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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  June 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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trials going to cost taxpayers e taxpayers a whopping three and 45000 dollars. she was in a tough spot just to hold jo's hand a joe's hand andd europe she also needed to be a cover for hunter and tried to persuade that jury he was innocent. i'm really sorry your kid screwed up but it is not the taxpayers job to shuttle you back and forth. >> protect your husband and your son most of whom are doing so well. anyway i guess is all the time we have it. >> that is it? >> we'rwe arwe're going to see r tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. welcome i'm thrilled you are here we have two great guests and that senator tom cotton and been dominant show. before we get to our guests, look who is back. our bobble head friend joe how are you doing i'm glad you're back. i have a lot to say to you tonight. george stephanopoulos is an abc news journalist. before that he headed the war room for the clinton presidency or his job in part was to smear women who came forward and challenge bill clinton and exposed bill clinton for exposing himself to them. but i got to thinking it's very interesting he's telling cn and during the debate first big question should be who won the 2020 election?
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i have a better question, george, who won the 2000 election? i do my research here is a piece from usa today. some with the dispute over the 2000 presidential election will never end. witness vice president biden comments about predecessor al gore quote this man was elected president of the united states of america biden said at a fundraiser that gore also attended. no, no, no he was elected president of the united states of america but for the good of the nation with a bad decision in my view is made he did the right thing for the nation. so we have an election denier and his name is joe biden. so george stephanopoulos there's not a lot of this on the internet but it did not take me long to find this. all the meaty heads out there keep asking republicans are you going to accept the 2024 election? now they can ask about the 2000 election but by the way he was not the only one.
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jimmy carter, hilary clinton, a laundry list a conga line of democrats is that exactly the same thing. we all the vets to be the case but i got to thinking what are the things missing from this election is character that mediate once you to believe the problem with character goes to trump. i am going to prove to you know the character issue is a problem with joe biden. do not provide the media spin and the static we know who they are we know what they're up to we know they are no good and i will prove it to you again. join thjointly presidential debe second presidential debate right before the election, the last election. this issue came up of the hunter biden laptop. i want to remind you exactly what took place. there is so much more i want to talk about after you watch this. >> you know who i am. you know who he is. you don't his character, you don't my character you know our reputations for honor and telling the truth.
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i am anxious to have this race i'm anxious to see this take place. i am character of the countries on the bout our characters look on the abou bout look at us cloy but let me ask follow through please respond. click the structure about russia, ukraine, china, other countries, iraq this is true he is a corrupt politicians who do not give me the stuff about how you are an innocent baby, and joe they are calling it a corrupt politician. >> president trump i would send the issue of race we are talking about it. >> president trump were tight but race right now i do understand the issue of race. >> i have to respond to that. please very quickly bring their 50 former national intelligence folks who said what he is accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said this as five former heads of the cia both parties say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. nobody believes it except his
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and his good friend rudy giuliani. >> the laptop is another russia russia russia hoax is this it? this is where he is going. that laptop is russia russia russia quester. >> i would to say on the issue of race you have to be kidding we here we go again with russia here we go again with russia. we all know the 51 who signed that letter that letter was prepared by and for the biden campaign at the direction. have antony blinken. lincoln's letter was a farce. sullivan, national security and pfizer knew the letter was a farce. joe biden of the letter was a farce. his campaign created it and pushed it out into the media, political, "washington post" all of the rest of the media when he stood there and lied. he lied to the american people. i used a letter that he and his campaign prepared and pushed
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out. joe biden do that was his son's laptop. all he had to do was ask him. his son bill it was as laptop the people around the laptop was the real deal. they lied to the american people to influence the election. now it's a footnote which means joe biden created committed multiple felons. but that for another day i touched on on the other week multiple felonies according to the precedent and the fabulous start chamber in manhattan all the grifter ambulance chasing lawyers the slip and fall lawyers former federal prosecutors i suppose at cnn and msnbc are applauding it. as a man left for the judge that is the precedent that stands now that precedent is that when joe biden leaves office he could be subjected to multiple felonies there it is on tv he interfered with the election.
