was going to after this injury it may be go to mcdonald's and get a big. >> building with those cost now? twelve bucks have a family for your talking 50 bucks to feed your family and mcdonald's. jon: everyone is feeling the pain that is for sure. steven moore got to say goodbye, thanks, take care have a good night. >> much more fox report straight straightahead right after this.
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jon: breaking news that a michigan police and there was an active shooter situation about 90 minutes ago the brooklyn plaza splash pad waterpark in rochester hills. that's about half an hour north
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of detroit reports a multiple people have been shot including children and adults part right now the shooter is said to be still on the loose. details are sketchy but we will follow the story to bring you the latest updates as they come in. new york's governor is talking about possibly banning masks on public transportation. that is upsetting those who fear covid but comes after disturbing incidents like a pro- palestinian mobs hiding behind face coverings to harass a pro-israel subway writers. that is not the only incident raising security concerns. cb cotton is live in new york city with more on this. >> those incidents have some saying people may be taking advantage of face coverings and masks to stage anti-semitic attacks now it appears more state elected leaders are getting on board with the idea of reinstating eigh a mask aband
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moments ago spokesperson for the tisha james told us she is in discussions with other lawmakers about this issue. now these conversations come after the week kicked off of the demonstration were protesters unfurled a banner reading along with october 7 the same and say other protesters broke off and swarm the city subway station. later in the week the director of the brooklyn museum a number of jewish board members were targeted by any semitic graffiti left behind at their homes. putting a mask abandoned back in place would likely require help from state lawmakers who have already wrapped their session for the year. it is not clear if there's an immediate path forward but still, governor hogle said she is put your team to work governor hochul said reinstating a masked man would include exemptions for health and religious reasons. jon: cb cotton in new york city, thank you. straightahead on the fox report,
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princess kate returns to public life in london as she continues her brave fight against cancer. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it's on sale for father's day. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited time.
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jon: britton princess and kate today making a first public appearance is revealing her cancer diagnosis back in march but she joined the royal family at the annual trooping the colour parade this morning to honor monarch king charles iii who is also battling cancer. stephanie bennett has that story. >> trooping of the color is an annual tradition but perhaps this year more meaningful than those in the past as both the king and princess were in attendance despite their cancer battles. the event marks summer's official birthday king charles iii actual birthday is in november. much of the king rode on horseback time a little lane back as he wrote in the carriage with his wife queen complaint prince william wrote on horseback princess kate wrote in carriage behind the king with their three children came down to the wire whether she's going to attend after missing last week colonel review which is a dress rehearsal essentially for the big day the 42-year-old princess looking glamorous as always in whites wearing the
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irish guard regimental brooch as she is the kernel the princess gave us an update on her health since she's making good progress but as millions and know with chemotherapy there are good days and bad days she also gave us some insight into her personal life talking about engaging with her children school life. stsergio little more work from home looking forward to joining a few public engagements over the summer. >> it's very exciting to know kate is going to come out and be here and be with the family and be a part of this really important that we are really excited to see that. also to be a part of the big celebration in a country we believe into a couple times for the princess admit she's not out of the woods just yet her message is and has always been chutes to recover in privacy with her family. jon: she is putting up a brave fight stephanie bennett in london thank you. much more head on the fox report, keep it here.
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i know you are going to love one nation. you're going to love tomi laren and break down what's wrong with media today. craig cardin, brady the coolest guy that ever beat the jets? standing up as a christian for juice in america we need this organization, fantastic. we support the show. happy father's day to everyone, one nation saturday 9:00 eastern time, where something, anything to make you look good. >> two hours from now recapping
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our top story, breaking news a mass shooting in michigan. police say it took place about two hours ago the brooklyn's plaza/patrick waterford and rochester hills, about half an hour north of detroit. multiple people reportedly have been shot including children as well as adults. there's a frantic search underway for the shooter but we don't have much about who that person might be. authorities are frantically trying to find whoever off the shooting at the splash waterpark north of detroit. more information is becomes available. that's how fox reports this saturday, june 15, 2024. i am jon scott. happy father's day to all you dads out there. see you tomorrow. ♪


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