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let's talk about character and i'm talking to you so i'm glad you are here. joe biden is a psychopath liar. a liar i did and said he was arrested during civil rights era. this is inmate presidential biden has a track record of spinning tall tales about his past including some political act has rated false or pants on fire april 26-inch of in the howard stern show bite until the talk radio star i got arrested decades ago while protesting and defense of civil rights. and generate 2022 while speaking at atlantic campus shared by two historically black colleges biden invoked civil rights battles and said it seems like yesterday the first time i got arrested. when we asked the white house in 2022 to clarify what arrest he was referring to biden's pointed us to excerpts from three speeches biden a given involved in the 19 in delaware in which people gathered to protest to sell a home to a black couple police were called to the home is hundreds of people protested
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outside there were few arrests but no record of biden being arrested. wheat rate this as a false the first african methodist episcopal church in north las vegas on february 16, 2020 biden again use the word arrested "washington post" fact checker found biden said his mother said joey, remember when they desegregated the neighborhood called and felt you were 13 i told you not to go there. all the people were protesting you got arrested sinning on the porch of the black family that is a flat out lie he tells over and over again. here we have eight times joe biden's made exaggerated false claims about himself and his family. his older son's death in iraq bow biden died due to brain cancer tragically in 2015 circumstances of death during world war ii joe biden clade cannibal ada's uncle during world war ii which is may i say a bunch of baloney. number three being shot in iraq joe biden was not shot at while in iraq despite his claims number four being at ground zero
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the day after 911. joe biden never stood at ground zero after the 9/1 911 attack oe twin towers. number five divided claim the helicopter he was and was forced out near osama bin laden layer in afghanistan. it is a false statement false statement in 2008 biden made that statement he was traveling for sound in afghanistan near the layer he said bu according o the washington examiner porter the incident was not as the president claim is that it was waiting to end a sandstorm but number six exaggerated a house fire or joe biden falsely claimed 2004 fire at his delaware home almost killed jill biden. number seven took part civil rights marches. he never took part in civil rights marches number 80 is coming from a family of coal miners joe biden plagiarized british politician words during his 1987 presidential bid which brings me too that point. joe biden isn't lying now just
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because he's mentally ill, just because of his mental condition today he has been lyi is been ls entire life. so often and in so many ways i cannot keep track of it. take a look at this video. >> joseph biden admitted today he committed plagiarism when he was in law school he said it was a mistake it was unintentional. >> quoted five pages of someone else's work without proper citation. >> i've done some dumb things and i'll do dumb things again because he was given an f. ladies and gentlemen i'm done. political committee in washington plagiarism at law school, plagiarism on the stump. >> the great communicator strike that the great imitator. because you do not steal verbatim or when you do as he did 99% of the time you give credit. but his critics say sells himself as a man his words and visions can inspire a new generation and politics. but the thoth phrases and visions really belong to others
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it is a form of false advertising. >> joseph biden may have more explaining to do. >> you question stem biden during april campaign appearance in new hampshire. >> and went to law school on a full academic scholarship the only one in my class have a full academic scholarship and went back to law school in fact ended up the top half of my class. i was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of may i graduate 3 degrees from undergraduate school 165 credits only needed 123 credits. biden concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class. he does not have 3 degrees from college and that he was not named outstanding political science student in college. >> biden action went to school on a half scholarship and being in the bottom of his class had one to greet not three pickers joe by make 76 the class of 80 by university syracuse law law school this guy comes off this whole thing. >> biden says newsweek is right
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his memory had failed. >> he used phrases identical to those liberal british labour party leader. biden seemed to be claiming connects vision and life as his own. why is it my wife is sitting out there in the audience is the first and her family to ever go to college. >> the first woman and her family in 1000 generations to be able to get to the university pickwick my ancestors worked in the coal mines in northeast pennsylvania would come up after 12 hours and play football. >> and then come up and play football but it is because example platform upon which to stand. it goes on and on. , something joe biden has lacked his entire life as a matter fact. let's go and buy to repeat a version of family anecdote he told in april said to say this is 2023 grandfather who had worked as an oil company executive died just days before he was born himself in the same
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hospital biden's claim is false in two ways his conservative media outlet pointed out an april biden said his grandfather died in the same hospital i was born in two weeks before i was born, paternal grandfather who had worked in the oil industry joseph perry biden died in a hospital in baltimore, maryland september 1941 the president was born more than a year later november 1942 in scranton, pennsylvania. biden's maternal grandfather amorous joseph finnegan did that in the scranton hospital with the present was born but in 1957 was joe was 14 years old. biden at pittsburgh bridge collapsed harding's administrclubstatus administratn investments in infrastructure projects around the country. biden voted 2022 bridge collapsed in pittsburgh claimed he personally saw the bridge collapsed. just another lie. it is not true biden got there and saw a collapsed the collapse occurred before 7:00 a.m. on january 28, 2022 more than six hours prior to biden landing in the pittsburgh area for a
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scheduled visit that include a speech about the economy and infrastructure h visited the sie of collapse after 1:00 p.m. that day what else? abided biden the national debt n claims that unlike the last present my first years in office even with all we have done on the first one to cut the federal debt by a trillion dollars but cnn has repeatedly noted is highly questionable how much credit biden deserves 1.7 trillion decline in the deficit. since the decline happened overwhelmingly because emergency pandemic spending from the end of the trump administration expired as a plant in fact independent analysis say biden's own new laws and executive actions have significantly added to current and projected future deficits. not reduced those are deficits. i am not done this is from our friends at news busters in 2023. number one in biden's claim he never discussed hunters and businesses with hunter. we now have numerous occasions as a matter of proof when in
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fact he did biden lies about passing the student loan legislation. there was a student loan legislation which is why the supreme court of the united states ruled it unconstitutional. he is defying the court. biden falsely claims his son about died in iraq. i'm forced his son died tragically of brain cancer. biden claims multiple times he was arrested trying to seat nelson mandela he was never arrested trying to see nelson mandela. biden's debunked amtrak tail it goes on and on about his friend at amtrak and so forth and so on. it's all part of his imagination the man had died long before it absolutely never happen. biden claims a price of gas is down from over $5 when i took office. that was a lie. biden claims he was raised by a puerto ricans preside presidentn told an audience in puerto rico that i was sort of race in the puerto rican community at home politically despite the fact is only about 2000 people of puerto
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rican ancestry who lived in delaware when he was launching his career in any event it is a flat out lie. there is more president biden claimed last month the naval academy graduation ceremony he was appointed to the military school in 196 1965 with the late senator caleb boggs research of boggs archives felt as you have any evidence to back the claim curators of the delaware historical association wilmington were able to find records of box academy nomination for one year in the early 1960s and could not locate records for either 1965 or the more plausible gear 1960 what that means barring evidence of an unlikely third-party it is probable only biden who often shares incorrect or exaggerated memories can prove his claim. but he hasn't he lied again. joe biden said no amendment is absent while discussing the second mme does this all the time. repeated debunked claim cannons were prohibited when the amendment was passed.
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you actually could. then we have this biden was speaking at a town hall event when veterans friday he repeated a false claim of the number of times he visited iraq and afghanistan. the issue for biden isn't whether he lies the issue is when does he stop lying? cnn for the second time in less than a week biden falsely claimed the inflation rate was 9% when he began his presidency. it was 1.4% everybody calls him a liar but he keeps saying it, why? because he wants do we have this in the "new york post" in 17 minutes biden told nearly 15 allies at his cnn interview i do not have time to go through this but it is there. what is the point? biden is a pathological liar about things big and about things small. i want you to remember that when this debate comes up and remember how he lied in the middle of the second presidential debate about the laptop she knew was real. he knew it was his son he cites
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a letter which he and his campaign planted with the media. he is in diabolical he will say anything to the american people and rather than the press being furious about the lies, the lies, the lies no republican could get away with this but rather than being offended at what he did during that presidential debate they circle their wagons like the praetorian guard and they protect him. joe, you have real problems not just losing your mind even when you had a half of the mind. you are a liar and he still is. and i will be righ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because you... you are not doing this. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs.
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>> welcome back america. it's great to have a friend of senator tom with us. is quite unique as far as a part of politicians go. he came out of a little state of arkansas. he served as a combat officer in iraq and afghanistan. and you went to harvard law school. that is a very unique i think a very important background and what i would consider if not the number one or the top foreign policy experts in the united states senate if not the
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country. and so i went to ask you some very, very important questions about some very, very important issues you're getting sloughed off by most of the media. we have a wide open order people are warning about terrorists coming here and having acts of terrorism we have a report that eight isis operatives were captured in the united states. the fbi had done a surveillance operation on them, eight of them in three cities l.a., philadelphia and new york and it's great that they caught them. but we have over 12 million people come into this country we have not properly vetted all over the country. is the concern this is potentially the tip of the iceberg and we are not always going to catch them. >> mark, there is no question is eight potential terrorists are just the tip of the iceberg as you say more than 12 million illegal aliens have entered our country in less than four years under joe biden. the fbi has been warning for
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months now about the threat of terrorism coming from our open border. many of the potential terrorists are come from central asia that have deep terrorist routes and movements in that the governments are battling against. this is the origin of the terrorist attacks in moscow a few weeks ago as well. i am glad they caught these eight potencopies eightpotentias you say it's just the tip of the iceberg we know many more across our border. we know many of cross the border without knowledge of the fbi where the border patrol and perhaps most crazy of all as we have admitted these illegal aliens over the last three plus years and many are now applying for asylum inside the country protected legal status the biden administration is still not doing thorough vetting on them. we have not only admitted them but may get them protected legal status under our asylum laws without checking if they have terrorist connections in their past or i work they have been engaging in terrorist activity
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while they are in the united states it is at grave danger to the lives of americans but not overseas but here at home. but she don't senator comp have these incidents are popping up where illegal aliens are breaching military installations. they are monitoring them. one tried to drive into quantico with the vehicle and so forth. this is going on all over the country here but we at ms 13 has a strong foothold in this country now. the most brutal murderers and venezuelan gang is now in the united states. they have a foothold in the country the drug cartels are making billions of dollars inside the united states. forced labor, sex slavery, fentanyl. if you wanted to destroy the united states of america and your president of the united states would say, wouldn't you do all the things joe biden is doing to the country right now? lexmark as a president trump always like to save you don't have a border you don't have a country because if you don't have a board if you open our
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border like joe biden did like he promised to do in the campaign and acted on in office you invite all of this evil into our country. cartels, sex trafficking human tracking terrorists from all around the world coming to our border to kill americans it is all a direct result of joe biden's ideological open borders position in contrast to a president trump had matters with a secure border protecting americans and defending american sovereignty that's one of the many reasons why the american people think it's time for change of direction as do i. >> editor cotton joe biden keeps using as a fig leaf this phony bipartisan bill i think three republican senators negotiated in secret and the rest of you did not know anything about it until it's dropped in your at lapsley house member support it but he likes a call bipartisan legislation that would fix this thing. i read that legislation it didn't fix a thing.
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in fact the extra funding most of which went for administrative activities did not even kick in until 2028. they had a threshold number this multiple thousands higher than what is tolerable in terms of illegal immigration. he keeps using this this is a fig leaf he's going to use and if in fact we are attacked is going to blame republicans he's going to blame president trump. how do you respond to that? >> it is plain joe biden did not need legislation to act to secure our border because trump did not need legislation to secure our board we had a secure safe border under president trump. joe biden is the one that promised in the campaign to open our border and what did he think would happen? millions of people all around the world heard those promises bufor they came to mexico. they came across the border into our country not to just get jobs or unite with families but to bring in drugs and crime. then joe biden had executive
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order he purporting to shut down the board of it as you say he still allowed 75000 illegal aliens to enter our country every month under that order with all kinds of loopholes as well i would taste like closing the barn door after the horse has left but it does it's not even close the barn door. mark: we will be right
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broken. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ welcome back america.
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senator tom cotton combat veteran set on the senate armed services committee. a couple of questions here. china is on the move to china's navy is bigger than our navy. the terrace in the middle east are on the move partly because joe biden's funding them with our tax dollars or he is set in place policies undoing president trump's restrictions on iran were millions are flowing into that regime that is ironic which is funding all these chairs will he is a foot on israel's throat. when it comes to ukraine and russia, he keeps blaming the republicans for not funding enough and fast enough but the fact is joe by just n biden is d ukraine to actually win the war is not allow them to purchase the kind of weapons they need. but more fundamentally on the armed services committee, when are going to fully fund the united states military's were not falling behind all these other regimes that are
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coalescing coming together like an access and focus on threading the united states of america? russia has ships in a nuclear sobered up the florida coast. china is in our hemisphere we no longer believe in the monroe doctrine. they claim to control the south china sea the east china sea the philippines, vietnam, south korea, japan, they're very, very nervous about what is taking place and i do not get the impression our commander-in-chief is really focused very much are doing a lot about it. >> marke lexmark i can tell exactly what we're going to fully fund our military. we elect donald trump republican majority to the congress we rebuilt our military with president trump and republicans during the trump presidency. but joe biden has already cut it to the bone. every single year has submitted budgets that have real cuts after his huge inflation to our military. it is what democrats always do it's like ducks or geese migrating for winter carter, clinton, obama now biden. they always cut the military it
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comes up to republicans to fund our military. it is particularly bad for joe biden because he is so weak he has unleashed this chaos around the world. mark, like president reagan, president trump and you and i believe in peace through strength. what would got with joe biden is a war through weakness. you notice a vladimir putin did not invade ukraine when donald trump was president he only does that when democrats are president. i rounded out unleashed terrorist proxies like hamas to commit the worst atrocity against you since world war ii and president trump wasn't present he only does that when joe biden is in office. not only do we have to fully fund our military, we also need a president who is strong and confident in the defense of america and the world. only then, adversaries become the back foot and our friends and partners around the world be willing to cooperate fully with us to protect america's interest. mark: senator tom cotton personal question i asked you this on the radio.
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you are not jewish obviously come from a state that has about seven jews, and i am just kidding. and yet you have an affinity toward the state of israel. we believe in supporting the state of israel where does this come from am curious? we take our allies were find them of them about every country assures our way of life israel is the closest ally in the world because of the shared bonds of affection and not just shared interest. like us israel is a constitutional democracy dignity and freedom of its own people. we have a shared cultural and religious history.
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we have overlapping strategic interest as well. go back to the hilt as root of president trump was in office it's not just good for israel it's good for america. we have seen peace and stability throughout a vital region for our own economic and security interest. when ever as with president biden now and president obama we shall quote unquote daylight we try to put more pressure on israel than we put on ironic or even terrorist like hamas and has below we get work, we get chaos it threatens the interest of the american people. not only do we share interest with israel in supporting israel and backing them to the hilt we have deep bonds of affinity and affection between our two peoples. mark: very quickly senator, the house under chairman mccaul the house committee want to give it increase which they have not had
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as of late sent word they will veto it illegal aliens the getting all kinds of credit cards and phones and hotel rooms are flying illegal aliens into the country. healthcare benefits of public education what kind of ministration is this that takes our tax dollars to subsidize people who are here illegally, foreigners but takes the 96 military the men and women who volunteered to put their lives on the line it is too expensive that they cannot give them a real salary increase. what do we make of that question requested administration led by a man, joe biden, who consistently puts america last but president trump puts america first. we should not be inviting illegal aliens into our country the first place.
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spreading the message necessary to get the weapons and tools they need to fight, win and survive if they're pressed into battle to defend our nation pick with otitis sometimes i feel like this is alice in wonderland. i do not want to put down allison. write by friend, senator thank you very, very much. thank you mark. we will be right back. i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that. thank you now, save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. shop now at
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mark: welcome back america. we are here with benny's with the sharpest people out there as far as i'm concerned pretty went to ask you this president trump is on capitol hill. he is uniting the republican party behiparty behind him. there are still some miscreants out there you know who are --
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make a sale i'm never going to support them. i think they are in a very, very small fraction of minority. he looked like he did a very good job of it on capitol hill but this is something the democrat party fears the most is they want a divided republican party because they feel that is one of the key ways to win. is that what they're going to get a divided republican party or do you think everyone is going to come home and back up trump? what's the coming home has already started. it's very well apparent. you don't see the kind of level of holdouts you had in the past a large part of that is donald trump has done some work in terms of making peace internally. it's interesting to look around around the world cup a world hat just here in america but in europe as well you see parties of the more popular the rising up and finding some success in the polling data we see coming
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out of france, out of the uk obviously out of germany. the facts of the most popular politician of the g-7 is georgia maloney and something to impart to the failure of this old technocratic order to give people the kind of results that they wanted. to get in the kind of change in policy that they wanted. donald trump was the biggest largest figure looming over that he is now change the republican party a thing for good. this is a particular moment you're going to have new leadership t rise up within the party the party he has made whether he wins or not in november and i personally think he is going to win and probably went pretty easily. this is a situation we are about to see how the party adapts to be a party that has different priorities than it did before donald trump came along. >> the trenchant bureaucracy in
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this country two and half million strong the vast majority of which is in the camp of the democrat party. the entrenched media in washington and new york which controls much of the media that goes on out there. and of course the democrat party the iron triangle this iron triangle is not going to give it very easily it never does. it is going to fight to the last man and woman is in it? what's it really is. that is why you see the kind of desperation and the way they are currently talking. keep in mind is still a long way until november. i think you see that desperation and you hear it all you have to do is turn on and you hear it. it is a desperation recognizing fate no longer have the power they once did. they don't wield the power of the american message they once did that is because they've been proven wrong so many times people no longer trust them they trust their own eyes and ears they trust them when they look at joe biden they are not seeing someone who is sharp as a tack behind-the-scenes.
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they see someone wanders all over the place. regularly are incoherent i understand when they are voting in november if you vote for joe biden you are voting for not if but when harris become
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. the democrats are running on a campaign of total destruction. total propaganda demagoguery. thethere running on a campaign t i have to be honest with you the totalitarian regimes use they project onto their opponents who they are and what they are and they try to wrap themselves in we the people. do you think is going to work? what's i don't think is going to work this time he think one of the reasons is not going to work is because of the kind of unity we have seen on the republican side. they obviously tried to engage in this aloft their attack that we have seen across the country can see former president. they thought they would be able to boost him within the denomination cycle. but then crush him in the summ summer. prevent him from being able to run without losing tons of
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independence. they wanted to create a republican party in crisis but instead it's the democratic party that in crisis they are in crisis because of abandoning that responsibility it comes to our homeland security on the border i is because they undermined israel and they have this left flank of theirs lose their ever loving mind on the campuses across the country. they cannot keep their left flank under control in an economic agenda has totally failed to deliver on the kinds of things pocketbook issues americans care about their party in chaos you're going to see that in chicago the summer during the dnc you will see at the same time republican party thpartythat is unified perhaps e unified went to unify around fundamental change that will challenge that bureaucratic methodology that is run our country into the ground and so many ways. >> let me ask you this about the democrat party. started with obama they've been talking about fundamental
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transformation. bernie sanders who hates the country. this is what fundamental transformation looks like you take the status quo of the civil society and you destroy it. and then you try to replace it. so my question to you is, are they really in disarray or is this part of the fundamental transformation they hope to hold on? even if we win the next election their next goal is to institute, to enshrine some kind of government top down where elections are quaint, they happen but they don't really matter. >> think they have been more successful to disappoint in advancing that name than a lot of us ever thought they were going to be able too. especially back to the reaction during the pandemic and how a number of people, myself included though that we'd see af people stand up and reject the top-down bureaucratic orders
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they were receiving from washington, from state houses across the country instead i think we saw far too many people just go along with what bureaucrats were demanding of them. now in a retrospect or going back and reevaluating some of this there still including our children. this is something is going to take a whole generation of work. it's not just about one election are actual leaders as opposed to unelected bureaucrats who boss us around and treat us like underlings and i should know as you know i live in northern virginia area i am surrounded by the nose and 2 million bureaucrats who want to lord everything over us and manage our lives for our own good they like to claim. they really are opposed to the kinds of freedoms that are fundamental to american to the nation that we love. mark: and wanted thank you very, very much we have our work cut
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out for us but you do give us some help i think president trump is giving us a lot of hope. that is he's giving the american people a choice he's giving the american people an opportunity. that is to be went to fend off this radical marxist islamic agenda? and if you do you vote for him or do you support it you vote for them. to me it is that black and white. then, thank you. god bless you my friend. >> good to be with you
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welcome back, america. an opportunity the selection to help save the country and i'm not kidding. you see what's happening to the country, what's happening in the streets, anti- americanism, anti-semitism violence taking place. you see what's happening with a
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lawless border and horrendous humanity taking place there. watch prosperous and vibrant on its back. people are very down, people are distrusting. our country is coming apart. why? democrat party is what they want in the white house and this is the mindset democrat party, they hate america. ask yourselves question, where is the party trying to take us? we know where trump and conservatives want to take it, where is the party trying to take us? is so critical and we have a great opportunity to put our foot dow it's called november. how see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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